Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

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@Necrophage/@Kojashi28 After barley being missed by Sals arrow the Crossbow Orc grunted, And the order form his captain didn't help any "What do you think I'm trying to do?" the orc mouthed off quietly knowing that if his captain heard him he would be dead one way or another. But still the crossbow Orc pressed on trying to get a lucky hit but then his target darted into the forest and the Orc started to follow. But the forest wasn't a place for a clunky weapon like a crossbow so the Orc Shouldered the weapon and drew a Dagger that was on his hip before entering the forest. "When I find you I'll gut you!" the orc yelled out into the empty forest trying to get any reaction from the mage. But the response the orc got was not what he expected as Giffy was the one who responded there was a twitch in a nearby bush but the Orc didn't react in any special way aside from slowly drawing his crossbow again. "Now why don't you come out and play? I'll only gut you a little." the Orc taunted before quickly turning and firing a bolt into the brush that had moved only moments before.

@RabidAnubis Silus watched as the Orc's tried to put him in between the two, a place he did not want to be. Seeing that the Halberd wielding orc was slower and easier to avoid Silus moved after the other orc he held his sword in his right hand and his Hunting Knife reverse gripped in his left as he approached the orc. Silus came at the Orc with a simple cross slash with the sword keeping the Hunting Knife to deflect and counter expecting the orc to make some sort of retaliation.

The Battleaxe Orc had almost reached his prey but then the Ranger was able to get onto his horse. The orc growled in anger and tried to chase the orc on foot, but this was a useless endeavor as even in a forest which slowed the horse a bit it was still far faster than the orc with his heavy weapon. So the Orc gave up the chase looking for another target. And with his captain calling for the head of the Mage the Orc decided to listen and proceeded into the forest as well.

@knighthawk Sasha's makeshift thrown weapon did indeed have some usefulness as it caught the unsuspecting Crossbow orc across the arm ripping the flesh and screwing up a shot that would of been lined up on Sal, then as he turned to face Sasha the orc was hit again in the lower leg this time by Sal's arrow. And by the time the Orc registered that Sasha was quickly closing in on him the Orc fumbled to grab his hatchet, but the effort would prove useless as Sasha would easily reach the Orc before it could ready itself for proper combat.

But at the same time another foe has Sasha in its sights as Sasha reached the crossbow orc the Lancer Orc started a charge. The orc's shield set up ready to bash into Sasha after he was able to finish off the crossbow Orc.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kojashi28
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Kojashi28 The Flaming Spoon

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Giffy was a little too loud dropping into the bush. The orc pulled out a crossbow that replaced his dagger and fired at Giffy. The bolt flew just past his arm, delivering a small cut to his upper bicep, just missing the shoulder blade. Giffy ripped the magical bandage off his leg and placed it on his bicep for a few seconds. Since the cut was shallow it closed up immediately and without too much pain. Giffy than set it gently back down onto the cut in his leg.

He made his way stealthily to the edge of the brush extra carefully this time since the orc knew his general are. When he got to the edge he sprung out, wildly swinging Nightbane and using Desolation as a shield against the bolt he knew was coming. He just hoped the orc would be too flustered too get an accurate shot off before Giffy could get close.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

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Sasha was fast to finish the fumbling orc. Still holding it by the ring in his two fingers, he pulled it up to grasp the haft in his good arm and finished the charge by bashing the butt of the weapon into the archers forehead with all its weight behind it. There was a sickening snap of three hundred pounds forcing the neck into a most unnatural position. Even if it wasn't dead, it slumped over out of the fight as the brain told the body to sit this fight out.

Sasha was just able to recover his weapon into a proper position when a siege engine slammed into him. Flying sideways, he got the moment to see that it was not a battering ram but rather an orc with a tower shield and a lance. Now where was he in the beginning of all this? Such questions would have to wait as the ground rose up to meet him and all he could do was turn into the earth to ride it out. His hat lost to the winds now, he would have to get a new one, perhaps make one out of metal strips instead of reeds.

He planted the haft into the ground and rose up on it for support before testing his off hand. It hurt more than it had harmed and he would probably have a nasty raised scar for the rest of his life for it. But it could bear the weight to still do his job so he squared off against the lancer and waited for it to throw its namesake or try to crash into him again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@Kojashi28 after letting loose the Bolt the orc quickly reloaded the crossbow and carefully walked toward the bush. When he checked the area there wasn't anything there only a little trace of the blood from the wound before it was bandaged up. The Orc Grinned knowing it had injured his foe giving it an advantage. "If you come on out I'll end your suffering nice and quick" the orc gloated thinking that he had seriously injured his prey.

It was then that Giffy burst out of the bushes wildly flailing his weapon. The Orc was caught off-guard by the sudden attack and wasn't able to release another bolt, instead he used the crossbow as a shield to catch Giggy's sword and the orc gave a massive push trying to knock Giffy down and throw him off balance.

@knighthawk The orc grinned as Sasha tumbled on the ground from the hit smacking his spear into his shield gloating before readying himself for combat. The Orc then set itself firmly into position bracing himself shield facing Sasha and Spear pointed at the man Slowly inching closer until the orc suddenly let out one explosive thrust with his spear hoping to catch Sasha off guard after the slow approach. The massive strike left the Orc's chest open for a moment before he could once again get his shield in place.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Milowan
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Milowan time for a tea party

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Gunthar's first punch offset Tyr's helmet somewhat, causing his vision to narrow. Seeing the second punch coming Tyr lowered his head so that the fist crunched into Tyr's helmet. The impact jarred the giant a bit and his helmet scratched his face, however; it also fixed how Tyr's helmet sat on his head. Seeing as the captain had put his full weight behind the punch, they both staggered but managed to hold their footing. Now it was Tyr's turn for a counterattack. Setting his left foot back enough to give him the space he needed Tyr brought his right foot up and kicked forward with the force of a mule.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


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@Arthanus The rouge wasn't expecting the captain to give off the correct reaction, and panicked in his attempt to block the sword. A complete failure with grace, the orc felt his chest explode with blood. The rouge fell to the ground because of the pain.

Gunthar, Orc Captain

The force of god slammed into Gunthar, sending him staggering. The orc's fists hurt, and so did his chest. His left arm had a minor cut. The captain realized that this was no mere human. Hopping back up and backing up a moment for breath, he raised his sword in salute.

"What are you called?. I am glad to face one as mighty as you." The captain began his approach once again, this time more carefully than a rushed charge, slowly stepping towards his opponent with proper stance.

Count Salezenathor of Hesse

The Count was confused at what was going on. He was near certain that both of his arrows missed, and he took a moment of peace to calm down. The ranger didn't understand what was going on, and frowned in confusion. Everyone was engaged in such close quarters that shooting would put his allies at risk. So he just shrugged and pet Icon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kojashi28
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Kojashi28 The Flaming Spoon

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"Ugh!" Giffy grunted as he spat out blood. He had gotten knocked to the ground by the orc after only one punch. Giffy had forgotten he was weak after he won his fight against the massive berserker, although he was still confident he could defeat this orc since he had two shortswords compared to the orc's tiny dagger that Giffy assumed the orc didn't have much practice with, since the orc was using a crossbow at first.

Instantly the orc was on Giffy trying to slice his throat with the dagger. Giffy was using his larger sword Desolation to try and turn the weight of the dagger on his opponent, while using his smaller sword Nightbane as insurance to make sure the dagger stayed away from him. Obviously the orc wasn't an experienced close quarters fighter, because he was going for a kill like a peasant defending herself. Giffy planned to use this to his advantage, but first he needed to either change positions or get to his feet. It all depended on if the orc thought he could out power Giffy with a much smaller weapon or if the orc thought he would have a better chance on his feet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Milowan
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"My name is Tyr the Just, tell the gatekeeper that name when you meet him. 5 more and I get a free keg of ale!"

Tyr lowered his stance, feet shoulder width apart, knees bent, leaning forward. To most this would simply appear to be a ready stance for combat, but to the few who knew Tyr and how he fought, they saw it for what it really was; preparation for a tackle that could wind an elephant.

With a fierce cry Tyr launched himself forward, aiming to wrap the captain's chest in a crushing embrace and squeeze the life out of him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

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Sasha watched the banging of shield and thumped his polearm in the ground to respond to the challange before taking it back up. Step by step they closed in on each other to meet in the middle before the explosion of force. Sasha was a blacksmith, he knew armor as well as weapons and he saw an exploitable weakness to be had. When the spear thrust up, all sasha seemed to do was bat the spear to the side, taking the spear to his ear while sliding the blade down the haft to the unprotected fingers of the lancer. There was a set of four sickening pops as he used all of the orc's power to lop off its own digits which fell to the ground with its namesake weapon. With no spear to block and shield on the wrong side, Sasha tried to sweep the polearm right in under the arm to finish it off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kiya
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kiya Tangled

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"Retreat! Ahh" An anguished scream came from somewhere up front, Harriet's heart began to race and she knew now that the decision the captain had made was a dire one. Orc began to attack from up hill, their action of injuring a soldier long enough for him to scream before death a dirty ploy to shake the morale of the human soldiers that march against them; it worked.

"We will stand and fight, men and woman come here to banish these beasts from our lands, we cannot show them any fear, any remorse, they look at us with malice and evil content, we will do the same to them." The captain who was currently horse back yelled out over the ten person strong troupe, his words powerful and helped to shift the morale of his men, however the sheer number of enemies caused it to still weigh in the favor of the Orcs.

"Kill them all." The orc who seemed in charge yelled, the orcs true power did not lay in their huge physique but instead in their will, they wear their wounds like badges of honor, to loose an arm or even a leg is merely part of the blood sport that they call war. The orcs came running down the hills with unrelenting strides, they had the momentum and advantage in this battle and the fighters knew it, Harriet was bashed as two of the soldiers, Eric and Urik tried to move back and break formation.

"Stay in formation, stop!" She yelled but it was too late they pushed her back knocking her down in the process. "Idiots!" She yelled as one stepped on her ankle, he was wearing heavy plate armour and almost caused her ankle to snap in two. Suddenly the clang of weapons and the scream of men and orc began to rage out, Harriet felt helpless on the floor right until she heard a shattering thud, Urik the man in heavy armour fell, releasing Harriet's ankle from beneath his foot, he had taken a bolt to the heart, died on impact. "No.." She whispered in discomfort to seeing a fellow comrade who she had fought with for years die. "Anna! What's happening?" Harriet yelled up at the archer who stood on top of a rocky mount firing countless arrows down into the fray. "To the lef-" her voice was cut out as a bolt pierced her shoulder and sent her tumbling backwards off the side of a small cliff. "Anna no!" She yelled in anguish, everywhere around her she saw comrades... No friends fall, even the captain who had thought countless battles before fell to the sheer will power of the Orc.

"Night night princess." captain orc approached her slowly behind him the last two male soldiers were executed in the disgusting display of evil, she attempted to pull her blade from it's sheath but was met with a strong arm against her wrist, it was crushing her metal braces so tight she feared they would never come off. "Just kill me." She spat wishing her saliva would turn to venom. He didn't speak or react to the watery liquid hit him, instead he just hit her hard on the head with his gauntlet, she fell unconscious instantly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Necrophage
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Rem rushed from out of the brush. Taking his rod in both hands he swung it as hard as he could at the back of the orc's legs. Though risky this should give Giffy and himself a greater chance at finishing the opponent before they took on the more dangerous one closing in quickly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kojashi28
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Kojashi28 The Flaming Spoon

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Giffy's plan had failed, it looked like the orc had much more power than Giffy had expected, and the orc was able to keep Giffy down and throw Desolation to the side obviously this orc must've wrestled as a kid. Do orcs wrestle, Giffy wondered. Never mind I'll ask some scholar later Giffy decided, since thinking about orc culture wasn't exactly above not getting killed by an orc in his priorities list. Then suddenly Rem finished the circle he was running, came out of the bushes and smashed the orc in the legs with his staff just before Giffy took the orc down himself. Or at least that's how he'll tell the story.

Giffy and Rem used their numbers advantage to make quick work of the orc. Then they regrouped and prepared for their next enemy that was coming out of the brush.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

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@RabidAnubis Silus was almost disappointed by the orc ac it took his blade across its chest with the beast flailing on the ground it pain he quickly sliced again this time across the Orc's neck quickly bringing the squirming to an end. With that orc dead Silus turned his attention to the halberd wielding orc. Already injured this would make an easy foe. Silus sheathed his sword and knife in favor of his bow again and while keeping his distance drew an arrow. "Lets see if you can dodge with that injury." he taunted as he let loose a string of three arrows attempting to put the Orc down.

@knighthawk The Lancer's attack didn't go as planned as his fingers were lobbed off. almost instinctively the orc attempted to bring his shield back down to smash into Sasha again. But its movements were to slow and Sasha's blade hacked into the Orc nearly cleaving the beast in two. The orc would then fall helpless to the ground dead.

@Necrophage&@Kojashi28 The Orc was winning the ground fight getting ever closer to killing its prey, but then it was hit in the back of the head, this surprise threw the Orc off its game giving Giffy the opening he needed to stick the orc and win the fight. The orc soon died falling on top of Giffy pinning the noble to the ground. And as the two were able to move the corpse off of Giffy the Battle Axe wielding orc entered the clearing. "Well, well looks like I have found two rats." the orc said with a smile getting ready to charge the two.

@kiya An undetermined time later the remaining orcs from the raiding group were making their way through the forest The captain, and three other orcs were all that remained, although Harriet's squad had been decimated they were able to kill many of the orcs before they fell. But now she was being drug through the forest bound and tied. "This one is going to be some good meat" one orc said as they walked. "You can eat her after I'm done with her" another orc said looking back at Harriet while licking his lips a little. "Shut up both of you." the Captain said, "Do you hear that? Sounds like there is a battle ahead." The Captain said starting to increase his speed. "Lets move boys time for more blood!" The four Orcs speed up making their way to the ongoing battle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kojashi28
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Kojashi28 The Flaming Spoon

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Wow that was embarrassing Giffy thought. He's almost died on all three of his opponents. His first opponent (the berserker), got caught in Rem's roots just before he threw a warhammer right through him, Giffy's second opponent (the crossbow orc), got double teamed, just before he gutted Giffy, and his third opponent (the dead crossbow orc), almost crushed him before Rem pulled him off. Giffy wanted redemption for those fights, he didn't lose his cool in a battle easily, but he knew Rem was going to tell the others and Tyr wasn't exactly sympathetic about that kind of stuff.

Giffy charged at the orc with a reinvigorated amount of energy. He fought a lot more confidently and much less cautiously than normal. Luckily Rem was protecting him with a weak magical ward around his body, however the orc was in a different league than Giffy and quickly knocked him to the floor. Giffy remembered at that embarrassing moment that he was only fighting to prove he was a great warrior to his comrades that already knew he wasn't. They accepted and liked him as their crazy and almost annoying friend.

This calmed Giffy down and made him feel kind of weird thinking about all that touchy feely stuff, so he kicked the orc in the crotch.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


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@ArthanusThe halberd wielding orc dodged the first arrow by going to the ground, but the next two slammed into the orc, killing it instantly.

Gunthar, Orc Captain

The captain took a step forward upon seeing his opponent prepare his fighting stance. The orc growled in his dominance, unconsciously flexing his muscles at the barbarian.

Tyr. I will remember that.

The captain's foot then proceeded to twist on a rock and send the captain to the ground.

The captain happened to trip at the right moment, because a projectile barbarian appeared just where the captain's torso was. The orc had been so focused on the duel that he had completely forgotten the terrain.

Upon recovering, he looked around. This battle was lost. Would the captain choose to die pointlessly with honor, or deliver critical information and leave?

He chose the second. He ran. "Tyr, I will meet you again!"

Count Salezenathor of Hesse

The count saw movement out of the corner of his eye. The orc captain was running. But further to his right ...

"Cross! Flank right side! Four!"

Sal loosed an arrow at each of the orcs as they approached, for some odd reason hauling something along with them. He didn't look to see what it was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Milowan
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Missing the captain, Tyr fell into a roll. Lacking agility as a man of his stature should, Tyr had to push himself back to his feet in quite the hurry. Wheeling around Tyr spotted Gunthar fleeing into the wilderness. Cursing the orc as the most cowardly filth he'd ever seen Tyr gave chase, crashing through the brush and the trees. Blazing a path of destruction Tyr kept up the chase for a full minute before coming to a stop. Having lost sight of his prey Tyr unleashed a savage roar as he turned, spitting on the ground and dashing back to the camp where the sounds of battle were ebbing as well as beginning anew.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Necrophage
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Rem circled around to the rear of the large orc. He was imposing, covered in scars and Giffy just launched his foot to his groin like he was the village dirtbag. The rogue was a dirty fighter but war to begin with was dirty.

Rem stood close enough to intercept a deadly blow that the orc may deliver with the great axe. Meanwhile he was far enough away to prepare if the brute were to strike at him. Nevertheless he kept his distance and let the more veteran warrior fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kiya
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kiya Tangled

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Her hands and legs were bound tightly by black stained rope, they didn't let her stand instead they dragged her bashing along the ground probably hoping the rocks would tenderize the meat, Harried thought to herself as she bashed again off another hidden object beneath the soil, she knew one thing and that was that the orcs don't take prisoners of war, no they either eat or enslave them, she hoped for neither and started to look for her route to escape, at the same time the orcs argued over when they could eat her, one of them remarking that they could once he was done with her.

"So this is it then, I will be play thing to a filthy orc then be chopped up and served as a meal..." She continued to whisper. "Is this how the heavens planned my end?.." Her heart didn't want to accept that she wasn't destined for anything more, but as remorse nearly consumed her the orcs thirst for blood and war caused them to hank hard on the rope, the rope was made with unskilled hands and began to tear, Harriet felt it loosen, perhaps the gods had heard her prayers for a life of meaning and felt right to grant it, nevertheless she would use this weakened rope to her advantage at the right time, they rushed towards the conflict without fear of death.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

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Sasha remove his glave from the haunch of pork and switched the polearm to his off hand as he picked up the lance. He was panting heavy as he looked for a victim and saw Tyr with what looked like the leader. This fight had gone on too long to wait any more as he was about to assist before the pigfaced man took off with Tyr in tow. Looking to the heavens for a moment, he managed to spot fletching familiar to him streak past to another target, He followed the flight to four more coming into the fray.

Stopping the fight for a moment, he crouched low to make himself small as he tore a strip of fabric away as long as his arm and tied a knot in each end. Next he slipped the butt of the lance into his roughly made Atlatl before he took aim in a squatted position before he rose up with the power of his whole body and flung the lance as hard as he could into the fray of the four fresh fighters.

This was much easier to throw than a sickle but was no javelin and he had put so much force behind it that he threw himself off balance to fall in the bloodmud. He could feel himself running out of steam but still managed to at least roll over to the dead orc to take his shield to protect himself as he tried to recover his breath. Hunkered behind steel, he searched for the next opponent.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kojashi28
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Kojashi28 The Flaming Spoon

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Luckily it looked like the orc wasn't expecting that Giffy was going to try and remove his manhood. I guess fighting honorably really gives you an opportunity to fight dirty, Giffy thought. As Giffy got up the orc suddenly swung his axe down for what would've been a death blow, if Rem hadn't intercepted it. This was good the orc turned his attention to Rem.

Rem was doing a good job of keeping the orc occupied while Giffy recovered. Than Giffy prepared to spring up and than jumped on the orc's back using his swords to hold the orc's battleaxe back. He hoped Rem still had enough magic left to finish this orc off though, since Giffy was only able to hold the orc like this because of the leverage he gave himself by pulling the orc back by a tree that was near by, so Giffy could wrap his legs around it and push. So he wouldn't be able to keep the orc incapacitated for long.
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