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Steve nodded and had continued walking along with them and looked back to Sly and replied "minecraft, you're Sly correct?" he asked as they moved along. He heard that Pac man and the other person was in trouble and pulled out his iron sword once again and had began to charge at the infected killing a few of them then placed a TNT block and blew up a few more.

Meanwhile, Pac man had shot a few more of the infected with more power ups. He looked back to Steve "ah, there you are my friend Steve! Good to see you found the others, now help us kill these things!" he yelled to them and continued the fight then turned bigger and ate a few more while the giant executioner infected approached Alucard swinging at him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The_written_John
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As the huge lumbering black mask wearing Majini approached, It was easy for the dhampir to read the slow axes movements as the fiend swung down from above, using his quick and agile movements, an afterimage appeared as the half vampire slid backwards without losing his stance, as if the floor was a fast moving escalator, and with such fast movement, he was able to avoid the strike that was coming down before him.

With time needed for the Executioner Majini to swing again, Alucard took his time to attack and so, using his cape, he swung it open, unleashing three balls of molten hellfire from within, which quickly exploded in the Majini's face upon impact, sending his foe several feet back, wounded and blind from the strikes, thus allowing Alucard to make a follow attack, snapping his fingers, he consumed some of his spiritual essence to summon forth from the depths of hell a possessed sword, about half as large as he was, it quickly fired toward its foe, as by Alucards will, pierced through the jugular of the Majini, forcing to grip onto the summon sword in pain, but as its hands touched the steel of its blade, all he Executioner could feel was more pain as the hands used to grab the sword suffered unimaginable burns, before eventually the whole Executioners body was set a flame.

To finish off his opponent, Alucard de-summoned his familiar demon sword whilst deciding to run forward, using the axe as a stepping stone, Alucard landed atop the head of the lumbering fool and stabbed his sword into the huge Majini's head, before launching away, allowing the blood to gush from the wound and finish his opponent in a terrifyingly gruesome fashion. Alucard preparing himself for the next encounter, his expression stoic, unchanged.

"One more defeated."
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After he had killed the giant executioner, Steve had killed the remaining infected around them hacking and slashing at them all. He threw splash potions of health at them in order to injure and kill them as splash potions of harm would only heal these creatures. He killed the remainders then looked around to the others.

Meanwhile Pac man had continued his killing spree of the others as well eating them all and shooting them with power ups. After that was finished he sighed in relief and had a berry or two "well done everyone, Steve who are these two? I recognize Sly and I believe the other fellow is from the world of castlevania?" he asked looking at the vampiric creature.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chaotix Warrior
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Vector heard others coming as he kept unleashing barrages of his musical mayhem and fireball blasts towards the zombies while watching as the robed human was able to take care of more than his fair share. At the same time, he kept an eye on the others, blasting his vocal and fiery attack in the direction of anybody who needed help. All the while, Sly went in headfirst, swinging and slashing at several of them using his hooked cane to deal damage while also shooting off a few smoke bombs to quickly move behind some of the zombies and sneak attack them. Once all of the infected were gone, Sly and Vector seemed to be a little exhausted as Sly nodded only to add in, before anybody could really answer any questions, “Shouldn’t we be finding an HQ? You know…so we’re not exposed?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mutank95
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Steve nodded and beckoned for all of them to follow him to his house deeper in the woods. He had looked around for anymore creatures or beings from other worlds knowing that others could be around anywhere. Pac man meanwhile looked around cautiously as well as he stood there in the back of them as they moved about. They had finally reached his house which was about 10 blocks tall and reinforced with brick and cobblestone with a wood interior. He lead them into a living room and had sat down with them. "Is anybody injured?" Steve asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chaotix Warrior
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In the world of Minecraft...
Sly kept a few paces back from Steve, mostly due to being the leader of his own group, while looking around making sure to keep his ears ready to pick up any hints of trouble. All the while, his eyes used to seeing the dark were able to pick up any shifts in the leaves, any incorrect prints in the ground. At the same time, he never took his eyes off of Alucard as something about the human bothered him but never let it show more than the glances. Meanwhile, at the rear of the Vector was nearby Pacman, keeping an eye out for anything coming behind him while humming some tunes from his Walkman and murmuring to himself about how strange the area was along with semi-verbal pondering about what was happening.

Once inside of Steve's place, Sly took a deep breath of relief while looking at the others before pulling out his family's book from his fanny pack, trying to flip through it, as if wondering if this is something his family has encountered before. All the while, Vector seemed to be looking a little concerned, "I hope my teammates are okay," he said while looking outside, looking at the stars. Then, he turned to look the group, "Well, since we're...mostly safe. I guess now's as good as a time as any to get to know each other."
Meanwhile, in another world...
Sitting inside of a stone castle, tapping his claws against a throne was a large, yellow turtle-like creature with spikes all along his green shell, red hair coming out of his head, and wearing spiked bands on his neck, wrists, and upper arms. "That damned Mario!" he cursed while pounding his fist on his chair, "I can't seem to beat him no matter what I try!" He then turned to another creature, this one completely covered a blue robe wearing a blue cap and wielding a staff with a red orb on the top, "Do you have any suggestions?" he snarled out.

Taking a few steps back the robed creature looked at the turtle creature before saying, "Ha ha! You've tried everything this world, but what about others, Lord Bowser?"

The large turtle beast tilted his head a little bit, "Other worlds?" he asked before rubbing his chin, "But how will that work?"

"Simple, I can send somewhere else, but I don't know about how you'd get back. However, I'm sure some other place have magic, and I'm sensing that the links between these worlds are weakening."

"Muhahahahaha! Then when I find the perfect device or person, I can crush that puny plumber! Lets do it!"

With that the robed creature waved his wand and with a large flash the large beast was gone with the robed creature saying, "Good luck, Your Lordship."
Back in Minecraft...
Within a few yards of the stone house a flash appeared and the large turtle-like creature appeared, "Heheheheheh!" he laughed, "Now then, lets see..." but then he looked around the darkness, seeing the blockiness and blinked. "What in the world is this? Looks like I've been thrown back in time! That damn Kamek!" However, he turned to look at the house and saw a few lights on. Just then, Vector, out of pure luck, happened to be peeking out the same window Bowser was outside off, "Oh...no! That turtle-guy!"
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Steve looked to the group then went to a cobblestone stove and cooked a steak before eating it. After that he had went back over to the group and nodded in agreement with Sly's suggestion to introduce themselves. "Well I am Steve from this world known as Minecraft. As you can tell by my blocky appearance" He said. Pac man went next "and I'm sure you all know me, and if you don't, then let me refresh your memory "I am Pac man from the game of the same name. A legend I am in the video game world but I'm not going to brag about it. I'm not sure why our worlds have collided but we'll figure it out soon" he said.

Just then a crash of lightning was heard outside of the window and out there was a large turtle or tortoise. Pac man looked outside and his eyes went wide "Oh no... It's bowser... But... Does that mean Mario and Luigi are here too?" He asked himself as well as the group not even knowing the answer. He had readied his power ups as about six spider jockeys had appeared before them appearing to stand at bowser's side in an apparent way that meant that they were going to ally and fight with him against the group. "Steve? Thoughts?" Pac man asked. Steve replied "this house has traps on it that are ready to handle almost anything. However I'm sure you're all able to fight as well so we do have a fighting chance. It's just going to be harder with a main antagonist of a video game" he said then waited with the rest of the group to see what bowser would do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chaotix Warrior
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Outside, the King Koopa looked at the 6 spider jockeys and saw how they were standing at his side and chuckled darkly, "Well, it seems people in this land of blocks know who I am," but then he looked at the house and saw Pacman and the others. "Well, well, well...looks like I can test you six on these fools!" With that, he started to get himself ready to attack them with a chuckle. Meanwhile, Sly slung his cane on his shoulder, "I've fought bigger brutes than him," and Vector chuckled, "And I ain't scare of no bugs."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mutank95
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Steve and Pac man nodded to each other then Steve had begun to open fire on the spider jockeys with an enchanted bow that had set them on fire temporarily while Pac man had opened fire as well shooting the berries at them all exploding all around them. "So bowser, retro game versus retro game" Pac man said in a darker tone implying he wanted to fight bowser himself but knew that was foolish. Without turning to look at them, He said "sly, can you get in touch with either of your comrades Bentley or Murray?" he asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chaotix Warrior
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Bowser just watched as the spiders blew up with the arrow and berry combination only to snort a little bit. However, all he that he said when the walking mouth spoke to him was, "You know what? You aren't worth one blast!" before turning around and walking off, most likely trying to find another ally in the area. While he was walking off, he seemed to be slashing at the trees, leaving the blocks laying on the grounds in his wake before disappearing over the horizon.

Sly and Vector watched in shock as the large turtle-beast walked off before Sly just chuckled, "You know what, he's going to be back," only to turn to Pac with a little bit of an upset expression, "I couldn't get contact before..." With that he reached up to his ear, "Bentley...Murray? Hello?" but then he winced sharply as he got only a loud SQUEAL, once that could be heard by Pac and Vector along with anybody who was a few feet of him, "Ow..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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A yellow portal appeared in the sky above a lake. Not much later, a man in blue cloth fell from it and dived into the lake. He got up to the surface again, and looked around. He saw he wasn't familiar with his surroundings. "This ain't France. Where did Paris go?" He swam towards the shore, and got on land. He walked around, hoping to find signs of civilazation.

Meanwhile, another portal opened not far away from there. A red man with a mask fell through it. He got a hard smack with the ground. He got up, and said: "That was unfortunate." He looked around, before saying: "I must be dreaming!" He clearly didn't recognise the area. He heard something. He hid behind a tree.

Arno was still wandering through the forests. He just headed towards the east, hoping to find a river that he could follow, as people mostly set villages at water. He heard a faint sound behind him, like smoke, or wind. He turned around, to see a man with a red mask trying to stab him in the back. Arno blocked it with his hidden blade, and a fight between the two began. They consistently tried to stab eachother, without succes, and when Arno dodged a stab, he pulled out his gold-plated pistol and aimed for the masked man, while simultaniously the spy pulled out his pistol and aimed for the assassin.

Only now the Spy could take a good look at Arno, and saw he wasn't a class he could recognise. "What the hell?" He said. "What the hell is that?!" Arno was a bit confused. "I could say the same from you. Are you a spy?" The Spy laughed. "But of course." Arno's face got serious. "Well, who send you? The Templars?!" "No." Arno was confused again. "Well, who then?" The Spy made a gesture like there was no one. "No." He said again. Arno was even more confused now. "Then why did you try to kill me?"

The Spy was now sure this guy wasn't with the Blu team. "With my apologies. Let's settle this like gentlemen, shall we?" He said while putting his gun slowly back in his pocket. Arno whaited for the Spy to holster the gun, then he did the same. "So, you don't want to kill me?" "No." "You thought I was someone else?" "Yes." "Then it's all good, I believe. What is your name?" "Spy." Arno got confused again. "I know you are a spy, just tell me your name." "Spy." Arno raised an eyebrow. "So, your name is Spy?" "Yes." Arno shook his head.

"Well, 'Spy' you have any idea where we are?" The Spy shook his head. "No." Arno sighed. It looked like he was stuck in a cubed world with a spy named Spy and no clue what to do. "Well, let's have a truce, shall we? We are both lost and we have a better chance of surviving by working together." The Spy smiled. "Excellent! After you." Arno lead the way. "You are taking this gentlemen thing really far, aren't you?" The Spy laughed again. "But of course!" They walked further into the forest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The_written_John
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-before reaching steves home-

Alucard gave a strange glance toward the strange creature, raising his right eyebrow curiously, as he spoke to the odd yellow entity known as "pac man".

"Excuse me, what is this "Castlevania?" And how would you know whom I am? we have never met before, I am sure of this... So the likely hood that you know of me is impossible..."

However, before Alucard could continue speaking, Steve walked off suddenly, escorting the group to what appeared to be a tiny rectangular shaped home, once again, an odd formation, Alucard continued to be surprise at everything this realm had to offer, it's strange architecture, it's weird fiends, its odd inhabitance, he would have liked to escape it and head back to his job, but it didn't seem like that was going to happen any time soon. Alucard didn't let any emotions upset him, as they walked into the mans home.

-Steves home-

Alucard sat down on the uncomfortable blocky seat that displayed itself in the room, trying to position his sitting posture in varous elegant ways to no avail, which made him uneasy, all while Alucard checked inside his cape, checking the inventory which attached to the inner workings of his cloak.

"These chairs are not accustomed to... beings like myself "Stephen". I'm afraid I may not find any comfort upon such sharp cornered furniture. My apologies..."

However, like before, Alucard was once again interrupted, able to sense a plethora of malevolent and deadly presences approaching, only to hear pac-man and vector call out about a yellow turtle. Alucard raised an eyebrow whilst quickly opened the door to spot bowser, another strange creature, with an odd pigment on its skin and with monstrous foes accompanying it, blocky just like steven.

"So this entity has recruited fiends from Stephens world... Evil does group together..."

As Alucard was going to open up his cape, steve and the other comrades had already started plus had finished eliminating the spider jockey foes which were coming toward him before Alucard could enter combat, which was reassuring to the Dhampir, it seems these other entities could defend themselves fairly well, there would be no need to babysit them. Alucard folded his arms once more, watching the overweight, lanky turtle stomp away, before shaking his head in disapproval.

"That was a malevolent entity? He came here to assault us and simply walks away when his minions retreat? A cowardly type I see... Just who did you say its name was? "Bowser"? No matter, I suppose it wont aid us in rushing after the fiend, next time it comes my way, I shall use my powers to subdue him... He doesn't seem like the type to kill other people... However should he try, his soul is forfeit... And thou shall walk in the fires of the void for eternity..."

Using his vampiric hearing, Alucard was able to hear the screeching and immediately turned to Vector, curious as to what the sound was, having never seen technology such as his before, he immediately spoke.

"What ails you? That scream... It came from your direction, vector..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chaotix Warrior
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Somewhere deep into the forest, Bowser was looking around for creatures and allies to help him. However, he didn't give the people in the cabin much thought, his focus was to find creatures to take care of his pests back home. At the same time, he couldn't help but to marvel at how weak some of them looked, particularly the annoying green hissy things the kept on exploding when he close enough to them. "Bawhahahahaha!" he chuckled to himself, the things barely harming and his shell, "Mario'll have a blast, but they are too short fused for my work."

Inside of Steve's home, Sly would be making the face before rubbing his ears a little bit, "Ouch..." he groaned with a wince before turning to Alucard, as he headed back into the house, "No, I'm the one who made the noise my..." he paused for a while, "...communications isn't working here." At the same time, Vector would be blinking a little bit, looking at Sly for a long while, as if trying to think about what the raccoon meant.

"Now...I know a little bit of some of you, and, hopefully, that will be last interruption, but, Sly, what do you mean communications? I don't think you really introduced yourself."

Sly was, however, already sitting back down, skimming through his brown, leather-bound, well-used book that had the name Thievius Raccoonus imprinted on it in gold and blue lettering, matching the color of his cane and clothes. Sighing a little bit, Vector slowly decided that getting to know that particular stranger might have to wait as he turned to Alucard, "What about you? All I know is what Paccy said...something about a Castle...?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The_written_John
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Alucard folded his arms once more, showing a neutral expression on his face, not smiling nor frowning, answering his question quickly.

"I am Alucard. Son of the most selfless, most human woman in all of my realm, Lisa Tepes. My apologies for not introducing myself so soon, Thou may relax however, I am not an enemy, nor will I antagonise you. Once I finish our mission, I will return to relinquish myself from the eyes of mortals, my blood is cursed, and i do not deserve to be in a mortals presence until the realm of humans is threatened once more..."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mutank95
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Pac man had looked to Alucard "apparently you don't know your own world do you?" he asked him. He then looked to Sly "damn, no communication from the others. Sly what were really need is a plane from your world for air support. Meanwhile I'll have to head to another gaming world such as World Of Tanks. One of you shall come with me. Steve, you and the others head to other worlds as well and look for the protagonists of those universes. Now that we have a plan all we need are portals. I'm aware that all of you fell out of the sky, however, that means there should be others that are open. We must find them now and hurry before bowser finds the other worlds and destroys them" he said then Steve looked back to them after he had killed the spider jockeys. He added "yes let's go!" he said then went out the door along with Pac man who was deciding which way the portals to other worlds would be.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

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Arno and Spy were walking through the forest, when they suddenly heared a large creature aproach. They hid behind some trees, when they saw a big spiked creature coming their way, which didn't look like it was out of this world either. "What the hell is that?!" Spy said to Arno. "I have no idea, but it doesn't look friendly. Let's walk around it and see if we can get past unnoticed." The spy nodded, and said "Go right." The assassin also nodded, and climbed up a blocky tree, only to go around it from the right side. The spy used his cloak and went left.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chaotix Warrior
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Vector listened to the introduction of the human while nodding slowly, as if doing his best to understand it, "I think I understand, you like to hang out in the shadows. Though, if you don't mind me pressing on, what do you mean by cursed blood?" Then, he turned to look at Pacman for a second before laughing, "This looks like such a magic-free land...such a thing COULDN'T exist here, could it?" All the while, Sly chuckled for a second only to have Vector turn to look at him for a while, "And what's so funny?"

Closing his book, Sly looked at Vector, "Listen, Vector, 'exist here' or not doesn't really matter right now," he then stood up before pointing at everyone other than Steve, "I think think we could 'exist here'. Though, I do agree with Pacman here, we need some sort of plan. The only problem is we need to remain flexible as we don't know what could happen with all of this mess."

Meanwhile, Bowser, was growling and roaring a little bit, slicing a different trees while looking around for something that he could use before hearing some noises and shot a fireball at the source, which happened to be Arno and Spy. "Who's there! Show yourself and bow down before your NEW king!"
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