Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Turn 1 Event

Grand Varectian Republic, Lacedonian Province, 91 B.C., Late Spring

The former Kingdom of Lacedonia had always been weak and inept. With it's fall, the islandic tribes returned to the Old Ways, and fled back into the forests and mountains in the north. They washed the civilization from their skin and within a generation had degraded themselves to the incomprehensible attitude that peace was a lie. The Ardenoisians warred with one another, while the Marfactorum--a group of semi-civilized Lacedonians and Islanders--lived in peace on the Eastern edge of the Adra River. It was a peace that Varectian Governor Julius Conrad Velos, just 29 years old, could appreciate it.

And today, that peace would be broken.

Lacedonia was nearly as far flung from Varus as the newly acquired territory of Delos. But while Delos raged, Lacedonia was an enchanting land of belted trees and sweeping plains. With a population of civilized Lacedonians, whom descended from the Thecians in the east, the local garrisons were called up to break up mercantile disputes, but never for war. "Lacedonia is part of the Republic on paper, but it's anything but in person," was what visitors would say. They were not loyal though. The majority of Lacedonians wished for independence from a nation that was a world away, and it was this very matter that Governor Velos often set his sights.

On the morning of the 12th day of the month of Mars, a pair of guards roused Governor Velos with disturbing news. The outstanding cities of the province were being attacked. By the time Velos had called Praetor Marius to his villa, the attack had worsened. The Ardenoisians were a rowdy people, but often stayed their hand across the Nordan River to the north. They had come, in some great number and destroyed several villages before fleeing back north across the river.

A typical Ardenoisian warrior, circa 91 B.C.

The Lacedonians swept inward, fearful of further reprieve from the warlike Ardenoisians to the north. They clogged the unpaved roads to the provincial capital of Threek, and the spear wielding Auxilia along the road could do little to stop them.

An Ardenoisian force between estimed to be between 35,000 and 50,000 attacks Lacedonia.
Lacedonia's income has dropped 5 to 85 Vects/Year.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

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Lacedonia, Governor’s Palace

While Governor Conrad was honored to be given the province of Lacedonia, he was rather nervous he had known the people disliked the Republic and worried what they would do with a loyal Governor. Perhaps Conrad did have plans to expand yet that wouldn’t be for a while, till he had support either from his men or his people.

When Governor Conrad was told about the barbarians attacking he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop them with his meager force and even if he could there was no way his men would follow him into the unknown without senate approval. So he informed Praetor Marius to have the the ninth legion and 10,000 Auxilia to patrol the the river crossing and maintain order in the further provinces while the Governor would wait and send word back to the republic and hope the Republic would send reinforcements along with a declaration of war.

In order to further persuade the senate he would write a letter to a well known Senator Marcus. He would even throw in a surprise for his dear friend

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AspenIvan


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Millyria, Governor's Palace

Quintus Caecilius Agricola beheld the funerary portrait in deep contemplation. It was how he often spent his rare moments of solitude in his home: His wife, Metella Cornelia Iucunda, was away in the capital visiting her family with their sons, Clemens and Grumio.

The portrait was of his father, a minor land-holding Mayyad from Naussius granted citizenship for invaluable service to Varectia. The nature of the service, of course, had been less than honorable: A spy playing friend to local malcontents, eventually stopping a great rebellion in its tracks. It was a thankless job as far as grand public recognition, and thankfully one that very few people alive knew of. Yet, the extension of citizenship had been enough. By the time Quintus was born, the man had amassed a small fortune and, more importantly, acquired a host of important friends in the Varectian Senate.

Caecilius Marelius. Quintus often wondered if that had been his late father's birth-name, or simply a prudent move that came with his citizenship. Had he carried a Mayyad name before, or - gods forbid - a barbarian Naussian one? Or had his own father before him made the change, perhaps during the long-dead grandfather's service as an auxiliary? Of course, Caecilius Marelius had never spoken of this to his son, and presumably not to his daughters either. Regardless, it took no words for the whole family to understand how far the man had risen...and how far he could fall. The countless visits to the capital, the never-ending projects for more land and wealth, the hand-wringing over "gifts" (political favors) from his friends in Senate to secure the education and prestigious future of his children.

Quintus, on the other hand, had never experienced such a transition or the anxieties it could bring. His citizenship was assured from birth, his status as the son of a patrician never doubted, and his appointment to political power expected from the very day he completed his education. Yet, in the last few years, Quintus had begun to ponder if he should be more concerned. Not only his father, but all his father's friends, were in their graves: Senators might know him and his family but certainly did not owe them any favors. And now, with raids in the far North, there would certainly be calls to send out a legion...might it be his legion they chose, the great VII Legio Millyria? The governor knew from stories and rumors that such was often the first step in the political downfall of important men.

No, he could not let it happen. Quintus Caecilius Agricola, Governor of Millyria, needed his legion at home. But surely there was no need to panic. Quintus considered himself a reasonable man, and he believed the people of the Senate to be reasonable as well...at least with the right incentives. Marcus Favonius, a man from his father's generation, would surely understand that the present calm in his province might not last if its only legion were sent away. After all, there were provinces with far more legions than they needed: Tyyrhia, for example, was about as stable as Millyria but had two whole legions assigned to its governorship!

A gift would surely oil Favonius' mind to understand the predicament, but the governor knew that he would need more support than the old man's block alone. Once Quintus' family returned, it would be time to pay the capital a visit. Nothing grand or public, lest he draw undue attention to himself, and certainly nothing on the actual Senate floor. But visiting a few key Senators in private and attending some social events certainly wouldn't do any harm to his cause.


ACTION: Send Gift to Senator Marcus Favonius (-30 Vects)
ROLEPLAY: Governor Quintus Caecilius Agricola is eager to meet with Senators! ((Collab posts please! PM me!))

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

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Governor Primus Stertinius Lucius
Varectian Province of Delos, Late Spring, 91 B.C.

Sat atop his horse, a fine prized stallion by the name of Agilis hailing from the southern lands of the Mayyad. The Proconsul Primus Stertinius Lucius, secure within a saddle with one hand absently resting upon the beast's flank, the other holding tightly the reigns as he swept his gaze over the hillocks and plains of Delos before him. The rattle and clatter of Varectian soldiers following him along the cobblestone road, each bearing their packs and large round shields of an Auxilia as the troop marched along the worn path with the Proconsul at the forefront. This was his duty, aside from managing both the financial and judicial duties of the province. To maintain that ever elusive ideal of peace, so that the bureaucrats of home could rest with an easy mind as he made the weekly journey around the province to ensure that ideal remained.

Primus was a man of the Legions, he had gained his recognition in a career of soldiering with the support of a prominent family name and titles, all of that support now stood leagues away while he had been delegated to a backdrop of a colony shared with the quaint people of Thecia. A powder keg of a province just waiting to burst into open rebellion, he knew that only the presence of the Legion X Delosia kept the people in line here. Indeed, the 10th Legion saw itself regularly marching through the streets of the province capital to remind all who ruled here. He would be a liar if he said he did not harbour some resentment for the Senate, to govern this province was a punishment, nevertheless he would carry out his duty most diligently.

As he gave a light kick to the flanks of the stead below him, the clink of horseshoes against cobble now sounding as the party once more moved on. The Governor was assailed by worried thoughts, news of the barbarian attacks in the far off region of Lacedonia had reached him and he feared the withdrawal of the X Legion for the province would most surely collapse without their standard! He knew he wouldn't voice these concerns however, to do so would not only place senatorial doubt on his own leadership but to risk slighting the Senate itself. He had to trust in the Senate that the Legion would remain. He needed time to bring the province under heel.

-- Primus Stertinius Lucius begins Governing in the province of Delos to increase loyalty. [-30 Vects]
-- Governor Primus Stertinius Lucius reports that all is peaceful within the province of Delos to the Senate, though it would be most wise for the Legion X Delosia to remain.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 19 days ago


Senator Mirathus Kiarian

The day of Mirathus started in his home with his family with Quintania his wife , Quintania was the daughter from an important merchant from the capital of the Republic he had met her father in one of the many travels Mirathus did as a soldier when he bought from him a golden talisman in which you could see several faces on it Mirathus since then have been fascinated with the talisman and has given it a personal meaning to it one that he keeps to himself , continuing with Quintania she married Mirathus for his bravery and dedication , his father could say no to the marriage first of all because Mirathus came from a influential family and second because he was his friend and sometimes Mirathus helped him stay out of trouble with his influence.

Mirathus had one son and one daughter with Quintania , his son was named after the name of his grandfather Aurelius and his daughter was named after his grandmother Claudina , the eldest was Aurelius and he currently is eight years old while Claudina is seven years old , both of them are taken care by several servants and masters that teach them the ways of Varectia and how to act properly in public , Mirathus is proud of both of them and have already started to plan their future.

Away from his home Mirathus is a senator , he became a senator at the age of 33 thanks to the support of his father and friends that he met in the army , since Mirathus became a senator his quality of live improved a lot and currently he is better off that his father was at Mirathus age , he has been known to be a supporter of stability and trade in the Republic while war for him is secondary and it is not really neccesary for the improvement of the Varectia itself .

Today after arriving to the Senate he was surprised to hear some rumors from raids at Lacedonia by the Ardenoisians that for him were some barbarians overseas , first of all he was not suprised to hear raids from barbarians but to rather hear it from rumors and not from an official messenger from the governor of Lacedonia , Conrad , but after a while he realized that the rumors were true , but little he care about a small raid because this was pretty common in the Republic frontiers and the lack of more official information made it difficult for him to reach other conclusions , after a while he decided to await for either a messenger or a senate motion , while he focused on gathering more supporters in the senate in order to become more influential.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


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Senator Numerius Vibidius Ahenobarbus

Alone in his Villa, a large room plated in that of gold and marble. A representation of the wealth his family had long strived to accomplish. Generations of his family had held high positions in that of the Varectian Senate, ever since his great grandfather, a general during the first conquest of Samelko. Many know that of his family name, now however, fears of it falling out of sway in the senate plague Numerius deeply.

Since the death of his father, who saw that the family rise to a level never before seen. Many whispered that he could move mountains with but a single voice. With Numerius being seen as the bastard son, unworthy of his father’s name. For seven years, Numerius had worked to achieve his current status in the senate, the time of which it took his father to become the most influential man.

“My love, what is it that plagues your mind.” A voice whispered in the background. Numerius’ wife Laelia, slowly approached the frustrated senator, before turning him towards her.

“Just remembering fond memories, nothing to worry you my dear. Now please return back to your chambers and leave me to important issues of state.” He quickly gave her a soft kiss, before she left to continue on with her business.

Around this time rumors had reached Numerius of the recent attack by the Ardenosians in Lacedonia. A strange rumor indeed, considering the lack of report from Governor Conrad. He turned to the messenger who alerted him of these rumors “Clearly if they are true the Governor Conrad must have such an issue under control, else he send report himself, rather than let word spread wildly.” The man simply bowed, quickly leaving Numerius’ presence.

This is but a single example of what his family has long feared the Republic would have to deal with. Overstretched and overburdened, Numerius wondered if they could deal with more of these issues.

Turn Actions

Numerius Vibidius Ahenobarbus will campaign to increase support by 3 Senators. This costs 30 Vects from the Vectarian Treasury.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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Turn 1 Event

Grand Varectian Republic, Varus, 91 B.C., Late Fall

Titus Piscius Buteo, a prominent but junior senator of the Varectian Senate, calls to the Senate the idea of the Ardenoisian Tribes in the north as naught by a nuisance. "It is men who toil in the field without good drink that would cast our great Republic to the side. The woman whose own child goes without food, and the soldier who fights without sharp steel. Money, brothers, is what drives the Republic. It is thus that I call for a Vote to Trade with the Subian Tribes in the West. Their horses, some of the finest in the land, will help plow of the fields of Tuebia and carry our own equites into battle in the North, if it should come."

The senior senator of Marcus Favonius Ligur however, simply used his time in Varus to Consolidate Support in the Senate, campaigning for construction of new public buildings.

- Titus Piscius Buteo uses Call for Trade to establish trade with the Subian Tribes.

CALL TO TRADE: Subian Tribes (91 B.C.)
-- FOR: 43 (Buteo [9 Support], Ahenobarbus [10 Support], Kiarian [10 Support], Anvidus [10 Support])
-- AGAINST: 28 (Marcus Favonius Ligur [14 Support]) [+13 for Ligur Bribes]

- Calenus gains +30 Vects/Turn
- Samelko gains +20 Vects/Turn
- Naussius, Tuebia and Tyyrhia gain +10 Vects/Turn

- During Crisis Event: Subia skips Raid phase and goes to Border War.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Severe Triage
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Castle Highguard, Thyrria

Governor Fermetius was sitting in his General"s planning quarters, General Tylion was discussing about possibly sending a small force to help with the uprising in Lacedonia. "My lord, if Lacedonia falls, although we are on the mainland, it's a small hop across the sea. Although we could destroy them in a sea skirmish our men are not trained for land battles. If they manage to land it could be very dangerous."

"Tylion, we have one of the strongest naval forces in the empire, they wouldn't get anywhere near the shore." The governor scoffed at the Generals warning. "Barbarians may be stupid but do you expect me to believe they would attack us? Outrageous." It was 5 minutes of silence that passed before Fermetius spoke again. "Rally some men. Not out fear but Lacedonia is a part of the empire. Plus, it's good to be owed a favour. Send a letter first."

The general smiled, "Aye, aye sir." And left without a further word.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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TURN 2: 88 B.C.

Grand Varectian Republic, Delosian Province, 88 B.C., Late Spring

The Delosian Conquest over ten years ago had turned the Varectian Republic into a power capable of more than just subjugating uncivilized tribal federations. The Thecian colony of Sarecia was a two hundred long legacy, home to some of the fiercest warriors in the realm. The conquest of Delos aside, Delos itself was probably closer in culture to Varus than any other territory yet conquered. The island, grassy on the cool edges with desert plains running along it's barren center, was an excellent hub of trade and commerce between Thecia and Varectia, though no love had been lost between the two. Though conquered, the people brooded themselves as second rate citizens. But not forever.

General Sericles of Thecia had served as the Royal Master of Horse to the Thecian army during the Varectian conquest, but had been recalled during the Thecian Wars (93 B.C. - 88 B.C.), which meant that any resistance to the Varectian province in the colony had all but dissipated. Sericles however, returned as quick as he could, and this time with the Silver Shield mercenaries at his back. The Thecians, bested by the flexibility of the Varectian Legion in the hilly terrain of the Sarecian city-state, would choose the battleground this time.

With the Legion X Delosia still in garrison, Sericles ordered 5,000 of the Silver Shield mercenaries forward against the two villages of Bica and Taracles. The Silver Shield mercenaries, assembled in several tight phalanxes, were set upon by the local Auxilia almost immediately. It was no conquest.

Silver Shield mercenaries in the field outside Bica, 88 B.C.

Though larger, 8,000 Varectian Auxilia simply could not cause enough damage to disrupt the Sarecian soldiers. Sericles masterly maneuvered his troops into an advantageous position over and over, until the Varectian commander Gaius Marius of Tuebia ordered a general retreat. It was fate still that smiled on the Varectians, for the Sarecians remained to collect their dead then retreat back south to Delos.

- Delos is attacked by 5,000 Sarecians.
- Delos Province loses 2,500 Auxilia.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

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Lacedonia, Outskirts of the capital, 88 BC

As the governor rode upon his black horse with 5,000 auxilia surrounding him, he felt relieved in 3 years he’s his men have been able to keep the barbarians from the gates which would allow Julius to take his escort around the province to garner support for himself and his men.

Yet, he was also worried what if the barbarians had become rampant and his forces had no way to stop them, luckily before he left the city he had sent word back to the senate for an increase in men if not an all out war, which he would favor as he would be able to expand and his men to follow him.

Yet one letter he had been sent which interested him far more was from Governor Fermetius, especially as he had never met the man nor did he know much about him. Yet he offer him troops and supplies should the senate allow. This may prove useful and as such he sent his soon to be friend a letter as well.

Yet one more matter had his attention before he began his governing of the province, specifically that of the recent incursion on the Province of Delos. Much like Lacedonia is a rather outlying province and a backwashed area, yet it has fewer men in it and is much less essential. But no matter the governor would need to show his support as well as show it to his fellow governor.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Murtox


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Senator Mirathus Kiarian

The attack on Delos was for the surprise of Mirathus unnexpected and at the same the petition of the governator Conrad for reinforcements made him decide to do something about the situation , as far as he knew the situation in Delos could be handled by the governor but in Lacedonia the problem was bigger because of the barbarians , which have been proven very aggressive and besides what Mirathus thought before the situation he was now decided to send help and because of that he prepared himself to propose to sent the II Legion Festivus to Lacedonia in order to stop any further attack from the barbarians in the north and to maintain the stability and security of the province , he hoped that the governor from then on would handle the situation alone and the senate would be able to focus it's attention in other places.

-Mirathus makes a Call for Vote on Relocate Forces , Relocate the II Legion Festivus to Lacedonia from Tyyrhia
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

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Governor Primus Stertinius Lucius
Varectian Province of Delos, Late Spring, 88 B.C.

The Governor Lucius had received several letters over the past few weeks. As they sat upon a Tyyrhian wood desk with Primus looking upon them, many remained simple notices, though among them lay a letter of intrigue from none other than a personage of the Senate, word from the far reaches of Lacedonia and most worryingly, news of the raid led by none other than the Thecian General Sericles at the head of a band of mercenaries within his own province of Delos.

A provoked response was most swift. The thunder of thousands of men marching echoed across the plains and deserts as the Legion X Delosia marched south to reinforce the 5,500 Auxilia already stationed on the province border. Further unlawful attacks made by the Thecians of Sarecia would be met with the utmost of military force and resistance. While Primus Stertinius Lucius remained the Legatus legionis, he would remain within the province capital to send word to the Senate while his second, the Tribunus laticlavius would take temporary command. One, Caius Albanius.

Shortly following the departure of the 10th Legion, ships set out bearing letters for the Senate and governors alike, each bearing a seal of Lucius.

-- Primus Stertinius Lucius raises 3,000 Varectian Auxilia in the province of Delos. [-30 Vects]
-- Governor Primus Stertinius Lucius reports to the Senate of the raid carried out by the General Sericles of Thecia.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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Turn 3 Event

Grand Varectian Republic, Calenus Province, 85 B.C., Late Spring

Calenus. The forgotten territory. Forged from the fire of the Subian Wars, the governship of territory had been cast off to a junior senator's whose name was forgotten the moment he climbed his steed and left Varus. With few resources, a propensity for crime and being in the far west (As civilized budded in the East), the territory was often an after thought in the minds of the Varectian Republic.

With the successful motion by Senator Mirathus Kiarian to relocate the II Legion Festivus to Lacedonia, most thought the Republic safe now that an extra 5,000 of the Republic's best men were on the frontier. It wasn't to be so. The culling of the Sasticca Tribes by the great warrior Radinus had long been in the books for two years now. Under his leadership, he pried 20,000 fearsome mounted warriors to his cause and swept through the Province of Calenus like a plague. With only 5,000 Auxilia to men to defend itself. The entire garrison of Calenus was destroyed in the short Battle of Calenus (85 B.C.). The raiders of Sasticca did not stay however, leaving the territory to wither and die by its lonesome.

-- Calenus is raided by Sasticca
-- 5,000 Auxilia are killed in Calenus.
-- Loyalty in Calenus drops to 3 / 10.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

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Lacedonia, Outskirts of the capital, 88 BC

As the governor rode upon his black horse reaching the city after years of touring his province governing maintaining order he was relieved when he returned home. 5,000 new legionaries were marching off the boat, Romes finest here, the senate had done as he asked. While this wouldn’t be enough to perhaps win the war it would be enough to defend. He sent all 5,000 legionaries to the river to defend while they would also travel through the city and outer towns showing them Governor Velos hasn’t forgoten. Making them 20,000 strong while he still had 10,000 in reserve protecting the city. He would write back to the senate thanking them and perhaps to his ally who had made the proposal.

He knew he couldn’t get a war declared alone, he required an ally within the senate and as his old “friend” Senator Marcus Favonius did nothing for him before he would have to look elsewhere. Who better than the one that provided him additional troops then the Senator Mirathus Kiarian.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


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Senator Numerius Vibidius Ahenobarbus

Numerius stood quietly in front of the senate meeting as many senators began to gather within this meeting called. “As many of you are wondering the border provinces continue to face more and more raids over the coming years, however as of late the most recent attack on the province of Calenus has put to light the issue at hand more than ever before. Not only did the entire garrison stationed there was defeated swiftly and brutally, the province grows ever more unstable and remains a constant threat to the capital, the jewel of the republic. We must put an end to these threats once and for all. Starting with the neighboring desert tribe of Sassticca.”

He paused for a moment in order for the senators to properly understand what he just said. “With this step, we shall make but a small push for victory against other threats to this great republic. Protecting not only her people, but the wealth and commerce she brings. I say this senators, we go to war. For the glory of the republic.”

He quietly turned away and began to cast his vote. This was an important war and the senate must pull through, else the republic may grow ever more in danger. Not only that, but winning the vote would prove that his family's influence in the senate remains ever strong.

Senator Numerius calls for war against Sassticca.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 19 days ago


Senator Mirathus Kiarian

Mirathus heard about the plans of the Senator Numerius , first of all both of them discussed about how to handle the threats of the republic the barbarians to the north and the desertmen to the west , what was a discussion soon became a debate that was heard in the whole senate , both senators exposed their arguments both with the support of some senators while other prominent senators remained silent to the debate and while Mirathus wanted to focus on the Ardenosians tribes Numerius wanted to deal with the desertmen , it took hours until both senators decided to procede to defend first the province of Calenus and later deal with the Ardenosian tribes , then he prepared to make a proposal to send a legion for the campaign againts the tribes .

Mirathus was somewhat fearful of what would happen to the soldiers in the desert and how they would handle mounted soldiers and he hoped that a good general would lead the soldiers of the republic againts such army.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

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Governor Primus Stertinius Lucius
Varectian Province of Delos, Late Spring, 85 B.C.

The shouts and calls of men pervaded the air as thousands upon thousands of armed and armoured men marched in formation. A great 10,000 Auxilia stood in their rows, many armed with spears and shields though among them a few thousands bows, slings and javelins. Having received no reply from the Senate, the Governor of Delos had taken it upon himself to amass his forces and lead a military expedition of his own into Sarecia to once more wage glorious battle with the Thecians.

The army led by the Governor himself, began their march along the western coast of the island as they crossed the border into Sarecia, here the Governor hoped to face the Silver Shield mercenaries and their pike phalanxes on the grasslands where hills and hillocks might disrupt such a formation. Aware that his own force outnumbered the forces of General Sericles, Primus hoped to batter his slow foe with the slingers and archers accompanying his core of Auxilia while using his superior numbers to overextend his opponents' formation to cause breaks in the line to be acted upon by the accompanying infantry.

Of course, if the Thecian General chose not to engage the 10,000 strong army of Lucius, they would raid the closest Thecian village before withdrawing back across the border.

-- Governor Primus Stertinius Lucius leads a Military Expedition of 10,000 Auxilia into Sarecia to force decisive battle with the Thecian General Sericles.

Military Expedition Forces:
7,500 Auxilia armed with spears and shields
2,000 Auxilia armed with bows, arrows and slings
500 Auxilia mounted equites
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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TURN 4 EVENT | 82 B.C.

-- The Marfactorum people, roused into potential conflict by the neighboring Ardenoisians, staged a raid against the province of Lacedonia in the north. The raid, which comprised only 10,000 native Marfactorum's, managed to kill 2,000 Auxilia guarding the provinces there. The people in Lacedonia have dropped into a fright, and they are fearful that the Republic can no longer protect them.
* Lacedonia is Raided by the Marfactorum. They lose 2,000 Auxilia.
* Lacedonia has lost 1 Loyalty.

-- The attack on the Thecian colony of Sarecia is a stunning success, with the Varectian soldiers moving in and finding that the Sarecian Army had long disbanded, being mostly mercenaries. Varectian soldiers burned several Sarecian temples, but found that the Thecian army was no longer.
* Sarecia loses 5,000 troops.

-- After a lengthy debate last year, the Senate agreed to the Call of War against the Sasticca Tribes. Control of the forces of the Calenus province have been given to the newly appointed governor Sangarinus Arborius, although he has only been given a single Legion, the V Legion Domitia as his army.

-- The people of Sasticca recruited an additional 5,000 warriors to their cause for the Sasticco-Varectian War that started this year.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

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Lacedonia, Outskirts of the capital, 82 BC

Governor Velos threw the report the senate had sent out to all the governors about their war. He was outraged. He had requested action against the tribes and now he’s been attacked by the barbarians to the east. There must be blood and he would lead it. He called back his two legions to protect the main city while he would lead all of the Auxilia into marfactorum for a raid, it’ll show them how the Republic deals with intruders. But before leaving he would once again write a report to the senate informing them of the barbarians.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The Arborius family had always been something of a footnote in the history of other people; A lesser noble family that had both generals and senators but had never gained the influence or glory that was required to raise in the ranks of the Republic, instead often being used to boost others to the heights of history. As Sangarinus Arborius looked over the different reports with a determined air, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and dread at the possibility of his gamble paying off; And it had been nothing short of a gamble, to volunteer to be the Governor of Calenus. The senate had accepted his request to be assigned the province despite his young age of twenty one, through he knew it wasn't because they had faith in his abilities; Everyone believed the appointment at this time to be nothing short of suicide and there was plenty of evidence to support such an idea.

Still, if he could hold the situation together long enough for the Republic to deal with enough of its enemies to bring about its military might and win the war against the Sasticca dogs by crushing them under the iron boot of the Republic then there would be much reward to compensate for the risk...

But before he could even consider the possibility of reward, he first needed to deal with the risk. As the reports had last stated from what few scouts had managed to return the Sasticca's had at least a five to one advantage over his solitary legion; Fighting in open combat was Not an option for him. As much as some might call it cowardly he also couldn't hold all the various towns and ports either; Spreading his forces out like that was also suicide and would only end in defeat. If he wanted any hope of success or victory, he was going to have to play to win no matter what.

His first order as Governor that he had written down would no doubt be controversial but it would both serve to give himself and the province the best chance to defend itself while also denying his Sasticca enemies vital supplies and shelter; With the exception of a single trading town that was vital to the land horse trade with Subia, all villages, towns, cities and ports outside of Calenus's capital port city would have all of its people relocated to the provincal capital; All supplies that could be taken would be taken and anything that couldn't be taken to the capital would be destroyed. Buildings would be torn down in order to build fresh homes or help entrench the capital city against assault, food that couldn't be harvested in time would be destroyed and any sources of fresh water would be destroyed, poisoned or otherwise tainted in order to deny any invading army shelter or resupply in the harsh and unforgiving Calenus countryside.

This would of course leave a single town to be exposed to the invaders to raid for much needed supplies... Sangarinus already had plans for it, but in order to ensure that this risky plan had any chance of success he would need to deal with what the last governor had always failed to deal with; The piracy and slavers that plagued the coastline. While no doubt that removal of nearby ports would help lessen the tide a bit by allowing him to focus his fleet, he would need completely secure naval routes to ensure fresh supplies and re-enforcement when the time finally came to strike back against their tribal invaders.

A report to the senate was in order.

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