Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CrazyShadowy
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Welcome to the city of Asbasta

Welcome to the city of Asbasta, here is where many of the worst are, if not the worst they were so desperate for work they came here. Asbasta doubles as a prison as it does an undersea city. Deep in the depths of the ocean is where it lies. Asbasta was a test vessel for the Osenbartan region. They wanted to know just how far down would be survivable, this information would make it a resort for those in need or a top of the line prison location for the worst of them. Having it about 30,000 feet down makes it ideal for this. No way for them to get out and survive, they are forced to work in divisions. Medical, inventions, mechanics and merchant. The prison sector was without a doubt top of the line, while it might not look like it was. It was, anything electrical was in the walls, nothing was showing that could be damaged. The material used to make the wiring and anything else would require some sort of explosion to even damage.

This group of individules that shall be played by you will start off in the prison for crimes unknown to the rest, unless told by the person what they did. Eventually they'll get out and be assigned to a district. Once that happens life will go on, each day a new with a new challenge. Some might dare find a way to leave and return to the surface. Most might not want to from stories that spread around the city, stories of war being fought and the select few citys in the water or skies survive. This being one of them, with the most population, the capital beings know the truth and simulate attacks to keep those in the city inside of it. They don't want hope to be spread out that this master piece of a city could be gotten free from. The whole city acts as a prison for those inside, the surface was abolished in the war.

There have been people who've made it out and have attempted to start life on the surface once more. That is the biggest challenge of them all, regrowing the surface and starting life up there. Starting with what they can bring and possible get shipped over to them. You have the choice of staying in this city you call home. Live your your days or start a fresh new life on the surface. May you choose wisely, once you do so. You might be able to convince others and eventually get out of this place.

No one knows the truth of the capital, only that it shines bright and always has power suits around, on foot and in the air. Guarding the citidel with their lives. None must come in unless escorted. The secrets it holds are far to powerful for anyone else to hear of. They must remain the way they are, it explains why things with the suits are how they are in the mechanic district. Kept private from the others and kept a secret, if information gets out to unwanted ears. They will be terminated.

Ironwell Prison

The cells were four by eight feet each, rows twenty-five long and ten tall. Each held two prisoners each, titanium bars and a fifty digit passcode, each different then the rest. Five guards in each sector at all times, twenty sectors in all. Another fourty around the whole prison section of the city. Meals were as expected, platforms with guards around each sector keeping eyes on everything going on in the prison. Many camera's as well, nothing went unseen in Asbasta's Ironwell prison.

Each guard underwent two years training to work at an above sea prison and another two to come here. They were rather tough, being tough was needed given where they were. If you weren't tough you were as good as gone, these guys have nothing better to do other than get buff and work in the district they were told. Districts were asigned from day one, even before you got to the prison you were told which district you would belong to. If you didn't like it, tough. It was that or get tossed into the open waters, drown and get eaten. Those were the options you had, most chose to live out their days and do as told to get by in their lives.

The prison wasn't that bad once you got used to it, while it could still be hell at times those used to it didn't let it bother them. New comers were the worst, maybe being all cocky from the previous prison or just not knowing anything about this and acting like top dog. They were put in their place quickly if they acted as such, the guards usually didn't do anything about the fights, someone had to put the new comers in their place. Better the prisoners than having guards waste time doing so, they learned of all the rules and lines to follow on the way there. Anything learned after enterance was from the other prisoners.

Standard drills, worse then the rest of the prisons on the planet. Not as bad as some on Mars. They still had shake downs, if anything was found they shouldn't have it'd be removed from existance. The guards had these suits or power armour as it was called, huge suits of armour with weapons and flight packs on them. Near impossible to destroy without using another suit to do so.

Power armour

There were five types of armour, one for speed, one for repairs, two for riot control and one for man hunts. Each suit was made of the purest mixture of platinum and titanium we could forge, making it incredibly durable and lightweight. As the human race continued to marvel in it's tasks and made the world a better place, less of everything bad, less crime as the criminals were here or in the skies or dead. Many were under a KOS and didn't make it anywhere, man hunts have come a long way, the suits made that go quickly.

The speed one would mostly be used to quickly traverse the city if anyone managed to get out of the sector or if they needed to be in another quickly. Able to move at eighty MPH, this suit was the quickest, the man hunt on only fifteen MPH slower than it. This was used to get things or knocked out individules from point A to point B in no time, the mobility of it was incredible, nothing was like it at all. Anything you could this of movement wise aside from flight or underwater movements this thing could do. Didn't matter the location, with how it was you could go from eighty to nothing in an instant. Zero damage to the surrounding areas.

The two for riot control are pretty self-explanitory, equiped with stun arms and chain launchers in the wrists, they could hold back large crowds with minimal effort. They would need repairs after every riot, mostly due to accidental swings from blocking or shoving crowds of people back and nudging the other, minimal damage but it'd add up over time. Riots weren't that common but they were also used for patrols around the tighter sectors of the prison, as stated due to the material it'd be near impossible to take down by hand without another suit being used.

The repair suits had flight packs on them, as did the speed set. The repair set would repair any damage to the city itself or anything built inside of it, any height or location they could reach. They had grapple launchers in the wrists along with a multitude of tools and welders to choose from for any job they had. The glass arch dome of the city, and damage could be fixed easily from the inside, even if it was on the outside of the dome. To risky taking a suit out there in those waters. Technology allowed for it to be done this way.

The man hunt set was a lighter weight version of the latest prototype riot set, taken the grapple hook and jump pack from the repair suit and the speed and mobility of the speed set, it took the best of all armour subtypes and turned it into one. This set was by far the most expensive and hardest to work with, only a select few mechanics could work on it, luckily it was rarely used.

Medical Division

The medical division was more than likely the busiest, injuries from working or fighting or anything else got put here. Illnesses as well, anything that would or might require medical attention was dumped here. From paper cuts to blown off limbs or gunshots. Anything was brought here, bodies stored in the lower sectors waiting to be burned into ash, the ash would then be used for experimental projects I cannot speak of otherwise I'll lose my life.

The first med bay was for any typical injury, the deeper in the sector you went the worse it was. The lowest level, just one above the body containment sector was for bodies cut apart, limb from limb into little bits of flesh. Through experimental means we could attempt to regenerate some of what was there, usually did more harm than good given it was experimental.

The second bay was for slightly more serious wounds, usually gashes from work-related accidents. Maybe a few pistol shot wounds here and there, generally gun wounds were on bays three and four. Three was more for anything above typical and gun shot. Maybe you fell and a piece of metal went through your leg, to med bay two you went!

Med bays three and four, as stated were for gun wounds. Three was more for smaller caliber rounds, .22LR upwards of a 5.56x45 round wound. Anything above that and few explosives were in bay four. They had to keep certain things in other bays to keep work loads even and the bays clean at the end of the day. If it were all in the same it'd be a major clusterfuck of blood, limbs and bodily fluids all over the place. No one wants that, not even satan himself.

Med bay five was for the most serious of wounds, anything from taking an RPG missle to the chest to being ran over by a vehicle. You'd be put here, power armour malfunction wounds lead to this bay as well, those generally lead to losing limbs. Not something you'd want seen by eyes not used to seeing that, sector wide panic, that's why it was brought here, away from the rest of the sector.

Each medical bay had it's own enterance, it'd been made that way to keep unwanted eyes or injuries into the wrong bays, easier sorting and management in this setup. The higher ups prefered it and that was the largest reason for using it as such, it'd become the usual after so long nobody dared to question it further.

Anything below med bay five was either experimental or for bodies. Cremitoriums were stored deep below the rest, the ash was taken to med bay fourty, just to give you an idea of how far it went. Again I cannot tell you what it's used for without risk onto my life. Starting around fifty were the experimental bays, used for building new equipment or performing experimental operations on those willing to risk it.

Mechanical District

Mechanical factory districts generally looked as this. Always busy and had steam and everything everywhere, no where you go in this district it'd look similar. If you didn't regular the area or live in it you'd be lost to no prevail of getting out on your own. It was a maze to naviagate, even those living in this district had trouble at times. That could be blamed upon the workers themselves, always leaving things out and about instead of underground where it should be. if they operated in a similar fashion to the Medical district it would be easier for everyone, not as bad looking either.

The mechanics would as stated leave new orders or one's they've started on where ever they found room, often filling up the streets with the works they had, bicycles to housing equipment to power suits. Anything and everything that a mechanic could work on was here, they weren't the cleanist of people as seen by how the district looked. Each had it's own purpose and way of working, some did actually use the underground for all of this, most didn't due to them finding it easier to work in a mess, having it messy organised compared to cleanly organised.

Those who worked on the power suits were required to work underground to keep it as a secret of what the internals were like. Kept them all clean that way, officers from the prison would keep an eye over mechanical work to the suits and some worked on them, themselves. Those who worked in the mechanical division before having the option to move towards the prison sector and work there. They treated each other well, if one happened across an old friend they had a grand time together while they could spend it with each other.

Those above, worked on anything else that wasn't needed by the prison or militant powers that governed the city. Maybe it was someones fridge gone bad and couldn't purchase a new one any time soon due to low amounts of stock. It might be their radio, anything that could be worked above ground would be worked on above ground. They kept it simple and within view, many had youngins who'd watch and learn and want to grow up to "Be like that one gentleman we saw working on that do-hopper!"

The masters taught the new comers and treated them like their own, that's how they operated in the mechanic district, treat one as your first born and nothing less than that. Respect and a good attitude was the foundation of a good work career and regular customers. It was also how they earned the respect of another master and was taught in that work style, there were different styles. Based around the same thing mind you.

Invention District

This was the invention district, everything that came out of here had it's own look and style. Each piece unlike the rest, as magnificent as the golden beast it self. Twas the master saying, if it wasn't as magnificent as the golden beast then it shall be redone. Each piece had to have it's own look and purpose, every inventor had their own style, some went for an aquatic style and others a sky style, this was what they'd imagine floating citys or inventions would be like, somehow they managed to float and have cloud like looks to them.

The practice was one that needed much more time then the rest, the city relied on these folks to keep everything off the ground. They also had a deadline for certain projects assigned to them, certain things would need to be done within a few months or even a few weeks, there was a time when they needed to make a brand new power suit prototype from scratch within fourty-eight hours. They managed but just barely, the design was rushed to the mechanic district for it to be made and then sent off to the capital.

Each inventor had atleast two apprentices under them, each would have a new project per week and would develope their style during training. Each project was supposed to be made to their likes and how they imagined it, they'd sketch it out and then work from there. All of this under watch of their master in hope of one day reaching skill near theirs. It'd take years for some to be able to be released as an apprentice and start on their own work rather then what they had before.

Once they had completed their apprenticeship they'd go off to begin work, slowly working their way through the ranks and reaching the higher ups and being able to compared their quality to the masters. Each day was a new challenge with this, harder then ones they might've gone through before. For some it was figuring out materials to use and what to make, others it was getting work orders and bringing in material to experiment with and learn. Each day was a challenge, that wasn't uncommon to hear in that district.

This district didn't have an underground as prototypes were made and kept in the workplace of the inventor, designs were on parchment and kept in a seperate room from the rest. Prototypes would be taken away to the mechanic district for production if it passed the capitals desires and had a use planned out, if not it was put aside or taken apart and remade. Always have a use for something in this district, never something going to waste!

Merchant District

Last but certainly not least we have the merchant district. As the name would suggest, this is where we have the merchants, vendors, anything you could purchase from. This is the place it would be, nothing but vendors and shops here, each one different then the rest, while some of the items might not be, the shop itself and the owner will be! This district is the more lively of the bunch, you've got childrun running amuck always playing something, live music and more going on at all times.

The vendors vary from food to clothing to house hold appliances forged in the mechanic district. Anything and everything, aside from weapons could be purchased here. The main gates reveal all of the major stores and vendors, we've got food carts and clothing pullouts to the biggest shops there are. Anything you want could be found right here, if you're looking for something specific though you'd ought to venture deeper into the district and explore for it.

The more original and better looking articles of clothing and best food is deeper in the district, many settle for the hogwash that is sold at the front without knowing any better. Those who do avoid it and come to their favorite stores and vendors. Many have learned the way of the district living and can point out and scams and or con artists you might find, there are a select few con artists who've yet to be figured out, that's what happens when you spend your whole life working on cons.

The shops themselves are wonderful, each ranging in style and price. The ones nearest to the gates are all similar and have around the same price point, once you go further into the district is where it gets more interesting, price and design wise. Tailors often remain in this district and have no where else to go, they were put here from the start and found something they enjoyed. Being a tailor was one of those things.

The golden hog is the best inn in the whole district, tucked away in the center of it you'll have to get past the gates to find it. The silver tabloon at the front isn't as nice, many drunks and castaways remain here, no where better to go it would seem. The first few inns are like that, full of old washouts with nothing more to do other than waste away doing nothing better with their lives. That's just what happens when you worked your best and lost it in the middle of your time, all that wasted potential.

The roasted cohort is arguably the best spot for chow in the whole city. Not far from The golden hog itself, there are a few places up there with The roasted cohort but it boils down to it at the end, arguable for weeks if you so choose to drag it out that long. The menu ranges and they might have anything you desire in the whole world. This is the hangout for most people, they come from all over to see what it's like. They tend to return and eventually spend whole days here conversing with the others.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VampireOracle
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VampireOracle 100% Certified Introvert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

This sounds interesting, if enough people are interested for you get the rp up I'd definitely take a look.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CrazyShadowy
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Glad to hear it! Hoping enough are interested, I've had a few tell me if they had the time or weren't scared of advanced they'd be right in this thing as well. Hoping enough find interest for it.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Xyo


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm definitely interested
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blubaron45
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Blubaron45 The Musical Mathmagician

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shadow007
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Shadow007 Still a massive dork.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CrazyShadowy
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

So many people! Then my sister and her boyfriend want to do this. With all these people I'll have to do a large group! Oh mah gosh!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CrazyShadowy
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Working on the thread for this, OOC will have more information than this, didn't get everything in. You know the usual.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CrazyShadowy
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


OOC thread has been posted, feel free to read the new information and get started where you wish.

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