Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

⚜ 𝔗𝔥𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔓𝔞𝔤𝔢𝔰 ⚜

۵ ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔒𝔫𝔢 ۵
𝔗𝔥𝔢 ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔢 𝔗𝔬 ℜ𝔢𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔫...

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Freya Whittmore

Location: Maleficent’s Castle - The Moors; Rivenspire.
Interacting With: Herself and the servants.


The gentle fragrance of desert flowers not long in bloom and hot sand wafted through the halls of the castle as her bare feet once more hit the stone one after the other, the sound of both porcelain and glass shattering against the wall filled every corner of the room, causing those around her to cower before the extremely sharp and jagged shards fell to the ground at her feet, creating what was clearly a rather dangerous hazard for all but herself.

Oh, how the morn had been one of such grand productivity… long ago had she dealt with the petty squabbles of the sea King; forcing him to once more return back to the depths of the ocean under threat of serving him as the main dish in what was to be a lavish feast...even still, she had even found time enough to pay her favorite, if not rather temperamental kitty a little, and long overdue visit; if not to test his patience, and wear it thin for amusements sake… though now she stood before her throne, her normally ever darkened eyes all but glowing golden in color as she glanced about in front of her, watching on with almost no joy in her expression as not only the servants, but also the knights that had been tending to her hurried to find exit; each moving as quickly as they possibly could to leave, praying for even the slimmest of chances that they would be lucky enough to escape with the angered wrath of their Queen…

She was in a mood. That much was clear; even she could see that she was being a complete and utter bitch to all those who had done nothing to gain her anger being taken out upon them. They had merely been doing their jobs; and as far as the truth went, it was a perfect case of being within the wrong place, at the wrong time… By the Gods; her hormones would not stop raging..! Waging a terrible war within, and causing for her ever increasingly dangerous, and more than common temper tantrums to piss even her off. The answer, however, was simple.

She had to tell him…

It was almost killing her to have kept it to herself in the way that she had for these past couple of weeks; and how in the name of Hades was she supposed to explain herself when-... She didn’t even want to think about that right now; she just couldn’t. There were far more pressing matters weighing upon her mind- the shadow man throwing a fit about the wild goose-chase she had sent him on all those years prior... Rasputin groveling and begging for her to release his soul when the deal they had struck, was yet to still be completely fulfilled… Rothbart and his both strange and creepy fascination with cursing people into creatures, no doubt in large part thanks to that stupid and disgusting animal fetish of his…

Either way; that was what had set her off in the first place…

It was just a comment made in passing- one of which had been directed towards the condition of her health, however, it was more than clear that it had not been taken very well within the eyes of the Queen… eyes of which were now burning brighter than they had ever done before, her long darkened locks fluttering lightly upon her back and over her shoulders as the magic which coursed through her veins began to build up, wrapping tight and almost visibly around her very figure as she lifted her arms slowly from where they had been held tensely at her sides, the very action causing the vast about of shards that she had not long ago created to lift up into the air, hovering in place as though patiently awaiting some sort of order to fall from between her lips.

“..you dare say such things about your Queen..!”

Throwing her arms forward and towards where the stragglers remained, stumbling over one another in their grand attempt at being able to leave the room in time, she caused the shards to sail through the air, soaring towards them, and causing her lips to turn up into what was both a malicious and rather venomous type smirk as their panicked shouts, and screams of terror filled the air surrounding her as those too slow in their actions got caught; a good majority either injured or killed by the sharp edges of glass and porcelain, while those in the group still able to move on their feet hurriedly worked to gather those that had been hit, eventually leaving her standing alone within the empty and blood-splattered room… alone and in peace…

Ah, the silence… my, how it was golden.

The sudden feeling of her stomach churning nauseously caused her to hunch over slightly, her soft features scrunching up in disgust as she dropped her left hand down, pressing it lightly against her stomach as her right hand reached back, clinging almost desperately to the arm of her throne for support, the large and extremely luxurious seat helping to keep her both upright and upon her feet- argh, she hated being sick… the nausea, the tiredness, the lack of interest in almost all that she needed to do… it showed weakness; and that was something she could not afford to show to anyone… especially not Jafar. The very thought of it caused her hand to grasp even tighter to the arm of the throne than she had been before; the ever familiar magic still pulsing throughout her body causing the wood to crack under her firm grip.

Straightening herself back up once she had managed to regain the composure she had lost due to the rather small bout of nausea she had received, she turned her attention once more back to her throne, dropping down into it and lounging lazily back into the cushions as she crossed her legs one over the other, her left hand working to smooth out the material of the sari she wore while she lifted her right hand, holding it out to the side, her expression now one of pure boredom and her eyes once again flashing over a beautiful golden shade as she caused one of the goblets of wine that had been spilled to fill itself, her left hand coming up to lightly ruffle at her long and wavy locks of dark hair as the now full goblet floated over to her, nestling comfortable into her hand.

How the morning had managed to take such a quick turn for the worse..? The day was meant to be one of joyous celebration… one she was intent on making so; though with the way things were in the moment, it seemed it might be a little harder than she had first thought. A gentle sigh falling out through her soft pink lips, she swirled the bright red liquid within the goblet around for but a few moments, her gaze lingering upon the contents, seemingly trying to sort through the thoughts that were so clearly plaguing her mind as she gave no sign that she was planning on moving from where it was that she sat lounged upon her throne.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

♦ The Tahoe Lodge - Earth, Lake Tahoe ♦

Interacting With: Anabella Brie (@Caits), Sebastian Beachley (@YoshiSkittlez), and Herself.


The familiar sound of her best friend’s voice filled the air of her room as she once again turned her attention back down to the books and folders that were splayed out over her desk- she was running behind on time, and had more than enough decisions to make, and paperwork to fill out and process through. Straightening herself up within her desk chair as she placed the pen down over the open page half-filled with her handwriting, one upbeat song turning into the next as she lifted her left leg up from the ground, slipping it underneath her body so that she could become slightly more comfortable as she once again settled down and back against the cushion, her head dropping back to rest lightly against the top of the padding of the seat as she let her eyes flick up to rest upon the personally signed CD cover that sat open next to the player.

’Eli; miss seeing your face- be sure to come visit me again soon. Love Sebastian <3’

God she missed him… Sebastian was her best friend; one of the only people who cared about her enough to sit on the phone at strange hours of the night, talking about random crap until one of them eventually fell asleep on the other… but then, that was what happened when you lived halfway round the world from the one person aside from family that you truly cared about... The very thought had her heart sinking slightly within her chest as her bright ice blue eyes slowly moved instead to stare sadly at the photo frame that stood tall beside the CD player and the study books that lined the top of the shelves above her desk- the beautiful beach themed frame itself holding a picture of the both of them messing about in the surf together along the beach by his family home back in Australia.

It had been almost a year since the both of them had last seen one another; the last time being when she had taken her two week vacation… the surf, the sand, the sun- it was a welcomed change from the refreshing chill of the snow capped mountains she usually spent her days carving her path into. That’s what she needed… she needed to head off on another vacation; get some time away- competition season was over, well and truly, she had more than enough money saved up to get her back down to the land of Aus for another couple of weeks… it would be a nice surprise for him, not to mention it would be a chance to relax and have some fun as well…

“..nawwe… what’s with the long face so early in the morning..?”

Pulling herself out of her daydream as the sound of her little sister’s voice filled the room from somewhere over by the door, Eliza turned her head against the rest, allowing her beautiful ice-blue eyes to meet with that of Anabella for a few moments of silence before finally, she chose to answer, “Ana… I’m busy right now… don’t you have work to do, or something along those lines..?”

“Wow; okay, someone’s grumpy this morning. What’s wrong; wake up on the wrong side of the bed..? Besides, I think you’re doing enough work for the both of us…” Hesitating in the doorway only the briefest of moments, Ana lifted her hand up, tiredly ruffling her long red locks of hair as she made her way further into the room before finally, she dropped down onto the end of her sister’s bed, “What’s going on with you lately anyway…”

“Huh..? Oh, nothing... nothing; I just…” Sighing out softly in defeat of the fact that she knew her sister wasn’t about to give up until she got answers, Eliza scrunched up her face ever so slightly as she sat forward, her arm reaching up until she had managed to take a hold of the photo frame she had been looking at moments beforehand; her body once again relaxing against the back of the chair as she held it in her lap, a small though still sad smile playing over her lips as she thought back to those days of fun in the sun, “..I just miss going to the beach and spending time with my friends, that’s all… I mean, it’s been almost a full year since I last saw Sebastian; and well, it’s not like I have any competitions coming up anytime soon… what’s stopping me from packing up after Snow-Fest, and going to visit with him for a while…”

“Wait… you’re going back to Australia..?” Quirking her eyebrows in obvious interest at the words that were falling from her sister’s lips, Ana took a moment to herself before finally, she tilted her head lightly to the side, a small though knowing smirk playing over her lips as she did her best to once again catch her sister’s gaze, “..ah-huh, and uh… this little visit of yours wouldn’t have anything to do with the massive crush you’ve had on him for the last God knows how many years now, would it..?”

“I-I-…” Unable to hide the light blush that seemed intent on creeping across her cheeks at just what it was that her sister had said, Eliza lifted her head up from where it had been rested against the back of the chair, her hand lifting up to awkwardly ruffle her long platinum blonde locks as she turned her attention and gaze anywhere but towards the girl trying to get a rise out of her this early in the morning, “That isn’t-… argh, never mind, there’s just no getting through to you, especially at this time… Speaking of which; you better hurry up and get moving or else you’re going to be late for your shift at the lodge.”

“Heheh; and that just answers my question… but fine, whatever you say; I wouldn’t want to be late for my shift, and especially not while dad isn’t here.” Lifting herself up from where she had been sitting upon the bed, Ana couldn’t help the soft and amused giggle that slipped out through her lips as she headed back to the door, pausing only for a moment in the doorway so that she could look back at the blonde, a playful glint flickering across the surface of her eyes before finally, she disappeared from sight altogether.

She loved her… more than anyone else in the world; but God, she could be so tiring at times. Closing her eyes for a moment in order to sort through her thoughts, Eliza once again let her attention drop back down to the photograph she held within her hands before finally, she sat forward once more, her arm reaching out so that she could place it back in its place before she fell back into the chair, a relaxed sigh falling out through her lips as the sound of the front door opening and closing behind her sister wafted up from down stairs.

“..I’ll call him later… but first, time to get back to work…”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


I just needed to get away...

Even as she wrote the words, Jamie knew that they would sound crazy to her father, her brother. Yet as she stared at her younger brothers text I miss you already! Stay safe, Jamie! Love Adam, She couldn't help but feel guilty. This wasn't the first time that she had just up and left, that she had just...disappeared. Of course, she had always told them she was going away, but she never told them why. The truth was, she didn't actually know why herself.

Was it foolish to feel trapped, when she wasn't?

She reached up and played with her necklace, that she always wore, sighing and looking out the window, not yet replying to her brother. Her rucksack was between her feet, and there was an annoying teenager sitting next to her, chatting continuous on her phone, the girls parents paying her no mind. The girl was increasingly growing on Jamie's nerves, yet she wasn't sure if that was due to her own troubling thoughts, or something else. She rested her head against the window, feeling guilty, yet...she could never say what drew her to go away, but it seemed that whenever she did, she found a piece of herself, something that she didn't know was lost, but that nevertheless made her feel...just a little bit...whole. Her adopted father, brother had given her everything she needed, and yet....part of her needed to just do what she was doing. Finding...something. It was like having a normal life, going to collage, having a part time job made her feel trapped, and these little adventures made her feel...better.

Was that crazy?

She didn't know. And it was that that made her hesitate in responding to her little brother, even as Tahoe lodge came into view. As the bus began to turn into the lot, Jame looked back down at her phone, and drew in a deep breath, her fingers flying over the touch screen as she wrote I know, I miss you too! Love you, don't be a pain to dad! I'll be home soon, I promise! before putting the phone away in a pocket, and gathering her rucksack. As she waited for the girl to move-Jamie actually considered poking the girl to get her to notice that she was waiting, that they had arrived, Jamie sighed softly. When she finally clambered off the bus, glad to be away from the annoying girls chatter, she looked around. At once, the view astonished her, and she spun about to take it all in. It was just...so beautiful, and she felt...free. Smiling, she started to the building, hoping that there would be rooms available as she jogged ahead of the annoying girl and her family. She hadn't given a thought to booking, just packed, and escaped. She didn't relish sleeping outside.

Laughter behind her made her glance over her shoulder. Annoying phone girl was laughing, a high pitched laugh that set Jamie's teeth on edge, and saying "I know! It's like if you can't dress right, don't go outside! I mean pink and neon yellow? Ick!"

Jamie looked down at her clothes, unsurprised to see that she was indeed wearing pink and neon yellow. Pink leggings, a yellow jacket, and a plain white shirt. She rolled her eyes, finding the girl petty. Like all teenager girls, or like all teenage girls in her experience. If the girl had left it at that, Jamie would have ignored her. But she didn't.

"OMG she just looked at her clothes and rolled her eyes, how oblivious can you be?!"

By now the girl's parents had gone passed her, and we're at the counter waiting to check in. Well, if they weren't going to parent her, then Jamie would do something about it. She approached the girl, who seemed shocked. Jamie merely smiled, flicking ber long blonde hair over a shoulder, she plucked the girls phone out her hand, "may I?" She asked sweetly, before talking into the phone, "I knew girls like you in school, and guess what? Flipping burgers now because they can't count past ten, oh and your little friend? Has had a booger hanging from her nose the entire phone conversation" she smiled again, and handed the phone back to the girl, trotting off without a word, and going to see if she could get a room.

Perhaps luck was with her, as she got a room. Heading to it, she spent a wonderful Half hour showering off the night on the bus, and making herself feel human again. She tied her hair back to let it dry, as she dressed in bright green pants, a blue jacket and brown long sleeved shirt. Her clothes might be eccentric, but what did she care? Taking out the few course books she had brought, she flicked through the marked chapters, and rolled her eyes. She'd look at it later.

Rising, she left the room, key and other essentials going into a pocket. She headed to the lobby, intending to check the what you can do brochures. A few hours of fun was what she needed. And then she'd study. Which reminded her to text her study buddy to make sure she was studying the right stuff. And to call the book store to make sure they knew she was away. And she would have to call Adam, before he called her. But she'd have fun.

Chuckling to herself, she trotted over to the brochures.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jack Woodard - Present Day - Tahoe City

He felt warm. Much warmer than what the usual temperature within his hotel room on a cold, snowy morning in Lake Tahoe, was. Finding difficulty in opening one eye, Jack squinted as the morning light streamed down onto his face, forcing his eye back shut immediately as a pressing headache formed it's way between his eyes. Peeling open his eye in a second attempt, Jack let out a tired groan wanting at least a few more minutes to sleep in, but he had his work cut out for him today.

Taking stock of his limbs, Jack opened his second eye to find his cheek pressed intimately to the bare backside of a woman and an arm wrapped around her waist, hand resting on her abdomen. The events of the night before slowly filtered through his sleep-induced mind and Jack couldn't help but to smirk at his good fortune.

Taking great care to untangle himself from the still sleeping woman, Jack placed a gentle kiss on the backside of her shoulder before he managed to sit upright on the bed and fish around for his clothes, finding his t-shirt first and slipped it on. Standing up, he pulled his worn blue jeans back on, working on the belt as he made his way over to the front door of her apartment and wiggled his shoes on, not even stopping to bother with the laces.

Taking a minute to run his fingers through his long, shaggy brown hair, Jack slipped out the front door quietly, so as not to wake the waitress he had met at the bar just last night. The last thing he needed was for her to get the wrong idea that last night had meant something. She didn't seem like the type that would, but then again, anything was possible when you were drunk.

Stuffing his hands into his pockets, Jack began the walk to the main street where he could hail a cab and make it back to his hotel room for a quick shower and change of clothes before heading to the ski lodge. Taking a quick look at the clock on his old flip-phone, he found that if he hurried, he would have just enough time to arrive before the throng of tourists did. It took fifteen minutes; even at the crack of dawn the city was traffic-busy, pressing the thought that he might want to think about saving up for a motor bike to get around quicker... maybe they had bike rentals at the lodge? He hadn't even thought to check on that before.

He had arrived in Nevada a day short of a week ago, dreams of his past haunting his sleep. He was made of wood again, constantly calling out for his Papa, wandering among never ending hallways with no doors feeling more and more frightened with each step he took. A heavy weight was brought down on his chest, making him stop to look at the necklace The Blue Fairy had given him, her final words to him echoing around in his wooden head again and again.

"Remember Pinocchio... if you help the children to remember who they are, you will have the chance to come back some day. And if your heart proves you to be selfless, brave and true, you will finally become a real boy. Stay with them Pinocchio, they need you."

Jack physically scoffed as he remembered the subject of his dreams lately. Selfless, brave and true? Boy had he fallen far from that mark! But he still had a promise to keep. He supposed it would be easier if he hadn't been separated from the group upon their initial arrival to Earth, but that was neither here nor there. Fate had it out for him making everything he did one step forward and two steps back.

Pulling out the necklace from underneath his shirt and letting his thumb brush over the tiny pendant, he raised it to his lips for a kiss. He would not be returning home, not when there was no hope of not being turned back to wood, but there was still hope for the others. He just had to get them to believe.

With a quick shower and a change of clothes that was better suited for the snow-dusted morning, Jack headed back out to the busy streets, stopping at a corn-dog stand on his way to get something into his stomach, grateful for the break in softly falling snow underneath the kiosk's umbrella.

"Lookin' a bit tired this morning. Rough weekend?" The man behind the corndog stand asked.

Jack smirked, reaching to his back pocket to pull out a couple one's from his wallet.

"Eventful." He replied, slapping the money onto the kiosk, putting his wallet away before grabbing the two corn dogs handed over to him.

"Ah, well, could be worse I suppose. You take care ya?"

Jack gave a half-assed salute with one of the corn dogs, chuckling a bit to himself as he then bit off the end and headed on his way down the street. He was nearly finished with the first one when he felt a pair of eyes on him from behind. Stopping, Jack turned to find a young boy, no older than eight, staring hungrily at the second corn dog in his opposite hand.

Jack didn't have to guess where the boy came from, or what he wanted. It was clear in his ragged clothes and unwashed hair that he was living on the streets, and had been for a few months now. But it wasn't the clothes and the unwashed hair that let Jack know this, it was the look in his eyes, the same look he himself held for a number of years before landing a job as a street performer and managed to save up for a tiny studio apartment back in Manhattan. It could have been days since the boy had found something to eat, and his heart went out to the kid.

Adjusting his weight a bit, and popping what was left of the first corn dog into his mouth, Jack headed over to the boy, handing him the remainder of his breakfast. Wide eyed and full of awe, the boy graciously took the corn dog from Jack and turned to leave.

"Hey kid!" Jack called out, reaching back to his front pocket. The boy turned, fearful at first that it was all just a trick and Jack would take the corn dog back as some cruel joke he had been subjected to over his experiences of begging for food. Instead, Jack pulled out a crisp ten-dollar bill he had swiped from the man at the kiosk while he had been paying for his corn dogs and placed it into the boys hand. "Dinner on me yeah?"

Grinning madly, the boy bobbed his head up and down, the worn woolen cap on his head threatening to topple off his large brown curls. Jack just smiled and patted him on the back, sending the boy on his way.

Feeling a bit lighter in his step, Jack turned back around and called for the cab that would then take him to the ski lodge, whistling a specific Disney tune to himself as he waited.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Scar - Present Day - The Pride Lands

There was an overwhelming aroma of fermented grapes and perfume filling the small room that Scar spent most of his time in for relaxation. Lounging back in the plush red settee, he turned his head slightly to let his dark eyes flicker over to the half-naked woman reapplying a generous amount of oils to her hands. With a sweeping gesture of his hand he motioned for the girl to come back to him, relaxing his neck back against the settee, hanging over the lip a bit as his head was up slightly higher than the height of it's back. She was hesitant at first, choosing to go the long way around to mind the massive lion that lay at his feet, as content and lazy as a stuffed pig.

Head tossed back and body sinking into the plush cushions below him, a gravely sound came from Scar's throat as he felt the servant running her oiled hands on his bare chest and shoulders, making his already tanned skin shine. With his eyes closed, the hands of a woman running over his bare skin, the King couldn't help but to chuckle at his good fortune. He had absolutely everything he could ever want. Power, women, riches galore... and a particular pleasing memory of ending his brother's life by running a blade through his ribs, and then threw him off of a cliff.

“Yet each man kills the thing he loves,
By each let this be heard,
Some do it with a bitter look,
Some with a flattering word."

Raising his head back up to rest properly on his shoulders, Scar motioned over another woman to bring him a goblet of wine before continuing on in his recite, talking to no one in particular but feeling the need to fill the empty air around them with something. The Lion at his feet responded to his movement, lifting it's head up from the floor and simply watched the servant.

"The coward does it with a kiss,
The brave man with a sword!
Some kill their love when they are young,
And some when they are old."

His dark eyes happened over to a second slave girl, a knowing smile flickering across his lips as she refused to make eye contact with him. He kept his eyes on the woman, hearing the sound of his wine being poured into a goblet which was then handed to him, and he took it respectfully, now speaking directly to her.

"Some strangle with the hands of Lust,
Some with the hands of Gold:
The kindest use a knife, because
The dead so soon grow cold."

The slave girl who Scar had his eyes on fidgeted on her feet, the thin scrap of silk he had all his slave girls wearing slipping down over her chest a bit but she freed a hand from the tray she was holding to cover herself back up, going out of her way to keep her eyes away from him.

"Some love too little, some too long,
Some sell, and others buy;
Some do the deed with many tears,
And some without a sigh.
For each man kills the thing he loves,
Yet each man does. Not. Die!"

His eyes narrowed on the slave girl, for a moment, before his smile returned causing his face to lighten as if his own words were bringing him pleasure.

"Long. Live. The King!" He shouted in a cheer, raising his goblet into the air as a sort of toast to himself. The lion, in response, let out a mighty roar that had the walls shaking in the animals act of celebration. Chuckling, Scar then brought the goblet of wine to his lips, his leg swinging from the settee below him and let out a graveled laugh, draining the goblet of it's contents and catching the eye of the slave girl as he did so. She was a thin woman, forced into Scar's particular taste of what a woman should look like physically, bound by shackles at her ankles and holding a tray of assorted fruits for his consumption should he ever need it. Her jaw was set firmly, the hands holding onto the tray shaking as her grip tightened and the moment she made eye contact with Scar, she jerked her head and looked the other way.

"Oh Sarabi, do lighten up!" Scar lulled, rolling his thick neck around on his shoulders with his eyes rolling back, as if all hope had been lost and the mood entirely ruined.

"Not while you still stand where he once stood." Sarabi replied, keeping her head to the side to give him her profile. Scar in turn sat up on the settee, practically throwing his massive body off of it, having to jump over the lion, and lunged at her, closing the distance between them with just a few powerful strides. Sarabi flinched, but held her own as Scar snatched a pear from the tray of fruit she was holding. Keeping his eyes on her, his head a mere three inches away from hers, he bit into the flesh of the fruit, feeling the juices gush from his mouth and trickled down, getting caught up in the hair that made up his small beard. His stare was piercing, and the longer he did so, the more she began to shake but not of fear; but of raw anger.

The Lion, having quickly picked up on its master's stress, heaved it's large body up and onto its feet. It stalked over to the pair, it's head kept low and ears flat, yellow eyes fixed on Sarabi as a warning growl emmited from its throat.

Sarabi had always proven to be the more difficult of his servants. It might of had to do with the fact that she was his brother, Mufasa's wife, before he had brought an end to his brother, but Scar couldn't be entirely sure... nor did he really care. There was something... overall satisfying of forcing the wife of his brother into submitting to his each and every desire. With his opposite hand, Scar reached out and traced his fingers over her prominent jaw line, of which Sarabi immediately jerked her head away from his touch, causing Scar to smirk with a mouth half-full of pear.

"Bansai?" Scar called out, his voice somewhat sing-songy; not at all matching the intensity of the look he had on his face then. The soldier guarding the doors of the room stepped forward, pressing a fist to his chest and bowed respectfully.

"Dominus?" he asked politely.

Scar took a moment or two to chew over the bite of pear he had in his mouth before speaking again, feeling Sarabi's bravado wearing off the longer he did so.

"To my bed chambers, I think." Scar replied before taking his gaze away from Sarabi and to Bonsai, holding up a finger on the hand that was still holding onto the pear for him to still a moment longer. "And see shackles bound tight. I wish not to harm such beauty."

"Dominus!" Bonsai nodded, bowing again before motioning with his hand. Two other stationed guards jumped to attention and walked to Sarabi, one using a key to release the shackles at her feet while the other did away with the fruit tray she was holding and began to bind her arms together.

"You may take body of wife belonging to departed brother, Taka, but actions forced will not mask your unfitting rule!" Sarabi cried out, a fire in her eyes as she struggled against the two men that were now dragging her away. "YOU WILL NEVER AMOUNT TO MUFASA!" she called out as they dragged her into the hall, slamming the doors shut behind them causing her last words and the sound of the doors to echo all around them.

Anger suddenly fueled his blood then as his hand balled up into a tight fist, crushing the pear in his grasp into a sticky mess of juice all over his hand. He let out a cry of rage, going over to the remaining servant woman and knocked the tray from her hands, spilling the sliced bread and cheeses all over the floor with the metal platter hitting the stone, adding to the noise of the room. Gruffing in annoyance, Scar stalked over to the settee and threw himself down onto it in a sitting position, throwing his arms back to rest on the lip of the back. Immediately, he caught the eye of a soldier staring back at him.

"YOU!" Scar barked, startling the soldier into looking away from him lest he be punished.

"Y-yes my K-King?" the soldier stuttered.

"See Malaika's history lesson doubled this day. I've a bitch to break." Scar commanded, his temper already seeming to simmer.

"Y-yes my King." the soldier acknowledged and quickly departed the room.

Gods, give him patience and a strong arm for the task now at hand.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jafar Sholeh - Present Day - The Moors Castle

Appearing in a quick flash of fire, the smoke had barely enough time to dissipate before Jafar knew that Maleficent was in one of her moods without even having to lay eyes on her. Having been serving his Queen faithfully over the duration of thirteen years, there were certain things that The Serpent King had been able to pick up on rather quickly - most notably being her moods.

His eyes lazily watched as a handful of servants ran past him without even taking notice of his sudden presence, shards of wood and what looked like glass following after them as they screamed in terror and fled for their lives. With a tired sigh, Jafar righted his gaze back to the entrance of the throne room where he knew the center of the commotion to be coming from; where Maleficent resided. Really, he had only left Agrabah in the first place to have a nice, quiet and relaxing evening with his Queen; perhaps share stories from their day with one another - he had a particularly pleasing report on The Evil Queen, Cilla Grimhilde and knew Maleficent to have a few stories of her own, but it didn't look as though he would be getting any of those things this evening. Not when she was in such a mood that had her servants' paying the consequences. It was quite possible that one of Maleficent's stops she had made that day did not go according to plan - his best guess would of been The Lion King; such a sensitive, over-tempermental beast.

Readjusting the grip of his cobra-headed staff, Jafar drummed his fingers against it's shaft, seriously considering just going back to his palace in Agrabah lest he ended up putting Maleficent in an even worse mood by his mere presence. Not to mention, Jafar was never particularly fond of dealing with Maleficent when she was in a mood, it was exhausting, delicate work - like trying to diffuse a bomb without proper instruction. One wrong comment, one wrong look or expression, one lack of a comment she expected from him, and it was all over. But Jafar quickly decided against leaving when he realized then that she would have been able to sense his power the very moment he arrived, knowing that he was here, close by. If he left now, there was no doubt about it, he would have made things very, very much worse. And he knew by experience that such a thing was possible.

There was a soft flutter of wings behind him, a rare-colored macaw managing to slip through the fire portal before it's closing came to a hover over his right shoulder before extending it's talons and coming to a rest there. The bird ruffled it's feathers, it's neck twisting and then shrinking down into its body as it got comfortable on its perch before sitting completely still. Closing his eyes for a moment, seeming to pay no mind at all to the bird, Jafar braced himself for the torrid of emotions that was about to be thrown his way (perhaps literally). Once more, he adjusted the grip on his staff and forced his feet forward, keeping his head held high with an air of confidence that only came with being (arguably) the most powerful sorcerer within all the realms.

Using his fingers to brush away the curtaining lock of hair over the left side of his face with his free hand, Jafar entered the room, tapping the head of the staff against the threshold has he passed it by to audibly let Maleficent know that he was there and entering. His dark eyes looked over the scene in front of him, the corners of his lips curling into a firm sort of smile as though he were trying to hold it back. The room was in absolute shambles. Servants, young and old either lying on the floor, dead from the shrapnel of the carnage, or trying to drag the others away that still had a chance of living. Truly, it was an amusing sight, watching the rabble scurry like frightened rats before him. But he hadn't been the reason for their fright. The woman sitting upon the throne, nursing a goblet of wine was. And it was that terrible power that had him falling in love with her all over again. Truly beautiful as was the woman herself. So long as her anger wasn't directed towards him, anyway. "

"Shall I post a "help wanted" sign on the front doors of the castle, then?" Jafar asked, unable to contain the snide remark in his amused enthusiasm. "Rwaaah! Help wanted!" the bird on his shoulder repeated by its on volition, making it that much harder for Jafar to keep from anything so much as a chuckle. He knew his cheek could only get him so far with her current temperament, however, and decided to move on.

He continued to walk across the room towards her, tapping the end of his cane with every other step he took, it's sound reverberating off of the stone walls to fill the still silence of the air. Upon getting closer, however, Jafar then realized the source of her mood that had his steps faltering slightly, his amused, almost child-like expression shifting into something that more resembled annoyance and impatience. Her outfit... she had been to Agrabah. One small-time quirk that Maleficent seemed to have about her was the fact that wherever she went, she adored the proper clothing for it. Time and time again, Jafar would visit the Moors to catch her in clothes from The Pride Lands, Avonlea, the Bayou, Swan Lake... He always knew where she had been, or where she was going. Though this time... she adorned the garb that was native to his home - the sari of a true, royal Arabian woman from Agrabah. He wanted to smile, the pride swelling up in his chest so much that he didn't know what to do with it - other than the fact that he was also very confused. If she had been in Agrabah... why hadn't she sought him out? Insecurities began to swarm his mind. Who else would she be meeting there? Time and time again, Maleficent had reassured him that there was no one else... but then again, years ago, she hadn't exactly counted on Jafar finding out about her brief involvement with Scar Lionheart.

Jafar did not take the news well. The revelation had the two fighting for the better part of a year before, in an extremely rare and desperate act of wanting forgiveness, Maleficent went out to the Marketplace in El Dorado and purchased for him, with her own gold, the very bird that was perched upon his right shoulder. Though much smaller at the time, and needing much care and attention in its new-born state, Jafar accepted the gift as a symbol that never again would she lie or keep things from him. Though he would forever detest the Lion King - never again trusting anything that fell from his lips, and wanted nothing more than to see him dead.

He wouldn't lie. The thought of simply snapping his fingers and disapearing in a tornado of fire right before her very eyes crossed his mind. Though without knowing the true purpose as to why she had on that specific wardrobe kept him from doing so, needing some kind of explanation first. He instead stopped just a few feet in front of her. With his free hand, he waved it in a small semi-circle at his head height, a plume of orange smoke appearing in her lap and then dissipated. Left behind was a small shard of what looked like glass - jagged and broken off of something much larger and apparently important by the smug look that Jafar then gave Maleficent as he took his free hand and rested it on the small of his back.

"A fragment from our dear Queen Cilla's mirror. It's amazing what one can accomplish when the target succumbs to the effects of viper venom laced into their wine." Jafar told her with an air of pride in his voice. Then, shooting her a side-ways glance, "She's fine. A fraction of the dose we slipped the Lion when he, too, became unruly. But enough to let her know she may have her toys back when she learns to play nicely."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 3 days ago

Moana Waialiki Hakaraia ~ Lake Tahoe ~ Present Day

Moana was bundled up head to toe when she and her family made their way into the large lodge. It was absolutely freezing outside, leaving her to be very thankful for the heated lobby. She slowly removed her scarf as she looked over at the man who had acted as her father for the last thirteen years, "He aha e whai tatou ki te haere vahi matao, Kauri?" She complained, her body slowly starting to feel warm again.

Kauri laughed and clapped his hand on her shoulder, "Hoki te kotiro e hiahia ana ki te kite i te ao, e kore koe e kite i te huringa"

Moana shook her head, "hiahia ana ahau ki te kite i te moana, e kore i roto i te hukarere," She couldn't help but laugh all the same though, as she stood behind Kauri, her 'mother' Roimata, and their two young children, Tama and Whetu. Her eyes gazed over the lobby, this place was beautiful... She had to give them that. Even if she wasn't a fan of having to wear seven layers just to step outside. Moana had never been inland, nor had the Hakaraia's which was the reason most likely they had chosen this place. Tama and Whetu seemed enthralled by it all, excited by the snow and new adventures, the thought of sliding down the side of a mountain on boards. Moana hadn't been as excited by the thought, she loved the ocean and didn't exactly love the idea of not being a short walk away from it... Something she knew had been true at every other moment of her life. However, she couldn't disrespect those that had brought her into their fold. The people who had cared for her so completely and entirely and insisted that she come because she was family. Even if she couldn't pay. She felt a pair of slender hands on her shoulders and looked behind herself as best she could to see, Roimata. The woman gave her a gentle squeeze, "He waka eke noa. You are meant to be here with us, Moana. I just know it."

"English?" Moana said, a little caught off guard by the switch in language. Together as a family, they often stuck to Maori. Life was easier that way, Moana understood it better as it was her first language and they could freely talk about whatever they want. Roimata laughed, "Yes, you should be speaking English here. I will be very surprised if anyone else speaks Maori."

"Ko te wai!" Moana said with a laugh, before she shook her head, "Whatever you say, Roimata."

The woman placed her hand on the girl's cheek and gave her a sad smile, which concerned Moana. Roimata always seemed to know things before everyone else, so the fact that she was giving Moana any kind of special look was reason to worry. Roimata patted Moana's cheek gently, "
Haere. Ka tangohia matou o koutou peke ki te ruma ... hanga hoa. e kore ahau e hiahia ana ki te kite i huna koutou i roto i tenei moemoea ra katoa e noho ana anake ... he taitamariki koe. Ko koe ki runga ki tau faafaaearaa ... Kia ngahau taku tamahine."

Roimata released Moana's shoulders and seemed to wave her arms in the air, as if to shoo Moana off before she walked over to her husband as they gathered their bags and headed to the room. Moana stood their in the lobby, a little dumbfounded and unsure of what to do. She sighed and removed her large jacket and draped it over her arm as she walked over to the large window in the lobby and stared down at the water.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Othello awoke to the rather persistent sound of his beeping watch reminding him to ingest his pill. A yawn escaped him and he found himself watching the walls melt. When he first opened his eyes every morning there was always a new strange wonder his mind chose to show him. As if his broken mind was still mostly asleep. He looked down at the usually grey but now fushia colored tom that had decided it lived here sometimes. He blinked as it meowed at him.

Othello quickly took the pill that would right his brain and hopped out of bed getting himself ready before suddenly a string of cussing left him. Soon he was running out the door as his assistant watched him with amusement. He hadn't shaved and he was far more casual then usual. He sat in a chair and looked as his therapist seemed to bore a hole into his skull. Thats the third time othello "....I'm not quite as late though....and all things considered- Yes half an hour over a full hour is an improvement for the ever working magician. Othello sighed.

And that was how he ended up on a plane headed to this lodge. Apparently he needed a vacation and of course his assistant agreed. Somewhere away from all the hub bub of everyday life...and he picked this place. Damn the both of them. Lake Thao...well he hadn't really experienced a lodge before so what the hell right. He still thought it was harsh that he was pretty much kicked out of his own home after being handed a packed luggage-as in packed back pack....his assistant almost seemed happy for the break.

Lavender eyes rolled behind sunglasses before he strolled into the lodge and right to the front desk. "Checking in my name is-" the person behind the desk gave a bright smile and a look of recognition oh. They know me. Excellent Othello of course here's your key please enjoy your stay he took the key and turned surveying whom all was here.

Snotty brat off in a corner glaring at a more attractive woman...small family...cute girl amongst them. He felt someone approaching and snapped his attention to them. snotty brat Oh my god Othello! I like totally need a selfie if he could hiss he would instead he settled for straightening before looking down at her. "You're reaching your limit of usage on the word like. So no...I will not take a photo with the likes of you" the girl looked pissed and went to do one anyway.

With swift movements he noped out of there with the help of some magician tricks he had. A thick coverage of smoke seemed to cover the small area and he seemed to materialize behind the cute girl. "I rather hate snotty brats how about you?" a hint of those lavender eyes seemed to peak over the rim of his sunglasses. His back pack still firmly on his back.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


featuring Jamie

Anabella walked down the stairs, to the reception of the Tahoe lodge, at the moment it was her home, and one Anabella loved. It wasn’t simply the snow, it was also the...atmosphere here. There was just something that she loved about this place. Humming to herself she looked about, before she hurriedly began to check people in, helping the person at the front desk, first a young woman who seemed well pleased with herself, and then a family, who appeared to have one of those obnoxious teen girls who was staring at her phone and frowning. Ana grimaced slightly. Not being what you’d call a… normal girl, Ana had been the source of ridicule at such teenagers expense, and she wasn’t overly fond of them.

She rolled her eyes as her co-worker went a little moony over a guest, but moved onto checking in a family, and that seemed to be it for the rush of check inns, although Anna knew that there could be as many checking in in spurts, or sometimes consistently, throughout the day. She would be on hand if that was the case, for now she left her co-worker at the desk, moving about the lodge to make sure that the guests were satisfied, or if they needed a hand, all the while keeping an eye on the time. She had a beginners class to teach later on, and god knew she couldn’t be late for it again.

Smiling at a woman she had checked in, Ana checked that the brochures were stocked, before she greeted the woman. ”Good day, I’m Anabella, but you can call me Ana. If you need anything, let me know”. The girl smiled at her, and said ”Hi, I’m Jamie. Uh, well, I was thinking that I could try skiing, but no doubt I’ll end up on my ass” Ana laughed, as Jamie did. ”Oh, well, I have a beginners class this afternoon, if you’d like to be in it, I’m sure I can squeeze one more in”.

Jamie smiled brightly, and decided that she may as well have a shot at it. Wasn’t that the point of doing things like this? ”That would be great, thank you” She said, hands full of brochures, she looked down at them, before looking back up at Ana. ”Ah, I need to rent some equipment then”

Ana nodded, looking over Jamie, thoughtfully judging what gear she’d need, ”Well, that can be arr-”

There was a mild flash of panic when smoke filled the lobby, and she thought that somehow, it had caught on fire. And she knew it would be her fault. As the smoke dispersed, Ana saw the guy her co-worker had gone moony over appearing slightly smug, and she vaguely recalled something about the man. He seemed familiar… a magician. Annoyed, Ana stalked over there. ”Just what were you doing? You don’t fool around like that, I thought there was a fire! If you’re going to do impromptu magic tricks, warn the staff, so we don’t panic!”

Jamie followed Ana, a little taken aback, she reached for the girl as she started to yell at a guy, she laid a hand on her shoulder, nodding to the family there. Ana grimaced, and let out a sigh, ”I apologise, Sirs and Ma’ams. I did not mean to make a scene. Please, forgive me”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 3 days ago

Moana Waialiki Hakaraia and Othello Boyavar

Lake Tahoe - Present day

Moana jumped a little when someone suddenly and quite literally just appeared behind her. She looked at him confused before she seemed to search the immediate area for other people, thinking there had to be someone else he was talking to. With no one else around her, she realized that he had to be talking to her and shook her head for a moment, “I can’t say that I know what you are talking about….”

Othello blinked at her. ”You do see that blonde over there right? The entitled one with the bad attitude” He seemed more concerned than any other person would be about her noticing the other girl...who was still coughing on leftover smoke. He was glad for the cover his sunglasses gave as it concealed the small amount of fear he had. After all seeing things was normal for him, but imagining entire human beings was new.

Moana looked over in the direction he indicated and nodded, ”Yes… I just don’t know why you are so concerned with her and her attitude. Is she really bothering you that much?” She pursed her lips.

Othello straightened and shrugged. ”To be honest yes.” He looked like he was about to say more, but stopped himself when he saw two women coming at him. One seeming rather upset. ”I believe my usual impressive tricks have done the opposite. Have any ideas for hiding?

Moana stood there staring blankly as the woman yelled at the gentleman who stood with her and then he turned back to Moana and well, everything had started to go over her head as she just tried to grasp at words of English and piece together what exactly was happening. Moana shook her head again, “I just got here… I can’t say that I do. I am… I mean… Why are you talking to me?”

Othello sighed as the woman yelled. ”I believe that would ruin the point of impromptu magic if someone you know knew about it?” His arms crossed before the watch that was not really at all a watch beeped aggressively at him. He tilted his head as the woman continued for a moment. ”Fine no more magic involving smoke while I'm here.” More beeping. He paused before dropping his backpack and pulling out his pills. Once taken he straightened and looked at the girl that he had been talking to. ”Why not?” He did not seem to grasp any of what could possibly be wrong with randomly talking to someone. In fact, he apparently does this a lot. Randomly talk to people...randomly do a lot of things.

Moana shook her head once more, “Aua… How do you know I’m not exactly like the blonde and you just haven’t realized that yet… Why of all the people in this lobby did you decide to pop up behind me?”

Othello slid his hands into his pockets. ”Because a rotten person has a certain rotten air about them. You lack it.” His brow raised. ”I do not know. You seemed interesting.” He offered a smile before he paused and removed his sunglasses revealing those purple eyes of his.

Moana pursed her lips and shook her head, “You confuse me,” She said softly before he removed his sunglasses and stared at him for a moment, “Your eyes are… purple?”

She sighed before laughing, “Who thought inland would be this bizarre?”

Othello kept the smile. ”I confuse a lot of people” He tilted his head then simply nodded when she commented on his eyes. ”Well...I am not exactly someone to deal with if you want normalcy.” He gave himself a small facepalm. ”How rude of me I haven’t introduced myself. Othello” He gave a bit of a bow and straightened. ”And I do apologize for getting you caught up in my...bizzareness.” He was a bit all over the place today. Likely being in a new environment and maybe that coffee he had on the plane.

Moana shrugged as he apologized for being odd, “He kotuku rerenga tahi,” She paused for a moment, deciding if she was going to translate what she had just said. Deciding against it, as it wasn’t all that important, she smiled, “Don’t worry… Bizzare isn’t a bad thing. I suppose it keeps things interesting. My name is Moana.”

Othello tilted his head as she spoke in a different language. Confusion swept through his eyes as he clearly had no idea what she just said. He blinked and returned the smile as she spoke in english. ”Pleasure to meet you. Now I should check out my room. I hope we cross paths once more” With that he moved around the people and made his way to his room where he dropped his stuff and looked out the window. Perhaps this forced trip wouldn’t be too terrible after all.

Moana nodded as Othello was suddenly off to wherever it was he had seemed to fancy… he seemed like a guy who went where whims took him. When he was gone, she glanced over at the two girls from earlier and gave a sheepish smile, “I feel like I should be apologizing…”
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