Now here's an idea. What if the minds of a tomboyish female soldier from the distant future and a princess from a fantasy world switched places? That's what I want to find out. You control the princess and the non-player characters in the fantasy world, while I control the soldier and the non-player characters in the Sci-Fi universe.

For the Sci-Fi side, the character is a soldier serving with the Unified Earth Federation, an interstellar empire that is at war with a race of aliens known as the Kamodo. The female soldier is a corporal, and her squad has been sent to capture some valuable equipment from enemy hands. When the find the equipment, they also find a strange artefact that the soldier decides to touch, the artefact compelling her to do so. The artefact then activates and transports her mind into the body of your princess character. She gets knocked out during this process.

For the fantasy side... well, you can do whatever you like. From maybe mistaking it for a magical artefact to thinking it a gift, much of the same happens, and her mind is transported into the body of my soldier character, also getting knocked out.

The story then unfolds from there, with out two characters attempting to adjust to their new surroundings. Thing is, you create the fantasy side of the story, shape it to however you like, but try to make it a sort of high fantasy world, and the princess human and innocent (recommended), but there are no limits.

Note that there can possibly be romance if the plot calls for it.