Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: Outside the Twelve Daggers Tavern – Port of Tortuga
“If you want to see the sunshine, you have to weather the storm.” - Frank Lane

“Insolent arsehole," Sirena spat under her breath as she walked out onto the crowded streets, leaving the Twelve Daggers Tavern behind. She had let that man, Édouard's quartermaster Edgard, get under her skin, and worse yet, she had let her poker face slip. She hadn't spent countless hours perfecting that skill just for some insolent man to break down what was easily her biggest line of defense. She let out a groan of frustration, her jaw clenching angrily. She took a deep purposeful breath to calm herself. Her gaze finally took in all that was going on around her. Her hand instinctively went to rest on the hilt of her cutlass. Despite the revelry taking place in the streets, this was still Tortuga. It was best not to let one's guard down.

She walked over to where a circle of people were forming around a particularly daring performer. Her short stature made it harder to find a good view. She could not just look over everyone's heads; instead she had to find a gap in the crowd to afford her even a remotely decent view of the performer. While those around her gasped in astonishment as the performer juggled flaming balls without being harmed, Sirena watched with a slightly critical eye. This was nothing in comparison to all that she had witnessed in the last hour. A man who could start fires with a mere glance, a power he had attained from drinking from the cursed flask. A man who then spontaneously combusted and turned into ashes right before her eyes. That defied logic, but this act was just that, an act. There was an explanation for this, and Sirena's perceptive soon began to figure it out. She caught the perform dipping her hands into some form of liquid. Whatever that liquid was, it likely was what kept the performer from getting burned by the flaming balls she was juggling.

Bored now. She was about to turn away when she felt a light tug on her shirt. Her brows furrowed as she looked down to find a little girl there. Her eyes softened at the girl's words. She couldn't find her mother. Poor thing. Sirena knelt down, getting down to the girl's level, before speaking back to her in the same language she had spoken, “Bueno, eso no es bueno. ¿Dónde viste a tu madre por última vez?"

Location: Twelve Daggers Tavern – Port of Tortuga
“But my peace has always depended on all the ashes in my wake.
Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep 'em on a leash.”
- Arsonist's Lullaby by Hozier

Edgard wore a smug grin after thwarting Sirena's plans and essentially beating her in her own game. It had felt good to put her in her place after whipping his crew into shape. He spun on his heels to face the room once more. He then strode over to the men, noting with a sense of pleasure the clear uneasiness in their demeanors. It serves them right for being so easily swayed by the enchantress's charm. At least, in the end, they were wise enough seek his counsel and to ultimately heed his warning. “C'est plus comme ça," he commented with an edge to his tone and a devious glint in his stormy blue eyes. He walked back over to where he had left his rum. He sat on the edge of the table and took a swig of his rum.

No sooner had he started to relax back once more did his captain Édouard choose to reappear after his little escapade into the Misty Mire. Back to idiocy we go, Edgard thought bitterly. He let out a sigh as he pushed himself away from the table. He then strode forward to meet Édouard halfway. “J'ai fouetté l'équipage et je mets une femme particulièrement agaçante à sa place. Je dirais que ce fut un bon jour jusqu'à present," he replied amusedly. Once that little piece of small talk was said and done, he quickly went back to business. “Votre voyage s'est-il avéré utile? La sorcière avait-elle de l'information nouvelle? he inquired.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Elissa Isley

Location: Port of Tortuga - The King's Arm - Outside

Elissa didn't notice the cuts in her legs as she ran out with Aravis and Anastasia. It surprised her to learn that her leg was bleeding, and she kind of examined her leg more closely. The blood was nothing compared to Anastasia's hand, that much she could tell. Aravis looked to be fine, and at least they had all gotten out of there in more or less one piece. When she heard Anastasia's question, she started to rack her brains to see if she could come up with the name of a doctor, but she couldn't come up with any. This is what she got for not being on land for very long.

"I don't know of any, I haffen't peen in tovn for fery long. Sdobing py to fizit Araffis mainly. I haffen't really kotden zee chance to look around, neffer exbecded to haffe zee need to find one," she said to them as she glanced again at Anastasia's hand. The blood coming from it probably could become a problem, and the blood that was trickling down her own leg was starting to bother her a little bit. They needed to find a doctor, the problem was, where in this place could they find one? Elissa had no idea what to do about it, and just hoped that Aravis could think of something.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

@Nallore@BlueSky44@Dark Light@FantasyChic@mnkee
The Port of Tortuga: April 4th, 1719 - 2:10 PM Local Time

@mnkee -

The performer continues to juggle the orbs of fire, gaining the astonishment and excitement of the crowd. Not all people are as shrewd as Serina and to them, this is the only 'magic' they will ever witness in their lifetime. Aside from the stories of the Kraken and Davy Jones, this is the most tangible bit of wonder in the world. A weary man with a top hat, Mr. Alucard, slowly begins to make his way through the crowd, accidentally jostling Sirena a bit in the process. She'll recognize him instantly, after the meeting they had with him not too long ago that put them on this path--chasing down the cursed flask.

"Ayer. Me desperté y ella se fue..." the little girl replied, tears running down her face. Her entire form was shaking with terror. She couldn't have been older than five.

Harlianne James

Location: Near the Bellona - Port of Tortuga Docks

Making a break for it while one's greedy ex-Captain has a pistol aimed and ready to fire isn't always the brightest of moves. As Millicent and Jon attempt to run from the dock's, the Captain whistles and his men instantly close ranks, causing Millicent and Jon to crash into them. They don't do anything beyond prevent the pair from leaving the docks, with others on the docks quietly retreating back to their ships or getting out of the way as best as they can.

"Bloody fools," Harlianne sighed, shaking her head a bit at the pair. "Yor doin' a fantastic job at providin' an example o' morons!" She called out. Honestly, she had provided her services to these people and they were just going to get themselves killed. It was a bit sad. And of course, where were Sirena and Anastasia? They'd been gone for over an hour and hadn't returned. She'd have expected some crew by this point.

"I can't agree more, Mad Eyes," Jon's ex-Captain agreed, contemplating for a moment aiming his pistol at the doctor instead of Miss Blackwood. Miss Blackwood would bring in a single payment, after all, while a doctor would constantly prove their worth. Perhaps he had been wrong to let him go so easily. "And what reputation be ye thinkin' of, doc? I live by th' code and nothin' else."

"Jean, do something!" Alice cried out to her minder, hardly even recognizing that Jon had spoken to her. The girl was barely nineteen and here she was, a gun aimed at her all because she had attempted to help a stranger. Not many peers would have parted with so much coin for a man they didn't know, yet Alice had done so. Was this to be her repayment for doing a good deed?

"Of course, my lady," her minder replied, bowing her head slightly. She rolled her neck slightly, hearing it pop a bit with satisfaction, and then she did the same with her wrists. Despite the gun aimed towards her lady, there was no sign of nerves or urgency with Jean. It was a calm presence in the face of death that one English noble family in particular was noted for--the Earls and Countesses of Dywell.

Jean took a single step forward, moving between Alice and the gun. Jon's former Captain raised a bit of an eyebrow and Harlianne hit her palm against her forehead at the stupidity. It seemed to be contagious on these docks and made her question whether Tortuga had been a good place to look for a crew after all. And while the man was distracted, the slaves took advantage of the surgery knife that Jon had tossed to them and began to cut themselves free, as quietly as they could.

"Yer nothin' but a servant, lass," the Captain chuckled, shaking his head at Jean. "Move or I'll shoot ye both. It won't botha' me t' do so."

Jean didn't bat an eye at the Captain's warnings. Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced over towards Jon and Millicent, seeing that the pair of them were unharmed. She noted the slaves with the surgery knife, all but one of them freed from their binds at this point. She could not see her dear lady's face, but she felt Alice's absolute terror. And she knew this would not be the first time that Alice's life would be in jeopardy.

"Why do I even bovver?" Harlianne muttered, pulling her pistol and cocking it. Five shots then sounded on the docks of Tortuga, with those not inside buildings able to hear the gunfire. A moment later, five bodies dropped. The first body to fall was that of Jon's former Captain.

The rest were the slaves that Jon had attempted to free.

"Right then. Yor Captain is dead. Yer can sail under me or yer can 'ave yor bits and pieces and leave. Any uvver choice yer make ends wiv yer copping a nice and proper meetin' wiv Davy Jones."

Aravis Zacharia

Location: Outside of the King's Arm - Port of Tortuga

Aravis grimaced slightly. Anastasia's crew didn't have a doctor and they did need to get that hand bandaged. She figured it'd likely need some stitches as well, in order to stop the blood from continuing to flow. That however gave Aravis a bit of an idea. Stitching couldn't be that different from sewing and everyone in Tortuga was in constantly need of having their clothing mended. It didn't matter if they were a pirate or a thief--clothing tore.

"Physician seems to be unlikely, then," Aravis surmised. "But perhaps a seamstress could do just a good a job. All we really need to do is stop the bleeding..." Germ theory wasn't well known or accepted at this time, of course. Hardly anyone knew about it and those who did, well versed in medicine, often though it was mere hogwash and elected to ignore it. So with no concept of the need to prevent infection, a seamstress sewing up Anastasia's hand was as good an idea as any.

"If memory serves, the owner of the Faithful Bride's sister does a lot of mending for profit," Aravis recalled. "How does that sound? All of these taverns, they aren't really that far from one another...Drunks wander out of one and into another, so we could get you there quickly."

Édouard Riviere

Location: Twelve Daggers Tavern - Port of Tortuga

Édouard grinned widely at Edgard. He was sorry to have missed that, seeing his second in command put down a particularly irritating cunt. It sounded like it would have been a thrilling bit of entertainment, even better than his goading of the freak earlier. But of course, he doubted that Edgard's irritating woman also crumbled into ashes, and even more so, Édouard had no clue that Edgard was talking about Sirena. Otherwise, he perhaps would've had another opinion. Sirena aroused certain feelings (and other things) in Édouard.

"Les pauvres," Édouard mused, shaking his head at the crew. "Ils sont comme des bébés!" He chuckled a bit, practically patting himself on the back for his own joke. The irony of his mockery was palpable.

But of course, Edgard just had to go straight to business. Édouard wished he could have taken a nice long sip of rum first, but Edgard always had a certain intensity about him. Dodging the question now would only make it more apparent that he hadn't been able to find the witch. As far as Édouard was aware, the witch had been hanged in Port Royal for witchcraft and never came back to Tortuga. "Oui, oui! Ah, la sorcière a une théorie: la fiole est à une fantôme! La fantôme donne du pouvoir aux personnes. Mais elle se lassera d'elles et elle les tuera!" Édouard then nearly smacked himself in the forehead. He had forgotten the best part!

"Ensuite, la fiole et la fantôme rentreront au Triangle des Bermudes!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 35 min ago

Anastasia "Anna Nine Fingers" Ridgeway

Location: Port of Tortuga - Outside of The Kings Arm

Anastasia took the sash that was usually around her waist and wrapped it around her hand as tightly and as best as she could wincing slightly as she made it was tight as she could. She did feel slightly dizzy from the slight blood loss from her cut up hand and bleeding leg, she slowly continued to make her way down the streets passing by the others. Her attention went towards Elissa and Aravis as they spoke, finding doctors would be pretty damn hard since most were probably busy or already out at sea.

Then Aravis made her suggestion about seeing a seamstress nearby, she wasn't sure if the owner would actually be more then willing to patch up a bit of skin or not. "Somethin' is better den nathin', so long as oi git patched up by someone. they proobably want extra payment though." Anastasia said wincing again slightly as the pain came back. "Lead de way yer gran' ladies." Anastasia said with a friendly smile.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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Dr. Jonathan Baynard

Location:Port of Tortuga

Jon closed his eyes as the first shot rung out, not opening them until the violent echoes faded from the air and silence resumed. Without realisation he had reached out to Millicent, taking her arm in his hand and holding it tight. With a calm steady breath Jon conveyed the scene and the dead. His face a wash of frustration and disappointment, just beneath the surface was a well of anger and disgust. His turned to Millicent as he made sure she was alright. Concern and relief visible in his steady eyes.

Still without words Jon releases his grip of Millicent and silently walks across the docks to the slaves. The female captains words were but a background noise in his ears. His focus clearly on the deceased. Kneeling down beside one of the slaves Jon checks the mans vitals, closes his eyes and then makes the shape of the cross on his own chest as he says a farewell.

Picking up his knife Jon goes back to where Millicent was and attempts to take her hand.
"Come now miss, let's be rid of this place." he says softly as he pushes past the men who once blocked his way.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Millicent Clarke

Location: Port of Tortuga

It happened quite quickly. Soon they were crashing into the slave captain's men. Millicent could probably take them, but she didn't want to draw any more unnecessary attention to herself. Well, more than she already had. Plus, she had the doctor to worry about too. As crafty as he was, she didn't know if he could handle himself well in a fight. Whatever the case may be, they were all at a standstill. Millicent looked behind her to the lady Captain with Miss Blackwood and her minder. Jean was her name apparently and the woman didn't look like much, but she still gave Millicent that cold feeling.

Soon the shots rang out. She felt Jon's grip on her. It was both comforting and annoying and she didn't know how to feel about it. She checked herself out, seeing no wounds. She checked the doctor. Also nothing on him. She looked back to see the dead The slave captain was killed along with the slaves Jon tried to save. She shook her head. Poor fools. They didn't deserve that, but it couldn't be helped. Jon walked over to check and make sure, but even she could tell they didn't survive. Soon the doctor was next to her and taking her away. She nodded in agreement and pushed her way through the men. They had no leadership anymore.

The lady Captain's words were still in her mind though. She seemed tough and crafty. Millicent had to respect that. She would need to keep her in mind for later.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Elissa Isley

Location: Port of Tortuga - Outside of the King's Arm

Elissa trusted Aravis' judgement. Her friend had spent more time here than she, and this prevented her from being much help as to where to go. They seemed to have made a new acquaintance in Anastasia, and maybe after all of this Elissa could finally get back to life on the sea. This woman intrigued her slightly, but now was not the time for her to get interested randomly in this new person. They had more to deal with at the moment, and heading off towards someone who might be able to help them out.

"Alright Araffis, let's ko zere. Zee zooner ve get batched up zee petter. Lead zee vay, you know zis tovn far petder zan I do," she said to her friend with a slight smile. Elissa only paid attention to where the taverns were in town, and didn't really pay much attention to anything else. She knew the place that Aravis was talking about, but didn't really know much about getting there, or the people who run the taverns. At least Aravis knew what she was doing, or Elissa hoped that she did.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

@Nallore@BlueSky44@Dark Light@FantasyChic@mnkee
The Port of Tortuga: April 4th, 1719 - 2:17 PM Local Time

@Dark Light@FantasyChic -

This time, the men don't push back. They allow you to proceed and leave the docks. In town, the crowd is still gathered around an entertainer. The woman is juggling fire, from what it seems, without any sign of burns or injury. Quite understandably, people are visibly impressed and are clamoring at her to spill her secrets. Beyond that, the port town is as it usually is--active, boisterous, and a bit charming to some. Rumors are flying about some little thing that vanished from the gallows the day before, with the rumor growing grander and grander each time it's told until the gallows have become the hangman's noose.

Harlianne James

Location: Near the Bellona - Port of Tortuga Docks

Quite understandably, none of the men stepped forward to sail under Mad Eyes. Whether it had been from stories of Harlianne's unorthodox methods, her gender, or the simple fact that she had murdered their previous captain, it wasn't clear. However, luck hadn't entirely abandoned Captain James, as none of the men directed their pieces towards her. Instead, the quartermaster stepped forward, hat in his hand.

"We disbanded, miss," the quartermaster explained, not even looking at the corpse of the former captain. "All the wares a been sold. Got no more reason to fly th' colors."

It was the smart move for them, of course. With the captain dead, that meant more loot for the rest of them. By the Code, the captain received two shares. And given his present condition, those shares didn't matter anymore. He couldn't possibly claim them. There was no reason to stick out their necks and risk death, when they could easily double their own take by simply taking what's theirs and leaving. It was bad luck to sail with a woman onboard anyways.

"Right then. I understand. Plunder yor black slimy guts out. It's keen," Harlianne replied, about to climb up the rope ladder when a shrill voice called out for her to wait. Harlianne let out an exasperated sigh, swinging around to face the offender. It was none other than Alice Blackwood. Typical peer. Harlianne scowled.

"Wot the hell fire do yer want, eh?" Harlianne asked.

"Would you be so kind as to escort us to Édouard Riviere? I can reward you for your troubles," Alice requested, completely oblivious to the way Jean's eye twitched. Jean had worked with some odd ladies before, having worked in the Crypt Household for a few years, but Alice seemed to have the least common sense of any noble she had ever encountered. She was asking pirates for help, after all.

"'ow much brass are we goin' on about?" Harlianne replied after a pause, a bit of a smirk on her face. She didn't want to leave her ship unattended, but one of her girls should be back soon. And she wasn't one to pass up a potential profit.

Aravis Zacharia

Location: the Faithful Bride - Port of Tortuga

The walk to the Faithful Bride was relatively quick. Compared to the other taverns in Tortuga, it was an oasis of peace and serenity. Sure, people were sitting around laughing and drinking, but relatively few things were being thrown and hey, you could even see the floor! It was clean and pleasant, one of the main reasons it did well as an inn. They rented out a few rooms, though the best two were inhabited by Miguel and his sister, Catalina.

Once inside, Aravis headed up to the bar and exchanged a few quick words with the barkeep. Anastasia's sash was doing a decent job at keeping her from losing more blood, but she'd still need stitches. The sash was just a temporary solution. But fortunately, Catalina was upstairs and from the barkeep's expression, this wasn't the first time someone had come to Catalina for help.

Heading back over towards Elissa and Anastasia, Aravis explained what the barkeep had told her. "Catalina'll do it, apparently. It'll be at least five shillings." Of course, the Faithful Bride was owned by two Spaniards, but with the mixture of people in the area everyone took about just every currency. It was practically custom to explain prices in shillings, francs, and reals. "She's upstairs. Last room on the left."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 35 min ago

Anastasia "Anna Nine Fingers" Ridgeway

Location: Port of Tortuga - Outside of The Kings Arm -> The Faithful Bride

Anastasia followed behind Aravis and Elissa as she looked around, the area seemed to be a lot more quieter then the other parts of Tortuga she would occasionally look around at the men and women who were there. They seemed to be more friendly then the others who were at the the Kings Arm. When they got to the Faithful Bride Anastasia leaned herself up against a support pillar in the room looking down at her wrapped up hand, it still stung like hell as well as the punch she received to the throat. Anastasia looked between Aravis and Elissa, she was truly grateful that they did come to help her when they did, she probably would have ended up dead by those men.

Anastasia watched as Aravis made her way over towards the bartender, she didn't hear what the two of them spoke as Anastasia looked over towards Elissa. "T'anks again by de way." Anastasia said to her, and smiled softly towards the woman when Aravis came back to them luckily there was someone who was more then willing to patch her hand up. Luckily she had enough money to pay for the service, giving Aravis a thankful smile.

Anastasia took out her coin bag she carried on her, awkwardly searching around for it and handed Aravis, and Elissa the remaining five shillings that she had on her. "Drinks are on me, not takin' naw for an answer. Den we can git ter nu each other a bit more." Anastasia said smiling at the two women, before slowly making her way up the flight of stairs and headed down the hallway as she made her way to the last door on the left and gave a few quick knocks on the door.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: Outside the Twelve Daggers Tavern – Port of Tortuga
Inspirational Video: a woman in a world built for men | multifandom

Only the most hardened of hearts would not break a little at the pure terror in this little girl's demeanor. And Sirena was no exception. She felt the girl's pain almost as if it were her own. Her brows furrowed in response to the tearful reply she was given. The gears quickly started turning in Sirena's head as she sought out a logical explanation for the mother's disappearance. Unfortunately, the majority of the conclusions she came to did not bode well. For one, the mother could have been kidnapped. Though the little girl would have to be a heavy sleeper to sleep through her mother being kidnapped in their own home. That's not to say that the possibility is entirely ruled out. It could have been a well coordinated kidnapping. Another possibility is that perhaps the mother had left the house and was kidnapped, or murdered, while out. Why a mother would leave her toddler home alone needed an explanation in and of itself though. Now there was one other potential explanation that came to her mind, and the mere thought of it made her blood run cold. The mother could have purposefully abandoned her child.

Regardless of what had actually taken place that night, one thing was clear. This little girl was all alone. That subsequently left her vulnerable to a world that was more twisted than her young mind could possibly comprehend. She was a little girl in a world built for men. Sirena had seen and experienced firsthand what powerful men, and even some women, could do to a young, impressionable girl. If she had any say about it, she would not let another girl endure what she herself has had to endure. To come so close to being utterly and irreparably violated by men on more than one occasion. And the way they chipped away parts of her soul, piece by piece, time and time again. Sirena would not be able to forgive herself if she stood idly by while this little girl was vulnerable to a similar, if not worse, fate. She would help the girl in whatever way she deemed was in the girl's best interest. In the meantime, she would keep her safe, and anyone who dared try to harm the girl would meet Sirena's swift retribution.

"Su seguro conmigo. Todo va a estar bien. Me aseguraré de ello," she said reassuringly to the little girl. She hoped that the soft tone of her voice would have a calming effect on her. She remained kneeling at the girl's level. She was suddenly jostled by someone as they passed. She had to quickly throw her hands back behind her to catch herself. "¡Mira hacia donde vas!" she exclaimed in annoyance, still in Spanish mode. Her gaze went up sharply, and she was able to catch a glimpse of who had bumped her. But this was the last person she had been expecting to find.

"Mr. Alucard," she breathed. She quickly got to her feet and grabbed the hand of the little girl before calling out to the man sharply. "Mr. Alucard!" He had some explaining to do.

Location: Twelve Daggers Tavern – Port of Tortuga
Mood Music: "Trouble" by Valerie Broussard

The corner of Edgard's lips pulled up into a smirk at Édouard's ignorance. The man did not have even an inkling of a clue that his quartermaster was talking about his precious Mademoiselle Ikaria. Granted, the man did not have a clue about much of anything to begin with. Nevertheless, it would prove to be a rather interesting topic of conversation to bring up. After all, Edgard did love to cause a little trouble, and this was sure not to disappoint. Édouard would likely not take kindly to what he had said and done to Sirena, but he was not afraid of the man's so-called wrath. Besides, he figured it would not be too difficult to put doubt into Édouard's mind regarding Sirena's trustworthy. Perhaps he could even pit the two against each other. As far as Edgard saw it, Sirena deserved a little hell after the stunt she tried to pull.

Edgard rolled his eyes at the irony of Édouard's mockery of the crew. Needless to say, he was glad when he was able to divert the conversation to a more pressing, business-related matters. He practically let out a snort at the cryptic information the witch had provided. "Une théorie? Comment cela devrait-il nous aider? Nous avons besoin de quelque chose de plus concret qu'une théorie," he retorted. He let out a sigh of frustration and rubbed his temple between his fingers for a moment.

"Si ce qu'elle a dit est vraiment vrai, alors nous devons découvrir comment tuer un fantôme," he added after some thought. "Certes, si la puissance du ballon est dérivée du fantôme, la destruction de celui-ci rendrait le flacon inutile. Peut-être le contenir est une meilleure option."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Dr. Jonathan Baynard

Location:Port of Tortuga

Jon didn't know where he was going, he just kept walking. Fearing that to stop would mean drowning. Drowning in the filth of this place, the wayward violence. The morale-less, fractious lawlessness. The vile depraved inconsiderate egomania. To Jon these people were the epitome of all that was wrong with man. Jon feared that to stop moving would mean he was apart of it, that he would somehow get sucked right back into it. That his freedom would be instant snatched right back from him and he would be forced to return to all the slavery, the torture, the abuse, the killing. But there was no escape. It was not like he could just keep running and somehow end up at home. Not from here.

Finally pausing, a great distance from the docks, he turns to look at Millicent. Unknowingly he had been squeezing her arm tight as he pulled her behind him. Clinging to the faintest slither of comfort and familiarity he could find.
"My lady, what, I mean... Why are you here? What brings you to this godless place? You must take me home with you! When do you leave? Where are the others?
When do we go home?"

It was clear in his eyes and on his voice. Jon was reaching for what he desired most. He was tricking himself, refusing to consider anything else or see things as they were.

Hope could also be a cruel thing to one as desperate as Jon.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Millicent Clarke

Location: Port of Tortuga

Millicent followed the Doctor not because of his grip on her (though she found it oddly comforting after recent events) but because she felt she had to. She inadvertently dragged him into this. Not one to care about anyone else for the most part, but she didn't enjoy putting innocent people in harm's way and she ended up doing so. She should have just left him there. But then again, who knows what might have happened? He may have been shot. Or hanged.

Once he stopped he pestered her with countless questions. She had to stop herself from smacking him. She held up her hands in defense, "Calm yourself Doctor. We just got out of that situation alive, let's rest a bit first. As for why I am here, that is information you need not know and you should resign yourself with learning to stop asking so many questions. I have no plans on leaving anytime soon, so if you wished a ship to take you back you will have to look elsewhere. I have important matters here that need to be addressed before I can return."

She had to pity the man. She couldn't imagine he had a nice time getting here, but she had business. "As I said, I am staying at the Faithful Bride. You can come if you wish, but you are now a free man. What you do is your own."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Catalina, a Spanish woman, calls out "Come in", and Elissa opens the door for the group and walks in. The woman gives them a smile, but there is someone else in the room. Off to the side on the bed, a pale-faced noblewoman who is pulling petals off of flower. Elissa gives the woman a slightly strange look, but says nothing to her as she moves off to the side to let the others in.

Mr. Alucard doesn't seem to want to talk to Sirena, and he made a few faces at the girl as he started to hurry off and away from them. The little girl screamed as he did this, and turned to Sirena and said, "Ese hombre vio a mi madre ayer!"

Édouard is busy, he is off to the side drinking rum, trying to look innocent and not raise suspicion around him. He doesn't notice when someone comes rushing in and comes up to Edgard, "Excuse me sir. Your fiancee..."

Millicent and Jon are free to continue on with their conversation. The two don't run into any trouble.
2x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 35 min ago

Anastasia "Anna Nine Fingers" Ridgeway

Location: Port of Tortuga - Outside of The Kings Arm -> The Faithful Bride

Anastasia heard Catlina's voice to let them enter the room, she looked over towards Elissa and gave her a soft and friendly smile, and a slight nod grateful for her to open the door. She took a step into the room, as she looked around the room spotting the Spanish woman Ana gave her a soft smile and then her attention went over towards the woman who was laying in the bed on the other side of the room. She wasn't sure what the woman was doing in the bed, but Anastasia gave her a slight nod and smile.

"Uh, me lads 'ere asked de bartender 'ere an' said ye'd be willin' ter stitch up me 'an'?" Anastasia asked as she took a step into the room and moved over towards the wall, as she slowly started to unwrap her hand. Wincing in pain as the sash was peeled away somewhat revealing her bloodied cut up hand. Anastasia bit her lip slightly as every little movement from her hand caused a stinging sensation coming from her hand.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Dr. Jonathan Baynard

Location:Port of Tortuga

Jon almost couldn't comprehend what he heard. For what possible reason could a proper lady such as Millicent have to be all the way out here, and all alone. He paused, first hoping for it to be a foul joke or some dry sense of humor.
He was not so lucky. Next he had to face the implications this information rested on his situation. For what ever her reasons, Millicemt had them, and Jon while now free still had no way home.

"The Faithful Bride." He spoke softly, pondering on the name. Distant thoughts coming to interrupt his current conundrum. Shaking them from his head he carries on.
"The Faithful Bride, sounds as good place as any to start. Lead the way m'lady."

Jon knew now was not the time for further questions. Millicent's frustrations were clear and he didn't want to push away his only connection. He pondered on many things as he followed her in silence.
Why was she here? She seemed to have her bearings and familiarity with a few places, just how long had she been here?

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

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Millicent Clarke

Location: Port of Tortuga -> The Faithful Bride

She couldn't really blame the poor man. He probably had a life back home, but here he was in parts unknown. Still, if one couldn't handle themselves, it was best they either shape up or be left in the dust. The doctor seemed like a capable sort, she figured he'd be fine. Perhaps he would be a good ally. Someone to patch her up should her missions go awry. "I will explain all once we get safely to my room. Too many ears here anyway. Follow me." She made her way off the docks and into town.

The town seemed lively with many people going about their daily lives. She looked around, watching ledges and buildings, plotting routes. She did this in her free time. One never knew when they would need to escape or how they would. She would have to send word back to the group when she could, to let them know she was safe here. She expected to have some sort of ally here, but she was never told. Would they make themselves known.

She also thought back to what happened at the docks. There was more to this place that met the eye, it seemed. From Alice Blackwood's companion to the captain of the ship, to Ed being here. It all seemed too coincidental. She gave a small smile. It seems life would not be boring here.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

@Nallore@BlueSky44@Dark Light@FantasyChic@mnkee
The Port of Tortuga: April 4th, 1719 - 2:36 PM Local Time

@Dark Light@FantasyChic -

No harm came to Millicent and Jon as they made their way through the crowds. A little girl screamed out towards a well to do man, tugging on the sleeve of a blonde haired woman. The performer continued to do various tricks, juggling flames and tossing them about. The crowd was still enamored with her routine, but it was clear it was coming to an end. She'd have to go onto the next biggest and greatest thing shortly enough.

In between two of the taverns, Millicent will spot what looks to be a mugging. But unlike muggings that one may come to expect, where the victim is left alive, the man is gutted at the same time that he is robbed. The men responsible vanish into the crowded streets not long after, as if they had never been there. They haven't noticed Millicent or Jon, so they're likely not trouble but...Well, it is a pirate port after all. Crime doesn't often have a rhyme or reason here.

However, the two of them will be able to make it to the Faithful Bride this round.

Harlianne James

Location: Near the Bellona - Port of Tortuga Docks

"Yor've got ter be out o' yor bloody mind!" Harlianne exclaimed, her eyes wide after Alice had informed her how much she'd be paid. It was far too handsome a fee for such a simple task, a fact that hadn't escaped Alice's minder. The woman seemed to be, in the vernacular of an age yet to come, completely and utterly done with her charge. Harlianne chuckled slightly, the laugh of a madwoman spilling from her lips.

"'Ave a look, luv, I'd be chuffed ter 'elp yer find yor man, i'n it? But until some bloke in me crew gets back, can't leave the Bellona unattended," Harlianne explained. Sirena and Anna had been gone for ages by now, a fact that Harlianne wasn't too happy about. If the pair of them didn't come back with the decent beginning of a crew, she'd be pissed. It didn't do to have a Captain marooned with her ship, basically, since no one else was around to watch her. And when at port, if a ship wasn't watched, it'd be snatched in an instant.

Harlianne had "acquired" the Bellona just like that, after all.

"Miss Waverly can watch your ship!" Alice protested, the innocence and naiveté of a child used to getting her way becoming quite obvious.

Harlianne wrinkled her nose. "Yeah, right, because I'm stupid enough ter leave me ship wiv a noblewoman. Even a former one," Harlianne chuckled. Where the hell were Sirena and Anastasia?

Aravis Zacharia

Location: the Faithful Bride - Port of Tortuga

Aravis had followed Elissa and Anastasia up the stairs of the Faithful Bride, heading into Catalina's room. She took in the pale woman on the bed with some interest. With the girl's complexion, she reminded Aravis of a vampire. Of course, those were just stories to scare children--they were nothing compared to the lore of the sea. They weren't real, but the paleness of the woman did continue to strike her. Pale skin didn't do well in the Caribbean, quickly tanning or burning depending on the individual. It never lasted in the end.

"Si," Catalina nodded, standing up from her chair and beckoning for Anastasia to sit down. "Lot of blood. It is painful, I imagine," Catalina observed, grimacing in pity at Anastasia. Her speech definitely had a bit of a Spanish flair to it, a little broken and a little awkward for traditional English. But compared to other accents, the Spanish accent was common in this area.

"Did you attempt to kill yourself?" the pale woman asked, continuing to pluck petals from the flower. She seemed pretty disinterested with the rest of the world, not even bothering to give her name.

"Virginia, hush. She is a warrior, yes," Catalina chided, chuckling a bit as she grabbed a cloth, needle, and some thread.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 35 min ago

Anastasia "Anna Nine Fingers" Ridgeway

Location: The Faithful Bride

Anastasia smiled slightly and nodded as she made her way over and sits down on the table, as she dug through her bag again and handed Catalina the five shillings that were asked for the service. Her attention went towards the pale girl as she plucked away at some flower pedals. "It 'urts loike a ma fecker, but still pure much worth de injury though." Anastasia said with a slight smile, then she shook her head at the pale girl on the bed. "Oi wasn't tryin' ter kill meself, jist sum dense drunkard sexist langer. so oi grabbed a mug an' smashed it over 'is noggin. proobably dead nigh as far as oi nu." She answered the pale girl who Catalina said was Virginia.

"Tanks Catalina, names Anastasia by de way." Anastasia was grateful for the woman's help as Catalina started to gather the supplies to stitch up her hand. Biting her lip for a moment, she was going to need something to dull the pain while it was getting stitched up. "Chucker anyone av yer 'av any rum on yer by chance?" Looking between Aravis, Elissa, Virginia and Catalina.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Elissa Isley

Location: The Faithful Bride

Elissa liked the Spanish woman. She was fixing up Anastasia, and it helped to have someone who was able to fix that. No real surgeons around, and the Spanish woman seemed really nice. The other woman in the room, the one who Catalina had addressed as Virginia, well Elissa wasn't too sure about her. The woman seemed a little strange to her, and it was a little weird for her. The woman's skin was really pale, and she did not like the fact that her skin was so pale in an area that generally got quite a bit of sunshine.

When Anastasia asked about rum, Elissa shook her head, trying hard to hide a smile."Zorry Anasdazia, I'm blum out of rum," she said as she turned to Catalina again. "Zank you Catalina for your help," she said with a smile, but looked again at Virginia, who truthfully was starting to creep her out slightly. The woman just sat there, plucking at a flower, even when she was talking to someone.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Dr. Jonathan Baynard

Location:Port of Tortuga

Millicent made it clear that she would talk more at her room. Jon didn't argue with that. He welcomed the idea of a safe secure space with some privacy.

The town seemed dangerously rowdy with many people loitering about seeking to pray on the weak or misfortunate. Jon avoided looking around, fearing to make eye contact and invite further trouble, trying to continue on as unnoticed as possible. He did this in a nervous silence. He feared and never knew if or when he would be called out as an escaped slave or what they might do to him. Jon desperately wanted to send word back home as soon as he could, to let his beloved know he was still alive and seemingly safe for now. He never expected to have some sort of ally here, but once the confusion settled he was more than glad. Still he wondered, would she help him make it home.

Jon also thought back to the happenings at the docks. There were things going on here beyond his understanding, or so it seemed. From young Alice Blackwood's companion to the captain of the ship, to finding Milicent here. It all seemed too chaotic. He gave a weak frown. It seems life would not be safe here.
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