Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hawksnest565


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Marik, too, was out in the forest although he felt privy to return to camp at once given the chill of the outside. He'd left the camp more out of a desire for peace and quiet rather than any need to explore. It had been all too loud last night and this morning. Kianna was having a spat with some prisoner, there was a new member, not to mention there were several Broms in camp. The cold wind made him feel tired, and he stopped with a sigh and looked around. Was he near the unclaimed territory? He hadn't even be really paying attention to where he was walking.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Aya wanted to kick herself. How could she have forgotten about how distraught Destin had been over the whole fiasco. She searched for another topic to talk about. "Umm... So... Misha seems like a nice person?" She was judging that description solely off the fact that Misha had sat in her lap for the fire. That was definitely the basis for a nice person. Or maybe she was just bias towards shifters that turned into cats.

Destin laughs slightly, sniffing. He looks at her and giggles. "Misha's so mean you have no idea." He then bursts out laughing. "But she's so great! She's fine. Mean, but nice." He then thinks about that a moment. "That makes no sense...She's...tough. She doesn't really let people in I guess..." He shrugs a bit. "I dunno her too well."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hawksnest565


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aya listened carefully to what Destin said about Misha. By the way they had been talking she'd assumed they were friends. Then again, Misha certainly hadn't looked like she'd jumped into the river at the time. It raised a question to her. "So... Who are your good friends in the Broms then?" She wanted to make sure he wasn't alone. Even though he'd sounded fairly confident when they'd met, she was surprised that no one else had been there to comfort him when he was in trouble.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by wallaberry
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wallaberry Its Dat Boi!!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nadia chewed her jerky and lay backwards on the smooth rock. She stared up at the treetops. The sky was blue through the canopy. Once she finished her jerky she shoved her hands into the pockets of her jacket and focused on warming herself up. The air was brisk on her cheeks and she contemplated returning to her makeshift camp. She could start a fire and chase away the chills.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jaywing93


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by jaywing93>

Amelia huffs slightly. "I'll be right back." She shifts and scampers into her tent and then runs back out with a small cloth in her mouth. She then shifts human and holds it out to him. "For your nose." She says before sitting next to him, watching him a moment. "So how come you left?" She asks curiously. "I mean, if you didn't want to, and she obviously didn't want you to either."

Jett blinked gratefully at her and took the cloth, dabbing the dried blood from his face. He froze at her question and thought deeply. "Well... it was a long time ago, but I remember that day perfectly." He paused and glanced at her, trying to read her expression, but he only found genuine curiosity, so he continued on. "It was the absolute worst day of my life. Sacha had gone out on a morning border patrol, but when she hadn't returned after a few hours, I checked along her route just to be sure she was safe. I found her unconscious by the border, bloody and badly hurt from a fight with some Broms looking for trouble. I sprinted back to the camp as fast as I could, carrying her in my arms, and immediately handed her over to the healers." Jett shivered at the frightening memory. "They told me she'd be okay, so I stayed by her side all night. I'd been asking her for months before that day to consider stepping down as leader, or even just being more careful near the border, but she never listened. So when she finally woke up, I begged her to leave the forest with me so we could go somewhere safe, somewhere where we could live a normal life together and be happy... but she couldn't. She looked me in the eye and told me that the Rabins would always come first to her." He closed his eyes and sighed, his voice trembling slightly. "Once she fell back asleep, I decided I'd rather remember her alive from a distance than find her dead on the border another day," he whispered. "The Rabins always were her first and true love anyways," he added sourly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hawksnest565


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

In his contemplation of the surroundings, Marik noticed what appeared to be a makeshift camp nearby. It wasn't surprising, there was plenty of people who camped out around the place. He walked over to it, trying to distract himself from the weather by examining what was around there. Nothing about it seemed particularly harmful.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Aya listened carefully to what Destin said about Misha. By the way they had been talking she'd assumed they were friends. Then again, Misha certainly hadn't looked like she'd jumped into the river at the time. It raised a question to her. "So... Who are your good friends in the Broms then?" She wanted to make sure he wasn't alone. Even though he'd sounded fairly confident when they'd met, she was surprised that no one else had been there to comfort him when he was in trouble.

Destin blinks. "Oh Evelyn of course! She's actually really cool despite being Fabine's girlfriend!" He glances behind him and then lowers his voice. "Other than that, no one really. I'm trying to get Misha to like me, but I don't think it's working." He shrugs and goes back to sorting the herbs, humming softly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by wallaberry
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wallaberry Its Dat Boi!!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nadia lingered on her rock a moment longer, before sitting up. She stood up and began making her way back to camp. Her steps were light as to not draw attention to herself. You could never be too safe out in these woods. She kept a close eye on her surroundings as she moved along. I need to stock up on supplies... maybe pick up some food. With what money though? Nadia thought quietly to herself. She could get a job at the town. But that meant going up there regularly, and she didn't know how she felt about that. No, she would probably try to hunt.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hawksnest565


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aya relaxed, happy to hear that there was at least one person Destin was willing to speak of. She looked over at the work he ewas doing, and was pleased to see how quickly he was getting it down. "This is so much better to do with someone else." she said cheerily, noticing that they had already nearly completed the sorting. "How do you think this season's going to turn out? Nobody's gotten sick yet in the Rabins, thank goodness. Although Sacha did get injured the other day." she flinched, not exactly wanting to say that it was a Brom who'd attacked her leader.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AkeelaQ
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by AkeelaQ>

"Yeah, but in the middle of winter, you'd want to take what you can get. And my poison takes three weeks to settle into a way that I can put it onto my knives." He begins walking, not looking to see if Leo would follow. "You'd have to be a pretty good hunter to take down a deer by yourself, especially me with my small knives. If I paralyze it, at least then I will be able to quickly and safely kill it."

Leo glared at him a bit and huffed, walking behind him still. "PAH! You should just bite them..." he muttered, crossing his arms and scowling ahead as they walked. He paused and blinked, there was a deer not too far off. Leo crouched a bit, still human and started heading towards it slowly, carefully.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Fionraella>

Jett blinked gratefully at her and took the cloth, dabbing the dried blood from his face. He froze at her question and thought deeply. "Well... it was a long time ago, but I remember that day perfectly." He paused and glanced at her, trying to read her expression, but he only found genuine curiosity, so he continued on. "It was the absolute worst day of my life. Sacha had gone out on a morning border patrol, but when she hadn't returned after a few hours, I checked along her route just to be sure she was safe. I found her unconscious by the border, bloody and badly hurt from a fight with some Broms looking for trouble. I sprinted back to the camp as fast as I could, carrying her in my arms, and immediately handed her over to the healers." Jett shivered at the frightening memory. "They told me she'd be okay, so I stayed by her side all night. I'd been asking her for months before that day to consider stepping down as leader, or even just being more careful near the border, but she never listened. So when she finally woke up, I begged her to leave the forest with me so we could go somewhere safe, somewhere where we could live a normal life together and be happy... but she couldn't. She looked me in the eye and told me that the Rabins would always come first to her." He closed his eyes and sighed, his voice trembling slightly. "Once she fell back asleep, I decided I'd rather remember her alive from a distance than find her dead on the border another day," he whispered. "The Rabins always were her first and true love anyways," he added sourly.

Amelia blinks, finding it hard that her leader would ever do that. She bites her lip as he finishes. "Oh geez Jett. I'm sorry." She glances at Sacha's tent. "She probably never mentioned you because she was so upset that you left." She exhales and looks back at him. "Have you tried actually having a conversation about that night? Why you left, how you felt? Instead of being so angry at her about everything?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hawksnest565


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Marik sighed, incredibly tempted to light what appeared to be the location of a makeshift campfire but who knew what trouble that might cause. But the camp had been made in a spot where the sun happened to be shining quite nicely at the moment, and whoever was staying he was nowhere in sight. He shifted into his bear form and sat down with his eyes closed, enjoying the warmth. The forest was quiet around him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Aya relaxed, happy to hear that there was at least one person Destin was willing to speak of. She looked over at the work he ewas doing, and was pleased to see how quickly he was getting it down. "This is so much better to do with someone else." she said cheerily, noticing that they had already nearly completed the sorting. "How do you think this season's going to turn out? Nobody's gotten sick yet in the Rabins, thank goodness. Although Sacha did get injured the other day." she flinched, not exactly wanting to say that it was a Brom who'd attacked her leader.

Destin nods. "I heard about that...Fabine and a few other Broms right?" He could never keep track of who hurt who and on what day. He sighs. "I'm glad she's okay though, or at least looked that way when I saw her.." He glances at Aya and smiles slightly. "I'm glad you haven't gotten hurt yet either." That would probably be the determining factor. If Aya ever got hurt, he'd leave the Broms. No way would a sweet girl like that be hurt by people who he considered friends.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Fionraella>

Leo glared at him a bit and huffed, walking behind him still. "PAH! You should just bite them..." he muttered, crossing his arms and scowling ahead as they walked. He paused and blinked, there was a deer not too far off. Leo crouched a bit, still human and started heading towards it slowly, carefully.

"I'm slow." Xavier laughs before noticing the deer as well. He stops. "What are you doing?" He hisses at Leo, glancing at the deer, hoping the boy wouldn't scare it off. Obviously this boy has no idea what the shit he's doing, but this was an entirely new level of stupid! He groans inwardly and ducks silently behind a tree in case the deer bolted that way.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jaywing93


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by jaywing93>

Amelia blinks, finding it hard that her leader would ever do that. She bites her lip as he finishes. "Oh geez Jett. I'm sorry." She glances at Sacha's tent. "She probably never mentioned you because she was so upset that you left." She exhales and looks back at him. "Have you tried actually having a conversation about that night? Why you left, how you felt? Instead of being so angry at her about everything?"

Jett glanced at Sacha's tent and sighed. "I'm not sure how open to conversation she is with me," he pointed out, dabbing his nose again with the bloodied cloth. He looked back at Amelia with a pained expression. "You said she was happy before I came. Would I just be making her life that much more difficult if I tried to bring it up with her?" he asked hesitantly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hawksnest565


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Was everyone on your side okay too?" Aya asked, relieved that he seemed to be okay to talk about it. There might not be another chance for a little while from them to share their healing techniques. She laughed a little at Destin's words. "Don't worry, people won't hurt me. If they tried to, I'd just fly away." she glanced over the piles of herbs they'd sorted. "This looks good, huh? You should have seen the plants yesterday! It was some miracle that they hadn't been killed by the cold yet."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Fionraella>

Jett glanced at Sacha's tent and sighed. "I'm not sure how open to conversation she is with me," he pointed out, dabbing his nose again with the bloodied cloth. He looked back at Amelia with a pained expression. "You said she was happy before I came. Would I just be making her life that much more difficult if I tried to bring it up with her?" he asked hesitantly.

Amelia sighs heavily. "If she has that much anger and rage when you barely spoke, I think it's safe to say she's still hurting. I think you should talk to her. Even if it's just to be clear about why she's angry." she shrugs. "If you want to be a Rabin again, you should have every right to be a Rabin again. We're the better group, and we shouldn't send people away." She says, assuming that he wanted to rejoin the group.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by wallaberry
Avatar of wallaberry

wallaberry Its Dat Boi!!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nadia's eyes narrowed as she saw Marik's resting form. She slid her hand down to pull her army knife out of it's sheath and held it tightly. Him again? What's he doing here? She recognized him from their last encounter. One of the few ones that hadn't ended up in a fight. She contemplated her options before she decided to walk to the small clearing. She cleared her throat as a sign of her presence. "What are you doing here?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hawksnest565


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Hm?" Marik half-turned his head towards Nadia, surprised that he hadn't recognised the location. He'd been more distracted by the weather then he thought. He turned his gaze away from her and back to the sky, hardly in the mood for confrontation. "Good day to you." He spoke calmly in acknowledgement. "I was only enjoying the sunshine. If that so bothers you, I could leave your presence."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jaywing93


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by jaywing93>

Amelia sighs heavily. "If she has that much anger and rage when you barely spoke, I think it's safe to say she's still hurting. I think you should talk to her. Even if it's just to be clear about why she's angry." she shrugs. "If you want to be a Rabin again, you should have every right to be a Rabin again. We're the better group, and we shouldn't send people away." She says, assuming that he wanted to rejoin the group.

Jett nodded slowly, but his head jerked up at the mention of rejoining the Rabins. He hadn't even considered that, and it still seemed pretty far-fetched at the moment. He wasn't even positive that was something he'd be interested in if he stayed on dangerous terms with the group leader. "Thanks, you're right, I probably should talk to her," he sighed. "Hopefully she's just not feeling violent this time."
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