Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Leda


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It was almost midnight as the full moon had risen, as the cool breeze had ran through the town, signifying that spring was right around the corner. Liz had a perfect view of the flowers at the shop across from the cafe she had been sitting at for the last few hours. Mathias had given them a job after getting tipped off by a reliable source, that a pack of ghouls had decided to make an abandoned building their mating ground after escaping from a quarantined zone. From what Mathias had said, a group of new recruits had taken it upon themselves to speed up their training by trying to get some field experience they were not ready for. While they did everything by the book, they had forgotten to do their homework and overlooked the fact that some ghouls have claws so sharp, they can tear though steel. While they were waiting for the organization to send other slayers to deal with the ghouls, they clawed their way out and headed for the nearest building to hide. Luckily they had been near a few places that were not heavily populated, so there were not many casualties.

Unfortunately they had escaped into their jurisdiction, which meant it fell upon the others to deal with the problem. Midnight seemed like the best time to strike, so that were not many people around and if they were lucky, they might even catch them by surprise. Liz had been staking out the building making sure no one went near until the others get there. It was good that they had been notified about the ghouls, but she could not get this inside tip off her mind. As far as she knew, no one except the slayers knew about supernatural creatures, so how did this informant have knowledge about it. For all she knew it could be a trap set up by this supposed informant, but for now she would drop the idea and focus on the task at hand. All that mattered was the extermination of these ghouls.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Overlord24
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Overlord24 The Aspiring Author

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Avary rode his bike to the location. He got off and strolled over to Liz.
"Hello my adopted sister and comrade in arms. How's everything looking with the ghouls?" Avary asked, fingering the hilt of his sword.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Hestia
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Lady Hestia

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Cristelle drove her car to the end of the street and parked her car a little away from her the cafe where Liz and Avary was at observing the building. Where the ghouls were supposedly residing according to the tip, she shook her head as she glanced at the building. She couldn't believe that a couple of new recruits were stupid enough to take on mission without doing research, and making sure they had all the information they need to complete it. She placed her blessed silver jackal knife into her wrist sheaf as she got out of the car, she pulled on her black leather jacket. she pulled the hoodie of her leather jacket over her teal hair and strapped her short sword to her back as she approached her younger siblings.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Overlord24
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Overlord24 The Aspiring Author

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@Lady Hestia
"Hey big sis." Avary says to Cristelle. "What brings you to this neck of the woods?"
Avary at this point had unsheathed his sword and leaning on it like a cane. Her expression was one Avary knew well, 'These idiot kids are rushing into things without doing the research.
"You know, I did research the ghouls of this area and this building, so no need for the judgmental look."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Dimitri let out a low grunt of annoyance as his jeep pulled up a few feet behind Cristelle's car. It was a nice night, the kind that, after completing his rounds, were spent teaching Brutus how to track on the beach with a couple of dried ghoul skins wrapped around sticks. After that he typically just let the pup run loose for about an hour before he went home. That's how it usually went: What was going on right now however was that he was stuck on cleanup detail for the mishaps of another team. The sights and sounds of Brutus pawing at the window and whining as Dimitri had pulled out of the garage had been pitiful to say the least.

The hunter pushed away the thought as he turned off the engine and stepped out of his vehicle. The massive teen's choice in garments were simple tonight: Dark grey overalls over a thick sweater, some old work boots, and thick gardeners gloves Fashionable? Not exactly. But Dimitri couldn't care less. On hunts like this he dressed for function. Dimitri spared a moment to rummage through the trunk of his jeep, pulling from it his weapons. The handgun was tucked into his waist band opposite his knife, the crowbar tucked into the back portion of the waist band, the shotgun however remained clenched firmly in his hand as he shut the trunk and made his way over to the others that had already arrived.

"How many are there?" He asked bluntly, the aggravation as clear in his voice as it was on his face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 26 days ago

Becca was finishing a fitness run when she heard about the ghouls. A little worried that apparently some of the other Family members were already there-She sprinted to her room, put her hand on the wall as she walked in to support herself. Oh, please let them not have done anything reckless. She quickly grabbed her long sword and shield as well as her Lance and ran outside to her Van.

It didn't take long for her to spot Avary's motorcycle as she would have recognize it anywhere. She smoothly parked next to it.

She got out equipped her longsword in a sheath at the right side of her waist, shield clipped to her left side and lance strapped to her back for easy access.

She easily spotted her family members all huddled together as if they are planning some party for the night, except they are all armed to the teeth,Becca giggled.

She approached them as she heard Dmitri ask about the numbers. She turned to him, "Dmitri did you plan on taking them all out by yourself?" Becca teased.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Hestia
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"Hello Avary, Hi Liz" she said as she took a seat across from Liz, She raises a raised a eyebrow at his statement. "uh huh" she said nonchalantly. She leaned forward in her seat, "So Liz what have you noticed so far?" She asked her curiously as she tilted her head to look at building where the ghouls were supposedly staying.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Leda


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Overlord24 @MonsieurShade @Lady Hestia

Liz had been lost in thought and had not noticed the others as they pulled up. She had heard Avery and Dimitri ask about the ghouls, as they pulled up to the cafe. "They seem to be staying docile for the moment, as for numbers I'd say somewhere between twenty to thirty of them" She said.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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@Gareth @Leda
Dimitri snorted dismissively as Becca made her presence known with an inquiry about his motives. Dimitri may have had a habit of being blunt and abrasive both in speech and mannerisms, but he was no idiot, "I ain't stupid enough to go running in there alone. I just wanted to know how long we're going to be out there.". As Liz mentioned the status of the ghouls in addition to their numbers Dimitri couldn't help but raise a brow a bit as a thought occurred to him. The young adult loosened the grip on his weapon and let it fall to his side as he turned to look at Liz, "So are we here on extermination detail, or are we just standing by as sentries until someone from HQ comes by to shuffle these things back into their quarantine zone? Because if i'm being completely honest, option two sounds like it'd mean less paper work for us to fill out later.".

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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Eris' motorcycle buzzed quietly down the street and slowed to a stop behind Dimitri's Hummer, it lowered itself slightly to allow for Eris to disembark easier. The young slayer hopped off of her bike and slung her holster that held most of her weapons over her until they were resting on her back. Eris stowed Asphis on her back and took stored her more mystic looking rifle right beside it, "There we go..." she said but paused as the black handle of the RSH 12.7 gleamed from the seat compartment "should I take RSH this time.... Nah".

She made her way over to the rest of her family and leaned against the wall of the cafe. "Hey guys what's the situation in there?" she asked before pulling out her rifle and aiming it the front face of the building awaiting any change in the area. A smile had crept its way across her face as the thought of fighting had beccome apparent
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Overlord24
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Overlord24 The Aspiring Author

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@The ghost in black@MonsieurShade@Leda@Lady Hestia@Gareth
"Well would you look at that, the gangs all here, it's the Blackwell bunch." Avary says sarcastically. "So, when we get the signal who wants to go in first?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 26 days ago

Becca Listened intently as her siblings spoke in turn. It happened to be one of her skills that she-as long as she kept her mouth closed, could follow more than one conversation at a time.

She nodded at Christelle, always relaxed, her sister seemed to be a person that could be relied upon in the toughest of times. The news shared by Liz was important to follow. 30 of them... A group that size is docile? Strange I wonder what's keeping them from wreaking havoc, especially at this time of night... She didn't speak her concerns out loud though. She was sure that if Liz knew the why... She would have already said it...

Becca laughed as Dmitri explained himself. She didn't really know why, but because she was sure that none of her family went in as a daredevil, she was in a very happy mood.

Dmitri's question though was a good one, and Becca waited for Liz to take it up as apparently she was here the longest and probably knew the place up and down.

"Hey, Eris." Becca called over to her. After a moment Becca recalled the question and casually replied "Oh its about thirty Ghouls, apparently Docile. Shouldn't be a complete nightmare to deal with." She then tilted her head towards Liz to indicate that Liz was the go-to for more info.

Becca turned around to Avary, she grinned, "I'd suggest myself as one of the first to enter because of my defensive equipment, a shield to block attacks and a lance that's long enough to keep close ranged fighters at bay and still strike them down." Becca added, "Liz it's up to you for what I do, I'm sure you know this place inside and out. Is there a plan laid out for this mission?"

She knew Dmitri basically asked the same thing but, she asked anyway. Becca wasn't good at waiting...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Hestia
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Lady Hestia

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Cristelle sighed as her younger siblings talked about making a plan. She leaned back as she watched and listened as she waiting for Liz to answer the questions their siblings were asking her. She felt like it was best to follow Liz's lead on this one since she had been the one to do the stake out, It was her choice to make if she want to strike now or wait for back up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Overlord24
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Overlord24 The Aspiring Author

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"Perfect, we need someone strong to go in there first. Remember, aside from holy objects, the best way to kill one of these is to decapitate them or to cause extreme head trauma to them." Avary said to his older sister grinning also.
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