Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Certain that Kurogane was annoyed by this, yet truly Aki could care less. He may be skilled but he was a human, and they can slip up and make mistakes, yet in the end Kurogane agreed and told him to distract them. Aki nodded and smiled that's all he needed to know. Yet if he was going to distract he was going to need more than a needle, so while Kurogane bolted off Aki ran up to Megumi and grabbed the fire extinguisher from her while handing her the needle just so she wasn't defenseless. Hoping that she knew to stab for the brain. Aki then ran off from the other three, towards the zombies that Kurogane was closing in on.

That was when he saw Kurogane raise his fist in the air, Aki moved in closer aiming the nozzle at the group of zombies then spraying the misty foam right at the group. He did it for a good few seconds, long enough that the zombies started to swing in the direction it came from, which caused Aki to back off a bit, as he looked at Kurogane to finish them off. Now too see if Kurogane was more bite than bark. And for once he hoped he was. For if not, then he would have some angry ass zombies that know he sprayed them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Merman
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Merman Below the Surface

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Paneru was almost about to give out. Chisato was never that strong when they play fought before. As his arms were about to collapse, a red blur, metaphorically speaking, darted over to him, and with a very technical and precise kick to the chin, knocked Chisato in the air before the same person round-housed her into the wall and finished her off. Paneru sat up and moved back as Kurogane-sama said to do, trying to wipe off the copious amount of tears that had rolled down his cheeks like a cascading waterfall. His eyes were red from all the crying that was for sure. Before he could retrieve his bearings, Paneru found himself quickly and effortlessly picked up into Kurogane's arms and carried back up to the rooftop, with Megumi following right behind them. When they got to the rooftop, Aki and Reiko were still up there, along with an un-welcomed group of 5 zombies...or...whatever they were.

Kurogane gently sat him down and went off to fight them. Ben....Ben..., he thought to himself, the name ringing out in his head like an old memory. Paneru was still somewhat out of touch with the reality that had suddenly unfolded, but he was coming to...slowly but surely. Despite his current emotional state, he found some semblance of joy in seeing that Megumi was fine. He looked over to her as she knelt down for a breather and likewise, she looked over to him as well, her eyes serious and earnest. Don't do anything reckless, she basically said and Paneru complied, only responding with a shaky head nod. Paneru stood up and walked backwards until his back was against the railing. He gripped it tightly as if it were a stress ball, inhaling and exhaling deeply as he watched closely as Aki came over to get the fire extinguisher and began working incoherence with Kurogane to stop the zombies. Paneru...his own name seemingly rang out in his head, though this time, it seemed to get closer and louder. Paneru....Paneru...."PANERU!!" he heard abruptly. It was loud, and clear, and the voice was definitely recognizable. His name was being called out. "Ben...", Paneru whispered under his breath, scurrying over to the first spiral staircase and looking down it.

His red and somewhat puffy eyes suddenly gleamed ecstatically, his focus now entirely on Ben who was standing at the bottom of the staircase and looking up at him. When their eyes met, nothing else was needed to be said, and in a burst, Ben was traversing up the stairs at high speed, skipping steps as he made his way up. When he finally reached the top, he stopped and stared at Paneru, his eyes widening and a massive grin showing on his face. For this brief moment...the chaos had taken the backseat. In a wink, Ben had rushed over to him and wrapped his arms around Paneru's lithe body tightly, pulling him in close to his body while smiling affectionately. Paneru's head rested on Ben's chest and he smiled, tears seemingly forming once more from his already puffy and slightly sore eyes. Ben then pulled back from the embrace and looked over Paneru's body intently..."Fucksake! You have no idea how worried I was about you. Are you okay? Are you hurt? Those things didn't hurt you did they?", he spoke in a concerned, but angered tone. Paneru looked up into Ben's eyes briefly, before looking away with a countenance of melancholy.

"No...I'm fine...", he responded daintily, looking down distraught as he thought of Chisato and what she had become. If this was what their world was coming to, in all honesty, he wasn't sure if he wanted to live in it. Ben gripped his hand around Paneru's and gestured toward the bottom of the staircase. "I saw an empty corridor that would lead to outside. When I came looking for you, I noticed none of them were there. If we take that route we should be able to make it out the school in one piece.", he said confidently and reassuringly. Paneru nodded in confirmation and as Ben began leading him down the stairwell, they stopped in their tracks and began backing up. "Awww shit...", Ben murmured angrily, slowly walking back up the stairs with Paneru safely behind him, easing out back onto the rooftop as the sunlight beamed onto them. "Holy...", was all Ben could say as he caught a quick glimpse of the destruction over the landscape. He quickly swiveled back around though to the stairwell, as 5 new zombies seemed to muddle their way onto the rooftop, uninvited of course, and most certainly unwanted. "Fuck! Growlers! Incoming!", Ben yelled as he continued to back up with Paneru, taking a quick note of Kurogane, Aki, Megami, and Reiko who were already up there, with the two males already engaged in a battle.

Paneru held onto Ben's arm tightly as he stood behind him..."Oh no...I think they followed you up here Ben", he said worriedly, his voice scared and timid. "Don't worry, I got this.", he said boldly, slowly pulling Paneru off his arm and slowly easing his way toward the group. Paneru took notice of the dried blood that already covered his fist and knuckles, his fingers adorned with large boxing championship rings. He made it a habit to take them with him wherever he went, and luckily in the current situation, they came in much more handy than simple bragging accessories. Ben got into his boxing stance and began to sway, watching their discombobulated movements as they moved closer. In that instance, he went low, sweeping his right leg under two of them and knocking them off their feet. Quickly, he pounced forward, and mashed his ring adorned fist into its skull, cracking it open like a watermelon. And before the other could get up, he raised his leg and slammed it into its neck, instantly breaking it as the head wobbled, following it up by pounding his fist into its skull as well. Two down.

Ben, being somewhat more of a brute than a thinker, didn't realize that two of them had scattered away from bundle, one heading for Megumi and the other heading for Paneru. Ben was so encapsulated with fighting the third one, a zombie surprisingly bigger than his own muscular and 6'3 frame, that he didn't even notice that now Paneru and Megumi were in danger. Paneru looked at Ben, frightened, as his eyes quickly jolted to the zombie that was focusing on him now. He slowly backed up until his back had hit the rail. "Please stay back.", he said to it softly, its mouth foaming with a mixture of gargling and growling. Its jaw was torn off, and it was missing an arm too. When it had finally came upon him, his body instinctively reacted as if he were in his domain, the water. His reflexes, coordination, and agility in water were keen and bar none, and luckily, this seemed to help him react in this instance as well. As soon as it reached out to him with its one arm, Paneru ducked at the last second, covering his head with his hands as his hair flailed over his face, and to his luck, the zombie missed, tripping over his crouched body, and toppling over the rail to its smashing "death". He looked over the rail to see the lifless corpse among the many others down there and let out a deep sigh, before turning back around once more to focus on the current situation at hand. "Oh no! Ben! Megumi! Watch out!", he cried out to them both.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silverlight138
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Silverlight138 DRAGURNRIDER

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

From her convenient position on the roof, Reiko had surveyed the impacts of the bombshell which had only a few minutes ago been dropped onto the entire school population. Her mind had wandered, blank as a sheet, all logical explanations evading her logic-loving mind. Shutting her eyes, Reiko allowed herself a couple of moments to mitigate the shock which had been dealt to her emotional state of mind. When she opened them, an obstinate, resolute look of defiance against their circumstances was all that glazed over her eyes.

A group of zombies had inadvertently started their advance on the living, and Kuro and Aki proceeded to intercept them. Reiko promptly retreated, opting to make herself useful by optimizing on her brains. The others can be left to capitalize on their brawns, something which Reiko sorely lacked.

Quickly, she scanned her surroundings. From what her keen eyes could pierce, it was evident that much of the school’s compound had been overwhelmed. Additionally, the fact that the zombies had managed to trundle their way up to the rooftop suggested to Reiko only one thing: every single floor contained the infected. And that meant they would have to construct an ingenious plan to navigate their way out of the school – also of course, minimizing their group’s casualties. Assuming all who were present now would be willing to stick together.

Aki, the gamer student. Kuro and Megumi, the Hazekage siblings. Paneru and Ben. Lastly – Reiko.

What were the odds?

Meanwhile, Megumi and Ben were both in immediate threat. Or not, she thought, instantly flipping her thoughts. She was confident that they could handle themselves, and with all the zombies successfully distracted by her schoolmates, Reiko saw her chance, and she took it.

With a satisfying bang, Reiko shut the door to the rooftop entrance closest to Megumi, Ben, Paneru and her. After which, she dragged the heavy trash can (the same one which she had threw her book in) and positioned it in front of the closed door, effectively creating a blockage.

Next up: The door to the last entrance at the opposite side of the rooftop.

“Kuro! Aki!” she shouted. “We need that door barricaded, immediately!” Then, a sudden thought occurred to her, and she rushed to Kuro, sensible enough to stop at a comfortable distance so that she wouldn't get in the way of the fight.

"We need one of them alive," Reiko said in a resolute tone. To her, it wasn't a request but an order. She hoped Kuro caught on to her unspoken intentions.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Hebigami Shiho@Phobos

Kurisa listened as Utaho and her lackeys spoke about what they were seeing, Kurisa looked at Utaho and he could see this shit was freaking her out just as much as was freaking him out. Despite her not really showing it he could tell...her body didn't lie and in a weird way it was somewhat comforting to see he wasn't the only one on the verge of loosing his shit. Kurisa let out a deep breath he seemed to have been holding unknowingly...there was so much going through his head right now and with Utaho and her lackeys putting some sort of trust in Kurisa's decisions it put a weight on Kurisa's shoulders...it was almost like they were trusting him with their lives and right now on surface he was somewhat calm but inside he was loosing his shit! "Fuck! Fuck! What do I do!? I don't want to get them killed with stupid decisions! Why couldn't that other guy pull super hero out his ass and take charge! Why...Why does it have to be me...why do they have to trust their lives to me! FUCK!...This is real now...I don't have time to regret this! If they want a leader or hell...just want to trust their lives with my decisions then I have to step up to that role...aslong as I appear calm, appear like I know what I'm doing...perhaps I can help calm them...but that's just appearances...god fucking forbid if they know how I actually feel..."

Kurisa looked down a little, his right hand gripping the broom handle, he could feel it shaking...then shoske began to freak out, Kurisa then walked up to Shoske and gripped his collar with his left hand and looked Shoske dead in the eyes "Calm the fuck down! I'm like you...I don't know what's going on...but panicking isn't going to help us, we need to think! I don't give a shit about what happened before between us...right now we fucking survive got it!? I'm sure you got family you want to see...we will fucking get out of here and we will survive this shit! I'm not ready to die to some fucking psycho's!" Kurisa then let go of Shoske's collar...his hands still shaking a little as he tried to calm his nerves but Kurisa had only brought his own downfall already with his own words...the mention of family...Kurisa was sure his Father would be fine and even his mother...but his sister...she would of been at school...the very thought of how she'd feel in this situation almost brought tears to Kurisa's eyes.

Kurisa then turned to see the Prez standing back up, which caused his eyes to widen...what was going on here? he..he just died! the fuck was even going on!? this was like a Movie or something but the concept of what was happening was impossible to grasp and understand. Kurisa then took a deep breath as he spoke "Look...by the sounds of what's going on this is what is happening to people. They are being eaten and somehow coming back to life...but I mean look at him...does he look like the same know it all bastard he was before?...he isn't human anymore...I refuse to believe that. The way I see it, we are going to need weapons...cause I'm not fighting these fuckers with my bare hands! The Tech room is on this floor right? we should make our way there, barricade ourselves in, get what we can and then fight our way out...I don't see any other way...the longer we stay here, the less chance we have of surviving and I don't want to survive...I need to fucking survive. I'm sorry prez...even I didn't hate you enough to do this!" Kurisa gripped the broom handle with both hands as he then rammed the broom handle into the Prez's chest, aiming to pierce his heart...yet it was like it did nothing...he was still moving, trying to grab Kurisa "B-But I pierced his heart...he shouldn't be able to move...what the fuck!?" Kurisa then tried to pull the broom handle out, realising it was basically stuck in the guys chest. Kurisa then slammed his right foot into the prez's gut causing the broom handle to pull out of his chest and causing the prez to stumble back and fall into some others like himself, the few falling down the steps.

Kurisa then turned and looked at the group behind him "This is our chance...we are heading to that Tech room and now! The other way sounds like a death trap, even more so with no weapons to defend ourselves!...Utaho...make sure the other guy stays with us...I don't know about you but I feel a lot better knowing we have some numbers...let's go! avoid getting close to them and move your ass...keep your fucking wits about you to, they could come out of anywhere at this point!" Kurisa then began making his way towards the Tech room on the third floor, passing the Prez who was struggling to get up

Weapon: Broom Handle
Hits used: 1
Hits left: 1
Throwable: N/A
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mi stood, messenger bag at her side, a plank of wood in her hands as a 'thing' walked in. It approached Mi with strange steps, slowly headed towards the frightened girl. Mi prepared to hit the creature, she didn't want to call it human, watching it was it approached her. When the thing was close enough to hit, Mi swung at it. She hit it's head with a decent amount of force, but the thing did not falter. So Mi swung again. She heard a faint crack, the wood itself wouldn't hold up very much longer, and Mi wasn't doing a whole lot of damage.

Mi attacked the zombie repeatedly until it fell, Mi's wooden plank had broken as well. But, the thing had stopped moving. Mi had probably bashed it's head enough to do some damage. But her weapon was broken.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raining
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Raining It's Always

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"What the-" Megumi's extinguisher was snatched away from her and replaced with a flimsy metal object, to white she simply tossed aside and scavenged the ground, exchanging her needle for a rusty metal pipe, conveniently palaces near the railing. The school must have forgotten of the item when they were replacing the fencing around the rooftop.

Now let's see who was here... Aki-the one who took her fire extinguisher-, her brother, Reiko, Ben, and Paneru. An odd mix, yet she couldn't argue.

As an approaching monster appeared, Megumi swiftly kicked her leg underneath it, sending it flat onto the ground. Using her weapon, she repeatedly smashed it against the soft part of its skull, which surprisingly gave away rather quickly. Her weapon had a few hits left to it, maybe. Blood coated the metal in a thing layer, and droplets of the liquid rested on her uniform, tarnishing its once crisp appearance.

Reiko had began barking orders at her sibling and Aki. She agreed with baracading, however letting one of those things live!? "What in the FUCK is your plan Reiko?" She asked. Hopefully... It wasn't to play scientist.

She had desired to aid in their efforts of closing the door, yet her brother and Aki seemed perfectly able to do so already.

Metal pipe|6 hits left yo
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hibiya
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Hibiya Secretly super cool. I know. Super cool.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

When the two boys headed up the stairs, they were expecting to find survivors; but instead they found the undead. Yukito almost stumbled down the stairs, along with the zombies. But by some miracle, Yukito and Shingen were able to run up the stairs to the next floor. Maybe it was the speed of the zombies, or maybe it was just luck. But the two boys, mainly Yukito, were heading to the tech room just around the corner. "Come on, Shingen! We gotta get to the te-" But then he noticed that his friend wasn't really in the best mood, especially since he had a bite in his shoulder. When Yukito saw this, he instantly let go and checked how his friend was doing. "Hehe, don't worry about me..." The plump boy tipped over on his back, not really able to move. "Wh-when did this even happen? You didn't make a sound when I was dragging you on!!" A few zombies; the ones from the stairs perhaps, were coming to get them, and almost definitely eat them as well. "I didn't even notice it until you looked at me... I guess I'm tough, huh?" Blood was trickling out of his mouth, and it was pretty obvious he was a goner. "Just leave me here and kill me when you get back from the tech room. You don't want a fat zombie running around, do you?" Shingen managed a small smile, and Yukito nodded, heading to the tech room, internally mourning for his lost friend.

Yukito opened the door to the classroom, and with luck, there were no zombies inside, although there were some zombies still coming closer from earlier. All he had to do was find a weapon quickly and end Shingen's life as he wished. Yukito searched through shelves and drawers, until he came across a tool box. "Okay, which one to take..." He could almost definitely carry both a hammer and a crowbar at the same time, so he took both, one in each hand. He waited a few seconds, and gathered more weapons on the table, and looked at all of them, laid out for anyone else who came to the tech room. The young man Yukito was about to leave, when he saw two small groups of people heading to the tech room. He didn't recognize the first group, but he could definitely recognize Utaho, the bully and delinquent who often stole or had people steal his lunch and money. Honestly, this would have been a great time to kill her right then and there, but a weak person like him would probably get thrown into a crowd of the walking dead before a single blow could be dealt. "I guess I have to help them in..."

Weapon: Hammer/Crowbar
Hits used: 0/0
Hits left: 12/10
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Utaho, still trying to make sense of anything and calm herself down, couldn't help but find it funny how Kurisa tried calming them, even though he was most probably the one nearest to losing his wits. Though, as Kurisa, Utaho was struck badly by the mention of her family. They were all men, pretty big, menacing men, but it didn't seem like that would help right now. She could just hope that her two older brothers could make it out of their university, and that the eldest one could make it out of his workplace and go for his own family in time. Her father... he was also working in an office, but he was in the military at some point of his life, so Utaho was sure he could figure something out. He was a bit too old, though.

After the prez stood up again, Utaho knew that things would only go downwards from there. It was like a horror movie or something. Far too well prepared to be just a joke, way too gory for them to have been caught up in a movie production.... and saying that it was a movie set at this point would most probably just earn some laughs from the others. It was a dumb idea, that much was for sure. Kurisa went on to the attack and pierced the prez's body, and it was still moving. "W-Wha? Shouldn't he have died from that, Kirarin?" Utaho asked her friend, who was just as perplexed. Kirari merely nodded, knowing that that would have been a fatal blow under normal circumstances. "Then why the fuck is he still standing!? What the hell!?" After Kurisa pushed him back and gave out his instructions, Utaho had her head more in place and could think better now.

"Y-Yes! Coming! Ami, help Kirarin, I'm taking the midget!" Utaho told her friends. Ami took Kirari's hand and ran behind Kurisa, following him. Utaho went to where Shoske was, took him and put him over her shoulder, despite any protest he might have, he might as well get down whenever. "You can hit me later, but we gotta bail the fuck outta here! C'mon, midget, stop panicking!" Utaho said, and was about to run to where Kurisa, Ami and Kirari were, when a hand grabbed her thigh. When she looked down, it was the zombified prez from before. Utaho was scared, to be honest, but it wasn't the time to be panicking. The prez was using her as support to stand again, and Utaho was pretty sure he also wanted to bite her. "Bitch.... Let go of me, fucking four eyes!" She shouted and kicked the prez clean in the face with such force, she was sure she heard some bones cracking. The prez was sent back yet again, and the other ones were still some ways away from them. They were safe, for now.

"Fuck, let's hurry!" She turned around and started running behind the others. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! One of those things touched me! Shit... Shit, shit, shit!" Utaho seemed pretty worried. "Where the fuck is the tech room!? How much longer!?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 1 day ago

Faint screams and shouts could be heard from all over, from the streets and floors below. Showing that whatever it was had gotten into the school and he had no weapons to defend himself. If its this bad already then getting to the second floor alone would be difficult to bypass so the shop was out of the question without any weapons.

Shaking his head as he had to change his plans for the time being and came to a stop to ponder on where he could go to get a weapon, anything would do at this point. The scream coming from an nearby open classroom broke his thoughts."Ahh..s-stay away! help!!'Seemed someone either remained behind or came back to get something, which was pretty stupid considering the situation and only an idiot would go barging into that room, considering what was going on. And so, Kenny quietly made his way to stand besides the open doorway and leaned his head over to peer into the room to see an upper class student swinging a yard ruler stick at three humans, if you could call them humans? Unless humans had skin white as chalk and able to walk with twisted limbs clearly broken. One even had an arm missing and upon closer inspection saw missing chunks from neck or other parts of the bodies. The air carried the foul, reeking stench of rotting flesh and dried blood that would make any gag from the sickening odor, but thankfully his mask dulled the horrendous smell.

How odd. This stench was normally given off by dead bodies and yet somehow they were up and moving as they staggered slowly towards the student. The one with a broken leg just dragged the foot, unhindered by any sense of pain; growling, they edged around the desk the male was hiding behind. Struggling to keep them back with the yard stick, tears spilling down his freckled face and onto his disheveled shirt as light glinted off his honor student's badge.'Ahhhh!!! heeeelp.'He shouted then swung the ruler at the nearest of the creatures striking it in the head, but to no avail for it kept going even with that gash on the side of its head.

Kenny stood there watching the scene before him, wanting to help, but he had no weapons nor knew what these things were or how to kill them, that is if they weren't dead to begin with. He knew too little at this point to be of any help and so it was hopeless for this guy who was surrounded by three of them. Sighing slowly before reaching for the doorknob as quietly as he could and upon grasping it, the student had spotted Kenny.'You!! please...please! Help I bet you!...don't leave meee.'Shouting in pure terror as he begged to be saved, but there would be no help as Kenny grit his teeth to fight back the heavy guilt in his gut. His hand shaking on the doorknob; having to force himself to shut the door and stood there peering through the door window. Within seconds the guy was swarmed by the three, his body pressed against the board as the growling monsters bit into his arms and neck causing his blood to gush out over their faces and spill onto the floor. The worst of it, though were the eyes, those eyes staring at the door, filled with fear and a look asking why...why would you abandon me.

Eyes that shook him to the core, burned into his brain to ensure that he would never forget what he had just done. Kenny fought back the revulsion at what he just witnessed, at what he did and hated himself for it.

His body shook while tears threatened to fall, glad that his mask hid how he was feeling. Taking in a gulp of air to settle his nerves and turned away, needing to move on; crying about it wasn't going to help. So, pushing the guilt and locking it away deep inside him, he continued on his way, putting the event behind him.

He only walked partway down the hall before coming across the tech room and thought that it could have tools to make into weapons. It was no shop class, but it was better than nothing and tested the doorknob to find it locked. Quickly looking both ways to make sure none of those nonliving monsters were around and used his makeshift lockpick, taking him almost two minutes before finally getting it open. A small nod, he slipped into the classroom, curious of what he would find.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shoske was stuck in his daze until Kurisa pulled him by the collar, finally returning to reality. He clenched his fists, Kurisa's words hitting him like a bulldozer. He had yet to think of what even happened to his family, only fearing for his own life and acting like a coward. He bit his lip, oblivious to what was happening around him. Dad anda Zenkichi can take care of them selves, plus Lirin goes to school with Zenkichi with school but mom.... Tears began to slowly go down his eyes. He already knew that chances were, they were all ready dead. Don't cry dammit, don't you fucking cry He bit his lip even harder, trying to hold them in but about to let go. Until he was suddenly picked up and tossed onto someones shoulder. His eyes squinted, with his right leg twitching Is that...boob? He shook his head "I'M NOT A MIDGET!" He flipped forward to get off who's ever shoulder it was, landing on his ass. He turned to her as he got up, his eyes widening to see it was the same girl that was going to beat him up "Don't call me midget again! You shouldn't judge a man by his height!" He ran behind them, following the group No...they can't be dead! I have to survive to find them! The moan of ghouls grew louder, Shoske turning as he noticed them getting riled up, slowly but steadily picking up their paces. Even ones missing limbs or with organs falling out walked without a sign of pain. He turned his head back around, running without ever looking back. His body showed tremendous fear, his shoulders and hands shaking the entire time. But his face was what was most surprising. It was in a state of shock but yet it seemed like it had accepted that this was real.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Akane watched the scene before her unfold, well aware of those things making their way up the flight of stairs behind her. She glances behind her right shoulder, spotting the shadows of those things as they slowly climbed up the staircase. Their groans and moans echoed, forcing a spike of anxiousness to pierce Akane's heart. Turning her head back around to face the group, she caught the speech one of the student's gave. Something about family was mentioned which seem to effect the other students, Akane, however, apparently was the only one not effected by the guy's words, atleast that's what it seemed judging by her outward appearance and lack of reaction.

Walking closer to the group to create a larger distance between herself and the staircase behind her, Akane continued to observe silently. The discovery made by the student who gave the speech was an interesting development. 'Stabbing these creatures doesn't effect them it seems, also the sloppiness of their movements make them unstable... Judging by the reaction to that creature attempting to stand, it seems that it used to be a comrade of theirs.... hmm' Akane gathered information from what she saw and stored the data inside her mind for further analysis later, perhaps she could find some sort of weakness that'd aid her in her escape. Before long, the group of students in front began running. At this point, Akane knew that she had no choice but to follow if she had any hope of surviving this traumatic event.... as much as she despised having to be around other people, now was not the time to complain or think of a different plan. 'Why did this have to happen today....' Swallowing her inner feelings, Akane began running herself, being sure to catch up and follow closely behind the group. She didn't look back as she knew that would waste energy and slow herself down, which would be extremely dangerous since she was the furthest behind everyone else, and the closest to the creatures. The expression on her face kept blank as usual, in any other setting it'd look as though she was just having a casual run and not running for her life... With that said, she was in fact pushing herself as much as she could, parting her lips slightly in order to let out light pants, but this effort wasn't displayed in her outward appearance as she wouldn't let it be. Her shoes didn't make as much noise as everyone else's due to the soles being rubber so atleast they didn't add much to the noise pollution of the whole group.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Hebigami Shiho@Phobos

Kurisa continued to run down the hall but not so fast the others wouldn't be able to keep up, as he ran he could hear the screams of people echoing through out the school then his eyes widened as he skidded to a stop when a body flew down past the window, Kurisa didn't want to look out the window to see what this was...but he had to...and when he saw it...his stomach just churned. Someone had jumped out the window from the floor above by the looks of it, preferring to commit suicide than be eaten...right now Kurisa couldn't blame them but the sight of their mangled body would make nearly anyone sick. Kurisa shook his head a little as he continued on, knowing he couldn't stay in the same place for long.

Kurisa then heard Utaho speak about one of them touching her and where the Tech room was "Be careful dammit! Keep your toes...these bastards could come out of anywhere and anyone could be one..." With the last thing Kurisa said thoughts of his little sister popped into his head again as he imagined how scared she must of been...that was if she wasn't already one of them. Kurisa gripped the broom handle tighter near to the point of breaking it...he wouldn't let her die! if there was one person he had to save it was his little sister. Just being around her made his problems go away it, it was weird...she didn't even know it but everything fucking with Kurisa's mind and heart would simply go. Sitting there with her just playing games with her or even watching TV shows with her just made things disappear...Maybe it was just how innocent she was, she had nothing in her world that could upset her and the one thing Kurisa hated the most was seeing her upset. At this point Kurisa somewhat fell into a day dream...thinking about the time he had come back from school when he was in his first year.

That day had been a rough one...Kurisa had tried to keep his head down and just get on with his work, he didn't want to make enemies or friends...just do what he had to do and go. However when you're one of the new people that was somewhat impossible, you were a target. During one of the afternoon breaks Kurisa was sat outside in somewhat of a quiet place, he felt that was the best place to be when you were new...alone and out the way. Little did he know he had played right into the hands of those looking to kick the shit out of the new kids and sure enough some assholes showed up, all from the third year...and Kurisa was just in his first. Needless to say they kicked the living shit out of Kurisa, he couldn't even fight back! what the fuck did he know? he only had a few fights by that time in his life but still...there was no way he was gunna be able to fight back and so ended up taking an ass kicking to they felt they were done.

When Kurisa came home he was covered in cuts and bruises and he was sure some bones were broken but probably not...just sure as hell felt like it. When Kurisa stepped into the main living room his dad looked at him and chuckled then spoke "Huh...See you got your first ass kicking...well congratulations. Good job on getting walked all over..." Kurisa's dad was harsh and blunt...there were only a few times when Kurisa and him actually got along, hell the only reason he decided to get into engineering was to try impress his dad but nothing! the bastard wouldn't give him any recognition, not even a "Good Job son...you're going to make a fine mechanic" Nothing! and then his mother was no fucking better! instantly blaming him like it was his fault! "So what did you say to annoy them then? clearly you must have been asking for it if they beat you that bad..." Once again...it was this shit...always hit and miss with those two. One day they'd care, the next they would give no fucks! almost like they had gave up on him...

Yet one person showed actual concern. As Kurisa left the living room and made his way upstairs his young sister stepped out her room and that look on her face when she saw him...her eyes began to tear up as her lip wobbled, then suddenly she burst running towards Kurisa and hugged him. This really only served to shock Kurisa, he hadn't really shown much care to his sister before this...he felt almost bitter towards her as he felt like she was now the main attention of his parents and that was why they were giving up on him. Knowing how he had felt and seeing how she cared so much about him literally brought him to tears...he felt like complete shit. She spent the next few hours trying to help clean up his cuts and putting little...Pokemon plasters over his cuts. However it's what she said to him...5 year old girl...that changed how he thought. "Brother...P-Please don't get hurt again. I don't want to see you get hurt...you wont get hurt will you?" Kurisa looked down at her then spoke back "Don't worry...I wont let myself get hurt anymore. So don't you worry okay?" Kurisa at that point probably smiled for the first time in a long time...the thoughts of this very situation almost brought tears to Kurisa's eyes yet a smile did form on his face...however he had to snap out of this dream world, he had to get back to reality! despite how much he wanted to stay within his own thoughts. Kurisa shook his head then spoke

"Fuck!...It's just up here!....I swear I'll save you..." The last part was muttered under his breath so it was unlikely anyone would hear it. Kurisa could now sympathise with these people...they likely had family they wanted to make sure were okay. Eventually they arrived at the Tech room, Kurisa could see the door was already open or at least it was a little. Seeing this Kurisa proceeded with caution as he pushed the door open slowly with the broom handle as he saw a figure in the room, he continued to push it open slowly eventually seeing it was a student, but were they alive? Kurisa motioned with his left hand for the others to follow him in as even if this person was one of them he was the only one in here. Of course Kurisa couldn't go hit the bastard, after all he could of been a normal student...there was really only one thing he could do "Hey! You one of them?" Sure it may have been stupid but what else could he do? he wasn't about to kill another student just because he thought they were one of them

Weapon: Broom Handle
Hits used: 1
Hits left: 1
Throwable: N/A
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


What wouldn't Utaho give to have her two bulky big brothers with her right now? They would surely top through all of these... these things. "I'm being careful, fucker!" Utaho lashed out with rage. It wasn't really the best time to set her fuse off with petty things. The whole tension of the situation and the uncertainty of whether their families were okay or not was a bit too much to just swallow and be like, 'oh, yes, okay'. She looked back, and there, she found the midget and a new redhead addition to their little group. Strength in numbers, perhaps? She did look thin as a stick, so it may be better for her to stick around. The more guys in their group the better. The tech room was soon into their sights.

A shed of hope came to Utaho's mind, as well a to her two friends. Still, as luck would have it, Ami, who was wearing high heels that same day in school, just HAD to break one of the heels off. Kirari was a bit too well behaved to wear things like those, and Utaho just hated them, but Ami just seemed to love the things. She fell face first, most people quickly leaving her behind, mostly out of not noticing it, though Kirari and Utaho did notice when their friend suddenly disappeared to kiss the floor. "Uta-chan! Kirarin!" She shouted for help.

"Ami!" Utaho hurried back for her friend, but soon enough, one of them climbed up to her and bit her ankle, while Ami let out a scream of horror and despair. "No! You motherfucker!" With a clean football kick to the face, Utaho was able to free her friend from the teeth of the dead. She started dragging her through the ground, until she was finally able to pick her up and carry her along. "Goddammit! How many times have I told ya not to wear those fuckin' things!" She nagged at her.

"I-I'm sorry." Ami apologized back, while Kirari rushed both of them. "Guys! They are catching up to you!" She shouted. She was still standing still, while she could be running, though. It pissed Utaho.

"Then get a fucking move on, Kirarin! If you don't, we won't be getting outta this with just one bite!" She shouted. She just had to pray... pray that this shit wasn't like in the movies. Once they got bitten once.... She shook her head to chase those thoughts away. "Come on, Ami. I'm not about to leave ya here!" She said, before dashing forward while carrying her friend. It wasn't that much, but she still weighed a bit, and she couldn't move because of the bite.

"Uta-chan.... I'm so sorry! They almost got you too because...." Ami started tearing up. Utaho clicked her tongue, they were just arriving the tech room. She literally threw her friend inside, making her land on the floor, while Kirari arrived safely and without injury. She was really pissed off now, before she gave a deathly glare at her friend.

"Clam it! Don't say anything else, or I'm gonna shut ya the hell up with my fist!" Even if she seemed harsh, it was all out of concern for her. In her head, she still prayed and prayed.... for this to not be so cliche like that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shoske continued to run, slightly panting as he followed the group near the back. With his speed, he could be in the front but that would leave their backs wide open so he left the front to Kurisa. However, he floated in the back subconsciously and never even thought of the reason why he was back there, he was just back there. He noticed another student catch up with them. He didn't know who she was but it didn't even matter anymore, every single person mattered now. One of Utaho's friends collapsed over due to her heel, however Shoske's eyes were too fixated outside to even notice her fall. He only discovered that she fell when he heard the girl scream for help. He turned his head, his eyes widening and his eyes showing a mixture of fear and shock. She was bit, and there was a chance she'd become one of them. If this was like in the movies, the girl wouldn't have much time. If not, then they didn't have much time to treat the bite.

The group reached the room, Shoske barging in last behind the whole group and even the new girl. He closed the door and held it shut. Shoske's mind was still somewhere else however, it appeared as if he was in a deep thought and was now just running on the instinct to survive.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Akane continued to follow behind the group. Light pants pushed through her thin lips to steady her breathing as she ran while her eyes were mainly centred on a short student with black hair running in front of her, knowing that he must of been following the rest of the group. Occasionally Akane's eyes would glance at both sides of the corridor, taking notice of the blood-stained walls and chucks of discarded flesh littering the floor.... this whole situation was just one big mess. From what she had observed, it seemed that whatever was creating those things was spreading faster than the common cold on a winter's day. Upon initially peering outside of one of the 2nd floor's hallway windows after the principle's last announcement, she had noticed something that seemed to only make sense now... Bit by bit Akane assembled her theory on what was happening at the back of her mind, being engrossed in the scientific community as she was made assembling the puzzle easier, however there where huge factors missing. What caused this? Was it an accident? Is there a way to stop this?... One of the students falling immediately attracted Akane's attention before they even hit the ground. How they managed to fall escaped Akane since she wasn't paying enough attention to this person, not that it mattered anyway since the girl made a critical mistake. Running passed the fallen girl, Akane eyed the female quietly before looking back up and noticing two more running towards their fallen associate. Facing forward, Akane focused on running, it wasn't like she could do anything about it anyway since there were too many of those things following them.

It seemed the group was nearing their destination as the student leading them stopped at a door before motioning for the others to follow. The three from before had quickly caught up and were behind Akane. Slipping into the room, Akane quickly drifted across the back wall behind the leading student in order to move away from the door. She stood back and watched, paying sharp attention to her surroundings incase more bad events were to soon follow. At the moment her attention was on the one who was already occupying the room. If they were one of them then that would pose even more of a problem since they'd have no choice but to dispose of this creaton, although it seemed that the group's leader was prepared to take care of it.

Drifting her gaze away from this figure, Akane looked at the one who lead the group, her cool blue eyes slid down to his broom with a thought. A loud noise abruptly alerted Akane as the girls that had been travelling behind her entered, one of them throwing the injured girl to the ground. '...Is that what I think it is?... I wonder what'll happen.' Akane didn't display any emotion, only quietly looked the the girl's foot. There was no mistaking it, this girl had been bitten, however Akane wasn't going to say anything. Even though she had an idea of what might happen next, she treated it as nothing more than an assumption. Whatever happens next to this girl would either prove her assumption correct or incorrect, either way only time would tell.

The short one then finally entered the room and shut the door... Now they were trapped with two potential threats while even more deadly threats most likely making their way over to the door right now. At the pit of Akane's stomach, a bad feeling coursed through her body, but Akane wasn't the type to start panicking or worrying, instead she just observed, taking silent deep breaths in and out through her noise as she did.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 1 day ago

Kenny stood there inspecting the room over to see computers set at the left side of the room and varieties of tools like hammers, wrenches, pliers and a table saw along with a paper cutter among other items. He soon understood now that tech class seemed to be a more technical woodshop though smaller in scale with less tools to work with, but enough for him to work with and made his way over to the bin that held the wood.

He took out a 4-by-4 block of wood and was scanning it over when the door suddenly burst open and turned his head to see Kurisa and the same short guy who he had just been chasing earlier. Barely hearing Kurisa's question as he was cursing himself for leaving the door opened; what if it had been those monsters that had entered the wood. Five of them overall, though the girl on the floor seemed to be bleeding from the foot, but the growls and scrapes from outside caught his attention as it was close...too close.

Just great, not only did he have to deal with these people, but they even lured creatures straight to them and threw up his arms in exasperation. Pointing at the door then at kurisa with muffled annoyed chatter before pushing his way to the door, grabbing a chair on the way and shoved it under the doorknob.

Making sure it was secured he turned and motioned with his thumb, trying to show they needed to barricade the door. Whether they understood or not he didn't care and walked up next to kurisa to look up at him then down at the broom before swiping it from him.

Now with that taken care of. He could start working on making makeshift weapons, starting with the broom and for the time being forgot about the others since they would only distract him. Heading over to the tablesaw, grabbing one of the longer pliers and turned it on, using it to cut the bristle bottom part off. Kenny studied the mop and grabbed the dutch tape and wrapped it around the rounded end for padding then separated the pliers and embedded one blade on each side of the other end, wishing he had longer blades, but had to do with what he had. Swinging the weapon a few times and seeing the blades weren't loose and set it down on the long table nearby

Kenny nodded more to himself; one weapon down and turned, pulling up his sleeves. Time to get to work seeing that they would be here for a while.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As he backed up Reiko began shouting for them to get that door barricaded as soon as possible which could be done when Kurogane killed these things. However her next idea was capturing one of them, one of the things trying to eat them alive. He couldn't help but think she was already going a tad bit nuts. So he left whatever Kurogane was going to do, if he killed them or did let one live. That would all be up to him. Aki however planned to seal the door the best he could.

Running towards the other entrance a couple more zombies walked in and of course upon seeing Aki, they saw nothing but a meal and started limping towards him snarling like mad animals. Raising the fire extinguisher he saw that it was already dented, most likely from when Megumi had used it. So raising it above his head he brought it down when the closest one got near him, hitting the creature in the head sending it sprawling to the floor. That however didn't kill it, it began crawling towards him while the other one tripped over the crawler. Taking advantage, Aki stomped on the back of the crawlers head four times with his right foot, each stomp sending blood flying, and staining his pant's leg and shoe red. He then smashed the fire extinguisher on the zombie's who had tripped head, and when it kept moving he did it again couple more times before it stopped moving.

He looked at the Air conditioning unit that got knocked over, and would have used that, but it was much too heavy form him too move by himself. So for a makeshift barricade he did what Reiko did and moved a trashcan in front of the door, but added extra security by placing the pretty much useless fire extinguisher through the door handles. He then walked over to Reiko and glanced at the dead bodies that littered the roof. "Any reason you want one alive? I don't think they are going to give you any information." Aki asked as he watched Kurogane take out the zombies in quick fashion.

Weapon: Fire extinguisher Hits used: 9 Hits left: 1(discarded)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


By now Kurisa had gotten into the room and didn't see Utaho's lacky fall and get bitten by one of them. Instead he kept his eyes fixated on Kenny...still unsure if he was one of them however as everyone else made it into the room, a new girl arriving and one of Utaho's lacky's being thrown onto the floor and once he saw the wound, Kurisa knew this couldn't have been good...after all look what happened to the prez. One bite to the neck and he became one of them...although that was the neck...maybe this would be slower. Still there was no one in this dammed world who probably knew how to cure this...and so if shit was to go as expected, it wouldn't take long for the effects to take place.

Kurisa's attention was snapped back when Kenny started muffling something and pointing at shit...clearly he wasn't one of them. Kurisa had no clue what this guy wanted them to do but soon got the idea when Kenny began to barricade the door up, Kenny then snatched the broom off Kurisa which he was fine with...that broom didn't have much life left "Alright let's start barricading this door up. Is someone able to get on one of those computers and see what the hell is going on!? Check news sites or something..." Kurisa began grabbing more and more things, trying to barricade the door until enough was there. "This shit should hold for awhile...right now there is no going back out there, we need to let them fuck off before we can make a break for it..."

Kurisa then looked at Utaho's friend who had been bitten then at Utaho as he motioned for her to come over to him so he could whisper something to her without worrying her friend "Utaho...I'm going to be that guy...I know you are going to hate hearing this...but if this shit goes the way we think, she doesn't have long...unless someone can pull a cure out their ass, there is nothing we can do for her. I don't want it to be this way...but I mean...if it happens...and that's IF...will you be able to put her out her misery?..." Kurisa let out a sigh then rubbed the back of his head with his right hand as he looked at the friend of Utaho's who had been bitten and then back to Utaho...he half expected a slap for being so blunt about this situation...but he had to be...he had to be real here, it was no good waiting to late till something happened...this needed to be said now so Utaho could prepare herself if the worst happened.

Kurisa then turned his attention back to Kenny as he finished putting something together "Looks good...to be fair that aint my kind of weapon so one of you is more than welcome to take it. I need something that hit's hard and lasts awhile..." Kurisa then walked over to one of the walls, looking at what tools were left and what could be used as a weapon...the Wrench looked like a decent choice. Pretty sturdy and would deliver and nasty blow, enough to put one of them on their ass and possibly kill them. Kurisa took the Wrench then inspected it a little "Take what you think will work best for you...unless you can fashion anything else that's better?" He said looking at Kenny...of course he didn't know his name and didn't even care that he didn't speak...he clearly had some useful skills and so that was something good.

Kurisa then looked to the new girl who had joined the group "So, Seeing as he is unlikely to speak and tell me his name. How about you tell me yours? It's purely so I can call you by your name instead just...her, you and whatever else. Aside from that you got anything you're really good at that could help? I mean if we establish roles among this group then we may have a good chance of surviving this shit..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@all of 'em

Utaho clicked her tongue at the prospect of what would happen to Ami. She just hoped this wasn't like in the movies, with all she had, she hoped that wasn't the case. Kirari took Ami with her and made her rest with her back to the wall, while she treated the wound with whatever she had at hand. The wound looked prettier now, but that didn't mean it was better, most definitely because Ami was sweating and panting like crazy. "Don't get sick right now, Ami. We ain't even out of here yet." She simply said, turning around and trying to face the other way to ignore what was happening behind her.

When Kurisa approached her, she felt like punching the damn guy. "Nothing will happen to Ami. She won't turn in one of them. And even if she did, I would take care of it personally. I don't need any of your sympathy, Kurisa, I'm not in the mood." She was about to, in fact, but just because he moved away did she not actually punch him. Her fuse was really short, but right now, just about anything would piss her off, no matter what, and the prospect of having to kill someone, a friend of her at that, didn't help it any much. She approached one of the walls too, seeing what she could find to get things rolling.

She took a hammer out of the wall and looked at it. It'd definitely do some damage. After choosing her weapons, she approached her friends, who were sitting next to each other. She sat next to the panting Ami. "Uta-chan...." She sais, a bit weakly. "Ya know... I don't think I can make it, I'll turn into one of those things." She said, sounding desperate. "Hey... why me? Why did I have to fall down there? Why? Am I going to die?" Bitting her lip, Utaho could only answer the way she knew best right now.

"Like hell you'll die. This ain't a movie. You just have a fever, it'll be okay, don't worry. I won't let you turn into one of those things." Utaho said to her. Kirari turned to see Ami looking really worried, though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shoske let out a small sigh of relief when they were inside and the door was barricaded, but they were still far from safe. There was another student in the class room who wore a weird mask and could hardly be heard. Shoske didn't really understand him but got the gist of what he was saying, the barricade the doors. He barricaded it along Kurisa by putting a few desks against the door. Once finished, he walked over to the wall of tools and basically weapons. He scanned the wall, looking at the large of displays. There were a good amount of tools his saw but could hardly recognize, some looking like they'd make a lot of noise. Shoske went with the simple route by grabbing a crowbar and a pair of gardening shears, which he just had to get. He slid of the handles between his pants and belt so they wouldn't fall off too easily.

Without really noticing what was going on, he walked over to the window and looked for a part to open it. I'm probably gonna have to smash this open to get down from here Shoske went over to the computers and began to immediately unplugging the wires as he left a few of the other computers untouched, not wanting to interfere with Kurisa's idea. Although they all most likely knew that by now, the internet no longer exists. He wiped his forehead, sweating and breathing heavily the entire time. He remained unusually silent, the only noise he made was him hyperventilating for brief moments. Stopping only to regain his breath and mind, trying his best not to think of what was going on but to focus on his task at hand.
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