Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midna-Phobia
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Midna-Phobia Twilight Princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Glancing up at the door Raven’s wings twitched, spreading slightly before settling back between her shoulder blades, the black feathers glistening in the artificial light. The room was large, but simple; four walls all plain off-white with no windows to be seen. This was the ‘Muta-Gen Project’ section of the building, so the walls were thick and soundproof and there was no natural light or a single window to be seen in the entire section of the building. This was the recreational room of the section; it had two single white doors reinforced with steel; one led to a small bathroom and the other to a hallway that led to the other living areas. A group of New-Ins were due today. At least she guessed they were, it was always a little hard to tell in here, what with everything being controlled by external forces and no real light to tell when time passes so the schedule was the only thing she had to go off. She had lost count of the days she’d been here, had no idea what day it was, month, year even. She had no idea how old she was anymore. Glancing over at the corner she grimaced slightly, unsure what was worse; to remember the outside world and have a chance to miss it, or to never know that freedom at all. She’d never heard the small girl in the corner speak, so only knew her as ‘Sabrina’ which was what a lot of the guards referred to her as. As usual she sat in the corner quietly, drawing strange pictures at a little table that had been set up for her. Apparently she was a psychic, again all this was just things she’d picked up from bits of conversations, she’d never actually seen her use any of her powers but had mostly given up on trying to talk to her. She only ever got the silent treatment or nods and shrugs. She couldn’t really hold it against her though it must have been hard growing up in a place like this. The door opened and she looked up again, glancing over the new arrivals. Standing up she walked over to them, her wings extending very slightly as she walked. It was a small group this time, four all fairly young looking adults. Stopping in front of them she smiled gently. “Hi, look I know it’s probably not much consolation for all you’ve gone through but I wanted to welcome you to the project. My name is Lilly, but most people around here call me Raven for fairly obvious reasons. If you need anything, have any questions; feel free to let me know. I was one of the first arrivals here, so I am used to getting New-In’s like yourselves settled in. Oh… sorry New-In’s is the word we made up for newbies. Sorry about that.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Enkeli


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Call him Sanguine.” “Why?” “By definition, the word means a ‘blood-red’ color. And after what we’ve seen him do, what we’ve made him do, it seems appropriate.” “Should we give him any medication? He’s gone several days without anything and his powers are fairly limited at the moment. Aren’t you afraid that he might die?” “He’s lasted this long. A couple more days won’t kill him. He’s strong.” John shivered profusely; his arms shaking, sweat dripping off his brow, eyes completely bloodshot. He couldn’t struggle, there was no point. The bright white light of the room he was in burned his eyes, made his head want to explode, every sound was the volume of a freight-train. The cold, metal table he lay on send pricks of cold up his naked torso; it would have offered relief if it wasn’t so uncomfortable. While he waited his mind attempted to recall anything beyond the last few days. The last thing that he remembered was waking up at home, having breakfast, getting ready for work, and then answering his front door. Then he woke up somewhere and had no idea about what had happened. He only remembered… Pain. Whoever was doing this to him really wanted to know what made him tick, really wanted to know how he could do what he did. He’d never had so much blood taken from him at one time, and with his anemia, drawing too much blood was never a good thing. They’d pumped him full of vitamins and electrolytes and all kinds of other drugs but nothing to satiate his hunger; he was, quite literally, starving. They’d taken to calling him “Sanguine” which, after he heard two people talking about it, he found quite fitting. He would have even found it enjoyable if his brain wasn’t being poked around in. This went on for, what he could only assume, days but it could have been even longer. Eventually he was moved, on a gurney no less, to a room where he was instructed to put on bright white clothing. He felt like a test subject. But at this point he basically was. He was then guided out a doorway into a brightly lit, off-white, corridor occupied by 3 other people. He didn’t make eye contact, believing it was some sort of test and if he screwed up he would have his brain prodded again. The walk seemed, to him, go on forever. Every step he took was like a hammer to his temples, his heart pounding in his chest – and not by his own accord. The hallway came to an end at a reinforced metal door. ‘Another holding cell…?’ He thought. The door clicked open and buzzed, the sound was torturous on his ears and it made him almost keel over in pain. It opened up into another brightly lit, off-white room. From what John could tell, there were only two other people in the room: a young girl, curled up in a ball in the corner, and a woman probably not much younger than himself. The startling feature of the young woman, which he refused to believe because of how he was being treated, was her massive black wings that twitched as they entered. He glanced to his right, feeling the whole world swim around him. His head was heavy; it reminded him of being drunk on whiskey except this wasn’t nearly as enjoyable. Come to think of it, neither was being drunk on whiskey. “I know it’s probably not much consolation for all you’ve gone through but I wanted to welcome you to the project.” The woman said. “My name is Lilly, but most people around here just call me Raven for fairly obvious reasons…” John tuned her out. ‘Great…another cheerleader.’ He thought. It hurt to think and trying to interact with anyone and formulate words would be futile. He stumbled over to the right of the room, trying desperately to find a wall to grab onto. He felt the side of the wall and tried to lean up against it but he misjudged the distance and tumbled to the ground. He thrust his arms out in front of him and managed to stop himself from falling completely to the ground but his weight was too much for his weakened state. John collapsed on the off-white floor and proceeded to pull himself along the ground the few inches that he had missed and leaned up against the wall. ‘Oh shit…’ He felt his stomach churn, his whole world spinning. John expelled what little was in his stomach onto the floor beside him, which wasn’t much seeing as how the only thing that had sustained him over the past…well…however long, were liquids. Strangely, he felt better after vomiting, but not by much. He felt good enough to speak even just a little. “Food. When do we eat…?” He said weakly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Alternax
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Do you know how hard it was last time to get him still?" "No, but now I know. Edward is a feisty bugger." "No, don't use his real name. It'll start getting personal after awhile. Call him Blur." "Why? He'll sound like a superhero or something." "Call it Blur, because that's all we can see when it gets serious and so the others will know to be careful around him." "Look, he's awake now." "Gas'em, we'll give it another sedative before we can move it." Edward suddenly felt even dizzier, his already blurry vision left him as he slowly lost consciousness. After what seemed like a short nap, the kind he would have during school, he awoke to find himself being nudged into a hallway. He knew the medication or whatever chemicals they had given him had already worn off, or were losing their effectiveness. Making his way through the door at the end, along with the others, he entered another white room. A white room? Am I in an asylum? In no time at all a winged girl approached him, or rather the group, and greeted them attempting to give them a warm reception. "The project? So you do you know what's going on? I don't remember much aside fro.." Edward was interrupted as another person in the group began to vomit onto the floor, the boy jerked himself further away from him as he expunged his previous meal, the man on the floor then weakly asked for food. Feeling his own stomach rumble slightly Edward couldn't help but sympathize, although he was slightly disgusted by the vomit on the floor he carefully attempted to lift him up. "I'm with him, when does lunch come?" Edward asked as he gingerly reached out to the man.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Impressive, she survived." "What did I tell you? Kryos is strong. Her will seems to be playing a part too." "Shouldn't we give her a break? She's been really cooperative." "Well, I suppose so. Send her to the recreational room, then bring in another subject. Oh before that, reward her with some glucose injection. It's been five days since the last one." The freezing cold water in the cylindrical water tank was drained, causing her to be sprawled across its base. The transparent glass door opened, and two men in lab coats pulled out the oxygen mask on her face and the waterproof wires that were attached to her body. Caerulea was then given a towel to wrap around her cold, trembling, and naked body. She did so, exhaustion evident in her movements and expression. She was panting, and her breaths formed mists as they came out of her mouth. Over the past few days, she might have adapted to the freezing temperatures of the water they submerged her in, but being in there for the past five hours made her exhausted still, plus the fact that her energy was all spent long before. They had experimented on her ever since she was brought here, the experiments mostly based on cold temperatures. They had also taken blood samples and studied her brain, all without giving her any food. They did inject some glucose in her at some point, but that was it. There was plenty of water, though. She didn't resist as she thought it was useless, and would only waste her energy. With that, she was injected with some glucose and given some bright white clothes to wear, then guided out of the room to a corridor where there were three others who were also guarded. They led them to a white door reinforced with steel, which Caerulea figured was the one leading to the recreational room. The guards opened the door, ushered them in, then closed the door shut. She and the others were greeted by a woman looking some years older than her, smiling and introducing herself as Lily. She was surprised at the raven wings that slightly extended as Lily greeted them. Glancing around the large, white-painted room, Caerulea saw another girl in a corner, sitting at a table and drawing something. One of the people who were with her vomited out some liquid to the floor, causing her to scrunch up her nose, but she knew that he had probably gone through a lot too. One other person who was also with her before reached out a hand to the man to help him up, and said something about food. "Yeah, I'm sure we'd all like to eat. Do they serve food here? Also, we're in a project?" She questioned.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Midna-Phobia
Avatar of Midna-Phobia

Midna-Phobia Twilight Princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Raven winced as one of the New-Ins hurled his guts up onto the floor and she stepped back slightly, her wings spreading out just a little at the action and she then looked around at the others, nodding slightly before she turned to the guards, a slight glare on her face. “You heard them boys, go do your job why don’t you?” She quickly snapped, getting a rather odd reaction from them. There were brief looks of fear on their faces before they left the room hurriedly. As the only remaining guard came to clean up the mess Raven moved the new group over to the wall, pulling down a section that turned into a table kind of like a Murphy bed. Sliding another section away she began pulling out chairs, enough for the four new arrivals, herself and Sabrina, should the girl decide to join them, which she doubted. She’d been here too long. She thought to herself as she did this. Everything was too familiar. Too comfortable. Unfortunately this was a psychological side effect of the New-Ins, their scared and confused faces reminded her that this wasn’t normal. Still, she couldn’t let that shake her. They needed her right now. “You’re all welcome to sit down; they’ll bring you something in a few moments.” She eventually said, though there was a distinct difference between her voice a few moments ago and now. Deciding to do her best to answer the other girls question Raven forced herself to perk up a little and smiled at her. “It’s probably the best word I’ve come up for it yeah. It’s kind of complicated… I don’t want to overload you guys too much. Once you’ve got some food in you we’ll talk about it a bit more. But you can rest assured that the worst part is all over now.” For a moment there was a sad look in her eyes, sympathy for what they must have gone through and bits of painful memories from her own experiences. “I know it’s not much consolation now, after everything.” She then added. After what could only have been about five or ten minutes the two guards returned, carrying massive platters of food in great variety though one would quickly note that it was all very healthy, not one artificial flavour or sweetener seemed to be on those platters and a lot of it was very high energy, nutritional food. “There’s plenty more where that came from, eat as much as you need.” Raven encouraged as she picked up an apple and bit into it contently. Pausing for a moment she glanced over at Sabrina, who quickly looked away when they made eye contact. She’d never had the girl join her for food either. A few pitchers of water were placed on the table and the guards moved away to let the now fairly large group enjoy their meal. Once again she looked over to Sabrina as a small bowl of something she couldn’t see was brought over to her, however unlike them the guard placed it a fair distance away from her before quickly retreating. Ever since that incident one day they had become afraid to approach her. She didn’t blame them. The girl had thrown a guy across the room, shattering several bones in the process. She was a little enigma that one.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Are you sure that it's safe? We don't need the same complications as last time... Yes i am asured that it is safe now to move him around. Although we beter keep those chains around him, and give him a new pair of glasses. We still don't know how massive his two power are. Even though he just has two powers, we still don't know their true limits. He has weakened by our little tests, and yet his body seems to be perfectly fine. How does he manages that?! Who knows, perhaps there is more to him, than the eye shows. Now let him join the others and let's see what will happen. The boy moved trough the room, although his body was filled with needleholes, scars and clothes that seemed to be older than 10 years, and yet the clothes were just a few weeks old. As he walked trough the room, his chains clinged against one another. He couldn't wait to be released from them, for he just wanted to take the lives of these wretched beings! As the door opened up, four guards walked in with electrical sticks, making it possible for them to get him out of the room without being harmed themselves. As the boy walked trough the corridor, he suddenly was halted and a guard walked up to him to replace his clothes and to bring new glasses. They didn't wanted to gain certain attention to them it seemed, although the boy didn't knew why. As they reached the end of the corridor, there was a door blocking their path, as it opened up he glanced inside, and noticed the others. Did he had to join these others for the rest of his time here? He didn't truelly cared for the girl whom tried to explain everything, as for the boy that started to vomit, the only thought that he had was of how weak he must have been. As guars entered the room with food, a third guard walked up to a girl in the corner to place a bowl of food just a few meters away from her. Were they afraid of her? How fascinating! A fourth guard walked in, and walked up to the boy as he placed a key into his shakkles and released him from his chains. He wasn't hungry, well not just yet, so he didn't walked up to the table, instead the boy walked towards a corner and sat down, placing his eyes upon the lonely girl in the corner. She had caught his interrest, and he wanted to know why none of the guards would even dare to get closer to her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Enkeli


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

“Get your hand away from me!” John growled. In all honesty, it was too tempting to have anything full of blood too close to his face. He needed to eat something before he ate someone and he wasn’t really into that; at least not anymore. He scurried away further into a corner before curling up and shivering, his face growing paler by the second. “You heard them boys, go do your job why don’t you?” She snapped. John watched through folded arms as the girl, Raven was her name, pulled a section of the wall out and folded it into a table. One guard came in with a mop and rag and started to clean up the vomit that lay on the floor; a steaming pile of odd coloured liquid. ‘How easy it would be…he’s not even looking…bite him. DO IT!’ John shook his head, instantly regretting the decision of doing so. He watched the guard move his arm back and forth, back and forth, forcing himself to focus only on that. ‘Bitehimbitehimbitehimbitehimbitehim…’ “No…I won’t…I won’t….No…” John said quietly to himself. He buried himself in his arms more, hiding his face from everyone else. ‘BITEHIMBITEHIMBITEHIMBITEHIMBITEHIM!’ “I’m not a vampire…I don’t do that!” John hissed at himself quietly again. ‘DO IT YOU PARASITE!’ John went to lash out at the guard only to discover that he was gone. How long had he been zoned out like this? Another man had entered the room, still younger than him, and saw that he had been shackled. ‘Jeez. What can he do?’ Chairs had been pulled out and now food was being brought in by two guards. Massive platters of food: chicken, vegetables, fruit, red meat, it was all incredibly healthy; which John didn’t mind. ‘Where’s the good stuff!?’ “There’s plenty more where that came from, eat as much as you need.” Raven said, picking up an apple and taking a large bite out of it. The two guards paused at the door. “Hey…uhhh…don’t you have something for that one?” One of them said, motioning towards John. “Oh. Yeah. That freak is definitely that: a freak. Guy drinks blood just like a vampire.” The other said, reaching for something out in the hall. “Hey. Do you think if we brought him out in the sunlight he’d sparkle?” One laughed. The other laughed as well, but quickly quieted down as he approached John. He had a small cardboard box in his hand and cautiously walked towards John. He popped the top of it open and showed John the contents. John’s eyes went wide. Two bags of blood. Two pints of red, delicious goodness. “Don’t get too excited, Edward. We’ve gotta keep your strength up if we want you to perform.” He said with a grin, placing the box down on the ground. John looked up, and then lurched forward quickly, startling the guard. The guard stumbled and drew a long stick like device, the end crackled to life. John grinned menacingly. “You go first.” He said. “I promise.” The guard scrambled backwards, sheathing the stick and half running, half tripping out the door. The guard at the door looked at John and stifled a smile before walking away. John tore into the first blood bag and greedily started to devour the contents. The blood was cold, which was depressing, warm blood was always so refreshing. He felt a stream miss his lips and cascade down his chin, no doubt falling onto his shirt. He instantly started to feel better; his strength returning, his body recovering from the horrible things he’d been subjected to. He sucked the last bit of scarlet liquid out of the bag and tossed it aside. He sighed out loud. “That was refreshing.” He said with a smile, laying down on his back and staring at the white ceiling. He had learned a while ago to pace himself while he drank, even if he was starving. Nothing was worse than iron poisoning and he’d come close a few times too many. He placed his hands palms down on the floor behind him and rolled backwards, kicking his legs up and forward, and spring-boarded up off the floor. He grabbed his blood bag and popped the top off, sucking on it like some kind of demented juice box. He pulled a chair out and sat down, grabbing a peach and rolling it over in his hand. The broken down man who first entered the room was gone, now only a powerful, confident man stood in his place. He took a bite out of the peach and swallowed, taking another sip off his bag. “They call me ‘Sanguine’. It’s stupid. But it sounds better than John. So what’s the plan? When do we leave?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Midna-Phobia
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Midna-Phobia Twilight Princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sabrina looked over her shoulder as the guard placed the bowl of fruit on the floor near her. Pushing the chair out she reached out and picked it up, walking back over to her little corner and placing it beside her before she began eating. As she began eating one of the pencils began floating and making marks along some of the paper, causing her to smile slightly. However it suddenly fell to the ground and she frowned for a moment before turning to look at a boy with brown hair. Her deep blue eyes stared at him for a while, as if confused as to what he was doing before she eventually looked back to the food and the pencil resumed drawing. Raven watched the boy who went to sit near Sabrina curiously, wanting to see how she reacted. The girl had never been aggressive towards her or other ‘subjects’ for lack of a better word, only guards so she doubted there would be another incident of someone flying across the room unless he behaved aggressively towards her first. She was more interested in the man with the black hair and his reaction to the guard being close to him. There was a look of… hunger in his eyes possibly and she found her interest peeked, especially when he just waltzed over to them after consuming what could only have been blood and having a very sudden change of personality. She’d heard of people getting angry when they were hungry but she was sure that boy would have attacked that guard if he had been there a few seconds longer. Instantly she was put on edge, her posture became stiff, action ready and her wings unfurled very slightly as she readied to jump back at a moment’s noticed if he turned on them. Not that she was seated closest to him, so the chance of him going for her first was low and he seemed content now. It just made her aware that she could not let her guard down for a moment around him no matter what. “Plan?” She repeated eventually, once she’d finished her mouthful. “There is no ‘plan’. There is no ‘leaving’ I’m sorry, I’ve been in here a while but you can’t honestly expect me to believe that there are people walking around out there with wings or people on fire or things like that. This is a top secret government project… I’m sorry to have to tell you this but you’re all here for the rest of your lives…” However long they may be. She added grimly in her mind. The truth was that the life expectancy of people in here wasn’t extensive and lives were often cut short.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alternax
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Edward shrugged as the man declined his offer. "No would have been fine dude." Edward said, he watched as the man crawled into a corner. Wow whatever these guys did to him was way worse than what I got. A few moments later the guards finally entered with food in their hands, after placing down multiple items on a table Edward briskly walked over. Edward took no time to pick out his food, he was starving, and the food had arrived. Digging down into a many dishes at once Edward began slowly chowing down on his food, keeping his manners in mind he used various utensils when needed, but in a few seconds he had unknowingly accelerated his eating speed. In a few seconds a few of the bowls and plates had already been picked clean. Holding back a burp with his hand he began to speak up softly. "Excuse me." Looking back up Edward noticed the man, soon to be revealed as John or rather Sanguine, was sucking on a blood bag. However as soon as John finished he wasted no time in terrorizing a guard, and seemingly entertaining the other. This dude is a definite creeper. Edward thought to himself, in a few seconds time John asked about a plan to escape, but Raven quickly shot him down. "There isn't a plan now, but shouldn't we make one? I don't imagine any of us actually want to stay here, even if this is a 'government' project." Edward replied, making air quotes with his fingers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As he kept his eyes on the girl, he noticed the guy with his bloodbags, seems we have a certain kind of guy whom won't eat normal food. As the girl who he was observibg suddenly uses her powers he grins. A power he seemed to enjoy, it was strong and powerful, but for now he wanted to keep the power he had stolen from someone else, for it was what kept him on his feet all this time and he was glad it did. As he overheard the group talking about a plan, a laugh escaped his lips and filled the entire room. "You guys truelly believe there is a way out? Even if we should use our powers, they will overwhelm us. They know what we can do, which means they probably also have a way to stop us, let alone let us leave this wretched place." He took of his glasses as he spoke, and looked over at the group. It was true that he had a split personality now, and he always tried to supress the evil one, but even now it emerged from him and took control. "You are fools for thinking that this place can be breached, that you can escape. Be glad you are alive you morrons, for there must be test sucbjects who haven't survived. Aren't there miss winged beast." He looked towards the girl with the wings, as a dark grin appeared on his face. Whom knew a power that useless would be among them. The only thing she would be good for, was to scout ahead and not be noticed, but in here she couldn't even spread them and fly towards the sky.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Midna-Phobia
Avatar of Midna-Phobia

Midna-Phobia Twilight Princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Raven was about to speak when the boy who’d gone to sit over by Sabrina spoke. However when he referred to her the way he did she flinched visibly before looking down, her wings dropping slightly as they pulled in tighter to her body. “He’s right.” She eventually spoke, her voice soft but haunting, nothing like the gentle, caring tone it had before. “The success rate of the project at the moment… is only about ten percent, meaning for every one of you… there were nine other people taken… nine casualties. And out of us nine… less than half survive the first year.” She didn’t go into any details around those deaths, didn’t want to give people ideas. “The thought has crossed everyone’s mind sooner or later, some sooner, some later when they think they’re powerful enough. No one has succeeded as yet. He’s right; they know all of our powers and prepare methods to combat them before you’re released into this section of the program. If an escape attempt is made and you don’t die in the process… they take you away. Where you go even I don’t know. But no one’s ever come back.” In the corner Sabrina shivered, her eyes darkening slightly, indicating she may know than she was letting on. However the next thing Reaper would feel was a very firm push against him; that could knock him over fairly easily. “Aiden! That wasn’t nice.” Sabrina suddenly said, quiet enough that anyone easily could have missed it. Looking across the table at seemingly nothing the girl frowned before looking over to the boy, her eyes slightly fearful now, as if someone had just warned her he was dangerous and she should stay away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Enkeli


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

John continued taking bites out of his peach; to others it would seem as if he had relaxed, but he was ready in case any of them attempted to attack him. He eyed the Raven carefully, she knew more than she was letting on and he didn't like that. “Plan?” The Raven repeated after John. “There is no ‘plan’, there is no ‘leaving’ I’m sorry.” I've been in here for a while but you can’t honestly expect me to believe that there are people walking around out there with wings or people on fire or things like that. This is a top secret government project…I’m sorry to have to tell you this but you’re all here for the rest of your lives…” John sipped at the bag. “Wait. So you’re saying that the government kidnapped us because we are special? How did they know how to find us? Who’s in charge of this place?” The man beside him proceeded to absolutely devour his food, moving even faster than what was possible. He covered a burp with his hand and said a soft “excuse me”. “There isn’t a plan now, but shouldn’t we make one? I don’t imagine any of us actually want to stay here, even if this is a ‘government project’." He said. John shrugged, taking another bite off his peach. “I wouldn’t want to stay here regardless. I don’t know if the rest of you got the same treatment I did but my brain was LITERALLY poked with a metal rod!” He said, hissing out the “metal rod” part. “This isn’t the first time the government has fucked me over and, if I survive this, it most likely won’t be the last.” A laugh escaped the man in the corner. At first John thought he was laughing at the girl but his next words said otherwise. “You guys truly believe that there is a way out? Even if we should use our powers, they will overwhelm us. They know what we can do, which means they probably also have ways to stop us, let alone leave this wretched place.” He said. John took another bite of his peach, bringing the fruit down to its core. He took one last sip from his blood bag before setting it on the table, a small amount still in the bottom. He picked up an apple and started on it next. “You are fools for thinking that this place can be breached, that you can escape. Be glad you are alive you morons, for there must be test subjects who haven’t survived. Aren’t there, Miss Winged Beast?” John saw Raven flinch visibly, her wings tightening to her back. “He’s right,” she said, “the success rate of the project at the moment…is only about 10 percent, meaning for every one of you…there were nine other people taken…nine casualties. And out of us nine…less than half survived the first year.” She said. John wasn’t sure if this was a scare tactic or if she was telling the truth. How did she know so much about what was going on? Obviously she had been here longer than all of them combined, but an exact number like the one she had thrown out…either she was an impressive liar or she was in on it. John placed his apple back down on the table. “First of all,” he said, addressing the boy in the corner, “don’t refer to her as a beast, it’s impolite. Second, step away from the girl, I believe you’re scaring her. Isn’t he, sweetheart? Thirdly, fuck you. You’re stuck in here with the rest of us so you’re equal parts moron as the rest of us. It’s people like you who really bug me, ya know? Act all high and mighty but yet don’t realize that they are in the same sinking boat as the rest of the world and always thinking that they’re too good to bail out the water.” John looked around the room, the scattered faces In front of him. “We’re different, some more than others,” he looked at Raven as he said that, “so either us ‘freaks’ stick together, or we fall apart. We all made it this far, didn’t we? I have no problem being complacent as long as I don't get killed. We all look out for each other, we all help each other if we need it. Does everyone agree?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alternax
Avatar of Alternax


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Listening further Edward began to speak up again. "There is a way out, there is a way to escape. Somehow the regular's got in, and somehow we got in? That's obvious. But it also makes sense that they would make defenses against our powers. I was just hoping you adults would have had some idea of what to do." With his idea shot down Edward continued listening. Raven eventually gave out surprisingly accurate statistics for a survival versus death rate, thinking about the other people that died sent cold shivers down his spine. As the conversation advanced the other man began to insult them all, calling them morons and fools. You're in the same boat as us dummy. As Edward thought this John apparently thought the same thing as he voiced a similar retort. I'm starting to like this guy. John quickly proceeded to defend Raven after the man insultingly called her a winged beast. I kinda thought that would be a cool name, if he didn't say it like that. Edward thought to himself, still watching the conversation play out. During what seemed to be the closing statement of the conversation John began to say that he was fine being captured, as long as he didn't die, but he also promised that he would look out for the rest of the group if they did the same to him. Edward nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "Well we don't seem to have a plan, and strong arming our way it is way out of the question. I guess being here and nice is all we can do. So yeah, I guess I agree." Edward spoke, his thoughts were drowned in uncertainty as he pondered his current situation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Midna-Phobia
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Midna-Phobia Twilight Princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sabrina looked up to the group as she was spoken to and then to the other boy sitting close to her before she eventually looked back to the table, not speaking. Raven sighed softly. She wasn’t sure if the girl would ever come out of her shell. However the ideas being expressed around the table made her smile slightly. “I will stand beside you.” She promised, trying to be more cheerful about the situation. “And use the knowledge I have to help you in any way possible.” She looked over to the boy sitting near Sabrina before looking away quickly again. “I’m afraid I don’t know much about the girl over there. I don’t know her real name… the guards call her Sabrina, they say she has psychic powers. She’s very reserved… I’ve never gotten her to speak to me but she doesn’t like the guards, threw one of them across the room one time without even touching him because he got too close. She doesn’t seem to mind me… or people like us… but that doesn’t mean I’d get too close if I were you.” The last part she spoke louder, directing it towards the boy sitting near her. He seemed eager for action and more than a little scary. She’d hate to see him upset Sabrina and then get into a fight with her. Without knowing his powers extensively it was impossible to say who would win. But she’d be damned if she sat around and let him beat up on a little girl. “I think it best if we try not to fight amongst ourselves though. Sanguine is right. We should stick together and try and help one another.” Fighting would only lead to more death and Raven was sick of seeing it. Sometimes she wondered if the namesake had more to do with her powers than just the wings.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As he gained an answer from the winged beast, he grinned, somehow he knew that this place was a slaughterhouse. The girl must even know more, is she would know this information. As he suddenly felt a strong force against him, he almost fell to the ground, although a third arm suddenly emerged from his body, pushing him back on his feet again. His dark crimson eyes force itself onto the girl that was sitting by herself. "Thanks for demonstarting your power, sweetheart." A dark and evil smile appeared on the boy's face as he looked at the girl for a moment, before returning to the group, who suddenly all spoke about how cruel and mean he was against them. Although it was correct, he didn't cared about it. "Owh and Glitterboy, don't worry. You got a nickname aswell. As for you... You... Damn leave me fcking alone!!" A pain emerged trough the boys head, as both heads went around it. As the pain lowered, his bodylanguedge suddenly moved from selfsecured, to a weak and powerless being. The glasses that he took off, were placed back on their spot and a gentle and sweet smile filled his face. I... I am sorry... Uhm... The name's Reaper by the way..." The once secure and dark voice, had turned into a insecure and soft one, as the boy took a few steps back from the group and walked towards a corner that was further away. He didn't wanted to be around them, although he enjoyed not being alone anymore... Perhaps it was just the way he was born that others disliked him, or perhaps because his mind was always faster than those of others... Maybe even the good grades he accomplished at school... Who knew... Although the boy knew to well that it was his split personality that others hated him, even since these tests he started to gain control over it and he glad he did. Although it still gained control over him aswell... The shy eyes glanced from underneath his hair towards the group, perhaps they were all freaks indeed, but who knew that he was the top one... They probably have their flaws, but nothing would take control over them, and make asure they would do things... Unspeakable things... His eyes went from the group, towards the girl in the corner that sat by herself, he knew how her powers worked, even knew what kind of powers she had, although he never enjoyed stealing other powers... So he just kept with the power that he had stolen at the start of these tests... Glad he did that otherways he would have been one of that 90% that never made it...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Midna-Phobia
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Midna-Phobia Twilight Princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

At the sudden change in the boy’s demeanour Sabrina was sure she saw almost a physical change too, as if he almost looked like a different person. “See? I told you that you shouldn’t have done that.” She looked across the table and spoke to the wall again before looking back to the boy. Looking down at the paper before her before she picked up a pencil and began scribbling something down. After a few minutes, all of which she kept glancing at the boy now sitting on his own in the corner. Eventually she stood and walked over to him, holding the piece of paper out to him. On it she had drawn a little girl, probably meant to symbolise herself. Coming from the girl’s body was a small line that connected to a massive squiggle. Wordlessly she turned and walked back to her table and continued eating from the small bowl of fruit. Glancing over at him she wondered if he meant what he’d said before or was he just like the others and had no clue what her powers really were? Maybe he could help explain it to her, because even she didn’t know at this point. Stunned Raven stood from her chair and walked over to ‘Reaper’ the boy now in the corner. “What did she give you?” She asked, her interest clearly peeked. The girl had never seen Sabrina react to anyone else like that. So what was it about this guy that had gotten her to interact with him? She’d seen a few come and go with multiple-personality over the years; it seemed they had two in this group, though one could easily have just been aggression from hunger. It wasn’t something strange and he seemed to be in the more ‘placid’ state at the moment. She figured t was safe to approach him. If not… she was physically fit where as he was still a New-In, he’d be weak from the mutation process. She could probably overpower him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aa the others kept talking with each other, some demonstrating their powers, Caerulia kept silent, eating quietly the food on the table in front of her. She watched them become angry, she watched them smiling, observed what they did. She didn't want to talk much, afraid that her powers might go out of hand by any emotional stir. As the group talked about some things that irritated her a little, or made her quite sad and such, she would feel herself and tge air around her growing colder, and sometimes whatever she was chewing froze in her mouth. It happened whenever she was startled too. So when Lily, the one with wings, abruptly stood up from the chair near to her, it alarmed her, causing her to drop her spoon. But there was no sound of the clatter it should have made when it hit the ground. Instead, the spoon was stopped in its tracks, and ice had formed around it. The ice grew to reach the ground, so it was like the spoon encased in ice was on display on the floor. Caerulia gasped. She hadn't meant to do that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The boy looked at the girl who approached him, and crawled a bit back, he wasn't sure what she wanted nor did he wanted to speak to her. Who knew what he had done in his other state. As she showed a piece of paper to him, he took it and looked at the girl with a bit of confusion, why did she gave this to him? As he glanced upon the piece of paper, he saw the drawing, and shrugged his head for a moment. What did this mean? He didn't even had any memories of what he had done just a moment ago... Let alone knew what this meant. As he smiled for a moment, just because someone just gave him a drawing about them, he wanted to stand up but as the girl with the wings approached him, he sat down again. Did his other side did something to her aswell? The boy crawled a bit back again, but as she started to speak towards him with a gentle voice, he smiled a bit, perhaps they had noticed the changes his body had made. As she asked about the piece of paper, he looked at her for a moment. "I... I don't know if I am allowed to show it..." The boy looked at the girl for a moment, as he then stood up and grabbed all his courage. Who knew what would happen when he walked towards the girl that gave this piece of paper, perhaps she would push him back, or ignore him... As he began his walk towards the girl that sat all by herself, his feet became heavier with each step, this was the first time that he even tried to get some contact with another human being... As he got closer, he stopped at a meter away from her, smiled for a short moment, and then walked further to sit besides her, as he then placed the drawing on the table. He wasn't much of a talker, although he wanted to try atleast. "I... I can't remember... Every time I change... I... I lose my memories... It's something that happens each time, over and over again..." The boy stopped for a moment, as he then got an idea to show her what he meant. He looked at the girl for a moment, as he then slowly grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil. Soon after he started to draw himself two times, one looking like an angel and the other like a demon. As he then drawed a small cloud in the middle of them, with two lines connecting the angel and demon with the small cloud. "It's like... They both have a different part of my brain, to have their own memories... I can't even remember my past... So if you want answers about your.... Your power... Then you have to ask the other me..." The boy looked at her as he placed the drawing that he made infront of her as he spoke. Perhaps it would still be vague, but atleast he tried to explain why he couldn't help her at the moment... Perhaps once he understood his own powers, could reach into the memories of his other side, and would be able to control himself from changing from demon to angel... Perhaps then he could be able to tell her more, maybe even tell her what her powers exactly were.
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