Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


Engine Room to Dining Hall

Jinxy heard Amir's voice over the intercom and sighed, looking around at the carnage that was now the engine room. Sure, she was going to fix it eventually, but she had to start somewhere. And given her current emotional state, it was easier to destroy than fix.

She had spent most of the time before dinner was served wreaking up the engine room. Sure, it put them in a bad position if they needed to leave but honestly, the way the engine was before, they weren't exiting Atmo with the engine the way it was. Jinxy had also pulled the parts Amir and Angel had managed to procure into the engine room, hoping to start fixing them tomorrow.

But, did she want to fix them? Did she want to stay here. The memory of Amir's words were like slaps to her face. Something he paid for. That was the last thing she had wanted to hear from him. That's all she was. She couldn't do it, not again. Not feel like property. It made her sick. Sure, no one knew her history, and she had come dangerously close. She had even shown Amir the mark on her stomach.

Her hand absently traced over the scar as she thought about it. It had been a long time since she had felt a pang of pain from the scar mark. Fifteen years... She shook her head and set down her wrench and dried her eyes. Dinner was not going to be a time for reminiscing and crying. She wasn't ready to face Amir and Trish yet, but her stomach was demanding food.

Jinxy headed to the dining room alone and silently sat in one of the chairs, and looked at what was offered as 'dinner' tonight. It looked half-way decent. It wasn't prison food, but, it was still not what one would call food. It was better than the night before's offering, but it was still not appetizing. Not with Trish and Amir at the table with them. However, she decided to break the silence first.

"So until further notice, we're going to be grounded for a bit. I had to start taking apart the engines to see what I could salvage before remaking them. And we're still missing some of the parts I really need, so until we get them, we're gonna be stuck here. But I figured that was the plan anyways, since this junker wasn't going to last getting out of Atmo of this planet. We had enough for a one way trip, but she didn't have too much more to offer after that. But since I did have to take the engines apart, I am making the engine room off-limits for everyone's own good. There are parts and things everywhere. It will be a mess till I start putting everything back together." She didn't look up from her food as she spoke, but waited to hear the complaints file in. She had effectively grounded them all together on the ship.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago


The announcement brought Beth out of her thoughts. Dinner sounded like a good idea - gorram it.

She pressed a few buttons and a video feed of her cousin popped up. "Hey sorry, I won't make it for dinner tonight. I'll try for tomorrow though okay."

"Sure come by the shop early, I'd like your advice on some stuff." Beth nodded, switched off the wave and went down to eat. The atmosphere of the room was even more uncomfortable then it had been. What had she missed? Jinxy wasn't looking up from her plate, and no one else looked too pleased. Not that anyone of them every carried a bright smile, this was downright depressing. Beth was tempted to make a joke along the lines of 'okay who died', but the joke never made it out of her mouth as she remembered the space sickness in the cargo-bay. Yeah okay that was not the joke to make.

Beth took her seat. Jinxy's announcement did not help her own mood. She hated being stuck planet-side, but it did mean she should be able to have dinner with her cousin the next day.

"Well on that note then, I request leave for tomorrow afternoon and evening to visit my cousin."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Twhirtley
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Twhirtley The Appalachian

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Featuring Angel

Trish spent the hours following her conversation with Angel, pacing seemingly aimlessly around her bare room. She was trying to think of ways to keep herself busy without further upsetting the crew. There was a little while spent on her planning Amir’s death, but that wouldn’t be so difficult if she actually wanted it, and the jury was still out on that. But she moved on to more useful thoughts, trying to remember how Amir originally expected her to be useful. It seemed she’d have to focus a lot more on smaller, targeted charges, for opening vaults, disabling security, etc. If that was the case, she’d need to practice a bit more with her smaller electronics. This led her to planning out many things, muttering to herself, wishing she had her own space to work in, to try some of these out.

Then Amir called them to dinner, breaking her focus. This instantly dropped a pit in her stomach, because she was not ready to handle what she assumed was more beratement. Jinxy clearly hated her, Amir made his piece about her being his hostage. Trish already assumed Beth had been told, and probably sided with them in hating her. The only person she could even find some comfort with was Angel.

And with that thought in mind, she opened her door, stepped across the hall, and knocked lightly on Angel’s door, butterflies fluttering in her stomach. She wasn’t sure why asking her to dinner made her nervous, she just hoped Angel hadn’t left already.

”Come on in,” called Angel, already knowing who was knocking. She still wasn’t sure what to think of what had happened earlier, but Trish was probably just as confused by it as she was. However, now isn’t the time to worry about it; dinner was ready, and it sounded like the meeting wouldn’t be particularly enjoyable.

Trish hit the open button on the panel, sheepishly peering inside, before crossing the threshold. She stood awkwardly inside the door, looking across the room at Angel. She was silent for a while, trying to find her words. “Um, Angel,” she said, her eyes unable to find the blonde’s, “Could you… come with me to dinner? I…” don’t want to be alone anymore. “I’m... “ she gulped, not really sure what to say, “...Scared.”

She wasn’t sure what she was more scared of though. Being publicly shamed by Amir and Jinxy, the constantly being ganged up on, everyone knowing that she’s Amir’s hostage, or the simple fact that if someone calls her a terrorist one more time, she might actually believe it. It was probably all of that, and Trish knew she couldn’t avoid going, Amir would make sure of that. He’d certainly want to display his dominance as captain and all. Her feet stirred and she fidgeted as she looks over at Angel, her voice breaking lightly, “Please.”

Angel’s expression softened significantly, although she couldn’t help but realize that with anyone else she’d have found such fear of what seemed to be a minor problem to be pitiful. With Trish, however, it was different; everything was. ”Of course,” she said. ”It’s about time that I head down anyways.”

Her mouth formed the words for “thank you” but the sounds never came out. She turned and moved out in the hall, stopping so Angel could go ahead of her. She was growing more and more nervous with each passing moment, and she could feel the nausea in her rising. Trying to hold it together, she walked behind Angel. She didn’t want to seem weak to everyone, but it seemed that was how it was going to be.

Angel entered the mess hall, noting that they were the last people to arrive. Trish stepped in after Angel, feeling a weight in the air, that may not have really been there. She moved to the end of the table, sitting at the very end, the furthest away from Amir, with space for Angel to sit next to her. She eyed the food, toying with it but not really eating any of it, too nauseated to bother. She listened to Jinxy telling them that they were grounded, her eyes passing over to the mechanic. She found herself wanting to apologize to her but not with the captain here. She couldn’t even look at him, a mixture of fear and hatred preventing her. Anyone paying attention could see her eyes down, shoulders slumped, her entire demeanor, that she was a defeated woman.

Angel noticed Trish’s behavior, but didn’t say anything, instead opting to wolf down her dinner. If there was going to be an argument, she wanted to have finished eating before storming off, at least. Besides, she was hungry and Amir had again proven his ability to cook something that doesn’t taste like total crap.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


Dining Hall

Jinxy ate in relative silence as Amir talked, not really having anything to add to the conversation, at first. The food was decent, but there was a lot on her mind. She started poking more at her food, not really hungry. She looked up at Amir as he talked, focusing on his face a bit. Maybe for too long. She eventually looked away, blushing slightly.

"I'll make sure that she can be up and running by the end of the week. I only wreak what can't be fixed, and try to salvage what I can from it. However some of our engines are better broke than able to function at the moment. Once I have the full set of parts I asked for... we'll be shiny. Once I have those, all I will need is a day, and the promise of booze and a cold shower after that." She chuckled a bit at her own statement and went back to listening to Amir.

Then he mentioned stealing another ship. Well... great. "Woah woah. You want to go steal a ship, with out someone who might have the knowledge on how to by-pass a security system for you? Not that I don't have faith in your abilities and all, but are you sure you want me to stay here? I could probably help you more than you know. Wouldn't be the first time I've broken into a ship." Jinxy looked up at Amir. On the inside, she was screaming at herself. What was she doing suggesting so go help steal another ship? And for what? Parts? She'd want to go on a mission with Amir, and Trish? Maybe those bonds of trust were still there... she shook her head. No. She wanted to show off. Prove herself. Be more than just 'merchandise.' Apparently Amir's comment had cut her more deeply than she had thought. Why did she care so much? She didn't know him. Why did he make her feel like there were little knots in her gut? What was he doing to her? Normally words of hurt could just roll off of her, but...

"I want to come with you, if you'll let me. Angel could stay here, or Trish. But please, I.. wanna help. But, if you don't want my help, I'll accept your decision for now, Captain." She realized that she had probably crossed a line by almost demanding to come on this mission with them. She didn't have a right to intrude. But, he was going to efforts to... purge their records? Oh no... no no no. If he was going to purge their records, that meant he'd need her name. And given who he formerly associated with... That could get messy, and quick.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Twhirtley
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Twhirtley The Appalachian

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Trish Godfried

Featuring Jinxy

If Trish hadn't been so emotionally exhausted, so run down, she might have snorted derisively at Amir's claim to not be a slave driver. But she just didn't have it in her. She unconsciously scooted closer toward Angel, still not believing that Amir wasn't going to berate her. When he started talking toward Jinxy, Trish felt just the slightest hint of guilt. Maybe she should apologize to her. It did seem as though space sickness was a serious matter, more so than she'd thought, even if she hadn't the slightest idea what it did yet. But she'd find out soon, one way or another, someone had to know something more than "scary and stuff."

Trish was really only upset because had ratted her out to the captain. And perhaps with good reason. Maybe if Trish tried talking to her, there could be something there. She had trusted Jinxy with her bomb plan after all. And even though the mechanic had narked on her, got up in her face, none of what she did seemed genuinely... bad. It was Amir that was bad. Buying them? Keeping them as slaves, hostages, whatever? Or at least her. He'd never have her trust, that was for damn sure. He'd just get her work, she'd get her pay or whatever, and that was it. But if it came to her saving him from death, he best say his prayers to whatever is listening, because she was certain she'd leave him to die.

Her ears perked up at the sound of a mission though. Finally! She could do something useful. She listened closely, trying to take the captain's earlier advice, about how she could use her expertise. The distraction was easy. Plenty of things to blow up. She tried to remember some of the places she'd seen in the town, because for a distraction to work, you wanted everyone looking at it. There was that dirty hovel, some sort of school thing, a depot for shuttles for sale with lots of foot traffic... oh. That was the rub. The people. Her crew mates were really against her blowing up people that deemed innocent. Her old crew wouldn't have cared at all, especially as a distraction. Oh wait, it was a compound in the middle of nowhere? That was a bit... trickier. They'd be seen from all directions without an amazing distraction. And it wasn't as if they had another spare ship that she could rig into a bomb.

And by definition, compounds were tough to infiltrate, tough to get good surveillance on, and were often self-sustaining. No outside generators, water, sewage to disable. And they often had walls, big walls. Anyone paying attention could practically see the cogs in her mind working. If they were leaving their own ship here, they'd only be able to use a ground entrance. That meant a quiet infiltration, masked by her distraction. It would have to be timed then, not remote, for she'd have to be with them to help disable any security they came across. She had no knowledge of hacking and the like, but all things could be taken apart and overridden. Or quietly blown of their damn hinges. Her distraction would have to be huge, loud, lots of smoke and boom. Probably opposite where they wanted to enter. Making the device would be the easy bit, assuming she could find some supplies. Placing it undetected would be much more difficult. Perhaps under the cover of darkness, with someone who could move things with her mind. She looked over at Angel.

That could work. The more preparation, the earlier the preparation, the better. She'd also want to rig up a few sticky charges and grenades, just in case. The checklist in her mind kept getting a bit longer, as well as visualizing where she could get the parts from within the ship. Yes, she could definitely make this work, if she were allowed to actually do what she was good at. She went to speak, but Jinxy beat her to the punch.

She founder herself staring at the woman in disbelief. The captain had told her to stay behind, and now the mechanic was trying to take part of the job she'd been assigned to? What in the glorious fuck? Then she had the gall to suggest that she and Angel stay behind?! What the hell was this woman's problem? Was she just doing it to further grind Trish in the ground, make her actually useless instead of just feeling like it?

Glaring daggers, her voice dripping with a bit more venom than she thought she could use, "The captain," definitely a bit more there, "Told you to stay. Pretty sure you both were pretty adamant that we are to take his word as absolute law. And you're not needed. I can get past security, and I'm running the distraction. Angel can't stay behind, she's definitely needed. Stay behind and mind the ship, mechanic. I believe it was made quite clear to us where we stand when it comes to orders. You do your job, and I'll do mine."

Trish was fuming, and moved her plate away from her, toward Angel, knowing the woman would eat it. She wasn’t in the mood for eating now, glaring at the mechanic. In the back of her mind though, she knew she wasn’t completely mad at Jinxy. It was Amir and his ironfist law toward her. Jinxy just was the unfortunate one to set her off. She tore her gaze away from the woman, looking in Amir’s direction, but as usual, unable to find his gaze. Her old captain wouldn’t have pitted crew members against each other, or would’ve found a way to bring them to amicable terms. And that man truly was a terrorist, but at least he was a leader.

“Look, if you let me get, or have access to some supplies, I’ll build a great distraction bomb, we can plant it opposite our entry point. I’ll make some sticky charges and grenades and such, for the more stubborn doors, and getting past control panels will be cake. But without supplies, might as well just stand outside the wall and shout at them.”

There were still many unknown details of the plan, but Trish kept hers general enough to function easily with most caveats.

“Hey… you’re not the captain. You can’t just tell me to stay… that is up to him. I’m just making a suggestion is all. And some ships you can’t just… force your way past security.” Jinxy spoke up, looking at Trish, glaring a bit.

Trish snorted, “You had no problem ordering me to not touch the canisters. And he DID tell you to stay.”

“Well mostly because I was trying to protect us, this ship, from space sickness! Because unlike some people here, I care about the people on this ship and not just money!” Jinxy’s voice had some venom in it, but it wasn’t all directed at Trish it seemed. “And he could easily change his mind and bring me along as well as both you and Angel, but you… augh… You are impossible Trish! I just want to help but apparently every time I say something that might be helpful you just take it the wrong way!”

Trish was fuming now, “You try being a slave to a man and his coin purse! Everyone who’s ever ‘helped’ did it for their own selves, why shouldn’t I do the same?! It’s not like I get a choice in what I do here anyways! So fuck you, you can leave whenever you want, if things are too impossible, but I can’t. Excuse me for not trusting you, you’re not the only one that does things that could be beneficial for everyone. But at least I never narked on you like some GA rat.”

Jinxy stood up and slammed her fist on the table. “Oh, I’m sorry for wanting to make sure some people don’t die due to stupid shit! I sat back enough in my goddamn fucking life and watched shit happen that was beyond my fucking control. You could have had the same freedoms here but you decided that money was more important than anything else. And don’t you dare call me a GA rat! I’d rather die than betray anyone.”

Trish stood up as well, pointing a single finger out, but not at Jinxy, but at Amir, “Well guess what, he’s making sure none of us have any semblance of control.” The finger then snapped toward Jinxy, “And I would still have that freedom if you hadn’t narked in the first place. Sounds like a fucking rat to me. And money is fucking important, none of us are free or alive without it, that’s one thing the captain has right. Money is much more important than we are. That’s why he,” she spat with this word, “bought us all.”

“He counted the canisters! I wouldn’t have realized a damn thing if he hadn’t!” Jinxy yelled, also pointing at Amir. Her hand dropped when Trish said the words bought. Her hand went to her stomach, as if by instinct. “If… …” She looked a bit deflated, and she sat back down.

Trish’s head cocked to the side, her glare dropping to a curious gaze. She’d seen Jinxy’s hand, saw her defeated, just as she herself was earlier, and couldn’t figure out why. Trish hadn’t made any amazing twists of words or stunning points, so why did it seem like Jinxy just gave… oh. She remembered what she’d said, and she had a suspicion of it now. She may not have known about the brand, may not have known anything of the Waegu or their ways. But a former prisoner could always recognize that look.

Trish was sheepish now, the only one standing, tears stinging behind her eyes now. Not like earlier though, she actually felt for this woman. Not sorrow or pity, just… understanding. Her mouth formed a small oh, her hand almost came up to cover it as the first tear slid down her cheek, her rage completely abated by the look of another broken woman. She didn’t really know what to say, and found her feet pulling her towards the mechanic on their own, the tears coming full on now. She didn’t touch the woman, she knew that if someone did that to her, she’d lash out at them. She sat next to her looking at her, “I… I didn’t know, I… don’t know. Or I do. But.. I don’t know. I’m not sure.” This awkward rambling went for a few more seconds before, “Jinxy. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” These weren’t the words of someone apologizing for harsh words, but of someone who was apologizing that another human being had experienced that same pain, the pain of being less than human, of being infinitely alone. She’d completely forgotten about everyone else, right now, there was only the comrade-in-chains in front of her.

”I’m sorry too…” Jinxy looked up at Trish, tears rolling down her own cheeks.

Trish didn’t know what more to say, burning eyes just staring into those across from her, she really wasn’t any good at this. But if Jinxy were anything like herself, even just a little bit, she was about to get embarrassed by all of this, in front of everyone. So Trish quickly tried to change back to the original subject,“Look, you’re right. We could definitely use you in this, of course we can. But, that is up to the…” She found herself looking over at Amir, pain and rebellion in her eyes. He’d hurt them both, he was the true center of all of this. He was the problem. “Captain.”

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kirah
Avatar of Kirah

Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago


She saw enough between Trish and Jinxy. She knew enough about humans, enough about that particular part of humanity. She also knew she was no longer hungry. Beth pushed some of the food about on her dish. Her hand shook, to cover the movement she stood and cleared her dish. Beth started a pot of coffee, it wasn't tea, her mom's remedy for stressed nerves, but as her dad would have said 'something warm in the hands is always good'.

Before Amir had even answered Trish and Jinxy each of the crew had a cup of the hot liquid. She knew she should have asked for dinner off today. From one of her pockets a small dark bottle had its contents dumped into Beth's cup before she drank.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago


Beth jumped at her name. It had been rare to have it used before joining the crew, and after keeping it from them as long as she had she was surprised to hear it. She took a sip of her coffee to cover the jump. "Uh, I don't rightly care either way. I've been on my own with the ship before." She wasn't the best fighter in the world, but she could hold her own in a bar fight. That had to be something.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


Jinxy looked at the cup of coffee that had been given to her and slowly took a long sip. The dark bitter drink felt good going down her throat. It also felt good that a bit of the air between her and Trish had cleared a bit. However some of the words still stung a bit. Today had been a day for drudging up the past it would seem. She took another sip of her coffee and looked up at Amir. "Thank you Captain. I will make sure you will not regret bringing me along."

She studied Amir, wondering what he was thinking. Was he simply catering to her whims as a way of apologizing, or did he really want her along for her skills? She shoved those thoughts deep down and sipped her coffee some more. "If you'd like Beth, I can set it up so that the ship would be a little harder to break into before we leave, if it'd make you feel a bit safer. Also I think we still have those guns we pilfered off those GA folks on Godwin." She turned to look at the pilot and smiled softly. "Also thanks for the coffee. Feels much better to have something warm to hold after something like that."

She did feel bad for Amir. He was getting thrown into the 'villain' role, which wasn't quite true. She wanted to talk to him later, about all that, but right now in front of everyone else? Not a good idea. Trish was still mightily pissed at the Captain, and both Angel and Beth seemed to be neutral parties to this all. They had already dragged them in due to dinner. "By the by Captain, I would like to have a word with you in the engine room later, if you don't mind. Just a few things I need to show you." A lie, but it worked. Besides, she did want to show him some of the parts they could get rid of, maybe scrap for some money. She shrugged, and took another sip of her coffee. Dang, it was really good.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Twhirtley
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Twhirtley The Appalachian

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Trish rolled her eyes at his being offended. As if she cared about that in the slightest after what he'd said to her. If anything, she wanted him to be more offended. And even though he was saying that he didn't care about the money first, of the risk of selling the canisters, his saying he was going to keep the women alive just resonated his declaration of "buying" them. He was just protecting his investment, and the canisters were a risk to that. In the end, it was still about money to him, in her mind. She had nothing more to say to him, she'd said her piece.

She took the cup of coffee that Beth had provided, sipping it lightly, enjoying it. It was one of the few good things her father did. He made great tea, and great coffee. And he always made them for her when she was tired but still needing to stay up and learn the trade. It really did calm her down. She'd have to thank Beth privately later. When Jinxy suggested making the ship harder to break into, Trish's mind began following the way of booby traps. They wouldn't want her to damage the ship, not structurally at least. So they'd have to be small charges, maybe in the form of flash bangs or shockers. She could bury land mines outside as well... make a map of them.

"I need to get to making the supplies and preparations. If you need me, I'll be in the cargo bay." She looked over Angel who'd stayed very silent through this whole situation. She considered asking her to join her, but she worked better alone, or at least, always had worked alone. She stood up and turned to leave, ignoring the audible sigh from the captain.

She made her way into the cargo bay, and began studying where to set up her work space. She really would need to set up something more permanent somewhere. Maybe one of the spare rooms that wasn't in use. She checked each container, making a mental checklist of anything that was useful. After much huffing and puffing, the containers were stacked in a way that made a large, impromptu work desk. She cracked her knuckles loudly, pulled out her multi-tool, and began hearing the music from her youth in her head.

Many hours passed, the cargo bay filled with the noise of work and awful singing to music from 1980s earth. There was a row of containers in the center of the cargo bay, behind her workspace. The most prominent piece was a large, pressurized container, the size of a basketball, all shining and metal, with a tiny remote trigger next to it. There was a pile of smaller containers with sponges attached to them, with a strip of duct tape on the opposite side. There were a few odd looking things, covered in tines, with a single button on top. Finally, there were a few frisbee looking containers, with long cables attached to them.

Trish stood proudly before her creations, humming to Smooth Criminal. She didn't even notice her fatigue from this, but was quite satisfied with finally being useful. She'd bury the mines here in a bit and make out a map, and set a few traps on the ship, and would arm them as they left. She wasn't even sure what time it was now, but she moved over to the intercom system, pulling up a ship wide broadcast. "I need anyone interested in things that go boom to come to the cargo bay please."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Twhirtley
Avatar of Twhirtley

Twhirtley The Appalachian

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Trish and Angel

Trish might’ve looked a bit ridiculous in her get up, as she was squished against Angel in the small, rusty transport they were using for this mission. She had a vest that was completely covered with her smaller tined explosives, and the spongy bombs. On her lap was the big bomb, with straps so she could carry it like a backpack once they got off the death trap they were in. At her hip was the last remaining buzz baton from those they’d stolen. She’d handed out a few of the tined grenades to each member. They were shock grenades, wouldn’t kill except for the most unlucky of situations, but could disable several people at once. She had a bandana slung around her neck and a pair of goggles sticking to her forehead, listening to the sand scrape by the outside of the ship.

She was thankful for the cover of the sandstorm, she wasn’t especially great at being stealthy, especially with the lack of cover the desert provided. She nodded at the captain’s commands, already knowing her job and how to do it. “Once I set Big Boy here, I’ll return to the entry point, and blast our way in. It will be up to you all to make sure that the entry point, from the outside at least, is secured.”

She looked over at Angel, smiling lightly, wanting to ask her to join her, since they’d worked together to escape Godwin. It wasn’t much, but she knew she could count on her to watch her back, and vice versa. But she didn’t want the captain to think her incapable as well. The ship was settled now, and she pulled up her bandana, up and over her mouth and nose, and yanked her goggles over her eyes, nodding at Angel, taking a deep breath in. She stood first, and walked out the rear hatch, swinging the Big Boy over her shoulders, taking one last look back at the crew, ready to set out, alone.

Angel watched as Trish rose out from the vehicle, then stood as well. ”I’ll go with you, just in case there is something waiting for us on the other side that we don’t expect,” she said as she reached Trish’s side. Angel, for the most part, looked no different than ever. She wore a pair of goggles and the drawstrings of her hood were pulled as tight as they would allow, but everything else was normal. Quite the contrast to the woman standing beside her, with her vest covered in explosives.

Trish smiled as Angel came to join her, stepping into the harsh winds, the sand finding every exposed piece of skin, which wasn’t much, and stinging it fiercely. Her father had said her mother was from a land like this, while his own people were from an area dominated by snow. Right now, she’d take the snow over this sandy hell. She could just barely make out the sandstone wall in the distance, not wanting to get too close, not knowing how many sentries, if any, they had, nor if they had tech to discern them easily. Since yelling was near impossible, Trish threw her arm forward, and began walking, hoping Angel had seen the signal. They needed to stay close, it would be the easiest thing in the world to get lost in this. She needed to find the corner of the base, which wouldn’t be too difficult. All walls lead to Rome or some such nonsensical saying.

Trudging through the sand, her eyes always locked on the wall, not minding anything else around, she continue onward. The Big Boy was heavy, but he needed to be, he was going to make a really, really large boom. She wished she had a better fuel source, but that would require a planet with a contact in the trade. They’d not been here long enough for her to find one, but it would still do. The main issue is that this one would be a lot more noise and flash than substance. The proper damaging things were strapped to her chest. She snuck a single look over her shoulder to make sure Angel was still there, before looking back. Was that the corner ahead? She tried squinting, but it really didn’t help.

A hand stuck out flat, to her side, trying to tell Angel to stop. She then pointed where she thought the corner might be. Her gait slowed, as she crept closer. There it was, the corner of the compound. And atop it was some sort of… she wasn’t sure what to call it, ‘turret?’, with a couple of men slumped against it. They didn’t appear to have noticed them yet. Now the question was, take them out so they could pass by safely, or attempt to sneak past. She got as close as she could to Angel, and shouted, though as quietly as she could muster while still being louder than the wind, [color=yellow][b][i]“What do we do about that?”[/b][/i][/color]

Angel followed Trish’s pointing hand, seeing the men on top of the wall. This was a chance to take out multiple guards without them knowing what hit them, yet they would be risking discovery by attempting to take them out. ”Leave them for now,” Angel decided. ”Once we make the diversion they won’t matter, and we’d only risk getting caught by doing anything now.” Despite being as tight as possible, she felt her hood threatening to slip off her head; Angel pulled it further forward to counteract it. This wind is insane, she thought. Once this thing started she wouldn’t be able to risk stopping to make sure the hood stayed on, yet she had no choice. She would just have to hope that it wouldn’t cost them.

Trish nodded, and pushed on forward. Rather than attempting to skirt the wall by a wide berth, she made a bee line straight for it, crouching for additional cover within the sandy winds. She figured sneaking past would be more easily accomplished right at the wall, than possibly being spotted way out beyond it. Once she was against the wall, she looked up, only able to see the barrel of the gun, and none of the men. She quickly made her way to the corner, and peered around. There was a gate halfway down the length of the other wall, with two more sentries sitting atop it, huddled close to the wall for cover. She signaled behind her, using two fingers. The gate would be the ideal distraction point. Scare them by making them think someone is blowing down their front door. Staying low, she snuck out around the corner, pausing, just to see if it warranted any reaction from the sentries. There was none, so she continued, slowly, up along, her eyes never leaving the first sentry.

She hated being so terribly exposed like this, but there really was no way around it. It would take hardly any effort for the sentry to pick her off should he spot her. But she pressed on, each step slow and calculated, so that the darting movement didn’t attract attention out of the corner of his eye, should that be a factor. After many agonizing minutes, she reached the base of the gate, a large set of doors of welded scrap. She tapped it lightly with her buzz baton, hearing more of a tink than a thud. It was surprisingly thin. Perfect. She turned to Angel, pointing at her, then to her eyes, then upward, hoping she’d keep an eye on the sentries, as she started digging in the hard sand with her hands, starting to dig out a small hole for the Big Boy.

Angel nodded that she understood, and turned her attention to the men standing directly above them as Trish worked. The gates seemed exceptionally thin, so the bomb meant only to be a diversion will make short work of them. It seems awfully arrogant to put such a flimsy gate on an otherwise structurally sound (to her untrained eye, anyway) compound. No matter; that wasn’t their problem. She glanced down, seeing that Trish appeared to be nearly done. As Angel began to turn back to the sentries, a particularly strong gust caught her by surprise and blew her hood off. Alarmed, she hastily pulled it back up, a bad idea since they were directly under the sentries’ noses. But they don’t seem to have noticed, fortunately.

Trish was just about finished digging, having come across some wiring buried in the sand. It seemed to be leading to the gate, which her eyes followed, looking up it, then over to Angel, just at the instant the woman’s hood was blown back. Her eyes grew a bit wide at what she’d seen in the brief moments before Angel had managed to return the hood to its proper state. Just as Trish had on her arms, Angel had severe burn scarring on her head and neck. There was still hair but it was patchy, growing in some places, and not in others. Instinctively, Trish found herself rubbing at her tattoo covered scars on her forearms.

Looking back down, Angel realized that Trish was staring at her before the bomber nodded curtly and returned back to work. Angel had no idea as to if she had seen anything, or if she had simply noticed the swift motion in her peripheral vision. She hoped for the latter, but knew that if Trish had seen anything, she’d have the tact to leave the subject alone. For now. Trish went back to studying the wires in the sand, not even sure why they’d be there. She considered testing them, cutting at one and resetting, just to see what happened. She touched at them with her multitool and received a rather painful shock, eliciting a string of hissed curses from the woman, in a language she didn’t know, words she’d picked up from her father. They weren’t just live, but pumping a lot more power than they should’ve been. Quite suspicious now, she wondered how far out the wires went, or came from. Something wasn’t making sense.

Setting her multitool to wire cutters, she decided that it would be best to find out. In a single cut, she sliced through the wires, grinding her teeth hard as the electricity flew through her body briefly. Nothing seemed to happen immediately. Then there was a shimmer along the gate, and it glowed briefly, before the light dissipated, now being coupled with a rather loud Klaxon. Panicking, Trish quickly placed the Big Boy and buried him, now realizing what she’d cut. It was a high kinetic shield, that would stop things like bullets and explosions, but not simple things like the tapping on the gate she did earlier. That was how they’d justified the thin gate. The level of power required to maintain such a thing though, would’ve been immense, more than the compound could normally handle, so they probably had some massive generator or substation out in the desert, hidden, just to feed the shield.

Standing, she saw that the guards had been busy looking out over them, thinking that someone had attacked the power source further out. But soon one of the pairs of eyes had found them. The bomb was set and hidden, but they were caught out, as the first guard raised his rifle, the second his radio.

”So much for stealth,” Angel muttered as she clung as close to the wall as possible, minimizing the guards’ angle on her. She moved closer to Trish, grabbing a stun grenade as she did so. Speaking directly into Trish’s ear, ”Get ready to move. The others better be ready.” Quickly estimating the height of the wall, Angel pulled the pin and flung it upwards with her Psyche power – much more precise than throwing by hand, which was necessary given the severe conditions. A shout of alarm preceded an explosion, heavily muted by the sandstorm. ”Come on, let’s go!” she yelled, leading the way the way they had come, staying close to the wall and already pulling out another stun grenade to use on the sentries that were surely waiting for them up on the corner of the wall.

Trish had nodded as Angel set to action, watching the woman do what she’d volunteered to do, and do it well. She grabbed a stun grenade of her own, more as a precautionary measure than being ready to use it. She wasn’t sure she could toss it up the wall, especially in the winds. She began moving quickly along the wall to the corner, where the gun was mounted, not sure if they’d even noticed what happened to their gatekeeping companions. The large gun would be useless against them this close to the wall, but they’d have to get back out into the storm at some point, to skirt the rest of the compound to the side the other team hopefully secured. She couldn’t even hear the Klaxon now, the storm far too loud, and she thought that Angel had disabled the guards before they’d managed to call reinforcements.

They’d gotten lucky. She was almost completely sure that the gate was isolated from the rest of the compound’s attention. Even inside, people wouldn’t want to be out in this mess. That meant they had some time to work with, to escape at least, since there was no way they’d find the Big Boy before she set it off, nor would they have been able to disable it. Her dad had made sure to teach her enough about false switches and trick wiring to fool even the best of the best bomb defusers. She pointed at the gun, then out to the storm from where they’d originally come, indicating for them to just go right by yet again. Taking the lead, she moved quickly along, out past the corner and toward the cover of the swirling sands, in the general direction of the ship. She continued to look out over her shoulder as Angel followed, seeing that the guards never even bothered to move from their cover. Once they were far enough out, she got in close to Angel, [color=yellow][b][i]“I think we’re clear for now, we need to get to the others, and get this show on the road.”[/b][/i][/color]

It wouldn’t take them too long to skirt the compound in a wide arc, keeping the wall in sight, looking for where their companions might be. Trish already knew how’d she’d get them in, courtesy of the charges strapped to her chest, and the trigger to the Big Boy was built into the glove on her left hand. She was ready, because she knew that soon it would be a race through hell.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Jinxy and Amir
Ship Complex

Jinxy watched as Trish and Angel set off to work and frowned a bit. She was starting to have second thoughts about coming on this mission. More people guarding this ship than she thought. It had sounded like a simple in and out job, but now they were going to have to deal with guards. She fixed her goggles, and pulled out her tool kit and looked at Amir. “Just point out which ship we’re stealing and I’ll get to work on hacking in. I’m not so great in a fist fight without a sword.” She wasn’t joking. If only she had a sword, however that was not the moment. She heard the alarms being raised and heard swarms of men start running around the complex, looking for the source of the explosion. They’d find Amir and Jinxy soon, if she didn’t get to work.

Visibility was low with the dust and rubble from Trish’s distraction melding with the force of the sandstorm around the compound. Through the hole in the walls that Amir and Jinxy were presumably meant to enter through, all anyone would be able to see was a cloud of beige. The captain pulled out his gun, before pausing – just before they were about to head into hell. “Do you want mine? And, no, that doesn’t have a double meaning.”

”Damn, I was hoping it was… but guns in my hand are pretty useless. I’ll stick to my wrench for now, and hope that you’ll cover my ass, ok?” She looked over at Amir and smirked, not that he could see with her mouth covered.

“The sword I mean. Anti-psyche, state of the art – oh, whatever,” he removed it from his belt and practically dumped it on Jinxy. “Don’t touch the blade. Stay back and follow me.”

She blushed, thankful for the cover, and took the sword and held it firm in her hand by the handle. It felt good to have a sword back in her hand again. “If you trust me with your sword, I’d be happy for it, thanks. Now lead the way.”

Amir might’ve nodded, but it was difficult to see. Either way, his silhouette could be seen moving in – providing covering fire. His gun certainly wasn’t silenced. On the inside, though it was difficult to tell, there was a muffled silence. Most of the guards must have been taken out by Trish and Angel, or at least filed out to deal with the unknown threat.

A whirr, then creaking metal and rapid-fire bullets as they moved deeper into the compound and away from the wall. It was unmistakeable. “Turret!”

”Fucking shit just what we needed.” Jinxy pressed herself up against the wall and looked around. She noticed a set of stairs and pointed. Before Amir could probably process it, she ran up the stairs, and dashed towards the turret. With a swift movement the turret was cleaved in two, and Jinxy brushed a strand of hair from her face. It was indeed natural to have a sword back in her hand. She smirked and looked around, dashing forward and taking out a few guards that had come to check out why the turret had stopped firing. It was easy, as she found, to knock them out with a simple tap of the sword. ”Good, no dead bodies. Don’t need that right now.” She looked around from her vantage point and smiled.

There it was. The only damn ship in the complex. Why the hell it was worth guarding so well? Who knew? Well maybe Amir and his friend that he was doing the favor for knew, but that didn’t matter. She ran down the stairs and over to the ship. Her fingers and tools were fast at work, taking the security control panel off the outside of the ship. She pulled out a mini-keyboard and connected it to the terminal and let her fingers fly over the keyboard. This was a complex ship, more complex than the one they had stolen. Probably meant it was in better shape as well. She shook her head as she worked, trying to bypass the system. It wasn’t easy, but after a few minutes, the door swung open, and left the ship ripe for the taking. ”Bingo.”

“Get inside and start it up,” Amir said, moving closer after hearing the sound of the door opening. A broad-shouldered shadow could be seen approaching at some speed, and he shot at it quickly – three times – until whoever it was fell to the ground. Surprisingly easy.

Too easy. After the turret had been disabled and the men who were in the compound ‘dealt with’, it fell silent save for the roar of the sandstorm. “Shit,” he said. “We need to take this one back to Beth – now. Right now, as soon as possible.” Amir removed a flare gun from his belt (and really, it was ridiculous having so many weapons attached to his person) and fired it, though the red light fizzled in the storm. Hopefully it was enough, though, for Angel and Trish to find them and know it was time to come in.

Jiny ran up to the bridge and started up the ship, and looked around. This was too easy once they were inside the ship. ”All started up, but I can’t fly worth a damn. You’re going to have to do it once Angel and Trish get their asses on board.” She pulled down her goggles, and then pulled them up on her head. She pulled up the computer for the ship and started disabling more of the security protocols that were in place, just in case.

Amir nodded, having followed her up. “Get ready for a bumpy ride,” he warned with a smirk. He left his gun on the nearest flat surface on the bridge. “I’m not too hot with in-atmosphere flying, but I’ll give it a shot.” Then, after moving to leave, he turned back around indecisively. “Can I have my sword back. Please?”

”Yeah, thanks for loaning it to me.” Jinxy handed back the sword, and felt a bit empty for a moment. ”Eh, wouldn’t be the worst ride I’ve had in my life.” She chuckled a bit at that and looked at Amir. ”I hope the other two get here soon…”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Beth with special guests: A ton of angry and very rude people ie: Red, that Doctor, and some henchmen

The coffee in Beth’s hands was cooling down, but she didn’t seem to notice. She hadn’t taken a sip for a few minutes. Instead she was staring out the window seeing something that wasn’t there. One might think she was watching the horizon, not there was a whole lot to watch, but if one could see into her mind they’d know that she was thinking about her twin sister’s wedding. An event that had happened almost three years prior, an event that Beth had missed.

Jess and Beth hadn’t spoken in nearly five years, not that they didn’t want to, or at least Beth wanted to speak with Jess. She missed her twin sister, but Beth had gotten herself into and out of a few pickles that made contacting Jess dangerous for the other twin. Now she was starting a family, for all Beth could guess Jess probably already had kids, which made Beth an aunt. Not that that was something new, but it’d be the first time she was a full aunt instead of a half-aunt. With dozens of half-siblings out there, not to mention the even more amount of cousins and fictive kin, it was impossible for Beth to go somewhere and not run into family. There was however so few full blooded siblings that Beth held their relation to her closer. The thoughts of Jess turned to her baby brother, and what he may be doing.

She took a sip of her coffee, the added ‘flavorer’ burned a bit, but nothing she wasn’t used to. A proximity alarm beeped. The other’s were back, that was a relief. Spending alone time meant thinking too much. Beth made her way down to bay, took another swig of her coffee, they hadn’t been gone long enough. Something must have gone wrong.

The bay doors opened on their own. Beth stood for a moment confused. The door revealed, a man who was clearly in charge of this expedition, a woman in a lab coat that had once been white but the desert had turned it a yellow brown, and several henchmen.

“Fuck.” Beth said under her breath, and finished off what was left of her cold coffee it left a bitter acrid taste in her mouth. ”Can I help you?” She said, this time loud enough to get the man’s attention. Beth wondered what happened to her shock gun she had stolen on Godwin.

“Heh, yes you may. Your captain told me there was a box here for me. A very valuable one. I’m here to retrieve it.” How had this tool heard about the box? Who had Trish told? There was no way the capt’n had sold it, not for anything. Beth had seen his look when he found out it was space sickness. No this was Trish’s doing, it had to be.

”Sorry no can do. He told me no such thing.” Beth made a small prayer to the gods of the circus, the only gods she had ever prayed to.

“I don’t think you understand. I’m here for the package.” Several guns were raised and pointed at her. Well that escalated quickly. Over her dead body Beth decided. She dived, rolled and bounced up onto a crate. The circus gods were listening it seemed. The coffee mug lay forgotten as she jumped and grabbed the railing of the catwalk. Bullets rang out as they hit the hull and cargo crates.

Beth pulled herself up onto the catwalk. ”I’d have your men stop firing. They might hit the crate with it in it.”

“You wouldn’t be dumb enough to lead them to shoot at it.” The man shouted at her.

“I was born shipside.” That response weighed heavily across the distance between her and the man. His group boarded the ship. Trish for the love of god please tell me you left a bomb somewhere on this ship. Beth doubted it, all of those resources were being used on the mission the group had been sent on. The man looked up at her on the catwalk.

“You’re spry.” He grinned. “Could use you. If you hand over the crate I’ll let you join my men.” Beth felt a chill down her spin.

”I’d rather suffer space sickness.” Not that she could of course. The guns were raised again at her, she was already rolling away from where she had been standing when the bullets started flying. Good thing these ships were designed to not let bullets through. In space that’d be really bad for the oxygen level. Beth dropped off of the catwalk behind several of the crates.

Beth opened one to see if by chance something useful was inside it, packets of food, that’d be great for dinner, if she ever got to see that again. Okay, time to split them up, she could handle one at a time. There were four henchmen, the doctor and the gross man. The henchmen would have to go first. Then she’d have a gun.

“Behind those crates.” There was a scraping sound and the crate Beth was hiding behind started to move. She now stood feet from the invaders of the ship. Jerks. She jumped, using the crates as a step up again, grabbed the catwalk, swung around and kicked one of the henchmen in the head. Beth missed her barstool, made fighting more even when everyone had a barstool or a cue pole. Beth was good with a cue pole, at playing pool and kicking ass with it.

“Impressive.” The man said as Beth flipped up onto the catwalk again. She was running, and used that momentum to launch herself onto another collection of crates. “Find the crate.” She heard from the man. Beth cursed under her breath. The psycher did not make this easy. Trish really needed to pick better friends, ones that didn’t like to kill, that’d be nice. Beth didn’t particularly want to be killed, she had things to do, people to see, things to drink. Mostly the last one if she was honest with herself.

The henchmen were searching now though. One was unconscious, three searching, and damn she hadn’t grabbed that gun. Maybe now she could get one of the henchmen alone though. That’d be the best. Bar fights she’d fight many, real fights she preferred one-on-one. She slipped off her boots, they’d only make noise and get her caught.

For a few seconds Beth thought of her days high up on a rope with nothing but air between her and the hard ground. Those were the good days. She mentally sighed and started making her way around the crates listening for the sounds of boots against the metal of the cargo bay.

Someone was rummaging through a crate. Silently she stepped from behind her own crate to find one of the henchmen elbow deep in the packaged goods, looked like it might be linens. Before the man could realize she was there she kicked the side of his knees hopefully shattering it. He cried out in pain, and the cracking sound was satisfying. She pulled his gun away from him, shot him once in the chest and ran, hiding again.

A part of her felt bad for shooting the man the other part of her knew she had to. If his knee wasn’t broken he’d be picking up the other gun in moments. Beth doubted the shot actually killed him, it would just finish incapacitating him. She remembered a phrase from her father, ‘An injured man did more damage than a dead man’. An injured man would draw more manpower to help him than a dead man. It was too late for the dead man.

Another shot rang out, and the sounds of the man struggling to breath stopped. Well so much for that idea. The doctor wasn’t going to be distracted now.

Two henchmen down, two to go. Then the doctor and the man. She did not want to kill someone the capt’n had been doing honest dealings with, but this was not honest. She hoped he’d forgive her. Maybe taking out the doctor first would be a good idea. What little Beth knew about psychers though she couldn’t do too much heavy lifting without knocking herself out.

Beth climbed back onto the catwalk. High ground was always good to have. She saw one of the henchmen trying to sneak around a crate. Seriously, she had already proven she could get up on the catwalk without trying, no one was looking up. Idiots. She shot him aiming for his head, but hitting his shoulder. Yuck.

Not taking the view in too long Beth already started moving, no way in hell was was she going to stay in one place too long. A life philosophy practiced on a much smaller scale.

A few shots rang against the catwalk and pain flared in Beth’s back. She reached back and when she brought her hand forward it was covered in blood. That was bad, very bad. The only doctor Beth knew about was the one below her looking for the space sickness containers.

“Found it.” The last henchman’s voice rang out behind her. Sure enough he was standing in front of the correct crate. Beth took the shot, missing him, took another and shot him in the arm. She needed to practice her shooting badly, if she made it out of this. He shot at her, a bullet just missed her face. She dived and shot at him again this time nailing him in the chest. The doctor came into view, holding her own gun now. Beth took a shot, missed her, the doctor raised her gun and aimed at Beth. Both guns went off at the same time. The doctor’s shoulder started bleeding and Beth felt like her forearm was on fire.

The doctor retreated.

“Best hope this is the last time we meet little miss.” The man called from the cargo bay doors. He and the doctor left, leaving the four bodies behind.

“Great I’m going to have to clean that up aren’t I?” Beth leaned against the catwalk railing and took a few deep breaths. ”First my wounds, then the bodies.” Beth pulled herself up and took the stairs off the catwalk. She closed the cargo bay doors, and then went to the medical bay. She stuffed the wound in her back with gauze first. There was no exit wound, which meant at some later point she’d have to get help getting the bullet out. It also seemed that nothing major had been hit, that had to be a miracle.

Once Beth finished cleaning and wrapping that she took care of the graze on her forearm. That was basically the same as a burn. A drink was order when she was done with that. From a flask in her now ruined coat she took a deep swig. ”Alcohol thins the blood don’t drink it when you’re freezing or bleeding.” She recited and took another drink. ”I know dad.” That was better all around though. Now to clean up the mess and make sure the one she had kicked in the head was still unconscious or dead. That probably would have been a good thing to check before she had left him alone. All well, she had been bleeding pretty badly.
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