Okay, this has gone quiet for too long. Time to inject a bit of action.
Tobiax, you mentioned hopping forward to the next day pretty soon, but how about we do that now? Hura and Kumanu are just a couple lines away from going their separate ways for the night, Vhis and Tyro aren't interacting at all, and while Velhni and Suavo are kind of in the middle of things, not much would be lost just by posting a wrap-up or flashback of them taking a trip to Vo-Congro and having fun like only a pair of risk-taking adrenaline junkies can. We could play it out, but it would mean that everyone else would have nothing else to do the whole time.
Jumping forward to the first morning of the festival now would give a bit more impetus to the story, allow for all of the characters to interact and move into the main plot easily. I think we've done what we need to reach that point: introduced the characters and their daily lives, and had them start to meet up and create bonds.
I understand that sometimes things get slow in and RP, and that this is a busy time of year for many people, but when it has been more than two weeks without an IC, I worry that, the game is inching towards death. Even with the best of intentions, sometimes games just fade out, and the longer it goes without a post, the easier it gets for that to happen.
So, what do you think? There are details to be worked out of course, but the game definitely needs a kick right now, and I think this one would work best.