Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

Member Seen 25 min ago

Name: Daisuke Takeda
Age: 18
Gender: Male

Personality: Running the middle ground between 'aggressive' and 'passive', Daisuke has never been the kind of person to jump into fights headfirst. Given the chance, he'd prefer to discuss matters over a nice cup of tea and relax instead of trying to bash heads in. Even if the latter situation does occur, he's the type of person who would much prefer to let the enemy wear themselves out than actually exerting any force. When irritated, Daisuke tends towards passive-aggressive behavior and a habit of plain ol' stubbornness. That aside, though, he is often willing to put himself in harm's way to go assure safety for those he trusts, regardless of the dangers it may pose.
Biography: Daisuke was never one for overachieving, as his friends had always been- while they would be out getting themselves the top marks on their exams and out making names for themselves, he always found himself a step behind. For most of his life, that was perfectly fine with him; though he might have been the smartest or strongest of their group of friends, Daisuke almost always found a way to catch up- both figuratively and literally.

As a result, Daisuke found himself on the track team for his school. often times finding himself caught up in that very same cycle everyone else he knew seemed to have gotten into. It was tiring and often frustrating, yes, but there he found a bit of a reprieve. Rather than have to catch up to everyone else, the only things he had to worry about here were the wind at his back and making it across that finish line before anyone else. After all, the only person he really had to beat was himself- nobody else really mattered.
  • Is quite agile.
  • Learns quickly.
  • Efficient when dealing with menial tasks.

  • Can't take a hit.
  • Occasionally forgetful.
  • Headstrong when faced with difficult decisions.

Main Squad:
Weapon: A metal pole.
Other: N/A
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Keiko Yamada
At first, Keiko would seem to be a friendly person, if a bit Aloof. She speaks very formally to most people, and is usually quite civil in her tone of voice, even to those she doesn't like - which is usually everyone. She hides her disdain for other people quite well, usually though, unless under extreme pressure or circumstances.

Under her calm and friendly, but aloof exterior...to put bluntly is a spoiled little princess who thinks she's better than everyone. She has no time for the 'common' folk, and she always looks after number one - herself. Arrogant and condescending, she really is not someone most people would want to associate with. As such, she has...well, problems making and keeping so called 'friends'. Because of this, she is quite the actress and can easily fool people into thinking she actually cares. In other words, she's quite the manipulative little girl. If given the chance, she would probably always chose herself over someone else - at least not without a lot of persuasion.

She believes herself to be the best - and as such, she's not going to let any stupid little 'demon' kill her. While not used to fighting in physical fights, she's definitely not going down without one if she has her say in things.

The daughter of a wealthy businessman, she has had a fairly easy life growing up. That's not to say she had money - her father always restricted the amount she had access too, and did his best not to spoil her. It would have worked, if not for her mother who considered nothing to be too good for her. She let her daughter have everything she wanted. Needless to say, this led to quite a few...clashes between her parents, and eventually they ended up getting divorced when she was 10.

By then though, she had already become quite the...crafty little girl. Manipulation, and getting what she wanted while making others take the blame and making herself look completely innocent was...she made being a con artist into an art, and looked good while doing it. She also took an interest in various fields of study - she wanted to be the best at everything she applied herself too, and that included all academics.

- Quite intelligent
- can keep her cool in most situations.
- quick learner

- Prideful
- not exactly the most trusting person.
- once her calm demeanor is broken...weeel, her temper is a force to be reckoned with.
- not so physically strong

Currently using:

Just her purse. Used for slapping things upside the head. Not terribly effective.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: Taidana Wakahisa

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Personality: Taidana is kind of a loser. He is quite lazy, simply walking through life at a lackadaisical pace whenever possible. He is horrid at making decisions for himself, and is quite naive. His awkward charm is accentuated by his clumsiness when not focused, and his forgetfulness. He dislikes acknowledging his past mistakes, particularly those relating to romance. This is not because he is super narcissistic, but he does believe most if not all relationship issues aren't his fault. He is a tad selfish and thinks most often of himself before others. He is overall, quite childlike, and although he never tries to be mean, he does so accidentally sometimes.

Tai has a variety of interests. He plays the bass guitar very frequently, and is even in a small local band. He's decent enough, having worked at it for a year or two. Something he's much more of a savant at is fighting. Despite minimal training, he has been labeled as "best fighter in school" by most of the people who know him. This is probably due to his propensity of getting in fights to try and defend women, whether they need it or not. His favorite musical genre is western rock, punk, and alternative, even if he can't understand the words. He plays retro games on and off.

Biography: Taidana was the middle child of two rich parents. Though they did spoil him often, as with their other two children, they wanted him to have a relatively normal life. They sent him to public school. There he occasionally got into fights, and accrued a small gaggle of friends. With these friends, he formed a band to gain popularity. He even got into a relationship that sadly ended in a rough break up. Soon after, he had to leave due his father accepting a business opportunity. Once at his new school, he again joined a band, forgetting all about his previous school and girlfriend.

Strength: He's a great fighter.

Weakness: He's kind of an idiot.

  • Obariyon

  • None

Weapon: Due to the suddenness of the situation, all he has on him is his bass. If he were to get home to his brother's sword collection though...

Other: In case you couldn't tell, he's heavily based on Scott Pilgrim, the titular character of the graphic novel series, and movie.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Freikugel
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Freikugel Certified Stand User

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Gentaro Matsunaga (or Matsunaga Gentaro as we’re kinda in japan)

Age: 34 years old

Gender: Male

Appearance: A tall man with a notorious bulk and tan skin, his glance is always a defiant, if not violent one and his face has a notorious scar in the nose. His hair is short, black and carefully combed and despite his violent appearance he dresses in a white business suit over a red shirt and black tie.

Personality: He is a direct, stern man who would avoid to resort to violence but is prone if needed. He is rather the kind of person who would try to convince people through clever manipulation. Gentaro hates the disorder and prefers things to work in a structural and organized way.

Biography: He is an illegal weapon dealer, being the Yakuza and Bokuzoku his usual targets, though is not weird for a teen to show up sometimes. He has certain strong rules within his business, if someone he sold a weapon were not to pay him in the given time he would hire someone to “convince” his client to pay him resorting to methods that one would expect from a yakuza, and that’s because he used to be part of a certain Yakuza group. The new chaos in Tokyo is an excellent chance for him to gain some quick money, after that he plans to abandon the country.

Strength: Strong physical build, Knowledge of weapons. Experienced and clever.

Weakness: Proud, prone to anger, merciless

Demons: Divine Angel

Weapon: Submachinegun and Katana

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Happy Go Lucky
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Happy Go Lucky Thank god for Jim!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Oswald Rothschild

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Appearance: Standing at a height of 6 feet 4 inches, Oswald is a tall caucasian skinned male with bruises and cuts scaring his face, along with dark patches beneath his eyes. He supports back length long greasy auburn hair, emerald green eyes and a forked tongue, purposely cut by his own hands. His nails are lengthy and sharp, and submerged in dirt and grime.

His outfit consists of a dirty and worn dark red snakeskin jacket that is ripped and torn along the back and sides by small nails, a black tanktop along with a pink childlike scarf around his neck. Supporting dark black jeans and a set of high rock punk boots. He also wears a few bracelets around his wrists along with a fake watch.

Personality: Creepy, selfish and self-righteous, Oswald is a man you shouldn't trust to stay beside. Having a selfish and impulsive nature, Oswald only seeks to prolong his own existence to meet his own goals, and whatever those may be are a mystery. He can be fairly childish, arrogant and demanding, and heavily resorts to threatening his opponent violently to get what he wants, though at times when he's less mad, Oswald speaks slowly, slyly and with a hint of perverse joy, his gaze offsetting even for a second, he likes to think of himself as a father to the people around him, though this is simply disturbing to those who are in his vicinity. What goes on inside his head is anyones guess, but it most likely isn't pleasant.


As given by his name, Oswald is not japanese, originally living in Germany as a child, Oswald would find himself being the center of negative attention and both work and home where he would be continuously bullied and injured by both classmate and family, The trauma induced made Oswald fairly eccentric to say the least, his attitude becoming selfish and arrogant to mask his pessimism and self loathing.

As a teenager, Oswald was a problem child, and engaged in self harming himself and harming others with ill intent, both making him a potential criminal later in life and a timebomb that could lash out at any given time. Administered drugs and beaten some more, Oswald by the time of his 19th had did his best to learn in school despite all the chaos engaged in his home life, and was actually able to gain his university degree in chemistry at 23 years of age. Soon after however, Oswald would find himself being engaged and related to a murder investigation, which just happened to be true. Oswald, after years of suffering mental abuse, and still living with his parents, the man, after gaining his qualifications was a factor that led to the death of his parents, whether by his hand was another story.

Oswald, not wishing to be caught by the cops for the investigation fled to Japan as an immigrant, and despite only 5 years, grasped the japanese language surprisingly fast, though speaks somewhat with some difficulty, this only shows his vast knowledge and intelligence. What Oswald has done between then and now is a mystery. The disturbed individual would live in any crevice he could find, scavenging off locals for food and water, even resorting to stealing and other nefarious methods to survive.

Oswald was wandering inside of a persons home, stealing wasnt a crime to him to survive, and just as the demons poured in, it was better than the chaos of the streets. Oswald noticed a computer, logged on and blaring a peculiar message. No, Oswald spoke, his time hadn't come yet, there was so much he wanted to do before his blood could be spilled. He hit the answer he sought and smiled, staring out into the streets that which filled with blood, anarchy and a miasma of depression, asphyxiating all in its grasp.

"It's beautiful..."

Strength (Not necessarily strength/durability/knowledge/etc;):

*highly durable and is able to take a heavy amount of punishment
* the closer he is to death, the more powerful his attacks due to his love for masochism.
* quick and fast with his lightweight weapons, making him an average damage dealer physically
* is incredibly intimidating and can forcibly make demons submit based entirely on his crude and disturbing demeanour.


* Inability to follow orders makes him act out of his own volition, potentially putting allies at risk
* masochistic personality forces him to take hits regularly out of enjoyment despite how serious the wounds may be, threatening his own life.
* His savage brutalness is a cause of concern as he may lash out on allies, threatening his own security.


1: Jack the ripper

Weapon (if applicable): Several knives are kept inside a case made for glasses, he supports three durable sharp blades that are quick to use and deadly on human foes.

Other: n/a
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