Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Matthews

Location: the Church
Interacting With: A lot of people

Sitting where he was, Liam continued to listen and watch the conversations taking place idly, pleased to be avoiding the center of attention for a few moments, but it seemed the (relatively) calm environment the church was offering wasn't to last as it shook. Liam ducked his head as the lights burst and the windows broke, half expecting an army of zombies or vampires or whatever to come bursting through, but it seemed that would not be the case, instead, he heard the sounds of pain as he slowly lifted his gaze back up.

Turning his gaze to Sariel, Liam's eyes went wide, he moved over to the angel, stunned as he saw the wound and what was leaking from her eyes. "S...Sariel?" He questioned as he stared at her, suddenly feeling as if he himself had taken a wound to the gut himself. He'd felt considerably more comfortable knowing Sariel was watching over him, it was just that extra layer of security that he knew, or rather hoped would keep him safe, but now she was gone, well, not yet, but things certainly weren't looking well. Glancing around, Liam was back to feeling overwhelmed, feeling useless, he took a few more steps back, breathing heavily, this was all starting to get a little too much for the reporter. Oh how he longed to just go back to that little diner, have a cup of coffee and forget everything was happening, he'd have liked to know the girl there more, after all, but none of that was to be, he was stuck here, and he hated it.

Darren Andrews

Location: Altsoba County Prison
Interacting With: Jade Cornish @Morose

Glancing over at her, he shook his head and looked around with her. "Sure you ain't hearing things? Probably a side-effect of, y'know... Dying." He let out a soft chuckle as he joked, watching as she closed the door before he started up the car to head off. He appreciated that it wasn't exactly a long drive, but of course, something still managed to go wrong. Darren groaned as the car began to stall, smacking the steering wheel. "Cmon baby, now? Really?" He sighed as the car came to a halt, running a hand over his face as he opened the door.

"Alright, darlin', what's ailin' you?" He asked the car as he moved around to the front of it, taking his jacket off as he opened up the hood, peering down at the engine. It didn't exactly take him long to find out what was the problem, he knew every bit about this car after all, and he was immensely thankful at just how simple a fix it was. Taking the cap off, he grabbed a rag and carefully started to go about cleaning it up. It took only a short few minutes to clean off a fair chunk of the filth off the cap, and soon enough Darren put it back on, closing the hood and putting his jacket back on as he got back into the car. "Alright, let's try that again." He'd comment idly, trying to start the car back up, and continue on to town.

Javier Crypt

Location: The Church
Interacting With: A lot of people

"Be easy on her dearest, the 'usual' ones are ever so dull." He commented calmly toward his dear wife, gaze flicking back to Amy as she spoke again, laughing heartily at her fire and watching as his wife came back over to him. Hearing as the others came in, he leaned forward to plant a fleeting kiss against her lips before he let her slip from his grasp, watching as she moved off toward the others. Javier let his gaze drift over all those now present, settling upon perhaps the most interesting one there in his eyes, the angel.

Moving over to her, he peered down at her wounds, scratching at his chin. "My, how curious." He said with a hint of fascination as he watched the man attempting to assist her, gazing over to his wife. "Darling, I am ever so forgetful, have you ever fixed an angel before?"
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

@Pundii @Lady Amalthea @Nallore @Witch Cat: Sariel is continuing to slip closer and closer to the void, but she isn't dead yet. Her eyes are shining with more intensity, the trademark of an angel about to die. The explosive effect of an angel death isn't pretty, and those well versed in the supernatural will recognize its dangers. Aloise continues to try to assist Sariel, alongside Dr. Chang, but the angel is unresponsive. Not even Liam's words can stir her.

"She's an archangel--here to protect the Prophet," Aloise explained, getting Belladonna and Javier caught up to speed, as she nodding her head towards Liam. Sariel's skin is turning a soft shade of grey, and the silvery substance seems to have almost all poured out of her feeble form. There isn't enough time to move her to Belladonna's home. Either they work quickly at the Church to save the angel, or they run, as to avoid the fallout of an angelic demise.

"Amy, let her die," Hanson advised, a cynic to the end. "The Crypts are fucking insane, but they should be able to deal with your little problem...At least, they're the best prepared to do so." Of course, that would depend on Belladonna and Javier's experiences with angels. Javier has likely had one brush with them or more, enough to know that Sariel had been stabbed with an angel blade--the angel's kryptonite. But more interesting than Sariel's death is its ramifications, no?

If this archangel dies, the same can happen to the other.

@BlueSky44 @Witch Cat: Sylvia's time is running out. And in fact, it just did. No one came out of the Church in time to give medical assistance, more concerned with the archangel on the floor. Sylvia's spirit guide is strangely silent, but as Sylvia slips away, she feels a comforting presence holding onto her hand. Trevor is left alone in the car with a corpse. LLA doesn't seem to be helping him out too much--but it could be worse, right?

@Pundii: Darren will get the car running up again, but Jade is constantly peering over her shoulder. It isn't a side effect of being dead. Darren will be familiar with the concept of hellhounds, hunting down those fated to be taken back to hell within the next twenty four hours. He cannot hear them, but Jade can hear them all too well. Luckily, almost, a new fire begins in town--and a girl wearing a gas mask emerges from the flames. Demon perhaps? Either way, there'll be reapers there shortly. "What's the game plan?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Seraphina Adams

Location: Forgotten Relics -> The Church
Interacting With: @Witch Cat Sylvia Strange, @BlueSky44 Trevor Martin, @Lady Amalthea Amy Chang & Belladonna Crypt,@Pundii Liam Mathews & Javier Crypt, @Morose Aloise Zamora & Sariel

Seraphina stumbled more into the church she was in bad shape her shoulder still wasn't getting any better as she looked at the group her eyes wondered down to the injured angel on the floor. They were all to busy as she moved over towards the group and leaned herself up against one of the pew's in the room. She knew that Sylvia probably didn't have much time left her wound was far worse then hers, Sera hoped that her friend was alright Sera had left her and Trevor alone she hoped that one of these people in here was a doctor or had any medical experience. She was feeling ignored when she first entered the room, Seraphina listened in a little bit on the groups conversation they were all speaking of the archangel that was laying on the floor.

"Can anyone help me? My friend and I were shot.." Seraphina finally said as she looked down at her shoulder lifting up her bloodied hand where the bullet had entered. She groaned loudly as she turned her head hoping that the man who had helped her and Sylvia get here would come in. She then looked down at the group seeing the mortally wounded Sariel noticing the silvery like substance and the greying skin the person's blood appeared to look more like alien blood or melted down silver. Sera wasn't sure if the group would be willing to help her out or not.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Trevor Martin

Location: The Church
Interacting With: A lot of people

He heard speak about going in after Seraphina, but that was all. He looked over at her, but realized that she had gone extremely pale. Trevor started to panic, and he reached over to her and felt around for a pulse. Feeling none he practically jumped out of the car. He still wasn't used to the whole people dying thing. He was freaking out, and started wondering about his life and how he came to be in the car at that moment. His thoughts went back to when that man came flying through the wall in his shop. Looking back now, he started to feel like he was in a role playing game and was having the worse luck imaginable.

He figured that Sylvia and Seraphina were close, so he thought that he might as well get it over with and confront her about it. Telling her straight out was better than hiding it. He looked back at Sylvia, and got out of the car. Trevor looked around and ran straight into the church. He was confused by the large group of people, but he went over to Seraphina. "Umm... Well, Seraphina..." he started to say, but stopped when he saw Sariel on the ground He was startled by the silvery substance coming out of her eyes, but he couldn't do anything about it. Trevor looked into Seraphina's face, "Sylvia's dead. She most likely died from the blood loss. Sorry..." he said hoping that the woman wasn't going to freak out on him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 25 days ago

Amy & Belladonna

Location: The Church - The Streets (Or at least trying to get there)
Interacting With: A Clusterfuck

Belladonna looked over towards Javier, the curl of her lip growing slightly as she laced her fingers together before looking back down at the angel. "Only fallen ones my love but how different can it be?" she said in a whistful voice, as if it was nothing, a slight wave of her hand to brush off any worry in the air.

Amy looked at the woman as if she was as crazy as Hanson was staying she was and then even more walked in. "What in the fuck is this place? Grand central fucking station? Okay, you," she said pointing to Belladonna. "Handle this shit, I'll take the wound I know how to deal with," she said before heading over to the new comer with the GSW. Belladonna shrugged slightly and turned to her beloved, placing her hand on his shoulder.

"My darling if you would, pick that up and take it back to our abode. I cannot do much here," she said before turning on her heels, muttering a few words under her breath in Latin as she went. It was a simple binding spell, not to heal but to stop more damage from occurring. It might work, it might not but it was something, at least until they got the body back to her place and well if it was dead by the time they got there she could always find uses for the corpse. Stopping by Amy she tapped the woman on the shoulder.

"Madam, the blood."

Amy spun around, rolling her eyes before taking out a syringe from her bag and sticking herself. Drawing a hundred CC's of blood he shoved it towards Belladonna and got to work on checking Seraphina's wound to see what needed to be done. Belladonna's fingers curled around the syringe before sticking it in her bag and continuing on her way.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sylvia Strange

Location: Her Final Resting Place
Interacting With: Death

Sylvia’s eyes were glazed over as she spun her head side to side aimlessly, unsure of what was going on or why. Every sound now felt so distant and fuzzy as if she was underwater. Her head swam with dark thoughts as she reclined further in her seat. Her expression was blank and frozen as she finally came to terms with what was happening. ”Oh God, am I going to die?”

Sylvia’s death was a whole lot less dramatic than she was expecting. While she didn’t go out with a bang, she did pass away peacefully. Her vision darkened as her eyes fluttered close and the chill spread from the tips of her fingers to her core. At that moment, all she wanted to do was sleep. And that’s exactly what she did.

Sylvia felt a calming presence envelope her, leading her away from the material world and into a much more mystical plane. Sylvia was long gone now.

Eudora Esmeralda Erebus

Location: Church
Interacting With: No one

Eudora's eyes widened in shock as she felt the soul of one person leave, and the soul of another preparing to do the same. She clucked her tongue and spent a second praying for the departed before focusing again. Death seemed to be attracted to Eudora nowadays, she feared her life might be next. Everyone seemed to be dropping like flies around her. Or perhaps it was all chance that these things were happening near her. But then again, little is left to chance, especially in dark days like these.

Eudora stuck to the walls, watching the scene unfold in front of her. The crumpled body on the floor, the group that huddled around the soon-to-be-corpse, she eyed everything with a sense of morbid curiosity. She spied a witch leaving the church, was this all her work? Eudora wanted to leave but stayed just in case she might become necessary. She was sent here for a reason, and she had to figure out why.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Matthews

Location: the Church
Interacting With: A lot of people

Taking a seat over near the altar, Liam tried his best to take a few moments break. With everyone around, talking and trying to help the wounded in the church, he felt like he should've been able to do more, if he was really some kind of godly prophet, surely he should have had some way to help more than he was. Alas, with Sariel as hurt as she was, the terror in the reality of the situation was getting to him. Resting back against the altar itself, he took a few deep breaths, trying to keep himself calm.

Liam didn't know exactly what would happen when Sariel died, he just knew this was all too much for him, he just wanted it all to be over, to go back to his little apartment in New York, be with his cat and if possible, never go outside to see anyone again. That was his plan when this all blew over anyway, crawl up in bed and not come out for as long as he could.

Darren Andrews

Location: Altsoba County Prison
Interacting With: Jade Cornish @Morose

Glancing over to Jade as she kept looking around, Darren bit his lip. He'd seen this before, the last time he had dealt with a Crossroads demon, he'd tried to save the person who'd made the deal from hellhounds, not that it had worked. This time though, he had hope, enough hope anyway. Sighing, he looked back out the front of the car as he saw the fire start up, putting the foot down on the break, he brought the car to a halt as he saw the girl emerge, raising an eyebrow, that was certainly new, and probably not remotely a good sign. "We stay alive until we've got a chance to kill a reaper, i'll try and distract it when it's around, you use the blade, deal?"

Darren couldn't help but question his own idea, the whole thought of 'distracting' a reaper for the purpose of killing it was, well, in his mind, suicidal, but he didn't care at that point, it was the end of the world, basically, and hell, he was fucked in the long run anyway. He sighed as he glanced over at Jade, then to the flames and the girl who had emerged from them, grabbing his gun from the back of the car.

Javier Crypt

Location: The Church -> The Streets
Interacting With: A lot of people

Glancing over to the newcomers as Javier heard Trevor speak, he gave a solemn bow of his head, but didn't say much more. For as long as he'd lived, Javier had seen plenty of death, however, when it didn't really apply to you, it was hard to wrap your head around the whole thing, or feel much sympathy when it did. Of course he wasn't numb to it, but death simply had no ramifications in his mind, particularly when it came to a person he did not know, hell, to him there was a kind of wonder about it, he might've quite liked to die one day, though the chances were of course, slim.

Watching Belladonna as she approached, he gave her a nod, kissing her cheek. "OF course, my dearest." Clearing his throat, he leaned down, picking up the angel once Belladonna had cast her spell, being as gentle as possible as he began to carry her toward the exit of the church "My my, you're certainly lighter than some of the other angels i've met." He chuckled heartily.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Mercurial removed her gas mask, glancing down at her wrist as if to check the time. In a peculiar mix of dainty and sturdy, Mercurial walked away from the burning building, her eyes locked on Darren and Jade. As the roof of the building collapsed, a body hit the ground with a thud. Trevor and Seraphina would recognize the man--it was their attacker, the last of the witnesses who rose.

"If you collected evidence samples of my handiwork, it would last longer than your visual impression," Mercurial said simply, noting the gun that Darren had gone to fetch. "There's no need for that. I'm not the sort of girl that murders just any man I meet." Winking slightly, Mercurial walked in the direction towards Sealth Road, her hand grasping a protective amulet.

Jade blinked slightly, shaking her head. Altsoba PD had to investigate the Crypts at least once a week--any time a body dropped, one of them usually ended up on the shortlist of suspects. "Fucking christ. That family's weird," Jade murmured. If they didn't have a reaper to catch, she would have gone after the girl, and read charges for way too bloody many counts of arson.

Glancing at Darren as he fetched his gun from the trunk, Jade wasn't exactly filled with confidence. The howls she heard in the distance--those meant something, she could tell from the way he was acting. "How the bloody hell do you reckon you'll be able to distract a reaper?" Jade asked, a bit skeptical of the plan, but still willing to go with it. Maybe reapers liked man candy and would give her an opening.

Her fingers folded around the handle of the blade, squeezing a little tighter as if in a reminder she was still alive. All of the sarcasm and alcohol in the world could not quite erase the memories of her time in hell. It may have been short on Earth, but hell had a sadistic streak, stretching out the seconds into days into months into years.

Once Darren had grabbed his supplies, Jade held the blade in one hand, her sidearm in the other. Her eyes were narrowed, looking for reapers that could not be seen by the human eye. Only the dead and supernatural creatures could spot them, unless they decided to be seen. She threw a glance over at him, and the air acquired a chill to it.

Kneeling over the body Mercurial had crudely abandoned, there was a cloaked figure. It was impossible to make out any features, not even a hint as to the gender. But there was a powerful aura of not death, but endings. This was no reaper, no.

"Darren Owen Andrews," the figure said, its voice hushed like a whisper. "I know of the deal you made with my brother's consorts, and it cannot be allowed."

Belladonna's binding spell does not heal Sariel, but it ceases the outpour of the silvery substance, what Belladonna will recognize to be Sariel's grace. The grey has spread to almost every portion of Sariel's body, aside from her face. It signals the immense loss of vitality in the archangel. Without any healing, Sariel will not yet awaken. However, once Sera enters the Church, her fingers stir slightly.

Seraphina... The voice is Sariel's only able to be heard by Seraphina. But Sariel's voice is not the only one. There is another, richer and deeper, evocative of the increase in power. I am coming, sister. I shall be with you. There is a slight pause, and Sariel's hand clenches, for the voice belongs to Azrael, the Angel of Death. Even as Javier lifts Sariel into his arms, the archangel incredibly weak, death continues to inch closer towards Sariel.

"Please don't use that for a blood ritual!" Hanson called out, as Belladonna and Javier left the Church. Too many incantations simply needed a person's blood, and havoc could be brought upon their lives. He frowned a bit, feeling to be of little use. Javier and Belladonna's walk to the Crypt household would be relatively uneventful--and as they near the home, they will ever so conveniently encounter Mercurial, soot covering her clothing.

"Doc, anything I can do?" Hanson asked, speaking to Amy, yet looking at the quiet old woman in the corner. Her entire ensemble was practically screaming witch. And what were the chances that everyone and their uncle would decide to come to the Church? It wasn't exactly the most popular place to crash.

As for Seraphina, beyond the onslaught of voices in her mind, everything seemed to be looking sunny side up for her. "Bleeding's stopped," Aloise grinned, having done her best to help Seraphina before Dr. Chang took over. Pressure on the wound indeed managed to stop the bleeding, and with Dr. Chang's trained eye, it would become clear that the bullet hadn't hit anything all too major. Simple removal of the bullet and some blood transfusions later, and Sera would be right as rain.

"I'll go look in on the Prophet," Aloise said, allowing Hanson to come over and assist Dr. Chang. She walked over towards Liam, laying a comforting hand on his shoulder, before sitting down next to him in the pew. There didn't need to be an exchange of words for her to guess the feelings running through his head at that moment. His entire world had changed, and because of his status as a Prophet, things would never be the same again. Giving him a brief hug, Aloise tried her best to smile.

"If you need to talk, we have a mo'," Aloise explained.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Seraphina Adams

Location: The Church
Interacting With: The Church Crew

Sera watched as Aloise and Amy went to tend to her wound she closed her eyes as she groaned slightly as they went in to remove the bullet, then Trevor came in. She opened her eyes and looked up at him as he gave her the bad news that Sylvia died, Seraphina wiped away some tears she felt like it was her fault now that both Katsumi and Sylvia were now dead. "Thank you, you did what you could.." Seraphina said softly, maybe if they did go to the hospital maybe Sylvia could have actually lived. Maybe if Sera had done it another way she could have been able to save both of them, and maybe she and Sylvia could have been friends. Seraphina made a note to bury Sylvia's body whenever things calmed down it was the least she could do.

She looked towards Belladonna for a moment asking Amy some of her blood, she watched the two of them Seraphina wasn't sure what the strange woman wanted Amy's blood for. But it wasn't her concern anyway as she watched Javier lifting up Sariel off of the ground, she froze seeing the archangel's hand move and then her name being called. And then another voice, it was always a common thing for her growing up she did hear these voices. Sera closed her eyes and tried to tune out the voices again.

"I wished these damn voices stopped!" Sera said out loud, she opened her eyes again and realized that she had said it out in the open and looked at the group around her she wasn't crazy they always came and went but since everything started they were extremely frequent. Sera just hoped that no one would start asking her about it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Trevor Martin

Location: Church
Interacting With: A lot of people

He was still getting over the fact that a lot of the people still left in town ended up all in the same place. There had to be a reason, but he didn't say anything about it. Everyone else seemed to relax in the church, but he still didn't know he could trust them. The only person he knew in the room was Seraphina, and he had only known her for like half an hour after the whole running away from the shopping area. It was clear that Sera was saddened by the Sylvia's death, but he felt like there was something else bugging her.

Trevor just stood off to the side, ignoring most everyone and trying to remain calm. He didn't like the fact that everyone was in the same place, it felt strange and unnatural to him. He kept to himself, and just took a good look at everyone in the room. He recognized a few of them, but had never known their names. He didn't feel like introducing himself, so he just stood in the corner, keeping an eye out for more trouble.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Eudora Esmeralda Erebus

Location: Church
Interacting With: Fallen Angel

Eudora hung back again, things seemed to be slowing down, except for the rate that the angel was dying. Already she looked like an empty husk to Eudora, and she couldn’t help but to stare at the angel. She didn’t snap out of it until she noticed someone looking at her. Eudora shouldn’t be surprised though, a witchy looking old woman just staring at a dying body was bound to attract some arched eyebrows.

Eudora was unsure what to do now, waiting around for an epiphany or a sign was doing nothing. After a few seconds of deep thinking and second guesses, Eudora straightened herself, exhaling a tired sigh as she waddled up to the body. ”Excuse me,” she breathed out as she slithered between the huddled group and crouched down near the fallen angel, ”Don’t worry dear, I may be able to help a little,” she said, trying to comfort the angel and everyone around her with her words as she produced herbs from her pocket and held it close to the angel. ”Chew it,” she ordered, her hand wavering slightly in the air, ”It’ll help with the healing process,” she lied. Truth was, it was meant to numb the pain and give the angel a peaceful passing, there was a small chance she might pull through, but Eudora wasn’t counting on that. The witch just wanted to feel as if she was helping.

Eudora’s hand was still outstretched, offering the natural medicine and not minding the people around her. She wanted to thank the angel, for revealing to her what needed to be done, but she didn’t say a word. Eudora brought her head up to face the ceiling for the second, calling out to the energies that govern the universe. ”Help me,” she mouthed before returning to treat the angel.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Matthews

Location: the Church
Interacting With: Aloise Zamora @Morose

As everyone scrambled to do what they could, Liam remained sitting where he was, his eyes locked on the ground beneath him as he sighed, half expecting it to open up at any point, with everything that had been going down, he didn't doubt that was equally as possible as anything else which had been happening. Hearing the footsteps approach, he looked over his shoulder to see Aloise as she came toward him, forcing a weak smile as he sat back, watching as she moved to sit down. He was surprised as she moved to hug him, but he hugged her back gently, he had needed it in that moment.

Pulling back slowly, he sighed as she spoke, leaning back in the pew as he glanced around. "I just... Don't know what to do. Everyone's so calm, working through it all, and i'm... Some Prophet or whatever-the-hell, and here I am without a clue of what to do, or what I even can do..." He sighed, explaining just how helpless he felt. Aloise was one of the more knowledgeable ones there, but he wasn't sure if even she knew what he could, or should have been able to do as a Prophet, as far as Liam knew, it wasn't much.

Darren Andrews

Location: Altsoba County Prison
Interacting With: Jade Cornish, The Angel of Death @Morose

Glancing up from the gun he had grabbed, Darren looked toward Mercurial as she spoke up, raising an eyebrow as he watched her move past them, pausing for a moment or two at just how odd of an encounter that had been. Jade seemed to recognize her, and he definitely agreed, Mercurial was strange, and that was probably an understatement. Sighing as he grabbed his gun, he started loading it as he looked over at her, shrugging. "Well, i'll work that out, maybe they're a fan of people without souls?" He shrugged, pumping the shotgun in his hands as he closed the trunk.

As he looked up toward the body he'd spotted before, he stared at the figure which was knelt over it, he knew about reapers but they didn't usually dress as dramatically as that, or, well, talk to you like this one was, and from the mention of a 'brother' - Darren put together a quick assessment of who, or what this was. Taking a deep breath, he stepped around the car, watching the Angel of Death as it spoke. "Then let's make a deal instead, huh? You're the head honcho on death, right? You don't want me to kill one of your buddy boys, you make sure she's safe." He said confidently, nodding toward Jade.

Javier Crypt

Location: The Streets
Interacting With: Sariel @Morose, Belladonna @Lady Amalthea

Humming an idle tune as he carried Sariel out of the church and back toward their home, smiling as his gaze found Mercurial, noticing the soot covering her. "Hello dearest, I hope you've been having a good time, it certainly seems so." He smiled proudly down at his daughter, starting to carry Sariel up the steps of their house and inside, turning his gaze back out toward his wife as he smiled. "Where shall I lay her for you to work, dearest?" He asked warmly, glancing down to her bag for a moment where she had stored the blood, always curious to see her work.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Aloise smiles slightly at Liam. She had felt the same exact way herself, almost every minute she had been deployed. No matter what she had learned, it didn't seem to prepare her for any of it. And for Liam, he truthfully hadn't been given a chance to learn about himself. Hell, even she didn't know much about Prophets, beyond the reception of visions. "Every vision you see, according to the lore, will come to pass," Aloise explained. "So when you see something, all you have to do is let us know...But honestly, no one knows what they're doing. No one's being a hero. We're all just...just trying to do something good at the end of the day."

And just as Aloise finished, something miraculous occurred. Liam would be struck with another vision. This time, he would see Amy Chang, enveloped with a scarlet smoke. The doctor stumbles slightly, before the room around her crumbles. Everything goes dark. Everything becomes dust.

Meanwhile, Dr. Chang and Hanson are trying their best to work on Sera. At her scream about the voices, Amy pauses for a moment, before giving a dirty look at an imaginary camera, as if she was on the Office. "The fucks wrong with you people?" Amy muttered, shaking her head. "Do I look like a shrink to you? I can't make any voices stop. Unless, of course, someone in here just so happens to be a psychiatrist and wants to work with your crazy ass mind, then they can be my guess. I'm gonna concentrate on the fucking bullet wound, kay sunshine?"

Was it perhaps fate that Trevor, who definitely would have heard that tirade, was a therapist part-time?

Dr. Chang, once resuming her work, manages to carefully extract the bullet, as Hanson keeps pressure on it. Fortunately, with the intensive upkeep she had to perform to keep Hanson's heart going, she brought everything she could carry with her to the Church. A few expletives later, Hanson is sent to get the most basic and simplest equipment out of Amy's bag, that way Sera can get a bit more blood in her. She'll need to go to a hospital still, but it won't be as pressing anymore. And as Eudora, the hobbling witch approaches with herbs, Amy eyes them for a moment. "Nah-uh. My patient. She doesn't need pot--she needs a little more blood. You donating?"

She shook her head slightly, before returning her attention back to Seraphina. "Now, mind telling me who the fuck you are, Miss Here's Johnny?"

Azrael did not turn towards Darren, busying herself with the corpse on the pavement. She rested her hand on the deceased's chest, and then after a moment's pause, she rose to her feet, the cape billowing around her, swallowing her nearly. Only the hint of a face, gruesome and disfigured, could be made out. Her skin was the color of ash. However, both Jade and Darren would get the sense that the angel of death was smiling at them.

"Ever so bold, Darren Owen," Azrael said, the voice as quiet as a falling leaf. "Before you attempt to persuade me with speeches about the pointlessness of predestination, know that I do not proscribe to the theories of John Calvin. I collect what I am due to collect--nothing less, nothing more. I suppose you find this to be hypocritical--but I do not welcome the deals my brother is ever so fond of trading in."

"Bloody hell, it's like I'm not even here," Jade pointed out, her tone both exasperated and loud. She detested the way Azrael talked about her--only directing words at Darren. Sure, Darren had damned himself for all eternity and made the deal to revive her--but godddamnit, she wasn't a child. And this wasn't the 1700's. "I'd like to be included in this, okay? It's my fucking life, after all. Not his."

Azrael's gaze did not waver. The angel of death practically ignored Jade's words, and the detective's grip tightened once more upon the blade, as the howling grew louder and louder with each and every passing minute. The air around Azrael nearly remained still, fixed in place, or rather, suffocated into stillness. "Darren Owen, you of all people know that the dead should not rise. It only brings pain and suffering. There is always a price for any manner of magic--and while you assume that cost is the slaughter you have been tasked with, do not doubt that the price will still beg to be paid."

Another pause. The sky darkened, as a storm cloud moved overhead, coming closer and closer to the center of the city. A torrential downpour was in the cards, it seemed. It wouldn't be long before it began. "The slaying of a reaper will not save her life. It will lead to the deaths of thousands--and that blood will stain your hands even further. But...That is not what I have come to discuss. I have a task for you--for you and Jade Corentine."

"Now you'll bloody acknowledge my existence?" Jade seethed, but a bit quieter. The howls were quieting, ever so slightly, and she relaxed her grip on the blade.

"Child, we do not have time for this pettiness," Azrael rebuked. "My brother has risen before. I am sure you recall the disasters in the year 2009, do you not? My brother was returned to his cage. And he has escaped once more. Restraining my brother will stop nothing. Darren Owen and Jade Corentine, I task you with the murder of Lucifer. If you succeed, I perhaps may be willing to turn a blind eye to your transgressions...Fail and there will be no need. You will be dead."

Sariel's body is limp, yet her mind is anything but. Her thoughts will be audible to only Seraphina and Azrael, leaving the human-ish caregivers that carry her feeble form entirely oblivious. To those listening, her voice is weak, as if it was liable to fade away entirely within the next moment. However, one thing comes through clear and strong: Sisters, protect the Prophet... It is Sariel's dying wish, perhaps. The performance of her sacred duty. And while the archangel has not yet passed, things certainly do not look good.

"Does this remind you of our honeymoon, dearest?" Belladonna asked, her lip slightly curled. She smiled like the cat that had eaten the canary, quietly and boldly in the oddest of paradoxes. There was an alluring darkness dancing in her eyes. As they strolled, Belladonna let out a contented sigh as the storm clouds rolled in. She always enjoyed a good thunderstorm--her darling Mercurial had been conceived during one, after all.

The walk to the Crypt Manor was relatively short, and Belladonna spotted their dearest daughter, covered head to toe in the remnants of some poor, innocent people. Their daughter was becoming such a fine young woman. Belladonna couldn't be ever the more prouder of their little murderer. "No blood? Why, you did not have to return home so soon!" Belladonna urged, a bit surprised at the lack of the substance.

"I had a horrid time, rest assured," Mercurial affirmed, wiping a bit of soot off of her color. "I performed my civic duty. Mother, Father, the flames were delightful. I know you are particularly fond to charred flesh, Father. Perhaps the scent will linger for a few days." Mercurial, the incredibly morose child, then ventured inside of the home, clearing off the table as best as she could. The events from earlier that day had left the house in considerable disarray. It was not the first time, however, her parents had brought home some wounded creature.

Generally, it was more demonic than an archangel, however.

"The table, please, darling," Belladonna responded, walking calmly into the house, as if time was not of the essence. Once placed on the table, Belladonna would set at work, her hands carefully combining the healer's blood and a thousand other ingredients, seemingly, into the large cauldron. A newt here, a rabbit skull there, she used them all. And as she worked, the spell on the angel slowly began to wear off, as a grey color crept into Sariel's cheeks.

"She has thirty seconds until the sweet embrace of death," Belladonna announced with a hint of jealousy in her voice, as she poured a portion of the potion into a vial. She took care to wipe off the side of the vial, and with ten seconds to spare, she poured the portion into Sariel's mouth, stroking her neck as to force the angel to swallow. The air seemed to thicken in anticipation.

The grey swept across the rest of her face. Unseen but felt by the Crypts, Azrael collected her younger sister. It had been too late for Sariel. Not even the wound caused by an angel blade could be cured by Belladonna.

"Time of death is 7:35 PM, June 21st, 2016."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Seraphina Adams

Location: The Church
Interacting With: The Church Crew

Seraphina looked towards Amy Chang for a moment and slightly with her good shoulder wincing slightly in pain as she continued to let Amy tend to her bullet wound. "You'd be the last therapist I would see." Sera said jokingly as she looked over towards Eudora the elderly woman approached her and was quickly waved off by Amy. "At this point I would take any kind of painkiller at the moment.." Sera closed her eyes again moving her head to the side as Azrael and Sariel's voices continued to fill her head with their voices, Sariel's voice seemed to be a lot weaker though then Azrael's. Sera opened her eyes once more biting her lower lip for a moment when Amy asked for her name. "Seraphina Adams." She answered the sassy doctor.

Sera turned to look at Liam and Aloise at the other end of the room, she looked down at her watch seeing the time hearing Sariel's final words until it was silent again only Azrael's voice as left in her head. Seraphina sighed slightly as she shifted slightly letting Amy and Hanson continue to tend to her shoulder. "Sariel is dead." Sera said she wanted to let Aloise and Liam know that, it was the first time that she ever spoke about the voices in her head she never mentioned it to anyone before.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Eudora Esmeralda Erebus

Location: Outside the Church
Interacting With: No one

Eudora thought of a much simpler time, one without the Earth nearing its final days and the Devil roaming free. In a time where she would be able to roam the woods freely and watch peasants die due to another plague. But now chaos wrecked the lives of many, and unease was present everywhere. Eudora got up from the angel's side, slightly miffed by the intruding thoughts already forgetting about Ser as she turned to leave. There were plenty of doctors around, they didn't need her. Quiet as a shadow, she slipped by the departing mass and exited the building, welcoming in the blast of fresh air but crinkled her nose slightly at the hint of death that hung in the air. Her gaze drifted towards some car tracks as if she knew subconsciously what happened. She shrugged off the feeling and walked on.

Eudora lingered near the Church, not ready to leave just yet. Opting to instead stand around and admire how the grass stood tall no matter how many times they were stepped on. Her mind also spun with other much darker thoughts too, she had to do her part to save this town, possibly the Earth. But how exactly? What should she search for? What to do? Was there enough time to go around turning over every rock to find the solution? It all seemed so very complicated and tiring, maybe she could flee this town in search of greener pastures. Perhaps make her way to a pleasant beach on the other side of the country and rest easy away from the drama, let the town sort out its own problems. She wasn't part of the town, she had no duty, Eudora belonged to the wild and she was meant to stay in it.

A sudden pang of guilt poisoned her thoughts of fleeing, she felt like her own worst enemy while she stood around near motionless at the side of the Church. If she wanted to help, it was best for her to move now anyway. Sighing deeply, she prayed full heartedly to anyone in the sky above and put her first foot forward. She wished for luck and blessings and then walked straight back to the forest. Maybe the goat had a solution.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Trevor Martin

Location: Church
Interacting With: Church Group

At Amy's comment about not being a shrink, it kind of angered him slightly. He never really liked it when people called him that, a shrink. To him it wasn't the kindest thing to call a psychiatrist. Trevor decided not to say anything, though he did find it strange that Seraphina was hearing voices. He was concerned, but it seemed that Sera was busy with other things, so he decided not to mention it to her, yet anyway.

Trevor was beginning to realize that he didn't care very much for Dr. Chang. He thought her annoying and full of herself. She was rude to the old woman, which he found a little unforgivable, and wondered where she was from. What, was she raised in a barn? Even though I prefer to ignore my family, at least I learned about being nice to your elders. Who the heck does she think she is? he thought to himself, looking at Dr. Chang, and not knowing what to do in this crowd of people.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Matthews

Location: the Church
Interacting With: Aloise Zamora @Morose

Liam sighed softly as he listened to Aloise, well, that was always good to know, he'd be flooded with these fairly horrible visions, and now he knew with absolute certainty that all of the would definitely happen, no matter what. Part of him just hoped that when this was all over, his 'job' as prophet would be done, no more visions, nothing to worry about in that regard. Sighing softly, he shook his head listening to her as he ran a hand through his hair. "Thanks, for that..." He forced a smile over at Aloise, before the headache hit him.

He let out a pained groan, reaching up to touch his fingers to his head as it pounded, the images starting to flash before his eyes, overwhelming him for a few moments as he leaned back, groaning. As the images faded, he turned his gaze over toward Amy, watching her for a moment or two as he sighed, looking back toward Aloise and setting his hand atop hers, squeezing it, if only to get her attention. "I just had another..." He said, before going on to explain the details of it all, remembering the details clear as day, but he would certainly be damned if he had any idea what any of it meant, or how it would come to pass.

Darren Andrews

Location: Altsoba County Prison
Interacting With: Jade Cornish, The Angel of Death @Morose

Darren sighed as he listened to the Angel of Death, he certainly hadn't imagined that threatening or trying to deal with the Angel of Death would have gone particularly well, but he'd hoped at least somewhat. Glancing back to Jade as she spoke up, he frowned somewhat as the Angel continued to ignore her. If there was one thing Darren had fairly quickly established, it was that Angels were generally assholes. He guessed he shouldn't really have expected much less of the Angel of Death, after all, she probably had a lot on her plate right then. As she spoke up again, Darren turned back toward Azrael, giving his weapons a nervous squeeze as she spoke of another task.

When he heard the task, he paused yet again, he had thought the deal that the crossroads demon gave him was nearly impossible, killing a reaper seemed like an almost impossible task, killing Lucifer, the devil himself, well that definitely seemed a little more ridiculous. Sighing, Darren figured he didn't have much of a choice, anyway. "Alright, say we agree, Jade might be dragged off to hell regardless unless we fulfill the deal we made, unless you've got some way of getting rid of the hellhounds, that's gonna be half of your chance of success gone." He reasoned, hoping that the angel might have some way to help, aside from sending them off to their likely deaths.

Javier Crypt

Location: The Streets
Interacting With: Sariel, Belladonna @Morose

Moving into the house, Javier turned his gaze over to Belladonna and nodded his head, moving to lay her down on the table as gently as he could, taking a step back as he brushed his hands off, watching as his wife began to work. Javier left her to it, he was never particularly one for spells, curses and potions, that was all his wife's domain, they had never worked out particularly well for Javier, after all, he was now forever trapped in this world, regardless of what happened to him. Some would have considered Immortality a blessing, he certainly knew it for the curse it was.

However, it seemed even in his wife's capable hands, Sariel was beyond saving. Sighing, he shook his head as he clasped his hands behind his back, watching the body of the angel as she finally passed. "A shame, dear." He said as he moved over, setting a hand on her back and kissing her cheek as he looked down at the body of the angel, well, it was behind them now, he was sure they would have other tasks at hand.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

As Eudora exits the Church, no omens are presented to her, good or bad. The scent of Sylvia's body may waft out to her from the car, but her journey back towards the woods is decidedly pleasant. Stepping onto the sidewalk, as she heads towards the woods, the elderly witch will nearly trip over a small tricycle, the appropriate size for a small child. The small Radio Flyer bike has been knocked over--but hey, of all the things to happen today, finding a little trike isn't the worst that could happen.

Meanwhile, within the confines of the Church, the entire place is abuzz with activity. Liam and Sera are either hearing voices or having visions, while a licensed psychiatrist stands idly by. Hanson is way out of his depth, Aloise is attempting to her best in a situation she was not prepared for, and Dr. Chang is exercising her fine collection of swear words. However, they are not alone in the Church. A small boy enters the front door, coughing and spluttering.

"I can't find my dad..." the boy wails. Seraphina will recognize him--it is the little boy from the woods. Fortunately, he has not spotted her yet, instead remaining fixated on Trevor. He screams again, and if the windows had not already been shattered, the glass would have burst. There is a terrible energy about this child. But after all, what else can be expected from the antichrist?

"For the love of Christ..." Dr. Chang grumbled, seeing the little kid wander inside of the Church. There were various cuts and scratches on the boy, and with the blood clinging to his clothes, he'd definitely need some looking after. She shot a glance at Hanson, and in a moment, the reformed Satanist sprang into action, hurrying his way over to the antichrist. Had Aloise not been attending to Liam, the ex-marine would have assisted as well.

"You should be good now, crazy," Amy said, finishing up her work on Sera. "Take it easy. Don't fuck a demon or anything, and you should be fine. No alcohol either." And while Dr. Chang did not let it on, images and ideas were flashing through her mind. They were not of her own design, entirely foreign to her. Lucifer whispered to her soul, attempting his very best to weaken her resolve, and to possess her form.

For now, the doctor did not give in. But how long would that last for?

"Liam...Thank you," Aloise replied, smiling bleakly. Truthfully, she wasn't at all certain what Liam's vision meant. But she had a fair hunch--it was probably the possession of Amy Chang. There was a bitter likelihood that the doctor would get in, Aloise understood that much. However, her eyes drifted over to Seraphina, with a frown. "How can you know Sariel's dead? You can hear angels?"

"Yes, that would pose quite the issue, would it not?" Azrael mused, but she made no movement. Jade continued to hear the cry of the hellhounds, and while it was more distant than it had been before, it was ever present. Azrael had made no move to stop them, and for a moment, it sounded like the Angel of Death chuckled. "If you are incapable of dispatching a few hellhounds, then I am afraid you are of no use. Dispatch of my brother, Darren Owen and Jade Corentine. I believe you have two hours before my brother's pets come for her soul."

And without any showy flashes or terrifying booms, Azrael vanished. Jade blinked and the Angel of Death was gone, but curiously, something had been left behind. A second angel blade. "Wicked," Jade whistled, picking up the blade. "Looks like we've got to kill the bloody devil, then? This day is just fucking fantastic." The building apparently agreed, groaning as it further collapsed under its own weight. Jade raised an eyebrow, glancing at the decimated structure.

"So what do we do then? Invite the devil over for fish and chips? Spot of tea?" Jade asked, glancing back over at Darren. "Do we tweet at him?"

Of all the places in town for the devil to be, Crypt Manor was altogether unsurprising. As the Crypts were fussing with the corpse of the guardian angel, the possessed body of an old man hobbled up the steps, cane and all. He rapped twice on the door, his body covered in sores, and slowly turning to ash. Not all vessels can contain the power of the devil--and this one was rather shoddy, hardly able to contain him for more than an hour.

"My dear Belladonna, I have a favor I've come to cash in on..." Lucifer crooned, as Mercurial opened the door. The young Crypt girl was expressionless. "I can assure you, I am not Belladonna Crypt. But since you are evidently the Prince of Darkness, the mistake is understandable. Even monsters have flaws." Mercurial stepped aside, and Lucifer chuckled slightly, before entering the home.

"Why, Lucifer! It has been too long, too long," Belladonna said, her lips curling slightly. "How I miss your dark crusades. Tell me, what devilish favor may I assist you with?" The old man coughed slightly, blood spattering itself on his wrist. The meatsuit was wearing out, all too quickly for the Devil's tastes. "Word is you've obtained the blood of Amy Chang...I require some portion of it."

Belladonna glanced at Javier for a moment, but only her eyes moved. She fished the bloody vial from her possessions, her fingers curling over it. Whether or not she would give the blood to the devil was unclear. Perhaps she was waiting for direction from her family, but Belladonna was too independent for that. The woman was likely mulling it over.

Mercurial, however, was far more blunt. "I was unaware the devil used something as childish as a blood ritual. I suppose this is why you should never meet your heroes, isn't it?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Seraphina Adams

Location: The Church
Interacting With: The Church Crew

Once Amy had finished up patching her shoulder up Sera slowly adjusted her shirt so that it was covering her wound wincing slightly as she turned her attention towards Aloise as she asked her how she knew. "I guess, I've been hearing voices in my head since I was little. And not the crazy ones where they tell me to shoot up schools or anything." Seraphina answered as she gave Amy a slight nod as Sera stood up looking at Liam for a moment. "Her last words were to help protect him. Also Sariel was talking to someone else named Azrael to." Sera said gesturing towards the Prophet sighing slightly and ran a hand through her hair. "You guys probably think i'm crazy anyway." Seraphina turned her head as she saw the door opening her expression changed when she saw that crazy kid from earlier.

"Stay the hell away from that kid there really isn't something right about him, I saw him earlier on my way into the town.." Seraphina warned she got that weird vibe from the kid just like earlier something was off and she didn't know what but from earlier she got the feeling that the kid was evil she stumbled slightly as she looked at him. Then she heard him scream and looked around as she saw what little glass that didn't get shattered did, Sera thought about reaching for her gun but realized that she had dropped it earlier.
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