Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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(This page is mine!)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Height and weight:
5,2ft 104 lb

Victorique de Blois


cat years 32
physical body of 17 year old



Victorica is a Nekomimi, she is born like this. Her body is slightly different then most humans, her ears are that of a cat, so does she possess a cat tail which she can fully control to her will. Her canine are sharper and pointier than that of a normal human.

Insanity form: Will be activated when angry, sad, emotional enough. Her eye wills glow bright red and her claws will lengthen about 0,1f and will be about sharp enough to cut through stone. All the pain she gets during this form will be delayed. She isn't able to control this ability to her will yet and would go berserk if this ability is activated. The ability only lasts 3 minutes and after that she receives all the pain she got during the insanity.

Passive abilities that she has more than a human are enhanced: agility, balance, bite, flexibility, jumping, senses, speed and night vision. In addition to that she also has spiritual awareness that allows her to see anything paranormal


Cooking, Athletic, Cleaning


Napping, Playing, Sunbathing, Reading picture books, Exploring


Victorica is a cheerful girl who doesn't think of being serious for once. She mostly want to play with others instead of talking to each other the whole time. However her emotions can turn rather quickly, from open and spontaneous she can turn introspective, brooding, and cold seconds later. Victorica does display some typical cat like behaviours such as mischievousness and deviousness.


Victorica was born on the streets and had survived by being carried around by her mother who feeded her and took care of her by traveling around the city looking for leftover food in the trash cans. Her cat ears and tail were hidden by her mother when they travelled around, it didn't take a great deal of magic to hide both their true appearances but there were still times when she had to rest a little to do so. After about a year traveling around, her mother had found a farm outside the city where they could live in the barn and work for the household living there. The family that lived there had some powers themselves too, one being electricity and the other unicorn powers so they didn't mind for them to walk around in their regular form on the farm since there weren't that much people passing by each day. Victorica had learned to speak and do all other kind of human things before her second human year birthday. She helped working on the farm too from time to time to help her mother out with financial problems and was still being teached by the two humans in her free times. When she became 3 she really started to pick up the human life, however it was still hard to understand them sometimes. She didn't quite get the beings but she still enjoyed being with them for the most time. When she was about 4 she would have been old enough to go to school now, the two humans knew some people they could go to to let her on a school there were plenty of magic schools on the world thats what they knew. After a month of waiting she got a letter from one of the schools that had accept her to go attend that school. She left the farm and her mother behind her so that she could someday return with an official degree.


Wears an amulet that negates her appearance making her look like a normal human.

Theme song:

Gallows bell

Sweets, toys, cuddeling, napping.

Vegetables, doctors, monsters, scary things.

Cooking/Baking club

School schedule:
9:00 - 9:55 AM: English
10:00 - 10:55 AM: Mathematics
11:00 - 11:55 AM: Art
11:55 - 12:35 PM: Lunch
12:35 - 1:25 PM: Biology
1:30 - 2:30 PM: Phys Ed
2:30 - 3:30 PM: Free Period
3:30 - 4:30 OM: Baking

Live how she wants to live.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago



An "edgy countrybumpkin" who stumbled across the power of manipulating blood. Sangue Rana, also known as Deathedge, wishes to live a normal life, but perhaps it could be an impossible mission for someone so strange as him.

"Man proposes, God disposes."


"I'm going to tear my ears out and put it on some drums before playing with those drums to effectively smash apart the ears if I DO become the idiot people are making me out to be. Wait, that was kind of edgy..."


Name: Sangue Rana

Nickname: Deathedge, 3Edgy5Me, 2Spooky4Me, etc.

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Powers: Sanguine Gauss - Sangue has the ability to create blood and charge it with electromagnetic forces, allowing certain creations to be propelled at high speeds. He can also charge his own blood with electromagnetism, though he has yet to actually get used to running around at ridiculous speeds. (Despite him trying it out for years)

Sangue is invulnerable to blood manipulation and damage from electricity but vulnerable in the darkness. Contrast to the nicknames people gave him, Sangue has trouble doing things in the dark, and is skilled at doing only one thing in it: sleeping.

Skills: Self-defense, running, listening, blaming the world, being blandly normal at times

Hobbies: Reading, watching people

Personality: While Sangue looks like quite the edgy person, Deathedge is, ironically, so normal, he tends to become one of the more unique people to interact with. He holds a quiet nature, despite having a naturally loud and gruff voice. Sangue becomes most active when he either gets plentifully entertained, slightly ticked off, or completely confused about a situation. Though his looks imply that he is not the brightest person around, Sangue boasts a surprisingly complex thinking process. He is known to blush faster than most people due to his Sanguine Gauss power.

Background: Sangue hails from a normal house in a normal country. To be exact, he lived in a particular isolated village, and even then, his nickname was "The Edgy Countrybumpkin." Sangue first discovered his power when he accidentally slapped his dog with a hand covered in blood. Thinking that Sangue tried to murder his own dog, his parents nearly gave him the longest berating of all time. The man saved himself by accidentally waving his hands at them in shock, which sent two pillars of blood straight at his parents. When news of the accident spread, he officially became "Deathedge;" the man who became edgy the instant moment something went wrong with his life.

Of course, Deathedge did not want to live with such an edgy-a*s name, so he attempted to hide the power from everyone... though, at that point, all of the villagers knew about what he was capable of. So despite the accident that occurred, Sangue lived a normal middle schooler's life.

Then, his parents thought about sending him to the Orean Cause because it had people with powers like he did.




...The end.

And yes, even the reason behind why he began to attend Orean Cause was abnormally normal, coming from someone who accidentally found his power by slapping a dog.

Theme Song:

Clubs: None; there is, however, a fan-club of Sangue that makes up a bunch of fanfictions of his "supposed tales involving the Yakuza, the U.S. military, and the Illuminati." The fan-club's name is, predictably, Bloodedge

Dreams: To graduate.



"Here comes THE D!"

Disc O. Baylor

Nicknames: Disco Bael; Mr. D; Home Boylor

Age: 19



Light and Sound Manipulation: Disc can manipulate the color of lights around him, along with the strength of his voice and music at abnormal levels.

The Ball: Disc can summon a disco ball that seemingly hangs out of an interdimensional pocket that appears slightly above him. This disco ball likes to shoot around lights sent towards it like any other disco ball would. Feel free to toss in rainbows once this things pops up.


Get Baellin’: Disc takes out a boombox, putting on the ground, before dancing his heart out. During this time, Disc will perform a plethora of showy, heart-filled dance moves.

Groove Maniac: Disc can jam out to absolutely any given song. This includes even the most incoherent of melodies.

Bassmatazz: Disc can create auditory “bass” illusions; this means that he can affect the strength of certain beats, allowing him to perform identical dances with others using a completely different power behind his steps.

Boxing: Disc knows how to boxercise. Though his specialty is obviously not combat, Disc enjoys working out with this particular exercise and somehow made his own self-defense mechanism out of it.


Dancing, listening to other kinds of music, boxercise, parodying old plays by “remixing” it, Minesweeper


Disc holds one of the most annoying personalities to those who are not particularly in the mood to dance. Boasting an innocence that surpasses human understanding when it comes to dancing, Disc enjoys to watch others dance, and feels satisfaction from praises directed towards his performances. Bubbly, talkative, and extremely music-oriented, Disc also holds a soft spot in helping shy people chill their poor bones out, though he usually found himself getting smacked into the floor in the most fabulous way possible. Self-confidence oozes out of him, as his number one reason for doing things some people cannot understand is “I am fabulous.”


Disc never lived a normal life before, and he did not care about this at all! There were some dudes who challenged him into dance-offs, and though Disc himself did not know how it felt natural to challenge someone into a dance battle, he accepted and won every single one of such matches. Some people wanted to hire him, though he did not find most of such places to be good places to happily dance off to his disco music in.
His parents, while dead, managed to leave behind a great amount of wealth. As the inheritor of the money, Disc gave away a fair amount of it to several orphanages, hoping to contribute a little to the children who no longer had any parents. Other than the fact that his parents no longer breathed with the beats of life, Disco lived happily. He somehow wandered into the Orean Cause and decided to become a student there. Fortunately for him, he did not need to go back to elementary school or anything, for he somehow knew his own portion of high school education.

Additional Appearances

Theme Songs

My Childhood Dream (Disco Bael's World Tour Debut)

Disco Inferno

Battle Theme

Uptown Funk




A girl was once gifted and cursed with two spirits that watched over her. These two spirits, angel and demon, overwatched her during her isolation from the world. She remained locked in a prison, trapped inside an orb of light and darkness, ultimately keeping her away from everything harmful to her.
As of recent days, however, a man had unlocked the seal, and the girl now found herself waking up in a forest. Without a word, the man, armed with three swords and a blood-painted face, brought the girl to Orean Cause. The girl, who knew nothing other than the two spirits that watch over her, now finds herself living a confusing life at the school.
Some call her an angel, some call her a demon. The angel and demon call her “Saya.”



Nicknames: Child of Light, Child of Dark, "The Follower"

Age: 17 (Stayed dormant for one hundred thousand years)

Gender: Female


Ilvya and Duatos: Saya has two spirits watching over her, one an angel and one a demon. The angel can ease the troubled souls of Saya and people around her, while the demon can cast terrifying magic known to exist only in forbidden arts. Not even the strongest of demonic mages can replicate the unique spells.

Wings of Lone: Saya has wings, even if she does not how to use them. At day, her wings are feathery, and at night, her wings are covered in demonic bone artifacts. At day, her wings can be used to let her sort of float in the air, and at night, her wings can propel her around wildly. Casting moonlight or daylight upon her wings will slowly change its forms, though this method of changing the wings' forms can only happen when Saya has the wings out.

Influence: Saya gains “Influence” from those she interacts with. She may become similar and develop a habit other people have, though this can be refuted by simply telling her to stop.


-Finding things
-Being curious
-Being blunt
-Making food
-Being diligent


Saya tends to follow people she becomes fond of. Other than this, there are no known hobbies she actually enjoys doing.


Saya does not speak often, as she can only speak due to the influence of Ilvya. She is silent, but somewhat curious of many things around her. The girl herself is harmless, though the spirits that watch over her are a completely different story. She seems incapable of showing her emotions properly, as she always puts up a blank look at many circumstances. She develops traits based on interactions with others.

When Saya feels nervous, she holds her white doll tightly; this can easily be used as a signal that Duatos may be physically summoned to directly settle matters that are disturbing her.







Additional Appearances

Fun Facts

-She never seems to let go of the white doll she was left with.
-The demon has two forms: one looks deceptively harmless while the other looks nightmarish and dreadful. The harmless-looking one is usually used to screw around with people.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Mithril Linseis

Age: 25
Gender: Male
Species: Human

Broker’s Luck: Mithril’s eyes shift colors randomly and slowly. Mithril is able to see the probability of danger through his eyes, and cannot be tricked by illusions because he could see right through them.

Sober Machine: Mithril cannot get drunk by drinking alcohol, and is unable to remain dizzy for more than five seconds.

Unorthodox Martial Arts: Mithril uses an unorthodox set of martial art attacks, most of them involving his weapons. His fighting style is generally strong against those who fight with traditional styles of fighting (including styles that involve using orthodox magic spells), but he is less effective against those who specifically train to deal with any kind of fighting style that can adapt to opponents extremely quickly. His unorthodox martial arts can also let martial art teachers teach how to deal with targets who do not fight accordingly with traditional fighting styles.

White Roar: Mithril’s sword has a white blade that allows him to react quickly to far-ranged attacks, though this does not necessarily mean that he will completely counter the attacks. White Roar can catch on fire, and the fire can be intensified if Mithril spits a burst of alcohol on the blade.

Fire + Explosion Manipulation: Mithril’s Fire Manipulation is subpar, but his Explosion Manipulation can be used in extremely creative ways. This makes him reliant on playing mind games with his opponents whenever he focuses on using his Explosion Manipulation.


Ninja Feel: Mithril copes a feel with an admirable speed. What he feels is up to him, though one can easily imagine what he would do with this ability.

"We Don't Need These": Mithril throws a bunch of crap in the air, whether it be papers, bombs, or bottles of beer.

"PASS ME YOUR HOMEWORK HAHAHAHA": Mithril's strongest ability in the classroom.

Explosive Lecture: Mithril teaches with his Fire and Explosion Manipulation powers. It either ends really well or really badly. Mithril prefers to end things badly.

Nudge: Mithril follows his OTP and gives a push to certain people.

Beer: Mithril keeps his beer in a thermos. Don't ask why.


Mithril is weak to chocolate and sweets in general, and will usually pick unhealthy snacks over healthy ones (though, he still somehow manages to balance his diet). He also loves women and tends to start acting insane when something perverted happens. Despite being one of the most efficient teachers when it comes to paperwork, Mithril has the tendency to throw all of his work in the air after he finishes everything. His straightforward methods of lecturing can get on many of the faculty's nerves, as he enjoys making fun of plenty of things (all out of playful intentions, that is).

"So Andrew Jackson was kind of racist because he was allergic to feathers. That also explains why he couldn't fly like the Indians- or at least, he thought they could fly. Indian Removal Act equals Anti-R. Kelly Act. Remember that."


Mithril is both admirable and idiotic in amazing ways. On one hand, he is unlike many teachers, being able to get along with his students quite quickly due to his lax attitude and knowledge on modern trends. He also enjoys studying his students, allowing him to know more about species so that he would be able to avoid touchy subjects. On the other hand, he can get stupidly perverted and start making innuendo jokes as if he were making tons of Hong Kong action flicks. He loves women, and is often misunderstood to be a flat-out pervert. Being the owner of a mansion filled with maids, all of whom were saved by him from true danger, he knows how to deal with finance, and can be very clever at times.


Mithril once lived a dumb life of chasing after women while failing his grades at middle school, but one day, he broke away from the blind dream and succeeded in both high school and college. Despite the degrees and majors he rightfully earned, however, when Mithril discovered his powers and was invited to work at Orean Cause, he accepted immediately.

He swore that- with a burning motivation- he would teach some kids how to kick ass and make those who try to harm his students cry for their mommies "who're probably working at (his) mansion, anyway".


Collecting trading cards, venturing out to help those in dire circumstances, exploring places, writing


Cooking, planning, writing, providing feedback, memorizing things


+ Manly brothers-from-different-mothers
+ Kicking ass- figuratively and literally
+ Teaching stuff in his own way
+ Playing games

- Workshifts
- Emo Time
- Sadness
- Inconfidence


Liquor, Bar and Drunkard (L.A. Vocal)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Unfortunately
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Unfortunately smug

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Haga'Treth Lakfakalle

Species: Cada-Trell (or simply flesh-manipulating aliens)

Age: 44 earth-years, or 15 Cada-Trell years

Gender: Male

Human Alias: Julius Constantine

Nickname: The Fleshmaker, Ayy Lmao (Haga'Treth considers this racist.)

Mutagenetic: Haga'Treth has the ability to manipulate and mutate his biological makeup, allowing to distort his flesh on a Tetsuo-like scale (albeit lacking the ability to totally mutate into a monstrous abominable blob of flesh), shift his body features (such as nails into claws) in various situations, and close wounds quickly. Mutagenetic is painful to use, and is only limited to the last two features mentioned with Haga'Treth's current level of pain tolerance. A Cada-Trell's pain tolerance can increase as he/she matures more.

Behind Mutagenic's ability to distort the body is the massive load of mitosis-critical telomeres inside Haga'Treth's cells, and its function of recycling the telomeres such that his lifespan won't be much affected by this ability, although magic ultimately directs the rapid division of cells. Extra cells (except replacement cells for wounds) automatically recycle some time afterwards, meaning that Mutagenic can't generate permanent extra limbs. To support the extra cells' supply, blood cells also multiply.

Haga'Treth's use of Mutagenetic to the extremes can disrupt the morale of opponents due to disgust.

Energy Pistol: Cada-Trell technology that fires shots of plasma and deals slight burn damage. This is more of a self-defense counterpart to the Energy Rifle that Haga'Treth does not have, which can damage steel.
SOCIAL: Facially and Vocally Emotionless: The Cada-Trell finds great difficulty in physically showing emotions through the face and in the manner of speaking, so in human interaction, Haga'Treth uses over 66 crafted masks that has a certain emotion assigned to each, which is displayed on the side of his head, not directly on the face.

COMBAT: Low Pain Tolerance: Haga'Treth finds a punch to the face as painful as being hit by a train on maximum speed. A slap means a punch. This is expected of a young Cada-Trell, since their nerves are still sensitive in their early years.

Combine Low Pain Tolerance and Facially/Vocally Emotionless, and you got Julius Constantine lying on the ground, shaking and shivering and unable to scream after being slapped due to his perverted antics.

Despite sounding like a shy, introverted and innocent boy through his tone of speaking, Haga'Treth-- or Julius Constantine as the human species know him, is a full-scale idiot and an absolute pervert with a laid-back attitude. The human female is a love at first sight for the alien boy, and as such he takes a great curiosity on "discovering" more of the female human anatomy. While intellectually average, Julius is a social idiot: he can be inconsiderate and may unknowingly insult others. Being an alien assigned to observe the human race, Haga'Treth does not forget his task, and writes a "journal" message towards the Cada-Trell government regularly, although his species does not have any intention of invading Earth and is simply preparing for a first contact some 40 years into the future.

The Cada-Trell race are a scientific, slightly magical spacefaring species consisting of several different political countries, each with their own ideals, philosophies and progresses. Haga'Treth was of the Fmigl Republic, the third most advanced out of all the Cada-Trell nations, who was the first of the countries to find . Living a simple life with his family, Haga'Treth volunteered for observatory service and was able to perform his duty on Earth, undergoing some training before his arrival.

Haga'Treth set his sights on Orean Cause, the nearest place of his arrival, primarily to study the educational, technological and social methods of humanity, but also to look for girls to satisfy his perversion. Unbeknownst to him, the Orean Cause is home to many people like him capability-wise.

Peeping, studying, reading, trying out human food and exploring.

Mental mathematics, hiding and cleaning.

+Human culture in general

-Getting slapped
-Getting punched

Club: Literature

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM: Phys Ed
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM: English
11:00 AM - 12:00 NN: Statistics
12:00 NN - 1:00 PM: Lunch
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM: Biology
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM: History
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM: Literature Club

Haga'Treth originally didn't have a human appearance, nor he was humanoid to begin with; the Cada-Trell are arthropod-mammals that resembled large fleshy coconut crabs. Thanks to biological reshaping technology available for people on scouting and spying duty, which used Cada-Trell cells to create a body that resembled other species and transferred the brains to those bodies, Haga'Treth was able to assume a human shape.

Haga'Treth studied English back in training, using data based on a few Cada-Trell currently in exploration on Earth.

Haga'Treth has an actual good reason for hiding his power aside from school rules: it's his job.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

”Water, water freakin’ EVERYWHERE, and not a single drop to drink! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-” -Ryuu at an aquarium when he was younger

Ryuu Yamauchi

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Species: Human


Plasma Manipulation: Ryuu Yamauchi can manipulate and generate plasma of many kinds. He must touch an object in order to generate plasma.

Ninja Book-Reader: Ryuu has the ability to read so stealthily, one may think that he’s watching porn.

Slightly Tough Guy: Ryuu is moderately fit, despite never showing that he exercises that much outside of his school activities. He has the potential to become physically stronger.

Instinct: Though Ryuu is usually one of the densest people around, once he becomes suspicious of something, he can become extremely aware of the mentioned thing’s actions and behavior. Catching his attention in a fight against him is not recommended due to the fact that he has a fair amount of combat potential.


Wild Imaginations: Ryuu can generate wild imaginations. They can be read whenever he appears in a post and has wild imaginations.

Suffix Screamer: In order to sound respectful and angry towards certain people, he may add in a random Japanese suffix, making those who attach Japanese suffixes to the ends of their sentences feel ten thousand times more shameful just because he says it.

Bake: Ryuu is decent at cooking. Just don’t make him bake. He nearly got arrested for being mistaken as a terrorist.

Extra Pair: Ryuu has two pairs of shades with him by default. One is yellow, the other is sky-blue. He has other sunglasses that have different colors, but they all have the same general shape.


Working, reading manga, making punks have second thoughts about their lives, fighting, doing housework while watching anime and other random shows


+ Anime/Manga
+ Active work
+ Martial arts and beatdowns
+ Reading novels
+ Blaming nachos for every mistake he makes

- Nachos
- People peeking over at his stuff
- “Are you an otaku?”
- Having his sunglasses getting taken off


Ryuu has partial photophobia, which makes his powers hard to use without his sunglasses. He can also feel quite lightheaded when interacting with “hot” women, and can feel ticked off at both genders in different ways. Ryuu favors aggressive methods to reach his goals, making him rash at random times that make him- justifiably- excited. He does not know that his nervousness to women is actually a strange case of partial gynophobia and a very small tinge of masochism, which makes his distaste in masochism in general quite ironic.


A tough life is the life that chose Ryuu. Armored with a mean-and-lean demeanor, he displays an unusual amount of activity for one who reads so many mangas and watches too much anime. The man enjoys beating the crap out of people who cross the line in ticking him off (mostly in martial arts), and he has a strange aura of tension due to his general nervousness of interacting with people. As the rich Yamauchi family’s third and last sibling, he enjoys living the way he wants to live, but sometimes doubts his own choices. He is not a man with a good heart, but he is clearly aware of what is right and wrong, and what hurts him and the many defenseless people he used to live with.

Though Ryuu interacts normally with men, he can react abnormally when he interacts with women. His wild imaginations may make him seem like a crazy monster steam-rolling through his sanity, but Ryuu is actually influenced by the many shows and comics he watched and read, thus twisting his view of reality and fantasy quite nicely (lol). His plasma powers have a side-effect of making him nosebleed very often. Sometimes, perverseness can get in the way of Ryuu’s true motives. He tries to keep such thoughts in a dark corner of his head.


Nothing much is known about Ryuu. He was raised in the Yamauchi family, learned about his powers after tearing the roof off on accident, and was soon sent to Orean Cause after his middle school years. Wherever he went, he was allowed to wear sunglasses due to his partial photophobia.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I'm not a hero. I'm like you."

Zanereth Octavius

Nicknames: Zen, Xen, Octet, "Big Damn Hero"

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Human + Catalyst


Octavius Eye: Zanereth is able to read many languages without having to learn much about them. Code languages such as morse code or nonsensical symbols, however, require him to put more effort in understanding them.

Salt Manipulation / Sand Manipulation: Zanereth is able to generate salt at his own will. He can use the salt to carry himself into the air, defend himself, and utilize water at his own will if he applies his salt into it. He is also able to manipulate sand, but he hates sand.

Bane: Zanereth's blade, Bane, can be used to tap into an unknown world simply known as "Nihilith Void" and gather raw energy from it. Bane can channel the energy it receives to Zanereth, and activates only when he wants it to. The energy allows Zanereth to utilize red thunder magic, though he ironically uses it mostly to charge his phone.

Passive Equalizer: Zanereth's most unique ability. Zanereth automatically lessens the impact of Weaknesses those around him have. For example, if one were to be weak to Light Manipulation magic, the impact of the magic will be less harmful to the target. Physical damage will also be slightly decreased when Zanereth is present (ie. A truck rams into a bird; the bird lives, albeit with some broken bones). These effects applies to all targets, including both non-organic targets and organic targets, within a moderately large radius around Zanereth. Zanereth himself does not benefit anything more than others affected by Passive Equalizer.


Zanereth is a person. Passive Equalizer only decreases the amount of injuries Zanereth and people around him receive; this means that people could still get hurt to a certain extent, and should not fully rely on his power. Although he is not weak to specific powers, he lacks the ability to use his Manipulation powers to gain an upperhand in a tight situation. He can be cold due to the disturbingly calm influence of Nihilith Void's energy, despite his efforts in helping people out.


Solving math problems, eavesdropping, naming people, cooking


+ Food
+ Beds
+ Games
+ History books
+ Being quiet

- Being loud
- Foreign language books (because they're pretty easy)
- Windows
- Tragedies
- Isolationism


Zanereth enjoys listening into his friends' conversations without actually participating in them; he does not necessarily hate social interactions. When occupied with finishing his work, he can be very quiet, but will not hesitate in putting his work down for someone he knows of. Rather than being aloof, Zanereth is usually alert without looking too serious. His looks contrast greatly with his actual personality, though he does tend to stay relatively quiet due to the influence of Nihilith Void.


At a young age, Zanereth once played hero by saving his little sister from a burning apartment, leaping out of a building and somehow surviving the jump. That day, his mother was outside of their home, and the fire department was too far away to prevent everyone from dying. He used his body as a cushion for his sister, only to find himself in a hospital.

He was alone when he woke up, but there were two differences he felt.

One, he did not feel hurt at all.

Two, there was a sword resting underneath his pillow.

Ironically, the boy who played hero did not know of the hero who gave him the blade. But nevertheless, he decided to keep the blade. He went through a hard time hiding the fact that some random person gave him a long sword, but managed to leave the hospital and shove it in his house by... jumping out of the hospital building. A week later, life returned to normal.

At his middle school days, Zanereth discovered many things simply by spending time alone. He discovered his ability to generate salt and showed it to some fellow student named Deathedge, who believed that Zanereth was playing magic tricks on him.

Life went on, and he soon received an invitational letter from Orean Cause, which asked if he wanted to learn more about both himself and his powers. With the old feeling of excitement surging through him once more, he silently transferred to Orean Cause.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 10 days ago

Name: N/A

Nickname: Grimm

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: He's around 5'11 with piercing ice blue eyes and shaggy, silver hair that looks like it hasn't come near a brush in years. His skin is rather pale due to lack of sun exposure, and his face is fairly angular. He's body is rather athletic, and he bears several scars on his body, most due to training, but one or two are from self-inflicted injuries. When left to his own devices, he'll wear his Reaper outfit, which is a set of black leather armor, with black metal plates covering his more vital areas, as well as some slightly gothic styled gauntlets, greaves, and the trademarked Reaper cloak, complete with a badass hood.

When he has to be around the living, however, he just chooses what ever he can find, tending to keep the colors dark so that he can sneak around better in case something reaper-ish comes up. Usual get up is black shirt, some sort of jacket, jeans, and iron-toed combat boots.

Powers: Grim is a Grim Reaper, or at least he will be in the future, which allows him to see, interact with, speak to, and control the spirits of the dead. He can also see peoples souls, able to glean what they're actively thinking about, their general mood, how they feel about certain people, and whether or not they are human. He also has a scythe as his main weapon, which help him channel and control his offensive abilities, which can be summoned at will from where ever it is and is stored in a pocket dimension when not in use. Using the souls of the dead, which he traps with in special gems embedded in his scythe, he can gain a variety of abilities depending on how the person whose soul he is using died. He currently has access to:

Death by burning(Grants pyrokinetic abilities) Level of mastery: Intermediate, he can summon large fire balls and control them at will, as well as form them into basic constructs.

Death by drowning(Hydrokinesis)Level of mastery: Lower intermediate, he can freely control and shape water, but he can pressurize it properly, and any attempt to try usually ends up blowing up in his face.

Blown off a mountain(Aerokinesis) Level of mastery: Apprentice: He can use it to exert force in front of him, as well as re-direct winds slightly.

Exsanguination(Haemokinesis and Vampiric Traits) Level of mastery: Low apprentice He can control the blood in his body to make spikes come from his skin and his body becpme slighlty more durable.

Devoured by wolves(Partial Lycanthropy) Level of mastery: Intermediate He gains accelerated healing, advanced senses, improved physical capabilities, and Lupine Physical characteristics

Poisoned(Ability to create numerous poisons, toxins, and venoms) Level,of mastery: apprentice. Can make dissolveable shards that can be lengthened to use as weapins and projectiles. All poisons will be lavender-colored. available poisons are modrate paralysis, weak sleep poison, moderate numbing poison

Shot to Death(Extremely good at marksmanship and ability to create guns and viable ammunition) Level of mastery: Apprentice, can summon handguns and revolvers

He can only use one gem at a time, and switching between gems takes 15 secs.


What the hell are you?: Grim has never talk or been within a mile of a living female for a majority of his life. This makes him somewhat curious of them, and thus is why he'll talk to,a girl sooner than hell talk to a guy. However, his curiosity has been known to overstep a few bounds, and other times lead him into compromising situations. Naturally, these events make it so that he wants to be around the living even less, but his curiosity keeps him from fleeing to the local graveyard.

The Reapers Cost: A requirement for soul channeling, as Grimm's magic is known as, is that one must experience the death of the soul they channel everytime they channel it. Grim is the first Reaper to use this magic type in over 5 millenia, as the effects of experiencing death over and over again takes a toll on the mind rather quickly.

Immortality-intolerance: Grimm bears something akin to an allergy to Immortals, as when ever they are near he gets a headache, his nose starts to get stuffy, and he becomes very irritable.

Why can't the living be like the dead, Quiet: He doesn't interact well with having to talk to people, having spent most of his life around silent bones and corpses for company. This leads him to hardly ever initiate a conversation and made him kind of a ditz, as he likes to spemd his time off in his own little world.

Clueless: Grim, doesn't have much experience with people, or anything related to normal society, even some of the most basic things. Such things like personal space, manners, or how to use a T.V. This lack of knowledge is part if the reason he was sent to Orean Cause, so he can experience these things for himself amd forced to interact with people. It's easier to guide souls into the afterlife when you have good people skills.

Skills: Sports, Academics, Drawing, Painting, Fencing, Scythe fighting, Parkour, and Card Games

Hobbies: Dueling, Drawing, and Painting

Personality: Grim can be rather stoic at times, rarely showing emotions greater than a bit of dry sarcasm and wit. He's also a curious individual, tending to observe things that bear his interest, the main thing being the living. He feels that the best way to understand something is through observation of them in their natural setting. When applied to people, this can be misconstrued as stalking.

Bio: Grim has been sent to Orean Cause in order to take care of his social issues and to get him used to dealing with the living.

Likes: Dead people, his scythe, being by himself, quiet, peace

Dislikes: Immortals, the living, talking to energetic people, being in a crowd, being forced to interact with others

Clubs: Arts and Fencing Clubs

Dreams:To become a Grand Reaper, like his father
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Unfortunately
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Unfortunately smug

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jᴇʀᴇᴍɪᴀʜ Cʀᴀᴡᴛʜᴏʀɴᴇ

"Buckle up! Wait, there are no seatbelts on a bike..."

Nicknames: Jerry, Trickride(r, although Trickride seems less cliche according to Jeremiah), Biker Wizard

Age: 17

Gender: Male



The Arcane Stone: Jerry has no actual source of magic, but instead, he uses this greenish gift from his father. The Arcane Stone is said to grant a gradual and capped but infinite amounts of magic to anyone who bears it. To those with existing magical powers, the Arcane Stone can be said as some sort of powerbank. To non-magic users, the Arcane Stone can be used to utilize spell tomes and grimoires, which has mumbo jumbo language, symbols and circles written on it that can be manufactured by some who know the art of magic. There is some speculation that the Arcane Stone is the opposite counterpart of Roanesca's Crimson Stone, but this stone actually can easily be manufactured inhumanely through the usage of alchemical rites that strip away pure magic (and their magical powers) from a person and store them inside the rock that will be an Arcane Stone, unlike the Crimson Stone that has lost its origin story and could be potentially more powerful than the Arcane Stone in the fact that it might nullify any magic it comes in contact to, even if it belongs to a god. As it is capped, it has a capacity of one human wizard and recovers gradually once used up.

The Bike: Just some coolio old motorcycle, but can be a catalyst for item-class spell tomes. It is a Royal Enfield Bullet 350 UCE Twinspark, with customizations such as a headlight with a red ring with a yellow center, orange neon lights along the wheels and seat, and a Daft Punk helmet.

Spell Tomes: Books manufactured by some mages for arcane users, containing various abilities. These books can be used by simply staring at a random page before casting, and an English usage manual and description can be found in the first few pages. The spells are designed by his father, hence most of them revolving around his bike.


Movement Enhancement Spell Tome: Magic gushes to any of his limbs, enhancing their strength. Feet can be enhanced to make a high jump or a powerful kick. Arms can be used to deliver enhanced punches or lift semi-heavy (motorcycles, but not cars) objects. Using this runs the risk of breaking his bones as it does not enhance the durability of his body parts, and may run out while lifting and crush his hands.

MEST Move - Rush N' Pow: Jerry prepares his fists and feet, channeling magic towards them. Upon completion, he will rush forward to his opponent quickly and make a powerful punch, damaging limbs if his foe guards with his bare arms, but defending partially or completely if a shield is used. Once the enemy has been successfully knocked, Jerry uses the magic on his feet to deliver a second punch and two powerful kicks. If the kick fails to execute, the magic can be used for other purposes. MEST moves simply require reading the Movement Enhancement Spell Tome, since only limb empowerments are made to execute Rush N' Pow.

MEST Move - Kickstarter Fist Barrage: Jerry closes in on his opponent, then delivers a kick that sets them off their footing. A rapid flurry of punches follow.

Melee-Class Spell Tome - Arcane Drill Break: Jeremiah channels a larger amount of magic than normal on his feet, then uses a part of the magic to high jump. While in midair, he forms a spiral of tangible arcane energy arranged into a large drill on his hand. Once the drill has been conjured, Arcane Drill Break executes, using the rest of his foot energy to propel himself towards his foe and spinning the drill as he points it towards them, before hitting them with great force. Since a magic drill is made, Arcane Drill Break requires reading its own spell tome, but a part of MEST is included here, and as such Jerry does not need to execute MEST before ADB.

Item-Class Spell Tome - T R O N: While on his bike, Jerry infuses it with magic and makes it leave behind a trail of harming arcane energy that lasts for 5 seconds. The duration is for how long magic flows into his motorcycle.

Item-Class Spell Tome - Headlight Heatwave: Jerry's bike charges a hot ball of light on its headlight, before releasing it as a wave of heat that scorches things along its path and lessens its effect with distance.

Item-Class Spell Tome - Vegas Drift: Jerry drifts his magic-enveloped motorcycle, then leaps out of it while keeping his hands on the steering handles, then swings it hard (but not hard enough to break his vehicle) upon the ground or upon his foe. A shockwave from the magic wrapping around the bike is produced from the impact, damaging and knocking back nearby enemies.

Item-Class Spell Tome - Third Wheel: Jerry rides his motorcycle at a speed more than 30 km/h, upon which he proceeds to make a wheelie by leaning backward. The front wheel generates a red image of itself, which chases the target and hits them with a force equivalent to Arcane Drill Break, then fires a lesser concentrated form of Headlight Heatwave at his foe before returning to the motorcycle. A T R O N trail is made in the process while the wheel travels.


Being required to read the spell tomes before casting, Jeremiah Crawthorne's attacks can be very easily predicted. One may keep an eye on his hand, and as soon has he stares at a book, they may start preparing to defend against a potential attack. In addition, since his spells require material objects, taking them away from him can render him completely vulnerable, especially if the Arcane Stone would be snatched from his possession. All of his items being stolen might give his spells and a source of extra magic to the wrong hands.


Jeremiah Crawthorne is your average 90's rebellious cool guy: he's a slacker at times, he has an interest for motoring and women, he likes to show off and he's mean and lean. He has a strong sense of self-worth, to the point of bullying the crap out of people that dare give him a "sense of lowliness", regardless of if they were actually mocking him or was just teaching him the value of humility, and even without regard of whether they're a teacher or not. However, Jeremiah can be genuinely scared, most frequently by threatening him to be reported to the headmistress and perhaps be creeped out by people who he deems has a severe lack of sanity. Jerry has clear awareness of right and wrong, even if his attitude proves otherwise. He looks out for the safety and well-being of the weak, the morally good, and the friends he made over the years. Despite his interest in women, he's not a flat-out pervert that peeps in the bathroom nor fantasizes about sex too much; he respects the privacy and image of women. Jerry also knows that school is important to getting a job, which is important to make money, which is also important to live and buy more autos.

Jeremiah has some interest in anime and manga, but rules out plain old schoolgirl, harem and fanservice stuff from that interest. Ghibli films, shounen stuff and plenty of others that are not within the range of his exceptions are an example.


Hailing from the same village Roanesca was raised in, Jeremiah Crawthorne was born from a rich businessman who happens to be a mage and a writer of spell tomes, and an average mother who died in childbirth. Since Jerry inherited more from the mage's dead wife, he received the gift of magic on his sixth birthday through the Arcane Stone, and a few spell tomes on his succeeding birthdays.

Jerry was the bad boy of his village; he caught the attention of many girls in his teenage years. Unfortunately for him, he couldn't grab the heart of a certain orphanage girl, who he actually fell for. When news spread that she went missing from the village, Jerry lived the rest of his life spending his time on trying to find another, practicing his dad's gift, showing off and customizing his bike that he got on his 16th birthday, and taking his time on hobbies.

At the age of 17, he and his father moved to the city. His dad sent him to Orean Cause knowing that his son will meet others like him, while Jerry himself is yet to realize what's in wait in this school...


Motoring, showing off, reading and watching his personal preferences of anime and manga, flirting and listening to music.


+ Autos
+ Showing off
+ Non-"girly" anime/manga
+ Women
+ His bike
+ Rock (although slightly less on metal)

- Perverts
- Fanservice/schoolgirl/harem oriented anime/manga
- People touching his bike
- Fightin'
- Pop Music


NOTE: Jerry will not be taking a dorm.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 10 days ago


Name:Revan Lyone

Nickname: Rev, Sadist Bastard, the Security guy you don't want to piss off

Age: "I existed su=ince before the Heavens were even a thought, I lost count a long damn time ago."

Race: Primordial Demon God, Sealed and bound to the planet and physical form by the gods to keep him from destroying the universe, at least at first. Pretty sure they've forgotten his existence by now

Gender: Generally Male, but as a being with no set form, he's changeable


Domination: When he was at his prime, anything he saw was under his control, now he can only control animals with ease. To others, his voice holds a very powerful sense of suggestion that tugs on the mind in a way they won't even notice unless they are skilled in abilities of like context. Thus, he's very hard to refuse, but he can still be refused through force of will, though it won't be easy. This ability can be turned on and off, so that bad things don't happen when he says something like, 'Go fuck yourself'. Yeah, that would be very bad. Mostly used to get others to do his work for him, or convince beautiful ladies to come with him to bed. Some may say this is immoral, Revan tells those people to take a long walk off a short pier with this ability activated. Now there is only silence

Shapeshifting: While Revan has to take a physical form, he's free to change it up as he likes. He can become anything and anyone he wishes, though it's usually too much work to change his form, so he hardly uses this ability.

Immortal Body: His body can regenerate from any injury, killing him is not possible, and he can only feel pain from things that are meant to hurt demons. He's also immune to disease and keeps and keeps his well-toned body while living off of the worst food imaginable and never working out. Oh, he doesn't really need to eat, but he likes the way it feels going down. Thinks it's weird. Also, he's extremely fast, strong and durable. so fighting him seriously can end badly, However, getting him to actually fight you is the had part

Demon Forms: He can take on forms of power that give him access to magic. This is something he only figured out recently, so he only has two forms, and those took him a thousand years each to unlock. Could probably do it faster, but again, too much effort is required.

Darkness Incarnate Form:

Control of darkness and ability to turn it into weapon and constructs, limited by the seal so that he can't flood the city with it, but he can summon a considerable amount. This darkness also has a corrupting influence on it, and if enough seeps into a person, they will be subject to a second of unimaginable pain before a construct of darkness is born that is their opposite in everyday possible, except for physical. These constructs can only be sent away by Revan, or being shone on by a extremely intense source of light, and will follow around the one they come. THey'll eventual gain color after a set amount of time and began acting away from the person, until finally they become their own person, after a total of 4 days. Once that happens, they become flesh and good and impossible to send away.

Hellfire Incarnate Form:

This allows him to summon and control a black flame that can burn souls as well as flesh, though this causes no real damage to a person and instead etches away at their emotions. This can be undone by drinking Revan's blood while in this form, which is glowing and golden like heavenly ichor. Also, these flames are excellent at repelling ghosts and spirits, as it would eat away at their essence if they get too close. To such beings, the flames give them a sense of intense dread and their being tells them to go the other way entirely. Finally, it deals more damage to those of Demonic and Angelic blood, though doesn't even touch those who bear both, Revan believes that the blood in his veins is like a counteractive that allows him to use this ability, allowing him to safely use the flames. If enough of it is used, it can even kill Angels and Demons, though in his present state, the amount required to do that is rather large.

Primordial Mind: It's not a good idea to try and look into/interact with his mind and soul, it is incomprehensible and will only end up shattering your mind to pieces. Unless one can understand the madness and chaos that existed in the void of nothingness that existed before the beginning of anything, than they are in for a hell of a trip.

Negative Aura: Revan gives off an aura that brings out the worst in people, however it is greatly weakened in his present state and thus can only make people slight more prone to their worst qualities around him, This doesn't affect demons and angels.

Weakness: Anything made specially to hurt demons, not just holy items, his laziness, completely unmotivated to do anything except what's necessary to support his son, easily side-tracked by anything that speaks to advice, which equates to Booze, Babes, ways to get out of doing something, torturing some poor sap.

Skills: Sleeping, a good manipulator, being a jerk, Cooking when he feels like it, delegating work to others, Fighting, as he an uncountable about of experience to call upon in a fight.

Hobbies: Sleep, fucking with students, just plain Fucking, indulging in his vices, napping,

Personality: Revan, as he call himself in this period of time, is a lazy fuck and is just a step above a dead beat. He has been living for a long ass time, and has wasted his hatred, anger, and all the other negative and psychotic emotions a demon can go through. In general, he's just bored with life for the most part, and prefers to just sleep it by. However, he has gained an annoying emotion from his time on earth around dumb humans. Sentiment and a small inking of consciousness. This causes him to actually care for people, though it does take some effort to get him to do so. But once he does, there isn't a single thing on this earth that can save you from his wrath if you hurt them. Not even kidding, he'll kill you and not think twice about it.

Background: He's been in the world for a fucking long time, and has done a lot of things. However, he suddenly finds himself with a son that he suddenly finds himself caring about. So, as a new father he needs a job to take care of the kid. After 13 years of job after job and countless moves, he's found himself at Orean Cause with his son Xavier, who he enrolled into the school because why not.

Optionals: (anything else you want to add here, you have an option to put it or not such as in likes and dislikes)

-Messing around with Students
-being an ass
-Being a father, strangely
-his son
-People with a weak will

-people who bother him
-people interrupting his peace and quiet
-Trouble makes, cause he has to actually deal with them
-OVerly exictable people

Theme song:

Job: Security Guard, works both shifts, lives on the grounds

Dreams: N/A
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Iyo is about 5'6 and weighs about 118 lb.

Name: Ion Hinotoru

Nickname: Iyo

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Powers: He gots no powers though his mom is a nephilim which may open his powers in the future.


Stupid: Iyo is sort of…stupid so common things don’t usually go through his head. Even oblivious perverted intents that people have on him he will not get.

Overly attached: Iyo can be…overly attached to someone and once he sees someone with someone else he goes girlfriend jealousy.

Skills: Dancing , Gymnastics and being a tsundere

Hobbies: Dancing with his twin, fighting with his twin, Gymnastics and cooking.


Iyo is also an interesting character, he isn’t like his younger twin with girly clothing but instead…he steals his little sister’s underwear and wears them instead. Underneath his normal clothing is his secrets of girl under wear. He didn’t know how it started but he truly admits it feels comfortable. He likes to dance and do gymnastics while wearing them but tried his best to hide his shame.

Iyo though is sort of in the words…stupid, as he doesn’t understand things that usually freak people out. As he works part time as a waiter in a very small café he gets request to do things that usually would disgust anyone but for Iyo he is special and well… thinks they are normal and misinterprets them. Like some would ask him to wear no underwear…he just thinks that well…he would just get a stomachache from that that is all. Not even bother by it… he is a special type of stupid…

He does end up being a tsundere when it comes to his friends. Iyo hates admitting that he indeed gets a bit tsundere with the people he cares for, mostly his big twin brother. Sometimes Iyo can be a bit clingy with the people he likes. He is almost like an overly attached girlfriend when it comes to his friend in the inside. He clings and hugs their arms, gets jealous easily and tries to know what all of his friends are doing. Even though he is like that he still is a good guy just a wee bit… odd and mean. Dancing is one of many things he loves to do, with gymnastics he can do a bit better than Hana but they are still a dancing duo.

He just an average guy but becomes like an overly attached girlfriend and couldn’t let go of any of his friends. He cares for him family very much than his brother and tries his best to give them a better time. A very nice yet stupid guy.


Iyo live okay for most of his life but being the youngest twin had same…bad perks. At first he was the bossy twin, he took charge over things but then after preschool…His delinquent older twin brother Hana was a bit…out of hand for him. He tried to cease trouble for him but it was hard. Like Hana didn’t know he existed… it was sad but he got used to it. His brother really changed after preschool so he wished he was the old Hana but that was impossible to imagine. When his sister was with her friends Iyo got curious and well wore her underwear… he wasn’t also a rational child.

He liked it and well began to steal her clothing in which he nearly gets beat up by it from his little sister though. As a child he was actually quite chubby and always ate a lot of junk foods. His dad then well forced him to take gymnastics to lose some weight. As much as Iyo begged to not go he ended up loving it after a month. He wasn’t like Hana wear he could fight he was more passive than aggressive, using logic to fight then fists. Iyo then took gymnastics in hope that he could fight or self defense incase he got into any fight or into his brothers fights. He was more of the caring guy, always trying to help his disable mom whenever he can.

He had an issue with friendship though, it seemed whenever he has a friend he gets to overly attach and that makes his friend feel weird and then stopped being friend with him after that. He is only looking after them yet it still seemed weird to some of his friends. He learned to cope with lost friendships with Hana. After learning that money was a tiny issue for him and his family Iyo took place to work as a waiter in a very small café. It was okay at start but then as his uniform was to small for him and well the weird request for tips were given to him he thought of them as normal but he does not know the perverted intentions of some clients in the café.

The two are defiantly a pair, even though they fight Iyo is just glad to have a brother like him. Studying in Orean Cause all his life he is doing okay there. He is happy enough but wished a bit more, a better life for his family, his brother stopped causing trouble and maybe his little sister letting him use his sister underwear.


Likes: Gymnastics, ice cream, junk food and Rain

Dislikes: Pickles, doctors, studying and math

Theme song: Carry me off

Clubs: Gymnastics club and dancing club

Dreams: Open a restaurant just for his mom

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sorry I took so long
Last night, when I got back, it was late and I had a group project to do, so yeah



Name: Fukuro Maki

Nickname: Lady of the night, Wind symphony, Miss Lazy

Age: 16

Gender: Female


Maki in her harpy form has the ability to fly. She can glide and move a high speeds. Being a harpy, it feels more natural and less tiring to fly than to walk. She is very agile and can fly to speeds of up to 190 km/hr.


Having a human form, she needs to be able to transform from harpy to human. An ethereal glow surrounds her body, and her feathers start to come out or she sheds her feathers in a cloud-like manner. The glow is of a light green color.


Harpies have a natural affiliation with the air and can use magic to some degree to manipulate it. Usually they use this magic to assist in their flight and to enable higher maneuverability. With this magic, Maki can achieve almost double her normal max speed. Harpies generally cannot use powerful magic, however, Maki is one of few prodigies among harpies who can use powerful magic. She is powerful enough to create cyclones and storms. She is still restricted, as other harpies are, in the fact they cannot use magic in their human form.

Weakness: Although learning to swim in her human form, it is impossible for her to swim in her harpy form. As a harpy, her feathers collect water and weigh her down, slowing her and making flight difficult.
She is also very terrible with the daytime/morning.

Skills: She is very skilled at playing wind instruments, such as a flute. Additionally, Maki has excellent night vision.

Hobbies: Maki loves to play with magic, although recently has been finding it hard to find time or space to do so. A lover of sleep, she also likes listening to all kinds of music and playing music.

Happy and friendly, Maki seems quite lazy as she doesn't like to walk. Her persona changes depending on the time of day.

Day persona
During the day, Maki is very tired. She is always dozing off, but her tone is very happy as she speaks. Her movement is slow, although she still has good reflexes, and seems a bit clumsy. When asked to move things, she will put no effort and be lazy about it. Talking to her, she will try to keep up the conversation, and she is very happy to talk to people.

Night persona
Awake and alert, Maki gives of a cool beauty feel. She is very kind and talks in a soothing manner. Smiling to all, she is always friendly, and her movement is improved. Although she is still quite lazy about walking, Maki will complain less about it and occasionally go on strolls.

Before even hatching from the egg, Maki was known to be a prodigy of magic. There were times where her egg was floating, one of the clear demonstrations of her magic being used, before she was even aware of conscious thought. Eventually coming out of her egg, she was well-nurtured. Her parents were very loving and looked after her carefully.
Learning to play with magic, at night she was very mischievous. Blowing clothes away or blowing dust around. Making other objects fly or cutting things with the wind. She love playing with magic. Her parents were worried about her safety and the potential harm she could do, and found a teacher for her. One of the other few prodigies among harpies, Suzume Risa. Eventually she had to also attend school.
Her school was separated into two classes, the night and the day class, due to the types of birds the harpies were of. Maki was of the owl family, making her nocturnal. She had a lot of friends, who were jealous of her magic, but loved her. Showing off her magic, she once made a mess in the school, getting her scolded. Even then, she loves to play around with magic.
Her life, however, felt like there was something missing. Something wasn’t there. Suddenly she found what it was. Wondering off, she found out that there was more than just harpies in the world, there were things known as humans, and werewolves and others. Maki wanted to learn more about this world, which lead to her asking more and more things about the world below where they lived.
The school was reluctant about it at first, but eventually did teach more about the Lower World as they referred to it. It was something that they said was dangerous and must be handled with caution. If one wanted to go down there, there was only one place that was allowed. That place is Orean Cause.
Asking to be transferred to both her parents and the school, they gave her a special test. One which they thought she would not be able to achieve, at least not at her current ability since she was not taught of any of these things. Unfortunately for them, Maki had learned about the Lower World and how to transform from Suzume Risa. Thus, they reluctantly got her transferred to the school as an exchange student from a very faraway place.
She was sad to leave her friends behind, but they said that she should see the world, and tell them all about it. They were excited for her and wanted her to make as many friends as possible and one day let them all meet together. With that, Maki was transferred to the Lower World, to the school of Orean Cause as a student.

Optional info:
Maki had actually been taken to the Lower World by her magic teacher a couple of times, to see how her transformation magic fairs and how long she can hold it for. Originally, her ears could not form into human ears, and she had been given headphones and mp3 player by Risa to cover them. She did not like music at first, but eventually started to love it as she listened to what was on her headphones.

- Parents
- Friends
- Sleep
- Meat
- Flying

- Mean people
- Walking
- Day time
- Dragonfruit

Theme song:
(To be added later)

Wind Orchestra Club

None at the moment
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Height and weight:
5,1ft 104 lb

May Horoka



Allergic to any kind of furry animal. Fear of dogs.


Games, mostly speed related games, science, inventing, designing.


Play games, Science, Work.


May is generally really lazy and doesn't intend to spend her day outside in the sun, if she has nothing to do she just goes out to find the fun herself. She isn't really a friendly person to everybody and tends to talk in a monotone voice from time to time when she simply just doesn't care. But when she is fully hyped she is more active and talks a lot more to other people she doesn't know. She isn't shy to show people what she thinks of them or make a discussion. But when it all comes down to it she can be kind and friendly when it matters the most.


May was born in the hospital in Tokyo together with her twin sister Julie. May was first born of the two with her little sister quickly following up to her. They were just as healthy as every other baby and developed very fast over the past few years. It was rather impressive how they both developed so quickly with abilities just a little above that of most humans. They were living with their mom and dad in a rather big mansion. Their dad had a job that payed very well, making it possible to let them live a healthy and good life. But in exchange he was gone for long times and left the twins only together with their mom, making her very stressful from time to time. At the age of 6 their mother committed suicide because of depression. It didn't change the situation of their dad being gone for so long instead a nanny got hired to keep both of them occupied and healthy. She would leave at night after they slept and returned in the morning to bring them to school and pick them up again.

Over the time they started to take care of them self a bit more with May taking the big sister role on herself and keeping her little sister safe. At the age of 14 the nanny wasn't needed anymore that much since they could take care of them self pretty much. At middle school they both had excellent grades and didn't even take a sweat for passing the school years. Chemistry started to interest them a little more since they could discover things on their own a little more. However a little accident happened when Julie by accident knocked over one of the flasks. May could just react in time to push her sister away and get all the burning chemicals over herself. After they both graduated from middle school they decided to enter Orean cause.


She has a big burn mark across the entire side of her left body. From her chest to her knee is a big burn mark from chemical liquids.

Theme song:
Lucky star mush

On the Dawn's Horizon

Gaming, Music, Fast Food, Spices.


Go to space.

Height and weight:
5,1ft 110 lb

Julie Horoka



Allergic to dust, Allergic to milk.


Speaks up to 10 different languages, Designing, Science, Cooking, Puzzle games.


Play games, Science, Drawing, Cleaning, Cooking.


Julie is very cheerful all the time, she always has a smile on her face when she does something. She likes to go outside sightseeing or shopping anything along those lines. Some may say she is a very mother like personality. When anything cute is thrown at her she immediately falls in love with that particular thing. Likely otherwise when something scary is thrown at her she will likely attempt to hide from it and cry.


Julie was born in the hospital in Tokyo together with her twin sister May. Julie was second born of the two with her older sister already waiting for her. They were just as healthy as every other baby and developed very fast over the past few years. It was rather impressive how they both developed so quickly with abilities just a little above that of most humans. They were living with their mom and dad in a rather big mansion. Their dad had a job that payed very well, making it possible to let them live a healthy and good life. But in exchange he was gone for long times and left the twins only together with their mom, making her very stressful from time to time. At the age of 6 their mother committed suicide because of depression. It didn't change the situation of their dad being gone for so long instead a nanny got hired to keep both of them occupied and healthy. She would leave at night after they slept and returned in the morning to bring them to school and pick them up again.

Over the time they started to take care of them self a bit more with Julie relying a lot on her older sister, her older sister made some mistakes at times but she meant well. At the age of 14 the nanny wasn't needed anymore that much since they could take care of them self pretty much. At middle school they both had excellent grades and didn't even take a sweat for passing the school years. Chemistry started to interest them a little more since they could discover things on their own a little more. After they both graduated from middle school they decided to enter Orean cause.


Theme song:
My truth


Cute animals, Drawing, Difficult puzzles, Sweets.

Insects, Dirt, Dust, Scary stuff, Adults, Scary looking boys.

Dreams: Be a good wife.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jurassic Weeb
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Jurassic Weeb Iris's Indomitable Thief

Banned Seen 6 mos ago

Name: Andre Drake
Nickname: None now, but may get one later.
Age: 17
Appreance: Andre has dark brown hair and eyes. He stands precisely 5'8" tall, and has an extremely pale complexion, nearly albinic in nature. Despite how much he eats he isn't overweight, but has broad shoulders. Due to an astigmatism he has to wear glasses at all times.
Gender: Male
Powers: Andre was born with the ability to heal others. This can range from scrapes and headaches, to a torn tendon; the more grievous the injury, the more energy it takes from his body. Andre also knows how to summon familiars he has contracts with. However, as of now, his only contract is with Python, a dragon from Ancient Greece.
Weakness: - Girls (especially attractive ones)
- Large groups (absolutely hates them)
- Gym class (he's asthmatic)

Skills: - Excellent writer
- Intelligent
- Learns and reads quickly
- Does pwning noobs in Halo and CoD count?
- Inventive

Hobbies: - Reading & writing stories
- Reading manga/watching anime
- Playing video games (namely Halo, CoD, and Pokémon).

Personality: Andre is typically shy and quiet, preferring to be alone over being with people. He is quite socially awkward, more adept at interacting in small groups, or better yet, not face-to-face. He is a pop culture junkie, but only extends to films, books, and video games. He loves animals and music, as well as fantasy and science fiction. He treats his familiars with due respect, and they obey him with only minor backtalk, since his personality isn't "powerful" enough to completely dominate their personalities.
Background: Andre has never had a fancy fairy tale life. Up until his parents' divorce when he was eight, Andre's father was physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive towards him, his older sister, and his mother. At ten his mother attempted to commit suicide, and he and his sister were placed in foster care. However it was then that Andre discovered his ability to heal. The foster family the siblings were placed with were kind and loving, and he had two older foster brothers and a younger foster sister. When going through his foster brother Jay's books, he found a book on summoning and contracts. Jay taught Andre in secret. His first (and only) familiar was a dragon from Ancient Greece named Python. However the once-great and powerful earth dragon had been stripped of his power and shrunken down to the size of a house cat. The two have had many near-misses, and because of that he's moved around a lot. The combination of all of this has made Andre a shut-in who never comes outside unless it's absolutely necessary (ie- school, weddings and funerals). He has his own job writing columns for a tabloid e-magazine, which gives him spending cash. His mother and sister know about Python and his powers, but keep their lips sealed. Despite being a shut-in he does participate in several clubs.
Likes: See Hobbies section. His taste in music ranges from Celtic to 80's rock.
Dislikes: - Large crowds
- Professional sports
- Fashion
- Children
- People in general

Clubs: Drama, Music, Gaming, Mangaka, Pet lovers
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