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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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question - are the berries identical to the xballs in that they grant earthlanders instant access to their magic? Or are they weaker?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by HeartlessAngel
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HeartlessAngel All around Bad-Ass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Dante Yamato Age: 27 Magic: Familiar Possession A Magic very similar to Celestial Spirit Magic, Familiar Possession allows a mage to summon a creature they have made a contract with. However, unlike Celestial Spirit Magic, these mages do not require keys in order to summon their Familiar to aid them in battle. There body itself is the key, as when a contract is made, the Familiar is sealed within the body of the Contractor. Whenever a Mage summons there Familiar, what appears is simply a physical manifestation of that Familiar’s power. So it they are destroyed during combat, they will not die, as their soul remains safely within their Contractor. Dante has four Familiars residing in this body: Mad Hatter: When called upon, Mad Hatter takes the appearance of a long, green coat adorned with a black top hat with flowers and a piece of paper with 10/6 written on it. The coat itself is closed, revealing only two red glowing red orbs in the space between it and the top hat. The Mad Hatter’s strength relies not in battle, but in confusing the enemy, having access to powerful sensory abilities. It can inverse a person’s senses. Up becomes Down, Left Becomes Right, Forward Becomes Backwards. It is also capable of creating simple Illusions to further confuse or discourage the enemy. White Rabbit: The White Rabbit takes the appearance of a massive bipedal rabbit with snow white fur, and crimson eyes. It has massive hands, which can be used to swat away at groups of enemies, and can use its powerful legs to jump high and fast. It wears a blue coat with a white bowtie. While its physical capabilities are average, White Rabbit’s true power lies in creating ‘Rabbit Holes’. These holes lead to a pocket dimension which can be used to store things Dante does not wish to carry around with him, or to re-direct long ranged attacks. Queen of Hearts: When Queen of Hearts is first summoned, its appearance is similar to Mad Hatters, as it is surrounded by a cloak. However, this cloak is a brilliant white color adorned with crimson hearts, and a high collar covering the lower half of its face. What you can see of its face is two black eyes, and a white, smooth head. When ordered to attack, the cloak opens up, revealing a thin, segmented body, similar to that of a marionette, with long clawed arms and feet, and a wicked scythe in its right hand. The scythe itself had a red blade, the handle being slightly curved. At the bottom of the handle, there is another heart insignia. Queen of Hearts abilities are limited, being the most physical damage oriented of Dante’s Familiars. Its scythe can cut through solid rock, and it attacks relentlessly. It also has a habit of cutting people’s heads off. Jabberwock: The Jabberwock is the most powerful, and dangerous Familiar in Dante’s possession. Unlike the other Familiars within Dante, Jabberwock did not form a contract with Dante willingly. It’s conscious is always tugging at the side of Dante’s, waiting for its chance to become free once more. It is a last resort summon for Dante. When summoned though, it takes the form of a strange, dragon-like creature with a thick body, with long arms and legs, and incredibly long claws. It’s neck is also quite long, almost serpentine, and ends with a strange, malformed head. It has bat-like wings, and a thick tail. Its skin is scaly, and black in color. The Jabberwock’s abilities are very similar to a Dragons, though if it is considered a true Dragon is debatable. It can control the element of Darkness itself, integrating this ability in its variety of attacks. Forbidden Magic: Corpse Puppet Dante opens up White Rabbit’s pocket dimension, allowing a dark blue coffin to fall through. When he activates this magic, the coffin opens up, revealing a beautiful women in a flowing black dress, with elbow-length black gloves, both made of silk. She had flowing blonde hair that reaches her lower back, and a black, silk blindfold around her eyes. This...is Lacie. Corpse Puppet allows Dante to control her body, including all the magic she had in life. This is his absolute last resort, along with Jabberwock. He would much rather not have to use either of these abilities. Lacie’s abilities are as follow: Siren’s Song: Aria Pulse The “Siren’s Song” magic allows the user to convert their voice into powerful magical abilities, depending on what pitch, and how much magic they use. Aria Pulse creates a high-pitched tune that affects the inner eardrum of the target, throwing them off balance. Siren’s Song: Sonata Shockwave Sonata Blast creates a powerful sonic attack, causing physical damage to those who are hit by it. It is capable of block and re-directing some attacks, thanks to the powerful sound waves emanating from Lacie. Siren’s Song: Soprano Concert Lacie’s ultimate attack, Soprano Concert generates literal sheets of music, which then attack the target. The notes can be shifted into different forms and flung at the opponent, while the staff can be used to bind or hinder the movements of enemies. Whether it be his Familiar Possession Magic, or Lacie’s magic, a great strain if put onto Dante’s body, therefore he can only ever summon up to one of his Familiar’s at a time. Magic Level: B History: Let me tell you a story. A story of how two people came to meet, fall in love, gain everything...and then lose it all. First, I’ll tell you my history. My name is Dante, and I was born into a family of powerful mages with an ancient mission. You see, we have a unique type of magic called “Familiar Possession.” It is similar to what you call “Celestial Spirit Magic”, but I’ve heard that our magic pre-dates that ability. Anyway, that’s not the point. My family has been tasked, for hundreds of years, to guard a creature known as the Jabberwock. Know one knows what the Jabberwock really is, or where it came from. Some say it is one of the ancient Dragons. Other say it is a Demon created by Zeref. Some believe it is death incarnate. Whatever you believe, one fact is known about it: It is an engine of destruction. When it was free to roam this earth, it caused havoc and mayhem wherever it went, until its reign of terror ended. My ancestor bravely stood up against the Jabbberwock, and after a long, fierce battle, sealed it inside herself. In order to stop the Jabberwock from ever being freed again, my family created a tradition to seal the Jabberwock in the next generation of mages, ensuring that a healthy host was always available to keep the beast contained. At the age of ten, I became the Jabberwock’s next prison. I didn’t mind though, in fact I felt proud. It was hard at first, the whispering of the Jabberwock’s consciousness inside of my head, trying to escape by any means it could. But I learned to block it out, and the more I trained, the prouder I felt. I was keeping a monster at bay, a monster that would throw the world into another state of chaos. I was protecting the entire world. As a grew up, I added more Familiar’s to my repertoire, and eventually decided to become a freelance mage. I waved goodbye to my family, and my home, and at the age of 17 I left to carve my own path. Life as a freelancer wasn’t always easy. It took me a good while to earn enough money to rent a decent apartment for myself, but it was always fun. I met so many new and exciting people, traveled to so many different places...it was a dream come true. It was on one of my missions that I met her. Lacie was a freelance Mage as well, though from a very different background. She had been born into a wealthy family that looked down on magic users, believing them to be the physical manifestation of everything wrong with the world. They urged their daughter to take up something worthy of a noble. And so, she took up singing. She loved it, and when she discovered she had an affinity for magic, instead of acting like the rest of her family, she embraced it, and combined it together with her love for music. After that, she ran away from home, and turned to Freelance. The thing is, we met on a few occasions, always on missions, and always on the opposite side. I was trying to get some ancient artifact for my client, she was trying to get the same thing for her client, who just so happened to be a rival of my client. I was trying to get information from a client’s rival, she was protecting said information. And, as embarrassing as it was, every time we met up like this, I always got my butt kicked. The first few times I was furious, of course. I had an image to keep up, a reputation to uphold. But as the years went on, the more I saw her, the more I hoped I’d see her on my next mission. Finally, after getting my ass handed to me for what had to be the hundredth time, I plucked up the courage to ask her out. And, to my surprise, she said yes Lacie had always had this air of flair around her. She was confident, smart, and knew just what buttons to press to get you flustered. But she was also insanely beautiful, intelligent, and just good company all around. And before I knew it, I had fallen head-over-heels in love with her. Sounds corny, I know. But, she must of at least shared some of my feelings, because when I asked her to marry me, she said yes. We had a small ceremony, moved in together, and to make sure our streak of meeting each other on missions would come to an end, we began to take missions together. We become known as the “Freelance Power Couple” because together, we were unstoppable. I was the happiest man alive. A great job, a beautiful wife. We even planned on starting a family. But one mission we took....turned all my hopes and dreams into dust. It was supposed to be a simple mission. An easy one. Protect a wealthy business man traveling from one city to another. We had encountered a few bandits here and there, but took care of them no problem. But then something happened. Another groups of what we thought were bandits was blocking the road. We decided we’d take care of them in one shot and move on. But they weren’t just bandits. They were mages. We had no idea why, but they attacked, all of them using magic we had never seen before. It was a long and hard battle, and in the end we won...but it cost me my left eye....and Lacie...her life. The Business man had escaped sometime during the fray, and as I kneeled there, cradling the body of my wife, as rain soaked my body, a figure appeared before me. “Would you do anything to be with your wife again?” The figure asked. It was draped in a black cloak, a hood covering its face. The only thing could tell, from its voice, was that it was female. In my agony, in my despair, I said yes. I’d do anything to have Lacie by my side again. What happened next was a blur. I felt a burning in my chest, just over my heart, a searing pain that knocked me on my back. He tore off my shirt and saw a blood-red insignia now burning over my heart, shaped like a butterfly. “I have embedded a fragment of the girl’s soul inside of you. While it is impossible to bring her back to life, you can keep her body preserved, and even use her was a weapon now...” No...this isn’t what I meant. This isn’t what I wanted...but before I could say anything, the figure disappeared. I looked at Lacie’s body, and what I had done slowly dawned on me. A Fragment of her soul was inside me. Now, Lacie would never be able to rest...not as long as that fragment resided in me. I’ve been searching since then, looking for the figure that did this. I’ll beg her, plead with her, to reverse the magic she placed on me. I want Lacie to be able to rest. I miss her so much but...this isn’t right. I won’t let Lacie’s soul stay fragmented. Not because of me.... Personality: Dante is, despite his tragic past, and the burden he bears, a very cheerful fellow. He likes to joke around with others, and will talk about Lacie any chance he gets. He will even pull out his wallet in order to show off pictures of them together, all with a huge grin on his face. He loves to socialize with guys, always willing to ‘be the wing-man’, and is respectable around women, still referring to himself as a married man. He can be overly friendly sometimes, which has been known to annoy some people, but his heart is in the right place. He can be thoughtful sometimes as well, such as when he thinks about how he lost Lacie, and what he had done. He doesn’t get depressed, but there is a noticeable difference in his personality. Dante also has a very bad smoking habit, always claiming he is trying to quite, while never showing any real progress in doing so. He is loyal and kind, and will always give his opponent the chance to run away from a battle. However, underneath all of this, Dante also has a fear. The Jabberwock that dwells inside of him is constantly tugging at his mind, and his greatest fear is that one day it will escape, or take over his body, allowing it to release itself. Team Members: N/A Three Strengths: 1. Sharp-shooter: Along with his magic, Dante carries around a .50 Calibur silver revolver for combat alongside his magic. He has practiced with it for years, and has become quite good at using it, even with only one eye. 2. He is a reliable ally, and refuses to leave anyone he can save behind. 3. High endurance. Three Weaknesses: 1. Despite being dead, Dante is very protective over Lacie, and will throw himself in the way of an attack that may be aimed at her (If she is summoned). 2. Can be cocky at times. 3. Generally too trusting of others Greatest Love: Lacie Motivation: To find the figure who cast the Forbidden Magic on him, and get her to release Lacie’s soul. Appearance: Dante stands tall at 6’9, with a medium build. He has raven colored hair, which is fairly long and braided, the braid usually falling over his shoulder. His right eye is violet in color (a genetic mutation inherited from his family) while his left is covered by a red leather eye patch. He wears a red leather cowboy hat, with matching boots and trench coat. He also wears black jeans, and a black button-up shirt underneath his coat. He has a fair complexion, and can always be seen with a smile on his face, and a cigarette in his mouth. He also has a holster for his gun located on the left side of his hip. Additional Details: Left Handed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Cool character, looks cool XD I didn't look through everything, but nice one Heartless Hope the GMs like it lol
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

question - are the berries identical to the xballs in that they grant earthlanders instant access to their magic? Or are they weaker?
The same but if you are thinking about having Edo Lazarus eat one, they probably won't work. Heartless, I'll look through your CS in a couple of hours when I'm actually awake and insomnia isn't plaguing me. The next four days I'll be post slow as I have my work experience. I'll try and post when I can, in the morning and then at break if need be. I also start university Monday. And as such there will be large chunks of time during tutorials and workshops when I cannot post. But again, I'll post when I can. And k think that has addressed everything. I'm gonna try and get back to sleep Edited: EGGS ARE CRACKING
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HeartlessAngel
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HeartlessAngel All around Bad-Ass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Thanks ^_^ I've been reading Pandora Hearts, so the "Alice in Wonderland" theme just kinda stuck with me.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

I've never read that. But I get what you're saying lol
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

CS seems alright, but I'm sketchy on some of it for the time being. Better to let it play out though. Ex, Caits?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HeartlessAngel
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HeartlessAngel All around Bad-Ass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

CS seems alright, but I'm sketchy on some of it for the time being. Better to let it play out though. Ex, Caits?
Just out of curiosity, what seems sketchy? I was kinda worried about him being a bit overpowered, but that's why I put the "Only 2 Familiars at a time for a few minutes" restraint.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Just the description of the magic, seems like even two is pushing it. I mean, Lucy nearly killed herself summoning ALL her spirits and couldn't summon two until way later into the series, and Loki learned to sustain himself after all the time he spent on the mortal plain, so I don't count him. Like I said though, we'll see how it plays out. EDIT: Also, I ask that you check out this RP: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75624-first-contact-halo-star-wars-crossover-rp/ooc. The GM put a lot of effort into it and we'd all hate to see it die. At least look at it please.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Just the description of the magic, seems like even two is pushing it. I mean, Lucy nearly killed herself summoning ALL her spirits and couldn't summon two until way later into the series, and Loki learned to sustain himself after all the time he spent on the mortal plain, so I don't count him. Like I said though, we'll see how it plays out. EDIT: Also, I ask that you check out this RP: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75624-first-contact-halo-star-wars-crossover-rp/ooc. The GM put a lot of effort into it and we'd all hate to see it die. At least look at it please.
I could check it out, but I have very low knowledge of both Halo and Star Wars ^^"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HeartlessAngel
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HeartlessAngel All around Bad-Ass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Just the description of the magic, seems like even two is pushing it. I mean, Lucy nearly killed herself summoning ALL her spirits and couldn't summon two until way later into the series, and Loki learned to sustain himself after all the time he spent on the mortal plain, so I don't count him. Like I said though, we'll see how it plays out. EDIT: Also, I ask that you check out this RP: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75624-first-contact-halo-star-wars-crossover-rp/ooc. The GM put a lot of effort into it and we'd all hate to see it die. At least look at it please.
Fair Enough. If it comes down to it, I have no problem having him only able to summon one.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Zarkun> I could check it out, but I have very low knowledge of both Halo and Star Wars ^^"
Not a lot of knowledge is required and you can use the wiki to supplement.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

I might check it out, but I never really got into halo or Star Wars
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Mah eggs are gonna die...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Put them on fan sites! I did and look what happened! Just type in dragon cave fansites! and in okat with the CS heartless if you have addressed zarkuns qualms
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HeartlessAngel
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HeartlessAngel All around Bad-Ass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Put them on fan sites! I did and look what happened! Just type in dragon cave fansites! and in okat with the CS heartless if you have addressed zarkuns qualms
Not yet, I was waiting for your say. When I get home I'll change it so he can only summon one at a time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Awesome then I'm happy
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Two fansites, check. Now we wait.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'm gonna have to make another Chibi.... And Caits haven't even put the others up xD
Two fansites, check. Now we wait.
Be sure to check on them once in awhile for sickness :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

I got the chibi's I just don't got the time I'll put them up tonight. Gotta go! Don't know when I'll be back pokes all the eggs
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