Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"Of course and i may need a loincloth and my shirt will be fair enough for her...yes i will make sure she knew that i am both caring and strong enough to protect her" Smith said now getting off the table and was now walking over to where his clothes were putting on his shirt and robes wanting to be taken to where these extra clothes were. He was also afraid of what Kara would say and if she would accept him as a mate and not as another chump.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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"You can use shorts or human undergarments while you are here. That is also fine." Aerta explained. "You may use a shirt and pants if you really want to. Just no footwear."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"Of course i packed a loincloth just in case for this sort of thing" He said smiling and then asking her where he could change, Of course he did not want to be seen changing he would probably die of embarrassment.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by bloonewb
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bloonewb Primordial and also soupy

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"Please, mercy, I'll give you anything! Gold? Wine?" sputtered Mitron Mithrionenson, former Prince of Traeton.

"I'm thinking of something a bit more . . . substantial, such as, say, a city," Rughoi answered, letting a sly grin slowly form on his snout.

"Oh, no, I can't give you that! My dad's spirit would- No! Please! Take the city!" started Mitron, quickly changing his response in the middle upon seeing the many kobold shortswords of Rughoi's guard loose themselves from their sheaths to point at him.

"There we go, isn't it easier when everyone cooperates?" Rughoi said, as the guards continued advancing on the diminutive prince. "Now, where was I? Oh yes, I already have your city, don't I? So what do I need with you? Merat, stop standing there like an idiot and kill him." Arch-General Merat nodded, then charged Mitron with a shout. His sword arced in the air, and found a place in a dracon throat.

"Your Might," Merat said, kneeling before the dead body, in the direction of the throne. "I am yours to command." Rughoi nodded.

"Traeton . . . too dracon. That will not be the name of my capital. From now, I declare the city and its surrounding territories Xigyll!" Rughoi declared. Merat and the generals around him nodded, and all took out their maps, drew a line through Traeton, writing in Xigyll under it. "I need to be recognized. Where is my advisor? Kutur!"

"Here, Your Might," shouted a tiny kobold, tearing himself from the crowd. He kneeled in front of his lord, then spoke. "By the limited powers granted to me by Scenn, Nasha, and Hetuis, I recognize my lord Rughoi the following. The Unbound, the Conquerer, Count of Trae- Xigyll, Rightful Duke of Draconis, and Emperor of All Kobold,"

"And Son of the Dragons," Rughoi interrupted.

"But Your Might, that's a fairy tale," gasped Kutur.

"Think about it. I am the first kobold in centuries to be a lord. Could I not be the prophesied conquerer of our ancestors?" Rughoi said, letting the anger seep into his words.

"You are of course right, Your Might," Kutur sputtered. ". . . and Son of the Dragons."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by WingsOfBronze
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Fasuto hummed in thought, his head leaning a bit to the left, where the shoulder pad was. His left ear twitched two times and he nodded. He gave Ophion a grin and gave a thumbs up. "Alright, sir! I'll help ya!" He beamed, waiting for the old dracon to walk first.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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(Sorry about that! Things will be quicker for me here for a while!)


"If you need to change, just do so in any of the bathrooms." Aerta explained. "We have two on the ground level and one upstairs."

(This is Kara, btw)


(I'll have new characters for you to interact with soon!)

Like most large dracon cities, Traeton had a large wall system, but also had two sets of subterranea. First was the sewer system, but this was small and underdeveloped in comparison to those of other urban centers. Second and much more extensive was the sprawling network of catacombs. As one might have expected, these tunnels were a vast burial ground. While dracons had room on the surface for burials, they also had to use every patch of fertile land wisely. Most other lands were either covered in sand or too remote from the population centers to be of much use for burial, lest the remains get blown away. The shortage of wood for pyres also made it cremation impractical.

Therefore, Traeton had built a large set of tunnels which the kobolds could exploit. The sheer age of the catacombs combined with lax maintenance meant that not even the city's officials knew their full extent. One of Rughoi's scouts had been in contact with a nearby tribe which had accidentally tunneled into the catacombs while expanding their living spaces. It was quite a tempting opportunity.


Ophion walked a while with the fox. He wasn't actually old by dracon standards, but he must have seemed that way next to Fasuto. "So, what land are you from, if I may ask?" He could sense magic in the newcomer, but it wasn't the same kind of power which they had in the dracon lands. Magical abilities depended on many things; the school of magic (how it was used), the kind of magic (exactly what kind of energy the magic manipulates, such as fire or water), and the magical traditions.

That last one was hard to nail down. It was much like a musical tradition, full of subjectives as to its quality and dependent on culture, religion, philosophy, and the models set by exemplary mages in their society.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"Thank you miss" He said now moving to a room in the upstairs hallway putting on his clothes and robes so he would be clothed when meeting Kara. Walking back outside of the hallway and taking deep breaths going down the stairs wanting to forget the topless body of his mentor wanting to go outside for some fresh air.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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Aerta nodded and let him leave the room with only a simple bow. She knew that there would be issues to deal with over the next few days, possibly weeks or even months. Her life since the defeat of Dememoras had been a two-faced one. Most of the time she lived on the farm, making trips to major cities once every few weeks to buy things or to meet with friends and colleagues. Much of her time was spent tending to her family, seeing to the farm, or practicing her magic. Every so often, she was called to deal with wider scope problems facing the dracon lands along with Adykon. This was shaping up to be yet alone one of those incidents. A large-scale kobold revolt.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by WingsOfBronze
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"Land? Hmm.." He hummed for a while, then his left ear twitched then he chuckled. "It's Payon. Full of trees, herbs, and shrubs. Civilizations are on trees, walls are wooden, stuff like that. I kinda wanted to roam the lands, it got me here." He yawned again and sighed. "I got in a loud Caravan. The roads are bumpy too, and I still need to find an inn, or something." He giggled. "So uhh.. sir? If you need someone to take care of any job, I'll take it. Just got to ask, I mean. It's an opportunity." He blinked, looking at the road straight. "I survived like this." He gave it a shrug as he placed his paws behind his head as they walked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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"Payon? I've vaguely heard of it. Cold realm, very inhospitable for dracons. We'll get to our destination soon, but before we do, I really should ask what kind of jobs you have done before. I know you are eager, and that is good, but I need to know who I am dealing with before putting you in any form of danger, however great or slight." Ophion didn't want to send the fox into a situation he couldn't handle, after all.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by WingsOfBronze
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"Well, I can do magic." Fasuto opened his palms in front of him, a medium fire orb in his left hand, and blue and yellow sparks from his right paw. "And fight." He removed his magic and spawned a small yellow shortsword, the handle is blue and a yellow feather was attached to it. "Got this from a knight." He grinned to himself, proud. "Or simply. Just carry heavy stuff or make me guard or assist a fruit stall. That works." He said de-spawning the sword and smiled at him. "Work for money. Money to live." He shrugged.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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"Right. You'll do nicely." Ophion was impressed with the conjured weapons. "Anyway, about the job. Like I said, I was gathering some ingredients. There's a salt flat outside of the city, wherein we are supposed to find some very fine mineral salts. They're really an amalgamation of salt and silver. Very useful for a large number of alchemical formulas. My wife requested them specifically. It's a lot of ground for one dracon to cover, so having a second pair of hands would help." True enough, Ophion was leading Fasuto towards the west gate of the city.

"There are risks, of course. These plains are also the feeding grounds for creatures colloquially known as 'rust monsters.' They subsist on various minerals, including the salts we are looking for. They look a lot like giant ants with bronze-colored flesh, a long snout, and about the size of dogs. Just watch out for their acidic spit. It causes metal to rust, but can seriously burn skin if it hits. Same thing with your fur."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by WingsOfBronze
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"So. I'll worry about the food later then. Still have.." He yawned again, but this time, longer. " time for it later." He cracked his knuckles. "Been a while since I got in a fight.. and I did some mining. If it requires mining." He summoned a pickax, made of steel and the edges are very sharp. "So, it rusts things? Well, looks like I got to use magic this time, right?" He looked at him questioningly as they walk out of the west gate.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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"You may have to use magic to fight. That pickaxe won't help. You'll be scooping some silver-sands into a little bowl. I've got some with me. The powder you are looking for is silvery in a field of brown and white sand. It'll stand out like a star in the dark. Between the two of us, we've got to harvest a dozen bowls of the stuff. And I made sure to run this by the city's government first. I paid for a license to harvest up to fifty bowls, so don't worry about us stealing or breaking the law" Ophion explained.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by WingsOfBronze
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"Magic then." He chuckled as the pick-ax dematerialized in thin air. A spider poked out of his left shoulder and it charged static. "Ennave, you got exciited." Fasuto grinned at the spider at his shoulder. "Anyways, where's this bowls?" He asked, Ophion. "And uh, take lead. You know the road.. right?" He looked at him questioningly again. "Not that I say that you don't or something." He defensively said. Doesn't want to hurt someone's feelings.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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Nyx smiled, letting herself enjpy Orna's rambling, as she let Castor play with her hands, and whatever else he could get his little hands on, making sure he didn't try to eat anything. "Tran was always a good brother, I'm glad he's adapted to Family life well"Nyx said,"Castor likes to make a bit of a fuss when bathing, we normally end up wet ourselves!" She chuckled, nodded at the baths, before looking to her sisters.

"What about you two?" She asked Hermia and sasha.

"Aurelia likes to fuss abit, sometimes its hard to get her to eat, have to result to quick trickery sometimes" Sasha said with amusement, "Although she's more willing with Kos, cheeky little thing." Sasha smiled, "Its been good. I know Kos wanted a boy first, but I'm glad we had Aurelia first. I just love her so"

"Yvoir is a cheeky thing too, always trying to steal food when I'm cooking, but Veax is really good with him" Hermia said, happily, "I know he was worried about being a father, but he's great"

(I couldn't remember if we had a name for Hermia and Veax's son, so....I made another one XD)
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Smith had made his way out of the home letting out a deep breath loving the fresh air going into his lungs, He was still barefoot digging his feet into the hard dirt getting some of the brown soil onto his feet loving the feeling of the dirt on his skin. Looking over towards the grassy hills in the horizon having a longing feeling to go explore the it, He always loved to exploring the different scenery be it swamps,forest or deserts. When he was younger and even now once in a while he would explore nature alone in the early morning.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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"I keep them at my home and teleport them to myself when needed" Ophion explained. "Although your method of creating bowls might work if we had to do it that way. I was never much for conjuring items out of magic." The exited the city and marched onto the road away from it, which quickly turned from a smooth paved surface to a sandy path.

"We're getting close. See those things in the distance? The insects which look like they are sniffing the ground? Those are what we need to fight past. They won't take kindly to our intrusion."


Castor calmed down a bit, letting Nyx do with him as she wanted to.

Orna snapped out of her little ramble about her husband, changing the conversation to someone else."Yeah. I'm glad that Veax is turning out to be a good father. Yvoir was quite the little fireball when I last saw him. But you've had to deal with quite a bit from your days as a waitress, right, Hermia? He must be a walk in the park next to that." As she spoke, she set down a silver tub of water and poured in some salts. Then she sat down and put her feet into it. "Feels good, plenty of room for all you ladies."


In the meantime, Aerta had met up with Adykon and explained the situation.

"Really? Kobolds? I knew this would happen someday?"

"You predicted a kobold revolt?" Aerta wondered.

"It could have been anything. It's just as you said, we don't treat people fairly in our society. I'm just glad we don't keep slaves."

"I'm just happy that you only took one wife" she added, smiling.

"Well, talking about all this stuff won't help much. As it is, we're probably going to have to wait until this kobold rebel makes the next move. Once he plays his hand, we'll know what he's up to and how to stop him. For now, the best thing we can do is prepare. As soon as word gets out that he's tried something, we'll summon our allies and attack immediately."

"What do you think his next move will be?"

Adykon thought about it for a moment, placing his hand on his snout. "Probably something bold and stupid. Kobolds have always had grandeurs of delusion. They think that an extremely distant relation to dragons gives them to right to do anything they want to, when they have a bit of room to operate freely. If I had to guess, they'll try to take over a town or village. Or if they have more number than we've imagined, a small city. I know of a few in the area which aren't doing so well. A peasant rabble could take over Traeton as it is."

(On a minor note, I hope to play Larek, Kos, Veax, and some others soon enough. Kara will be awake in the morning.)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by bloonewb
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bloonewb Primordial and also soupy

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"You can't do this to me! We had a deal!" shouted Largon, struggling in vain against the thick ropes binding him to the chair he's seated in.

"Did we? The Son of the Dragons would never make such dishonorable dealings with the enemies of his people," Rughoi said. "However, by his divine mercy, he shall now make one with you now. Tell me everything you know about the city of Aredor, and I will allow you to rot in prison with all your limbs intact."

"Alas, I should have known!" Largon shouted. "Never to trust a filthy kobold! They lie and cheat, and just whe-"

"I've heard enough," Rughoi interrupted. "Merat, if you would be so kind." Merat, without a word, drew his sword. Largons insults turned to pitiful screams. Merat didn't even flinch as he raised the sword up, then brought it down on Largon's fingers. "I think you've really made a breakthrough with our friend here. Now it seems he can't shut up."

"Please, enough!" screamed Largon. "Anything, please!"

"Let's start with Aredor," Rughoi offered.

"Unstable walls!" said Largon, between gasps and whimpers. "Strong gate! Little sewage!"

"Thank you sir, that's all we need to know. Merat, have our engineers construct siege weaponry. As many as possible. Also, track down some diseased . . . I don't know . . . cows or something. Now, what to do with you? Kutur, have you heard back from the Fertile Valley?"

"Yes, I have actually, Your Might," Kutur said, flipping through his many ledgers. "They were not deal with us in the slightest. However, they will take in the prisoner."

"That's as much as I expected from the Fertile Valley tyrants," said Rughoi, turning back to Largon. "There, you see? You wanted accommodations, now you've got it! Well, for the few weeks before they execute you for your crimes, that is."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Smith made his way back inside of the house and trying to find Aerta wanting to talk to her, Finding her talking to husband waiting for a moment before speaking up."Mhm sorry to bother you...do you know where i will be sleeping?" He asked her in his soft tone of voice looking at his feet to not stare at her.
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