Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Iyato Kujo

A horror appears,
The request for rope denied :(
Many ups and downs.

He'd followed Todo after his request for rope had been completely largely ignored, still carrying the chair. And there they stumbled across a new arrival. One Miyako Inoue, not someone he could say he knew about, or was talked about. But of what little was said, there were some conjectures regarding the real reason for her unfailing politeness. None of which were bad, but the fact that there were conjectures at all was an amusing idea. Imagining how those conversations could turn sour brought a smile to his face.

Well aren't you doing well for yourself, Shizune. This group looks like a real keeper, assuming they don't all kill each other, that is. She laughed, standing between them and the escape they sought. "Ooh, looks like you found the portraits. Hope none of you try to mount Mr. Ed over there. He'd sooner be mounting you tidbits if you don't run quick enough~"

“That’s our cue to move,” she told everyone, gripping Mikiena’s hand and moving in whatever direction that carried them away from the yellow-eyed girl. So it would seem the horse was on their side after all, the pale thing snarling at the yellow-eyed girl once more before leading their group further and further away, deeper into the spiraling, never ending hallways of their nightmare school.

"Any reason we can't just take her?" Iyato asked no one in particular. "I'm feeling very reckless, and I think this chair would agree with me."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 5 days ago

Yuriya Yozora
百合夜 夜空

"If you really insist, you piece of useless trash, I would be more than glad to give you a lesson you'll never forget." Yuriya said as she grabbed Anri by the collar of his uniform, meeting his gaze with a stern glare. "However, we don't have time for this now. Do anything like that again and I won't think twice before following Shizune's suggestion."

Once she was done, Yuriya snatched the lighter again, keeping it with herself this time. "I can assist Inoue, Todo. You go check if the others need help as well. If this... thing is dire enough to have Shizune call for a retreat, we can't waste time on lost causes like Rokudo." It was then that Yuriya noticed Iyato's question and replied, "You can try that plan all you want, Chair Boy, but don't complain when you become food to whatever that thing is."

Finally, Yuriya came back to the side of the struggling Miyako, extending her hand both to help guide other girl as well as to offer a handkerchief to Miyako. "Here. Use this, Inoue. If you can't see where you are going, you will end up tripping on your own feet." Yuriya said as she handed the clean piece of red cloth, embroidered with spider motifs to Miyako.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SaikaAnge
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

幹恵ナ タカ春

Mikiena Takaharu

Before she knew what was going on she was running, being drug by another girl. She was scared and confused all at the same time. Her heart raced as she looked back and saw the horse and yellow eyed girl. Mikiena had no idea why a horse was on campus, but knew it didn't mean anything good. "What the hell is that?!" she yelled out as she got pulled.

It was all so strange. Once they stopped running Mikiena let her heart rate slow back to normal as she asked the group of others, some she actually recognized, what was going on. "Can someone tell me what's going on? I'm so confused. What was that back there?" Mikiena questioned, catching her breath. She was thankful for the pull away from whatever it was, but was so confused about everything. None of it made sense. 'Why are we running away from that girl?' she looked back in the direction they had come from.

"Are we safe right here? I'm guessing you guys had a run in with those two before?" She crossed her arms and took notice of everyone around her. She didn't mean to sound so rude, even though she felt like she was snapping at the girl that may have very well of saved her life. "Look, I'm sorry. But I have no clue what's going on and I only recognize half of you."

Mikiena peered into one of the classroom next to the group and saw it was empty. "We can rest in here for now. There's another door on the other side, so if we need to make a quick exit we can." she offered looking around to the group. She did recognize Anri, but due to the way the other girl was talking to him she kept her distance. Mikiena didn't want to get into something she didn't belong in.

@TheWindel, @Lucius Cypher, @Lonewolf685, @UberBlutwurst, @RoflsMazoy, @KoL
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Katashi Todo

Katashi was beginning to contemplate whether he was the last sane person in this world, or if he was going mad himself. Miyako ran off without the aid of either himself or Yuriya, seemingly unhindered by the wound her fall inflicted. Iyato demonstrated a level of sadism with so little pressure placed upon him that Katashi was concerned he'd be a greater internal threat then Anri. While he may have been trying to hold onto the sensibilities of their world even Katashi was growing haggard from the group, and the constant additions of new people was proving more concerning then worthy of jubilation.

"At least we can thank the horse for saving us twice now." The boy with the ripped shirt said without a care for other's judgements as he followed after the horse which was delaying the blood caked girl with some connection to Shizune. Truthfully, it was a golden opportunity for information gathering from a source that may have been just as knowledgeable as Shizune, perhaps even more, but the others had decided to leave without a word in inquistition and he wasn't straying far from the kelpi anytime soon.

"Iyato, if you are looking to give her the chair, at least ask some questions first."

The cat eyed girl looked down onto the sudden upwell of water which was attempting to bind her ankles in place. Her look was unamused, yet she didn't make any effort to test the strength of their hold upon her. Rather, she crossed her arms under her chest and raked her gaze along the retreating group, judging them all in their departure save for the pyromaniac and the chair wielding boy who had yet to decide.

"Lucky me. I'm left with the fun ones in the group." She said with a snap of her scissors through empty air. Seeing how these two were the black sheep of the group, the cat eyed girl adopted a more pleased posture as she started chatting without a care for her rooted feet. "I take it if you're here you realize that Shizune is full of shit, right? She may call me a witch but no one knows her better then me, and the stories I could tell of the last groups that came through with her would make the Friagne's art work looking pretty damn pedestrian...oh right, Friagne didn't put on his little exhibition for you, did he? Well I imagine he'll leave a gallery later on for your enjoyment."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Shizune Yoshida~

“We’re leaving as far away from that hallway as we can,” Shizune said gruffly, not letting go of Miyako’s hand. Even so, she heard Iyato’s question and swerved around to give him a sneering grin. “If you want to get yourself killed, then that’s fine by me. But if I say we should run away, then we run away. Go be a hero and die if you want, but we are going to survive.”

She allowed Yuriya to take care of Miyako, too busy trying to save lives to notice the affectionate attention the girl was giving to her friend. That caused a slight twitch on Shizune’s part but she ignored it for the threat at hand. Oh yes, and then there was Mikiena. Yet another student to join their happy little brigade of death.

"We’re in a death world. Stick together to survive. That’s about it,” Shizune explained before halting as the other girl made a suggestion. “Good idea. Everyone, into the classroom now.” Once everyone had entered inside-yes, even the horse-Shizune slammed the door shut and sighed.

A quick scan around would show the room to be very similar to…wait a minute. Shizune stared at the bubbling sink at the far corner of the room before her gaze then shifted to the open window to the left. Was…Was this the exact same classroom they had departed from before? Had they gone in one big circle? And…what was with the horse anyway?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Iyato Kujo

Death takes cowardice,
Heroism takes courage.
Inside is neither.

"Your word is my gospel," Iyato said. "Lead the way."

Whether he was being sarcastic or not, he hadn't yet decided. He liked Shizune the most out of any student he'd had the pleasure of being near. He loved her attitude, the distance, as if being next to her was still a world away. How haughty she seemed, how regal she felt, her gaze when she'd find out how he thought of her, imagining it excited him to no end. The rest of their group paled in comparison to the absolute untouchable presence that she was, and he loved it.

As for the rest... they can burn for all I care. He thought.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

𝓐𝓷𝓻𝓲 𝓡𝓸𝓴𝓾𝓭𝓸

”Friends? Since when… Can anyone else remind me when we were ever friends?”

This was crazy. This was all just insane. Nothing but repeated questions about why this, why that, who is doing what, so on and so forth. So much going on, so little time. Anri felt tired. It has been a very long day and it would be great if she could just lay down and nap. Maybe when she’d wake up this would all be over. Anri would like that. ”Yup.”

Anri would have liked to have lunch actually. She remembered bringing some tasty fried honey walnut shrimp. Buy a can of juice. Eat lunch with her friends. Friends… Anri tried to remember who was her friends. She tried to remember anyone. But she was forgetting. She didn’t even know the names of some of the people around her. Anri looked up. This was different. Where the fuck is she now? ”That’s a good question. Hello! Where is this place? This is weeeeeeiiird.” Anri giggled.

Anri noticed the floor… Glyph… Thing beneath her feet beginning to move. It was taking her along the same path as the others. A thing beneath notice; literally underfoot. Yet it was carting Anri along with the group, and she seemed too amused by the colors to really care. But if anyone bothered to pay attention to her, they’d notice that Anri was somehow following them without lifting a foot. As the group ran away from the madness in the hall, Anri spoke. ”Hey, come on, say something. All you’ve been doing is telling me what I’m doing. I know what I’m doing. Come on, say something!”

The girl seemed confused. ”No I’m not. You need to explain yourself!” You are following the group. Or at least, that’s what Anri thought she was doing. Suddenly everything stopped and she was back in the hall. Standing in front of her was a girl she didn’t know and a boy… She felt she should know, but honestly Anri might have forgotten. ”Hiya. Name’s Anri Rokudo!”

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Katashi Todo

"I don't know about everyone else, but I'm glad we have the kelpi on our side." Katashi said the only thing that really came to mind as the group went full circle and wound up right where they had started., trying to rationalize the situation with a bit of brevity like they had before. It hurt to see they were now missing a person but if Anri hadn't ran then there was nothing more for him to do without endangering himself and others. "At least, I would assume a water horse was a kelpi. I don't suppose you could shed some light on our aquatic savior...and that girl out there?"

The cat eyed girl watch the World of Wasted Dreams sink its claws deep into the heart of one Anri Rokudo, and found it grand. "Why hello there, Anri. Nice to see another enlightened soul in these parts. Most of the residents would sooner eat your entrails then help you light a sleeping humans socks on fire, so always glad to have a like minded gal like you around!"

What should have been holding her in place was futile when she stepped forward to inspect Anri more closely, smashing the bonds with a loud splash, the water slipping away through the floorboards. "So I'm going to bet you have loads of things to ask, and now that everyone else left you behind you may want to see them suffer a bit. Lucky for you I am a boundless font of wisdom within this world, and messing with that treacherous blonde is my favorite past time."

She wrapped her arms around Anri, holding Anri within a disturbingly affectionate hug she nuzzled her stained face into the traps neck. "As for who I am? Well, you can call me Nirvana."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SaikaAnge
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

幹恵ナ タカ春

Mikiena Takaharu

Mikiena was the one of the last to enter he classrom. 'Good thinking.' she thought to herself when her idea was accepted. She didn't completely understand what was going on, but she had the jist. And the weird horse thing was on their side apparently."So horse good, girl out there bad? That's what I got so far. I'm sorry, this is all so weird to me. But thank you." Miki was grateful that she was allowed in their group and they didn't just leave her for dead. They saved her life. Mainly Shizune was to thank. So she directed her thanks to her.

She took a deep breathe then sat on on of the desks to give her feet a rest while thy weren't moving. She had a feeling there would be a lot of running and walking. Rather rest them now and keep them from hurting early. 'I should just stay quiet.' Miki thought to herself. She didn't want to bug anyone. Especially the ones that saved her life. She may not be so fortunate next time. 'I hope we can all just go home soon and forget about this weird, scary night.' she looked from the group to the ground and sat silently.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 5 days ago

Yuriya Yozora
百合夜 夜空

Yuriya didn't liked the way things were going, in fact her frustration was evident in her features. While she didn't looked troubled, the way her face warped into a scowl made it obvious. "Great, now we are back to step two. Not only that but we are also left without any easy to use escape route." Yuriya said as she looked over the window they use to climb down to this level.

While the gutter pipes were still within a hand's reach, going back up would be suicide as they risked being ambushed by the Friagne again. Going to the ground level from outside of the building didn't seemed like a good idea as well, not with the fog that besieged the school building for as long as they have been here on this realm of nightmares. "At least we are free of one more potential danger. Thanks to Rokudo, we are stuck here with no obvious way out. Now that I think about it, where's Inoue? I am sure that I was holding her hand even a second before we got in here again." Another disappearance wasn't good at all for their group; every lost member was one less hand they could use to help their survival, or a threat to take into consideration, in the worst case scenario.

"What should we do now, Shizune?" Yuriya asked as she found a less gore caked chair to sit, still casually disregarding the absurdity that was Katashi's new 'friend', though Yuriya didn't even had the drive to tease him about that as of now, or so it looked like, right before she replied to Katashi's question with, "I think that you should name it horsea, it fits the bill quite nicely. Don't you think, Todo?" Really, could this situation get even more contrived?

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