Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by glitchykins
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glitchykins Look what I can do!

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Luka looks around the Host Club's empty room with a slight smile, "well, maybe this won't be so bad..." he thinks to himself, setting his bag on the table and undoing his scarf. Bright blue eyes scan over the finely knitted pattern of his scarf, oh how he loved the hand-made scarf his nana made him for Christmas last year. His smile widens as his fingers caress over the scarf.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crooked Vixen
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Crooked Vixen The Dungeon Mistress

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As soon as the bells chimed for the ending of the school day, Kazuhiko internally groaned as he opened his tablet planner to see that he had to be at the Host Club that afternoon. He wanted nothing more than to go home and finish up the code for one of his father's new programs for the latest device, but alas, he couldn't just skip a day when he would have until the weekend to complete it.

The young lad picked up his laptop bag and proceeded to head towards Music Room 3. On his way there, several of the regular patrons stopped him in his tracks.

"Good afternoon, Kazu-sama!" One of the girls said shyly as she twirled her hair around her fingers. "Are you hosting tonight?"

If he didn't have the self-control, his eye would have twitched in disgust. Instead, he gave her a winning smile and bowed to her like a gentleman, "Of course, my lady. How could I forget that I had promised to assist you with your computer homework? I've been looking forward to being graced with the opportunity to spend time with you and your friends all day." The girl blushes and her friends giggled; if only he could program them to leave him be. "My, look at the time! I may be late if I don't head there now. I apologize for leaving your presence so soon."

"O-of course, Kazu-sama! Please don't be late!" The girl chirped as she moved aside for him to pass.

He gave her a gracious bow before continuing on his journey to the club room. He was lucky to be able to merely wave or smile at some of the other patrons on his way there.

When he entered the room he noted that he was not the first one there, as usual. "Good afternoon."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by glitchykins
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glitchykins Look what I can do!

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He'd barely gotten his scarf off when the doors of the music room burst open. A sharp gasp pressed his lips and eyes grew wide as saucers when he takes notice of the other boy in the room. "H..hello!" he stammered, trying to catch his breath. His fingers grip tightly to the ends of his scarf as he stands there staring at the stranger. He quickly realizes that he's being rude, so with a deep breath, he slowly makes his way over to the other student. "M-My name is.. Luka. Pleasure to meet you.." he mutters in a low, barely audible tone.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Crooked Vixen
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Crooked Vixen The Dungeon Mistress

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"The pleasure is mine, Luka." Kazuhiko looked the boy up and down before sighing and pushing his thick rimmed glasses up. "The Host Club doesn't open for another half hour or so, if that's why you're here." The young man then remembered his manners and bowed, "Excuse my rudeness. Normally I'm here precisely fifteen minutes before the rest of us are to be here in order to set things up. My name is Kazuhiko Shiina, the Techie Type."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by glitchykins
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@Crooked Vixen

His face turns bright at the mention of The Host Club, this wasn't something he had really thought he'd be doing but the prospect of finding friends was his driving force. His right hand reaches up and covers over his mouth as he mutters. "O-oh no, you're not rude! I'm umm.. here to be part of the host club. I believe they dawned me the 'shy type'." His eyes fall down to the floor as he stares at his feet. Tucking his bottom lip between his teeth, he takes a slow shaky breath. He's never been very good at keeping up conversation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Crooked Vixen
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Crooked Vixen The Dungeon Mistress

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Kazu raised an eyebrow and spoke, "I see." Then a split second later, as if it magically appeared, he had his tablet specifically for the club. His fingers tapped across the on-screen keyboard to open anew app that held all of the members' information. He made a new page for Luka and held it out to him. "In order for me to be able to put you on our list, I need you to fill in your information. We require your first and last name, your nickname if you have one, age, class, date of birth, horoscope, blood type, and what your family does for a living. The only information that will be available to our patrons is your name, age, class, horoscope, and bloodtype. I'll also need you to sign at the bottom to agree to all of our policies; some of our policies include that you are not allowed to take bribes from patrons, you are not to give out the personal information of other club members or patrons, dating of patrons is strictly prohibited, and be able to participate in all club vacations and events."

He cleared his throat and pushed his glasses up his nose, giving off an evil gleam. "Failure to adhere to these policies will lead to immediate termination as a Host. Are we clear?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by glitchykins
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glitchykins Look what I can do!

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@Crooked Vixen

His eyes snap open as if Kazu had pulled his laptop out of thin air. Completely entranced, he shakes his head to clear the stupor off his brain. "Wh-where'd that.. nevermind!" he mumbles rubbing at his forehead while he listens to Kazu and the rules. He attempts to swallow past the lump in his throat as he reaches out to take the tablet. A nervous chuckles escapes him as he starts to fill out the information being asked of him. "I kind of feel like I'm signing away my life...ahahaha.." After filling out the required information, he returns the tablet and nods. "W-we're clear."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crooked Vixen
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Crooked Vixen The Dungeon Mistress

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


"Glad to hear that you understand. It really isn't as difficult as I just made it sound, mainly just commonsense, but most of the Hosts lack even that. I really hope that you're different, because I'm getting awfully exhausted explaining why we can't do some of those things. The rules were set up to protect ourselves and our rich--I mean--lovely patrons." Kazu hit a few buttons and began to close the laptop when it started pinging rapidly.

Opening up the schedule app he had made, he noted that many girls had already booked up the entire afternoon with him. "Lucky for you, the Shy Type has really become popular over the last few days. You've been completely booked."

Kazu did his best to give the shy boy a smile, but it came off as strained, as Kazu rarely smiled anymore. "I look forward to working with you."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by glitchykins
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glitchykins Look what I can do!

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@Crooked Vixen

"O-oh dear, so soon? I'm still new to this. I mean, what do I do? What do I say?" His hands reach up and cup around his ears as he tries to force an excited smile but they drop back down his sides when he feels himself deflate again. He knows he's unsure of himself and he doesn't want to disappoint the club. Biting his bottom lip, he just stands there in silence and stares at Kazu. His eyes full of bewilderment as he thinks to himself, "Should I tell him that I'm.. gay?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Crooked Vixen
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Crooked Vixen The Dungeon Mistress

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Kazu had no idea what to say to the other Host when he began to panic about not knowing what to do or say. "You're doing perfect right now, actually." He commented as he muted his pager. He knew that every Host was booked until the early evening and he would rather not stay late having women demand his precious time. He wanted connections to their companies--not their affection or admiration, even. There was nothing more that he wanted in the world was for someone to understand that he wasn't the type of guy to be their prince. "All you really need to do is keep this up and just be courteous about it. Offer plenty of apologies and wait for them to swoon and sigh. If you'd like, I'll sit at your table with you today with my own clients. That way if you have any questions or become too nervous to even make their tea to their preferences, I can just be there as a safety net."

He cleared his throat. Kazu had no idea why he was being so nice to the new Host. Maybe it was because the student was acting out in a way that he wished he could himself. Lucky bastard... he doesn't have to pretend to be suave or pretend to be some tutor for the girls who have teacher fetishes. "You don't have to feel like you're alone, Luka. We are a club and we will be there for the others no matter what the situation is."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by glitchykins
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glitchykins Look what I can do!

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@Crooked Vixen

"I would really appreciate it if you did sit with me, I'm so worried I'm going to make a fool of myself or do something that's going to embarrass the host club. I don't want to do that!" He mutters, fidgeting with the bottom of his shirt. Finally with a deep breath, he outstretches his hand and offers it over in a formal greet, although, the only thought going through his head is, "Jeez, he's cute." Once again his cheeks flush from embarrassment but he forces a gentle smile. "I will do my best!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crooked Vixen
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Crooked Vixen The Dungeon Mistress

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kazu again tried to smile, but it was more forced than before. The attempt quickly faded until he was his usual self--appearing to be consistently bored and inattentive to whatever was going on around him. He was itching to take out his laptop and ignore the club, like he did every other day or so, just so that he could get some work done. "It would be my pleasure to show you how to host." With a small sigh, he shook the other boy's hand and the first thing that popped into his head was, God, his hands are so warm and soft. As soon as the thought crossed his mind, he did his best to erase it like a programming error.

A set of bells rang and signaled the beginning of club activities. The other Hosts made their way in, fashionably late (as per usual), and got into their places.

"We do our best to greet the ladies by posing in such a way that we cannot help but look like gods among men before them. Since you're the newest Host, you should be at the front and do whatever comes naturally to you."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by glitchykins
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glitchykins Look what I can do!

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@Crooked Vixen

His slender digits curl around Kazu's hand, his bottom lip trembles as he stares down at our meshed hands. Shaking his head, he tries to fight off the urge to keep holding the boys hand. Letting Kazu's fingers slip through his own, he nods and tucks his hands in his pockets. Thankfully the distraction of the other Host Club members showing up broke him out of his silence. "He just so.. cute." He thinks again, turning back to his backpack. But the mention of him being in the spotlight of the crowd has him slowly turning back around to face Kazu. "Whaaaaat?! I.. I couldn't possibly! I mean, I.. oh gosh. Ummm. Wouldn't it be better if you or one of them were?!" His right pointer darts up as he points at the other boys.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crooked Vixen
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Crooked Vixen The Dungeon Mistress

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"You're the newest member. You need to pretend to be at least a little bit excited." Kazu said as he positioned Luka in the front and center seat. He then proceeded to straighten the boy's collar and gently adjusting his scarf so that it was showed his shyness, but emphasized the boy's natural beauty. "Just be yourself and the girls will eat it up, trust me. If I can get away with acting like a prick a good portion of the time and still be booked even before our next schedule is out, so can you. Just remember, if things get too overwhelming, we do have a back room where you can take breaks when you want to relax."

Kazu's fingers brushed against Luka's cheek for a split second and his brain felt like it had burst into flames. The slightest of blushes rose on his cheeks, but he quickly composed himself and quickly moved to his place at the back of the group, pretending to be adjusting his glasses and checking his phone just as the doors burst open.

A flurry of girls entered the room, their eyes glittering at the sight of the Hosts. Many of the girls squealed at the sight of the newest Host and immediately rushed up to meet him. Kazu pretended to be busy with his phone, but all the while, he was watching like a hawk to make sure they didn't overwhelm the poor man. Why are you being so nice to this boy? It's not like you've ever given anyone else any special attention, even when they were first starting...

Several of his regular patrons rushed up to him and began to giggle as he greeted them with a smile that was so fake that even he was surprised that they bought his act. "Welcome to the Host Club." When several of them took out their phones to pose for a picture, he did a pose (similar to the one in the picture above) and they were completely enthralled. Yet his eyes never strayed too far from Luka.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by glitchykins
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glitchykins Look what I can do!

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@Crooked Vixen

"I'm really grateful for this..." he mutters but he's quick to fall silent when Kazu starts to pamper him. Shutting his eyes, he sits as still as possible as an awkward thought jets through his mind, "He really is making a huge fuss over me.. why?" Finally when Kazu pulls back and his fingers breeze against Luka's cheek, Luka's back goes straight, his chest pressing forward and his eyes widen. Taking another deep breath, he relaxes in the chair again and turns his head. Peering over his shoulder at the nice boy, his eyes go half-lidded and he flashes a gentle smile while mouthing, "Thank you...". The doors flying open bring him back to reality and his natural shyness creeps back into him as he chews on his bottom lip.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The1Rolling1Boy
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Sokaria makes his way through the school trying to dodge as many people as possible to get to the Club room that he was told where the Host Club was held. His blue hair resting on his shoulders and he carried a small bag with his stuffed cat in it and some spare cloths just in case. He has no idea why he is here and how he so easily found this room. Sokaria sighs and pushes open the double doors preparing himself for what may be behind these doors and what stuff He'll have to deal with for the rest of his school day and school year.
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