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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crazy Doctor

Crazy Doctor The Konami Kid

Member Seen 14 days ago

Alex flinches at the dragon speaking turns around and silently screams at the ground before turning around to face the dragon. He starts to speak and promptly gets tongue tied. "Oh...er...I..erm..I...I...I AM SO SORRY, I just you know thought you know…rem dragon. I'm gonna shut up now!" Alex turned redder than a firetruck and broke into a cold sweat. He turned around again to scream silently. "I-Please forgive me, I am so sorry."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Schorl
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Schorl american suiteheart

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Paige, noticing that everyone was getting ready to leave, picked up the end of her dragging cloak and carried it like a bundle in her arms. It was such a heavy fabric! It hurt to carry and it started to piss her off that she had to carry it. She felt a breeze come upon her, which turned into a somewhat harsher breeze by the second. What's with this wind? She trailed behind the small imp, walking on the stone masonry. She grumbled under her breath about how bothersome the heavy fabric was and how this wind was bothering her, too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

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Nyra smirked. For once, she was intimidating. She gave a curt nod. "It's okay."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kit DewStein
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Lavender now switched back to the issue she would have to deal with. Clothing. Style was not her forte and normally her mother picked out clothing. Always the frilly girly stuff which she didn't like but now was the chance to get her own clothing. Still though she didn't want to wear anything that would offend the people native to Yun.

"Um, Terra, is it decent for females to wear pants here? I don't really feel comfortable in skirts or dresses," Lavender turned red as she asked since most guys didn't take her for a tomboy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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Following Terra's lead since she was from there and indeed knew all the dangers, Basco took in the info she gave him about the enemies. Knowing his curiosity, a mischievous grin came across his face "Well...I'm sure it would not be any trouble if we went to take a peek at these....dangerous creatures. I'm just curious of all the wonders this Yun place have to offer. I'm sure we can handle ourselves. I mean, we have a dragon, people that can use fire. I'm quite sure the other hunnies here along with the fairy and tattoo dude have some sort of magic. I'm pretty sure I'll find out what I can do as well."

Having his interest piqued on seeing these things, of coarse, after getting the clothes thing out of the way first.
Noticing the question Lavander asked Terra, Basco walked over with his hands behind his back and began studying her from head to toe, walking wound examining her body. He caressed his chin as his face focused on her "Why wear pants, you look fine the way you are..." putting his two cents in trying to be helpful, even though personally, he'd rather see her or any girl, he felt, looked good, in a dress.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Quextamon
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Quextamon Leader of the Decepticons

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Terra smiles at Lavender comfortingly. “Wear whatever you like, dear, so long as it is something. The Sun Empire prides itself on the freedom of expression it allows its people. There are many lady warriors as well, who sacrifice some small amount femininity for practicality. Few would think less of you for it, and those that might are not people you should focus on.”

Terra begins the short walk from the meadow to the woods on the stone path, as no one has made any disagreement with the plan to travel. She hoists the bottom of her robe up as she walks, but grins the whole while. Absent mindedly she says, “The weather is picking up quite a lot. Funny, since the skies have been so clear.” She looks up, eyes twinkling.

When they arrive at the edge of a forest, a large doe stands not 10 feet away. It is a pale blue tint, with a soft white underbelly and little spots littering its sides. It slowly approaches Lavinia and Jacinta, caution written in all of its features. Terra watches curiously, careful not to scare the gentle animal off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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Jacinta looked at the doe, an almost wary look crossed her face. In the crowded house in the middle of a large city she had not experienced meeting many forest animals despite a rushed excursion to the zoo in the 5th grade. Anyways, deer, female or not, were not blue, well not in her earth at least. She looked at the creature curiously and smiles. "Why hello," she says gently, placing her hand out palm up, an invitation for the doe to approach.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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Livinia sees the doe and at first she is confused, then she remembers her antlers and automatically links one thing with the other. "Maybe it thinks I'm one of them?" she jests, a bit unsure if that could be the case or not.

She squats and says with a tomboyish smile "Yo"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nyra padded over, watching the dear closely. She flattened her ears, thinking how hungry she was. But she couldn't kill the deer, that was just cruel, to the deer and to the other people. Nyra sat down, turning away from the scene.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kit DewStein
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Lavender was thankful that she could wear pants here. A little creep-ed out from Basco looking over her, she put some distance between them in the group. She looked to the sky when Terra said something about it. It would be funny if it snowed. Odd she thought of something cold when she always loved summer over winter. She bumped into Nyra not paying attention to the fact the group stopped moving.

"I am sorry Nyra," Lavender said, "wasn't paying attention and when in this world is a deer blue?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nyra moved her wings in a shrug, not looking at the deer. "That's okay. Well... this place is full of strange creatures. Maybe blue is normal."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crazy Doctor

Crazy Doctor The Konami Kid

Member Seen 14 days ago

Alex followed behind the group as they set off, still cursing himself for thinking the dragon couldn't talk. 'Why did i even assume that? Dragons in books can speak ad they have personalities. What was i thinking?' were the thoughts going through his mind. He stopped as he saw the group stop and wanted to see what the were looking at. Shuffling around he saw the deer and saw that it was…blue. "is it just me or am i hallucinating?" he would mutter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Schorl
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Schorl american suiteheart

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Paige, still having the wind slap her cheek, and crowd her face with strands of dark hair, closes her attention to the deer. At that moment, the wind settled down much more. Though Paige didn't have much to say about the deer, she spotted that one of the deer had been a pale blue. In her opinion, that made the deer ten times cuter and more unique. She gave a faint smile at the deer as she felt the wind pick back up, but a lot slower.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

Member Seen 1 yr ago

James shrugged at seeing the deer. Sure he liked the fact it was blue, but he was never fascinated by wildlife. He just looked at the dear and thought it could be someone like them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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As the group stopped at the edge of the forest and Lavender backed away from his comment, his attention went towards the blue dear as something in him sort of snapped....like he was starting to feel a little part of nature...he had the urge to go and pet the pale blue deer as he made his way over to where Jacinta and Lavinia were located. While the ladies were being cautious not to scare it, Basco at first marched over but slowed down to the point that he tip-toed so to get a chance to touch the creature joining the girls.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Quextamon
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Quextamon Leader of the Decepticons

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Gently, the deer sniffs Jacinta’s hand, and seemingly unoffended by what it smells, relaxes and walks closer up to her with shiny and interest filled eyes. It looks over Lavinia, sniffing her curiously as well. As Basco approaches, the deer looks up at him, skittishly. It freezes, though it doesn’t bolt.

Terra says, “Blue deer are rare. They are known as Sky Deer, and only live near this part of the Sun Empire, and in Angels’ Rest. It’s said that their presence brings good luck. I think this is a sign that our journey will go well for us.” Terra nods to herself, grinning tenderly. Then, she begins to walk again, knowing they can’t look at wildlife all day. “Come now, we must make haste if we are to gather clothes and see the Great Mage both before the day is done.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

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Jacinta smiles, running her hand down the doe's back before it walks over to Lavinia. Jacinta looks up to Terra, nodding at her last comment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kit DewStein
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Kit DewStein Random blob

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Hey Basco, why do you like females in dresses," Lavender was interested why most guys preferred dresses over pants. She wasn't exactly comfortable with Basco. Then again the only person she really seemed to get along with was Nyra, who Lavender thought looked extremely majestic even for a petite dragon. Lavender got a cold shiver down her spine before she started to rub her arms. What the heck is with this cold flash?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Schorl
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Schorl american suiteheart

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Sky Deer are rare, hm? That makes me like them even more," Paige smirked mildly and felt the wind dim down again, until it was only a breeze. Oh good, the wind was gone. The heaviness of the fabric no longer bothered her, as she was used to it by now, but she still disliked carrying it, and decided to let it drag. It's not like anyone would intentionally step on it, would they?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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Stopping in his tracks, Basco didn't move any closer fearing that he'd scare the deer off. When Terra explained about the rarity of Sky Deer and the luck they bring, He ceased his want to touch it since he didn't want to risk it being scared off and the group possibly being brought bad luck because of him. Once Terra called upon the group to keep going, Basco's attention went to Lavender who asked him about his reasons for liking women in skirts and why guys prefer skirts of pants for women. Basco for a moment felt like he was honored to be asked about explaining one of the facts of the guy code.

"Well then.....something about you ladies being in skirts drives us guys wild...not in a crazy rapist way, well not in all cases, but in a way where it makes you more attractive. I mean, there's nothing wrong with you wearing a skirt. Yes you'll look more attractive but...that doesn't mean you can't be a bad ass either. Think of all the bad ass women who wore skirts and sliced a guy's head off in the process. Xena the warrior princess, Wonder woman, super girl...the list goes on. you can look and be tough, wearing a skirt..." he explained for a moment until realizing how Lavender caught a shiver and rubbing her arms. A little curious, Basco stared.

"What's wrong, you cold or somethin'? while keeping up with the group.
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