Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Snarl
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Snarl Pls fight me

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The World

At the heart of a vine constricted maze begins the journey. Weak light pierces through the canopy of a quiet, windless forest in sporadic and far too spaced out patches. The ground is soft and smells spoiled, no doubt due to the recent rain and the rotted leaves puddled about the trees. Like giants these trees loom and sway slightly, almost on their own. With trunks thick enough to be mistaken for walls. Roots breaching above the surface of the ground. A hazy fog curls about, snaking through the area.

It is against one of these behemoths that your character finds themselves pinned. By some magic or malice, the roots of the trees have bound the travelers to their trunks. All six are unconscious- perhaps dreaming. They are positioned in a circle, facing one another. At the center of this little clearing is enough light so that they can see one another.

There are no creatures in the immediate area. Nor are there any demons. This part of the forest is safe, for now.

The Guide

The Ghost had been walking aimlessly through the trees for some time now. Thinking of nothing. Feeling for nothing. Simply trudging forward with a notion that he should be looking for something. However he had no idea what this something was. Soon enough he came upon the 6. Their faces were so relaxed that he assumed they were dead. Or at least on their way to being so.

Floating closer he soon found that they were in fact alive. But why were they bound to these trees? Perhaps he was intruding on a witches sacrifice again. He looked about for the runes to confirm this. When he found none, he was confused.

“Wake up now.” He said, drifting over to the Pawn to inspect the roots binding her to the tree. If this was some spell then perhaps he could undo it by phasing through it? The Ghost tried this. Darting straight through the roots, the Pawn, and the tree entirely. Circling back to where ehe began, however, showed that this did nothing.

“Stronger magic..” He commented aloud, dropping down to the ground and walking back to the center of the clearing. Studying their faces once again he came to a conclusion. They were definitely out of place here- the forest was rejecting their presence. The trees were probably trying to, albeit very slowly, absorb them.

“Interesting situation you’re all in.” He said to no one in particular. The Ghost hovered slightly as he waited for them to wake up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Snarl "Ugh" a moan similar to that of a zombie came from The Bishop as he awoke, he opened his eyes and quickly closed them again while letting out a moan of pain due to the light hitting his eyes.

it took a bit of time for his eyes to adjust to the light "What the fuck?" he didn't remember going camping, actually he didn't remember a lot of things. and that included his name, his family or friends, but for some reason that didn't really bother him; he had the feeling that he would remember/recover eventually.

he just had to stay positive and junk, well he wasn't really gonna recover his memories by sitting on his butt all day was he? he attempted to rise up from the ground, it was a bit difficult due to tree's roots, but try as he might he wasn't able to brake the roots. "Well Shit" He muttered as he stopped trying to break free and just settled on observing his surroundings, he noticed that he wasn't alone, his frown turned around thinking that it was good as he didn't exactly like being alone
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nevix
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Nevix Says "Yello?" When Answering Phone

Member Seen 7 days ago

The Rook

He didn't know his name. This was the first and most startling of the facts that occurred to him. The next was that he didn't remember anything. Sure, the ingrained knowledge was there. He was fairly sure that he could walk. He knew that he could speak. He could identify the things around him. Trees, grass, massive, tendril-like roots that pinned him to a tree.


He didn't know much about the world, but he was fairly positive that being bound by a tree was not the normal state of affairs. He thought about struggling, but the massive man next to him was unable to break his own roots, it seemed like a waste of energy to try.

Giant man?

Yes, there was a giant man. As well as several others. He sighed.

"Well, this was bound to be interesting."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aquaknight
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Aquaknight Back from the dead!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


The Queen stirred awake. The feeling of aching muscles, limbs and unremembered habits was the reason she awakened so quickly and without missing a beat in seeing all the strange things around her, least of all the binding that binds her to the rough bark of the tree she seemed to find herself stuck to. Her throat felt dry and hoarse and before she even glanced at her follow prisoners she quietly let out a "What the fuck."

The Queen struggled to free her limbs of the binds that bind her to the tree, once, twice, thrice, each time harder then the last until her joints ached even more then when she started. She let out a deep breath in then out as she was forced to collect her thoughts which got scattered in the wind when she realized she was trapped, she finally took a few glances around and seeing a few human faces. Seeing the other humans made her realized something. She can't remember anything. She can't remember how she got here, how she got binded to the tree, she also has no idea who these people are or even know who she herself is, but she does remember some things, she remember words, actions, and a single name which ringed in her head like a bell in a bell tower, The Queen, the strongest piece in a game called Chess, a name that resonate within her like a memory that is there but without any context or reason behind it.

"What the Shit!" The queen growled loudly as she started to struggle even more rocking her whole body back and forth but it did nothing to help her get free, she didn't feel the roots loosen. "Shit! Shit! Shit! Let go you piece of shit tree!" She muttered in anger as she angrily thrashed about before she started to catch her breath after a few seconds of pure unadulterated rage. Once she caught her breath she grimly looked at the others and with a resigned voice asked. "So, what do we do now...?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Knight

The Knight began to wake up from his strange nap. At least he thought it was a nap, but he was really sore. He tried to move his neck around and it had a major crick. He tried to bring a hand up to rub it, but his arm wouldn't move. He looked down to realize that his arm was trapped under something seriously heavy. As he began to look around he noticed that he was nowhere he remembered in fact he couldn't remember much of anything.

He looked around the area more intensely trying to figure out what was going on to him. It looked like he was in some sort of forest, and their were people being pinned to trees. He was pinned to a tree. Why couldn't he remember how he got there? 'Ok, just think for a moment, my name is The Knight and I was... Why isn't there anything else? What type of name is The Knight?' He continued looking around trying to find answers. From the looks on the others faces and The Queens reaction it seemed they didn't know much either.

There seemed to be another strange man around. He looked weird though, not in his looks persay, but in that it was sort of hard to see him. Somehow the others felt vaguely familiar, but not him. "Hey you! The one not trapped under trees. What's going on here? Are you really there?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 7 mos ago


He knew not of names or history, but only what he felt. Vile frustrations, boundaries, restraints, and it infuriated him greatly.
"Get me down now, you wretched swine bucket! " he roars as he struggles against the roots. His eyes pierce into the back of the head of the one standing free.
The others in the circle squirmed in his peripheral and the voices echoed like white noise in his ears.
He had focus for only the free one, a deep vicious animalistic focus.
"You let me down right now or I swear I will make you regret the rest of your short pathetic miserable fucking life."
His words spit out like acid, filled with a furious rage.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SilverWolfAngel
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SilverWolfAngel The closer you look / The less you see

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Pawn

Slowly blinking her bleary eyes open, the Pawn yawned. She'd woken up to the sound of raised voices, a sound she'd never liked, not that she could remember anything; it was just a feeling she got. Attempting to raise her hand up to rub at her eyes she was shocked to find that she couldn't move. Definitely awake now she writhed around trying to loosen herself from the hold of, …were they roots? Oh man, today was not looking good.

Glancing around the clearing and spotting the other five, no six, she frowned, yelling would get them out of here no faster than struggling, which was working sooo well.

Pausing in her effort, and sucking in a breath, she hollered, "Oi, stop insulting the only person that looks like they'd be able to get us out of here, I dunno 'bout you, but I ain't likely to do something for someone when they cuss at me, eh?" She shrugged, or as much of a shrug as she could do, which really was pretty pitiful, how did he think he was going to make anyone's life hell when he was glued to a tree? Directing her next sentence at the figure in the middle of the clearing she inquired in a much more reasonable tone; "Sorry, but do you think you can get us down from here? Please?" She had questions, and lots of them, but they, she figured, could wait till she wasn't trussed up like a turkey.
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