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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 2 days ago

Apparently, the wolf had keen eyesight, as he called her out on her shaking hands. “Plenty have tried to kill me, and they didn’t have trembling hands, so you better be the best damn marksman in the world if you are going to shoot me,” he said before crossing his arms, looking irritated. Béatrix growled deep in her throat as her fangs extended in aggression. She would show him that she was indeed, the most deadly markswoman in the world. With squinted eyes, she steadied her aim dead center over his heart and squeezed the trigger. Except, she didn’t squeeze it, it was like some unseen force was preventing the trigger from depressing and firing the gun. Maybe it was physically impossible to kill your own soulmate? Figures. Trixy lowered her guns and smirked slightly, despite her frustration. If she couldn’t kill him, that meant he couldn’t kill her either.

Béatrix took a few steps towards him and began circling him like a shark would its prey. “You don’t even know who I am, do you?” her voice was low and teasing, the French accent making it sound more sultry than intended. “I assume the name on your wrist is my birth name, but that’s not the one your people know me by.” Wolfsbane, a name known in all of the far corners of the world, sometimes spoken of as only a myth, sometimes in pure terror. She was to the wolves what Van Helsing was to the vampires. In the past five centuries, her body count had reached the thousands, so why couldn’t she just add this one to the pile? What did she do to deserve this punishment, was losing Francis not enough?

“So this isn’t some sick joke after all, or a dream. Only thing I can think of is it’s punishment.” he said, as if he was voicing her own thoughts. Maybe they were soul mates after all, as unlikely as that seemed at the moment. Trixy holstered her guns once more, no use holding them if she couldn’t use them against him. With her left thumb and index finger, she unwound the black bindings from her wrist, letting the ribbons flutter to the ground gracefully, and revealing the blue glowing tattoo on her wrist. “I couldn’t agree more,” she looked down to read his name for the first time in decades “Bartholomew.” What a hideous name… she thought to herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 1 hr ago

His eyes remained on the vampire, part of him wanting to leap upon her and tear out her heart but was kept from doing so by an unknown force. He huffed in agitation but kept himself where he was. Eventually the bloodsucker began circling him and he followed her with his eyes, making sure she didn't try anything. Both predators on top of their game seemingly looking for an opportunity to strike but unable to attack.

"Oh lets play the cryptic name game," Tholo mocked in annoyance ",Beatrix or whatever name you go by, you aren't the only monster that hides in the shadows. I've tried to cut back on the killing in the last two hundred years but doesn't mean I won't kill a pest especially a bloodsucking one. If you insist though, you probably all ready know who I am without even realizing it." Another piece of the puzzle came into play though while she had teased him, so now he wasn't only tied to a french bloodsucker, he was tied to a killing french bloodsucker who seemed to be well known by his kind, probably not in a good type of way either. Now he really wished he could kill her but again something kept him from doing so and merely could keep his eyes on her, brown shifting to yellow and then shifting back to brown.

"So shall we play this guessing name game or not?" he asked ",Or will we skip that?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Mia listened to Solenne's brief summary of his musical forays. "Metal and rock?" she echoed, glancing over Solenne's attire, groomed and sophisticated, with which the strains of an electric guitar did not appear to be compatible with. She let the shock roll over, and then huffed in laughter. Solenne would be an astonishing enigma to puzzle. "I would never have guessed."

Abruptly, Delilah materialised by their table. Mia started in her seat, disengaging their hands in surprise. She listened to Delilah recount their predicament, at a loss. She hardly knew anyone in the city, much less one who could strum guitar strings and put up an impromptu performance. But as it was, Solenne suggested, "You go back to work and I’ll go pick up my guitar hmm?” Mia openly gaped at him - he would be willing to perform on so short a notice? - before she could collect herself, and shut her jaw. "It should figure," she said, as Delilah - positively skipping at their unprecedented heaven-sent Messiah - left them to return to her post, a smile toying at her lips. She pushed her chair back, and stood. "The man who has lived in ancient Rome can pluck a mean guitar. Or were you also proficient with the lyre?" She began to walk a few paces, but they were half-hearted steps away to the counter, her hands creeping behind her back to refasten the strings of her apron.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Musoka
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Musoka Toku Fanboy

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Solenne gave a grin at the incredulous look Mia had at his mention of rock and metal before looking at her slowly walk away. He smiled and snatched her hand into his, turning her and pulling her towards him “now now now...I wasn’t about to leave you so quickly without this” he said, his voice low so only she could hear. He pressed their lips together gently, a warm feeling rushing up through him as his brain set off the switches for pleasure and enjoyment. Her warm lips pressing against his spread the feeling further until her let the kiss break “now don’t miss me too much while I’m gone” he released her hand and smiled, tapping his finger to head forehead and a sort of half hearted salute to say goodbye “I’ll be 20 minutes tops.”Solenne walked out of the cafe, a grin on his lips and what you would call a spring in his step.

-----19 minutes and 30 seconds later-----

Solenne strode back into the cafe, his attire completely different from when he had left. Gone was the dressy jacket and vest ensemble. Instead Solenne wore a ¾ red and white baseball tee, ripped up black jeans and pair of red converse. Slung across the vampire’s back, an all black acoustic guitar. He walked up to Mia at the counter and smiled “figure the suit was a bit much for a little cafe strumming” he laughed and winked at her before stepping up on to the small stage that cafe had. Sitting down on the stool provided, he looked out into the cafe. There were couples mingling, few eyes were upon him. Moving the mic to his lips, he began to play.

What day is it? And in what month?
This clock never seemed so alive
I can't keep up and I can't back down
I've been losing so much time

Deciding to use his small repertoire of romantic acoustic ballads the vampire sang. His voice low, husky and just the right amount of deep. The vampire sang to the couples, his eyes moving back towards Mia. The vampire smiled through his song, always watching Mia and smiling. The warm feeling spread through his body again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


“Now now now..." Solenne surprised her by catching her by the hand, and slowly reeling her in. Mia turned, and stared up at him with an amazed question in her eyes. His voice was low and soft, and something stirred as Mia gazed, confused, into red eyes. "I wasn’t about to leave you so quickly without this.” And he planted a soft kiss to her lips.

At once, Mia's mind was shaken awake and alert. Caught in Solenne's touch, she stood, hands lying on his chest, unmoving, unpushing. And when they broke apart, Mia leaned away, her lungs feeling tight with what had to be breathlessness.

So that is what it feels like, she thought in a quiet murmur. She wondered in the moments after as she caught her senses if she would feel a rush of worship, and awe, and reverence. The possibility was fearsome. But when she watched Solenne promise to be back in twenty minutes, and back out the door, she did not see a god. She stood wordlessly, with fingers to her mouth, seeing a man who had left her - fluent in one language and conversational in two - speechless and grinning, and thought that maybe that was alright after all.

Mia returned to her counter, and at once Delilah pounced on her, peppering Mia with prodding and gushing. Her cheeks flamed as Delilah persisted, and she tried to ignore her with her continuous trope of, "What can I get for you?" But it took Delilah less than ten seconds to gasp dramatically, and place a fluttering hand over her heart, comprehending entirely. "You've never been kissed before," she said, a wicked grin curling over her face, and Mia's silence was all the confirmation Delilah needed. Delilah sighed, and leaned against the counter, balancing perfectly a tray of drinks that never overflowed. "Girl," she said, with motherly affection blended with her Southern drawl, "aren't you in for a ride?"

When Solenne returned, Mia glanced up expectantly hopeful, to see him with a guitar strapped over his shoulder. He had changed for his stint, into casual clothes. Mia watched him approach the counter with a slight smile. How was it fair that he looked dashing in both? “Figure the suit was a bit much for a little cafe strumming,” he said, and Mia's smile only grew larger. "It was a bit much for a little coffee," she joked. "But that didn't stop you from coming in."

Like you would have it any other way, came a niggling thought, as Solenne took the stage and adjusted the mic, and the cafe began to fill with the strains of his playing.

The atmosphere became warm, and lit with a soft glow. Solenne - who was probably comfortable in a concert hall with hundreds of eyes on him - knew how to command an audience. Or perhaps that was because his eyes would not leave Mia, who served customer after knowing customer with blazing cheeks. Once or twice, her own gaze slid to Solenne's, and she would hold his stare for a few seconds, her expression guileless and open as Solenne played to a crowd without hitch or hiccup. But she broke into a wide grin and had to drop eye contact, to return a bemused customer change, or take an order.

When the song came to an end, the whole line stopped as Mia stepped back from the counter and raised her hands to clap. While the rest of the cafe exploded into unified applause - no doubt to call for another song - she watched Solenne from her station, a wry smile tugging on her lips, giving him a standing ovation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 2 days ago

Béatrix kept silent as the wolf spoke. She watched his every movement, the way he carried himself, her mind always calculating. In her line of work, you had to be hyperaware of your surroundings, and know exactly what kind of person you were dealing with. She was well aware of a werewolf’s abilities and, in a one-on-one fight, wolves were physically stronger, so she had to be clever and crafty to beat them. And clever and craft she was, although he pretty much gave himself away with his words, he practically wore his past as obviously as he wore his shirt. Of course she knew who he was, and now she knew how he was able to evade her for all these years; The fates had this sick little surprise in store for them instead of a simple seek and destroy.

“So shall we play this guessing name game, or not?” he asked her.

A dark grin settled upon her lips “Oh, does the Big Bad Wolf not like games?” she teased “How unfortunate, I love them.” She ended her circling so that she was now facing him once more. “Especially mind games.” Tholo was able to see that her lips didn’t move for that last sentence, he only heard her voice in his head. The shock in his eyes made her chuckle with sinful delight.

“Some of us bloodsuckers are reborn with gifts, mental manipulation is mine. With enough effort, perhaps I could even get you to sit, stay, and roll over.” He seemed pretty unamused, angry even. Hell, they were both pretty angry at their situation, but that didn’t make it any less real. She decided to throw him a bone (ha!) and spare him of the guessing game. “Wolfsbane.” She said. “Well, it’s Agent Wolfsbane now, I too have been trying to cut back on the killing, I only do it under the name of the law these days.” The burn in her wrist hadn’t ceased, she wondered what they had to do to make it stop. God, she hoped they didn’t have to kiss or something…
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Hearing the voice in his head made him widen his eyes in shock for a second but only briefly before he was back with his agitated glare."Yeah don't chance it sweetheart," he growled when she rattled off on making him do degrading dog tricks. When she mentioned her name his eyes narrowed slightly trying to pinpoint where the name had been heard before. After a brief moment he realized what the name meant to his kind and his eyes shifted to yellow."So this day has gone from worst case scenario to living in the darkest depths of hell," he growled though then smirked ",Well as for your teasing little name, I must say you are good at the guessing name. After all the title of Big Bad Wolf is mine and Little Red's heart was oh so delicious those centuries ago. Grandma was a big stringy though I'll admit. Axe man tried and failed horribly trying to cut me up, though lucky him he survived." In all honesty he had no love for what he had done in the past as his alias of The Big Bad Wolf but if he could at least make this bloodsucker agitated with something it would be at least learning that he was a menace as much as she was even if there killings were now either nonexistent or for the greater good.

"Any other names you go by since really your French name doesn't quite like to come off my tongue," he continued ",I personally like Bloodsucker but since we are at an impasse I will be civil. If Big Bad Wolf doesn't suite you there's always the title Beast of Gevaudan, or the name my kind as you aptly said yourself call me The Warg, or another would be Jean-Baptiste the trickster wolf." Now he waited for a reaction to perhaps one of the names. The itch on his arm was driving him partially mad but he kept his annoyance of it to a minimum.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Morte Angelis

Taylor blushed when he kissed her and then did a long and deep intake. It felt as if he had not been breathing for years and his lungs hurt. "See, you worry to much now take her fry and have a cute moment." Bobby sounded more calm now that his existence was recognized. Taylor looked at her and opened his mouth and took the fry with a blush. No girl had ever fed him food before. Taylor had the biggest fear on his mind that he would get rejected, that is something Bobby would never let him live down.

"Whoa! That's like a weight lifted off my shoulders. I mean the only people who know about Bobby are you and my mom so it is hard talking about him." He looked around and picked up his drink and drank a little. Atkins. Breath. Now. Before you kill us. Taylor then stated to cough and take deep breaths. He was still nervous and had to regain his composure. Once he did he looked at her and blushed. "So, ummm...I guess you are gonna want to meet him right. I mean for this to work you going to anyways, only because he gets certain days and trial dates and the occasional outing, and eh would annoy the mess out of me if you didn't get to meet him, he is always like that wining when he does not get his, it's so annoying, like having a baby brother in you head, I mean you really wouldn't like him anyways, he is so annoying, he always tried to do what he wants not thinking about others and.....well you just wouldn't like him. Wait. What was I talking about? Oh yeah meeting him, I mean, only if you want too." After his long speech he had noticed how much he had spoke and blushed. Taylor has always been told that his mouth would get him killed. Bobby would be rolling his eyes by now and sticking out his tongue. He did not hate Taylor but sometimes he could not believe that he came from this idiotic boy. How they could be anywhere connected was beyond him.

Well now that you are done vomiting move out of the way so I can meet Annaliza.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Morte Angelis

Morte Angelis

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Dyami tried to push aside the happiness that bubbled up to the surface as soon as the burning in his wrist vanished. The touch had been accidental and oh so very brief, but nonetheless, he knew that this woman was his soulmate. Why did he get called in today of all days? Especially since he'd just met his soulmate and wanted to get to know her? Fate was cruel, that's why.

Arriving at the hospital in what seemed to him like record time, he immediately sought out Chris, whose blonde hair was sticking up and he looked like he'd been through hell.

" Dyami! Save me! Your patient coded once already and they are prepping her for surgery. Go get scrubbed up and I'll hold down the fort. "

Dyami nodded and he received looks from the nurses and other doctors. They didn't think the poor woman was going to make it, but Dyami wasn't going to let her give up without a fight. Scrubbing up and sanitizing himself from head to toe, he waited for the prepping to finish. Once it did, he took a few deep breaths from beneath his mask and closed his eyes for a few seconds.

He needed to be incredibly calm and level headed for this, and when he was sure he was ready, he started the surgery and the incredibly long process of removing the bone and shrapnel fragments from her lungs. 3 hours, several scares, and lots of bandages later, everyone was surprised when the woman was wheeled out to ICU with a steady heartbeat and a fragment free chest cavity. Well; mostly fragment free. There had been one incredibly stubborn one that he hadn't been able to remove because it was too dangerous, but since it was a bone fragment, he would always wait for it to shift, perform another surgery, and remove it. While it would be dangerous to remove it, it wouldn't cause her any adverse harm to leave it there; so he decided that it wasn't worth it to screw with fate today, and would look at it again tomorrow.

Removing his scrubs and taking a shower, he put on the clothes he'd come in wearing and headed out of the hospital. Letting his gaze wander around the parking lot and following the unexplained urge that was leading him somewhere; he found himself standing in front of a truck with the woman from before in the driver's seat. Lifting his wrist up for her to see, he spoke loud enough for her to hear through the glass.

" Can you tell me what this says? "
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 2 days ago

Her harsh expression softened when he called her sweetheart. Did she like that? No, probably not. He reacted to her alias as she expected he would. “So this day has gone from worst case scenario to living in the darkest depths of hell,” he growled, to which Trixy kissed her teeth, “Awe, don’t worry baby, the fates paired you with the devil’s favorite whore.” She said in a false sense of consolation; It was an unconventional way for a woman to describe herself, but Béatrix was a very unconventional kind of girl. She wore her sexuality with pride, and even ran a brothel or two over the years in France. Her girls were strong and proud, trading sex for secrets and money, shifting the power from the hands of men, to the women. But that was a conversation for another day.

He bragged about his grisly murderous past, and he called her a monster in the shadows? Ha! Then he shifted his tone, in an attempt at civility, and asked “Any other names you go by, since your French name doesn’t quite like to come off my tongue?” So, he didn’t like the French. She wondered briefly if he was alive for the war, which would make him old enough to have been the wolf that killed Francis. Anger flashed in her crystal blue eyes before she spoke. “So I heard, Trixy might roll off of your tongue a bit better, Englishmen.” He then gave her his list of aliases, names she already knew. When you spend centuries hunting wolves, you get to know the big names. “I know who you are, I spent a few years trying to track you down. Looks like I finally found you.” Her arms were crossed defensively, but a smile touched her lips. The tingling in her wrist was annoying, so she uncrossed her arms to look at it, disgruntled. “I haven’t looked at it in years, I thought maybe I could avoid going through it again…” she said, voicing her thoughts aloud. She wondered, since he was so old, if he’d loved and lost as well, he must have… Her oceanic eyes met his once again “Can I see it?” she asked, holding her hand out to take his wrist. Maybe she would find relief in it, maybe it wouldn’t be her name written there, just some other Béatrix…
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 1 hr ago

He wasn't sure how to feel about knowing the fact this hit woman had been looking for him, then again if she had found him when she had looked for him, he probably would of attacked her, at least the mark on his arm wouldn't be stopping him from doing so at that time. At least he had a better name to call her, not as good as bloodsucker but better then the French name engraved on his arm. At least his rendition of events of the past seem to make her repulse a little that was a plus, she could think all she wanted that he was bragging but it was merely to try and get her to squirm. His darker days he preferred to not talk much about at the little act of remembering titles probably was the only thing he would tell Trixy about. He took notice of how she pronounced Englishman, it hinted at a venomous undertone. So Frenchy doesn't like the English, who the hell decides these soulmate things because they missed the mark big time here, he thought to himself.

"Oh I wouldn't be afraid of the devil, after all I was kicked out of hell for being to much trouble for him to even handle," He said. He would at least give one piece of credit to Trixy is that she seemed to know how to flaunt what she had. Again he took to heart that it was a shame she was on the opposite end of the spectrum of him. When she asked to see his arm he gave it a thought for a second wondering if it would be smart but then again with neither being able to seem to kill each other despite showing at least some signs they would of much preferred to do so, he didn't think he would have to worry to much on loosing his arm, but he would prefer a compromise over being so willing for a vampire.

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours," he said his arm ready to be outstretched to her as long as she let him see if truly was his name. He had dug through his family line and knew that there were no Whitlocks living in the modern day, he had some great great ancestors, mostly cousins or nephews or nieces but they were partially removed and under a different surname. The closest he had ever found where called Whittlocks and that wasn't even their original surname, it was some unpronounceable German name and he knew of no German blood in him. So he could only pray that was how it was spelt on her arm and that this was somehow some big misunderstanding. His life wasn't perfect but he would prefer to going back to living day by day rather then living in a personal hell.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Musoka
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Musoka Toku Fanboy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Mivuli@Morte Angelis@Mugin

The song came to a close, the vampire simply ending the song with a few errant picks at the strings of his guitar. The people in the café began to clap, a few cheers and hell even a few wolf whistles were thrown towards him. He smiled out at the crowd "thank you very much" he stood and took a bow before hopping off the stage with his mic. He kicked the toe of his shoe at the ground and began walking through the tables "ladies and gentlemen, you are listening to Solenne Nocturne today at your cafe" he said in his best radio voice "and today is a most wonderful day because I met my soul mate" he grinned a little at flicked his eyes towards Mia, a grin on his lips as he moved towards the counter and stood in line "and she works here...how lucky am I?" He grinned as he worked his way down the line to Mia " Hey there pretty Barista" he smirked and leant forward, pressing their lips together once more in a quick kiss. The vampire spun, a giddy smile on his lips "so as you can see! Im in a good mood today" he laughed "so! I see lots of couples here today! So I'm going to..." he plucked a couple up out of their seats and brought them to the stage "make you all sing!" His guitar suddenly began plucking an acoustic version of Summer Lovin. He looked eagerly at the two and laughed as they nervously began to sing.

The couple finished, hugged and laughed back to their table as Solenne stopped playing. His eyes scanned the cafe, a hand outstretched. He pointed at a blonde girl sitting with a black haired man "Blondie! Come on up...you too there Mr Fidgety!" He said into the mic.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 2 days ago


“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours,” his phrasing genuinely made her laugh; it was a surprisingly pleasant sound, like wind chimes stirring in the breeze. What were they, children sneaking peeks at each other’s private parts for the first time? At the same time, she understood his apprehension at willingly exposing his arm to someone so known for being deadly. Good, he should stay wary of her, it would be better that way.

For fairness’ sake, she extended her own tattooed wrist to him. Without the bindings to cover her heartbreak, she felt exposed and vulnerable, two things she really didn’t like feeling… although, as much as she would never admit it, something about him felt safe. Perhaps it was just the knowledge that he couldn’t kill her, perhaps it was something more. The black crossed out name on her wrist made her heart feel hollow, and she looked away from it, wincing her eyes in pain. Eventually, she got the courage to look at the wolfs arm beside hers. His arm had not two, but three marks, two soul mates dead and gone. Trixy’s mouth opened in a little silent ‘O’ before she pressed her lips together in a tight line. “It’s the worst feeling in this world, isn’t it?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. She touched his marks with her fingers with all the softness of butterfly wings. At the touch, the burning in her wrist stopped, and both of their brightly glowing marks settled down and began to look like nothing more than tattoos. Looks like the names were correct...

You could almost hear the little chips of ice falling from the tops of the cold walls Béatrix had built around herself. This moment was so surprisingly touching, and real. It terrified her that she could have anything in common with someone she considered so awful, that being said; even she knew there was no living creature as foul as she was… maybe they were soul mates, after all. Two tortured, broken souls, bound for eternity.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Satisified that Trixy agreed, he willingly extended his arm while she extended his looking to see the spelling of the name. The names of his two past soulmates he saw for the first time in years, both crossed out, with the new one above them. He was caught by surprise to see a crossed out black name on the vampire's arm. It was enough to make the wolf withdraw from his gaze, returning his eyes back to their normal brown color as he stared at that mark and then at the name that was blue on her arm.

“It’s the worst feeling in this world, isn’t it?” she whispered, which made him look up at her with sympathy instead of aggression.

"It's enough to make you want to die yourself," he said in a barely audible tone",and time doesn't fix it. Just numbs the pain slightly."

The name on her arm was definitely his but now holding her arm, numbed the burning sensation of his own arm, the itch disappearing. Doesn't matter how many times a soulmate was lost, it hurt be it the first or even the hundredth nothing prepared for such lost. Maybe the soulmate matchmaker or whatever decided the names on their arms knew what it was doing after all by putting the vampire's name on his arm. The walls in him seemed to form cracks in that moment. He felt uncertain on how such a bond would work though, after all she had killed many of his kind yet he wasn't without sin. Gevaudan was still a black spot on his history and he had killed his fair share of vampires that got in his way. Perhaps though there was still a means to make it work, after all for him third time could be the charm.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 2 days ago

“It’s enough to make you want to die yourself, and time doesn’t fix it. Just numbs the pain slightly.” he said, his voice hardly any louder than hers. A human passerby wouldn’t even hear their conversation. Béatrix ground her fangs into her bottom gums, nearly drawing blood. His words rang all to true. At first, when she lost Francis, she wanted nothing more than to join him in death. Unfortunately, vampires are pretty hard to kill, and somewhere along the lines the suicidal tendencies were replaced by an all-consuming passion – revenge. It was better to kill than be killed; at least that’s what Madame Vengeance thought.

Lost in her thoughts, his touch snapped her back to the present. Despite how right his skin felt against hers, she reflexively jerked her hand back to her side. This frost queen had no intentions of giving up her throne, no matter what destiny had in store for them.

“Which is exactly why we can’t let it happen again.” She said, her tone was as cold as her icy blue eyes. She couldn’t let her walls fall, they were the only thing keeping her dead heart safe. “I—“ she began “I gotta go. You made me lose my perp, I’ve got a rogue vampire to track down. If fate really has us bound, I guess I’ll see you around. If not, well, I wish I could say it was nice meeting you.” It was a cruel thing to say, but nothing was crueler than forcing someone to walk into inevitable heartbreak. With that, Trixy turned and walked away. She had no intentions of catching that vampire, nope. She needed a stiff drink, a cigarette, and gallons of blood to drown these feelings in, and she knew the perfect bar to go to so that she could indulge in all three.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Yeah I could say the same," he growled back, eyes shifting back to yellow, the walls returning as they once were ",At least the damn itch is gone, now I can go back to my day. Hope to not see you around bloodsucker." He left as quickly as she did. It had been too close, he couldn't be close to anyone again, once had been bad enough, twice had nearly pushed him overboard. A third time was chancing to much and again she was a vampire, on the other side of the spectrum of him. He either would be driven to insanity by a third loss or the fact he was stuck with a vampire of all people to be tethered to.Besides she could hardly like him he was a wolf and worst of them all. A monster doesn't get to have love, he reminded himself rubbing his temple as he entered back to the busy sidewalks. He needed a drink better yet would be something raw to go with it, he had a place in mind. Maybe he would go on a run in the woods as well. Normally he avoided shifting so soon after a full moon, but after today he needed some time to himself.

"Can't ever go through another lost," he mumbled to himself as he walked, seemingly now on autopilot to his destination ",Not after Chloe and Amelia." The names made him shiver and old wounds opened once more. He definitely was going to need a lot to drink today.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Morte Angelis

Morte Angelis

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Annaliza listened to the awkwardly singing couple and a sad smile formed on her lips. She wished that she could sing without something bad happening or someone trying to grab on to her. There were reasons that sirens were known for making boats crash into the shore or leading men to their deaths. Her mother was very careful not to speak too much around men when she was out, and she hadn't given up hope that one day she would be able to talk to people without causing them to injure themselves. Perhaps someone would invent some sort of device that would filter a siren's voice so there wouldn't be any adverse effects.

Readying her pencil to scribble on her sketchbook, she had just started to write when Solenne called her ' Blondie ' and told her and Taylor to come up and sing. A look of pure terror appeared on her face and she furiously shook her head. Clutching her bear close, she got up and scribbled something on her sketchpad.

' I don't think that me singing is a good idea. When a Siren sings, she only brings misfortune to those unlucky enough to hear her voice. I'll only sing if everyone else leaves. '

Heading back over to Taylor, she put her sketchbook down on the table and tried her best to hide behind her soul mate. It wasn't a very good hiding spot, since they were in a cafe full of people who knew she was there, but being close to Taylor calmed her in a way. Curling her fingers into the back of his shirt, she peered over the defense attorney's shoulder to stare at Solenne with icy blue eyes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Musoka@Morte Angelis

Taylor watched Annaliza gaze to the stage and saw be consumed with sadness. He did not know what he did or what to do so he just listened with her. The couple sounded great so he could not figure out why, but then Taylor and Blondie, as someone had donned Annaliza, called them up to sing. Taylor did not have a singing voice but he was willing to have fun, but before he could get up she was already up and wrote something on her sketch pad.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Atkins, she is a siren. You know sinking ships with their voices and all. That's why she does not talk, okay, okay, this all makes sense. Wait she is sitting down act cool, and get that look off your face! Taylor stopped looking surprised and then she hid behind him. Taylor felt her dig into his shirt with slight fear. He turned looked at the guy on stage and smiled. "Hey sorry, but she not up to sing as you can see so try someone else unless you all feel like leaving." Taylor said with a genuine smile and then turned around to Annaliza. He huged her for comfort and then pressed his forhead against hers. "Hey you don't have to sing if you don't want to, but if you do I'm staying to hear." He said to her with a chuckle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Musoka@Morte Angelis@Mugin

With all the confidence and joy in the world, Solenne strode over to the counter where Mia stood for a quick peck, spinning around much too quickly to handpick a couple from their seats. Mia watched him cajole them into a song, saw as his strumming played the background to the transition from nervous chuckles to breathless careless giggles, and he the catalyst never altered his tempo. Unchanging, isolated from his effect on others.

Solenne beckoned another couple onstage, but the blonde-haired girl showed an averse reaction to the invitation as though it were a rash, attempting to conceal herself behind her table-partner. Mia stood perched at the counter, but was no longer tethered there; Solenne's playing had been enough to convince the more flighty customers that lingering for a few more minutes wouldn't hurt. Slipping languidly away from the marble, Mia untucked the pocketbook from the pouch in her apron, slipping a pen between her fingers and making her way to the couple at the back.

"It's a pity if you wouldn't like to sing," Mia said with an easy courteous smile to the pair, her voice soothed in the hopes of uncurling those fingers she could now see clenched around shirt. Her eyes turned to the man sitting across from the girl. "Or would you like to sing a song for her?" she suggested. A seranade could be romantic, even if they were in the 21st century, and courting with a lute by moonlight had gone out of fashion. With a glance at their cutlery on the table, she added, "Perhaps I could convince you with a dessert on the house, if you would join Solenne with the microphone." She raised her brows in a questioning way, brown eyes asking. "What do you say?"

Nib of the pen poised over opened notebook, Mia glanced over at Solenne, dashing in person, somehow softer when cradling a guitar in a baseball tee as a performer, but no less debonair, and tossed him a wide grin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Mivuli@Mugin@Morte Angelis@Musoka((wow, all your peps with usernames on M))

''I dont want you to go anywhere.''

'' Of course I will not, the world is ours to explore...''

The music softly played as Danilo spun around himself, hugging his soulmate. Looking at the bustling city under their feet. Renting a air balloon was the best romantic thing one could wish for after the unfortunate car crash. But who would ever mind the little problems when they had their soulmate on their side. The sun was setting just over there on the horizon and Danilo couldnt stop himself, placing a kiss on their lips. He was in a fairy tale, with heart and mind.The music stopped...

Huh?...The dragon blinked under his wild bangs and looked around, he was in the cafe from this morning...It was far from sun set. Chuckling to himself Danilo shock his head. There he did it again. Raising the wrist the name was there and it never burned to begin with.

''I am quite eager to meet you.'' He spoke softly to his wrist and turned in his seat to look around the cafe, someone was singing and it assisted him in his day dream. The man walked up to one pair and raised them to sing which they did. That was cute.

Actually really adorable.

He would do so well on weddings.

Danilo wouldnt mind him sing on his own wedding.

Danilo tilted his head in wonder if that would be considered creepy, to already think of that. He hoped not.

He waited for the pair to finish, the singer, quite in love himself as far as the dragon could tale by his looks to the waitress, went to invite the next pair to sing with him. They were a lot shyer, as they rejected. Mia even went up to them to bribe them with desert. Danilo grinned wide like a storm, as he wasnt sitting to far away from them he stood up.

''Oh yes a serenade would be beautiful for your beautiful love a perfect present.~ What could be a sweeter proof of true love then pouring your soul in melodic words!''

He walked up and placed a hand on the singer shoulder, his hand fishing a visit card from his pocket. With a grin he offered it to him. '' You dont happen to sing on weddings and parties too? I adore your voice.'' Thinking of his friend as a event planer, how she would love to employ him. The dragon chuckled his hair hiding the orange red eyes of his. '' I missed your name, I am Danilo.'' He offered his gloved hand for a hand shake, making sure not to be in the way if they deiced to go on singing again.
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