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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Prodigal Son
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Prodigal Son Saved by grace / Through faith

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


When it is said, this word evokes the idea of illusions and parlor tricks. Perhaps it also evokes thoughts of unexplained phenomena in the days of yore. It might even evoke the idea of spirituality; surely invoking the miracles and powers of the unknown has a spiritual connotation. However, in our universe, magic is simply nothing more than our imaginations grasping at the answer for what we cannot comprehend. But consider for a moment a universe much akin to our own. A world interlaced with real magic; a universe where everything spiritual, everything religious could be explained by magic. This such universe is the universe where our Roleplay takes place.

Enter the universe of Paragon’s End.

Sorcery can be traced back as far as history has been written. Although the crucifixion of Jesus Christ sparked a major Magi movement, it was not until the early 4th century when Constantine the Great adopted Christianity into Rome that the most powerful Arcanocracy arose (government ruled through occult means). Although the Vatican is the largest Arcanocracy, every religion has their own forms of magic and theology. The occult and arcane are dismissed in popular opinion as myths and legends. Though unbeknownst to the general populace, the occult is very much a reality. The secrecy of arcana is intentional. Although everyone can eventually learn an aspect of arcana, not everyone is born with a sensitivity to the ebbs and flows of mana. Most people would have to dedicate their entire lives to even achieve a tenth of what a natural born Talent can achieve. There have been many hundreds of times in history where those who were Untalents rose up against Magi, even hunting them to extinction. The secrecy of arcana was necessary to preserve the lives of those with knowledge. This secrecy has created an underworld of societies; an entire web of sub-societies with their own politics, their own bartering, their own wars. This underworld is only known to those who are a part of it. And you, you are a part of it.


There are five main factions to choose from when creating a character (although there are five as of now, you are not limited to these five and I am open to the idea of others if they are fleshed out enough) Also know that the setting of this RP is a setting requiring your character to devote themselves to something other than their origin faction (this is explained in THE STORY BEGINS).

Catholic Arcanocracy

Societas Academia

Disciples of Salem

Cult of the Enlightened

Protestant Magi and Pagan Magi

Creating a Character

In this universe there are two types of people, the Talents (those born with the natural ability and sensitivity to mana) and the normal Untalents (those without the natural ability and sensitivity to mana.) Everyone is born with a small amount of mana within them, but it takes a large natural amount of mana to be constituted as a Talent. Though there are those who devote themselves to the occult that are Untalents but it takes years of devotion to increase the amount of mana a person naturally holds. Only about 0.01% (around 740,000 people total) of people born are Talents. You can choose to have your character be from one of any of the factions. Just know that the setting of this RP is a setting requiring your character to devote themselves to something other than their origin faction.

The Story Begins With...

31 year old Felix Glasius has been with the Catholic church his whole life. Rising through the ranks of Magi at an early age, he became an Arch-magi after creating his own spell and fighting style, Manaegis! Even though he dedicated his life to this organization, he began to have his doubts about their authenticity when, during a summit, a fellow Arch-mage Thadeus suggested they focus their efforts on finding ancient artifacts of power called Paragons to ensure Catholic supremacy. The motion was voted down by the Papal-magi, and Felix thought that had been the end of it. Four months later, the Papal-magi died, and Thadeus's brother Cornelius was voted in as Papal-magi. Thadeus brought the motion to secure the Paragons up once more at the summit after his brother was voted in. This time the vote was in favor of the conquest. Although, Felix had very bad feelings about the new mission, he continued his job as normal. One night, Felix had a dream, a dream of a great suffering that came from the Paragons. The dream showed Felix that the Vatican was not the only entity searching for the Paragons. In the dream a powerful voice told him that many forces of evil were attempting to gather the Paragons, and Felix needs to gather together a group of guardians to stop those who wished to bring the nine Paragons together. When he awoke, he was sitting at his desk in his room, with a pen in hand and parchment in front of him. The parchment had names, and the locations of the guardians he needed to gather together all written in his handwriting.

This is where the story begins. Your character is one of the guardians that Felix wrote down during his vision. Are you ready to fight for the world?

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cottonmouth
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Cottonmouth Mr. Memescene

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Good to see we got it started.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Prodigal Son
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Prodigal Son Saved by grace / Through faith

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Necromancy
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Necromancy The Blackest of Arcane Arts

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I think I might like to make a character who is a cultist. I'm thinking of him as an eccentric, rich, young bachelor who uses his money and influence to "promote global enlightenment".
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Prodigal Son
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Prodigal Son Saved by grace / Through faith

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I think I might like to make a character who is a cultist. I'm thinking of him as an eccentric, rich, young bachelor who uses his money and influence to "promote global enlightenment".

Well, just so you are aware, the plot setting for created characters in the RP is that Felix is gathering up magi from his list. So, you won't be actually helping any of the factions, technically we are making our own faction the faction of Guardians. But your character can have a Cult background.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ghost Queen
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Ghost Queen Hi Ho Everyone

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Prodigal Son
Do you want me to set up the character here first or put him directly into the character tab?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Prodigal Son
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Prodigal Son Saved by grace / Through faith

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Prodigal Son
Do you want me to set up the character here first or put him directly into the character tab?

Set it up here, if I approve it, you can go ahead and place it in the sheet section.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ghost Queen
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Ghost Queen Hi Ho Everyone

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

John Barrows


Deathly Pale.
Shaved head.
Dark stubble, seemingly always having a couple days of growth.
A tattoo in the center of his forehead.
Left sleeve.
Right sleeve.
Heavy scarring on fingertips, palm of hands, and wrists.
Mismatched eyes, the "Scrying Eye" has a greyed sclera, a blackish blue iris, and a ravaged pupil. The second eye is a dull green, usually bloodshot due to poor sleeping habits.
Smells faintly of alcohol and cigarettes nigh constantly

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bishop


Member Seen 26 days ago

I might be interested...
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cottonmouth
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Cottonmouth Mr. Memescene

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I might be interested...

Sounds good, feel free to post a CS in the OOC for review when you're ready.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ghost Queen
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Ghost Queen Hi Ho Everyone

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Well we all can't be happy go lucky adventurers now can we? Besides you don't go about digging through eldritch knowledge without coming out with a few scars. I can take it into consideration but at least let me finish the character before judgments are rendered. I swear he's not a serial killer.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cottonmouth
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Cottonmouth Mr. Memescene

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Well we all can't be happy go lucky adventurers now can we? Besides you don't go about digging through eldritch knowledge without coming out with a few scars. I can take it into consideration but at least let me finish the character before judgments are rendered. I swear he's not a serial killer.

Sounds fair
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ghost Queen
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Ghost Queen Hi Ho Everyone

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Done I guess?
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Necromancy
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Necromancy The Blackest of Arcane Arts

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alright. So trying to make the character I was thinking of actually kind of sucks. I have nothing. I'm going to try for a slightly different and somewhat less dark approach. Wish me luck.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Prodigal Son
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Prodigal Son Saved by grace / Through faith

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

John Barrows


Deathly Pale.
Shaved head.
Dark stubble, seemingly always having a couple days of growth.
A tattoo in the center of his forehead.
Left sleeve.
Right sleeve.
Heavy scarring on fingertips, palm of hands, and wrists.
Mismatched eyes, the "Scrying Eye" has a greyed sclera, a blackish blue iris, and a ravaged pupil. The second eye is a dull green, usually bloodshot due to poor sleeping habits.
Smells faintly of alcohol and cigarettes nigh constantly

I like your character, you're in. All you have to do ispost your character in the character section, and then make a first post with your character going about his daily business in the ic. I will have Felix visit your character after you make your first post.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by dndragons
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dndragons Lawful Good

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'll begin thinking up a character tonight. Fallen a little ill though so that combined with other college work has made it a little busy to have gotten it off the ground already.

Edit: Longest thing to determine will likely be magic style and history obviously. I'm thinking either Rune Magic or Gem Magic as ideas, the former being magic based upon writing runes and such obviously and the second being akin to say Fate/Stay with Tohsaka where one uses gems as a sort of catalyst for spells. Might mix them both for the character as well since it seems people have more than one area of magic to use.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by dndragons
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dndragons Lawful Good

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by dndragons
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dndragons Lawful Good

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Could one of you guys read the abilities section and say if its good or bad? It's late here and while feeling ill I may or may not write the best.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Prodigal Son
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Prodigal Son Saved by grace / Through faith

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Could one of you guys read the abilities section and say if its good or bad? It's late here and while feeling ill I may or may not write the best.

It's fine. Looks good for the most part. One thing though, Rune Magic is already a type of magic used frequently. In fact, Felix uses a type of rune magic to get from place to place. Also, I will at some point have Felix make inferences of the gem magic based upon the description you have given it once he sees you use it. Something along the lines of using manalysis to see how mana interacts with your gems, how you use them as your focus, stuff like that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShiningSector
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ShiningSector Forever Editor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

SC is currently under construction.

Question on Scholars of the Societas Academia. Aside from their usual tasks of researching the arcane (and its wide realm of knowledge) and creating new spells, are they limited to the spells they produce or discover, or can they utilize spells and skills from other aspects or factions?
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