Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lvl Down
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Lvl Down Lord of Levels

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hi-Summoner Realmor looked out the window onto the school grounds. Tomorrow would be his second attempt to increase the student body at school. His first attempt last year didn't go so well, mostly because of an incident with one of the students being kidnapped by a research firm while attending this school. That particular incident had hit the school hard, especially its reputation. Realmor was still furious that a scam like that made it through the screening process he had implemented at school to prevent just that same exact thing. He had investigated the matter, and found out the the staff were largely to blame, so after he had sacked almost all of them, this year his new employees would come on and he needed to make sure that they were well taught. Another mistake like last year would probably be the end of his job as headmaster of the school. Every time he thought of that incident made his blood boil. He walked over to a roost in the middle of his room where is summon Fury rested. He patted the large bird on its head and then sat down in front of the fireplace in his easy chair. This year would have to be perfect, he didn't even want to know how many students would stop coming. He rested his head in his hands and began to think of what he could do tomorrow.

The next Morning

Monday: First Day of School

"Meeka and Rune got off of the bus and looked at the large building in front of them. It was the first day that they would get to look at a factory on the inside. Other students had also gotten off the bus and once everyone was off, all the students walked into that factory. As soon as Meeka had entered those doors, everything disappeared and she found herself in a steel cage in a dark room. Rune was in another cage next to her but he didn't move. The door opened and a few guys wearing blue doctor coats walked in and grabbed Meeka...

Meeka woke up in her room. Small beads of sweat forming on her forehead. Her ears twitched as the cool dawn breeze flowed through her room. She yawned and slowly got out of bed. "Ugh. Another nightmare. When are these going to end?" She rubbed her eyes and walked into the bathroom and turned on the light. She took a good look at herself to make sure that nothing else had changed. She heard from the people that did this to her that it was possible for her to attain additional transformations. Her ears were the same, furry and positioned on the top of her head. Her somewhat bushy tail hadn't grown at all, her canine teeth were still there. She looked at her hands, no claws had grown there, yet. She hoped that that wouldn't happen. It was already 7:00 am. Meeka could tell, she could hear her parents getting ready for the day on the other side of the house. Once Meeka had refreshed herself in the bathroom, she walked over to her closet and looked at the school uniform she had left out of her luggage for the first day of school. Her mom had altered it so it would fit her comfortably even with a tail, she also changed the inside fabric so that it would be more comfortable while retaining its magical properties. Little did Meeka know, but her mom had a GPS chip installed in her clothes when she made the alteration. Once she donned her uniform and cloak that came with it she went down stairs and by the time she got to the kitchen her dad was already cooking breakfast in the hand of Baalfire his 8 foot fire elemental. (There is a large window that leads outside that Ballefire can enter to be used as a furnace, and Meeka's house is inlaid with stone and the ground as well in a 50 foot radius all around her house so that Baalfire could be out without setting the nearby trees on fire) Her dad greeted Meeka as she entered the kitchen, ""Good morning sunshine! How does eggs and bacon sound for today?" Meeka managed a weak smile as she sat at the table.

Soon enough, breakfast was ready and Meeka's mom came into the kitchen to join them for breakfast. After they had all finished eating, they loaded Meeka's suitcases into the car. Meeka didn't have any problem lifting her heavy suitcases into the vehicle. Despite her tiny size, she had no problem lifting 50lbs with one hand over her head. A gift from the gruesome transformation she had gone through. Once all the luggage was loaded Meeka's dad drove them to Ason High School. (Along the way, her parents confirmed Meeka's choice that she wanted to attend this school.) Once they made it to the school, they were greeted by a group of people that moved all the luggage from the car to her dorm. As Meeka was getting ready to leave, her dad told her, "Oh. Meeka! I took up a position at this school as the assistant arena and battle instructor. Just letting you know so your not surprised when you see me at class." Meeka nodded he head as she followed the designated people to her dorm. They unloaded all her suitcases at Room 258 and handed her the key to the room. After they left, Meeka opened the door and dragged her suitcases into the room. She didn't even bother to unpack her other things, she just sat at the desk and set her head down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 14 days ago


Eris woke up slowly in the lonely double bed that she used just for her own. It has always been like this, ever since she could remember, Eris was used to sleep alone on a large bed and wake up staring at the walls of a cold room at her family's castle. This time it was different, however, as the sight which greeted her was the panoramic view of the city as night was finally receding and life was coming back to the streets.

It was a sight that Eris was quite unused to, as she never lived in a metropolitan city before, she got out of her bed and into the balcony of the hotel room she'd be calling home for the next four years to admire the sight quitely. She was still wearing her nightclothes, a white nightshirt and lacy black panties (all of them were Chic Gray articles, of course), only, but she didn't worried about onlookers because her suite was on the 72nd floor, anyway.

Eris stood there for about half an hour before she heard a knock on her bedroom's door. She didn't even need to turn to know that it was Eden, because he was the only other person here besides her. "Come in, you know the door is unlocked," Eris said, not bothering to leave the balcony. The morning breeze carried the scent of the sea from the city's bay to it's interior and was really relaxing to just bask in it thoughtlessly. Eden wouldn't be able to sour her mood today, or so Eris thought.

"You know, if you stayed like this my life would be much easier, but you could at least... dress some clothes, I think?" These were the first words to leave the Eden's mouth. Becoming her personal butler (wheter he denies it or not) and fake boyfriend seem to have filled the boy with some wits, which Eris found hardly amusing.

Eris clicked her tongue before turning to face Eden with a provocative look in her eyes, "What, you got a problem with me wearing these? I hope you aren't having any weird thoughts, do you hear me?" The she turned to the landscape behind her agin before asking, "Anyway, what is it that you want?"

"You have a phone call, it seems to be a girl asking about that job request you placed in the newspaper last week. Here, have it." Eden then handed the receiver to Eris and left the room so that she could talk in privacy, or not exactly, because he had already placed a bug on the hotel's landline, anyway.

Minutes later...

"I'll meet you at Ason High today, then. Be ready to begin working as soon as the school day ends, miss Fujisaki." Eris said before hitting the [End Call], button and throwing the receiver over as bed as she made her way to the bathroom. She took a nice long shower before chanf=ging into her school uniform Surprising enough she didn't felt those clothes repulsive, even though they weren't Chic Gray's, mostly because they were uniforms and this alone meant order and pride were part of Ason High's student body etiquette and those two are things that she values and respects.

After that, Eris and Eden ate breakfast at the hotel's restaurant and hopped on the elevator towards the basement parking where the aged gentleman who was the chauffer of Eris' car, a luxurious black Drysler 300, was waiting for them. "Good morning, Mademoiselle and to you too, young master." The man, who looked to be around his late fifties greeted them as he opened the doors and help the two teenagers sit confortably in the car's back seat.

"To you two, Jean. I hope your grandaughter is recovering well." Eris answered as she got into the car and let Jean help her fasten the seat belt properly. "Yes, Mademoiselle, it's all thanks to your generosity. In fact, she asked me to deliver this to you as a token of her gratitude, I know it's now much, but..." Eris held a hand to the older man's face after he delivered her a pink envelope, written [To the Dark Angel Miss] in childish letters. She knew what he would say and so couldn't let he finish the sentence, "There's no need to repay me with anything other than your continued work. All that I did was be true to my ideals, I can't possibly accept any other payment for that than this letter."

"As you wish, Mademoiselle." The gray haired man said as he turned the key on and hit the gas pedal, their next stop would be on Ason High.

During the travel...

Eris had an evilish grin in her face through quite a long part of the way to their school, ever since she read the letter sent by Jean's granddaughter. She wasn't sexectly staring at Eden, but he knew that she wanted him to ask about the letter anyway, in fact it was so painfully obvious that it hurt to see her being this stubborn. "Ok, what's so great about that letter?" Eden asked when he couldn't bear with her smile for any longer.

"If you really want to know," Eris said passing the letter to Eden, "it looks like that, different from a certain someone, Jean's granddaughter knows how to express her gratitude properly." Eris didn't even cared to hide the sarcasm in her last comment, it was obvious towards who she threw that barb.

When Eden read the letter he found out that it contained a crayon drawing of a blonde small girl hugging a taller girl with black wings coming out of her back, made on pink strawberry smelling paper, bellow the drawing there was a short message written in French, [Thank you, Dark Angel Miss! The doctors said that because of you I'll be good in no time, please come see me again next summer, ok?"].

Eden didn't even need to ask Eris what happened as he already had taken the care of investigating her bank account registries last year and found out about her spending quite a hefty sum on a French Pediatric Hospital to pay for the best available treatment for an early stage leukemia, even tough she couldn't possible be affected by such a disease. It was but a matter of adding 1 to 1 now that he'd read this letter to find out who she was paying for.

He gave the letter back to Eris without saying anything, and keeping his expression neutral, so that she didn't find out that he knew the truth neither his true feelings about the matter.

Anyway, before they took notice Jean parked the car in front of Ason's gates and announced that they had arrived.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SlamJamcity
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SlamJamcity Slacker extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Eden awoke in the middle of the night to start his early morning routine. Everyday starting at 2am he would repeat the same steps to ensure both his and Eris's protection. It started with him sweeping over the entire hotel room to make sure there hadn't been any intruders during the night. Next, he went downstairs to the hotel kitchen and watched the chefs' prepare the breakfast for that morning. He was checking for two things. One was to make sure that no one poisoned the food, the other was to see if they prepared everything to the highest of standards. After this, he went outside and made sure no one ha implanted a bomb or other device of sabotage onto their vehicle. The entire morning had felt surreal, no matter what he did Eden couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The nagging feeling in the back of his head led him to retracing his steps, and repeating everything he had done that morning. The thing that had been off? He wasn't wearing any pants, the entire morning he went through his routine in nothing but a pair of boxer briefs. Upon realizing this Eden charged back up to the Hotel room and immediately put on a pair of pants.

Everything had been settled, there was no threats to be had on their lives this morning. The only thing left to do was wake up Eris and get her ready for school. This is what Eden dreaded the most, she was a terrible person in the morning. He knocked lightly on the door before entering, and was greeted the sight of Eris standing out on he balcony. It was truly a blessing from god, today Eden wouldn't have to fight with her to get out of bed. Stepping closer to the balcony, he noticed that she was still in her night-clothes. Despite this she looked to be rather peaceful for a change. "You know, if you stayed like this my life would be much easier, but could you at least... put some clothes?" Eden wasn't complaining, but it was close to the time that they had to be to school. In response she turned towards him and smiled rather provocatively. She taunted him in jest, then turned back towards the city landscape. After some silenced she asked him what his business was in her room. This reminded him of the call he had received that morning from a girl inquiring about the open maid position. Redialing the number he handed the phone off to Eris. "You had a phone call, it seemed to be a girl asking about that job request you placed in the newspaper last week. Here, have it." Turning away from her, he left the room and went about his business.

He changed into the school uniform and donned the black cloak that came with it. It was a change from his usual monotone brown attire. Eris said that it looked good on him, but Eden wasn't really feeling it. It had plenty of room to conceal his summons and other necessities, but it just didn't feel right. He fiddle with it a bit more before heading down to the lobby with Eris to eat breakfast before they left for school. The food was okay, but you'd expect more from a 5-start hotel. Eden knew that he could do better, but he didn't say anything. If Eris knew she would make him prepare breakfast in the morning as well. He already had enough weight on his shoulders as it was.

They finished up and headed towards the garage to retrieve their car. As usual the chauffeur Jean greeted them and opened the for them both. As they drove towards the school Eden noticed that Eris was holding a letter in her hand and had been staring at him for quite some time. He tried to ignore it, but this seemed to only agitate Eris even further. "Ok, what's so great about that letter?" He asked, acknowledging her for the first time since they had entered the car. She passed him the letter and Eden quickly skimmed over it. It didn't take him long to connect the dots, he had been keeping close tabs on Eris recently. This explained the large sum of money that had gone missing from her bank account. He would have never expected her to be the type to do charity work, she seemed more sinister than that. He handed her the letter without saying a word, his face as neutral as ever.

Soon there after they arrived out front of the school. Stepping out of the car he closed the door behind him and went around to the trunk and retrieved his briefcase. He began to walk towards the school, but as he neared the gat he noticed Eris wasn't beside him. She was still sitting in the car, like she was waiting for something. It didn't click immediately, so he prepared to keep walking, but taking one last look at Eris he realized what she had been waiting for. Jogging over to the car he opened the door and looked inside. "You would think that you would at least be able to open a car door for yourself. I guess I expected too much from you." Gently grabbing her hand, he attempted to assist her out of the car. "Watch your step." It was an elegant sight, a young mistress being helped out of the back of her car. It was like a scene out of a romance anime, but life wasn't so perfect. Stepping on one of his shoe laces as he backed away from the car, Eden fell to the ground dragging Eris down with him. His first instinct was to make sure that she was okay, but when he looked over at her, he couldn't help but laugh. "I'm sorry! The look on your face is just too perfect." Standing up, he brushed himself off and offered his hand to Eris. "I guess your grande debut didnt go elegantly as you expected."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 4 days ago

Sayaka put down her cellphone, and sighed in relief. She would have called yesterday, but she forgot about it due to both preparing for Ason High and a game she recently rented. Fortunately the employer, Eris Reinhardt, didn't seem to mind, and she got the job secured. But she was surprised when Reinhardt said they would meet at Ason High; she did sound like she was her age, but she spoke in a really refined and polite way, like an aristocrat. Sayaka was happy about getting the job; it wasn't too far from the school or her home, and with the money she could buy the newest releases instead of renting decade-old games. Her father at least approved, since he was constantly busy with business trips and the like, and she would be home alone for most of the time. She was decent at housekeeping, so she could work as a maid. She did wonder about the address, which was a hotel suite, but that would be for her to discover later.

Sayaka walked downstairs to the kitchen, where her father was simultaneously eating breakfast, reading the newspaper and talking to the phone; he seemed to be having an important meeting, once again. Sayaka smiled: as busy as her father was, he still put his work aside so he could drive Sayaka to her first day at the new school. She sometimes worried that he would overwork himself, but he always said that Sayaka was the dearest thing to her in the entire world. "Hey dad, I got that job we talked about. The employer said I could start today," she said while she ate breakfast herself.

"I'll bring that development char-excuse me. Oh, that's great, dear. Now, if you feel like you can't do your schoolwork on time because of the job you'll have to quit it; your studies come first. You do know the route so you don't get lost, right? I'll be in Sweden this week, so I trust that you don't need a babysitter."

"No dad, I'm not a child anymore. I'll be fine, I promise."

"I always have my phone with me, so don't hesitate to call me if you need to talk to me. Where's Usami? Isn't she supposed to come with you?"

"I'm wight hewe!" A strange rabbit-like creature floated from the ceiling lamp and landed on Sayaka's head. "This is an impowtant day fow Sayaka; she's going to become a pwopew summonew!"

Sayaka nodded in agreement; this was a big day in her life. While every person gets a summon in their life, not everyone can go to a summoning school where they can hone that skill. Sayaka's father took a look at his watch and his eyes opened. "Okay Sayaka, let's go."

Usami poked her head out from Sayaka's backpack as they made a turn and Ason High's gates were in sight. Sayaka's father stopped in front of them, and Sayaka hopped out with her backpack hoisted over her shoulder. "Have a nice day at the school, dear. I love you," he said, and lifted Sayaka's bicycle out of the trunk.

"I love you too dad," Sayaka responded. Her father put the metal to the pedal and flung out of there like a racing car.

"Wow, youw fathew is a busy bee," Usami said. "Come on, let's meet up with youw new fwiends."

Friends? Sayaka didn't know what to think. Usami seemed to be confident in her gaining new friends. She did hope she would have friends herself, but she was afraid that she would end up alone like in her previous school; the other girls didn't so much make fun of her as just ignored her due to her weird hobbies. She wasn't bullied, which she was thankful for, but the group assignments were always a hard time on her due to everyone immediately forming their own groups and leaving her out.

"I don't know, Usami. We'll have to see how it goes first. Please don't make a ruckus now." Usami shook her stubby arm as a sing of compliance, and buried herself deep in her backpack. Sayaka took a few steps forward, and took a quick look around. There were others like her who came by car, and one of them was a really fancy one. A boy and a girl came out of it with the boy leading the way, but the boy pulled the girl too hard and both of them fell to the ground. It looked like the girl was hurt, and Sayaka rushed over to help. She reached out for the girl. "Hey, uh, do you need help?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Monday Morning

Edge had walked to school a with his backpack on his back, duffel bag in left hand, his violin case in his right. He sighed and grumbled under the weight he wasn't weak just carry heavy object was not his thing. Still he was to be accept to such a prestigious school, more importantly he could learn more about whose his parents were.

His train of thought was stopped when suddenly his red headed angel swept past and grabbed his violin case, she knew that was his prized possession. She twirled in the air spinning with glee as she looked around the campus her huge wings causes gust of wind. "Edge look! This place is amazing, look at all the people." She swooped around the campus Edge silently fuming as the angel landed beside him. "So what are we doing first? Your world is so amazing!" She started to take off again when Edge threw her his backpack and duffel bag on. She pouted and folded her wings under her clothes grumbling a few curses. "Fine but your playing the violin for me later since I'm carrying your stuff."

Edge rolled his eyes. "Sure Auriel, but just try not to draw to much attention. I'm trying to avoid making trouble on the first day." He told grabbing the violin case back. The gates were going to open soon and he didn't need his flying trouble maker bugging people. "Just stay close to me and try not to drop those, that's everything I own." He told the angel as the gate opened, he looked over at what looked to be the well to do's of the school. Well at least he'd have people to steal from. Being poor he'd only gotten in thanks to scholarships, as for spending money... He'd acquire it through his profession.

He sighed, as the mob flooded the gate he headed over to a tree and cracked open the violin case, in gave off a faint glow. Perhaps it was magic in nature or from another world all together all he knew was that it was one of a kind and left to him by his mother. He studied classically through a kind music teacher at a local shop however it was there he discover that it could copy sounds and loop them. It was as if the violin itself could draw upon a dozen other you's and make them all play in harmony.

Auriel excited took a seat under the tree and watched as Edge leaned against the trunk of the pine shouldering the violin against his collar. He ran the boy across the strings the lovely sounds coming off it, she sighed happily shutting her eyes. Humming along as the music soared into the air around them it wasn't a classical piece like usually something new and exciting something that echoed and soared like the songs they sang in her home.

Edge shut his eyes his hands moved gracefully as ever as the bow moved across it as the sound changed from one violin to two, then four, seven, eight. The music echoed through the gates, many a students enjoying as they entered the building. Edge began to slowly move in circle gracefully following the music, this was why here he found peace and solace. When the song finished he plucked at the strings, slightly off tune he'd need to fix that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 14 days ago

Jean had barely parked their car when Eden hoped off of it and rushed to get his belongings at the trunk. All the while Eris remained in her sit with her hands over her lap. "What's this blockhead thinking?" Eris said under her breath when he failed to notice what she was waiting for and made his way to the gate alone.

Jean however was much more perceptive, he looked at Eris' direction through the rear view mirror and said, "Youth these days... they don't know how to treat a young maiden anymore... Mademoiselle, do you want me to help you out of the car?"

"Thank you, Jean , but it seem it won't be necessary. Looks like Eden isn't so stupid after all." Eris said after she saw Eden come back in the car's direction and open the door, before offering his hand to help her out of it, however his wits continued the same as always as he said, so that only Eris could hear, "You would think that you would at least be able to open a car door for yourself. I guess I expected too much from you."

She shot him back, "And one would think that a boy of your age should know how to treat a maiden." To the students outside it all looked like beautiful scene straight out of a romance manga, but in truth Eden and Eris where having a contest of wits, like they always did when they were kids.

However, Eden clumsiness ruined their whole play, when he accidentally stepped on Eris' shoe lace and dragged them both to the ground. Normally Eris would be strong and fast enough to avoid this, but her attention was focused on outwitting Eden at the time, so she was taken by surprise. Before she knew, Eris' face was buried in Eden's chest and had his arms around her body in a protective position. Had he rolled around to cushion her fall while taking the brunt of the damage? "You dumb fox, you know that a fall like this can't hurt me, don't you?", Eris said indignant.

It was only when Eden rushed back to his feet and offered her a helping hand that Eris realized the situation that they were in. He couldn't... no she shouldn't... damn! She wasn't thinking straight anymore, why was it that this had to happen in front of so may people? Just thinking about it made her heart beat fast and she noticed that her face was getting hot. No, seriously? Was she, Eris Reinhardt, the future leader of Europe's most feared mercenary band... blushing like a dumb highschooler? That is unacceptable... impossible... but...

It was then that a girl's voice that sounded somehow familiar to Eris, came from their side asking "Hey, uh, do you need help?". Hearing this made Eris' face turn from slightly flushed to beet red and she slapped Eden's hand away, on instinct, even though she didn't wanted to, then she turned their back to then, crossed her arms bellow her chest and tilted her head scoffing at Eden, "I... I'm well, I could have helped myself up you, dumb fox."

Eris took a few quick breaths to calm herself. What the heck was she thinking having a panic attack right in front of the school gates? To begin with how did she have a panic attack at all? "There's only one explanation," she thought, "Eden must have planned all of this from the very beginning just to embarrass me."

When she turned back to them, calm and composed as usual, her expression was as easy to read as a picture book, to people who knew Eris, "You'll pay me for this you dumb fox!" was that she was thinking. However, she smiled radiantly as prim and proper as a lady of her standing should be, completely ignoring the previous minute, and said to the girl who tried to help her, "I appreciate your concern for a complete stranger, girl. I'm Eris Reinhardt, please let me know your name so that I can thank you properly." Eris said extending a hand a hand for the girl to shake.

All the time the sound of violins that Eris only noticed now, was framing their scene, it was almost like they were on an anime, when Eris gave a side glance she saw a boy accompanied by an angel playing a slightly glowing instrument, "A magical instrument? Perhaps studying at this school will be much more interesting than I thought, after all." Despite her curiosity about the boy, Eris cast a cold glare at the angel besides him, those creatures and Eris simply couldn't get along.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 4 days ago

@KoL & @Ariamis Collab

It looked like the girl wasn't hurt after all, and Sayaka sighed in relief: she wouldn't have liked to have something like that happen before she even entered through the gates. She seemed to be embarrassed about it, and Sayaka couldn't blame her: it was a bit funny now that she knew nobody got hurt. She called the boy a 'dumb fox', which confused her: she didn't look like one, but she guessed it was an endearing term or something similar for the boy.

Her voice was familiar to her, and she guessed that it was Eris Reinhardt, her employer from the call in the morning. Her guess was right when she introduced herself as such, with the same poise and elegance while on the phone. She extended a hand to her, and Sayaka hesitantly shook it. It took a few seconds for her to respond to her request. She heard the sound of a violin in the distance, and Sayaka thought how artistic and high-class the school seemed to be, and felt a little out of place. She wasn't very special, so she wondered if she could fit in with artists and magicians.

"I'm Sayaka Fujisaki, miss Reinhardt. I called you this morning about the job request." She thought it would have been redundant to mention how they now met here at Ason High as she agreed to. Reinhardt seemed to be really polite and well-behaving, but there was something to her that made her uncomfortable for some unknown reason. She wasn't the only one, either: Usami spun around in her backpack, obviously wanting to jump out of there and see who Sayaka was talking to, but Sayaka shook her shoulders and hushed to keep her quiet.

"Sorry about that, my summon is a bit lively," she added when she realized she was getting strange looks, and smiled.

Eris answered: "Fate works in the strangest of the ways, sometimes. It's a pleasure meeting my newest maid right in front of our school gates. I'm glad we've met, Sayaka Fujisaki. Also, don't worry about your summon, mine is much more troublesome for sure," Eris said pointing to Eden, before continuing, "he might not look like it, but he's a fox cursed to take a human shape. Please, excuse any of his misbehaving." Then, Eris turned to the gate and said, "We should get going then, Sayaka and you too, dumb fox, or else we will be late."

"Okay then, miss Reinhardt," Sayaka said, and followed after her into the school. It may have been weird for an outsider to see a high schooler talk to another like that, but Eris was obviously no common high schooler; even her walking was carefully thought and flowing, something Sayaka has never given much attention to. Besides, she didn't want to risk offending her by calling her by her first name, and lose her job in the process, so she continued being formal with her. She now got an explanation for the boy's nickname, weird as it was, and didn't question it any further; she knew summons took various shapes and forms, and not a single one was identical. She did wonder how powerful her summon's curse was, being able to completely make it pass off as human like that. She's never heard of curses, or at least curses that affect summons. Not that it mattered; she would learn all she needed about summoning here.

"Well, Sayaka? Was that a new fwiend you met?" Usami whispered from her backpack. "You seemed to know hew."

"Um, not exactly," Sayaka answered, also in a whisper. "I'll expain to you later."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lvl Down
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Lvl Down Lord of Levels

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Meeka lifted her head when she head the sound of a violin in the distance. It was calm, soothing, and peaceful, everything that wasn't inside Meeka's poor head. She shook herself out of the state of sadness she had been wallowing in and walked out the door, locking it behind her. She jumped off the second floor on the ground and continued walking without missing a beat. Her hood was up, she didn't want others to see her ears or tail. Meeka started to get depressed again, but the sound of the music helped her continue on towards the school gates where she saw a boy playing a violin and an innocent girl happily listening to him play. She smiled slightly as she watched the boy dance as he played. At least, that's what it looked like. As she crossed the threshold of the gate out of school grounds, she also noticed a couple fall over as the girl got out of the car. Something seemed familiar about that girl, but Meeka just couldn't remember. Her memory in fact, was very well... disorganized. The transformation process had many side-effects that the scientists didn't know would happen. (Seeing as Meeka was a scientific breakthrough, being the first person to become a half-summon through science) One of those was the mixture of memories of her's and her summon's, Rune. Meeka would try to think back to a time earlier in her life, and while she would remember some, it would be replaced the feeling of cold and loneliness. It was as if she was looking directly at the plane of Ice. She just stood there at the entrance of the gate taking in the scene. They all looked so happy.

The one girl and her boyfriend by the car, another girl trying to help her up, and that boy and his violin and a strange girl next to him. The girl admiring the violin player stood out to Meeka the most, because her aura was a very bright white, and there wasn't a single speck of black in it at all, certainly there were other colors as well, but white was the most dominant. Meeka could tell that the girl wasn't human but most likely a summon. Probably from the plane of light seeing how bright her aura was. She then looked at the boy playing the violin, his aura was very interesting. It was a myriad of colors, ranging from white to green, orange to black, they were everywhere. Meeka didn't really understand how to read aura's entirely, but she could tell that the boy would be a wild card.@Apollosarcher

She then looked at the young couple in front of the car, the girl being almost completely covered in black, she had a lot more light inside that black than most people at that state did. As a matter of fact that aura in particular stood out to Meeka. She knew that girl, everyone's aura was different, and that one was one she remembered well. Why then couldn't she remember? She thought back to last year, but as she was about to remember, it was replaced by an icy scene of Rune's home. Meeka sighed in aggravation and just sat there in front of the gate staring at everyone. @KoL

To anyone looking at Meeka, what they would see was some un-moving hooded figure in the distance staring at them. Her face hidden by the hood.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ruby Etra
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Ruby Etra

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Monday morning day 1

Lucille would be laying in her bed at her grandmothers house sprawled out on the bed. as if she had just had a nightmare, while the little angel on her screen would be screaming, "Your gonna be late. Your gonna be late! Wake up already!" Meanwhile Lucille would open her eyes to scare the little program into near deletion. meanwhile she got up still dressed in her usual uniform her hair straight instead of the curls she wore last year. She stood noticeably a few inches taller as she got up and put on her socks, leg braces, and shoes. Running into the bathroom to brush her teeth, and do her hair before she was off to school. Though the annoying little angel would find a way to bother her even when brushing her teeth bt switching the way the tooth brush was going whenever she thought she didn't get the last spot good enough.

As she ran down stairs grabbing the energy drink her grandma put out for breakfast before going out the door slamming it behind her. She'd get on her moped setting the mp3 in her front coat pocket with the headphones letting it use its natural speakers before it would start trying to couch her on directions saying things like "Make a clockwise turn at the next triangle." Lucille would let it go mostly because she knew it wasn't used to human life at all, and it would take some time to adjust. Though in the mean time she had to get to school, and finish her drink at the same time, while trying to give this thing some sort of attention.

It would end shortly as she saw eris and someone else in the crowd talking, and would quickly park and lock up the moped heading over to see the two as she removed her drink from its socket(electric puns are fun.) As she finally got to her removing her helmet and letting her hair flow more freely she'd wave saying, "Hey what have you been up to over the extended break. Did you ask him out yet?" She'd saying pausing in wait for a response as her summon seemed to stand still on the screen tracking the coffee based energy drink with her avatars eyes. shortly after though she'd fall silent for a second getting a sadder look on her face "Thanks again for helping with Isabella by the way." Though the awkward moment that followed after would be quickly followed by the new summon saying "Can I have some of your drink please." Unaware of what was going on besides the drink said it energized you, and she finally had her turn to talk. Lucille meanwhile would bury her face into her hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 14 days ago

"Hey! I'm not a fox and you know it!" Even complained after Eris' joke, which made while white haired girl lips curl in a devious grin. He had eaten her bait.

"How can you be so sure, huh, dumb fox? The curse might as well have altered your memories so that you think you're not a fox." Eris said, sounding all too serious, while covering her mouth with a black fan that she'd retrieved from her cloak pocket, her appearance was that of a noble girl from the times of old to any onlookers. On truth, she was using the fan to cover her unusually playful smile.

"I... well... I'm sure that I'm not one, but..." Eden sounded confused, either Eris had managed to trick him, or he was playing along to humor her on this very rare moment when she was behaving like a normal, pleasant to hang around highschool girl. He dad noticed that she was changing after she left her house and started living away from her parents, but today Eris was in unusually high spirits, which frankly eluded him.

"Either way, let's get going, Sayaka, this dumb fox can find the way on his own. Also, you can call me by my given name of you don't find out uncomfortable. I'm not like that old man, after all." Eris finished her sentence with a sour face, after having mentioned her father.

Before they could go,, however, Jean approached them holding a backpack and a beautiful looking sword and have them to Eris, "Mademoiselle, you've forgot to retrieve your belongings," he said.

"Thank you, Jean." Eris said as she placed the sword on her belt and put the backpack on.

"Excuse me, then" Jean said before getting back into the car and driving away.

It was then that Eris noticed a familiar voice calling her, she turned to see a girl completely unknown, however. "Excuse me, you sound like someone that I know, but I can't link your choice to your face. Who might you be?" Eris asked the red headed girl standing right beside her.

However, when the girl mentioned Isabella, the former summon of her friend , Lucille, Eris knew she could be only one person, yet she denied to believe that her friend had outgrown her so much in a few months, " You couldn't possibly be Lucille, could you? What happened to..." your body. Was what Eris' would say but at that exact moment a certain someone had to interfere.

"getting jealous now, aren't we?" Eden quipped when he noticed how Eris' gaze was shifting between gets and Lucille's breasts. Judging from her reaction, he guessed that he'd hit spot on.

"Who is being jealous here, you lecherous fox!? I- I have absolutely nothing to be jealous of..." Eris replied s her face once more turned red. Oh, this Eden will pay her... he'll pay her sevenfold for this humiliation, Eris swore.

.@Ruby Etra@Ariamis@SlamJamcity
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 4 days ago

Sayaka listened to Eris' and the summon's discussion, and it seemed like the summon had amnesia. Having played games where that was a trait for the protagonist, she now pitied the poor fox summon. It's aggravating to start out not knowing you are actually a demonic vampire prince who sealed their memories away to prevent an alien invasion until the penultimate boss is beaten, when it could have been easily discovered by looking at a mirror. Eris didn't seem to mind, though, and actually enjoyed the fact that the summon has forgotten his identity. Maybe it's just a temporary ailment that happens concurrently, Sayaka thought.

She took a look at the school's direction, and saw a hooded person standing far away. Now, a normal high-school girl would have been scared, but Sayaka has played numerous horror game franchises to completion, and showed more curiosity than fear at the sight. Besides, she didn't have any reason to fear anything; this was a well-respected institution for learning, and was safe, as far as she knew. But the mysterious figure's appearance got her thinking: why was that person wearing a hood over their face at a sunny day like this? It would be incredibly hot inside, not to mention uncomfortable from all the sweat.

She didn't have much time to think on it when Eris called her to follow her. She also said she didn't have to be so formal with her, and mentioned an old man in the same train of thought who was most likely her father. Well, Sayaka wasn't going to inquire on such a personal subject any further, but did oblige with the request. Sayaka assumed that Eris wanted her to save her formality for when she was actually working for her, and didn't have any problems with that.

"Sure Eris," Sayaka responded, and then saw Eris's stuff brought to him by a servant named Jean. Her eyes widened a bit when she saw the sword given to her. She didn't know weapons were allowed to be carried to school. A thought popped up, and Sayaka asked: "Oh, do you practice fencing with that sword?" She was about to follow up on her question when a red-headed girl came over. This 'Lucille' seemed to know Eris even though she looked older than her. Based on the heated exchange between the fox summon and Eris, Sayaka realized they were talking about Lucille's physical development. Sayaka touched her own chest in response, and sighed, feeling a bit down. Her own body has also been in a growth spurt; her chest and hips were developing at a rapid rate, and were already quite grown for her age. She was a bit self-conscious about that, and she thought that she looked fat. It wasn't helped by her thick thighs that emphasized her wide hips.

Usami was now unable to stay still anymore, and jumped out of her backpack in a twirl, and landed on Sayaka's head. "Hey, you'we making Sayaka feel uncomfowtable with that fighting. You should wespect each othew's opinions, and live in peace and hawmony! Love Love!"

Sayaka turned red from embarrassment, and grabbed Usami. "Please don't mind her, she can be a bit loud," she hurriedly said, and stuffed her back. She whispered: "You promised not to make a ruckus, Usami."

"But they wewe awguing! Thewe's no love in that!" Usami squaked before she was stuffed back, and the backpack zipped shut.

@Lvl Down@Ruby Etra@KoL

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Edge smiled and put the violin slowly back into the case, sighing he looked over the crowd and then at the gate. Deciding it would take to long to get through it he decided to go right over it, he ran straight at the tall bars extending upwards. He grabbed the bars and pulled himself up flipping right over the bars he landed on the ground feet first he began the walk towards the dorms.

Auriel extended her wings and soared over following her summoner landing beside him carrying most of their bags. “I could have flown you over you know.” She said with a shrug as she walked beside him.

“More fun my way, besides I don’t wanna abuse having you around. You're my friend not my personal servant.” He patted her head as he walked along towards the dorms. “So training later? I get the feeling we’d get in trouble if we started sword fighting here.” He jump things and walked along low walls, doing everything he could to avoid the crowd, he’d want to pick pockets if he waded in their he’d come out with few hundred dollars.

He was keeping his kleptomania in check as he groaned and kept moving focusing on finding the route of least resistance and most movement. He finally reached the center then began to try and figure out where to go and find the boys dorm. Mumbling to himself. “Why can’t things ever be simple?”
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