Welcome to Damnation - Lost Souls of the Frontier, a wild west fantasy romp that I feel and hope will be a fun expedition for all who are interested. Inspired by the works of Akifumi Kaneko & Takashi Fukushima, John Ford, Sergio Corbucci, Sergio Leone, Shane Lacy Hensley, and many others. What Damnation is at its core a fantastical gothic western setting where adventure and desperation are the destination. As you have read above, I have listed ten archetypes you may build a character around and these characters can be anything you imagine them to be (within the realms of reason and cooperativity) - this is not a “one gun show” and it will be blatant that teamwork will be needed to overcome certain odds. I will be looking for a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 players before I get started so that gives us plenty of time to get started.

Expectations and Rules are pretty basic. We will abide by site rules and we will do our best to remember we are all adults with schedules so we cannot expect consistent posting if something comes up. A bare minimum of one post a week should be a good idea and if inactivity becomes an issue it is the GM’s responsibility to contact you. Assuming your character needs to be interacted with for progress, if you are unable a GM will find a way to do so for the good of the plot. If you leave the RP the same thing occurs.

I'm looking for a group of high casual/advanced writers who can play off one another in a cooperative and friendly capacity. Currently we only have a small group of folks interested, but I thought I'd give a call out for those who might've missed it.