Peace is a lie

The Jedi do not understand this simple truth. Not even as our negotiators spoke with them, did they consider this. Fools.
When our troops seized their capital from underneath their collective noses, some few may have realized the truth.

There is only passion

Led by Darth Nyiss, Sith and troopers alike quickly spread throughout their Jedi Temple, passionately seeking out and capturing their knights and padawans, even as their masters were slain. Only time will tell if they learn from this lesson.

Through Passion, we gain Strength

If we can inspire the passion within the Jedi we now hold captive on Darth Nyiss vessel, the Kaggath, we can make them into strong Sith. They may be opposed to it now, but that will not last. They are hopelessly outnumbered, their only real choices being submitting meekly or using their passion to grow stronger. If they submit meekly, we can take what knowledge we can from them, then dispose of the wasteful flesh afterwards. If they give in to their passion, they will grow strong. Worthy.

Through Strength, we gain power

When they are strong, they will gain power. The power of the Dark Side will flow through them, make them worthy of becoming Sith. Or they will will be consumed by it, proving themselves weak, at which point they will die.

Through power, we gain victory.

If their hold onto their newfound power and manage not to be consumed by it, they will succeed in being worthy of the title Sith. If they embrace it, they will be victorious. We will be victorious.

Through victory, our chains are broken.

Their chains, imposed upon them by the Jedi Order, will break. Their foolish fear of their own emotions will shatter.

The Force shall free us

The Power of the Dark Side will free them. They will become Sith.

For a more detailed and impartial summary, look here

A small word of note:
As you might have surmised from the above: Coruscant Sacked: Aftermath is not a new RP. It has been running for over nine months. But don’t be afraid of joining in. Just because a lot has happened, there’s nothing preventing you from joining in at this point or in the future.

Seeing how this RP (obviously) isn’t property of Disney, it is clearly not Canon, but we will still hold it to what we call “plausible canon”. You don’t see teenage masters of the seven lightsaber combat forms or Sith who can juggle dreadnaughts without breaking a sweat, but there is still considerable room for exploration without going to extremes like those.

Right now, we most of all seek Sith apprentices with a nice mix of flaws and skills, who all seek to earn Darth Nyiss’ favor, for although she is not favored by the Dark Council, none can deny her power. If you think you have what it takes, feel free to drop by the OoC and/or the IRC.

Now, any questions?