Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 2 days ago

Early morning sunlight glinted off of the phone’s reflective screen. Béatrix stared down at the piece of technology as it it had offended her. Sending that message was foolish, she shouldn’t have done it; Yet there she sat, apprehensively waiting on his response like a schoolgirl that just admitted to liking her crush. The phone buzzed after a few moments passed, somehow managing to surprise the vampire.

The number on the screen was the same one that she had just sent the message to. Her still heart seemed to jump up into her throat. Maybe it wasn’t him, maybe she’d sent the message to some confused stranger because she didn’t remember the number correctly. Deep inside she knew that wasn’t the case, her memory was about as sharp and precise as it could get - which was both a blessing and a curse.

Trixy opened the message to see a lovely photo of the moon. Her nature led her to prefer the night, that was something the two unlikely soulmates did have in common. ”You are my moon, Trixy. No matter the distance, we are always together.” Her eyes widened after reading the caption, the romantic overtones and raw honesty were jarring. Trixy felt the familiar urge to bolt in the other direction, even if he was an ocean away. She looked away from the phone and let out a deep exhale, trying to remember her grandsire’s advice, and the comfort she found with the Delacroix last night. This was supposed to be a new beginning... no more running.

Smirking, Béatrix clicked the reply button. The cold woman wasn’t quite warmed up to the idea of gushy romance, but she could handle witty flirtatious banter. “Your moon? That best not be a pale joke.” she replied with a silly face emoji. Yes, the 630 year old vampiress is hip enough to use and enjoy emojis. After sending the response, Trixy set the phone down and stood up to face the peaceful morning.

In that moment, she felt so free. It made her want to feel alive again. Despite only wearing her flimsy nightie, the vampire climbed up onto the railing of her balcony. Her pedicured toes gripped the metal as she held out her arms crucifix-style and stared down the plummet to the forest below. The chilly morning wind tossed her hair about and swept the silk nightgown taught against her skin, revealing every bump and curve beneath it.

Her breath caught in her throat. She was almost there, almost alive. The winds grew stronger, yet her supernatural balance kept her anchored to the rails. But what if it didn’t? What if she let the wind take her? The idea was so irresistible that she did just that. When the next gust came, Trixy didn’t fight it, she simply let herself fall.



There weren’t accurate enough words to describe the feeling. Falling made her feel human again, it awoke those primal urges to preserve her life. She wasn’t alive, of course, and she would land unscathed when this was all over, but in that moment she let the intoxicating feeling overtake her.

It was over all too soon. Béatrix landed on bent legs and her left hand with grace that would make cats themselves green with envy. Adrenaline was coursing her veins, awakening the predator within. Her blue eyes peered into the woods searching for the nearest heat signature. Upon seeing what looked like a large-sized deer a half a mile out, her muscles coiled underneath her porcelain skin and sprung her into action. Feeling very much alive and free, Trixy tore through the woods in search of her prey.

Anyone who knew her wouldn’t recognize the vampire wearing her skin. This wasn’t Madame Vengeance, nor Wolfsbane, this was a new Trixy. She all but giggled as she frolicked through the private wooded area in nothing but her silky sleepwear. So caught up in the chase, the normally vigilant vampire had her guard down. She didn’t sense the figure trailing her. She didn’t smell him. She didn’t register his thoughts, and she didn’t hear the sharp whistle of a projectile heading her way until it was too late.


The sound was punctuated by a sharp pain at the nape of her neck. Heat blossomed around the tip of needle as she stumbled gracelessly. Trixy clawed at what felt like fire on the back of her neck, managing to retrieve the dart that injected her. Confused, she stared down at it. Whatever was in the vial was now coursing in her bloodstream. Vervain? Holy water? Liquid silver? It didn’t really matter now… The edges of her vision started to get blurry. Her limbs grew cold and heavy, pulling her farther down. It felt like the earth was trying to swallow her in a mouth made of molasses. She was drowning, she couldn’t swim out this. Her eyelids fluttered until everything went black...

and then, there was nothing at all.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Willow Breeze
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Willow Breeze Live Audaciously

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Jaze shivers, her mind completely occupied by her thoughts of the day. She had just gotten off work and was headed to the library in town to grab a few books. She is totally wrapped up in her own thoughts as she walks down the street. That was terrible, I can't believe you broke that plate at work. You're a failure. Jaze sadly shakes her head. It's not like she did it on purpose! Leave her alone. Jaze arrives at the double doors and walks confidently through. She looks around confused as the lady at the desk asks if she can help. Jaze shakes her head, blood rushing to her face - embarrassed. She realizes she is at the local hospital. In her mindless wandering she must have ended up across the street from the library. "I might as well look like I came here for something..." She thinks. Jaze turns the corner looking for a vending machine. Wow, look at you. Just making the day better. You can't even get us to the library without doing something wrong! She sees a doorway with a soda machine inside the room. She's right... Maybe we can't do anything right... Jaze pulls out her wallet to count out the money for the machine. "Would you both shut up?" She mutters, "It'll be fine."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Willow Breeze
Astley, now completly scrubbed down after a surgery and in scrubs heads out to the front desk. "Hey Sarah....let the family know he made it....and that there was a significant amount of drugs in his system....clearly meaning the reason for the accident was the drugs...oh and I'm taking a small break" he smiles. "I'll be by a vending machine" sarah chuckles and nods taping away on the keyboard in front of her then dialing a number.

Astley then makes his way through the doors to the vending machine. Seeing someone there he sits down in a chair and waits. His wrist starts bothering him, but he seems to be ignoring it completly right now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Willow Breeze
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Willow Breeze Live Audaciously

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


As Jaze reaches down into the machine to grab her soda she feels her wrist start to burn. She immediately looks at it, it has today's date. How could I have forgotten? She is extremely alert now, probably looking a little crazed to everyone else. Jaze sweeps the room with her gaze trying to figure out if anyone had seen her startled. She sees no one but a doctor sitting in a chair, Get a hold of yourself Jaze, stay calm. Today is the day. Have patience. She nods to the doctor and turns to leave the room.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jose sighed rubbing his temples. He must have been born under a unlucky star, as the were feline went on about things Jose found of little importance.
"Give me a good reason as to why I would need you...wolf"

"Great you are one of those types of were." He declared in a annoyed tone, yet he tried for Manus sake to salvage the situation. He was angry and worried, but could one really blame him. Manu went missing, in a city he didnt know, all but kidnapped by a possessive soulmate, apparently. In Joses eyes he wouldnt have been surprised to hear the other being a murder at this point. Maybe he should employ a private detective for a background check. Yes that exactly what he will do once this is over.

"You are wrong on two accounts. First not wolf. Neither Manu or I are related to those meat brains. So please behave like a person and drop the dog vs cat fight." It was shown in Joses posture he tried to be calm and reasoning. He still questioned how much of a effect would it have. The question if the cat were was a in heat lingering on his mind. He hoped he wasnt.
"Second you are in great illusion if you believe its me who keeping your soulmate away from you." Wondering if the were would believe him, maybe? Jose put his money on the maybe not option thought. Quite ready to get a door in his face.
"Being a good person that I am. Jose is my name. I can save you a heart break or two, if you let me help you. But its on you if you want to make this all harder on you self. I am sure it brings plus points to slam a door in the face of a person Manu cares a lot about."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Abel sighs heavily. The mention of him being someone Manu cared about slowly snaps him out of it. With a small grumble he pinched his nose as if clearing out the scent then looks at Jose. "maned wolves are still canine....anyway how about you come in..." His cobalt eyes pierce jose's. He then gently closes the door to remove the lock then opens it for him to come in. He makes his way over to his food and leans against the counter watching while he eats. He expects Jose to come in and close the door behind him and then hopefully help his soulmate here....hopefully not taking him away....he really didn't want that. His eyes go to Manu watching for his reaction, his eyes actually concealing how he feels for once.

@Willow Breeze
Astley nods back then hisses somewhat when the pain in his wrist increases. His eyes then widen as he slowly look back up at the woman. He stands and holds out his wrist. "I don't suppose this is your name....is it?" His eyes holding a mix of emotions, his body language betraying how tired he is, but also how excited he is. This is his soul mate....his. His instincts wanting to grab her and fly off to make her his queen. Then again....trying to turn her into his queen might kill her. Irritating details.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Willow Breeze
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Willow Breeze Live Audaciously

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


As she turns her wrist burns even more intensely, she glances back at the man in the room. His eyes widen, visibly shaken, could this be him? The one I am supposed to be with? The man stands up and shows Jaze his wrist - she tentatively leans in closer to read the name... Her name... Jaze looks at him longingly, she has waited so long for this. "Yes," she manages to get out, "That's my name." Jaze shows the man her own wrist. Her legs feel like they might give out underneath her, she's having trouble not showing that her entire body has started shaking.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Saoirse awoke in the tiny apartment she calls home. She slowly opened her eyes and blinked a few time as beams of the first lights of day were projected into her eyes. She groaned groggily as she rubbed her eyes with her wrist then stared at the name and date on it. Today she was finally going to meet him, her soulmate.

Saoirse sat up and scratched the back of her head then looked at a painting, not yet finished, on the other side of the room. She sighed then heaved herself out of bed and made her way to the bathroom to wash her face. She looked into the mirror and sighed once more. Her face and hands were covered in paint, her hair was a mess, and she ended up sleeping in her clothes from yesterday. "About all nighter... At least it's almost done, I guess." She thought silently as she grabbed a hair tie and made up her hair into a messy bun.

She then proceeded to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee before returning to the bathroom to take a shower. Saoirse stripped down and stepped into the shower. For the longed time she just stood there, contemplating as to how she should react to meeting her soulmate, as the warm water rained down on her body. She had wanted to meet him for so long, but now that the day has arrived she was a bit... Hesitant. Would he love her regardless of what she was? Or would he be afraid and disgusted by it? That was what she feared te most, being rejected; being alone all over again.

Saoirse turned off the water and dried off, then got dressed in a pair of fresh clothes. She wore a red, noodle strap camisole and a pair of blue skinny jeans, her auburn hair tied up in a messy bun.

She went back to the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee, then absent mindedly took a sip, burning her tounge. "Damnit!" She hissed then she glared at the painting. Her most recent commission, a painting for an elderly couple in Wales of their infant grandson. She was already way ahead of deadline and all she had left to do was a few touch ups before sending it to them via mail. The pay wasn't much but it would last her until her next job, providing that she used it sparingl; and besides it was better than nothing.

She took another sip of her coffee then and scowled at the mug of black coffee she had made. Saoirse got her hoodie and decided to head out for the nearest bake shop. It was still early in the morning, the sun had just begun to rise over the city landscape. The air was cool and crisp and a veil of morning fog covered the ground. All was still quiet except for the occasional squawks of seagulls. Saoirse inhaled the crisp air then exhaled deeply, leaving a steady trail of steam behind her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Teddiplier
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Teddiplier Tucker (He/They)

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Adam waited in anticipation as he awaited for Danilo respond; which he did. When his face was caressed...well, it was nice to feel the touch of a soul mate once more. In a second, their foreheads were touching. Adam's face was so close to Dan's.... It reminded Adam about Danilo kissing him when he was in his "angry dragon mode". He began to feel his heart beat faster.
And then Danilo wasn't there. The dragon was standing up and searching for a new shirt for Adam to wear. He found himself standing as well, wanting to be closer to Danilo. When given the two options, Adam politely took the black and gold one. When Dan didn't even leave the room or turn around, a pink hue came to his cheeks. Adam pulled off his shirt. Underneath the fabric, his chest. It wasn't buff with a six pack, but it showed that he was skinny. Perhaps even a little too skinny for the age he seemed to be. As began to change into the new shirt, he listened to Danilo as he continued to talk.
"Hmm?" Adam said, enjoying the comfiness of the shirt. "Oh, y-yeah...about that...s-sorry. Will got a l-little...well, h-himself; angry. I-I know some of t-those pictures m-must've been really i-important and v-valuable to y-you.... I-I'd like to forget t-that he really e-even came today...." While Adam was saying this, he finished buttoning up his shirt and brought his necklace out from underneath the fabric.
"U-Unless, of course, y-you wanted to d-discuss it...I haven't e-exactly told you a l-lot about m-me...um...w-weren't you co-cooking something...?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Jose was relived that the door opened once more. For a moment there he truly believed he would have to climb thougth a window or the like. Abel simple walked away, Jose assumed he was feeling insulted for letting even a canine inside his home. He didnt care he simple entered the hallway and Manu jumped at him. Licking his face all to happily as the big wolf balanced on his hind legs.

"That isnt earning you a free pass from a lecture. Do you even have the smallest idea how scared I was. I imagined you were eaten by a siren!" Jose grabbed Manues face, looking him in the eyes. He allowed Manu to drop down, watching as he wandered back to the kitchen, stopping after a few steps to see if Jose was following. Roar barking proudly.

"Yes thats a beautiful roar bark. I am proud of you." Jose smiled a bit and closed the door and followed him in the kitchen where he saw Manu sit on Abel side and roar barked proudly. As if introducing his soulmate to Jose.

"Yes, thats nice and all but introductions are to be done as a human remember. Now morph." Jose put the bag down on the table knowing what was coming and starting to search his bag for something.

Manu ears moved down and he tilted his head, he appeared confused. Jose gave a glance to him and nodded, he pulled out two cans one he put in front of Abel and the other he hold out for Manu to see. That caught Manues attention. His tail waved fast and he stood in place. Jose moved the can and watched as Manu head moved to not leave it out of his eyes.
"Remember the brand it works every time. He is still learning to balance his animal instincts side and his human mind. Often if stuck in one form too long, the inactive side all but shuts off."

Jose placed the green can of soda named Guarana Antarctica on the floor and Manu jumped it, failing to open it with his pawns, poking it with his snout before, for a long moment the maned wolf focused on the can and it happened. Two hands with opposing thumbs gripped the can and opened it whit ease. Taking a gulp from it.

"Its warm." were the first words of a naked Manu on Abels kitchen floor.

"Well forgive me for running around half the town panicking for your well being. You didnt came when you said in your note you would."Jose huffed pulling out some cloths for the other.

"Sorry man, Will make it up to you." Manu nuzzled his nose in a loving fashion Joses leg, yawning once more, and taking one more sip of his warm soda. It was then when Manu lazily looked around and seeing Abel He jumped, then covered himself.

"Ugh." A step behind. "Oh." Realization, as memories of his animal form catch up to him. "ah..." Connecting the nice big kitty cat was his soulmate. Hastily Manu took the sweet pants from Joses hands putting them on. "SOo-sorry, for the t-trouble. I I had fun, but sorry, it really should have d-done it. So. I will be ... you know going man. " Manu turned and was already out the kitchen while Jose didnt move a inch and simple gave a pointed look that said see what I mean.to Abel.

"Manu, what will father say if he heard how rude you are. Where are you manners?" That made Manu stop in his track like a caught deer in car lights. He turned and made his way back into the kitchen, as Jose continued to speak. "This man gave you a roof over you head for one night the least you do is show some gratitude."

"Yeah, um.... I .. thanks."
Jose continued with out the lose of a bit.
"The least you can do is offer him a dinner in a restaurant, for example tonight in 8h. I saw a restaurant on the way here. The one with the 5 stars, Manu will take you there." As Jose spoke Manu made a face, between a childish I dont want to go, and a can I go and hide now? He as well avoided to look anywhere close towards his soulmate. He was remembering how he felt in his animal form towards Abel. He liked him, and he wanted to be with him. But those were all silly things. Soulmates were nothing but a old concept. He will be choosing who he loves... He reminded himself but words didnt sound as sure at the moment. He looked at Jose and nodded. "Yeah, I guess." He turned to look to the left of Abel" Its the least I can do."He hopefully added. " That is if you want that. "


Danilo found himself mesmerized with his soulmate form. Skinny and pale, elegantly standing, noticing even the smallest muscles movements as Adam was putting on the shirt. The view too fast gone. The little cook part of Dan, having a decision to feed Adam healthy. To never let him skip meals and to ensure he never goes off hungry.
"I want to know everything about you, about both of your sides?" Danilo beamed. Waving the worry about the important things off. He walked to the wooden books and placed the jewels back in.

"Well its was time for redecoration of my bedroom. It needs a new paint job, new arrangement of those photos." Danilo closed the box and pushed it under the bed, giving the bed a short glance. "Maybe we should break the bed as well so I can have a reason to buy a new one."

He stood up and smiled towards Adam, before he froze in place. "Oh my, I didnt mean it like that! Except you dont think I mean it like anything else, then I meant that... and lets go to the kitchen You must be hungry like a beast." Danilo changed the topic, embraced, and blushing for several reason. Some were for looking like a fool, and some where vivid imagination of possibilities of how a bed could be broken with Adams help. The first date of theirs sure was turning out quite adventurous. Grabbing Adams hand he lead them both out and back towards the kitchen.

"I am cooking on my own flame. So nothing could burn. Have you ever eaten food made on a dragons flame?" He let go of Adam hand. Pulling the chair out from the table for his soulmate to sit down, like a proper gentleman.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Tholo awoke early the next morning, the sun barely peaking over the mountains. out of habit to see the time he grabbed his phone. As he unlocked it he saw he had a message from Trixy. He gave a chuckle at her response at his sappy reply to the message during the night.

You have the moon beat in paleness.

He got out of bed and freshened up as well as gathering what little he had brought. With the trip being a last minute decision he had brought little with him and his return flight was in a few hours. He had little time to enjoy the scenery as he left the room, the only sound in the air being birds awakening from their nests. He was gone before anyone else was awake, leaving only a simple thank you note for Bran to find for helping him in his dilemma.

-----------<Several Hours Later>-----------------

He was back home now, after the tedious several hour flight. He was back walking around the city. He had only briefly visited home to drop whatever little he had brought with him to his trip to Montana but decided to head off to a bar to enjoy some alone time with himself, having nothing better to do. He checked his phone to see if Trixy had responded back but yet again was only greeted with nothing new. Something felt off but he passed it off as just slight paranoia. Trixy could take care of herself if she was in some form of trouble. In the mean time he took to listening to gossip around the bar.

The one he visited was primarily a spot for weres that gathered coming in different shapes and forms. While there was a small pack in the area, they let him be since he had lived there longer then their pack had along with partially fearing he might attack them if they pushed him to leave. He promised Bran he would keep his ear to the floor for any information on that rogue wolf that he had his son trying to track down. While it was unlikely he was heading Tholo's way, it was better to be safe then sorry.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Abel watches Jose put the can in front of Manu. He picks up the one in front of him and seems to be studying the can. He slowly puts down the can and tilts his head, having been taught by his grandparents meant that many things were taught differently. To the point where he hasn't really ever felt the slip of staying as his animal self for too long. With the head tilt the light touches his hair a bit making the odd spots in his hair more visible.

He watches as Manu starts to change. With that cue abel turns as if he is giving privacy. Only turning back when he hears fabric sliding against skin. Noticing his soulmate not looking at him stung a bit. No that's a lie it hurt, he was half tempted to turn back as if that would take away the awkwardness and bring back the happiness. That probably wouldn't work though.

At hose'so mention he gives a small barely noticeable node, as if to say thanks for it. "I would really like that" he was still hurting, but maybe he could get his soulmate to get to know him as a human....or maybe he would be stuck with painful memories....the risk is worth it though.

@Willow Breeze

Astley stares at his name on her wrist, then shakes his head as if snapping himself out of a trance. He turns his hand slightly for it to be a handshake. "Astley Haven...nice to meet you" he smiles, he could tell his soulmate was about to have a break down and figures this is the best thing to do. Maybe he could get a smile out of her....or at least calm her down. If nothing else this should hopefully ease the tension.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Teddiplier
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Teddiplier Tucker (He/They)

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Both of his sides. Adam nodded in agreement. "Y-yeah...sure." He continued to listen and watched as Dan put his jewels away.
"Maybe we should break the bed as well so I can have a reason to buy a new one." Adam hadn't noticed what he said, but William sure had.
I'd sure like to break the bed. Adam heard him laughing inside his head.
Wh-what? Adam asked, but heard Danilo's follow up sentence.
"Oh my, I didn't mean it like that! Except you don't think I mean it like anything else, then I meant that..."
It was then that it sunk in. Adam felt like his cheeks had never grown a brighter shade of pink in his lifetime. He would've have become stammered, but that was already what he'd always been, so he completely shut up.
Just thinking about that act made him all fluttery and such. He gave out a noise that sounded like a forced giggle, and it came out as a snort. Soon he was in a fit of laughter.
He was still giggling a little while Dan escorted him to a seat at the dining room table.
"Ah heh...n-no...I-I haven't." He finally got a hold of himself. "A-As for b-being hungry? I-I'm always h-hungry, m-my dragon."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 2 days ago

Uncomfortably heavy eyelids fluttered as Trixy stirred from her fugue state. With a groan, she managed to fully open her eyes. Her head was slumped forward while her arms were being held high above her head. A pounding migraine hung over her like a dark cloud, making her wince when she attempted to lift her head. She hadn’t felt this awful since the morning after she had nearly drained a sorority girl that was a mere breath away from blackout drunk. Even that massive vampire hangover was child’s play in comparison to this, though. Béatrix managed to shake it off long enough to steal a few glances of her surroundings before closing her eyes and passing out once more.

This drug-induced sleep was far from a peaceful one. Hallucinogenic manifestations haunted the vampire’s over-active mind. Minutes or hours passed as she hung in this pitiful state, she couldn't tell. One image was so terrifying it startled her back into consciousness. Frantically she gasped for an unnecessary breath, her panicked eyes skittering across the room once more. Her head still screamed, but she was more alert this time around.

“C'est quoi ce bordel?” she remarked in her native tongue. The last thing she could remember was running free in her privately owned woods. It was early morning then, yet now she sat in dank darkness. It appeared that she was being held in some dungeon, which are always dark, but she was sure that at least a day had passed, because the night sky was creeping in through a tiny window positioned high on the wall across the room. It was one of those wrought iron gratings that peeked out just at ground level.

Ever level-headed, Béatrix refused to panic. She’d been in worse situations and gotten out alive. Trixy tugged against her restraints and hissed when the pain of blessed silver bit into her wrists. Chains clattered noisily as she fell back into her hanging position. Her body ached all over. Surely, this was hell.

“You’re awake.” The voice boomed from just outside the door as heavy footsteps approached. Trixy glared in his direction with dull blue eyes that looked foreign without their sparkle. He stepped into the room, dripping with confidence and machismo. If his demeanor didn’t reveal his nature, the putrid scent did. Wolf. And judging by his accent and the strength of his scent, he was an alpha of one of the English packs. Her eyes narrowed, anger burning inside. How could she have trusted that mangy mutt who called himself her soulmate. He’d buttered her up with flowery words, only to conspire to have her killed. It made so much sense now that she wanted to kick herself for ever being so stupid. They had both tried to kill each other when they met, but found out that they couldn’t… not personally, at least. This wolf was clearly Bartholomew’s hired hand, he probably located her through cell-phone tower triangulation.

Béatrix thrashed against her restraints and hissed at the brooding wolf just feet away from her now. The hiss reopened a gash in her lip and blood bubbled to the surface. “Sorry about that.” Alpha wolf said, but he wasn’t. “The boys got a little rough while you were out. Isn’t every day we bag ourselves the famed leech whore.” The last word had a biting sneer to it. It wasn’t the first time that word was used to describe her, what with owning a few brothels back in the day, and she had made each and every bastard pay for what they had said back then. She would tear this man’s head off starting at the mouth for that comment, just split him from the corner of his lips, all the way to his ears in a macabre smile, and then off with his head completely. He obviously felt no threat from the chained up vampire before him, because he continued to goad her.

I’ll kill you, just like I should have the day I claimed that blond bloodsucker’s heart.” It took only half a second for that to register. The Wolf watched as angry recognition colored her vision red. “That’s riiighhhtt. After all these years hunting, look who caught whom.” He wore a barbed wire grin, obviously loving every second of this torture. “You got sloppy. Settled down in one place for too long, got a job and a little scruffy boyfriend too. All the while, I was watching... waiting to tie up this loose end. You think you’re the only widow I’ve ever made?” He taunted as she sat, seething in her chains. “You’re the one who gave me the most trouble, I’ll give you that. But that’s all about to end now, I’m gonna get my happy ending.” he growled behind his teeth in a smile that made her sick.

Béatrix’ mind swirled with options for her next move. She didn’t have her glocks, not even her dagger. Hell, in her silk nightie, she wasn’t even remotely armored for a fight. The only weapons she had were her mind and her body, and this fury inside her that would be the spark to ignite the powder keg. “Oh, you’ll get an ending all right.” she returned his growl before yanking her wrists down.

The shackles were so tight that she had to break the bones in her hands, thumbs, and pinky fingers to free herself from them. Trixy cried out as her bones cracked and gruesome chunks of skin were left behind. Alpha wolf hadn’t predicted such a rash decision and Trixy used this moment of shock to bring her knee up into his groin.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Willow Breeze
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Willow Breeze Live Audaciously

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


The man can obviously see Jaze is having trouble standing, attempting to help he offers his hand and greets her. He smiles, "Astley Haven...nice to meet you." Thousands of thoughts racing through her mind, she feels so overwhelmed and slightly upset with herself. Come on, you have rehearsed this day in your head so many times, you're blowing it... Jaze knows she is acting strange, but it is mostly just because she had put so much pressure on this meeting. The simple fact that this moment is actually happening is very overwhelming. She smiles anyway wanting to appear friendly and sociable, "Nice to meet you as well Astley, I am Jasmine Bain. I'm sorry, I'm not always like this... Honestly I was so busy today I had forgotten that this is the date to meet you. I've been counting down to this day for the longest time, I'm bewildered this took me by surprise. And... Now I'm rambling." Jaze realizes she still had ahold of Astley's hand. Embarrassed, she drops it immediately - the blood rushing to her face. "I'm sorry..." She squeaks out, looking down. Wow... That was one of the worst introductions I've ever heard. Jaze sighs. She's right, it wasn't pretty... Don't make us look bad, we've gotta make this work!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 9 mos ago

By the time Saoirse had arrived at the bake shop, the sun was already high in the sky and the morning fog had subsided. Thankfully, the bake shop was open and her walk wasn't for nothing. She ordered a couple pastries in a to go bag then went to the park across the street and sat down on a bench to enjoy her breakfast. Of course, that was short lived, as she would constantly be harassed by dogs as they walked by with their masters. However, it didn't take much for the she wolf to shoo them away.

With her breakfast finished, she tossed her wrapers in a waste bin then headed for the thick shrubbery and forestry that surrounded the town. Seeing the dogs in the park made Saoirse want to go for a run herself, and she was going to do just that. Once deep inside the forest, outside of the ever watching city, she kneeled down as if she were about to compete in an Olympic foot race. Saoirse smirked then pushed back on her legs, slingshoting herself forward. In mid leap, she reverted to her wolf form, then landed on all fours.

It didn't take long for Saoirse to recalibrate herself and to break out into a full sprint. She had missed the feeling of the wind combing through her fur and the feeling of the Earth underneath her paws. When she ran, she truly felt free, like this is where she belonged, a sensation she could not experience in her apartment.

Eventually Saoirse found herself tiring out and decided to take a break. She sat down next to a stream panting heavily, then slowly changed back to her human form. She was breathing heavily and drenched in sweat, her hair was a mess and plastered to her face as it draped over it. Yet the entire time she was smiling happily. It had been quite a while since her last run, with the up coming deadlines and such, so it felt good to go for a run.

Saoirse layed on her back, her arms sprawled out on the forest floor and stared up at the sky that broke through the forest's thick canopy with a happy smile on her face. Overall, the day had been a pretty good one so far, and the run had nearly made her forget that today she would meet her soulmate.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Manu nodded, taking a shirt from Jose and putting it over his shirtless self. "Great so its a deal. Now...See ya." He gave a wave in Abels general direction and took Joses hand into his own. "Lets go Jose." The younger man pulled his friend and wandered to the door. As Manu took the door handle he stopped for a moment and peeked down back to the kitchen.

For a second his own heart tugged, before he scolded himself. That was exactly what he tried to avoid. He had someone he loved, and was not planning to ever leave alone. And that someone was Jose. He couldnt and didnt want to have to take care of a random were kitten. Regardless how hot the man looked or how sweetly he smelled. He opened the door and left swiftly. The faster this soulmate deal done the less will the other guy suffer for believing in silly grandma tales.

On the kitchen table where the bag was placed was now a card with Joses name and phone number. He hoped that the other would text or call him. In his shoes, Joses could see how he would try anything to get thought the thick head of his soulmate. He allowed to be dragged out to the street and let Manu lead the way.

Oh how wonderful, his soulmate didnt take it wrong, but instead had a nice laugh at the weird slip of tongue. Sliding around to the kitchen area he fetched his apron and put it on. "Then for your first ... meal" He nearly said first time, luckily he caught himself and planed to not make any other slips that can be misinterpreted... Danilo blamed the internet. It was a place filled with weird ideas. And way too many things that were misinterpreted on purpose. Probably he was spending too much time on it. "I will prepare with even greater care and ensure its heavenly~"

He was now on the other side of the kitchen counters and as he resumed the cutting of veggies he felt it was time to admit to his Adam. " I am sorry, From the morning I was so self conscious about anything I do or say. I admit I was fearful, you would get scared of me and just disappear... well again." He put them all in a pot and added some spices.

"My plan was to really slowly introduce the more protective side of my self. But I was a fool. You are beautiful Adam to accept me, and I have no words how strongly my heart flared up at that gesture from you. And I will do nothing less for you.~" He took a breath and blow a flame towards the bottom of the pot. Allowing Adam the time and silence to choose if he wanted to speak of Will and himself, or change the topic to anything else, or simple wait. Danilo wouldnt have any problem to speak some more. Thinking to himself of maybe explaining his siblings to Adam, and wondering if his soulmate would mind to be Will when they are anywhere in a 50km radius from his siblings...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Temperance
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Temperance The Guillotine

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Astrid Tavast, New York City

“Excuse me, how much?” A soft spoken voice inquired to the cute old woman behind a beautiful hand carved wooden counter. Astrid could talk sweet when she so desired but that angelic tone was usually reserved for when she wanted something or someone.

Right now, her sights were zeroed in on an antique 300 year old grandfather clock. A regular at widow Trudy's extravagant store, Astrid had been visiting this place daily since they added a new time piece up front. Trudging that thing all the way to her condo would be a pain. On the plus side, she wouldn't be the one moving it, although she had the strength to do so without a sweat. Already her mind began thinking of where this rare treasure would sit in her home but reality is such a nuisance...

“Oh yes, that one is quite pretty isn't it? This is a display only. It's over five-hundred-thousand dollars I am afraid but not for sale my dear.” A saddened expression caused creases and winkles to form throughout the senior's time worn face.

“I'll just have to come back when I marry my filthy rich husband and give you an offer you can't refuse then.” Both Astrid and the lady laughed.

“Well, goodbye.” A small sigh escaped while bidding the owner farewell. Not getting her way always made the Valkyrie a little depressed but that was life.

Defeated, the blond haired woman let the shop's heavy doors shut behind her slender frame. Hands were placed in tight jean's pockets not sure where to go next. So many options were available but this day wasn't starting out in her favor. Bummed about not being able to afford a half million piece of history? The loner needed to get some friends, and quick. She was turning into a spinster. This thought made her visibly frown. So what? She liked purchasing similar items found on antique roadshow, did that truly make her dull?

“Astrid? How have you been?” A familiar deep voice boomed forth from a man rippling with muscles. This gargantuan man introduced Astrid to the night life of battling. His score nearly undefeated and his personality wasn't half bad either. Born part stone golem probably had something to do with all those wins. Many had tried but failed bringing down this monster of a man and Astrid left that scene behind just before challenging him.

“Haven't seen you at the tunnels lately. Tonight though, here.” Large fingers handed over a pamphlet with a time and a long sequence of numbers. Only those who had already been to the fights or those invited knew about this seedy place. If these papers were dropped on the ground, no one would pay any mind to them as little to no information is printed. Better safe than sorry.

“Yeah, Seth... I don't fight anymore. There's no competition left.” Astrid shrugged while half smiling but placed the piece of paper into her leather jacket pocket. Maybe she would pay a visit later, just to observe. A hand was placed upon Seth's vein infused arm as a goodbye gesture. For now, her feet took her along the streets of the shopping district while scanning the crowd of strangers.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Teddiplier
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Teddiplier Tucker (He/They)

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Adam stayed silent for a moment, listening to what Danilo had to say once more. He was thinking for awhile, so the only noise was from the cooking. Adam, before, had settled on telling the truth to Danilo. He wanted him to trust him, and the best way to do that was to tell the truth. So that's what he would continue to do.
"I-I won't deny it, D-Danilo. I-I avoided you o-on purpose." He was silent once more before he began to explain. "I-I've had two other s-soulmates before; and I-I've both lost them b-because of who I-I am. M-My first soulmate's name was Taylor. God, t-that was quite a few millennium back.... Anyways, I-I fell in love with him because I-I thought that's what I-I was supposed to d-do with a soulmate; which, i-it is. But looking back now, I-I feel like I-I fell in love too fast. I-It was the night before our wedding and w-we...." Adam stopped, and gave a little awkward cough.
"B-Broke the bed as you put it. Heh heh. A-anyways while we were sleeping I-I changed and Will...Will murdered him i-in his sleep. When I-I woke up the next morning surrounded in a p-pool of blood, I-I was devastated. T-Tried to kill myself. O-Of course, it didn't work. N-Never does."
Adam was silent once more, gears grinding in his mind.
"A-A few centuries later, another name a-appeared on my wrist; his name was Sean. S-Scared that Will would m-murder him once more, I-I distanced myself from Sean once I-I met him. I-It was no help though; I-I still fell in love. I-I swore off vulgar acts and even m-marriage. T-That was a mistake as well. Being a human, he died of old age. I-I loved him until the v-very end though."
Silence, once more. A few tears managed to slip from Adam's eyes, and he quickly wiped them away.
"Danilo, I-I know I-I'm going to outlive you. That's just how it is, and I-I've learned to accept that. I-I'm immortal and I-I don't know w-why or how, b-but that's my curse. I-I will keep falling in and out of love for the r-rest of time. I-I'm stuck with Will forever. I-I've tried to die so many times; knives, heights, g-guns, famine, medication overdose. B-But I-I heal too fast. T-that's why the burn and the c-claw cuts are g-gone. B-But it hurts. I-I'm always hurting; emotionally or physically. A-And it won't ever stop."
Adam softly placed his head in the middle of his arms on the table, letting a small amount of tears fall. It felt good to finally get it all out. He'd just rambled again, but he didn't really care at the moment. Letting that all out had put him in a mood that he sometimes got into.
Oh come on fuckin' crybaby, I hate being stuck with you too. You're a shithead, but I've gotta take care of ya'.
Adam ignored Will, turning his head to the side so that it was laying down on his arms folded on the table.
"S-Sorry...I-I'm just rambling on about my p-problems...." he muttered to Dan.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Abel watches his soul mate. Taking in the few words he is given and then feels his heart shatter a bit. After they leave he stands, pocketing the card. With a look that says he's asking for trouble he locks the front door the goes out the back. His more regular hiking boot on his hat absent. Grumbling he heads straight for a bar, needing the space, needing to be away from the scent....possibly needing a fight. If nothing else he could knock back some of the liquid then head back and get ready.

He walks right past a small antique looking shop then pauses and walks backward. With a small head tilt he walks in, completly ignoring the world around him as he enters. After a few moments he walks back out with a bag containing a small sitting canine with a tilted head, it appears to be made out of wood. He hasn't decided if he wants to keep it or give it to his soulmate yet...but it made him feel slightly better. With a shrug he heads off to the shopping district...maybe the hunt for a gift will make him feel better...or maybe it'll make it worse...either way he goes for it.

@Willow Breeze
Astley chuckles lightly and shrugs. "It's okay, honestly I was swept up in a surgery" he smiles then starts walking half expecting her to follow. He ends up at the front desk. "Sarah I'm heading out...if you need me beep me" he then turns, it is plain on his face that he is planning as he goes. Figuring out what exactly to do and how exactly to go about it. His hair a bit messy when he pulls off the cap that was on his head. "If you don't mind waiting a few minutes I'm going to change out....don't want to walk around in scrubs all day" he gives another smile and walks off to where he had his clothes stashed. Since he often randomly leaves he keeps clothes at the hospital, so that he doesn't always go around in them. Occasionally he forgets, much like when he went to a bar in his coat. He changes brently wondering about what his soulmate will think when she finds out not only that he is a criminal but that he also isn't human....and drinks blood....and that he could accidentally turn her into a pixie queen if she is fully human.....damn being a pixie is complicated.
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