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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Liwei nodded. "Let's do both. We might have to do a bit of planning, though," he said, chuckling softly. They were approaching the river. Through the slightly open window beside him, he could hear the churning of water over the rumble of the vehicle. "So, should we just let her go?"

Mona sighs. "Don't have much of a choice." She glances at Misha softly. "Are you going to be okay, make it home safely if we leave you right here?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by xiaomiau
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xiaomiau please be gentle w/ the cat

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

From the back of the van, Misha let out an indignant grunt. "Sure as hell will," she hissed. She stared out the shaded windows of the back of the van. The scenery was much more familiar, here, and she felt less anxious. She crawled back over the seat as Liwei slowed the car. "Anything else, huh? You want fries with that?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

From the back of the van, Misha let out an indignant grunt. "Sure as hell will," she hissed. She stared out the shaded windows of the back of the van. The scenery was much more familiar, here, and she felt less anxious. She crawled back over the seat as Liwei slowed the car. "Anything else, huh? You want fries with that?"

"You know, we did just save your sorry ass..." Mona huffs as she spots the river. She unlocks the door and gets out, opening Misha's door slowly. "Don't run, I'd like to say goodbye." She requests, pushing the door open all the way.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by xiaomiau
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xiaomiau please be gentle w/ the cat

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Misha slid to the ground with a tentative thud as her feet hit the edge of gravel and pavement. Her eyes moved from the ground, up to the towering trees beyond the road, and then back to Mona. "Well, I'm here."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Misha slid to the ground with a tentative thud as her feet hit the edge of gravel and pavement. Her eyes moved from the ground, up to the towering trees beyond the road, and then back to Mona. "Well, I'm here."

Mona nods. "Yeah you are." She then holds her hand out. "It was nice to meet you, even under these unfortunate circumstances. I hope you have a happy life now that you're out of the facility..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by xiaomiau
Avatar of xiaomiau

xiaomiau please be gentle w/ the cat

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Misha grins awkwardly. She takes a short step towards Mona and fist bumps her instead. She gives a quick nod and then slides down the embankment and back into the forest, breaking into a run in the direction of the Brom camp as soon as she touched even ground.

Liwei glances at the exchange from the drivers seat. He leans with one arm on the wheel. "Wow," he said flatly. "That was like releasing a baby deer." He pauses for a moment, stroking his chin. "Or maybe a bear?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Misha grins awkwardly. She takes a short step towards Mona and fist bumps her instead. She gives a quick nod and then slides down the embankment and back into the forest, breaking into a run in the direction of the Brom camp as soon as she touched even ground.

Liwei glances at the exchange from the drivers seat. He leans with one arm on the wheel. "Wow," he said flatly. "That was like releasing a baby deer." He pauses for a moment, stroking his chin. "Or maybe a bear?"

Mona shakes her head, amused. "Bye Misha, good luck out there." She chuckles, then gets back into the van. "Yeah...I feel so empty now.." She sighs sadly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jaywing93


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by jaywing93>

Fabine scowls a bit. "Hard to be impartial when you hate the Rabin leader as much as I do. I'd much prefer slit her throat. But as a member I'd be worried about her fellow Rabins hearing and trying to interfere."

"How could we lure away from the camp a bit then?" Vera murmured half to herself. She blinked and glanced at Fabine. "Isn't Sacha the kind of weak leader that would blindly run to help anyone in trouble? Aya, too." She paused for a moment and nodded, deciding that this strategy may work. "For example... Maybe if they heard a young-sounding girl crying for help in the opposite direction of the camp?" she suggested, watching her leader carefully for his reaction.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Fionraella>

"How could we lure away from the camp a bit then?" Vera murmured half to herself. She blinked and glanced at Fabine. "Isn't Sacha the kind of weak leader that would blindly run to help anyone in trouble? Aya, too." She paused for a moment and nodded, deciding that this strategy may work. "For example... Maybe if they heard a young-sounding girl crying for help in the opposite direction of the camp?" she suggested, watching her leader carefully for his reaction.

Fabine shrugs as he listens. He didn't think that would work, but wasn't going to respond unless she directly asked. "Sacha is weak. She's an archer who can't make a bullseye at 10 feet. "
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jaywing93


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by jaywing93>

Fabine shrugs as he listens. He didn't think that would work, but wasn't going to respond unless she directly asked. "Sacha is weak. She's an archer who can't make a bullseye at 10 feet. "

Vera frowns slightly, noting that he didn't seem to approve of her plan. She went back to the drawing board and hesitantly suggested, "What if I grabbed Aya? Could you goad her into giving herself up?" She had such little knowledge of the Rabin leader's personality and strategy, so she was intent on getting Fabine's approval before executing anything risky.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Fionraella>

Vera frowns slightly, noting that he didn't seem to approve of her plan. She went back to the drawing board and hesitantly suggested, "What if I grabbed Aya? Could you goad her into giving herself up?" She had such little knowledge of the Rabin leader's personality and strategy, so she was intent on getting Fabine's approval before executing anything risky.

"Goad her how?" Fabine asks. "It could work, I really doubt Sacha would keep prisoners at the expense of her own group mates life."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jaywing93


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by jaywing93>

"Goad her how?" Fabine asks. "It could work, I really doubt Sacha would keep prisoners at the expense of her own group mates life."

Vera chuckled softly. "Well believe it or not, Fabine, you have a way with getting under people's skin and causing them to act quite irrationally," she pointed out, but said so in a gentle way. "Just make sure she does what we say."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Fionraella>

Vera chuckled softly. "Well believe it or not, Fabine, you have a way with getting under people's skin and causing them to act quite irrationally," she pointed out, but said so in a gentle way. "Just make sure she does what we say."

"You actually want me to do that?" Fabine raises an eyebrow then shrugs. "Just tell me what I need to do."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jaywing93


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by jaywing93>

"You actually want me to do that?" Fabine raises an eyebrow then shrugs. "Just tell me what I need to do."

Vera nodded. "You said you hated her to a point that clouded your judgement. The same is probably true of her." She paused and reminded herself that this was still her mission. "I'll grab Aya and start talking with Sacha, but I think it'd be best if you arrive at the same time as me and keep Sacha at bay with your dagger," she instructed. "If she's not cooperating, I'll signal you, and try guilt-tripping. Convince her to trade us our prisoners for their healer."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Fionraella>

Vera nodded. "You said you hated her to a point that clouded your judgement. The same is probably true of her." She paused and reminded herself that this was still her mission. "I'll grab Aya and start talking with Sacha, but I think it'd be best if you arrive at the same time as me and keep Sacha at bay with your dagger," she instructed. "If she's not cooperating, I'll signal you, and try guilt-tripping. Convince her to trade us our prisoners for their healer."

Fabine nods. "Sounds like a plan. Do you have a backup if she doesn't cooperate?" He asks, pulling out his dagger.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jaywing93


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by jaywing93>

Fabine nods. "Sounds like a plan. Do you have a backup if she doesn't cooperate?" He asks, pulling out his dagger.

"We take Aya as our own prisoner until she changes her mind... Or until her group members start dying without a healer," Vera muttered. She strung her bow onto her back and began hustling silently towards the voices.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Fionraella>

"We take Aya as our own prisoner until she changes her mind... Or until her group members start dying without a healer," Vera muttered. She strung her bow onto her back and began hustling silently towards the voices.

Fabine nods and follows, eager to mess with Sacha. She was such a righteous fool it wouldn't be hard.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jaywing93


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by jaywing93>

Fabine nods and follows, eager to mess with Sacha. She was such a righteous fool it wouldn't be hard.

Vera followed the source of the voices right to the source until she could make out the color of their clothes through the trees. She positioned herself behind them, and glanced at Fabine to make sure he was ready as well. She gave a quick nod, and stealthily crept towards the pair, and finally broke into a mad dash when she got close enough, quickly grabbing Aya in a firm, but not painful, chokehold.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hawksnest565


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aya had been entirely unprepared for her kidnapping. Not only that, but she was physically weak. She let out a weak scream, confused by what was happening. "Sacha! Sacha, help!" She struggled pathetically against Vera's hold but only managed to make it more uncomfortable for herself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Aya had been entirely unprepared for her kidnapping. Not only that, but she was physically weak. She let out a weak scream, confused by what was happening. "Sacha! Sacha, help!" She struggled pathetically against Vera's hold but only managed to make it more uncomfortable for herself.

Sacha whirls around and snarls. "Broms!" She hides angrily, reaching for her bow and an arrow. She spots Fabine and snorts. "The hell do you want Fabine???"

Fabine,motions around with his dagger lazily. "Up to Vera. She's running the show here."
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