Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Emily didn't exactly know what she had said that was so funny, but this creature that still neglected to give his naked found great amusement in whatever it was. Then, for a few seconds she was called an imp, but that was quickly sorted out and so Emily decided not to crush his legs with boulders. She had a feeling, what with his colouring and the ash he had left behind, that her Fire wouldn't serve her very well if it came to blows. For that, Emily was glad she has other schools, and made her contemplate finding a few Sung Spirits of Earth to join her host. But then Surtr's hackles rose again.
"I am at no one's bidding. Emily provides the body, and I provide the power. It is a symbiotic existence. Neither is at the other's bidding" He growled, before Emily took over.
"Well, angry giant dealio done, yes. I am here because I was turned away. They claimed some holy statue spirit thing would help me where they wouldn't, but I am skeptical to go to anything like that. So, I followed my blank here. You are the second of third interesting things. Third of third being a rather large town, which I will probably check out later. But for now, I want to help you keep this world in one piece. It is a nice world, and it has people. Actual, living humans. I haven't seen them in years, it's wonderful. I was once a human, so I feel for them. And don't want the Keepers breaking another planet" She said, before shrugging. "You have you to offer me. If we could be allies together, and not break the world or kill all the people, then that would be very good for me. I am going to be rallying this world against the Keepers, and thought you might want to be on the side that doesn't get blown to bits"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 18 days ago

Tybalt ran into the guard post, short of breath and looking very frightened. His fellow guards who had been idling looked at him in curiosity. Once he had caught his breath, he spoke. "There's, there's, there's a demon! It's kidnapped a family and killed Gunter and ransacked the warehouse!"

The others were about to mock him for being so silly as to believing there was a demon about, when what Tybalt had said caught up with them. "It killed Gunter?" Tybalt nodded solemnly. The rest of the guards immediately became serious and went for their weapons. Not only had one of their number been slain, but whatever this threat had been was enough to fell one of them, despite being quite used to handling the wild animals from the jungle.

They headed out immediately for the warehouse, taking torches with them to light their way through the light of the setting sun. They found the warehouse partially looted, a wall scorched, a path burned through the undergrowth and the body of Gunter lying in a heap some distance away from the warehouse. He was clearly dead, for his skull had bled, his neck was bent as it shouldn't be and his skin was quite pale. The guards gathered around solemnly, sharing a moment of silence and consoling each other. The looked to the ashen path into the jungle, and back to Gunter.

"We'll get Gunter back to the town first. Get him dealt with," one of the guards finally said, "The tracks left by this, demon, won't be disappearing any time soon." There were nods of agreements from around the group, and so they picked up the body and began carrying it back to town.

It was a little over an hour later when the guards set out again after the demon who had attack their town and killed their friend. There were eight in the group going out hunting. All the guards bore their standard arms of a short sword and chain-mail armour. Three were also equipped with polearms, including Tybalt, three were equipped with bows, one was equipped with a musket and the last carried no extra weapon but was instead a spell-caster, specialising in manipulating plants to ensnare and bludgeon opponents. This was also the order in which they advanced along the charred trail.

As they traveled, they identified the tracks in the trail, marked clearly in the ash. Those of a wheelbarrow were very distinct. There were also a few footprints of shoes, about five unique sets they eventually reckoned, which clearly correlated with the family Tybalt had mentioned. There was another set of footprints, although trampled somewhat they were distinctly larger, heavier and not shoe-shaped. This, they reasoned, must be the demon. This meant they knew to expect about five prisoners, or hostages, or at worse corpses.

The party soon made it to the end of the trail, which revealed a strange stone door which was sitting in the middle of the jungle. None of them had seen it before, and they were unsure how long it had been there. Baffled by this mysterious door, one of the polearm wielding guards approached the door to inspect it more closely. There was no handle to open it by, and it did not yield to a firm push. Markings on the ground clearly indicated that the door had been opened recently, so this must be the entrance. The guards began looking nearby to see if there was some hidden switch or something, but they stopped their search when the spellcaster approached the door and observed, "It's a magic door, I can sense that. I can't tell how to open it, though."

Tybalt stepped forwards. "Well, there's only one thing to it." He raised the butt of his polearm and bashed it against the door three times before shouting, "Open up! We know you're in there!"

Meanwhile, the musketeer loaded his musket and readied it, as did the archers. The polearm wielders stepped back and formed a defensive line between the door and the ranged guards. And the spellcaster identified the plants in the area which would be useful to him. Unlike last time, these guards would not be so easily frightened or intimidated, and were in fact feeling rather vengeful.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

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If the destruction of the terrain immediately around it were any indication, Bal'Tazor was beginning to figure out what the Flesh that Hates was trying to do to it. This did not surprise the Progenitor. Already its forays into the body of the demon had revealed a great deal. However complex and inscrutable a creature could be to the eyes did not mean a thing when a being could take a close look at its constituent components. Personality was simply a code in the DNA; memories were merely stored electrochemical impulses. Neurons were tools waiting for the right signals to come their way and use them. The largest creature in the world could stand before the Progenitor, and it would only focus on its smallest parts. Knowing the basics, the foundation, the elements, the workings, meant that they could be controlled. Controlling the parts meant controlling the whole. The Progenitor was starting to become familiar with the infinitesimal things that made Bal-Tazor tick.

It flinched when the plague demon sent a large wad of gooey earth hurtling its way, opening wide the mouth on its torso. The Progenitor's belly effectively split in two, like a massive zipper, stretching grotesquely to encompass the object hurtling its way. Bal'Tazor's projectile slammed into the insides of the avatar of the Flesh with enough might to send the monster tumbling end over end, piteously moaning, until it lay in a bloated heap beneath the elevated Heart. With greater speed than it had previously exhibited, the Progenitor lurched to its feet with the aid of its trunklike arms, and unceremoniously let the boulder, sucked clean of organic matter and adhesive alike, topple from its maw onto the fleshy ground. Feeling that more could be learned from a candid subject, the Progenitor reached upward like a child embracing its mother, and brushed the underside of the Heart. Its underside cavity opened, allowing the Progenitor to climb inside.

From within, it was bombarded with information injected directly into its psyche via skin contact. It knew that, while the biomass it had accumulated was unsatisfactory, the extra corpses attained by the harvest of Bal'Tazors minions gave it enough for a truly terrific choice of action. When the Progenitor spoke in that dead language, its guttural snarl emanated through the membranes of the Heart, as if the massive, inert stockpile spoke along with it. ”Instant mutation: territory.”

A gruesome geyser, the Heart erupted. A carpet of living Flesh rained down both upon the pit and beyond its perimeter. Whatever it touched it clung to, inserting itself and integrating. Flesh that settled upon stone and earth simply adhered itself, but ones that met tissue began to consume. In mere moments, the few corpses remaining in the pit were on their way to becoming new Snatchers, and what shrubs and grass the Flesh touched were broken down into more matter. Bal'Tazor, too, was blanketed by the stuff, but whether it would allow itself to be imbued with the Flesh that Hates or try to infest it, instead, remained to be seen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Naoto stood where he was throughout the entirety of the conversation, listening to Emily and her other voices as they spoke. Who does she think she is? Conversing with a bunch willing to turn her over to aaa 'holy one'? And this Sutr... he is quiet amusing. She calls me angry, when she has this Sutr who is obviously more so.

Now she offers her services to me... or mine, to her. And what better than that? To destroy my own kind! I feel half the heart to tell her exactly who I am... but would her offer still stand after? It would be best to use her for my own gain. I can handle 'not killing all the humans', the more under my control the merrier! And defeating the other Keepers? I can handle that as well. We have fought for Imps know long, what is the death to all those in this land so I may have it to myself?

I smiled at the thought of owning the entire land without any threat. To do as I pleased with no consequence, the freedom to grow and prosper. Then to expand to future lands.

"Sure. Your plan sounds nice, but do you suppose we can take them all our own? I would bet so. I am willing for us to work together. I am also willing to spare the human beings. I am growing fond of them myself... I have a family down below doing my work now, to help in the construction of a dungeon heart. I do not think we can get very far without more workers... I plan on attempting to summon Imps in help with the construction, but if that fails we will require more humans. Will you be willing to help in the capture of more, for the good of our progress? They will be treated fairly, of course." Naoto said to Emily.

Naoto then saw the door behind Emily moving slightly, making a quiet sound as it looked to be pushed by children. "It looks like the company I talked about has decided to join is." Naoto smiled to Emily, walking past her and thinking the door open as he approached. Once he stood in front of it, the doors opened to reveal the anger-driven soldiers. "And you thought I was angry?" He snickered to Emily over his shoulders. "It's time to show what we're made of, wouldn't you agree?" He said, before stomoing his sword on the ground and bouncing it into his hands. "Here's your doom!" Naoto roared, crouching slightly before charging the pikemen in the front.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Emily was glad that the Keeper wasn't immediately dismissing her. It would be helpful to have someone to watch her back while she summoned spirits to aid them, and empower her.
"I believe my Blanks could host the humans, and bring them back here. In none-magical entities, Blanks give a feeling of obedience, and increased physical strength. However, you can't exactly order them to kill their own family, that is beyond a Blanks power. Orders have to be within reason. But yes, I will help you. All humans must be made to see the glory of hosting spirits. It would bring war, and poverty, and hunger all to an end. A spiritual world would be perfectly connected. And the Keepers wouldn't be able to threaten them" She told her new, ally. She was thinking of friend, but that would be a fallacy right now.

Then, he claimed that company had arrived, so Emily decided to follow him and check it out. As it happened, a couple of angry men and a spellcaster where outside, clearly wanting to kill the demon-guy for something. Rolling her eyes as he charged into the frey, Emily lifted her arm, calling upon her own powers and causing the ground to rumble and shake. A few seconds later a moss-covered stone wall rose between her Demon and the humans who where raging against him. It was, long and thick, low enough for her demon friend to see over, but separating the two sides perfectly while Emily strolled between them. The ground trembled and broke apart to create steps up the wall as she approached it. Once up at the top, Emily extruded a commanding presence as she shot glances between the two.
"So" Emily started, flicking her eyes to the large demon, and then to the men by her side. "What is all this about?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 18 days ago

When the door swung open to reveal the imposing red demonoid form of Naoto, Tybalt recognised him immediately. "That's him!" he called to his companions. As Naoto charged, he and the three other pikemen braced themselves and strengthened their grip on their pikes for the impending collision. The musketeer leveled his musket and aimed down the barrel, lining up the ironsights with the demon's head. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, the ground shook and threw his aim off. The earsplitting crack of the gunshot was accompanied by the scattering of small shards of rock as it struck the door-frame.

Then, by magic, Emily's stone wall put a barrier between the demon and guards. The guards were uncertain as to what was going on, and they were further disarmed when a young girl climbed atop the wall and berated them. Unsure whether to feel ashamed or angry or confused, the guards lowered their weapons for the time being. Tybalt, however, was not so easily placated. "That beast," he cried, pointing at Naoto, "killed Gunter!"

One of the bowmen stepped forwards and put his hand on Tybalt's shoulder, gently restraining him and indicating for him to calm down. With no further response from Tybalt, the bowman said to Emily, gesturing to Naoto, "This, umm, being, is charged with murder, assaulting a guard, theft and kidnapping. These are very serious offences. We are tasked with eliminating threats to the safety of our town and kingdom."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 13 days ago

The earth moved with the heaving of Mogg's colossal chest, as the giant gently breathed in his sleep. Suddenly, the sleeping giant began to toss and turn in his sleep and breath harder. A nightmare was coming. The inanimate shackles of Moggotheddon that snaked through the cavern's tunnel began to hiss with malevolent energy and move like snakes. From the shadows appeared the wraiths, the titan's former jailors. With Mogg occupied with his nightmares and unable to control him, they slowly skulked their way through the tunnels and towards his vulnerable body, intending to torment him and return him to the bottomless pit of Tartarus.

As Moggotheddon was chased and tormented by beasts in his dreams, the magic seeping out of his chains and from the pools of his blood began to coalesce. The giant unwittingly began manifesting his nightmarish dreams into living, breathing creatures in the real world.

Meanwhile, the bloodstone horrors were driven into a panic. Their father's movements destabilizing the caverns and their home, the distressed beasts began climbing up the ravine despite the city above being dimly lit by the twilight. Gentle earthquakes made the buildings above tremble once again. If any people came to the market square to investigate the ravine, they would be horrified when the last rays of the day illuminated a dozen bloodstone horrors, and the massive construct, clambering up from the depths below. The beasts were driven into a panicked frenzy, and would kill on sight.


Second Creature: 0/5
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Oh please, there's no need to be over dramatic. Killing the guard was an honest mistake... how was one supposed to know a bump on the head would kill such a soft creature?" Naoto pleaded with a horribly fake frown from behind the wall he stood. "But I do not deny the theft and kidnapping. I do say so myself, I did a mighty fine job with that." he then let his frown fade into his usual smile once again. "Do we really need to talk about this? A being of my kind would have no luck 'hiring' humans, it's only reasonable I take what I need, then pay it back when I am done with it. I will do that, if that will make you happy. I can return the family I took from you... after, I am able to summon my imps, of course. I won't be willing to part with them before that."

"Besides, I don't have much time for this. I was quiet busy before everyone's arrival, something I must return to quiet soon. So, if everyone doesn't mind, I would like to end this little conversation and say we get back to it... how about, when the sun rises? I should be plenty ready then. I might even be able to hand over the little villagers too. What do ya say?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Emily listened to both sides, and nodded. They where understandably upset that someone got killed, but she also heard that was accidental, since humans where admitably squishy and the giant red guy over-egged his hit. The theft of people was also a decent point.
"Ok. Both valid points" Emily stated, pacing the wall. "I, think we can work things out. The murder was purely accidental and so can not be judged so harshly, as well as the obvious point that he needs people and can't exactly hire anyone as he'll probably get chased out of town before he said anything" Emily finished, before brushing a hand though her hair. "I believe, that under the circumstances Naoto is not in the wrong. However, I also do not desire to leave the villagers dry and lost from this. So, in compensation I shall provide spiritual support to the village to aid in all their activities and enhance the members physical abilities" She finished, letting the wall drop down and smiling. "I feel this is much better than trying to cut each other to ribbons. Pointless murder is such a waste"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 18 days ago

This was all very confusing for the guards. These were guards who were used to dealing with petty crimes among the villagers and hunting down wild beasts who became a nuisance. This demon had been in the category of wild beast in need of hunting until this small girl intervened. Now that Naoto was engaging in reasonable negotiation, the guards had been completely thrown. After listening to Naoto's plea of innocence in stunned silence, one was about to raise an objection when Emily brought up something about compensation in the form of spiritual assistance.

"Wait, pardon?" one guard blurted out. The rest of them spoke up as well, and a discussion ensued.
"She said she'd give us compensation in the form of spiritual assistance."
"I heard that, but what does that mean?"
"It appears that she's trying to pay us back using some sort of augmenting magic."
"So she expects us to just let this guy go?"
"Wait, maybe she would be able to help us."
"No, no, no, it's the principle of the thing. We can't let people go around doing this stuff and getting away with it."

They huddled in closer and discussed more quietly among themselves. They soon reached a verdict. One of them stepped forwards, cleared his throat and answered to Naoto.

"Although you may rationalise your crimes, you are still guilty of them. We demand the immediate return of the family and the stolen goods. Also, since you have shown that you are capable of rational thought we are placing you under arrest until we can get a higher ruling on your charges, as well as," he added, gesturing to Emily, "whether your offer is acceptable or not."

Despite the clarity of the speech, the guards were still slightly nervous. Naoto was still bigger and stronger than them, and he had a reasonably intimidating sword. Plus there was the wild-card of the young sorceress, who could act either way in their eyes. If negotiations turned sour, there was always the hope that the demon's skull wasn't bulletproof- a well placed musket shot kills most beasts smaller than a horse. But considering recent events, they hoped it didn't come to that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Alas, it seemed that the fearsome plague demon dallied too long. Try as he might to soak his venom into the Flesh rapidly enveloping him, Bal'Tazor held back—not putting the entirety of his wretched power into the fight. Too late the condescending monster realized that the stoic, unintelligible avatar of the Flesh stood for a presence not younger than it, but far, far older, one whose power outstripped his own. A horrible wail, outrage blended with pain, rose from the pit as the components of Bal'Tazor were assimilated. Vile, green flesh took on a tinge of pink, and tumors of condensed Flesh developed in the folds of his belly where his plague minions had dwelt. Even his mind couldn't escape the torturous agony, for the tiny tendrils of the world's greatest organism penetrated even its rotten brain. After prolonged struggle, the demon's thrashing quieted, and Bal'Tazor grew still, a prisoner in his own twisted skin.

The Progenitor approached. It laid a hand on the demon's shoulder, and the creature's nerves fired in response, slave to the parasite pulling its strings. With some guidance, Bal'Tazor made his way to the massive, steaming Heart at the pit's center, and climbed into its recesses to join his minions. ”You are not yet perfect, spawn of Pestilence,” the Progenitor murmured in its alien tongue. [i]”When you reemerge, you will be Ours.”

New developments necessitated new orders. In the course of several minutes, the Progenitor transmitted chemical instructions into every living thing in the pit. Snatchers began to move, and the insides of the Heart began to churn, turning the tissue stored inside into mouldable Flesh. Having withstood and adapted to Bal'Tazor's virulent slurry of sicknesses, the Flesh that Hates had come to understand it. Though not overly harmful, the plague demon's pathogen could not be eradicated from the Flesh, and over time it could pile up and spell its doom. A new creature, then...one that incorporated the sickness, expunging the toxins from the greater organism into a lesser one. With the Snatchers on their way to nearby villages once again, the Progenitor entered its Heart itself, and set about crafting the next abominable being to embody the Flesh that Hates.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 18 days ago

At dusk almost all the townsfolk had retired for the day, securing themselves inside their homes under the fear-imposed curfew necessitated by the beasts of the ravine. However, a few people were still out, packing up and carrying home the last of their goods, which they did not want to leave out overnight. Despite the concern from last night's encounter, those people who were out were still taken by surprise when the bloodstone horrors emerged from the ravine, the rays of the setting sun casting them in all the more terrifying light. The four people in the square when the monsters emerged screamed, dropped what they were carrying and ran for their lives in different directions, hoping to get inside a house and to bar the door before any monster caught up with them and killed them.

A fifth person, drawn by the noise, came around the side of a building wielding a pitchfork. He had been expecting there to be one or two beasts, but on seeing a full pack of twelve horrible monsters plus a large one, he gave up all plans of playing the hero and also turned and ran. The bloodstone horrors could attempt to chase them people, and possibly break their way into houses, or they could inspect the abandoned cargo, which they would discover to be wool, dried mutton, flour and animal feed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 13 days ago

The monsters were swift to take chase. Running with astonishing speed for creatures of their stature, two of the fleeing people were caught. Five of the horrors began to feast on the corpses in plain sight, right on the small streets away from the market where they had managed to catch the fleeing people. As in for the remaining seven monsters, two were drawn to the abandoned goods by the smell of meat and animal feed.

The remaining five had chased some other the other running humans, but to no avail; the fortunate people had managed to bar themselves inside nearby buildings. The doors were confusing to the dimwitted monsters. Keenly aware of their prey's presence within the buildings yet unable to force their way through the doors or open them, the monsters merely let out a caucophony of horrific sounds. Gutteral roars accompanied banging on the walls and the sounds of feet scurrying atop the roof. One of the bloodstone horrors managed to find discover a chimney thick enough for it to fit through, and the beast clambered down it and into the home.

As in for the hulking construct, he was not distracted by the fleeing humans so much as what overwhelmed his senses. The smells of the small town, the sounds of the people eating and working and breathing, the warmth of the dying sun's rays all served to bombard the bloodstone behemoth with a thousand impressions that he had never felt before.

The disorientation rendered by these sensations combined with the distress caused by Moggotheddon's torment that had driven the horrors upwards caused a blind rage. With a mighty roar and footsteps that shook the earth and left impressions in the cobbled roads and plaza, the beast lumbered through the streets, crashing through buildings in his way. The huge stony beast was so heavy that his momentum alone carried him through any wall or door that stood in his path as he went on a blind rampage, smashing things that gave off bewildering sounds or smells.
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