Legal Name: Whiteloft, Valaeli
Date of birth: March 15th, 1944
Parents: Sven Whiteloft - Deceased
Race: Caucasian
Gender: Female
Extra-Curricular Activities: Chorus, gardening, student body president (three years)
Languages: English, Spanish, learning Latin

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Species: Human
Mystical abilities: Can sometimes sneeze golden dust.
How are you special: Thin white horns sprout from her head, growing at an alarming rate with a
twisting pattern. Silver scale clusters appear in certain areas around her eyes, neck, chest,
fingers, toes, and legs.

Having been born in a small town in Europe during the Second World War, Valaeli and her father fled to the United States of America in search of freedom and a place to hide. Despite cutting and shaving down her horns, covering her scales with makeup, and making her always sneeze in a hankie, Valaeli never aged and that was noticed quickly. They traveled around, never staying in any place longer than five or six years.
Having out-lived her father by many years, she continues to run while cutting down her horns and hiding herself from the world, still believing she was just a freak of nature.