
Far in the future, when humans have met and evolved with a alien civilization into Hypersapiens, vast exploration of the galaxy ensues. This new hybrid race constructs massive star ships to pursue new worlds. The goal is met when a third species of seemingly reasonable intelligence is discovered, on the paradise planet of Shangri-La. The species behave in a manner never before seen to the Hypersapiens. The Shangri-La inhabitants completely ignored the Hypersapien's presence.

With this rare opportunity, fleets of ships orbited Shangri-La, several of them to do research, to slate the natural adventurous appetite, or to cash in on the massively profitable business of selling tours of the planet. This alien world had quickly become a means of revenue, and the industry quickly exploited the benign nature of Shangri-La's inhabitants. It became like an interactive zoo for the wealthy.

But what sinister secret does this new world hold?