Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by saberrom

saberrom The Charlatan of Literature

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ren seemed so utterly confused, and it showed in his entire form.. he looked to Nexus.. gritting his teeth, half through pain, half through anger. "What was he on about..." he made sure not to sound overly aggressive given the situation... "What did... What did you do to me... what is he talking about... void? whats all that?"
He slumped back into a prone position, exhausted, merely awaiting Nexus's reply.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 1 day ago

Nexus' eye twinged when Ren spoke. He grabbed the bridge of his nose and sighed, while Shadra made her way to his side and placed her hands on his arm, standing just barely tall enough to reach his elbow with her head. Nexus pushed her away gently and walked over to Ren. "You really don't remember anything, do you?" Nexus asked, glancing at Ren's chest. "You can relax, for now. We haven't done anything to you, and that man doesn't wish for your death just yet. You're in the tower of Chaos, between the fabric of reality, the Void."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by saberrom

saberrom The Charlatan of Literature

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The man's words flowed through Ren's mind... "So all this... this is the void?" he sighs.. "Well I'm glad I'm... I'm not dead I suppose.. level with me, Nexus.. is it?.. why am I here?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 1 day ago

"You're like us," Shadra cut in abruptly. Nexus shot her an intimidating glance, but the threat in his posture melted away when she turned her head towards him, looking as if she'd no idea what was wrong with her statement. "Void Creation"

"Shadra brought you here as soon as I mentioned this to Yzeira- That Red-Clad fellow that just left. She was snooping as per usual, and before we'd come to any conclusions, she fetched you and brought you here. I took advantage of the situation and presented Yzeira with an opportunity to see for himself that people like us can exist outside of this tower... I didn't think he'd show zero interest for your being, though."

"He's confused," Shadra said, pointing at Ren right afterwards. "He thought he understood how our Void works. He's frustrated." Nexus sighed and nodded.

"Your existence, in his eyes, may be identical to our own. If you came to be through some other method, though... Well, save it to say, you wouldn't be allowed to roam freely right now."
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