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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Alisdragon911
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Lila stops eating her omelette and is thinking that mating is still off the the table for now. She guess that is going to happen at some point during the year. She takes a sip of her tea to clear her throat before speaking to Roger. "I like to hang out with you but we are working hard on what ever they throw at us or it could be knowing each other in another way." She says as she finish her breakfast, she did not to talk about anything else as cheeks are so red. She waits for Roger to finish his breakfast so they can get to the banquet hall.


Iris is glad to have a peaceful breakfast after shading the room a bit to hide some of the bright sunlight. After she finish eating, she quickly gets dress. She wears a purple shirt with black skirt, she wakes down the stairs with Jamestown the banquet hall. She did notices they were the first ones here and wonder who will show up next and get this meeting over with.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SirSqueakalot91
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SirSqueakalot91 Geek of the Round Table

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Roger raised an eyebrow as she spoke. "I just wanted to talk with you. I'm married to ya and barely know anything about you. And I understand that these little things they make us do are meant to help us do that, but we are doing it with a group of people." He said. "I was hoping just one on one talking. Why? What was on your mind?" He asked and started to eat. He then notice the blush, and started to laugh. "Oh, you were thinking of that, huh?" He asked her as he finished eating. "Look, I'm not gonna try and rush you or anything to that. We agreed to wait until we knew eachother better." He said, still chuckling abit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

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The boat arrived at the dock. Since her kingdom was farther away than some of the others, Rose had been late to arrive. She wondered if perhaps all of the matches had been made already. Then she could go home and get away from this nightmare.
But she knew she was not that lucky.

"Welcome Princess Rose," someone she assumed was the steward or butler. "I trust your journey was-"
"Long," Rose said, her tone clipped and short. She was not a happy princess right now. She knew it wasn't this man's fault, but he was unfortunate enough to be standing there at the moment.
He merely nodded. "I'm sure. Your room is prepared and ready for you. Your contemporaries have arrived and are going about their business. You are free to wander the residence after you have rested. I will show you to your room."
"Thank you," Rose said. She might have been cross and tired, but she still had manners.

If she hadn't been so angry at being forced here, she would have considered the island and the house quite beautiful. She didn't see anyone in the halls so perhaps they were in their rooms or exploring the island, which was what she planned to do later on.
Once they arrived in her room and her bags had been brought in she nodded to the steward. "The room is lovely. Thank you. So when will I be meeting the stranger I am to be shackled to by force for the rest of my natural life?"
The steward coughed and looked uncomfortable. "After you have rested you shall be escorted to the chapel. The ceremony shall take place there. I'm afraid you shall not meet your husband until then."
"Lovely," Rose said and turned away as the steward left.

Rose sighed and stared out of the window. Her room faced the jungle. It was very different from the forests that surrounded her home. She already missed it dearly. And she was to remain here with strangers for an entire year?
And one of those strangers was to be her husband.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Griffin was not happy. He did not want to get married. He had no intention of carrying the bloodline. Which of course was exactly why his father had signed him up for this stupidity. Jafar knew that he would not marry or have kids on his own. So his father had signed him up for this newest attempt to keep the peace.

He arrived late. He had done it on purpose. He figured if he was late their wouldn't be as many people around you witness his humiliation. His father walked by his side to make sure that he didn't bolt. Griffin knew running would do him no good so he didnt waste his time.

Once the arrived at the hotel he was shoved into a room and ordered to change. He reluctantly put the suit on then he was taken to the chapel. He stood at the alter and waited for his bride. He wondered how she felt about this.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Alisdragon911
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"We can hang out by ourselves after the meeting, we need friends to help us out in a rough situation or for us to give a hand to our friends when they need help as well. Anyway, I hope you keep your promise." Lila says as they hope they are not late for the meeting as she is relieve her face return to its normal color. "You are one unquie pirate, than I have heard from the Legands and you are thinking I am one odd princess." She says as she gets up ready to go to the banquet hall whenever he is ready.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rose didn't rest long. Might as well get this over with. She opened the package her mother had sent with her, for her to open once she arrived. She froze.
Inside was a gown, a letter and a dried rose.
Picking up the letter, Rose read it with slightly shaking hands.

"My dearest treasure : it's your wedding day. I know it is not what you wanted, and indeed it is not what I wanted for you either. But I of all people know the truth that sometimes bad beginnings can turn into amazing things. When you were a child you loved hearing the story of your father and I. Now it is time for your story to begin. How it ends is up to you my precious girl.
Your father and I love you with all of our hearts, and are proud of who you are.
Remember : do not be deceived by appearances, for true beauty is found within."

Rose picked up the rose and pressed it to her lips. The scent was gone and the petals were no longer soft, but she knew it was from her mother's garden.
It was true. If anyone knew about bad situations it was her mother : the Beauty that tamed the Beast and broke the spell he was under, saving him and everyone in his castle. She wished she could be more like her mother, looking for the good in others and trying to see the bright side. Rose resolved to at least try. She wanted to be someone her parents could be proud of.

Putting on the gown, she allowed the maids in her room to do her hair and makeup. It seemed like a lot of effort for a small ceremony, but she supposed it was all for appearances anyway.
Pushing the anger from her face, Rose tried to look serene and demure as a wife should look but she couldn't quite get rid of the sparkle of spirit in her eyes. Following where she was led, Rose made her way to the chapel.

It was large and there were still quite a few people inside. A man stood at the front. So this was her husband. Finally seen face to face.
To call him tall, dark and handsome did not do him justice. So much for a bad appearance. Whoever his parents were they were good looking. Rose was not going to lie to herself that she was not somewhat relieved. But then again her mother's story had also taught her that the most handsome of men could be the biggest monsters. Putting her shoulders back, she entered and walked towards the stranger she was to be married to.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"Do you Rose promise to walk by Griffin's side forever. Do you promise to love, help and encourage his in all that he does. Do you promise to take time to talk to him, listen to him, and care for her? Will you share him laughter and tears? Will you become him partner lover and best friend? Do you take Griffin be your husband for now and forever more?" The minster asked the bride.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SirSqueakalot91
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SirSqueakalot91 Geek of the Round Table

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


He got dress as well, and chuckled as he walked with her to the meeting. "Mm, yes I do find you a bit odd. But that is why I like talking to you." He said, looking at her. "Normal people are incredible boring, it's always the odd people that are the most fun to talk with." He said as they entered to room for the meeting.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Alisdragon911
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Lila smiles as they enter the banquet hall she notices a scholar and a women with purple hair and dark makeup. She smiles at them as she knows that all people are not morning people and did not want to be snap at as she takes a seat at random. She wonders if the meeting has to do anything with those questions from last night. Iris glance at the couple that just came in and glance away to poke James with her fingernail flier to wake him up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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@Bright_Ops @Alisdragon911 @SirSqueakalot91 @Pineappletumble
"Welcome. Please be seated. Every day we will have a group activity. Each night you will have a couples activity. These will help you get to know each other and grow closer. You have been forced together but other experts are going to do our best to make these relationships real. Each of you pulled a question out of a fish bowl. You will share the question, your partners answer, and your response to that answer."Dr. Pepper explained.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SirSqueakalot91
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SirSqueakalot91 Geek of the Round Table

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Roger sat down next to Lila as he listens to the Doc. "Now, that seems a little personal, don't you think? What if my answer was just something that I only wanted Lila to hear?" He asked her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Alisdragon911
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Is this rp dead?
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