Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aya gave a little jump when the dog popped up onto her bed, but then he looked at her with those eyes and she couldn't help but smile.

"Hi handsome," she murmured as she scratched behind his ear with her left hand. She was a sucker for dogs. Aya looked back up at Max as he continued talking. "Thanks, but I really don't think the FBI will be necessary," she replied. The idea of starting a whole new life didn't appeal to her. All she really needed to do was get away from this Meta war craziness. Moving in with her mom in Japan was absolutely out of the question, and there was nothing left for her in Hawaii, but she'd figure something out. And then there were the issues of her schooling and work…

She supposed staying here for a few days to get things sorted out really was the best option.

"As for Sebastian…" Her fingers stilled in the dog's fur as she replayed the events in her head. "I watched him murder two people, and turn their daughter into a killer just like him… her name's Cassandra. She can generate electricity and shock you with it, and now I guess she's with him. Her stepdad was my landlord. I followed Sebastian to the New Sun building and watched him make that deal with that woman, Isabella, and the doctor controlling the dragons, and I called the police… but Sebastian came back and saw me." Closing her eyes, Aya leaned her head back against the wall and sighed. "Then this happened," she said, holding up her right hand.

"But then I had him and I let him go. And now he's going to kill who knows how many." It wasn't even like she'd done it on accident, or Sebastian had gotten the upper hand. "I was the one in control and I made the decision and now…" Now whenever Sebastian killed or tortured or manipulated, it'd be her fault. "Sorry," she finished lamely.

@Subject Zero

"He speaks English, dude. He can understand you just fine. He just can't talk." Max says to Damien. He made a mental note to go see the tech geeks about that. Jake didn't have the Owlman's problem, there was no man to bird translation issues when it came to his brain. Jake thought human like it was native. They could whip him up some kind of translating collar.

But that was later. Right now, there was the sad business. He walked up to Aya and looked her in the eye. "Hey, you don't have anything to apologies for. Sebastien is Sebastien, everything he does is on him. You're not responsible for anything he does. Now I have to call the police about this murder. They're gonna want to come up and ask you some questions, but we can get them to hold off on that for a while if you don't feel up to it quite yet. Still, I need to know the name of your apartment."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Spectrum glared at Royal and was almost tempted to say something very rude the man, but he kept from doing that, Royal looked like an ass. After hearing Constantine ask him and Owlman to make an apology to Cedric, Spectrum rolled his eyes, he didn't want to have to talk to the man since his last encounter went sour pretty quickly.

"Anything else that needs to be mentioned?" Spectrum asked.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Aya's fingers paused as they ran through the dog's dirty fur.

The dog… speaks english?

She glanced down at him, eyebrow raised. But then the other man spoke, drawing her eyes up to him. Was he right? Was this really just who Cassandra was? Aya thought back to the gruesome scene she'd witnessed, the revelations Sebastian had made about her. Things had been tense and awkward in the apartment whenever Aya'd gone down to tutor her, but… really? She closed her eyes and leaned her head back again, fingers once again trailing over the dog's fur. Super dog or no, he was still at least good comfort.

She opened her eyes when Max approached her and tried a smile when he reassured her. She could practically feel the disapproval coming off the other man (which she deserved) but it was nice to have Max to at least pretend it wasn't her fault.

"Willow Point Apartments," she said. "I called the police back when it happened, so they're probably there now that the thing at New Sun's… calmed down. If it's ok, I'd really rather not talk to them right now." Today'd been exhausting enough without involving the police and all their procedures. "Could I go up to that room where my stuff is?" she asked, wanting to get out of the infirmary. Aya didn't have the best memories of hospitals. "You don't have to worry about my arm. It's just some bruising and redness. Plus you said this place was gonna be busy once people started coming back from New Sun, right? The doctors don't need me taking up an extra bed."

@subject zero
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As Camille walked out of the now destroyed base, she felt somewhat fresh as she finally got a bit of fresh air infested with the foul smell of burning corpses. She had changed her sweater real quick and stuck with a basic black tank top as Light had righteously damaged the former, burning her arm in the process. Hence the bandage wrapped around said arm. When she met up with Vince, she looked up at his handsome face and smiled shyly. She could tell he was checking out her out of wack body, judging as everyone seemed to do these days.

"Ehhhhh, we're going after Sebby the Creepy."

She directly responded as she jumped into the shotgun seat, ready to go.

"I dunno how we're going to find him, mais mama wants him to meet Patty~" she'd add to her previous response.

Vince rolled his eyes ever so slightly after Camille hopped in the car, she hadn't changed one bit.

"Sebastian huh? What did the bastard do to get Isabellas attention this time?" Vince's jaw was clenched a bit tighter than before, Sebastian was more immune to his power than most, probably because he was more of an animal than a human. Sebastian had loved that though, Vince's slight frustration and worry over his lack of control but since Vince's ability to feel pain was nonexistant he hadn't been targeted like others. Sebastian was a sick person and Vince didn't suit his tastes, not to mention that in a powerless fight they were pretty much evenly matched. "If I could guess I'd say he's trying to set up some sort of base or he already has and he's torturing some poor wretch. Do you know anthing about his preferences or any places he would go. Besides hell that is."

"Hmm... I would think a cave but I'm not that dumb~ How about... An abandonned Warehouse?!" she asked out of the blue as she considered any possible spot a creep like him would hide in for future plotting. She sat back on the comfy seat and awaited for departure.

"We could spend all day looking through abandoned warehouses, we'll have to do this the old fashioned way." He grinned winningly, "Get out of the car we're going talk to people." Vince gave Camille a quick 'don't argue' look and got out. "We're going to put some distance between us and this wreck, Sebastian couldn't have gotten that far." He started off on brisk pace, everyone seemed pretty on edge with the recent events making his plan more difficult to achieve.

"Huuuuuuh?! Have the drugs finally fried your brain?! How can we hope to find him by walking and talking to random people? Especially some ginger like Sebby..." She complained, lazily complying with her partner's demands as she slowly stepped off the car. Arms crossed, she checked him out in return with an expression that just screamed judgment.

"You have to know where to look, young grasshopper." He chuckled lightly, but he also agreed with her, if he couldn't get a good read on these people then they would end up wasting time. After the first couple tries it seemed noone knew and he was tring not to lose optimism. How could these people not remember a six foot tall carrot top like Sebastian?

Camille cocked an eyebrow as she witnessed her partner's evident failure in what he initially seemed confident in. "O' great sensei, your are is TELLEMENT fascinating~ Please show me more!" she snickered in offensive mockery, but hey he was asking for it. But the idea of finding Sebby came back to roam in her mind quite quickly, she had to find him quickly to avoid any other problem. She'd sit on the young man's car's good, her light weight barely making an impact on its composure, and crossed her arms once more, awaiting some new and creative idea from Vince.

Vince ignored the sinde comment from Camille and was about to give in when he decided on asking one last girl. She first answered that she had never seen or heard of anyone matching Sebastian's decription but he decided to push it, someone had to know something and he was unfortuately taking out his frustration on the girl. Though any outsider would have thought he was just trying to manipulate her, his power was at work and she eventally spilled the fact that she had seen some pretty weird things involving an orange haired man, she was obviously scared out of her mind by it so he simply asked for directions as to where. By the time she'd said everything her mind was on the verge of breaking, he hadn't been particularly careful.

"Thank you, you've been more helpful than you know. You should treat yourself to something nice, like a cookie." He grinned and pointed to a bakery across the street, she nooded and he could tell she was at such an impressionable state that her mouth began to drool and she simply nodded. He waved at her but she barely noticed, she was losing control by the second and he wasn't surprised when he heard a car screech and someone scream, damn fool had run into the street. He motioned to Camille that it it was time to go.

Camille, though slightly cocky at first, was slowly intrigued by Vince's power and simply observed in awe as the individual he had "seduced" turned into some zombified slave of his. It was cool yet creepy for the young Underground member, almost frightening enough for her to consider taking precautions from now on. With Vince's a-ok to go, she simply hogged her previously appropriated seat and awaited Vince's driving abilities. There was no way she would walk around like an idiot.

"So, you got what you want?" she asked the man, already sure of the reply he'd give her given the result of his little chitchat with the zombie girl he had left for dead. "Where to now, b0ss?"

"You could say that. We don't have a specific place but I think I know where he'll be" He shrugged and sped off, Vince had never driven at the speed limit his entire life, he wasn't going to start now just because he had a passenger. This was obviously the best way because they got there in half the time, this time less agressive asking yeilded the same results and they we're eventually directed to an alley. "If you want you can head to the other end of the alley, just so they don't try something stupid like running away." He paused for a moment "Isabella wants him alive but if accidents happen, they happen." He gave her a sidelong glance before turning his attention back to the alley.

She stretched her arms just a bit before hopping off the vehicle in accordance to Vince's recommandation, however as they would both commence their execution of the supposed plan, she'd grab her colleague's wrist with her gloved hand, prompting him to wait.

"Vince... Just before we start..."

She said with her usual French girl voice, almost giving off the idea that she was indeed that age even though her partner would likely know of her condition.

"... If you use that ability on me, I will fucking murder you."

The following sentence was not only coldly direct but also massively surprising from her part. She was hostile and used a swear she had never been heard using in public. She was dead serious, however, Vince's ability wasn't something she'd tolerate if it were to be pointed at her. She'd let go on him, leaving his wrist and hand covered in in dry, peeled skin as if that particular part had not been cleaned or treated for weeks or even months. It was fine and fully functional, though, causing absolutely no pain other than the annoying sensation of having dry skin.

Vince was surprised if not downright shocked with Camille, he hadn't known there was a serious bone in her body. However, despite the seriousness of her threat, he couldn't help but smile. He was happy to know that Camille could really act her age, and he knew how to make her, which was cause enough for celebration. This wasn't too far off from how most Metas responded to his power, it was strong enough now that it was scary, in some ways he liked that. Rubbing his wrist his grin faded, he had work to do. Venturing into the alley way he put his hands up, to signal he wasn't a threat.

"Sebastian you here? I just want to talk, Isabella needs something from you and then you're free to go. I'd come with me now, she's not afraid to send Patel and if that thing doesn't at least worry you, I'd look into getting a reality check." Vince's words were slightly honeyed, barely noticable but they'd become stronger over time. "The choice is up to you, I'm not here to fight you. Personally I'd like to see a peaceful solution, I can't gaurntee your saftey or freedom if Patel is needed." Vince felt like holding his breath, Sebastian was one creepy asshole. Vince hoped that Camille noticed his singular pronouns and took that as a signal to stay in the shadows and out of sight.

She chuckled just a bit as he had turned to start their little retrieval operation, turning red in shyness over her little stunt. After all she kept her immature mindset despite her little uprising. She had walked around the block they had targeted to corner the psychopath and covered one of the only exits their prey could have if he were to try a little escape. She wasn't very smart, but the goal was to catch him, so she wouldn't expose herself too quickly, as tempting as it may be to her.

TL;DR: Camille and Vince team up to catch Sebastian, inevitably they get on eachother's nerves but remain civil. Some not so Witty one liners and serious threats ensue while a poor human gets hit by a car thanks to Vince. They track down Sebastian to the alley he was last seen in and Vince asks for his cooperation while Camille blocks off the back exit.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Subject Zero
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Subject Zero King of the monkeys.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jake understood the girls reluctance to talk to cops. He didn't like them either. They were always so mad. Chasing after him like morons. Slow morons. He dropped back down to the floor and started heading towards the door. The girl had asked to go to her room and Jake had already decided to go with her, not even bothering to wait for anyones permission. A lot of what Jake did these days was purely instinctive. He didn't put much thought into anything. He just followed his gut. And his gut was always hungry. He figured this room the girl was talking about may have had food in it. Or at least it had a better chance of having food than this place did...Unless the doctors were edible. He gave one a quick glance as he passed and decided they probably wouldn't taste very good anyway. And they had saved his ass.

He turned his head to look back at the others and stopped on the girl. She was obviously scared and Jake felt for her. He decided that at least for the time being, he'd stay by her side. At least until she wasn't afraid anymore. He turned his eyes towards prettyboy and asked him "Well, are you guys coming or not?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jake understood the girls reluctance to talk to cops. He didn't like them either. They were always so mad. Chasing after him like morons. Slow morons. He dropped back down to the floor and started heading towards the door. The girl had asked to go to her room and Jake had already decided to go with her, not even bothering to wait for anyones permission. A lot of what Jake did these days was purely instinctive. He didn't put much thought into anything. He just followed his gut. And his gut was always hungry. He figured this room the girl was talking about may have had food in it. Or at least it had a better chance of having food than this place did...Unless the doctors were edible. He gave one a quick glance as he passed and decided they probably wouldn't taste very good anyway. And they had saved his ass.

He turned his head to look back at the others and stopped on the girl. She was obviously scared and Jake felt for her. He decided that at least for the time being, he'd stay by her side. At least until she wasn't afraid anymore. He turned his eyes towards prettyboy and asked him "Well, are you guys coming or not?"

"Willow Points." Max said, committing it to memory. "Right, if you find there's anything you've forgotten from your apartment we can send someone down there to pick it up. Just give me a list. Right this way, please. Damien, I'll catch you later. I have tons of paperwork to fill out after this." He gave Damien and wave and lead Aya past Jake, turning to look at the dog as he did so and giving him a nod. "You need anything, just send me a thought and I'll see what I can do. The cafeteria is always open, complimentary to guests, and if you like we can have food delivered. You should find a map of the building in your room, showing all the places you're allowed to go in this building. The floor you're staying on is a little elfy right now, truth be told we've never been as packed as this so there's nothing I can do about that. Just try your best to ignore them, it's what I do..."

A Maxwell lead the girl and the dog away, giving his little tour guide speech the rush started to arrive. Spore covered reformists and police where wheeled into the room through the emergency entrance, gently carted onto beds. Among them, sleeping deeply as his bones mended, was the Owlman.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 days ago


Seeing nothing better to do, Damien heads off to his apartment, grumbling as he finally saw the text message that Alto sent him. "Fucking hell, I did a lot more than that, but I guess I can try and squeeze that out of the reformists later, once I'm back in fighting condition."


"I think I have decent chance against that simpleton, given enough time to formulate a plan and such, but given how he doesn't feel pain and decent isn't a chance I like to take, I'll comply." Sebastian exited the dark of the alleyway with a smile on his face, Cassandra flowing behind with a few scalpels and other, painful looking instruments, which she was presently cleaning. Behind them, a few low groans could be heard, as well as rivulets of blood inking it's way out of the darkness. "Besides, I didn't even now if Isabella was alive, kinda disappointed that she is to tell the truth, and I had to leave any way to get my little protege. Her name's Cassie and I liberated her from a rather nasty parent. We've bonded since then over torture and death, and her ability is very useful for the second one."

Cassandra stepped forward a little shyly, putting the instruments a way in her backpack as she did so. She didn't know what it was about the man in front of her, but she found his words to be highly persuasive. "H-hi, My name's Cassandra, and it's a pleasure to meet you." She considered putting her hand out to shake hands with one of them, but quickly decided against it. She knew this guy was a meta, and her experience with Aya made her wary of touching on without knowledge of their power. Thinking of Aya also made her a little sad as well, as she felt very much betrayed when the older girl had turned on them. Aya's tutoring sessions had been a beam of light in the hopelessness of her situation, and she'd been very excited at the thought of her coming with them. Sadly, it seemed as if that was not to be.

Sebastian cracked his neck as he walked up to Vince, a smile on his face as tendrils started to creep up from behind his back. "Now then, please turn off you power, fascinating as it is to watch you use it on others, I truly despise when you use it on me. I do hate it when I'm not in control of my own thoughts, it makes me very annoyed. Would you like to help me work off steam, or would you like to live? I'll go to Isabella either way, you have my word on that front, but if you don't stop with what your doing, you'll be joining my friends in the alley back there."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Aya's jaw dropped when she walked into her room. Seriously, this was like a hotel suite! Wide open space, a fluffy bed, a TV and numerous game consoles, a computer, and her own bathroom… and was that a jacuzzi? She spun around, taking it all in (and was excited to see a little garden outside – she adored flowers). And there was her suitcase, neatly sitting beside the bed. Still in awe at how cushy this guest room was, Aya forced her sore body towards her bag and unzipped it. First order of business was a shower – she was fairly certain she smelled like blood and terror.

She paused though, when she remembered the dog that had followed her all the way up to her room. Turning to him, she knelt down and looked him in the eye, giving his head a scratch.

"So, are you my new companion?" she asked quietly. "Heard you were in that mess at New Sun. You must be quite the hero, huh? I guess that makes me pretty lucky to have you." She gave him a small smile and figured heroes deserved a treat (her dad had always teased her that she was too soft and spoiled anything with fur and big eyes). Walking to the fridge, she pulled it open to find it fully stocked… but with people food, not dog food. Aya wasn't sure what she expected. Remembering what Max had said about ordering food, she picked up the phone on the night stand and stammered her way through ordering room service while being overly aware of the fact that she was a guest and taking advantage of their hospitality when they'd already given her this luxurious room.

After that was done, she walked into the bathroom with a change of clothes and took what was both the most agonizing and best shower of her life. Aya walked back into the room, still dripping and sore, but at least she was clean. Opening her door, she found the plate she'd ordered sitting outside and brought it in, placing it on the ground and removing the lid. She'd ordered a steak.

"Alright buddy, eat up," she said to the dog. She'd probably just find something to eat in the fridge, though at the moment her appetite was nowhere to be found.

She gave a little jump when her ringtone cut through the air. Fumbling for her phone, she looked at it and raised her eyebrows in surprise when she looked at the caller ID.

"<Mom?>" she answered in Japanese. "<What time is it over there?… No, I'm fine… I live on the other side of the city Mom, I wasn't anywhere near it. It had nothing to do with me.>" That was probably the biggest lie she'd ever told, she thought as she looked down at her ruined hand. "<No, it's–… what?… I'm just tired, ok?… Long day at work, and I've got a lot of stuff to do…>" Aya ran a hand over her face – and then regretted it when she realized it was her right hand and touching it at all caused pain to shoot up her arm. "<Yeah,>" she said, not wanting to talk to her mom for longer than necessary. "<Yeah, ok… Bye.>" With a sigh, Aya hung up the phone and tossed it onto the bed. Even when the conversation wasn't bad, talking to her mom stressed her out.

Too tired to move around, but too anxious to sleep, Aya plopped down on the floor next to the bed, leaning her head against the plush sheets. She watched the dog as she let out another puff of air. An idea came to her, but Aya was hesitant about it at first… thus far nothing ever good had come from using her powers. But… it would be ok if it were here, wouldn't it? And then she thought back to when she'd failed to use her powers when she meant to with Sebastian. If she'd just had better control then, she'd have a working hand right now. She mulled it over for a bit longer, before finally just closing her eyes and shaking her head.

"Why not?" she asked herself. Aya looked over to the dog then. "Hey buddy, want to come exploring with me, or stay here and take care of my body? Either way I'll feel better with you looking out for me." She'd never actually tried bringing an animal with her before. Then again, she'd also never met an animal that spoke english. Who knew how this would turn out?

@subject zero
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Cedric Wessex finished his report to the President, and sent it; the contents weren't pretty, even with omissions such as leaving out how he had initially trusted Ruby; he cursed himself for that decision, as well as his prior stupidity. When had he forgotten that the Reformists' goals were to create A World Half Full, not A World Always Full? Burning red anger, black despair, yellow caution, all those he felt.

Pain and hardship were a part of life, he must confront it, and he will. And so, waiting for the return of Light, Spectrum, The Owlman and Healing Spore, the young man began to plan, to plan on how to turn things around.

More information would be key, that would be told. Now if only the group had a Meta who can search out the enemy...

Perhaps there was; he should check to see if the International Heroes HQ had any new Metas....


Constantine Ramiel King and the Fiery Guardians went to the Old Aperture Building, where Gia the Forgotten was imprisoned.

No one ever came back out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mass City

Mass City

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hugh Reese for President Campaign Commercial

In a well lit study sitting on a nice chair in front of a fireplace with a happy dog in front of a man. The man was dressed in tan slacks a cardigan, and loafers.

"Hello my fellow Americans, I am Texas Governor Hugh Reese. We live in a terrifying and scary world. People with powers, nations that do not follow laws, and a government that is inept. The current administration has failed America too many times. From the President's failure to ensure our safety from ISIS, the President's failure in stopping Yemen from falling into disrepair. This administration is nothing but one massive failure." Reese drinks from a glass of water.
"Weak responses by this woman in the Oval Office has only ensured a more dangerous world for Americans at home and abroad. A Stronger Russia, a stronger ISIS, a strong China. All of those are bad for us. She has not round up any meta with sympathies to ISIS or Russia, she refuses to prosecute any terrorists and she lets the heroes punish them when the people whom suffer are us." The Governor points.
"When I am elected President I promise to stand up against Russia! I will stand against ISIS! I will say to Wall Street that morality comes before money! I will offer aide to nations that wish to stand up against any form of aggression be it state, meta, or terrorist.

"America will not start a fight but we will damned well end it." Governor Reese smiled. "Remember I will put honor, strength, and dignity back into the White House." The message faded to black right before it transisitoned to the slogan. Reese 2020. Honor, Strength, Dignity.


The President was taken aback by the ad. She was so mad at the fact the ad now put her and Reese withing ten points of each other. She still had ten points but Reese she feared could do more harm to her in the next month when his party had it's convention.

She did not even read the report she was so busy with all the problems of her office she gave it to her chief of staff, Ryan Moon. fter Ryan read the report he suggested to Vice President Davis to convene a special meeting of the President's metahman council. The Metahuman council was a special council that was under the National security council and dealt with the metahuman issue. It would be chaired by Vice President Davis, Mister Moon would act as the President's representative at the meeting, also attending would be the Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, intelligence representatives, and a representative of the budget office. In

Mister Moon had asked for Wessex to find an appropriate date to appear before the special committee within a week or so to explain this further.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"I do not want to rummage through your drawers." Olivia reiterated as she turned to stare at Nate. He had been going through her own personal items that only she and that special someone was allowed to see but he apparently thought that he was welcome to snoop around. His apology, however, seemed sincere. "I enjoy my personal space, thank you very much. Invade it again and I believe I'll have every right to aim properly next time." She warned him, her eyes glazing over a little with anger - Orion brought out the worst in Olivia. Sighing, she finally turned to him and nodded. "I accept your apology."

What happened next stunned her, really. When the phone went on speaker and Elijah's contact began to speak, she felt the blood drain away from her head and she instantly became a little light-headed. It was easy for Olivia to live out what the public thought of her - a genius, a peacemaker, a forward-thinker. But when he chose to attack something close to her; something susceptible to attack, she lost all understanding of the situation. "I... You... No..." Shaking her head quickly, she took a step back into Nate as the contact revealed that there was no record of her birth and simply some adoption forms that linked her and her p parents together.

"Enough, Elijah!" She sounded, pressing her fingers to her temple and ignoring the rising well of anger at his actions - he had taken things too far. Before she could do anything stupid, she limited her own danger by summoning Pyxis again. Taking a few shaky steps forward, she stated up into his eyes with something that resembled loathing but there was also a hint of fear there. "You can do what you like to me, Elijah, but if you ever try to hurt those who I love, I will end your life. I'm a peacemaker but I will kill you if you dare think you can hurt them."

With that, she turned away from the pyromancer, her head ringing. "I'm going to change. I don't want any of... That. Don't wait up for me; as in, get out when you're done." She seemed a little too forward about them leaving but she neither trusted them nor wanted them there. Disappearing into her room, she instantly locked the door and collapsed against it, her breathing hard - it wasn't usual that she had to try and warn an extremely powerful Meta not to cross her. Finally, after a few minutes, she regained control of her breathing and managed to pull out some clothes before heading into the bathroom to shower and change.

Scarlett Evermore

Humming softly, she gladly lifted the scissors and snipped off the extra bit of stem that wasn't needed. She had grown quite a bit in five years - not exactly physically but mentally. She was a stronger person now, with a little help from Loki, of course. She was still sporting the dyed violet hair but overall, she looked like she was doing pretty good. Loki was out somewhere - he left a few mornings ago and never returned so she hazarded a guess to say that he was probably on a job. Scarlett had been begging him to let her tag along with one of them but every time, he refused - apparently they were much too dangerous and he needed to keep her safe.

Her humming was cut short a little as scenes of the attack on the New Sun building appeared on the little tv as she switched the channel. Standing back, a little stunned, she watched with intense curiosity as the building began to buckle due to a large series of explosions. An idiot with half a brain could figure out who was behind that. Suddenly noticing a customer, she switched off the tv and moved around from behind the counter. "Do you need any help, ma'am?" Her smile was bright but she took note of who it was - Light: one of the Reformists' strongest Meta if not the strongest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Adam was glad that his negotiation had made the man believe them to be allies and not foes. The commander led them into the village and once in Warpath noticed that there were foreign soldiers gathered around. They were Russians, it looked like Russia really was an enemy of America and supported terrorism. As they went deeper into the village they noticed more Russian soldiers and this made Adam suspicious, they had to be hiding something if there were this many soldiers being used to guard one village. Unfortunately they weren't allowed to go near that part of the village and the commander informed them that they would be shot dead if they went near the area without authorization.

"Can you tell us what exactly is over there? It seems strange to have so many guards for one small village and I've been in enough battles to know that it's important to know you're environment and every detail" he said to the commander. Mountain Lion remained silent and let his eyes wander around to get some idea of how many soldiers there were and what kinds of weapons they had. Being surrounded by so many hostile forces made him on edge and his fur bristle up a bit.

He didn't like being around his enemies and decided that it was best to remain silent, which would help keep his nerves under control.

@Mass City
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Subject Zero
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Subject Zero King of the monkeys.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Aya watched as the dog walked over and plopped himself down beside her. She wasn't sure what that meant. He wanted to come with her? That seemed like as good a guess as any.

"Alright," she said as she placed her hand on top of his head, "this can be a little disorienting at first, but you'll get used to it. I'll count to three." Though, that was really more for Aya's sake than the dog's. "One… two…" She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "Three."

In the next instant she felt all her aches and pains fall away, and she was weightless. She looked around her to see the now-familiar sights of the astral plane. It was as though she was in the middle of the night sky, and the constellations had come to life around her. Pinpricks of starlight outlined objects, giving the faintest hints of their colors on the physical plane. Aya frowned when she looked down at herself to see the bruises and redness still on her arms, but at least the pain was gone. Remembering the dog, she turned to him, relieved to see him in full color. She hadn’t been sure if it’d actually work.

"Well?” she asked. ”How do you feel?” Max had said that the dog spoke english, right? Aya wondered if that meant he’d be able to talk to her in this world, or he was still limited to barks and growls. Either way, he didn’t make bad company. Aya pushed herself to her feet, her spirit leaving the shadow of her body. ”You’re gonna have to stay close to me. I can only bring you back to your body if I’m touching you… is someone crying?” Somewhere in the distance she heard the very clear sound of a girl crying… which was odd to say the least because she hadn’t heard anything like that before jumping to this side. She felt her skin begin to crawl as she got a Paranormal Activity vibe.

I swear, if this place is haunted on top of everything else I’ve been through today…

@subject zero
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mass City

Mass City

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Adam was glad that his negotiation had made the man believe them to be allies and not foes. The commander led them into the village and once in Warpath noticed that there were foreign soldiers gathered around. They were Russians, it looked like Russia really was an enemy of America and supported terrorism. As they went deeper into the village they noticed more Russian soldiers and this made Adam suspicious, they had to be hiding something if there were this many soldiers being used to guard one village. Unfortunately they weren't allowed to go near that part of the village and the commander informed them that they would be shot dead if they went near the area without authorization.

"Can you tell us what exactly is over there? It seems strange to have so many guards for one small village and I've been in enough battles to know that it's important to know you're environment and every detail" he said to the commander. Mountain Lion remained silent and let his eyes wander around to get some idea of how many soldiers there were and what kinds of weapons they had. Being surrounded by so many hostile forces made him on edge and his fur bristle up a bit.

He didn't like being around his enemies and decided that it was best to remain silent, which would help keep his nerves under control.

@Mass City
@The Patriarch
The commander shrugged. "Something of great power all i know is when the big man himself comes here you know it is interesting. The Russians really don't like us, they are here because they want whatever we got. The big guy is using it as a measure to get us some new toys."

The men were carrying the newest Russian rifles, AK-12's and AK-107's. Some Russians had RPK-74's and PK machine guns the Russian Zone as it seemed had the massive KPV machine guns, and Kord machine guns. Many kinds of RPG weapons. There were Kornet anti-tank missiles, and other atgms.

There were no tanks but motars in embankments and BTRs. The majority of the vehicles were heavy lift vehicles, Mountain Lion heard the sound of a jet engine nearby.

The commander looked at Adam, "Whatever it is the Russians are willing to pay 20 billion for it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


"Tsch! Simpleton? Sebastian you wound me, have you ever even picked up literary classic?" He paused for a moment, noticing the blood and groans, disgust flashed on his face. "I can't believe that you think they're worth the time, if that's a human. Only a meta deserves thought put into their death. Human rats should be treated like rats." Vince stopped and took a breath to calm himself, and took a look at Cassandra. "Lovely, the cockroaches multiply. I'm sure I would be happy to meet you too, under different circumstances." He would have attempted a charming smile but he was not in the mood.

Vince was holing in the urge to yell at these people, theatrics or whatever they were he found the way Sebastian acted annoying. Waving a hand he tried to keep the growl out of his voice, "Alright alright, don't get your panties in a twist. We both know you would barely loose any steam on torturing me, I don't think I could feel pain now even if I wanted to. That's awfully boring for you isn't it? I'd be surprised if you could find a person less entertaining than me to kill. You keep trying to intimidate me but you'd only kill me if I was an obstacle." Vince glared at Sebastian daring him to do something stupid.

"Camille you can come out now, I'm fairly sure he knows you're there. You'd better hurry if you want shotgun. Watch out for the bodies, you'll ruin your shoes." Vince called out across the Alley, he actually felt bad for making her run all over the place, he'd do the leg work next time. "Sebastian, I just want you to know that my car is a limited edition and if you get one drop of blood on the seats, I will kill you with the utmost pleasure. Don't test me this isn't a game." Vince didn't have to use his powers to convey how serious he was, cliché or not he cared about his car more than any other object in his life, minus his library.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Subject Zero
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Subject Zero King of the monkeys.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Just when Jake thought his world couldn't get any weirder, his world literally got weirder. This was too bizarre. Everything seemed to lose it's color and the world darkened. But the thing that creeped him out the most was when he stood up and seemed to leave his body behind. "What!?" Jake thought to himself as he spun around on all four paws, never taking his eyes off of his body. What was his body doing down there? He needed that thing!...And yet...he was still moving around without it....Jake's head hurt again.

His attention shifted to the girl when he heard her say ”You're gonna have to stay close to me. I can only bring you back to your body if I'm touching you…is someone crying?” The first part at least partially explained what was going on. This was her power? The second part only creeped Jake out. He too heard the sound of someone crying and sunk closer to the ground in a defensive stance. This entire situation was like some kind of horror movie. Jake turned his head to the girl and asked "What the hell did you drag me into, girly?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Later on, Aya would blame her nerves on why she was so jumpy. She gave a little yelp when she heard a very clear, very masculine voice coming from the dog.

"You talk," she said dumbly. He very much spoke english, and apparently had the voice of a middle-aged man. Go figure. She'd been expecting this, but… actually she had no idea what she'd been expecting. Suddenly awkward, she looked down at her feet then back up to the dog. "It's, um… Aya. Not girly. And we'll be ok –" she hoped, "nothing can hurt us here –" she prayed.

Aya spun towards the crying sound. It seemed like it was on the same level as her, just through a few walls. Uncertain, she looked down towards the dog and then up again and took a tentative step forward. It wasn't actually necessary to walk in the spiritual realm, but Aya found the routine helped to ground her as she navigated her way closer and closer towards whomever it was.

Soon enough, Aya came upon a girl around her age, but oddly… childish, for some reason. What was odd though, was that instead of dark and starlike, like everything in the physical world, she was in full color. It was almost as though Aya were looking at her through a veil however, and she appeared more washed out and fuzzier than she ought to be.

"Um… hello?" she tried calling out.

@subject zero
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Well that went nicely. All things considered at least." Eli said with a shrug and a look that said he was okay with it. Eli walked over to the coffee table and started eating his Pittsburged steak. Eli completely ignored anything Nate had said. His thoughts on the matter were not important.

Eva Adams, also had thoughts she wished to share. "Eli what the hell was point of that?" Her voice was raised, one could expect she was yelling at him.

"What the phone call and the threat? I threaten people so I don't have to hurt you them. If was gonna kill them, I would have done it without a word." Eli just kept eating.

"Eli what you did was low. That shows a clear lack of any sort of respect for her, that poor woman."

"... I don't care and I'm not sorry. I'm not gonna be sorry when someone asks for backup then bails on the back up. This whole city is gonna know by noon tomorrow, that I'm back in town. My life just got a lot harder and yours by proxy. Yeah I know fancy words." Eli poured another drink for himself and took another bite.

"I'm sure your family is proud of you for that accomplishment but we need to go before something else happen." Eva Adams was determined to get him outta there before something good else happened. She didn't know Eli very well but she knew being around him was dangerous.

"I never had a real family. They gave me up a week or two after I was born. Momma found me in a basket on the side of the highway. At least the girl had that. I'm kinda jealous truthfully... Anyhow, let's get a room close by, I can't be too far away from her.

Eva Adams tried to protest but Eli cut her off. "If you think Lancaster isn't gonna kill someone your fuckin dumb as shit. I told that little gay dude I'd keep that girl alive and I aim to. She's gonna be coming for someone. Probably bring hell fire and nine kinds of other shit with her. Go on and do what I asked." Eli knew Lancaster well enough to she was gonna come back with something, something that was gonna be a killer. There could very well be others, but Eli figured the objects of her wrath would either be himself, Liv or Cedric.

"I don't get you Eli, sometime your such a horrible person. Sometimes your not so bad." with that said Eva Adams left to do what was asked of her.

When the door shut behind her Eli willed himself to his feet and stretched. "Well, shit." Eli said to himself. "Guess I oughtta clean up a little." with that he was off to clean up the mess made by Olivia and that damn fire extinguisher. It wasn't anything that could be fixed with a lot of time, water and elbow grease.

Rolling up his sleeves Eli gathered the needed items a do started work. He even SONG to acompany his work. He was surprisingly good at singing this kinda music. A life time of hearing it and practicing help. Even still he sang it like it was his own. There even sounded like there was more than a little voice talent to him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Ghoul

Member Seen 2 days ago

Ann retreated back into the core of building in an attempt to find her temporary living quarters. Her brief search ended with Ann only feeling lost among being sad, so she tried to find yet another vacant room to hide in. This time she selected board room which presently void of personal but the scattered documents, folders, and computers gave off the impression that whoever left might be coming back. Finding the oval shaped table to be a suitable place for now, she sat centered on the table, sat with her legs crossed, and allowed herself to kind of succumb to her grief.

Ann had only but a moment to herself before a sudden intrusion broke her haunted wailing. She lifted her head from her arms and glanced around to what she thought was an empty room. Her teary-eyed gaze fell upon a woman and her dog companion. The both of them were looking right back at her, and they appeared in full color, just like any other ghosts... but they weren't ghosts. They couldn't be for the same reasons as that boy from earlier. "W-what do you want?" Ann asked with a sniffle.



Ariadne continued to wander about the hallways of the building. She knew Ann would want to be alone and figured the room was the best spot for it. So she set out for the luxury guests suite that they had that was presently on the first, two floors below where she was presently. She took a flight of stairs down to the first floor and immediately made way for the rooms but to Ariadne's surprise, their room was vacant. She slammed her fist into the wall by the door in frustration. At first she had been trying her best to keep her cool but now Ariadne was prepared to take this whole building down to search for her sister. She turned and now running, tried to find where her sister had gone.
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