Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kit DewStein
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The dust from the constant foot traffic could be seen as the early morning sun arose above the lower buildings. Fire from the furnaces, grills, and pots acted as a heat wave making it seem more like summer than early fall. Noises from all directions would cause promoters to be drowned out as customers went from stalls to stores trying to get the best bargain they could. Even animals chipped in to make the noise almost unbearable. Street performers and prostitutes mingled with the other humans and beings trying to get money or have a good time. Either way this was the heart of the city of Brythine the fourth largest city.


Rorack's eyes widened when he saw the market place for the first time. Wow this pretty big. Almost as big as my dad's kitchen. Looking around in the chaos he finally found a place that sold maps. "Hello there young lad," said the griffin stall merchant, "Are you looking for anything in particular?" Rorack smiled, "Ah, yes I am. Do you happen to have a map that covers the known cities and towns along with the unknown areas?" The griffin gave a nervous smile and found what the young man was looking for. "I don't know what you need to know about the unknown but I wouldn't want to venture out there alone lad,” was the warning Rorack was given with a stern look. Paying for the map his map he left. That was really weird. He headed off to find a weapon just for safe keeping. He heard a girl yell something about a good blacksmith and decided to follow her.

Roxane grumbled as she arrived at the market area. That father of mine is too damn lazy. He should have come here instead of me. One day I am going to have to off him so I can live my life without a so called ‘handler’. She walked up to a stall so see that it wasn’t a blacksmith there anymore and kicked a basket sending its contents rolling on the ground. “Hey! You don’t take the damn place of the only good blacksmith in this slum,” She yelled at the person she couldn’t see. Huffing she walked off and finally found the woman she was looking for. “I would like to buy three quivers full of arrows please,” Roxane asked politely. The woman turned around and frowned, “You walked in here the other day mix and you know I hate mixes.” Grabbing what the girl with a sudden attitude change wanted the lady handed it to her. “I am sorry ma’am. My no good father wouldn’t come today, sorry you had to deal with me,” Roxane hated acting like this but that was the only way she could get what she really needed in this crappy city.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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My fire-like eyes gazed at the merchant town from the distance, the heat radiating off of the town was certainly attractive enough for me to enter. My tail dragged across the ground and my wings were folded a bit behind me. For the moment, I was dressed in my casual attire of brown robes and trousers. As I browsed briefly over stalls and stores, observing passing strangers too, my height was much greater than any of the humans here, being a little over 7 feet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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Nilos was timidly walking through the streets fiddling with his fingers and his head down a little, nervous about being in the open world alone. with the loud talking and a sudden braying from a donkey, Nilos flinched in surprise. The Sirens warned him that he was on his own if he left and that he'd come running back scared like a pathetic coward. But...he had something to prove. Everything around him was new and he was shy to ask about what he looked for. The singing discouragement the sirens sang was swimming around in his mind when "Umph!" Nilos bumped in to someone. Hey! watch where you're going runt! Nilo quickly stood up and bowed "Sorrysorrysorry,Ididn'tmeanto,Iwasjustlookingforaplacetoeatthat'sallIdon'twanttofightorgetkillorpunishedpleaseforgiveme!!!" The cyclops stared at him and shook his head, continued to walk Damn cry baby... he said turning to walk off, making Nilos feel embarrassed that he'd respond that way so quickly. "Nilos, come on....we have to prove we can survive on our own and prove the sirens wrong." he said as a human walked over Are you ok? Nilos looked over "y-yes..." Is there anything I can help you with? Nilos nodded "Um...is there an inn where I could get something to drnk and eat?" You're right across from my place....come...


Mmmm...Balaaaa.....please....please don't go, we want you to continue laying with us.... We want you more Bala...you're so good...you make use go crazy.... You're the best Bala....let's drink and have more fun.....

three women that were in the room on the spread were touching an feeling on Bala as he downed some wine. Hearing the plea from the girls, he was getting annoyed as he snatched away from the hands "Will you pestering mythical whores quick your bickering.....I'm done with you....I need someone new....different...and banging a slave girl, Mixed girl, and a damn mutt is not so fun....I need a noble. You harlots cannot satisfy my need to degrade. Don't you get it....sexually toying with a noble and pure blood is like wiping my ass with silk....so...if you'll excuse me, you whores enjoy yourself....I'm going to find a real catch" Bala said standing while naked and the girls begging for him to come back. Ignoring them as he left his chambers, carefully walking around and over others who was in the whore house as most who was in there were street whores and middle class males. Nothing of interest in his whore house but...that was going to change when he got dress to head outside to scout.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Lapis moved around a small area, dancing to the music being played by the musicians that worked with her. A crowd had formed around her as they watched her graceful movements that she mixed with her magic. As she did a spin she conjured her signature move, butterflies of light, and watched as they flew around her with each of her different movements. The crowd cheered as the music came to an end and Lapis stood in her final pose the butterflies flying around her, making her have an almost ethereal look to her even in the harsh sunlight.

Lapis was then greeted by different people in the crowd, some of them complimenting her and some asking for her to perform at a dinner party or some event they were throwing. These were normal for and she often could stand and talk to her audience for hours on end. But her favorite audience members were definitely the children...

Lapis watched as a small girl shyly approached her with a flower. "T-this is for you..." The young girl said quietly holding the flower out to her. Lapis knelt down and smiled taking the flower gently in her hand. "Thank you sweetheart." She said before creating a flower out of magic that was as blue as the stone she was named after. She tucked the flower behind the little girl's ear and then handed the young girl one of her butterflies of light. "These are for you." She told her causing the young girl to grin brightly and hug Lapis before returning to her mother. Lapis smiled standing up as she watched the girl before she glanced around and looked at all the other people watching them interact. She looked at all of them individually and her smile grew, a sense of happiness growing over her as she watched the positivity of the people she has sworn to protect, the people that it was in her blood to protect.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Entropsy
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He slipped through throes of legs--human, animal, and otherwise--with a odd kind of ease, blending in with the crowd, moving in ways that shouldn't have been possible. No one ever thinks to look down and back, and he's ever grateful of it.

Saghira was taking up a collection. He'd walk up behind his quarry, slit the bottom of their coin purse with a little pocket knife, then move to the next person with a machine-like efficiency. He likened it to a bee, pollenating the flowers. This place was incredible! He hadn't been to a city this large and swollen with life in
...forever, actually.

The tip of the blade had already cut through the flax of some unfortunate carpenter's pocket change when the sound of something falling and scattering turned Saghira's attention away. He let the gold fall and the woman looked behind her in confusion as her money emptied onto the floor, but he was already gone.

Saghira crouched low and sucked his teeth, dissapointed to find that it was just a few baskets of produce that a not-patron had kicked aside in her anger. Produce wasn't anything special. He walked up to the stall to aid the older woman in gathering the disturbed contents (she seemed more nervous about the presence of a street-rat halfbreed so close to her wares than anything, but he either didn't notice or didn't care) and chittered away at her in broken Brythinian dialect
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NewMoonGamer
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NewMoonGamer Holy Potato Child

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alexander carefully pushed aside some curtains as he entered the back room an apothecary's shop. He didn't need to get any medicine, but he did want to talk to the man running the shop. The apothecary looked up and was surprised to see the young man back so soon. "You two wait there." Alexander said, looking back at his two bodyguards who nodded and stood on each side of the door with their backs turned. He let the curtain fall back to its original position before turning to face the old human who was standing up next to a table that had on it beakers and other materials for making concoctions. He smiled a little at him before walking around the room, looking at the shelves and such.

"Ah, Mr. Leonheart. To what may I owe today's visit? Does something ail you?" The apothecary asked, rubbing his hands together nervously as he watched Alexander slowly walk around his back room, looking at his concoctions.
"No, not in the least bit actually," said Alexander as he stopped right in front of the man. "You have a wide selection of potions here, and yet you don't have anything stronger that I could put on my blades? Anything less messy?" he asked, narrowing his eyes slightly while still maintaining his smile.

"O-of course not sir! Not anything that wouldn't induce, ehem, screaming." The apothecary said, looking him straight in the eye. Alexander's expression became one of disappointment, but he nodded. "Very well then." he said before turning around toward the curtain. He walked over and opened it up before pausing and saying with his back turned to the apothecary, without a millimeter of malice in his tone, "Just remember what will happen if I find out you're lying to me."
He then exited the back room and went out the door to the shop with his bodyguards following him.

Saya sighed inwardly as she looked up at the sky. She was currently sitting down in the garden behind the Leonheart manor in a bed of flowers whose colors ranged from pink to light purple to light sky blue. As she was seated there, she recalled the first time she had ever gone there.

"Come on, sit!"
"Won't it hurt them?"
"... That's annoying. They're only plants. If you're so worried about it, just sit on me."

She blinked, setting the memory aside as she remembered why she was out there in the first place. Some of the flowers inside had wilted, so she had come to get replacements. She stood up and straightened out her dress before going over to a bush of blue roses. She carefully clipped the stems from the bush and collected the flowers until both of her hands were full, clippers included. She walked back inside and found the area where the wilted flowers were. She took the old flowers out and replaced them with the newly clipped ones.
Once she was finished with that task, she made her way to the kitchen. Once she arrived, her eyes widened slightly in surprise as the door swung open. The servant who opened it looked surprised as well.

"Ah! I was just about to go searching for you. The pantry is beginning to run a bit low on fruit. Please go to the market and pick some up for us dear." The woman said, handing her a list of food items they needed.
"Alright." Saya said, nodding to the old lady before taking the list and walking back down the hallway.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Lapis had a bit of a break before she would perform again so she decided to just wander around town. As she walked she looked down at her bare feet using her magic to make the sand around them form little sand devils. She smiled, enjoying the feeling of using her magic, not paying attention to where she was walking.

Lapis ran into something hard, more like someone, and stumbled backwards slightly. She looked up and saw a man and then looked past the man to see Alexander Leonheart. She had just run into one of his bodyguards.

"Sorry sir, I was not paying attention." Lapis told the bodyguard before looking to Alex. "Mr Leonheart. Pleasure to see you again," She said bowing slightly to Alex. "How have you been?" Lapis asked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kit DewStein
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Kit DewStein Random blob

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Roxane paid for her arrows and went toward the musicians area. Maybe there is a dark performer today. Haven't seen one in awhile and I really need to get my mood up. Arriving she saw a really cheerful girl performing using magic to add flare to her dance. Roxane shook her head at the performance. She could make a whole lot more money and live better performing privately for rich people, what a sucker. Walking off she mumbled angry words and approached a billboard with some warrants on it. "Let's see, let's see whom can I kill this week," she asked herself while leaning back with her hand on her chin.

@King Tai
Rorack watched the girl leave and approached the woman at the blacksmith shop. Buying a small blade he left and headed off toward a building that peaked his interest and bumped into a young male exiting the building. "Oh I am sorry boy," the male said with a small flick of his tail. This boy looks quite interesting. I wonder what he was doing in a place like this. Inspecting at the kid he bumped into up and down it slowly dawned on Rorack what the boy was.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NewMoonGamer
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NewMoonGamer Holy Potato Child

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The bodyguard whom was bumped into nodded to Lapis. Alexander smiled kindly at the girl in front of him. "Why hello again, Miss Lapis." he said before stepping in front of his bodyguards. He remembered her from when she performed at a banquet he had held a few weeks prior. The performance had really helped to lighten up the hostile atmosphere that tended to appear whenever he held an event, mostly from the higher class being suspicious of each other. "I've been quite well. I hope the same goes for you?" he asked.

Once Saya arrived at the market, she began to look for stalls who were selling the items on the list she was given. Although the older servant had told her that they were running low on fruit, there were a lot of different items on the list. She made her way over to a shop that had produce for sale.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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@Kit DewStein

As soon as Bala came outside, ready to scout around the city, someone had the nerve to bump into him, calling him boy. He turned to the male with a look of annoyance and then looked him up and down "Just watch where you're goin-...HM?" Staring on wondering if this guy was a pureblood. If so...looks like he was going to start work early.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kit DewStein
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@King Tai
Realizing what the boy was Rorack got a slight disappointed look on his face. "Sorry again for bumping into you boy," he apologized once again. Too bad he is a bit attractive. Quite tempting on my part but I don't know if he has a disease or not and I don't plan to ask outright. He turned a bit red in the face and looked away from Nala. "What is your name kid," he asked really curious.

Roxane looked through the many flyers until one caught her attention. Snatching it off the board her eyes went wide to see Saya Leonheart's face on it. Looking around quickly she ripped it into two and shoved it in her pocket. Grabbing a different flyer she headed off to find the head of the Leonheart family. A family she secretly looked up to.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Lapis smiled at him, "It has been great for me. I'm actually in between performances right now." she said happily. "What brings you into town today?" Lapis asked as she clasped her hands behind her back and made sure she had good posture due to the standing he has, she didn't want to offend him or come off as a slob or such.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 3 days ago

Feeling a bit of hunger, I decided to pacify my hunger by purchasing some nourishments. It was difficult to spot any specific vendors and their contents through the crowds of people, though the height advantage made it a bit easier. Eventually the smell of fruit would catch me. Shortly after, the smell of all the foods blinded me for a moment, I'd trip, stumbling through a crowd of people that would try to step out of my way.

@NewMoonGamer Trying to avoid them I'd only stumble further along, passing by Saya before crashing into the produce stall. My large body crushing the stand and a variety of fruit beneath me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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@Kit DewStein

With a bit of glare and holding himself back, he responded once more. With a sigh "I'm going to tell you one last time, stop calling me Boy and kid." he said in a calm tone "And why do you want to know my name so badly? by your speech pattern and your sort of etiquette..you must be a pure blood or a noble..." he said watching the guy blushing and looking away "Hm? I can tell that behavior anywhere....does he swing that way?"



Nilos was welcomed into the inn with a drink as he asked about the festivities. Learning about the attractions of Brythine and of the other cities. Hearing that there were 3 larger cities than this, Nilos blushed in excitement, asking about getting a map and possibly getting money for himself. He took coins and jewels from the Siren's 'nest' before leaving so to be able to afford living expenses. But...there was but so long until his currency ran out. Being told where to go, Nilos left the inn and came outside. He noticed a young boy, watching him help this older woman, feeling he was not a threat like what he's seen so far, he went to approach the young male.

Nervously, he came up to the child "um...uh...I don't mean to interrupt but do you need help?" averting his eyes away with a timid look on his face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Entropsy
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"...So, this friend, yes? Takes his three goats, runs through the side of the caravan and he's gone! We don't hear from him for nearly a week!" He told the old woman, free hand gesturing abstractly. The afflicted look on her face made it clear she wasn't interested in hearing his story. "He comes back on a Tuesday with one goat, and he tells us he lost the--"

The woman was saved from it by a young, pleasant-looking man in what seemed to be his late teens or early twenties, and she spared him a grateful glance before hurriedly picking up the rest of her spilled stock while the nine-year-old was distracted.

Saghira turned around and craned his neck up to meet the gaze of whoever had interrupted him, and one-over'd the older boy. Green eyes that wouldn't meet his own, but seemed gentler than most to Saghira--his energy was an odd mix of nervous and friendly, and he didn't know what to make of that. And his blood was cleaner than his own; he could smell it. He never knew what to make of that either, especially when his betters initiated the interaction first. And amiable interaction? This was a first. But he was offering help, and Saghira wasn't about to turn it down.

He pulled his lips back in a sharp-toothed grin, and chirped, "If you want, sure! My name is Saghira, and this is--oh..." When he turned around, the woman and her baskets of produce were gone.

x @King Tai

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kit DewStein
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Roxane finally found who she was looking for and saw him talking to the performer she saw earlier. Is he seriously talking to her as a friend? I mean I know I have no chance of ever being friends with him but I wouldn't think of him for going for a such a cheerful person. Slowly approaching she was in the possible line of sight of Alexander if he were to just look up.
@King Tai
Rorack stopped blushing and stared directly into the boys eyes with a small hint of anger. "It isn't any of your concern what my social rank is. If you don't want to be friendly then don't," he said in a serious tone. Okay now I see what's up. This brothel contains middle and down and he wants an upgrade.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NewMoonGamer
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NewMoonGamer Holy Potato Child

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@Kitty@Kit DewStein

"I came to visit an old friend of mine." Alexander said. He didn't say much about it though since it was illegal for the apothecary to be selling poisons, and he still needed that old man to help him out.
"Hey, boss there's someone watching you." the bodyguard on the right said, causing Alex to look up over Lapis's head. His expression turned neutral when he saw who was there. "Is there something you need miss?" he asked calmly.


Saya blinked as someone crashed into the produce stall she stood next to. Her expression remained pretty emotionless. "Ah, are you alright?" she asked although her tone made it seem like she didn't care, talking to the fruits who were victims of this crash though it looked like she wasn't. The stall owner on the other hand looked completely enraged.
"What have you done?! You have destroyed my stall, my goods!" the man shouted.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

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For a moment I ignored my surroundings as I was staggered by what had happened, I took a moment to rub my temple before staggering to my feet, I would immediately draw my attention to the crushed produce, strange girl, and the clerk who ran the stall. Grumbling to myself as I realized the damage I had cause. I'd reach into my satchel, turning over to the stall's owner, and dumping a massive amount of gold coins in front of him, as if the whole bag was stuffed with the treasure. I had a melancholy look and before I dumped the coins I hesitated a bit, but guilt over my mistake had driven me to do so anyway. All of my money I had spent over a century collecting, gone. With the now empty bag, I dropped it alongside the gold as I no longer had a need for it. I'd pick up an apple that had avoided being crushed from my body, taking a bite from it and would begin to walk off. I briefly looked to the girl, thinking she spoke to me, "I'm fine." My voice was rough and had a grumpy tone. As I walked off I took a bite out of my apple.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NewMoonGamer
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NewMoonGamer Holy Potato Child

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Saya watched him walk off before looking at fruit salesman whom was no longer angry. He was in fact beaming at the amount of gold. It was much more than what he needed to replace the stall and his fruit. Saya blinked, seeing that this man showed no signs of wanting to return what he didn't need. She closed her eyes and focused, trying to hear the salesman's thoughts.
I'm rich! That idiot didn't even think twice about...

Saya opened her eyes, a sudden look of distaste appearing on her face at this man's dishonesty. It quickly vanished though as her expression once again became deadpanned. She stared at the merchant, speaking into his mind using his own voice.
That was pretty dishonest of you.
What?! Who are you?!
I am your conscience. Don't you think that you should give some of that back?
Why would I do that exactly?!
It is the right thing to do. Remember, all of your actions have consequences.

She made the voice at the end of the sentence deep and demonic, causing a frightened expression to appear on the merchant's face. He hurriedly stuffed about half of the gold back into the bag and handed it to Saya saying, "P-please! Find that man and give this back to him!" he said, afraid that if he didn't something terrible would happen to him.
Saya nodded before taking the bag, the gold inside it weighing her down quite a bit. "Alirght." she said calmly before going off in the direction that the drakken went. He was pretty easy to spot, so when she saw him, she went up to him as quickly as she could holding the heavy sack of doom. She bumped into a few people on the way, and they yelled at her. She ignored them and went up behind the drakken. "Hey," she said, trying to get his attention.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

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I would turn, my candle like eyes looking down towards the stranger that wanted my attention. In response, I would kneel down so that I was eye level with her. "Yes?" As I spoke, my tail would slither behind my left leg, almost coiling around it.
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