Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Termott
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Atlas was glad Thorvald, as he introduced, was relieved someone came to his aid. Although it made her wonder as to why no one else would help him. She disappointedly wondered if it was because he was a Shael. He seemed so nice as well, although there could be more than meets the eye with strangers. For all they knew, he was leading them to their death. Instead, the way back to where they last saw Thorvald and a few others was rather pleasant. They kept at a decent pace as Atlas and Rykiar, who lazily rode on the cow's back once more, gazed at the scenery. Well, it was nice now that they weren't wandering around in circles starving and had a decent idea where civilization was.

As they walked, following the flying Shael, Atlas was of course having an internal dilemma once more. This time about whether or not they should apologize or at least say something about it being them who stole part of the wurm. It felt kind of wrong going back to the scene of the crime, and making more coin off of these people. Is it actually a crime to steal half a monster from someone? I mean some places cut off your hand for stealing bread, what about a wurm? the Tothum thought with worry. She then wondered why she was worried in the first place. Perhaps something having to do with her mouse friend's safety.

They had arrived not too long, or it was long, she wasn't really paying attention. A light snoring sounded behind her, indicating Rykiar had fallen asleep on the ride over. She downright smacked him with her tail, figuring dropping him twice that day was a bit too much from the already tired Neth. He of course woke up, and could already feel the burn of his glare at her from waking him.

"I'm Rykiar and she's Atlas." The mouse introduced to the group, acting as though they haven't seen them before. Atlas played along, not saying much as always to others but giving an acknowledging nod to them. She could feel the tension in the air between the two who may have been left behind as Thorvald went to fetch help. Perhaps the two needed another sort of help, something along the lines of couple counseling. The traveling companions both looked at each other, wondering what they had gotten themselves into.

The vulpine wanted to get right to business, seeming to be a bit on the emotional side. How in the world were they going to do this though? Between the five of them, the Lah'na and herself had would probably do most of the heavy lifting. She knew Rykiar wasn't going to much, and she sort of wished she wasn't able to as well. This thing was heavy the first time she carried it. That time she was also using her transformation, but now she feared they'd recognize her. Was the money even worth this?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Haru Nyan
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Haru Nyan T H I C C

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Eventually, the silence and awkwardness of the situation was alleviated with Thorvald's timely return. Alongside the avian were a bovine woman and a small rodent man, the lion just grunted in displeasure, great more people to worry about. It was somewhat fine when it was just him, Thorvald and Erion, but how many more must they take alongside them? Will they have to pick up everyone who happens to have a sob-story with them and make them join out of pure pity? Will they have to pick up every ragtag duo or trio of adventurer's they happen to come across? If he didn't know any better, they must be building an army of some sort. Perhaps he was just overthinking things and reluctantly introduced himself to the ones named Rykiar and Atlas. After the formalities were over, Ymahr turned to face Thorvald, telling him that nothing in particular happened. He was lying by the skin of his teeth, if only to avoid making things worse.

The fox glanced back at him and he simply turned the other way saying that he would rather not. If at least to protect his privacy. Without another word the lion approached the carcass and waited for the others to come and lift the thing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Treshan
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Treshan Belated Crusader

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

While Getting off the ship, Varm one more time watched lah'na. Her name was Faela, she was low, about 5.3 feet and it was possible to determine her age for about 22 years.

Are you going with me or you are going to stay here?
I am going with you, but it doesn't mean that I like you. Where are you going to go?
I am not sure I hope that we will manage to get to Tel'eth.

Varm bought supplies for several days in the tavern and headed to the gates of city, on the way he met many beggars sitting along the road and having hope to go through another day, after the exit from the city Varm decided to not held with main route and move to side foot-path, it was exposed to the attacks of monsters but being attacked by the bandits was equal zero, this Varm was afraid of most, losing a valuable object he was walking with. Varm decided to hold with main route after reaching it, together with them a lot of Other species was trying to move forward.Crowd - good place to hear many gossips and tales.
I heard that the group of warriors defeated vurm in the areas of city nearby.
Someone served you a nice tale, impossible, defeating vurm, maybe it was small one.
Varm listened to these and other tales, knowing that majority of them is the devised steak of flummery.
Defeating vurm, someone would be so much insane to do that or maybe someone was that crazy to imagine this.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Even with all the help we got, transporting the heavy creature took longer than I wanted it to... I suppose that had something to do with the fact that I wasn't all too great at using my legs... heck, the only times I'd normally use them is if I was forced to the ground, or if I was inside a building or cave. Once we got there, we sold it to a few folk, including the blacksmith, a nin'tah, and probably a foreigner like myself. He didn't like getting pulled away from his work, and his accent was almost too thick for me to understand him, but, thankfully, just like the others, we negotiated a price for the scales of the thing... and, just like the rest of the times, I decided against keeping any of the money for myself, which, in turn, made everyone else's cut of the pay larger. We finally made it back, and the other two didn't seem to want to join us, just as well, it seemed like Ymahr wasn't very comfortable around them. "Well, sorry that took so long, but, at least now we can explore that enchanted forest, right?" I tried to cheer my teammates up, a little bit, but, judging from what I know of their personalities, that was a tall order. Why do I always get the stone-faced loners? I thought to myself as I cheerily headed into the forest that somehow JUST recently became enchanted. Any number of things could happen to us as soon as we step foot in there, heck, for all we know, one of us could change into a frog, or we could grow a second head, or something. Of course, the most common thing would be nothing at all to happen JUST from stepping foot in the forest, but, sometimes it pays to know what might happen coming into a situation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Erion nodded as he moved and breath deeply, shaking his head a bit. He probably gonna need to tell that bird later... about what kind of magic he uses. Also.... he may have to go and tell his story to the others to make them understand the reason why he even is like this now. He hated a bit having to tell his story, but he didn't see any other choice here.
"Enchanted forest... wonder what kind of magic we will find there. Hope we don't end up having to fight a creature that knows hexes... cause that would definately not be fun." he then says calmly. Some spirits around him were flying around, talking.
"Who wanna bet that Jim gonna come back in less then one hour?" one of the spirits said.
"Nah.... 3 times in one day like that. He is probably taking a break now... or trying to find another way to be annoying" Another one of them said.
"Like what... playing the trombone and breaking our ears?" another said.
"We don't even have ears. What you even talking about." The first one to talk said.
"You know what I meant." The last one said. Erion breath deeply as he heard what the soul said. He said something in a low tone.
"Hes probably come back at night to annoy us like heck again." he says. The souls turned to him, and then sighed all together.
"Right... like last time..." One of them then said
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Haru Nyan
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Haru Nyan T H I C C

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ymahr panted and heaved, that Wurm certainly took a lot out of them more than he expected. Even then, it almost looked like he and Atlas were the ones doing most of the work, which was understandable for the most part, he couldn't really expect much from the others, but even then their efforts weren't in vain, for the most part. When they set foot in the village, the lion could't have been more glad to get the thing off their backs, everyone even got a fair share of gold for all their hard work. Right now, what the man could't do to just get a room at an inn and rest for the entire day, maybe even put that money to good use, however Thorvald made mention of the Enchanted Forest that piqued their interests a moment ago and his ears lit up, resting can wait, exploration of that forest could definitely yield some sort of bounty. Even then, the experience alone would be enough to satisfy his need. Although he wasn't exactly welcoming of the bovine and rodent from earlier, he wouldn't have mind exploring with them in the forest, maybe, just maybe.

"Well what are we wasting time here for? Let's make haste."

He said to the two, as he looked back at Erion the lion could only hope that their entire misunderstanding from earlier was now water under the bridge. Besides, arguing about it anymore than that would just cause more disparity, and right now they needed to get their heads together if they want to make their venture into the forest at least somewhat enjoyable.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Termott
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Atlas didn't know what she expected when it came to helping a group of strangers do some heavy lifting. It was slow, and generally pretty terrible. Not to mention the awkwardness that she is when it came to coming up with small talk. Although she wasn't much of a conversationalist to begin with, especially when doing hard labor. All and all, it sucked, but the money was definitely worth it.

Glad for that whole ordeal to be over with, Atlas and Rykiar were back in their room at the inn, both relaxing in their beds. From what she could tell, her Neth friend was asleep, and she did manage to get a nap in, she couldn't fall back into dreamland. It did feel nice to do a good deed, but it wasn't like they had all the time in the world. Now they had to rest up and get a moving on to their next lead. For all they knew, if they didn't interact with that group and that darn wurm, they could have found what they were looking for.

The cow got out of bed, though her muscles protested at the action. She headed downstairs, tjinking of grabbing a bite to eat with their excess money and to perhaps get some intel. Atlas sat down at the bar, ordering a meal and drink. As she waited for her food, sipping at a glass of mead, she couldn't help but listen in strangers like she had earlier. It was a bit later so a new crowd found their way inside the inn. A particular patron that caught the Tothum's interest was an elderly Lah'na lady who was rather upset.

"I had gone to the cemetery earlier to visit my dear husband, Catticus," She paused to sniffle into a handkerchief, "Only to find him standing over his own grave!"

"How could that be possible?" Ask the older woman's friend, who had shared Atlas' confusion. Perhaps he faked his own death?

"No! It was terrible! It was one of those heathens!" She hissed in absolute disgust. "It was a dastardly Necromancer! There were tons of them, rising up quicker than my kittens when it was breakfast time!"

"Is that Necromancer still there, Mrs. Whiskers? How'd you get out without him sending his undead after you?" Asked her friend in almost disbelief.

"Why I hightailed it out of there as quick as my old bones could take me! Last I hear, he's run out anyone and everyone who try to visit their loved ones. Truly despicable I tell you what."

And that was it, that's all Atlas needed to hear. Ironically good news for her. She quickly at her meal, paid the innkeeper, and headed upstairs in record time. She shoved Rykiar roughly, waking him in the process.

"Rude. Can't a get sleep? We did a lot work today."

"C'mon, we both know I did all the work today. Anyway, a lady downstairs mentioned a necromancer over in a nearby cemetery," Atlas explained rather rushed, most likely wanting to catch the suspected dead riser before he left and did whatever those in the dark arts do. Probably slaughter a village.

"It could be the guy, who knows where the hell he could be. Alright, let's go."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Niles yawned sleepily, she still hadn't fully woken up from the nap she'd taken after 'helping' with the wurm. Mostly she'd just pretended to help and gotten a few coins out of it, so overall it had been rather fruitful. But her hears still perked up at the sound of a necromancer. Dead people tended to be buried with things. Necormancer's tended to take those things in addition to the valuables of whoever they killed. In other words he probably had a bunch of shiny things with him and Niles loved taking shiny things. Unfortunately when she'd gone out to help with the wurm the coyote had slipped away from her and now she had no idea where he was. Now more interested in this necromancer Niles gulped down a drink, the rush of alcohol and the burning sensation with it fully waking her up and tossed a few coins to the barkeep, who snatched them up with nimble fingers. "Let's go find ourselves a necro." Niles said cheerily and waltzed outside of the bar. The cementary hm? Shouldn't be too tough to sneak into, after all they weren't exactly built for keeping people out. And they usually did an even worse job of keeping people in when necromancers were about.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Everyone seemed to want to make haste towards the forest, and who was I to disagree with them? The moment I took a step in the forest, however, illusions sprung into place, and I couldn't really tell what was what, save for my teammates, who, thanks to the illusions, looked like a giant, walking mushroom, and a monster-sized pumpkin. I couldn't help but laugh at the weirdness of these illusions, and continued onward in the now extremely bright forest. "Must be the illusions that keep this place bright, huh? 'Cause otherwise, this place'd be as dark as a cave with that full of a canopy," I commented as mushrooms started walking around. One of them even seemed to be dancing. I was almost convinced that these weren't enemies until I felt something bite into my left arm! "Shoot! We got enemies, and I can't even tell what they are, either!" I ended up shouting to my team. I then flew up, that is, after eventually prying my arm from the teeth of... whatever the heck just bit me, and I tried my best to throw a javelin at one of the enemy mushroom trio. Thankfully, it was easy to tell which mushrooms were enemies, as their caps were mostly red, while the one on my team's cap was mostly yellow... however, the illusions made it difficult to see where the ACTUAL enemy was, right now, so, my javelin, as well as my spell ended up just hitting the dirt, despite piercing right through the mushroom illusion... whatever it was, it wasn't in that spot, I guess. Another of the mushrooms tried to do something to the pumpkin... and I didn't know who THAT was, either... the third one seemed to be conjuring something... maybe it was charging a breath weapon, or maybe the thing was casting a spell... of course, monsters don't usually cast spells, so, if that's what it was doing, I could only assume that one was a demon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Erion moved forwards and fallowed his team into the enchanted forest... only to see the people around him change forms, specifically a large yellow fur ball and... a large radish. He frown at this. Illusions.... that was rather annoying to say the least. Erion moved forwards, but my eyes lit up slightly as I used my necromancy magic. Instead, he was concentrating on the souls of my partners, to be sure that he would recognize them. One good thing about necromancy was that if you concentrated, you could see things a bit better, for example, right now he was seeing a soul that had a blue coloring to it, and another with a yellow coloring. At least... that what he was seeing. Other necromancers might see things differently, depending on how strong they were at the art. As he moved, he then saw 2 new... souls, but as he looked normally at them, he saw a big carrot and a giant piece of.... mutton? Well, those were weird illusions. Just then, the blue soul that was the radish was attacked by the mutton piece, only for it to throw something use a spell, but miss the strike. In Erion side, he moved forwards towards one of the souls, and then carefully did a quick cut at the thing, my eyes lit up as I hear a groan of pain as well as seeing the thing rush at him. He quickly moved back before it had the chance to strike at him, trying to concentrate so that his strikes would be true.
"Careful guys. Those things are using illusions to fool us. Don't use on your eyes only, use your other senses here. Smell might be a good one." he then says. One of the souls... which looked like a fairy right now, started to talk.
"Hey! Listen! Those creatures are dangerous! Be careful!" the thing said. Deep down, Erion had the feeling about.... facepalming.. but he didn't know why.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Haru Nyan
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Haru Nyan T H I C C

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Stepping inside the woodland, the lion was instantly assaulted by illusions that played tricks on his mind, and it seemed like he wasn't the only one. He couldn't really tell what he was to either Erion or Thorvald, let alone determine who was who right now. He rubbed his eyes and blinked more than once, it was almost as if every time he did so, the two kept on changing form, he began to question if venturing the depths of the forest would be really worth it. For now it seems that the fox and eagle were a gigantic shrub with berries growing off of it and an egg with wings, at the very least they were identifiable, but who knows how long before the forest starts to cloud both their vision and minds once more? Trying to stay vigilant, the leonine man trudged forward with the two deeper into the forest.

Eventually, it wasn't all harmless mirages, Ymahr heard Thorvald cry out in pain and immediately he drew spear and attempted to charge at the enemy but the question is, who was the enemy right now? The woodland began to delude them once more, changing the forms of all of them. Earlier he had a grasp that Erion was a shrub and Thorvald was an egg but now that was thrown out the door as now he was seeing a gigantic flower, a red-capped mushroom and an urn, shaking his head he hesitantly pointed his weapon at the three, who was he supposed to strike though? Erion, or rather a disembodied voice of his, began to speak up and said something about using one's other senses and to subdue their opponents. Grinning, the lion began to take a good whiff of his surroundings, and while his eyes were playing their tricks again, his nose was not and he could smell a distinct odor that seemed out-of-place and he began to thrust at one of the red-capped mushrooms, stabbing it in the torso before instantly retreating back to his original place to cast a barrier around himself and Erion, Thorvald was out of reach so he might have to fend for himself for a small while. The lion has a feeling that these mushrooms may not be mushrooms at all, even with all the illusions the forest was chucking at them.
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