Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

Member Seen 5 days ago

@Ace of flames01 Okay, so before I continue with my CS I have a genuine concern. So far we have 3 hetero females (without including mine, also hetero) and one male. What would happen if we don't get enough males?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Dirty Pretty Lies if it comes to it, I can create a male to even the odds a little. I know that we also have 2 men on the way, one being hetero. I do what I can to even the odds
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by EmzyOfNeverland
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EmzyOfNeverland My Parabatai is my other half <3

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01 I can change Hayes bisexual if needed. I have no idea what's going on with the tags. I'm new to this sites bbcode.

Hayes Tomlin
[* hr]
Basic Information

| Name |
Alexander Hayes Tomlin

| Date of Birth |
June 12, 1996

| Gender |

| Sexuality |

| Status |

| Partner |

| Occupation |

| In-Depth Appearance |
Hayes is a fit guy standing at 6'2". He usually has scruff going on and his hair fixed but disheveled. When he was little, he had 9 stitches in his left leg from a bike crash which left a pretty nasty scar. Hayes has three tattoos. The first tattoo is an anchor surrounded by roses on his right upper arm. The second is his deceased mother's name and her birth and death date on his left wrist. The third is a tree with fallen leaves that covers his whole back. He also has a small freckle on his arm that looks like a crab.



[ *hr]
Who Am I?

| Personality |
♦ Sarcastic ♦ Procrastinates ♦ Witty ♦ Emotionally detached ♦

Hayes comes off very guarded due to his past. He interacts normally and seems like a really fun person until you start asking personal questions. Other than trying to dig into his personal life, he is very funny, a bit sarcastic and witty. There isn't a joke he hasn't quickly made as a comeback. The one thing you have to worry about with Hayes is he loves to procrastinate. He is a hard worker but if he has little interest in what you want him to do expect it to take forever.

| Likes & Dislikes |
Animals, Rain, Sunsets, Avocados, Neck kisses
Whole happy families, Sand, Optimism, Country Music, Religion

Hayes loves to paint and it has always been his creative outlet. When something goes wrong or he just feels drained, he paints. There isn't much else he'd rather do than paint the day away. Of course, being an artist doesn't pay much so it stays a hobby.

| History |
Hayes grew up in a small house outside of Holland with his older siblings and his parents. He grew up with very little money and things were pretty rough and they only got rougher. When Hayes was 12, his mother passed of cancer. With his older brother, Damon being the golden child and his sister Elizabeth being the only girl, Hayes got the short end of the stick when it came to who their father took their rage out on. He didn't dare come out gay either. Hayes left his childhood home at 16 never looking back. He moved to Ann Arbor and started going by his middle name, working hard to put a roof over his head and support himself. He hasn't had much time for fun and he wants to leave the past behind him.

| Family |
Hayes currently has a father, a brother, a sister that he doesn't talk to and a dog named Ace.

| Strengths |
  • Problem Solver
  • Level-Headed
  • Realistic

| Weaknesses |
  • Disorganized
  • Bad handwriting
  • Isn't motivated if things are too easy



[* hr]
The Other

| Theme Song |
From Ashes to New-Through It All https://youtu.be/sNkxfVgOas4
”There’s not a day that passes by
The pain has not amassed inside
It’s breaking me down to the ground
It’s like I crashed and died
It’s hard to leave your past behind
Especially when you’re last in line
And half the time it acts like vines
And wraps inside my fragile mind”

| Extra Information |
Anything else.


Ian Tate
[* hr]
Basic Information

| Name |
Ian Gabriel Tate

| Date of Birth |
November 7, 1991

| Gender |

| Sexuality |

| Status |

| Partner |

| Occupation |
ER nurse

| In-Depth Appearance |
Ian is a 6'3" male with short  brown hair, and blue eyes. He has a toned body with a birthmark in the shape of a perfect circle right under his right peck. He has no tattoos but has his ears pierced and you can see the faint line where his lip used to be pierced. He has a scar on his hand from burning himself with a hot glue gun when he was seven.


[ *hr]
Who Am I?

| Personality |
♦ Social ♦ Blunt♦ Caring♦ Impulsive♦

Ian is a social butterfly and has been since he came on this earth. He could make life long friends in the grocery store line. He can be very blunt though and always says what's on his mind whether before thinking which is why he is very impulsive as well. He jumps on tasks very quickly and doesn't think much about consequences​ in the long run. He tries not to put people's feelings at risk though because he knows how much it hurts to be hurt.

| Likes & Dislikes |
Swimming, Hollywood Undead, Disney Movies, Cats, Picnics
Darkness, birds, Sirens, Current pop music, Cold

Ian loves to be outdoors. One of his favorite pastimes is baseball or swimming. He likes to stay active and would spend all day outside if he could. When he was younger, his mom had to drag him in every night. Ian doesn't get much time outside because of his job but when he does, he's golden.

| History |
Ian grew up in Holland as an only child with 2 cats and his mom. His mom worked nonstop when he was a kid which made him appreciate what life gave you. Having to take care of himself and sometimes his mom was what made him want to be a nurse. In highschool, everyone talked about not waiting to get out of Holland but as soon as Ian was out of college, he moved right back to work at the hospital. He currently lives in a cabin by the water with his cat, Jasper. He just got out of a really serious relationship with his college girlfriend and isn't sure if he'll ever be able to love like he did.

| Family |
No siblings. One cat.

| Strengths |
  • Hardworking
  • Great with kids
  • Goodhearted

| Weaknesses |
  • Oblivious
  • Makes rash decisions
  • Gets distracted



[* hr]
The Other

| Theme Song |
All Time Low -Kids in the Darkhttps://youtu.be/jSxdA9u9bSc
”Looking up, I see a falling star, and watch its fire burn into the floor,
I am left standing on the edge,
Wondering why we fall so hard, why we fall so hard,

| Extra Information |
Anything else.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheMadAsshatter
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TheMadAsshatter Guess who's back

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

There will be a delay in the creation of my character. Due to issues with my ISP, I will likely not have internet on my PC for a couple of days, unfortunately. I'll be sure to work on my character on my phone, but it'll likely be slow-going.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

Member Seen 5 days ago

Expect my character today!!!!

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@EmzyOfNeverland woo! Both are accepted! For Hayes I would say he can be gay but if you want he could be bi but prefers men. Also please remove the * next to the hr. Other than that don't forget to do the relationships part
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EmzyOfNeverland
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EmzyOfNeverland My Parabatai is my other half <3

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01 aye aye captain
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EmzyOfNeverland
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EmzyOfNeverland My Parabatai is my other half <3

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01 the sheet or adding the name in?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@EmzyOfNeverland the relationship sheet is on the same post the CS is on. You don't need to add the names of the characters at the moment but you must eventually have all character and their relationship with yours.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EmzyOfNeverland
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EmzyOfNeverland My Parabatai is my other half <3

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ruthenselle
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Ruthenselle (: ruthless-rueful :)

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I thought of something. surprise, surprise! hands myself medal for using my brain for once :'D

Zephillla has a few close internet friends who know her a great deal more than the people she interacts with in real life. For the relationships part, later, if anyone feels like their character would skim the internet -maybe be part of a game, online art, or even a roleplay/writing community- they might know her through there. Of course, they can't be partners. They'd probably be a tad too close.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EmzyOfNeverland
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EmzyOfNeverland My Parabatai is my other half <3

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Ruthenselle Hayes is an artist. Maybe he is apart of an online community and he can freely post his art there?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@EmzyOfNeverland aka DEVIANTART
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EmzyOfNeverland
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EmzyOfNeverland My Parabatai is my other half <3

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01 Okay see, I was sitting here for five whole minutes trying to get my mind to produce the word of the sight and it just wouldn't do it so I said f**k it and explained it instead. My brain is running off of coffee, anxiety pills, 2 hours of sleep, and just finished college classes 😂. Forgive my deadness
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ruthenselle
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Ruthenselle (: ruthless-rueful :)

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Exactly what I was thinking XD

@EmzyOfNeverland Yeah, of course! Sounds good, and the partner problem won't exist there. They can bonnnnndddd...

Yep, sleep isn't happening much over here too. I'm a zombie and a vampire combined. So powerful yet so drowsy; lovely.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EmzyOfNeverland
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EmzyOfNeverland My Parabatai is my other half <3

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Ruthenselle I am a powerful sleepless monster that will bite your head off if you touch my coffee 😂. Living off the stuff atm
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alrighty then.... With what we have already, I will start pairing up characters. I will pm you when I figure out who is going with who. If you guys know of any victims that might enjoy this thread feel free to recommend this thread!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@fer1323 I see you there in the darkness....
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

Member Seen 5 days ago

@Ace of flames01 OMG I'M SO SORRY MY GIRL ISN'T UP YET!!! I've had back to back tests and IRL stuff keeping me busy! I can post a WIP and have that up so based on that she can be paired. All I'm missing from my sheet is a bit more of the history, the appearance and the personality (which I know what it will be like but have a hard time putting it into words).
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01I am not sure if I want to join this
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