Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Elorwin
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Elorwin Eyes like stars

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The day was bright and breezy, the sun smiled warmly down upon the world as fluffy clouds of purest white skittered across the blue sky. Sophia sat on a tree stump just a stone’s throw from the road that lead to the town of Anamthian where the Blue Pegasus guild made their home. She was dressed as normal in the frilly white and blue dress, thigh high white stocking and knee high boots completed her outfit. Her long silver hair was loose today and rippled out behind her as the wind blew through the grass. Looking up into the suddenly strong wind she sniffed the air and frowned at the metallic tang that it bore. The world was changing, subtly for the moment but she had been noticing that each bit of magic she cast was more and more difficult, leaving her drained at the smallest spell and always it was accompanied by that smell that resembled blood.

Sophia had been travelling for a few months now going around all the guilds trying to find someone who would take her seriously and help investigate her claim. In the beginning she had been laughed out or chased away for being a fool but now she couldn’t be the only one suffering from the effects, other mages she had seen from a distance were starting to show a haggard expression. Everyone else seemed to be ignoring the problem as if it would go away and they continued to cast spells like there was no tomorrow where as she would now only use magic in dire circumstances. However she had heard there was a scientific mage within the Blue Pegasus guild and it was to him she was headed to see if anyone would listen to her claim.

Getting up from her small respite Sophia shouldered the pack that had been on the ground at her feet and she continued along down the road that lead into town. From a pocket she produced the small leather bound book in which she was keeping a journal of all she had seen and experienced with the strange effects of magic. Reading the entries as she walked quickly Sophia soon found herself at the border to the town. It was a charming little town filled with fountains and streams that ran throughout, everything seemed to be green, lush and growing and the whole atmosphere of the town throbbed with life. Sophia took her nose out of the book for a moment to observe the scene before her, it was such a vital place, voices sounded from the market, women hung out their washing and everyone seemed to be busy. It was a nice change of pace from the dark thoughts that had haunted her for the last few months and for a moment she was hesitant to enter the town, like the darkness would follow her and taint this town that was so bursting with life. Then shaking her head Sophia banished the foolish thoughts, she was not the cause of what was happening but she did seem to be one of the few who would acknowledge it.

Taking quick steps Sophia walked into the town, passed squat houses that despite their age were gleaming, all coated in fresh paint and shops with bright windows displaying all kinds of wonders. Making it to the bustling market place Sophia found herself awash in a sea of people and for a moment it took her breath away, taking her back to when she had been younger and this had been her hunting ground to survive. Fighting the urge to become a animal and escape Sophia forced herself to approach a young man who stood sullenly near the magic stand closest to her.

“Excuse me, please can you direct me to the blue Pegasus guild.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DestinyStar
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Dru sighed as he walked down the streets of the bustling city, his hands tucked into the pockets of his tight, black jeans. Why did he have to be the one to place the order at the market? Sure, they were a large guild (and one with many guests), but anyone else could have gone to deal with something so trivial. He had been enjoying his alone time. After all, being alone was such a luxury in a guild that spent its spare time entertaining local visitors and "fans." He groaned inwardly at the thought of how flashy everything was. Sure, they were good people, but that just wasn't something he enjoyed. Once upon a time he would have given anything to not be alone anymore, but a few seconds here and there weren't so bad...

Besides, today he wasn't exactly feeling that well. His head was pounding and he felt a bit weak. Maybe he was getting sick? There had been this lingering feeling in the pit of his stomach, lately, and he just couldn't pinpoint what it was. Others had complained that they were a bit ill, as well. A lot of others, actually. It seemed like more and more people were coming back from their missions completely wiped. Anyone else might have thought they were just taking on harder jobs, but Dru had noticed a strange expression on Master Bob's face that suggested he thought something was wrong. Truthfully, it had made him a bit concerned. Nobody else seemed to notice though, in all of the commotion always going on, so Dru had decided to just ignore it. After all, the master would tell them if things were really getting bad.

This headache really was killer, though. It had been persisting for almost 24 hours. Wincing a bit, he reached his hand up to rest on his snow-white locks of hair. Something in those amber eyes had been burning him to the core... It was annoying. Just like this stupid errand. He couldn't say no, though, after everything that the guild had done for him. So he quietly continued to his destination, not stopping until he heard a feminine voice call out to him.

"Hmm?" His eyes glanced toward where the noise had come from, and there he saw a young woman with long, snow-white locks that were eerily similar to his. She had a look in her eyes that he immediately noted as concern - maybe even fear? - though he did not mention it. Besides, the more important thing was that she was looking for their guild. But he hadn't seen her around? She wasn't even one of their regular "customers." In fact, she looked like a very respectable young woman. What could she need from the Blue Pegasus Guild? It would obviously be her first visit there.

"Oh... Actually, I'm part of that Guild." He stated this very matter-of-factly. "Did you need help with something?"

Then he realized she may just be going to visit a friend, or maybe put in a job request. Either way, it was a diversion from his boring task. "I can take you there. My name's Dru." His eyes seemed to bear into her as he looked into her bright blue orbs. It was an unintentional effect of his appearance that would either scare people off or draw them in (the master said it was his "charm"), which Dru never quite understood... Whatever her reaction though, he politely held his hand out to shake hers.

"Nice to meet you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Elorwin
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Elorwin Eyes like stars

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sophia eyes widened in surprise, she hadn’t taken in the persons appearance when she had spoken to him but now she was up close it was almost uncanny the similarities in their appearance. They were both lithe; with an almost fragile look to them but strangest of all was their hair, similarly pale, his hair colour of new snow, hers the brilliance of light on water. The main difference apart of the obvious point of gender was their eyes; his were deep pools of rich amber which shimmered in the light. When he spoke his voice was clear and bright as he looked at her with a small hint of confusion and curiosity.

"Oh... Actually, I'm part of that Guild. Did you need help with something? My name's Dru, nice to meet you." He said putting forth his hand to which she smiled and shook politely.

“It is a pleasure to meet you Dru, how fortunate I am to actually find a guild member. My name is Sophia Hawthorne and I am very much hoping you can help me, I am seeking Richard Metalious also known as the scientific wizard. I need to speak to him most urgently and the latest information claims he is with your guild.” Her face bore line of worry as she spoke, that her information was bad and she had been chasing yet another cold trail. However she relaxed as he nodded at her and was just about to speak when the merchant who’s stall they had been standing next to suddenly interrupted them.
“Dru, I’ll have the items request dropped off at the guild by tomorrow. I’m afraid you will have to tell your grandmaster that I won’t have any more blue crystals until next week, the shipment has been delayed.” Dru nodded to the man and handed over a few silver coins.

“Half payment now and the rest when the goods are delivered, as per normal.” The merchant nodded and turned his attention back to the other customers around his stall while Dru turned back to her. “Sorry about that, shall we?” He gestured politely for her to follow him and together they made their way from the market and deeper into town itself towards the large guild hall. Despite moving away from the market place the town was still full of people, coupled with the bright sunlight that warmed the air Sophia actually found herself relaxing for the first time in ages.

“So Dru, I don’t want to seem impolite but I know hardly anything about the blue Pegasus guild, what are their main specialties, most guilds have a certain reputation for particular exploits.” Her face was alive with curiosity as a traveller and one without a guild it was fascinating to her to see all the different ways and usage of magic.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DestinyStar
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

A bit of a smile crossed Dru's lips as this new stranger uttered a familiar name. "Ah, Richard? Yeah, he's part of our guild..." The worry in her face concerned him, so he felt pretty bad at his next response. "I, uh... hate to tell you this now, but he's actually out on a job right now. He should be back soon, but until then the master should be able to help with anything Richard could." So she did know somebody in the guild. That was a good thing. Maybe they were close friends or something? The look in her deep, blue eyes said otherwise, but he simply shrugged it off as the shopkeep approached him.

A bit of a frown appeared on his lips. The master wouldn't be happy to hear that they didn't have those. They had already asked at two shops. Blue crystals were pretty common, right? They used them for a lot of things around the guild, including cooking. It was strange that many shops were running out, so quickly... Hopefully there wasn't a shortage. This was another thing that just didn't sit right with Dru. The pain in his eyes began to tingle, and he gracefully ran a hand through his hair to mask the pain. This stranger didn't need to know the weird things going on around here, especially if she did want to make a formal request. Above all, he knew that the image and reputation of the guild was extremely important - it was what provided all of them with work.

After leaving his list of groceries needed with the shopkeeper, he began to lead the girl - Sophia, she said - back to the guild hall. His eyes traced her up and down, examining her. A girl this pretty would fit right in over at their hangout. In fact, he immediately knew that the other men were going to mistake her as a customer and immediately try to charm her. She was in for a treat. He wasn't into all of that, though, so he figured he'd just find the master to help her and retreat back into his corner to check out some books. It was a bit strange how similar they looked, though, and something about that kept sort of nagging in the back of his mind. Right now it wasn't important, but it did make him wonder since there weren't many others like his tribe out there.

When she asked about the guild, Dru couldn't help but to smirk. She would be pretty disappointed to see how much of their effort went toward beauty - they were practically a host club, the way they dolled up and welcomed guests everyday. Many jobs related to dating or makeovers and things that really didn't make an impact on society. However, their guild was full of talented wizards, despite how much they wasted their talents.

"I guess we're best described as a... research guild? A lot of our work is based around climate and how magic affects the world around us, but honestly it's not really what we're best known for..." Another smirk crossed his lips as he tried hard not to laugh. Research? Yeah, they did that. After all, they did have experts in snow and air within their guild, and he himself was a master of water. They often studied the weather and how to manipulate and control it. Plus, they had some known for archival magic. Richard was really the only one to study how the climate is affected by magic, but he was considered the nerd of the group. Handsome, just like all the rest, but still a nerd.

"Well, here we are." He stopped at the gate to a large, highly-decorated building in the center of town. Blue Pegasus. The place he had called home for the past several years. A safehaven. "This is home. Now, uh... You might find that it's a bit different from what you expect, but be sure to give it a chance, okay? Whatever you need, they'll be able to help. Trust me." There was almost a pained look in his eyes as he said this, glimpsing into the past. They were always there whenever he needed them, so he had no trouble saying this to her with full confidence that they would help her solve whatever problems she had.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Elorwin
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Elorwin Eyes like stars

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sophia looked intently at Dru from under her long eyelashes when he mentioned they were a research guild with a speciality for weather magic. Although she had been going to any guild regardless of speciality a little spring of hope had welled up inside her when he mentioned this, it was too big a coincidence. However she tried to keep her face as impassive as possible as they walked. Within a surprisingly short space of time they were standing before a large gate that sheltered a magnificent building, she had seen a lot of cities and towns and never had she seen a building like this. It was a large stone building that looked out over the entire town, at least two stories higher than any other building. Built of some kind of stone that sparkled in the sun Sophia gasped, her mouth hanging open, every inch of the building was intricately carved in fantastical shapes, in fact no part of the building was left in its original shape. All she could articulate was a low “whoa.”

"Well, here we are. This is home. Now, uh... You might find that it's a bit different from what you expect, but be sure to give it a chance, okay? Whatever you need, they'll be able to help. Trust me." Shutting her mouth to smile at him properly Sophia strode forward with determination with a veiled amount of trepidation at what she would find and hoping that she would finally get an answer. She was so caught up in her own thoughts she missed the emotions that flickered across his face.

“I’m sure I will find what I am looking for, I just have the feeling.” Placing a hand on the large wooden doors she took a deep breath and pushed the door open. Entering the room Sophia’s senses were overwhelmed for a moment, it was bright and crowded and noisy, oh the noise. Blinking rapidly and giving a small shake of her head her eyes swept the room as she looked around at the groups that were sprawled around the hall. Everyone was doing something different, some were drinking, others were gathered at the jobs board and some were just lolling around flexing their muscles at each other or arguing. The hubbub was spectacular within the hall and despite all their differences there was one thing that connected everyone, they were all, there was no other word for it, they were gorgeous. Every single one of them would not have looked out of place on a catwalk and as she stood in the doorway the light shining behind her Sophia suddenly felt self-conscious, was there really any other emotions when surrounded by such beautiful people who were by now starting to turn towards the door.

Blush creeping across her fair skin Sophia stood for a moment like a deer in the headlights as everyone’s face turned towards her. Then her eyes fell on the man who must be the master of the guild and grateful for a purpose to follow she glanced back at Dru for a moment and then walked lithely forward towards the large bald, cross dressing man. However he like everyone else had stopped where he had been scolding two guild members and began walking towards her. Stopping before her he grasped her hands Sophia looked up into his smiling bald face and she found it was almost impossible not to smile back.

“Well hello my dear, what has young Dru brought in for us today. My name is Bob, master of the blue Pegasus guild.” Sophia bobbed a small curtsey which was slightly hampered by the fact her hands were still claimed in the master’s large ones.

“Master Bob, my name is Sophia Hawthorne and I have a matter of the utmost urgency that I need to discuss.” She turned her face to Dru, her lilac eyes finding him hovering in the crowd, “Dru has already told me Richard Metalious is out at the moment but that you may be able to help in what I seek. Can we talk in private please?” She implored him, her face serious. Bob gazed at her for a moment and nodded, releasing one hand and leading her to his private solar.
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