Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

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Mostly because they are not sluggish like everything in DA: I.

Have you fought any dragons yet?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@GenniNo. I made like 3 characters in the past day. I am pretty tired.
Like... I experimented to see what I like best.

Warriors are good utility tanks that can be undamageable with good preparation, but their attacks were slow.
Mages feel... Slow. And mostly defense duty. So it is ehh...

Rouges however feel very fast and free. Like the Archery is pretty badass acctully.

(Also. Isabella is OP as fuck online. She has a Crossbow shot as a skill. She can shoot from anywhere. I was bored and wanted a break, but god damn.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

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(Also. Isabella is OP as fuck online. She has a Crossbow shot as a skill. She can shoot from anywhere. I was bored and wanted a break, but god damn.)

Mmm, playing with Isabela has no bad side. She's never used a crossbow with me though, perhaps I should ask her to bring one next time she docks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@GenniTalking about in DA: I.

Like it is her starting skill.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

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Just caught myself writing spoilers about Isabela then. But better wait until the others have had a chance to play the game first. :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SimplyJohn
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Sorry for the delay, just waiting to hear back from some last minute interested parties. :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

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Just did a shit load of Hinterlands.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SimplyJohn
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Did you manage to find the slutty scout?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

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@SimplyJohnI recruited her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WildCobra
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The Dark Wanderer
Basic Information

Species - Human/Darkspawn
Age - 26
Gender - Male
Class - Rogue(Archer)
Appearance -

Curriculum Vitae

Specializations - Shadow, Archery, Specialist

Notable Traits:

Humanlike - Karras indeed does have the dark blood coursing within his being, but somehow has retained his human like form rather then a malformed grotesque hurlock with warped skin and exposed blackened teeth. He has also the capability of speaking instead of mere grunts, growls, roars, or screams... though because of the taint within he mainly grunts in approval or disapproval due to his voice now sounding somewhat bestial.

Lock-Jaw - Karras keeps his mouth shut mainly due to the fact of his black tinted teeth standing out to that akin of rivaling a dragonling. Though that doesn't mean he keeps it shut twenty-four seven, on several accounts he's used them against those that desired to get up close and personal or had actually managed to corner him... the taste does linger for a while though, which disturbingly isn't quite half bad to him.

Deadman Walking - Given his appearance when first laided eyes upon, you'd think you've spotted a ghost, walking!? His once smooth brown skin has now become a ghastly pale coloration of white mixed in with a dull expression of gray.

Hawk's Eye - Though his eye may look void of life with the whites of his eyes tinted to near gray themselves and his pupils nearly completely crystal white, he still has sharp eye that spot can spot movements nearly two miles out without the need of any enhancement of glass.

Brood Mother's Calling - Karras isn't fully cut off from the link between himself and the darkspawn taint that now runs deep within him. He's still able to hear their thoughts of the hived spawn especially of the voice from the darkspawn Broodmother that had turned him in the first place.

Enemy Neutrality - Even with him being away from the main cluster of his corruption Karras has crossed paths with Darkspawn without having to attack, but there have also been a few times when the calling has ailed his mind black, then back to were he's standing over those that were combating his tainted brethren.

Flesh Craving - Darkspawn don't relatively need to rely on the constant need of sustaining food, but when they do they take entire throngs of live prey, reported mostly the male counterparts, and devour the red warm flesh raw and screaming. Karras hasn't necessarily done such acts, on purpose, other than to save his own life. Gurgut meat does have a limit though, once or twice people who were bad tended to have gone missing

Skills - The main abilities your character tends to rely on the most. The list needn't be exhaustive as all characters with be presumed to be able to perform basic actions automatically.

Biography - Karras once had an actual life filled with lively hood, fellowship and living for the thrill of the hunt. Since nothing within Avvarian culture was truly permanet other than their lifetime of cultural tradiotions and oaths, his former clan, The Dragonmaw Clan, constanly moved throughout the lands of Fereldan. The Dragonmaw were the most known Avvar clan that were truly more open then other Avvarian clans.

Growing up in the life of staying for a few years then moving on to new lands seeking new trade and fruitful with plenty of wild game to hunt letting the previous area were they hunted repopulate itself for a time until it was thriving with enough game again.
Karras was an excellent huntsman within his clan. Karras's skill with a bow was highly praised and reconsided amonng his Avvar kinsmen, even the thane claimed that he was a force to be reckoned with from a distance, but that didn't mean he wasn't useless in close combat either. From bringing down Gurguts to managing to survive an encounter of Giants in heat... Truly it isn't a pretty sight that not even lowlanders show witness...

Though during the transtion of moving from the hinterlands, the thane decieded that taking a path through the moutains to Orzammar rather then take the long route around them... that was the day the avvar of the DragonMaw Clan died... the day Karras was no longer himself, but something... darker.

It was a a full moon and pitch black as tar as the DragonMaw clan took refuge inside a rather large old dwarven cavern that appeared with one way out as it seemed safe enough for them to stay for the night and continue onward when they aroze, but it was folly as they didn't suspect the the night-gangers, darkspawn, to burst through the cavern from beneath them. They came in with a reckoning force of sheer terror. Even as the bulk of the DragonMaw forces were slaughtered in their sleep or trying to defend themselves, the rest of the DragonMaw clan, Karras included with the remaining alive fought back with equal strength. As they fought within they sought to send the young and those that couldn't out of the cavern to saftey, but their own way out was cut off by darkspawn Ogres... they had walked right on into a trap unknowningly. None were safe. Elders, men, woman, and even children weren't spared.

After he quick and brutal onslaught, the Karras and what remained of the DragonMaw stood only twnety strong, the thane not included, to a throng of night-gangers. They were all brought down quickly, with minimal resitants. Those few that were hanging by a thread were either tainted themselves turning them into Darkspawn monsters or dragged deep under the mountains, into the Deeps Roads to be feasted upon. Karras was one of the few that were turned.

At first he was part of the hive minded killers. Obeying and slaughtering those that stood against them just like any other hurlock. His mind was blank, no emotion, no compassion, no remorse for those that he killed, but slowly years after being tainted, corrupted with dark blood, Karras had manged to retain part of his on will and sanity. Pieces of memories, names, places came back to him over time.

He questioned himself on the matter of who he truly was and seeing that he was able to be self aware of what he was and of this were truly as they seemed. He managed to find a way out of a part of the Deep Roads near Orzammar, not without having to fight his way out first which wasn't easy task. He sustained near death injuries escaping from them, but he pressed on and on moving through places he didn't recognize, having to fight others wanting to kill him just for the spite of it. Then one day seeing that he was backed against the wall by grey men with horns, injurded badly when another group came into the fray and saved him.
He found himself indebted to the group, the only group, of people that had saved him that very day and sought to repay them by joining them.

Personality and/or Motivation - Karras... he isn't much of a talker per say, mainly due to the fact that he wanted to avoid any suspicison, though he already stuck out like a sore thumb because of his appearance already. He also tends to stare... Alot, Karras sometimes doesn't even know why he does it, he just knows that he does.

Player’s long term goals - Karras wishes to regain the entirety of his memories to find out what happened to him in the past and be free of the taint the runs within him.

Relations - Other then going out on jobs with the main group, he still doesn't truly know everyone within the group, though he has recived a lot of supision from others as well.

Secrets - Karras can still hear the calling of the hived darkspawn and sometimes willing or not, his mind gives in and he turns into a mindless killer out for blood. Only a few people within the group have seen what happens when his mind does give in thus why he remains secluded from mainly everyone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WildCobra
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WildCobra The Wild Cobra

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I'm still picking out the skills to keep balance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

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@WildCobra Given that Martin wandered off into the woods to deal with a 'shadow' before coming back with information about the Deep Roads (I think @SimplyJohn was hinting at Nighthawk here) you could write Karras in as the one who'd been off scouting for the Company, which is why he wasn't sitting around the campfire with the others.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Just because I am not sure about this, I never really got how the taint worked in Dragon Age, don't people who get infected by the Darkspawn turn into ghouls or just outright die? I thought real Darkspawn, you know hurlocks and ogers and what not, had to be born from a broodmother. None of this is criticism, I like the character, I am just unclear on how the whole taint thing works
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@SaarebasYou're not the only one raising a brow.

But you're also a Malificarum in a human body somehow in control?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

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The Taint is a form of dark magic which can infect anything living, which is one of the reasons the Dwarves developed Golems in the first place as they appear to be immune to it.

The Taint is spread by the 'bodily fluids' of darkspawn, usually their blood, and corrupts and mutates the flesh. In most cases this quickly kills anyone who's infected, since they develop internal tumours which disrupt their biological functions, but in some cases it acts as a neurotoxin, infecting the brain and causing madness long before the rest of their body succumbs. These people are referred to as Ghouls in Thedas.

In rare cases the infected person's body can adapt to the Taint, becoming a Grey Warden, but over time they also mutate into freaks and madmen, usually choosing to head alone into the Deep Roads to end their days with honour once they start to hear the Calling. Those that survive their expeditions become dark and perverted versions of their former selves, retaining their own sense of self and intellect, even though their minds are often twisted and insane.

The Architect recently discovered a way to stabilise those infected with the Taint, turning them into Awakened who were able to retain their sanity despite the ravages mutating their bodies.

The most stable darkspawn are those born from a broodmother, who herself is a female from any race who is brutally raped, tortured and forced to eat Tainted flesh for many days before becoming the mutated mound of flesh which gives birth to the various types of darkspawn. For instance, dwarven females give birth to Genlocks, human female birth Hurlocks and Kossith females give birth to Ogres (luckily there are very few Kossith living in most of Thedas, whether Tal-Vashoth, Vashoth or Qunari, and so Ogres tend also to be rare.)

Based on @WildCobra's description and backstory for Karras he'd actually be an Awakened Ghoul rather than a true darkspawn, but I doubt that many people in Thedas would worry about the distinction, since pretty much anyone who looks darkspawn-y would be referred to as darkspawn no matter what their actual condition may be.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WildCobra
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WildCobra The Wild Cobra

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@Saarebas@CAS1006 Yeah, it was a tad bit confusing on how the process actually worked when I was reading up on it since the whole explanation is ever so said here and there. As @Genni stated, yes that is one way they'd infect a person, mainly their female counter part, but I thought up of a way for it to workout for Karras. As @Genni stated, yes that is the way they'd infect a female counter part.

Probably should've put this up earlier as well, but I took the liberty of taking the concept from the series of Starcraft as to the way Terrans get infected by Brood Mothers or Queens to which they then turn them into Infected Terran.

But if this concept doesn't doesn't work, I can simply rework it out with no problem.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

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But if this concept doesn't doesn't work, I can simply rework it out with no problem.

I don't really see it as a problem for the concept overall, just that calling him a darkspawn would be technically incorrect. Perhaps call him an Awakened Ghoul instead? Or even possibly a failed Grey Warden, since they'd also fall under the lure of the Calling.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@WildCobra Nah don't worry about it everything looks good to me honestly, I was just a bit confused when you started comparing him to a hurlock so I wasn't sure if he was an actual Darkspawn or just someone infected with the taint.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

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So... I met Sir Whoolsie. What a guy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SimplyJohn
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SimplyJohn Static Generator

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I take it you're not referring to Robert Picardo's character from the Stargate universe?
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