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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Enna sniffed the air when her back met the wall, her legs giving and she falls gracelessly to her side, a snort of annoyance escaping her snout. Her eyes closed as exhaustion tugged at her once more, her pain-filled mind supplying that the Sabertooth before her was Adrian, she whined softly as her ears flicked slightly.

The coldness from the stone seeping into her fur, a shiver running up her spine, the sound of the end of class bell only drawing her attention for a second, she didn't feel like moving and wasn't going to. @SomeoneSomewere
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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He slowly stood up slightly and moved towards her, ready to stop if she showed any sign of anger at his advancement. If he was able to reach her, he would have softly sniffed her fur, lips pulling back slightly at the smell of the blood on her fur. He gently nuzzled her shoulder with his nose, before flopping down onto the ground in front of her. He felt his own exhaustion creeping into his limbs, but forced himself to stay aware for now. He watched her still, waiting for some type of reaction.

He adjusted his position, moving so he was blocking anyone from reaching her from the door without having to go through him. He wanted her safe. He was angry at himself that he couldn't protect her, but he would get better and be capable of protecting those he is close to. Hopefully. @Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Enna relaxed at his added warmth, her tail lifting to gently lay on his back, her snout lifting to gently nuzzle back. She felt safe, warm and tired. She flipped onto her side and allowed her eyes to close once more, she ironed the hell and focused on the warmth.

She huffed lightly and relaxed her tense muscles, her nose twitching in distaste at the feel and smell of blood on her fur, she lifted her heavy head and began to lick, her eyes drooping even with her as she tried to stay awake. @SomeoneSomewere
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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His lips curved slightly, smiling as much as he can while in this form, which wasn't very much. He enjoyed the light feeling of her tail resting on his back, it was comforting. His ears twitched slightly, looking over at her. He carefully took deep breaths, pushing the anger back into himself slowly. He didn't want to have a nightmare if he fell asleep, and have his powers burst forth.

His ears twitched again, at the sound of her licking her fur. He could understand her wanting to be clean of the blood, he hated when he had any blood in his fur. He gently rested his head down on his paws, wishing he could help her more then simply being near her. @Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Enna continued, her eyes shifting to where Adrian lay, she paused for a moment and moved forward slightly, butting her head under his chin in a gesture meant as it's no your fault. Pulling back and beginning her task once more she allowed her tail to begin lighting thumping against his back, her ears twitching slightly as footsteps sounded from above.

She ignored the taste of copper in her mouth and continued, her eyes growing heavier as time continued to pass, she barely heard the sound of twin footsteps echoing down the hall from whee they were, her ears absently twitching in response to it. A low rumble beginning in her chest as they grew closer.

It seems they had visitors. [SomeoneSomewere]
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Adrian blinked as her head hit his chin, looking at her with a small nod. He didn't quite believe her, but he would go along with it for now. He rested his head down, closing his eyes softly. His ears remained perked up, twitching slightly at any sound that he could hear. He was just beginning to drift off, when the sound of footprints hit his ears. His head snapped up, facing the open entrance. A low growl built in his throat, heaving his body up to his feet.

He turned to face the entrance, his claws scraping again the ground. His hackles were raised, making him appear even larger then he already was. He was crouched slightly, ears pointed forward, listening to the footsteps coming closer. He would be quite the formidable person to come into contact with, and he hopes that his mere presence would simply be enough to deter anyone from thinking they can enter this room. @Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Calm your dumb cat Riane, if it bites us were not holding back." Twin voices spoke in unison, Enna raised her head and rose shakily to her feet, reaching Adrian's side she pressed her side against his before pausing before the glass, her head tilting when she saw who it was. Two raven haired boys with crimson eyes stepped closer and kneeled down, both wearing marching grins. Enna huffed and turned, raising her tail as she made her way closer to Adrian, her body relaxed as she butts her head under his chin before pulling away and facing the twins. The one on the left chuckles and raises his hands, his shoulders shaking in silent laughter, the one on the right sighed and allowed his grin to drop.

"Sorry for that comment, we had some problems in first class is all, anyway we came to leave your homework. Yes for both of you so you can close your mouth now." Enna barked and allowed hee tongue to loll out as the twin on the left placed two packets on the floor, the right twin rising to his feet with a sigh. The next bell was ringing once more.

"We'll bring you dinner later if that okay. We may not be friends Ice Queen but you helped us when we needed it so, thanks. Later~" the left twin chirped before rising to his feet and tugging his twin away, Enna huffed at the nickname and moved back to her spot, lowering herself onto her belly she began to lick her for once more. She wondered briefly if Adrian would notice she'd laid out closer to him, hee side nearly touching his own, her tail lifting to lay on his back once more. The sound of the door closing softly behind the twins echoed softly around the silence. @SomeoneSomewere
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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His lips pulled back over his teeth with a low growl, eyes narrowed dangerously at their words. His untrusting nature was definitely showing through now wth their appearance. One of his ears twisted backwards at the sound of her standing, turning his head slightly to look at her. As she approached him, he further turned his head to gently brush against her side. He turned to look back at the figures beyond the glass, eyes narrowed at the two. However, at Enna's relaxed nature to their presence, he allowed his own body to relax slightly.

He nudged her back softly after the headbutt, sitting down, glowering at the two in front of them. His ears twitched at their voices, snorting at the apology, simply baring his teeth slightly reply. He glanced down at the homework, grumbling slightly. Of chourse there would be homework on the first day of school. And this was only the first day of class.

At the mention of food, his ears perked up slightly. He could almost always be eating, he would be quite content to do so. He let out another snort once he comprehended the nickname they had for Enna, causing an eyeroll from him. He significantly relaxed once they walked away, turning to lay back down beside Enna. He adjusted his position, so their sides actually did touch each other. He yawned, his canines reflecting the light that hit them. He laid his head down on his paws, looking at her. @Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Enna blinked and shifted her gaze away from her task to watch him, her ears twitching as in an idea struck. Rising to her feet and nuzzling her cheeks against Adrian's, Enna moved towards the glass and rose on her hind legs. Her front paws falling on the glass and instantly vanishing, she huffed as she landed once more and steppe out of the cell, her heard tuning back to face the Sabertooth. Her power manifesting in the form of a two small wolf pup, they yiped and picked up both packers before vanishing, Enna flicked her tail and began to make her way back toward the main floor, her stomach reminding her that she was hungry.

They could easily grab food and move to the third floor Library, No one ever used it, it always smelled of books and had large windows that allowed the sun in. @SomeoneSomewere
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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His ears flicked at the sound of her movement, opening an eye to glance over at her, just in time for her to brush against his cheek. He tilted his head slightly in curiousity. He lifted his head to watch her, heaving himself up to his feet as she approached the glass. He tilted his head again as it opened, but he stepped out after her. After watching the pups, a yawn caused his mouth to open again, shaking his head slightly. He walked beside her, looking around at the other cells as they passed them. @Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Enna ignored the cells and yearned softly as they neared the stairs, flexing the muscles in hee legs she easily jumped to the half-way mark and waited, her ears catching the sound of the twins slow walk towards their next class, she wasn't friends with them but it was fun to wrestle with then when she felt up to it, she wondered if they cared for classes...

Peeling her lips back in a grin-like gesture Enna waited patiently, her tail beginning to wag. @SomeoneSomewere
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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He quickly launched his way up the stairs, making it to the same point that she did. He made one more jump, landing at the top. He looked back, waiting now on her to arrive. His ears twitched, looking around, hoping that no one else was around. He didn't want to deal with any annoying people coming up to them. He's dealt with them enough for one day. Way too much for one day. He extended his claws, briefly scratching them on the ground before bringing them back into his paws. His short tail flicked, eyes narrowed slightly as he gazed up and down the hall. @Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Enna followed, nuzzling under his chin before taking off down the hall, towards the Dining Hall, treks of ice where she steps glimmering slightly, she paused and flicks her tail. Her ears twitching as silence fills the air around them.

The rumble of her stomach reminding her that she was hungry, sitting on her haunches she patient waited for him. @SomeoneSomewere
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Adrian chuckled at her action, shaking his head slightly, chasing after her down the hall. When his steps landed on one of hers, the ice would melt, replaced with scorch marks, as well as anywhere else that he stepped. He came to a stop neck to her, lowering his head slightly to bump it against her side, a small grin on his face as he looked at her. @Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Enna huffed and flicked her tail at his nose before taking off towards the open double doors of the Dining Hall, she slowed when she saw that the cost was clear. A happy rumble vibrating up her chest as she raises her snout and sniffs the air, her tail absently beginning to wag from side to side.

She moved forward and paused at a center table, it's top filled with several plates filled with different types of meat, chicken and a few things Enna didn't care for at the moment. Rising on her hind legs, she barked happily when she was in reach of a plate filled with chicken, her tongue lolling out of her mouth at the smell of food. Her ears twitching as the faint sound of thunder echoed though the sky above the school, the smell of rain filling the air outside. She loved the rain. @SomeoneSomewere
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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A low chuckle escaped his throat as her tail softly whacked his nose, shaking his head in amusement. He trailed after her, stepping lightly as he looked around. He ran his large tongue over his lips, grinning at the smell of the food and the lack of people. Good, he didn't want to deal with any annoyances anyways.

He approached the table, scanning the plates in front of him. He reached out, grabbing a plate of steak in his mouth, struggling to keep a good solid hold on it due to his upper canines. His ears twitches before clicking back against his head slightly. Unlike Enna, he hated the rain. He despised getting wet, and the loud noise of the thunder. @Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Enna tugged the plate down and instantly began to devour her spoils, her tail wagging happily behind her, she was so focused on her food that she didn't see or smell the two people approaching behind her. The feel of something cool and thick hovering over her fur had her head lifting and maw opening-

Only to choke on the growl that wanted to escape, her limbs beginning to struggle as she's lifted into the air, two chuckles filling the air as the smell of blood joins the darkness that's wrapped around her body. A whimper escapes as it wraps around her maw and holds it shut. Her power began to swirl around in a frenzy, her body struggling further as air was kept from entering her nose our mouth.

Can't breathe... She manages to whisper, the two moving forward and into the light, it was the two from earlier. @SomeoneSomewere
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

He set the plate down on the floor, quickly chomping down a steak. He looked up just in time to catch the attack on Enma, and a snarl escaped him. Why did this have to happen?! He roared, launching his way over the table past the struggling Enna, unknowing about what to do to help her, so just going with attacking the threat. Fire swirled around his body, kicking hard off of the ground to barrel into the closest person, his deep menacing snarl echoing around the room. His mouth opened, quite prepared to sink his teeth into the idiots head.

He recognized the two from earlier, and he planned to carry out the threat on them. He had full intention of ripping them to pieces, the fire that surrounded him most likely burning those he neared. @Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Enna choked on what little breath she could gather in her lungs, her power aiming towards the two, spikes of ice aiming directly at them, the girl dodged easily, landing on her getting and waving a hand. The darkness that was wrapped around her head and body disappearing as the male dodges back also releases his blood vines from around her body. She lands and gasps for air, the girl lazily twirling a stand of blonde hair around one long finger, her eyes locking with hers.

"We've come for a challenge, I want to take you on Ice Queen, do you accept?" She stated with an arched brow, Enna glanced up and snarled softly, the remaining mist moving towards Adrian and pushing him back slightly.

A challenge? You know those usually end with someone near death or fatally injured right? Enna stated as she moved to the center of the Dining Hall, the male moving towards the exit, she sat on her haunches and waited for the girl to answer.

"I know, I want to see if I can beat you. Rumors are your good and to be honest, you don't look it. So will you?" Enna flicked her ears and sighed through her nose, her gaze flicking to Adrian.

Yes, Adrian? Do me a favor? If I'm too weak to move after this, help me get to the third floor library and we'll stay there for the rest of the day, promise? I can't say no to this and I'd like the opportunity to have a go She whispers, watching the girl lowering herself fours, her form shifting instantly. Where she once stood now sat a cougar, it's jaws opening in a yawn as it stretched out body. Darkness meeting Ice as Enna rose to her feet. @SomeoneSomewere
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The low snarl that escaped his throat was one of pure rage and anger, his claws digging into the ground as he was pushed back by the mist from Enna. He didn't want this to happen. He felt the need to protect her, even if he knew that she was fully capable of doing so herself. His lips drew back further over his teeth at the girl as she spoke, further digging his claws into the ground. Fire still flickered around his body, but stopping from lighting anything on fire.

His ears twitched as her voice entered his mind, shorting before nodding his head once in a sharp movement. He paced back and forth now, his claws scraping over the ground. He let out his continuos low rumble, glaring darkly at the girl. His short tail thrashed, greatly wanting to dig his claws into the person's head. @Arista
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