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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Moonman
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Moonman Ancient Aelings

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Saint Girralo
Jonathan Joestar

Jonathan had been released from the hospital, or 'med-bay' as the staff insisted on calling it, exactly ten days prior. His stay had been remarkably comfortable, and the young Joestar was deeply thankful for all the doctors had done for him. Since then, Jonathan had been spending his time exercising, eating, and sleeping. He'd lost his edge, and it cost him his life once. If Jonathan was going to protect his family and friends, he needed to be in tip-top shape. His honour as a Joestar demanded no less than the best, after all.

At present, JoJo was making his way through the Capital Ship's myriad corridors, headed towards the Fitness centre. It was on the 5th floor of the ship, fairly close to the 'med-bay,' fittingly enough. On that note, Jonathan found it rather odd they called it a 'ship,' when it was closer to a mobile city in size. Even his family's mansion was miniscule in comparison. He'd explored naught but a fraction of it so far, yet Jonathan had encountered hundreds of different people, all varying wildly in mannerisms and method of dress. It really is an astounding place, perhaps I could bring Erina here, once this is all over. I'm certain she would...

Jonathan's train of thought promptly ground to a halt, interrupted by what sounded like a fist striking metal. It came from down the hallway, was repeating, and grew fainter with each strike. Moving to investigate, Jonathan soon himself standing before a large door marked as someone's personal laboratory. More importantly, there appeared to be someone locked inside, and practically covered in injuries. While he wasn't one to trespass on private property, the young Joestar couldn't simply leave the man in there to bleed out.

"Step back from the door," Jonathan yelled at the man,"I'm going to break it open."

JoJo stepped up to the door, drew back his left arm, and clenched his fist. Jonathan's breathing became steady and rhythmic, causing his body to glow with a golden aura that crackled with electricity.

"LOCK SHATTER OVERDRIVE!" Naming the technique on the fly, he slammed his fist into the door and discharged a wave of Ripple energy. Despite its sturdy construction, the door was unable to completely absorb the burst of solar energy, creating a fist-sized opening. Capitalizing on this immediately, Jonathan placed a hand on both halves of the door and forcibly pulled it open. With the obstacle removed, Jonathan immediately made his way over to the injured man.

"Take my hand, I'll get you to the hospital."

Then I'll have to apologize to the lab's owner for breaking their door. I'm certain they'll understand if I explain the circumstances.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

It was most unfortunate that the battle would end so soon. The Resistance had won, if it could be called a victory. An intercepted broadcast told Set of the planet's fate, and he marveled at the destructive technology these beings possessed. There were legends and tales of Sith who were able to destroy entire world with the Force, and the Emperor's new toy was supposed to be capable of the same. But despite this he had never witnessed the destruction of a planet in person. The large screens in front of him displayed the planet's image in incredible detail as the ship's automated pilotting system kept them safely out of the way of the retreating ships. Nothing but worthless fodder would be caught in the collapse itself, of course. Every important asset on both sides had been equipped with teleportation technology, which seemed remarkably common in the Multiverse.

Looking down, Set planned his next course of action. His interference here had done nothing more than speed up the inevitable, and his signal had been ignored by the RoC. Whether the signal had been distorted by the massive amount of weapons and magic being flung around, or whether it had simply been ignored, he would never know. But he would need to consider his next actions carefully. This battle had shown a mere fraction of the RoC's power, as it's military forces were spread across a hundred different universes. The Resistance was also not to be trifled with, his observation equipment had allowed him to witness some fairly spectacularly dangerous individuals down there. He needed to find the middle ground, invisible to both while profitting from their conflict.

It was while he was pondering, overlooking the slow collapse of Eldritch IV's surface, that Dagon returned from his mission. Nothing needed to be said, he knew it had been a success. He would have the devices in his hands within the hour. Set smiled, as he nodded approvingly in Dagon's direction, knowing the gesture would be next to meaningless to the ambitious youth. Dagon, like all Sith Apprentices, sought to surpass and defeat his master, taking Set's place as leader of the Harth Collective. And then some day he would take an apprentice himself, and train his own killer. Such was the cycle of the Sith, and the reason for their strength. Not that Set had any intention of keeling over, but he would spend his time playing the lethal game with Dagon.

"Dagon, I'll need you to perform another task for me." The apprentice stopped in his tracks, turning curiously towards him master. "Take a ship, and approach the Resistance mothership under the flag of truce. I wish for you to establish a connection to them. To show them our support, give them the gifts I've prepared in the hangar." There was no need to further dictate this task. Dagon was a professional, skilled in the acts of both diplomacy and assassination. Set was confident that the Resistance would accept their gifts, and he would be able to establish a connection with them. Using this, he could vastly increase his current story of information. And it was always important to befriend the main players on the field, or at the very least put up a friendly facade.

As Dagon left once more, Set considered how to deal with the Licht Gruppe. In this case, killing them was merely optional. His main goal would be to remove them from any battlefield containing the Mon Alliance. Of course, the easiest way to do this was to keep them locked away permanently somehow, but such a thing was not easy to achieve. And should his dealings be discovered, he would make an enemy of the RoC, a concept that didn't appeal to him in the least. He would need to be subtle about this, even more so than he usually was. Or, perhaps, exactly the opposite. Smiling, Set took a sip of his wine as a plan formed in his mind. It was a beautiful thing, elegant in it's simplicity and yet devastating in it's effectivity. And best of all, it would be completely impossible to trace it back to him, or even to an intelligent assault of any kind. Indeed, the Licht Gruppe were about to have a very large accident....

Continental plates slowly collapsed into the newly formed hole in the core of the planet, vast oceans of magma erupting from beneath them as the entire world broke to pieces. It was a beautiful sight, like the blooming of a flower. It was strange that such beauty was a result of such an immoral conflict.

Dagon's shuttle flew out from one of the observation vessel's many hangers, uncloaking itself after having achieved sufficient distance that it couldn't be traced back to the main ship. He navigated towards the retreating Resistance capital ship, as he hailed them over comms. "Greetings, Resistance. I'm low on fuel, and near stranded in space. Requesting permission to dock." Dagon would pull up alongside the far larger vessel, his shuttle seeming like an ant by comparison.

A quick scan would reveal that the shuttle was completely unarmed. A diplomatic vessel. It contained some cargo space, but there were no signs of life besides Dagon on board. Dagon's personal shuttle was equipped for stealth and diplomacy, as was his style, and the only high-powered equipment on board was a fairly advanced stealth drive, designed to cloak the ship from most detection systems.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by dirty slime

dirty slime

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

By the time the announcement was made that the Planet would be abandoned and destroyed to deny it to the Resistance, most of the RoC's troops and minions had already began to pile into the various ships and transports reserved/pulled in for the evacuation while the officers and elite soldiers would enjoy the benefits of having access to the base's teleporter relay stations to send them off directly towards their real headquarters hidden deep within the darkest recesses of the Multiverse.

Among the officers and elites waiting in line in an orderly manner was several members of the Licht Gruppe, about a one and a half dozen or so of their order and none of whom weren't sporting an injury or battle damage of some kind; as they held their heads down in shame and mourning due to having experienced some none-too-insignificant casualties, numerous officers and their entourages openly sneered at the "elite" warriors; taking immense pleasure at the fact that the proud and self-righteous golden boys of the RoC's ministry of propaganda had been reduced to such a humbling and pitiful state, crying about losing a farcical battle that wasn't even supposed to be "won". Some even went as far as to take pictures with their gadgets and uploading said images of their shame to the intermultiversal network, never to be forgotten.

Alas, the brotherhood of warriors were above such pettiness and simply stood there and took all of the abuse, their sorrow for their fallen and the massive yet completely foreseen loss of life for both sides leaving even the prouder and more hotheaded of their number numb to the provocation of their allies. Among the morose collection of defeated warriors was a familiar squad of man, digital creature and demi-human, looking a little more worried than sorrowful since one of their own still hasn't reported back... One of the two hooded mages, now with its hood down is revealed to be a dark elf of indeterminate age and gender tiredly and meekly asks the eight-winged angel regarding their lost comrade.

"Do you think he didn't make it?"

"Pieter is too stubborn to die, madman must have tried to fight a mech with just his sword and guts."

At what the angel said, the puppet wizard, despite his cranium hurriedly wrapped in bandages to keep his fractured skull in one place had decided to humor his comrade's response.

"Like you're any different Magnus."

At that, the squad's spirits were lifted; if only for a tiny bit since the two six-wings and even their captain scoffed at the jest. Knowing that the wizard held no malice or resentment in his remark, merely to make the situation just a bit less depressing; Magnus decides to entertain him.

"Charming, but the difference between him and I is that he only focuses on what's in front of him like the bull that he is."

"And that makes you a mosquito I guess? You're about as hard to swat out of the sky."

Just as the angel was about to retort, something big and heavy barges into the room; having bowled over a few soldiers in the process.

"Oh thank the Kaiser... You all made it."

Turning towards their formerly missing comrade the squad visibly relaxes at his presence, as if a great weight had been lifted from their shoulders... All except for the Captain who walks to meet his wayward subordinate, quietly thanking that angel who had healed him since his grilling wouldn't have to wait until he was capable of standing up without assistance.

"Care to explain yourself knight?"

"I was preoccupied with a duel, Captain Loyola."

"With who?"

"An alchemist officer. Human. But It was constantly interrupted by his craven allies."


"He sullied our honor, saying we were cowards who preyed upon the weak."

At that, the captain suddenly smacks the side of Pieter's helmet with his armored knuckle; causing the younger knight's ears to ring.

"That was for proving him right. We may be proud and honorable warriors, but we are not to be completely controlled by them; for that leads to ruination. Now that you'll know what to expect from me when we return to base, fall in with the rest."

"Yes captain."

The Mage-Knight then quietly and rather carefully positions himself with his squad, not speaking to any of them save for gently patting the head of the other hooded magician, which turned out to be a twin to the other one and in response to the sudden contact rather impotently smacks the side of the Knight's armored leg with its staff before he and his comrades steps into the relay station and towards refuge...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Saint Girralo

Saint Girralo

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Roy had no idea when the door was blasted open and he was rescued for his blood loss was so severe. He only reached out and weakly grabbed onto his rescuer in a half conscious state with his one good arm. He wouldn't remember any of this if he recovered. He tried his best to stand on his own two feet, but his legs would keep giving out on him. He knew on a subconscious level that Kokonoe would be livid seeing her precious lab having been forced open, and he didn't want to be anywhere near that. Finally managing to get his feet under him with one last surge of adrenaline, he somehow manages to start making his way to the med-bay. This little display of stubbornness doesn't last long as his quickly collapses against his rescuer as he descends into a deep shock, his body trying desperately to cling to life. He weakly whispers, "med-bay," as his eyes close and he slips into unconsciousness.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Eclipse waited patiently for the massive metal knight to respond to him, but before he could get an answer, a rumble shook the ground beneath the demigod's feet. Eclipse glanced down, as if looking into the earth of Eldritch IV to ask it for some explanation. A random earthquake? No... Eclipse blinked as confusion set in. This was no ordinary quake. The entire planet was starting to scream.

Still lulled by denial that something so terrible could even possibly happen, Eclipse was late to notice the approach of Alexandria, a warrior who apparently allied with Optimus. The angelic paladin hadn't received the message over the coms, but the surface thoughts and fear from the woman's mind gave conclusion to his growing suspicions. This world was about to collapse and explode.

"No! Can it possibly be?" Eclipse shot his blue eyed gaze at Alexandria and Optimus. Everyone was going to die, an entire planet of life, and the horror was simply stunning. He shook his head, gathering himself. "How do I save them all? I can't save them all..." The woman went on about her squad, frantic and burned by guilt and anger. Miles to the south... drop ships...

Not knowing who else to save or how, Eclipse approached the woman. "I can get to them quickly, but we still need to lift them off this dying world. Is there any way to stop this planet's destruction??"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Before Optimus could respond to Eclipse, an emergency alert was sent to him informing of the planets imminent demise. This warning was incredibly disturbing. An entire planet, destroyed simply to keep it out of the hands of the enemy. It reminded him too much of Cybertron, and the catastrophe that followed. Such actions furthered his distaste of the Reign of Chaos, as their tactics were truly despicable.

Moments later, a member of the resistance rapidly approached him. Although he did not have much experience interacting with her, he recognized her as Alexandria Skye. It seemed as though her squad was separated from the drop ships by a few miles, and would not make it to safety in time. Fortunately for her, he was more than capable of reaching her team in time. He would not abandon his comrades to die on this, or any planet.

"Although I do not think there is a way to stop this planet's destruction, I would be more than capable of collecting your subordinates. There should be enough room in my alternate form to carry them off world." Optimus addressed both beings before transforming into his vehicular mode. The door of the truck on Alexandria's side opened, and his voice seemed to come from inside "Hop in, I will also need you to give me their location."

Sending a general message to those in the Resistance forces, he informed them of his interactions with Eclipse. He also sent a message to the LAAT/c that brought him to the battle, requesting that it be on standby to pick him up.

"Eclipse, you are more than welcome to join us."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Reign of Chaos

In the now collapsing portal room, hundreds of troops from the RoC ranks began to push and shove rapidly into the various portals leading to safety, they only had 5 minutes to get in, and time was running out extremely quickly. At this point, some will surely be left behind, for not everyone will be accounted for. At least most of the lieutenants and Executives had already entered and are already back at the main HQ. Only Shinnok and Ridley are still behind, making sure as many of the troops had made it in, as well as having one last look at the collapsing planet.

"You know..." Ridley remarks with a hiss, "This planet's destruction along with our base is going to be a heavy moral loss for the troops. Are you sure this is what you've planned?"

"It is." answers the Elder God, "As soon as they got the plans leading to this base, I have foreseen them destroying this very base. It is a battle we simply could not win, but instead gave us the chance to prepare and lead them out of their protected core-universes."

"Why didn't you simply blow up the base?" the space pirate asks curiously, "Was it really necessary to blow up an entire planet? It's just like how Zebes was destroyed..."

"I figured I might as well take a chunk of their ground forces. Surely everyone won't survive the destruction, maybe even a few of their own lieutenants will perish as well."

"And if they didn't?"

"It doesn't matter. As long as we lure their fleet away and distract them, we will then strike back... right at their hearts. I've already figured out a nearby Resistance Universe system in which we can destroy one of their major bases."

"And that will be sir?"

"Universe 2211993, or commonly referred... as the Star Fox Universe."

"Oh? You mean where those animals fly their little fighter ships?"

"Precisely. Our spies have found it to be a high cultivator of Resistance espionage activity, which appears to have been how they were able to locate Eldritch IV. If we can take that outpost out, we'll have an inside view at the core-universes and will be able to locate their hidden main base, ending this multiversal rebellion once and for all."

Just then, another alert blares out over the intercom.


A slight pause comes in between the two as the last of the troops stagger into the base.

"Come now Ridley." Shinnok mentions the Space Pirate leader, "It's time that we prepare for our counterattack."

And with that, they both disappear into the portal and back to base.

Resistance Fleet

The dropships and various transport units quickly carry the footsoldiers out of the exploding battlefield, Bayonetta, along with the other nearby Ops units and lieutenants, travel into the portal MC so generously provided them and managed to teleport back to the Home One capital cruiser. There will be some troops that have unfortunately be abandoned due to the rapid time delay, but their sacrifices will not be in vain. The ships began to move away from the planet's orbit and were able to quickly get out of range of the exploding planet. And then...


The planet explodes, first issuing a bright light that filled the whole view of our heroes and issued a massive fireball and shockwave as Elderitch IV becomes nothing more but a new asteroid field. The base was finally destroyed and all the evidence with it. It was a rather bittersweet moment, for they've destroyed one of the Chaos' major headquarters, but didn't capture Shinnok or retrieve any information on the whereabouts on their main base. Regardless, they were all still alive and pretty well.

Just before the ships were going to jump to hyperspace, the Home One had received a message from a shuttle ship that just decloaked.

"Greetings, Resistance. I'm low on fuel, and near stranded in space. Requesting permission to dock."

A small pause followed after until Leia Organa then initiated a quick scan of the ship before replying.

"This is general Leia Organa of the Home One," she says, "Permission granted to dock."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dirty slime

dirty slime

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Remnants of Eldritch IV

@thewizardguy @lmpkio

Amidst the space-dust and meteorites of the annihilated planet... Something has survived its destruction, completely intact; having not only utilized the very crust of the planet and various chunks of starship debris to shield itself from the planetary shockwave and thermal radiation, but also due to being on the former planet's upper thermosphere. Even so, for something to survive such an apocalyptically destructive event; such a thing must be quite monstrous indeed...

"How troublesome..."

Finding itself stranded in outer space, staring impotently at the already escaping Resistance fleet due to severe damage and not having received any recall command along with not having been given access to a teleporter recall beacon, the survivor prepares to wait out until its self-repair systems kick in and allow it to leave the newly-made graveyard and hopefully towards a populated system that was either too proud or foolish to not be aligned with the masters it so very loathed... Then again, it really wouldn't matter to it even if the system was a vassal, for its lust for destruction by then will have become overwhelming...

For any stragglers remaining in the ruins of the former planet, they may or may not notice on their sensors that there's this incredibly odd and foreboding energy signature coming from the edge of the debris field. The sense of foreboding due to the fact that its far too powerful and large to be something that could have survived the destruction of a planet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


"I will do so." Eclipse gathered his wits in this time of critical danger and approached the truck's cabin. Seeing how Alexandria boarded, he dispelled his wings and also climbed in. "Great speed is of no value when you do not know your destination. I will ride with you until that much is clear." At least Optimus was roomy enough to accommodate two armored humanoids, guns, and swords, er what have you.

Eclipse would assist in gathering the helpless squadmates and getting them, and subsequently himself, to safety. As for the rest of the planet, he would be forced to mourn.

"Hear me both of you. I will find whoever is responsible for this senseless destruction and bring them to justice. They will pay for this grave misdeed, this immeasurable evil that they have visited upon this simple planet, for the life they took this day and the futures they have ended. Although their true debt can never be matched, recompense will begin, with their life." Eclipse wasn't a god of vengeance. Rarely, if ever, did he threaten to kill someone. Shinnook now had an angry demigod after him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Moonman
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Moonman Ancient Aelings

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Saint Girralo@Absolis
Jonathan Joestar

Despite a valiant effort on the part of the injured man, it was evident he wouldn't be going anywhere on his own two feet. If that was the case, Jonathan would simply have to carry him. Employing his impressive strength, the young Joestar easily hoisted the man up and onto his shoulders, allowing him to more easily support the weight. Already aware of the med-bay's location, Jonathan immediately set off towards it at a brisk jog, hoping the man would cling to life for just a few moments longer.

A short time later, Jonathan came barreling into the med-bay, his 'cargo' still resting upon his shoulders. Before the medical staff could even respond to his entrance, he'd already set the man down upon the nearest empty bed, and declared they were in need of immediate medical attention. Thankfully, it didn't take long for the staff to regain their composure and set about stabilizing the man's condition posthaste.

Confident that the man was in good hands, Jonathan allowed himself to relax. In regard to the injured man, JoJo had overheard one of the doctors referring to him as 'Roy Mustang.' So that's his name. I'll have to make sure to introduce myself properly when he awakes. Until then, Jonathan had other matters to attend to, chief among them being the door he'd recently demolished. According to an idle member of the med-bay staff, the laboratory's owner was a lady by the name of 'Kokonoe.' A peculiar name. Oriental, perhaps? For a reason unknown to him, the staff member seemed almost fearful at the mention of her. While moderately suspicious, Jonathan could see little sense in being afraid of a potential comrade-in-arms. What's the worst that could happen, anyway?

After taking a moment to decipher the inner workings of his standard-issue portable communication device, Jonathan made an attempt to open a line with Kokonoe.

"Hello, is this working properly? If you're hearing this, Miss Kokonoe, I have something to tell you. I, Jonathan Joestar, would like to apologize for, shall I say, destroying part of your laboratory. I assure you it was for a good reason, and I'd be open to talking this over with you in a civil manner. Perhaps over a pot of tea, if that strikes your fancy?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The_written_John
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The_written_John Professor Screwball

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 2 days ago

MC and Light

On board a dropship heading towards the resistance main starship, Light witnessed the explosion of the planet she was just fighting on. Watching all the senseless destruction of the RoC really annoyed her, it was as if they didn't care what happened as long as they reached some domination goal. Even so, it would only be a matter of time before they awakened forces they could not comprehend. It was only a matter of time...

Looking around at the mass of wounded soldiers she had helped get on the ship, Light sighed and hoped she ran into MC before that nutter in the med bay got to them. She really scared Light, what with all the straps and binds and everything. Light was thankful that she didn't have to deal with her, but non the less nervously patted a wounded solder she was standing by, probably a bit too hard considering the groans coming from the poor soul.

MC meanwhile had portaled off the planet directly into the main ship, waiting for Light to make her return on the dropship she had came in. He looked at the destroyed planet, noting the severe amount of strange energy coming from it. Whatever they tried to protect by blowing up the planet might come back for revenge. Before he could think about it more though, a voice came over the intercom noting the return of various dropships, soldiers soon entering the main ship and making their way to the medbay level if they were injured, usually with the help of other soldiers. Eventually he caught a glimpse of Light, Light comically carrying a bunch of soldiers on her back in a large pile. He signeled to her, following soon after as Light made her way to the medbay with her giant backpack of soldiers.

Reaching the medbay, which smelt of blood and other various fluids, Light placed soldiers in various beds one at a time. Speaking over her shoulder, Light said "Hey MC, can you heal these guys so they don't have to deal with that scientist lady?". with a crystal chuckle, MC nodded, causing explosions of Life energy around himself, healing varous soldiers in the medbay. The sounds coming from the healing soldiers were not that great to hear, what with the snapping of bone and sewing of flesh, especially when MC healed the large amount of soldiers still on Light's back, causing a particularly nasty loud snapping sound as the various broken soldiers were healed up rapidly.

"So, wheres Roy? I didn't see him outside when I was escorting the rest of the base group." MC said, floating around with green energy constantly exploding from him, swapping genders when he/she hit only a single soldier as if it was a game. "I don't know. I think he ported back to the ship after having a great standoff with a bunch of knight opponents. I'm sure it was a great fight, he should be around here somewhere. Light said, dropping the soldiers she was carrying in a big pile, the various soldiers scrambling to get out of the giant smelly pile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

- Dagon, Resistance Fleet -

"This is general Leia Organa of the Home One. Permission granted to dock."

Without answering, the small shuttle approached the larger vessel. A plate of blast shielding moved aside with surprisingly fluid movements, revealing a space hangar behind a blue tinted force field. The shuttle, having been cleared to dock, was able to pass through the field without incident, entering the oxygen-filled space behind it. Large robotic arms take hold of the small ship, magnetically clamping on the exterior as it's placed in a small space. Behind it, the large armoured plating that covers the outside of the ship once more slides into place, cutting off the view of the empty space outside.

His vessel having successfully docked, Dagon released the controls and moved towards the door. While seemingly simple at first glance, the shuttle contained a number of safeguards to prevent it from being tampered with. At a specific location the wiring had been made insecure, making the entire ship completely inoperable, unless physical force was applied to it. This meant that only a force user who knew exactly where to apply the force would be able to operate the ship at all. Of course, if this little piece of wiring wasn't properly connected, the power that would otherwise be sent to the main engines would be sent through the seat instead, electrocuting whatever fool had attempted to steal the ship of a Dark Jedi. It was an ingeniously simple system, and it had kept the little ship safe for years.

Not, of course, that there was any need for such precautions aboard the Resistance Flagship. Dagon was certain they'd treat his ship with care, and stepped out of the shuttle with no expectation of encountering trouble. He would act the representative of a merchant guild, grateful for having been rescued by the resistance. He would offer economic assistance, which was well within his capabilities to grant. He would further open communications with the Resistance commanders, gather information on the heirarchy and workings of the resistance, and perhaps plant some precautionary measures. It was a low-risk endeavour, but one that might change the future face of the multiverse itself.

Easily convincing the local guards to leave his pod unsearched, he continued on his way. Even he wasn't able to hide explosives or weapons from the advanced scanning capabilities of the ship, but there were some objects within the pod he wished to remain private. And with a few kind words and a little bit of force influence, he managed to convince the guards that his pod had been searched well enough, and he'd be away in just a little bit anyway. People were like sheep, they happily followed instructions when given the right authenticity, when spoken with a bit of a reassuring tone. Really, his force powers just made it a little easier.

Walking down the halls, Dagon approached the command area of the ship. He had entered knowing little to nothing of the layout of the ship, but a few well-placed questions to the right questions and a well-spent ten minutes had rewarded him with the location of every important facility within the ship, as well as some information usually restricted to those without proper clearance. The location and function of several labs, for one, although he had no time now to investigate the Resistance's scientific endeavours. With a wave and a smile he managed to enter the premise, although he wasn't able to approach the conference hall itself. The guards here were more alert to their duties, and while perhaps he could have controlled them to open the doors, doing so would arouse suspicion and endanger his function here. Therefore he waited politely as a message was sent to Leia Organa of the Resistance that a merchant representative would like to speak to her, or some appropriate member of the Resistance, on matters of economy and alliances.

@dirty slime

- Set Harth, Eldritch IV Remains -

Just as Set was about to embark on his newly thought-out endeavour, the advanced sensors of his ship reported the presence of a rather odd energy signature remaining within the rubble. Hoping some important artifact or weapon had been left within the remains, Set focused the ship's sensors on it, subjecting it to an advanced scan. It appeared that some kind of combat droid had been deserted here, it's advanced shields allowing it to survive the damage caused by the explosion of the planet. It was damaged, but not beyond repair. More importantly however, it's energy signature showed that it was far beyond the boundaries of a normal droid, clearly some sort of experimental superweapon that had been abandoned on the planet. It was impossible to tell which side had created it, but the scan did show that it was still operational, and would most likely still possess the capability to think.

Intrigued by this mysterious entity, Set gathered the power of the Force towards himself, channelling it into the intricate patterns required for Sith Sorcery, weaving a web of lies out of the fabric of reality itself. Thus he manifested an illusion, a projection from his own mind overlayed onto standard reality so as to fool the laws of physics itself. Seemingly, a Resistance frigate would exit hyperspace near Idalo's location, moving in a standard sweep pattern of the debris. It was a perfect illusion, possessing all of the traits of an actual ship but the energy supply and control to fire it's guns. It was also far less sturdy, and most handheld weapons would have been able to deal significant damage to it. But to all appearances it was the ship it made itself out to be, indistinguishable from reality besides by the most powerful of magic users.

Utilizing his own vessel's advanced signal manipulation capabilities, Set Harth faked a Resistance hail in the direction of Idalo, originating from the illusory ship. This entity was far too dangerous to interact with directly, so he would first probe it, testing it's allegiances and it's intelligence. Then he could choose what he would do with it, and if it could be manipulated into subservience. A weapon as dangerous as this would most certainly allow him to cause some serious damage to any side he unleashed it on.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by dirty slime

dirty slime

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Spotting a Resistance Frigate exiting hyperspace just a stone's throw away, most likely sent back to salvage any esoteric technologies that a good number of the RoC's plethora of warmachines possessed, which included itself; only to be corrected when it receives the ship's hail. Finding the crew or whoever ordered them to be sickeningly optimistic regarding the discovery of anything other than itself surviving the cataclysm, sickening enough to want to bore into the ship and kill everything inside of it before returning it to sender with its main generator dangerously compromised as a lesson for those foolish enough to cling to such a fragile hope of finding life where there was none left.

Setting its dark plot into motion, it reaches out with its arm, a thin, skeletal and warped-looking thing that looked like machine attempting to replicate living flesh-and failing horribly in the process; towards a large panel of durasteel plating aimlessly drifting several hundred feet away from it. Seemingly in response to its gesture, the scrap began to drift towards the mechanical creature and a minute later, was within arm's reach of the thing; grabbing onto the panel with no hesitation, the creature then positions the piece of scrap in front of itself, as if to hide from the frigate before kicking off of a nearby chunk of Eldritch IV and then sending itself lazily drifting towards the Frigate with its screen in tow.

Unless the Frigate's crew was comprised of complete idiots, the creature doubted that it would go unnoticed for more than a handful of seconds before they realize that the large energy signature coming towards the ship wasn't actually being generated from out of nothing; but that's all the time that it needed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Resistance Fleet

Leia Organa quickly ran through some papers as she prepared to meet the newcomer that has boarded this ship. She wasn't sure on who he might be, but it seems as if he wanted to not only fuel his shuttle, but also talk about alliance stuff and economics. Admiral Ackbar however, was still a little alert on the situation.

"Why am I getting a bad feeling about this?" he asks her cautiously as he lifts his amphibious hands, "Maybe it was because he didn't reply back but even though it seems he's just a merchant representative, I'm getting this weird feeling~"

"Don't worry about it Admiral." Organa replies to him as she neats out her desk, "Whoever this person is, I'll talk to him. Even if he does attempt something reckless, I have guards here to protect me. Oh, and Bayonetta over there too."

Of course, the Umbra Witch also happened to be on the Bridge too, winking as if she answered the question. Once everything was set, she and two Resistance Soldiers began to approach the docking bay to meet this new person. As she opens the door however, he then sees what appears to be the person who wanted to talk to her. She was taken quite off guard as she thought she would stay in the docking bay, but either way she still keeps cool.

"Ah." she says slightly surprised, "You've managed to find yourself here. Mind if you wait in the docking bay next time?"

@dirty slime

Meanwhile, on a Resistance Nebulon B Frigate, the crew had just recently picked up a large energy signal coming from nearby and was heading towards the ship.

"Sir! It seems we've just detected a large energy signature coming towards the ship. It appears to be coming from a piece of scrap metal. Shall we investigate it?"

"By all means. Send out a probe to inspect it."

With that, a small probe was sent out from a chute as it began to approach the piece of scrap metal. What will it find, it would be anyone's guess...

Reign of Chaos
Main Headquarters

As soon as Shinnok and Ridley come out from the portal, they are greeted by their own Main Headquarters. It was much like the base on Eldritch IV, only it was much bigger in size when compared to that insignificant outpost. Many of the survivors were sitting down on the benches nearby, while some were trying to head out to find something to do. When they would see Shinnok, they would stand in place and salute the Elder God.

"So..." Ridley asks as he follows on Shinnok's right, "I suppose we shall be talking to Lordess Nyx about our current position at this time?"

"You mean, I will talk to her." the Elder God responds, "You stay around here and make sure every major soldiers, lieutenants and over, have been accounted for. Report back to me on the results."

"Yes Lord Shinnok." the Space Pirate general hisses as he flies to the left corridor to account everyone else.

Shinnok continues to walk to the private briefing room to talk to Nyx about Eldritch's out come and what to do next...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Richard hopped out of his cockpit, throwing on the suit jacket that he kept hanging in there while he was fighting. People were pouring in through the portal network on the other side of the room, dispersing into groups before settling down to take a short rest before heading out into the base proper. Around them ported in those that had been lucky enough to be granted emergency beacons and unlucky enough to be forced to use them. These troops quickly moved, making way for any other poor unfortunate soul that was forced to use that method. The air was full of chatter punctured by the occasional cry of someone searching for a friend or comrade. Along one side, through the heavy duty portal, extended a line of robots, monsters, and fellows to large for ordinary transport to handle. He almost smiled when he saw a familiar looking clump of green machines about to pass through the service doors into the main hanger.

"Take this." he called up to the two Zaku boys, thumbing at his own mech. "I've got to meet someone. I'll treat you later."

His order was met with a thumbs up, and one of the Zaku's bent down and picked his machine up like it was an action figure. Then the two began to carefully navigate through the throng of bodies toward their giant brethren in what counted as a delicate manner for giant robots. Taking advantage of the opening left in their wake, Richard strode confidently into the throng, fiddling with his com. "Hello?" he said, "Test. Test, test, test. Witch girl, hellllllooooooo?"

No response. The line was dead.

That wasn't good.

The creeping sensation that he may have been stood up like a girl on prom night was suddenly interrupted as a wave went through the room. Richard looked up to see people all facing the same direction, saluting. That could only mean the big cheese was in the room. This was confirmed when he saw something big and purple take off and started flying over head. He decided his search could wait a minute.

"Riiiiiiiidly." Richard called as the space dragon drew near, positively tasting the name as it came off his tongue. "Your boys just couldn't help wiring the planet, huh? BOOM!" He said jovially. "They've always been a species after my own heart. I'm wondering if that was the plan, though. Seemed to me like some last minute improvisation."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Absolis
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Absolis Quiet king

Member Seen 6 yrs ago



"Yeah... you'd have better luck with coffee"

Kokonoe would suddenly appear behind Jonathan Joestar. She had managed to get herself out before the planet exploded, which was a good thing. But what she came back to was horrendous. People milling about her lab like they owned the place, and doors blown off.

"You're gonna have to pay for the door. And I want a good one this time. Not something thats gonna be blown off the hinges just like that."

Kokonoe snatched the radio out of his hands and sat back on her terminal. Looking at the screen, only one persons vitals seemed to have gone off line. Dooms. A shame, he was a good subordinate. It was too destructive to retrieve his body. So sadly, he was gone.

"Oh, and while your at it, I'll take you up on that offer. Get me some more coffee. Or have Roy do it if he can."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheRebelKnight
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TheRebelKnight Corporal of Resistors

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The dashboard of the Vertibird lights up like a Christmas tree as a siren signals the pilot they have less than 2 gallons of fuel left. The Vertibird soon slows down and jumps out of light speed. As Dwaine begins scanning the dashboard for how much is left and if there are any other problems, Colonel Washington walks into the cockpit and looks at Dwaine.

"Dwaine," Washington starts, "What's the problem? We're not at the planet, and you seem to have come to a complete stop." Washington then looks at the dash and sees the fuel gauge is near empty. "Oh shit," He mumbles looking at it, "Less than 2 Gallons... We can't get the bounty if this thing can't fly to the planet where he is."

"What do we do sir?" Dwaine asks, looking up at his commanding officer, "We're in a part of the sector that should be uninhabited. There isn't any life for light years, sir."

"To start, turn off all nonessential functions." He pauses as Dwaine begins flipping switches, pulling levers, and pushing buttons. Finally he stops and looks up at Washington. "Good, now do a quick scan of the sector and see if there are any planets or ships in the area."

"Already on it, sir!" Dwaine says as he begins to type and a small blip sound is heard. Washington sits down in the Co-Pilot seat and waits for a few minutes as Dwaine types away. Washington begins to fall asleep when Dwaine suddenly startles him. "Sir," he shouts in excitement,"I got a large cruiser in this sector, it's the perfect distance and I think if I could contact it we could convince them to let us buy some fuel."

"Excellent," Washington stands up, "Get that frequency ASAP, and alert me when you have it. I'm going to go let the team in on what the current situation is." Dwaine nods and Washington walks out into the area with his crew. The crew turns to him and wait for the update on what's happening."Alright... Well right now we're in a bit of a situation. We have less than 2 gallons of fuel left and we are in a near empty area of the sector. Luckily we have located a cruiser close enough to the ship that we might be able to get there and convince them to let us get some supplies and fuel. Right now Dwaine is in there trying to get their radio frequency to make sure it's done before we waste our fuel to get there."

"Pft. Are you kidding me?" Scott chuckles sounding annoyed. "We're in a sector void of life, we are almost out of fuel, and you expect this cruiser will love to aid us? Look, there's only one way that it will, and even then it's questionable. If it's a resistance carrier. Washington scowls a bit at the word "Resistance". "You know I'm right, right about joining up with the resistance, and you know we could help if we joined 'em. Plus, we wouldn't have to worry about situations like this where we are damn near dead because we have 2 gallons of fuel and little amounts of supplies. So I ask why? Why don't we join 'em?"

"I've explained this a hundred times over!" Washington says, trying not to raise his voice. "We are loyal to the Enclave, and the Enclave only. I know their battle is just, but our main concern is getting the credits so we can get Multiversal technology so we can return home."

"Sir," Hibbard says, looking up at his commander, " I do believe Sergeant Autumn is right, that the best solution to our problems is to join the Resistance in their fight. Not only that, but morally it is the right thing to do."

Colonel Washington sighs and looks over at Natalie. "Luna," he says sounding defeated, "What's your thoughts on this?"

She looks up from her Pip-boy and at Washington. "I agree with their thoughts. That is all, sir."she then returns to her Pip-Boy. Before Washington can say another word, Dwaine calls out from the cockpit.

"Sir, I got the radio frequency. Listening to it, it sounds like a resistance radio frequency." Washington sighs and steps into the cockpit and takes a seat. "Here ya go, sir." Dwaine hands him the comms device.

"To the nearby resistance vessel, this is Lieutenant Colonel Richard Washington of The Enclave. We currently are 300 klicks away from your position and we have enough fuel to reach your vessel. We currently need fuel and supplies, and I'm requesting the authority to dock and refuel and buy supplies. Any fuel and supplies bought will be paid for in full by credits." He pauses and looks at his crew. "I am also requesting to meet either the admiral or General aboard your vessel for allying purposes. Please respond ASAP. This message repeats." As he puts down the comm and turns it off he hears his message come over the radio, repeating in hopes that the resistance will hear it. He sighs and steps back with his crew.

"Thank ya, sir." Autumn smiles as Washington sits down.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@dirty slime
Had it been a real ship, perhaps Idalo would have managed to get close to it. Either through it's own foolish leniency, or through the general stupidity that infested the lower ranks of any military organization, the murderbot would have managed to approach the ship. But Set's projection of the Resistance was far less merciful, and significanly more intelligent. The ship rapidly swiveled, bringing to bear an entire row of cyclic ion projector cannons. They had a hold of Idalo's signal, and although he had hidden from their sight he could not hide from their sensors. Of course, this sudden offensive maneauver was mostly a result of Set's desire to see this thing's combat capabilities. It was clearly hostile to the Resistance, but how useful was it?

A barrage of ion fire slammed into the field of floating debris and rocks. Of course, illusory projectiles didn't carry nearly enough energy to deal significant damage to these rocks, so Set merely expanded his illusion. He was approaching the limits of what he was capable of simulating, but at this time there was nothing else to take up his concentration. Channelling his power through his Warblade, he manipulated reality in such a way that the rocks and debris seemed to get torn apart. While none of the many shots hit Idalo, through complete and utter coincidence of course, the area around him was being torn to shreds, and the mechanized lifeform would realize that it wouldn't be long until it took significant damage itself, especially with it's defensive systems still below full capacity.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by dirty slime

dirty slime

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@lmpkio @Gentlemanvaultboy

Reign Headquarters

While the rest of the Reign's minions and officers saluted at the arrival of Shinnok and Ridley, the members of Licht Gruppe; or at least the ones who hadn't already left the teleportation hub due to injury, responsibility or exhaustion had not done so due to them being loyal not to the commanders of the Reign but to the goal and the ideal of the organization, thus they found no reason to show their unflagging respect but still stood at attention as it was proper military etiquette. As the two executives passed by the small group of knights and mages, they all spoke as one.


@lmpkio @thewizardguy

The Graveyard

As the probe came closer to the mysterious piece of scrap, it would find that there was nothing exceptional about the panel of durasteel drifting towards the frigate and by extension it. At least from the angle it was approaching the thing from, but as it was about to circle around to get a complete scan of the object; the probe gets a split-second view of something hiding behind the panel before its feed suddenly cuts off...

"Such a fragile thing... Too fragile..."

And then all of a sudden, the panel rapidly began to accelerate towards the Frigate at a speed rivaling that of a TIE fighter and in response to an incoming Ion blast volley, the thing is sent literally shooting towards the blasts; the panel of capital ship-grade armor plate serving its purpose. Now unencumbered, the machine that had been hiding behind it then sped towards the frigate at dizzying and almost supernatural speed; its maneuverability as such that it makes even the TIE interceptor seem like a bulk freighter in comparison, being much smaller than a starfighter was also a considerable factor in aiding its agility though.

Given that, it took the machine only 10 seconds to get close enough to knife-fighting range with the Frigate and it opens up its offence by raking a furious volley of extremely rapid-fire lasers from its fingers at the frigate's CIWS and anti-fighter laser cannons, prioritizing them as the biggest threats to itself as the main batteries and ion cannons were far too sluggish and lacked the traverse to hit it.
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