Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 1 mo ago

"Stay in the car, Lexie... We can handle it, Lexie... I'm not a damn 12 year old!"

Sitting in the back of a black Challenger Hellcat was a young girl, pouting at the fact that for the third week in a row all she did was get told to sit in the vehicle and not interfere with the investigations. All Lexie wanted was to at least know what Phil and Starr got up to when they entered the homes of the people they were investigating, but even asking them proved difficult with Phil often returning with several blood stains on his clothes and Starr refusing to say anything more than indecisive "yeah/nah" answers.

Leaning as far forward as possible from the back seat, Lexie tapped the LCD screen on the dash and pressed play on the music player in an effort of both curiosity and complete and utter boredom. Instantly the speakers awoke to the sound of Korn's Freak on a Leash and the volume caught her off by surprise. As she fumbled around the controls trying to work out which one was the volume, she giggled at how coincidental it was that this song would be the first track to play. It was only 3 weeks ago that she had learnt about these so-called demons and their apparent infiltration into the human world. At first, like any normal human, she didn't believe it and called the ones in charge insane... while using more colourful words of course. She told them it was a disgustingly horrible joke and an insult to her years of training and hard work, but that all changed when they took her down to the holing cells and introduced her to a human and demon captive.

All that didn't matter though because even a few weeks after her first encounter she still wound up being babysitter for a car that was probably worth more than her yearly pay check. Lexie sat back down in her seat and tilted her head back onto the headrest. She looked up to the ceiling an ran her fingers along the fabric stitching, counting each stitch in order to pass time until the other two returned.

Apartment 3A

The sounds of a man's fist belting into raw flesh resonated throughout the cold, dark living room while a younger male over to the side begged him to stop his beating, but deep inside Phil was actually enjoying this. Here was Phil, sitting there with his knees on the chest and left arm of Jin with his left hand holding her other arm on the ground. He pulled up his right and whacked it into the nose of the young looking demon.

"Stop it, please!!!" Jeremy called out, feeling the pain of his demon's injury surge through his skull, "She saved my life, you don't understand!"

Starr pressed her shoe down on the back of Jeremy's neck even harder causing the heel to begin to break the skin. A trickle of blood began to seep out and seared the base of the shoe, causing a bit of steam to rise up around her foot. All Jeremy could do was wince at the pain and try to wiggle his way from under her foot, but with his hands in cuffs and his face eating the dirty carpet, there wasn't much that he could really do.

The woman leaned down, keeping her Glock pistol still held on the back of his head. Carefully she spoke to him in what felt like a monotone, unemotional voice, "You're saying that parasite saved you? That, 'thing'? You can't even go to heaven nor hell now, because of her." She looked up at Phil, noting that he had stopped and was glancing at them over at his shoulder. "Show them babe. Show them what will happen if they don't co-operate."

Seeing Starr smile those words Phil knew that it was time to perhaps take his moves up a notch. He reached over to the side for a duffel bag that the duo had bought along and lifted out a large red hand cannon. Ensuring that he had a firm grasp Phil then moved the gun over Jin's face and pulled the trigger. Jin laid there in complete horror as three large barbs shot out of the end and pierced various points of her skull. Both her and Jeremy screamed in pain with Jin thrashing about in an effort to escape from under the weight of her predator. With the movement she was creating Jin managed to break her left arm free and grabbed a hold of Phil's face attempting to push him away but all she could see in front of her face was the oversized grinding plates inside the cannon begin to wind up into motion.

"WE'LL DO IT!" Jeremy screamed causing Phil to let go of the trigger and allow the device to begin shutting down, "We'll hunt the other demons for you."

Starr carefully lifted her foot off Jeremy and left him laying there as she walked over to her partner and watched him ease his weight off the girl and push himself up into a standing position. She reached down and pulled the Soul Sucker out of Jin's head, giving little thought to the pain that it just caused before lobbing it on top of the duffel bag it once emerged from. Starr glanced over at Jeremy to see him worm his way over towards Jin's side. Laughing to herself at how pathetic it looked to see a human concerned about a demon's well being, Starr turned towards the doorway and followed Phil with the bag in hand out of what now, thanks to them, appeared like a third world apartment before closing the door behind themselves.

Jeremy finally reached his contractor as she laid there grasping for breath and staring at the ceiling. He could see the deep wounds cuts on her body begin to scab up in their attempts to restore her back to normal, but the events that they had just participated in had really shook her up. Jeremy placed his chin on her chest somehow trying to use it as a way comfort her, which was quickly followed by her holding his head in some kind of hug. He laid there wondering about Jin and how much strength she must have lost through the creation of her contract. She had been teaching him all about his newly earned abilities and how much of a skilled fighter she was in the underworld, but when talk came to action against the two strangers that showed up at their front door, she was a mere cat against two panthers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Oni_
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Oni_ Moment In Flux

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sera Kennithson & Alyx The Banished
A downtown apartment

The last week had been a strange one for Sera, she had been sure she was doomed in that car crash until Alyx arrived. She still wasn't sure if she liked her second chance at life. Sure, she could keep living, hopefully up the the ripe old age of 90-something, but she didn't have any choice in the matter.

Now don't get the wrong idea, Sera wasn't one to get annoyed for stupid reasons such as that she had no choice in her birth, or no choice in being hit by that car. Those were things she was, at the time, unaware of in any way shape or form. This supposed "contract" that Alyx - as she had made herself known as - had pushed on her occurred at a time when she was very aware of what was occurring, she heard every word of what Alyx said, she was likely supposed to. Normally a contract - such as the many medical forms Sera filled out after the accident - included some form of user choice, asking them to agree, "please sign here if... In signing this you agree to... Etcetera". This was different though, she was being told exactly what was wanted of her in return for this "gift".

And that wasn't the only thing, as far as Sera has been told there were various... Implications that came from this contract. The most important two of these were that firstly, she would be unable to go to either hell or heaven when she died, being stuck in a state of purgatory. Sera was never overly religious in life, but always held onto a set of morals just in case. Now that seemed like a waste of energy. The second implication was that the two of them shared pain. Alyx seemed rather keen on keeping an eye on her so Sera doubted she would get herself into trouble, besides Alyx, as it turned out had done very little in terms of research before coming to the mortal realm. She was like a child who'd been given a very, very large toy box.

Alyx on the other hand was very happy with her new contract, and in extension her new toy box. Sure she was weaker now, but she had made it a point to explain to Sera the dangers her powers would bring with them, such as her new bloodlust. Without her help this foolish mortal would rip herself apart, being driven to insanity. At least, that's what Alyx thought would happen. Either way she enjoyed Sera's company plenty enough.

The two were sat in Sera's apartment, Alyx had rather conveniently positioned herself as Sera's roommate. That way no one questioned her coming and going as she pleased. Alyx looked human enough, Sera often mused about her less human features. For example her skin was far paler than you would expect to see, close to yet not impossibly pale, but still pale enough that you would have thought she never went outside without at least SPF-100 on. Thankfully she didn't seem to keep the horns that Sera had first seen her sporting. Now that would have been difficult to explain to Mr Perkins across the way.

Despite the unusual events that occurred over the last week Sera had tried to live a normal life. Alyx seemed fixated on getting her used the powers she had gifted her. Going so far as to throw Sera into a fight with some dealers a few days after they met. It was a... strange experience. She never used to be one for fighting, but as she made use of the cane that Alyx had gifted her she felt herself grow more and more excited. Alyx explained that it was her newfound bloodlust, it was as if it constantly injected Adrenaline into her, keeping her awake and full of energ as she lost her own blood. That way she probably wouldn't fall unconscious until she was pretty much dead. Hopefully, they wouldn't have to test that theory. Sera sighed, what had she gotten herself into?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Mat took a second to analyze the position he was currently in. One, he was in a dark alleyway where nobody was likely to hear or see anything that was going on. Two, he was not the only other living creature here, there were three others, and only 2 of them could be considered hostile. Three, he had super powers that he still wasn't 100% sure how they worked. Four, everyone else in this alley also had superpowers that they seemed completely confident in using. Five, Pitambara and some weird cat-woman-thing were about 20 feet away, the former pinning the latter to the ground and repeatedly punching her in the face. Six, some guy had just leaped 10 feet into the air and was flying towards him like it was a National Geographic cover.

Hastily, Mat stepped to the side, mostly avoiding the pouncing attack, but still receiving a few cat scratches on the cheek that drew a single drop of blood. On a normal person, that same attack probably would have ripped off their face. Pitambara stopped punching the cat demon below him to shout at his contractee.

"Hey, your defense is sloppy! Don't let your guard down!" Right as he said that, the cat demon bucked the spirit off of his position, sending him tumbling down the alleyway. He stood up to find the cat demon pouncing at him, probably aiming to do what its contractee did. What she got instead ws a boot to the face that stopped her cold. The spirit looked over at Mat's fight to see the human flinch from receiving a ghost blow to the face for perhaps the 30th time in the past 5 minutes. It was an obvious opening, but Mat didn't take it. Pitambara pondered that perhaps he should have searched a bit longer for potential contractees. Maybe find a streetfighter or boxer instead of the first compatible good person available. The cat demon stood back up and hissed at Pitambara like a common house cat. Pathetic. The spirit ran up to the demon and kneed her right in the face.

Mat noticed that the man he was fighting suddenly recoiled from what was probably a really painful attack from Pitambara. Maybe it broke a bone. He took a moment to step forward and uppercut the guy before throwing a barrage of punches with his left hand that sent the man flying to the other side of the alley. He looked over to the cat-woman-thing that Pitambara was fighting to find her passed out cold, but far more battered than her contractee.

"So," Matt said to a creature that certainly looked mostly human, but wasn't quite right, "are you finally going to explain to me what's going on?" The metallic gold on Pitambara's arms dissolved as he shrugged nonchalantly in response.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GeliophobHyena
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GeliophobHyena No laughing Matter

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nathan & Glybine,St.Joseph hospital

The place smelt like medicine, Nathan thought he would be used to it by now but he always kind of felt like a bad person. Coming into work everyday and giving people diseases, from the flu to mild cases of the bubonic plague but Glybine said that it was all apart of the natural order of things and that if it wasn't he would infect everyone. Nathan made his way into the nurses station and prepared some new 'medicine' for a patient he was assinged to. Nathan looked around, nobody was looking. He closed his eyes and suddenly he could see himself standing at the medicine cabinet. It was time to snuff out the camara in the corner so he could do his thing.

Being a cockroach wasn't the most clean ability out there but it certainly was useful. Looking through the cockroach he commanded it to climb up the wall and onto the lens of the camara, which it did so obeidiently, covering the camara lens almsot completely, Nathan opened his eyes and looked up at the medicine cabinet, taking two solid pills and a liquid based medicine. He looked down at the two pills in the little paper cup and after a sigh Nathan extended a finger towards the pills and out of the tip of his finger a long worm about three inces slitherd his way out of his finger and landed in the paper cup, it began to toll and shake slowly like it was in some medicinal based bliss. It did this for about thirty seconds until it just layed there, in some wierd parasite uphoria. It then burrowed itself into the the bigger pill and then Nathan moved on to the liquid medicine. He looked around again and when he was sure no one was looking, and after checking that the roach had not left it's place he spit in the medicine and stirred it. THen brought it out the the pateint in question. A thrity-five year old man who had an apedicitus emergancy. He left the spiked medicine with the man and left the room. And as he left the room he saw his favorite red haired demon.

"i'm guessing it's done?" Glybine spoke with a english accent that seemed to fade in and out sometimes, he stood slouched as usual, but if any pretty tail were to walk by he would stand straight up, and as Glybine liked to remind Nathan he wasn't the onl thing that stood up. Nathan nodded quickly and Glybine smiled, his teeth suprisingly white for a demon of diseases. "Good!, let's go 'ave a drink, on me" Glybine put his arm around Nathan, whop quickly ducked out of the overly-friendly gesture. "I have work to do" Nathan said cautiously.

Glybine narrowed his eyes, and quickly smiled again "fine!, but you owe me a drink later tonight okay?" Glybine punched Nathan int he arm softly and turned to walk out of the hospital, hands in his pockets. Nathan sighed as he left, Glybine could be tiring but hey, he got cool powers out of the deal and a good friend. At least he thought Glybine as a friend, in that he's gonna probably try and kill me when I am not useful kind of way.

Nathan turned slowly to walk back to the nurses' station so that he could pick his daily round sheet.

Fitting music for this post:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80tX5MLX8QY]
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BioHazard
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BioHazard The Plague Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Caitlyn Quintaine & Nostradamus - Quintaine Residence

It was weird that her hand didn't feel hot at all, this power was amazing, but certainly not one to be overused. Caitlyn let out a soft sigh as she lowered her temperature. She was sitting on the couch in her home, like usual there was no one home. It had been a few days now since Caitlyn's new life started, her second life, all thanks to an peculiar 'demon' that patched her up. Saying it made it sound even weirder. No one would even believe the story despite it being the truth, not that she had anyone to tell it to. The door opened.

Caitlyn looked to the entrance and saw a tall man with black hair and glasses dressed in a fancy black uniform enter the house. He sure looked different then at their first encounter with each other. He was a lot more pleasant to look at in this form. He was holding a letter in his hand and a faint grin was on his face. "It has been done." he said. Caitlyn looked confused as she didn't have a clue of what he went out to do in the first place.

"W-what did you do? You didn't even tell me what your plans were when you left." she said.

Nostra chuckled and handed over the letter to Caitlyn. "This letter confirms that I can enroll as substitute teacher at your school when needed. Luckily I don't have to be there every day, but we'll see each other nonetheless, despite you already being in your senior year." he explained. Caitlyn read through the letter before handing it back to the demon.

"Well at least you got your alibi in this world." she sighed. "I can't believe how quickly I adapted to this situation."

"It is your second life after all." Nostra chuckled, he headed into the kitchen to grab something for himself. "I assume you already practiced with you new found abilities, yes?"

"Yup. The last few days allowed me to get a better grip on those temperature powers, as well as the bone strengthening. However pulling those bone swords through my skin still poses me some trouble, it hurts a lot." she commented.

"As expected. I do treasure my Nociception ability much, so it is to assume you got the short end of the stick concerning Nociception." Nostradamus pulled out a rib in a swift hand-motion and examined it. He smiled followed by throwing it halfway into the wall. "You indeed got the short end of the stick." Caitlyn showed a faint smile and looked down to the ground while Notra continued grabbing his stuff out of the kitchen. She wondered what she deserved to get a second life. She doesn't have anyone that cares for her, not even her mother who is always away on business trips. She was fine with dying, yet she got a second chance. It now is the question whether she continues to live like she did or turn the wheel around and make changes in her new life.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

Member Seen 7 days ago

Tanner McNeil and Lolth The Spider Queen

Living after superposed death is not as easy as it seemed. Tanner was expecting something entirely different than what he got. He shot up and was scared shitless, not because he was alive, but because he had spilled the coffee, so now he had to run back and go get some more. He looked over and saw a younger girl sitting next to him looking confused at first but then smiling. He grabbed her hand and nothing has been the same since.

Over the past week Lolth has explained everything to Tanner who seemed to have just brushed it off, but in reality he has thinking it over in great depth. All the abilities she said that he would have he started to develop, he would wake up stuck to the ceiling with webs and different spiders all around him. He even got venom on a sandwich he was eating at lunch and nearly killed him self.

Everyday since the incident Lolth would be waiting for him when he got home and even one day brought him lunch at his job, and got teased the entire day about his new "Girlfriend". As they sat in his tiny studio apartment, she was watching some reality tv show and making comments while he was doing work.

"You know, if these women were every in demon society they would not last one minute. Always so sensitive and snapping at each other. Once a fellow demon did that to me and I had her hung, drawn, and quartered." She said with no indifference. He cringed at her statment and looked he over, Tanner did not know how to feel about the demoness, she did not look bad but always had something to say about his home or something she had seen on one of her outings, and each statement ended in blood.

"Well as long as you don't go around ripping peoples limbs off I am fine." He said as he typed away. Most of the time she was pleasant, and asking simple things about the human world, and others she could be very "suggestive" and knew how to crowd a persons personal space. But most of the time she was cool.

"I see that you no longer wake up all over the house," She said to him.

"Oh yeah, I just lay a few webs down to keep my self grounded , talking about webs, what is with all the spiders they are everywhere, one was on my face this morning and I did not know what to do." He said to her, the thing had nearly scared him to death and he was almost late to work while he waited for it to move. But their life had settled, the only thing he did not know how to deal with was the Life in purgatory, Tanner was not religious but when he googled purgatory he did not like the sound of it.

Now all he had was a new life, away from stairs, and he did not know how he was gonna live it for sure yet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 1 mo ago

Outside Jeremy and Jin's Apartment
The car doors opened and the two agents took their seats, Phil in the driver seat and Starr in the passenger. Lexie sat in the back in silence as the engine roared to life and they began to move onto their next job. Phil decided to be the first to break the silence, knowing that there was a lot to be discussed.

"Lexie. You're going to have to do this visit on your own."

Lexie's eyes opened in shock at the request. She grabbed the shoulders of the seats in front of her and leaned forward so she could yell at him, "What do you mean I have to do this one 'on my own'? I haven't done anything in the past three week, I barely know what's going on, and you want me to do this 'on my own'?!"

"Because if we go in there we will just start a bloodbath," the contradictory words came out of his mouth in a calm, collective way, "Starr and I just the wrong people when dealing with these two. All you will be doing is giving them a list for for who we want them to focus on."

Lexie looked down at her laptop and pulled up the profile for Sera and Alyx, noticing a comment that mentioned, 'Possible Aggression Influences?'. She gulped at the fact that she was pretty much jumping out of the frying pan into the fire, but understood where Phil was coming from. As she was mulling over the details of the two she felt the car begin to slow down and pull over towards the side walk. Starr opened up the door and stepped out, tilting the seat forward so Lexie could leave the vehicle. As Lexie began to shuffle out when Phil held up an envelope for her to grab. She pulled it from his hand she saw him smile and speak, "You'll be fine."

The walk up to the apartment felt like it took forever but in the end Lexie found her way to the door of Sera and Alyx's. She felt her nerves on edge and the cold, churning sensation in her stomach before giving a steady knock on the door. Each second that she waited felt like an hour and in the end a faint click and creak could be heard as the door opened halfway. Lexie could see two girls in the apartment, noticing that the one who answered the door had a more natural skin tone than the one in the background.

"Sera Kennithson?" Lexie opened nervously as she held out the letter, "This is for you and Alyx."


Eastwood Hospital
Members of the public walked past the man leaning against the wall of the hospital, looking at him with a weird expression. He barely flinched, nor took any notice for what they thought considering that had been the way people had treated him his whole life. Occasionally Bligh would joke, saying that maybe he left his fly undone knowing full well that everyone was staring at the military grade gas mask he had to wear.

He was waiting for someone, and finally saw the red haired male walk out of the hospital. Bligh began to follow him down the street making sure to keep his distance. He knew that his own presence would be noted after a while, but stealth wasn't the point of this meeting. These two hadn't killed any demons yet after receiving their original notice, instead there had been a steady rise of illnesses in the hospital. To the WDD this was an unacceptable public risk and if there wasn't any changes soon this couple would be fast tracked to the 'up for elimination' list.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oni_
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Oni_ Moment In Flux

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sera Kennithson & Alyx The Banished
Sera's Apartment | Downtown

As a knock came to Sera's door she was thrown off her train of thought. She hadn't expected anybody to come around today, and she even put up a sticker on her door to deter cold callers and salesman alike. So who could it be? Her mind began to rest as she walked to the door, probably old Mr Perkins wanting some help changing a lightbulb, or that new couple who moved in yesterday looking for a cup of sugar, or something equally as cliche. They seemed nice enough, didn't bring much with them though. As Sera's mind wandered she had already reached the door with a number of possibilities as to who it would be reasonable to find waiting.

Who she found was not one of those possibilities.

A girl - woman - Sera corrected herself quickly, roughly the same age as her, maybe a bit younger. She pondered for a moment, probably coming into her last year of university. Or was it college here? Not important. She wore strange clothes, almost like some form of uniform, was she a courier? She had just handed Sera a letter, saying it was for her and Alyx.

Her and Alyx. This sent alarm bells ringing, Sera didn't know this person, she was delivering a letter addressed to both of them. Alyx hadn't lived there for long. Just over a week. It wasn't bills either. Sera turned the letter over in her hands a few times, no address. Just their names. No stamp either, whatever it was it was supposed to be delivered by hand. "Uh, thanks," Sera said, taking a letter opener from the table nearby and slipping it under the envelopes folds. Inside was a folded sheet of paper, just like any other letter. But this wasn't an actual letter. Just a list of... names? Sera looked up, at the girl in her doorway, then to Alyx, then back to the girl, then back to the letter, then to the girl again. "What is this? Who are you?".

It sounded more threatening than Sera intended but she was getting hot under the collar. Her cane was too far away, she wouldn't get to it in time if this person was hostile. Keep it cool, keep it cool. She told herself. Waiting for a reply.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 days ago

"So I can't go to heaven or hell now since you have my soul, and although demons do this exact same thing, you aren't one. I'm borrowing your powers, and you want me to use these to punch others in the same situation as me... because?" Mat and Pitambara were now in a pub, each with a different drink in hand. In Mat's was a cheap beer, Pitambara had a glass of lemon water without any ice in it. It was still light out, so the atmosphere felt dark and a bit oppressive in comparison with the bright skies outside and the loud rock music playing made it difficult to even hear himself speak, let alone anybody else in here. Perhaps that's why the man across from the table picked this place.

"Well when you say it like that, it sounds like I'm the bad guy here." Pitambara was wearing a pair of shades that blocked the soft glow of his eyes. "Look, you didn't have to take the deal, and I already explained this a week ago when you were about to have your head irreparably caved in. If I could think of a better way to do this, I would have done it by now." Pitambara's fingers drummed against the glass of the cup, creating little cracks with each pass before repairing them almost instantly as if they were never there.

"I could barely think, let alone able to make binding contracts at the time. You know, if this were a legal contract it would be null and void, right?" Mat took a half-hearted sips of his beer and glanced at the mostly empty pub. There were a couple of daytime drunks, but otherwise it was just the staff and Mat and Pitambara.

"Yeah, well it isn't. Besides, at least I gave you the choice. Demons just take souls and selfishly hoard it to themselves for more power. If I knew how, I'd just give your soul back after we're done. What's important now is you learning to control my power."

"The fixing thing?" Mat asked a bit louder than he had been speaking before as a particularly obnoxious guitar solo started up on the speakers.

"Well, it's more complicated than that, but yes." Pitambara replied, his drumming now directed at the table, which created noticeable indentations into the cheap wood under his fingers before they miraculously filled back in. Either he was doing this on reflex, or he was just showing off. "Your arms are strong and fast now, but that ability allows you to be far more versatile than you could ever imagine. And you're going to need to know how to use it effectively if we're going to be taking down demons. Not all of them are giant pushovers like that cat we fought an hour ago. I need you, and you need me. After all, if I die, you'll get to feel every moment of it."

"I'm not going to say you've talked me into this, but I'll go along for now. Especially if you're going to follow me around. I can't exactly lock you out of my apartment. I'm not going to call you Pitambara though. So now you're going to be Barry."

"Fuck you." Barry said, briefly crushing the glass in his hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GeliophobHyena
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GeliophobHyena No laughing Matter

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The follower either really didn't care that he saw him, or he was just REALLY bad at his job, Glybine kept walking, looking for the woman he was trying to find, after few minutes of looking he spotted her in a coffee shop window. He went inside quickly, both of them handing each other pieces if paper. Then he swiftly walked out, turning to the man in the mask.

"So, are you one of those scene kids who take pictures in black and white while wearing a gas mask trying to be artsy?" Glybine laughed "what do you want kid?" Glybine didn't like the smell of this guy, or the feeling of his soul. It was...Dangerous. He heard of demons going missing over the grape vine, and Glybine was a little suspicious, could they have come for him next?.

Well if they have why would they send a kid in a gasmask? he thought. Or maybe the kid was the one doing all the killing. Glybine agreed with himself that he wouldn't let his guard down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 1 mo ago

Outside the Coffee Shop

Bligh heard the smart-arse remark from the individual about his appearance, to which he chucked. "This," pointing at the mask, "is more for your protection, and not mine." His voice was both clear, but muffled from the mask that he used to hide his appearance. Carefully he twirled the lighter between his fingers before snapping it with his index and thumb. "We are completely aware of the people around you that have been falling ill to various, exotic, diseases. Such as, the Black Death."

Bligh was now staring directly at Glybine. His eyes pierced through the lenses with disgust at how this demon was still trying to control and kill humans that had no involvement with these demonic matters. Reaching towards his inner jacket pocket he pulled open the button that held it shut and lifted out a small mouse. The creature sat happily in the palm of his hand, looking around at the world in a curious manner.

"If you cannot choose your targets, then it looks like we will have to assign you one," he patted the mouse gently as he gave out his firm instructions, "A demon by the name of Nostradamus. Much like how you now own your human, the WDD now owns you. And if you attempt to go rogue on us again..."

Pausing mid sentence, Bligh lifted the corner of the mask and breathed a small green cloud of smoke towards the mouse. The mouse squealed in pain, making a few short movements before collapsing to it's death in the palm of his hand.

"... we will kill you."

Sera's Apartment

Sera was beginning to let off some steam, and Lexie could see that she was agitated at her appearance. The thoughts of what to say, whether to lie or tell the truth, ran through her mind. In the end she thought that a lie would be more dangerous than the truth, especially if this couple found out.

"I'm with the WDD, World Demonic Defence, and we are aware of the contract that both you and Alyx generated a several days ago," the words came out of her mouth slightly faster than usual in an attempt to get as much information across before an incident started. "That list there contains the names of other demon contracts that need to be eliminated as they pose a danger to the general public."

Lexie paused for a moment to catch her breath and noticed that both girls were still staring at her, their eyes possibly filling with rage at what they were listening to. She took a deep breath before softly speaking to them, "I was in the car a few days ago when Starr and Phil returned covered in bruises and cuts. They said that they ended up in a punching match with you two before they could explain why they were here in the first place. First meetings are supposed to be informative and simple, but in your case it proved difficult... especially with their particular personalities."

She leaned over and placed her finger on one particular name, Lolth the Spider Queen. "They're not too far from here, if you wanted some insider information."

Jeremy and Jin's Apartment

"I told you there is no use in avoiding killing," Jin was sitting up against the wall, her wounds were halfway through their healing stage. She watched Jeremy rush around the place and try to tidy up the mess that had been left behind by the two WDD agents. "With us, it's either kill or be killed."

"Shut up!" He turned towards Jin, holding a clenched fist with a finger pointing up towards the ceiling, "I told you, and I told them before. I am not going to kill another innocent human."

"You don't get it do you? You're all just walking corpses and I took your soul because I wanted out of the underworld. I never saved you from anything, you just got lucky!" Her words came out like a razor knife and Jeremy stopped in his tracks. She watched his expression change from frustration to a more humble expression. She could see him thinking about how he was now destined for an eternity in purgatory, a fate that no one, neither living nor dead, knew what the outcomes would be.

"I'm sorry," she expressed, feeling that maybe she was a little harsh on him after everything that they had been through earlier. She stood up, and walked over to where he was standing, placing an arm on his shoulder. "How about we go to that pub you mention occasionally? Have a drink, refresh a bit."

Jeremy smiled at the thought of a few drinks. "Sure, It'll be better than trying to clean up this shitstorm." With that he walked over to the front door, grabbing his keys off the coffee table as he made his way. Jin followed suit, picking up the briefcase that she had stashed behind the couch.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GeliophobHyena
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GeliophobHyena No laughing Matter

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Glybine looked over the boy and death that just took place "your control over pestilence is ill-gotten, isn't it boy?" Glybine's form shifted for a few moments. "you cannot control the disease very well can you boy?" Glybine smirked, his form turning back to normal. "Okay, i'll do these things for you, doesn't make any difference to me what happens when I do my job. But under one condition." Glybines stance changed, to a more protective stance, looking over in the direction of the hospital "you and your people will not harm my human, understand?" Glybine looked at the boy, then the rat. "So, before I set on my little errand. Do you have any information on this demon you want me to infect?" Glybine said walking closer to the gas masked boy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oni_
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Oni_ Moment In Flux

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sera Kennithson & Alyx The Banished
Sera's Apartment

Alyx watched the proceeding between Sera and Lexie. She recalled her associates with slight disdain. They were on the right track sending someone like her in lieu of causing another punching match, she couldn't say they weren't useful though. It was a useful experience to get Sera used to her powers and she was quickly adapting to the use of the cane. Although her ability to switch between it's forms left much to be desired. Anyway, this arrangement was tricky for them both. Alyx didn't want to work with these people, although she didn't want to return to the underworld, if that was what would happen to her if she died here. She also doubted that she and Sera had the ability to fight off a government force, they probably vastly outnumbered two mere people. She grimaced as she thought of what to do.

Sera was having similar thoughts as the predicament they were in was explained by Lexie. How would Alyx feel killing another demon, actually, she would probably feel fine with it. And so would Sera in time, even if her bloodlust was limited compared to when Alyx was in the underworld. Lexie had pointed to a name, Lolith the Spider Queen, as well as a rough location. Sera hurried over to Alyx, showing her the name asking what to do.

It was now that Alyx deemed it appropriate for her to take part in this little discussion. "Consider her dealt with, but afterwards we want more answers, consider it an exchange," she said aloud walking to the threaded cane leaning against a cabinet, throwing it to Sera, "It may take a few days, after all I don't know much about Lolith. We'll come back here when we do eventually get rid of her though," she walked over to Lexie thrusting the paper into her hand, "Deal?", hopefully the few day window would allow for her to find out if this other demon knew anything about this so called 'WDD'.

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