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Stardust Blood - Planetside/40k-styled Eternal Sci-FI Conflict RP

Based on Sigma's (and Newsun's) amazing NRP, Fires of Anuria. All credit for the original idea goes to them.

"Only in Death does Service End."
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[hider=Nation Profile Scheme]
The Great Horde of Torruk

Nation Intro
The Beastmen Plague. The Unending Horde. The Ruinous Herd. The Beasts of Ends.

Beastmen were once a great threat to many a nations whom had to fight off these raiders for generations lest the beastmen destroy them all. However divided the beastmen were in their own tribes and hordes that fought one another as much as they fought civilizations and kingdoms, only once unified by a great leader known as Alpharen the World Eater who sought to lay waste to all of civilization.

However, that was in the past. Now with the advent of progress and invention, it would seem that many beastmen are departing from their wild, feral and savage roots. One such gathering the Great Horde of Torruk lead by one Torruk Sun Caller, a leader who see both the ways of old and the ways of new. Still hated by many for his species past, Torruk simply wants his fellow beastmen to be able to survive in an era which threatens to drive them to extinction.

While the beastmen may have fought for pleasure and plunder in ages past, now they fight for their survival in a world more than willing to end them.


(Choose a color and draw your borders on the map. Also you get the freedom to describe the environment and geography of your nation here, within reasonable limits. You can even talk about the important zones or places within your borders.)

(Talk about the history of your nation. You can make it barebones if you want or collaborate with other players to establish a shared history.)

(What is your nation is like. You can describe your demographics (special mention to the various races), culture, religion and even your government. It's a bit complex category so if you feel like it you can split this up.)


The term "beastmen" is an umbrella term which refers to beings neither of fully human nor fully animal makings. There are several distinct species which make up the demographics of the Horde, some more beastly than others. Despite their rapid growth and evolution in the past century, many still regard the beastmen as a brutish and stupid race, a stereotype that many Tamed beastmen enjoy to disprove.

Amongst beastmen, there are also two fairly distinct variations of them: Ferals and Tamed. Ferals are the ones who fit more in line with the older idea of a savage, barbaric beasts while Tamed are their more civilized cousins who are capable of building their own civilizations (albeit not to the level of other races); Torruk's Horde is comprised of only Tamed beastmen. The two variations look at each other with equal hatred, Ferals seeing the Tamed as weak and Tamed seeing the Ferals as barbarians from an age long past.









(What is your economy like? What do you mine, produce, trade? How developed is your nation in terms of technology? Anything unique you invented or even make?)

(Unsurprisingly you must also talk about your military. How militarized are you? What is your army like in general? What kind of equipment you use? Any special units or machines worth mentioning? I think you already know how this goes.)
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"It is well that war is so terrible, otherwise we should grow too fond of it."

For years the Old World found itself in a period of relative peace, but something stirs beyond the walls of civilization. From the great forests of the lands, the Beastmen seek to reclaim their ancient ancestral grounds from the races who stole it from them, their small raids becoming ever fiercer and larger. From the east, a new horde of Greenskins pour over the World's End Mountains, their bloodlust and warmongering unparalleled. From the north, the savage Norscan tribes with their unholy pagan gods are only becoming more and more dangerous as the bitter cold winds speak of great, horrific rituals they carry out for their gods now try to summon something. From the south, the living bones of a long dead empire reawakens, with them they carry the reclamation of their vast empire with legions of warriors that now serve them in death as they had in life.

War is coming. A great, eternal war.

This was a story of how people held firm in these dark times chasing after a glimmering beacon of hope. This was a story of how soldiers faced perilous odds but held brave in front of death. This was a tale of how leaders faced both bitter defeat and glorious victory. The battles would be legendary on a scale rarely ever seen before as would the hardships of war on the people. But from them would be forged the greatest of heroes and villains.

This was their story.

This was their Legacy.

Welcome to the world of Salvus, one right on the edge of inevitable all out war. Inspired heavily by Warhammer Fantasy as well as some other fantasy universes, this NRP will be focused on a part of NRPs that we all love but never really get a chance to do, war. Yes, the main focus of this RP isn't diplomacy or expansion or whatever, its just war. That said, there are three things I am going to heavily stress:

1 - You cannot "win", there is no victory and nations/races cannot be completely destroyed without their creator's approval first. This may be a war-based NRP, but its to create something more of a story and also letting people release their desire to write epic battles and just generally have bloody fun.

2 - While the main focus of the RP is good old fashioned killing with some grimdark mixed in, this isn't a nothing but slaughter edgefest. Even in times of great despair, people usually find something normal to do or to be happy about and your posts can relate to things outside of war such as rituals or just about normal civilians who aren't directly in the front lines.

3 - Rule of Cool is definitely in play here but I still do encourage some bit of reason and realism. Most armies aren't made up of only heavily armored knights in real life and they shouldn't be in here. Besides, that's a terrible tactical choice anyways. I'm not going to allow you to have magical nukes or for every single one of your soldiers to carry Unholy Flaming Bastard Swords of Brutal Skullfucking +99.

Because I don't know where to put this otherwise, here's the military crunchy bits which know are confusing. Trust me it was hard enough trying to write it out while knowing what was going on.

NS guide that will certainly be edited, revised and explained more than once:

Current claims map curtsey of RisenDead.

Are you ready to forge a legacy in an age of war?
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Inquisitor Karthis


Inquisitor Talvyrn Karthis






Karthis is something of what he would call the "pragmatic sort", something others would define him as a radical Inquisitor no doubt due to his mentor he served under as an acolyte, the ends justify the means after all. The man is a strange mix of cautious and bold, weary and brash. Karthis is the one to first draw his gun and shoot but is also the first one to dive for cover; some may call it cowardice but he knows that he can't exactly serve the Emperor if he's dead. He knows how to make a statement but also knows the importance of being subtle. Whatever "plans" he makes are often never set in stone completely both in part of letting him be flexible in his approach and also because sometimes he's just too lazy to really lay out a plan in its entirety. As is with all Inquisitors, he is devoted to the God-Emperor but he tends to be a bit more reserve about it as Karthis doesn't see himself as the demagogue sort. Unlike many Inquisitors of his age, Karthis isn't exuding endless vigor and zealotry and acts a few decades more mature most of the time putting emphasis on the "duty" part of the "holy duty" of the Inquisition. He still is prone fits of hotheaded outbursts and raging, the guy's only human after all.


Born and raised on the Frontier World of Zanfrik Prime to a large family of 10 others, Karthis would loose 8 of his siblings to the sands of the Zanfrik. Enduring hardship and getting accustom to lose might have not been the best childhood ever but it certain made him tougher on a mental level. Given he was a natural psyker, such mental fortitude was more than helpful as he became older. His parents were an interesting bunch, his father an Imperial Guard veteran whose regiment was used as a defense force for Zanfrik while his mother was a former priestess hailing from a Shrine World and was the acting head of the local cathedral. Although both were highly devout, Karthis's father was the more reserved and humbled one while his mother, while having a soothing voice, was very, very passionate about the God-Emperor and Karthis preferred not loosing his voice all the time so he followed his father's more reserved approach.

Upon reaching the age of 10, he was sent to a local chapel where his psychic powers were trained and honed as best as they could. Although his powers at this point were fairly weak, he could easily control and suppress them meaning that they had very little affect on his life beyond being able to do some cool magics. After 5 years of studying, he decided to join local PDF, proving his worth and getting a few promotions thanks to his marksmanship skills and a few of his father's connection. So great was his skill that he had been selected to be on an Arbites support squad for the local Arbiter (local being more or less that entire system) in which there he had also proven himself capable and found himself in charge of a squad within a year of joining.

It would be when a local uprising on another world turned to heresy and the Ordos Hereticus was called in that Karthis would be set on the track of joining the Inquisition. During one particularly intense fire fight, the young man was in the right place at the right time for on Inquisitor Hargos to witness this single warrior firing into a swarm of heretics armed with nothing but an autogun and faith. Once the insurrection was put down, Karthis was given the offer of becoming an Acolyte in the retinue of the Inquisitor, an offer Karthis readily accepted with his the full support of his parents and remaining siblings.

Serving dutifully under Hargos for a decade, Karthis found himself promoted to the role of Inquisitor after making a deduction on another Frontier world that suggested a possible heretical uprising and was snuffed out before it blossomed its ugly flower (in truth it was more blind luck and some lucky coincidences that fell into place for him). Upon taking the rank, he decided to run with the Ordo Fronterius, an Ordo Minorus which dealt primarily with Frontier and Colony worlds. In all honesty however, Karthis mostly took the position and role as a way of finally being able to reunite with his family for a short while. During his time with Ordo Fonterius, he mostly acted as support for another Inquisitor with very little of a network or retinue. It would only be until he was told that his mentor had fallen in Emperor's holy duty and took it upon himself to continue in his mentor's steed, joining the Ordo Hereticus and starting his journey of proving himself to be a competent Inquisitor to himself at least, honing both his combat and psycic abilities through



  • Bolt Pistol - Nothing too special, just an average Inquisitorial bolt pistol that was given to him upon his promotion to full Inquisitor.
  • "Trusty" - One of Karthis's first guns, given to him by his father at a young age. Its an old revolver-type stub gun which has served the man well in many years of fighting. He always carries on him in some form or another and his ability to quick draw with it will ensure he gets the first shot off.
  • "Break Out" - A gift from Inquisitor Hargos, an easily concealable break-action shotgun that Karthis always keeps hidden in his cloths.

  • Power Maul - A holder over from his days on an Arbites Support Squad although its more often than not set to kill over stun.

  • Psyk-Out Grenades x 1
  • Frag Grenade x 1
  • Servo Skull "Ahmes"


  • Quick Draw Crack Shot - Being on the Frontier tends to lend you pretty amazing shooting skills compared to those who haven't lived that kind of life. Karthis can reliable get the first shot off in any gunfight as well as having some impressible pistol accuracy especially with lighter Stub and Auto pistols.
  • Pskyer - The man's a Pskyer, not all to powerful but strong enough to help him plenty in his line of work.
  • Invisibility - Self explanatory, Karthis can only cast it for a few minutes though on someone or something, although that's usually more than enough.
  • Force Jump - Basically letting Karthis "jump" into the very edge of the warp and appear a few feet away in what is basically a teleporting like fashion. Its range can only safely go to about a dozen feet and he can't pull anyone else through.
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"Fate Loves the Fearless"
~ James Russell Lowell

First, there was a dream. A dream of a better tomorrow which drove innovation and progress, from the mechanical to the metaphysical. From that dream came a world of endless knowledge and wealth that could sate even the most wanting of men. But this grandeur was not made by the hands of men, it was made by a race whose very name has been lost to time. So great was the power these lost people wielded that they were called the Lost Gods with abilities that could alter the very nature of biology, physics, space and even time; truly gods of an era long past, humanity owes everything to them.

Mankind was indeed a pet project of these forgotten legends, rising from the ashes of the Lost Gods once they had disappeared, their civilization turned to even less than ash. But from the remains birth mankind’s civilization who discovered what they believed was what grant the Lost Gods their incredible abilities: Void Magic. Those born under the right circumstances were said to have been able to channel the world to their will and in doing so brought humanity into Age of Yore, an age where if you could dream it, it could probably happen. However, everything has a price.

With more and more magically-tuned individuals appearing amongst the new ranks of man, something took notice. It was sudden and swift, but brutal; a rift in the veil of reality had brought creatures from the Abyssal Void into the realm of man who fed on the very magic that mankind became reliant on. It was a slaughter, a culling of man, it seemed that it was inevitable that mankind’s short existence would be snuffed out, undone by their own hands.

But then, a twist of fate, from what remained, one of them rose from the barren earth and beat back the monsters from the beyond. Known only as the Prophet, they lead the remains of humanity on a daring crusade against the beasts, banishing them back to from the Abyssal Void from wince they came. And once the final beast was slain, they declared that no more would magic taint the blood of humans and decreed it to be heresy of the very nature of mankind. And with their hero decreeing it and proof that it was their dabbing into the arcane which brought forth the creatures of the Void, who were they to argue?

And so came the Age of Dreams, where mankind tore into science and knowledge, researching everything they could think of, lead by the bloodline of the Prophet. Man became masters of all fields of science, having even life at their control. It was at this time where the true power of the Lost Gods was discovered and how they created mankind. Fascinated by the Lost Gods, King Rynoll ordered further research into the beings before they uncovered the Dreamweaver Nexus and in it, the Celestial Halo, a device which has escaped untold years of decay. It allowed King Rynoll to see the fate of mankind, and a terrible fate it was. For he saw an Age of Abyss.

From that point on, he labored endlessly to ensure that his Age of Dreams would be able to reign immortal past the Age of Abyss, or better yet, to prevent it all together. The King’s age slowly consumed him, his mind failing as he turned to increasingly insane experiments. First he tried to create the perfect humans by wiping them clean and giving them shards of power in exchange for sacrificing whatever future they had; they would give up their destinies to ensure the destiny of man would not falter. These so called Fatefallen however, proved unsuccessful and despite all of the technology and science they received, it was not enough and these husk of men, deprived of even their future, were cast away and left in the Dreamweaver Nexus in stasis.

In a desperate act, the King melded his mind with that of the most AI there was, however something went terribly amiss. Instead of saving humanity, the King Rynoll damn it with his final act of insanity, causing a mechanical uprising. For 100 years, machine and man clashed, the very definition of life challenged but in the end, it would be once again the tenacious humans who would hang on and force the Synthetics to the dark shadows to rust. However, in their final act, the machines found a way to enter the Abyssal Void and some managed to escape into the realm unknown.

For a time, there was peace as new kingdoms rose and fell like the ebb and tide of the ocean waves, named the Age of Order, until the Kingdom of Weydloth rose and peaked. However, the Abbsyal Void spreads its unholy taint in the lands once more, bringing the once great kingdom of mankind to its knees. With no one to save them and no Prophet to lead them, Duke Weydloth makes one last, desperate action before his proud nation falls to dust: he summons forth the Fatefallen. However, once more fate does not smile as none of the former experiments answer the call even as the king sacrifices himself to the Wayward Beacon atop of the Dreamweaver Nexus, turning to dust in the process.

What seems to be eons later, the frozen coffins of the Fatefallen thaw out and their warriors awaken, the Beacon only finally truly sending its forlorn signal. But with age finally affecting the machines, not all wake up at the same time, even if at all. Now with mankind ground to sliver of itself, the Fatefallen this time have been given the quest of linking mankind to its creators less mankind’s Age of Dreams falls unto the horrors of the Void and plunges the world into an Age of Abyss.

"Strange things conspire when one tries to cheat fate"
~ Rick Riordan, The Son of Neptune

Welcome to FateFallen, an RP which draws heavily from Souls games of Fromsoft but also takes inspiration from Warhammer, the Elder Scrolls, Borderlands, Final Fantasy, and Monster Hunter amongst others. The world is flickering once more with the darkness of the Abyssal Void threatening to swallow the Age of Dreams whole. Players will take on the role of one of the Fatefallens as they explore and battle through the remains of the Kingdom of Weydloth, fighting monstrous creatures and piecing together the world.

The entire premise of the world of FateFallen revolves around the phrase “Any technology advanced enough can be seen as magic” and as such has an interesting sci-fi neo-medieval aesthetic. There are also obvious plot holes and missing lore which will be filled in through the IC normally, but players can also in put their own ideas or throw out their own theories on the world or the things we may come across.

But before we can get into any of that, there are some very important things I must note (also, apologizing here for the massive amounts of text walls):

My word as GM is absolute divine law, this is important as I will be controlling all of the monsters and the world of the RP and will not be having a character; think of it as me being a DM in a D&D session. Like the Souls game it’s based on, combat in this RP will not be a simple breezy easy rolf-stomp, in a style similar to a “kill the god-modder game”, I will be dictating what attacks hit me and which do not as well as attacks that can affect you. I will be out to kill your character but I will not be mercilessly fucking you over for shits and giggles, that is not my point, I can get that sort of power trip elsewhere. Of course, this will require you as the player to put a great deal of trust in me and what I do. Three additional points I would like to make is that I reserve the right to break my own rules as I see fit, I am allowed to lie to you on what I will be doing/give you contradictory information (but that is your job to either see through it or work around it) and I will also be granting out various pieces of equipment which transitions into the next section.

You as the player will be creating a character and all that jazz and have equipment you can upgrade or swap out, but there will be no stats involved. I might do some random dice rolls to spruce things up in the background but I will never say “roll 3d6+2d1 for damage”, I’m not Asian enough to deal with all those numbers. Instead, I expect you to be able to accurate role play these changes and difference, fighting with an axe is very different than fighting with a spear. I’m not asking you know the minute details of weapon combat forms, I just don’t want to see someone berserker charging an enemy swinging a spear around like a sword or wondering why stabbing someone with the head of a mace isn’t doing anything.

Oh, there’s also going to be limited slots open; I’m thinking like maybe 3-4 players? Might bump that number up once or twice but I have a feeling that this method of GMing might get quite tricky with a dozen or so people These roles will be based on quality and how well I personally know you/can contact you to a degree but they are certain not nepotistic since I'm a douche or first come first serve. At any rate, what I’m expecting is someone who can write at a Casual level but can get into plot and stuff at a depth of someone whose Advanced level.

So, risen Fatefallen, art thou prepared to set thy destiny true?

"Some Dreams Shouldn't be Remembered."
~ Chloé Danielo


"“You often meet your fate on the road you take to avoid it.” "
~ Goldie Hawn

Character Creation (WIP)

(Feel free to ask questions in below, there will also be some things I will be adding to this if this idea ever makes it to the actual RP stage.)

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