Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 30 days ago


“It is on this day, the tenth of August, 1900, that the Itheraen government extends a hand of welcome to Itheraens in the Tyria-Redanian Empire by granting them full rights and pay travel fees as well as give them money to start life here in the Republic!,” stated an official notice sent to Itheraens within the bordering Empire, distributed volunteering officials from Dio. It was a small flier handed from stands in Itheraen majority districts of Tannersburg and Markenburg, enticing them to move to Itherae and rejoin their true brethren. While it may be a subject that had the potential of earning the ire of the Empire, it was very evident that the national government of Itherae had little care of how the reaction would be. However, of course, those who claimed to want to move would see these Itheraen officials with documentation that they are of the Itheraen minority in Tyria.

This would offer them a chance to escape the oppression of the Imperial Security Bureau and the evils presented by Felix Von Drach. It was a chance of a new beginning a new and better life on where they had a say on what represented them if they should join the Republic. As Alexei Georgas had previously stated, “This was a time of strength,” and force the Itheraens to show strength they must stick together. It was an Itheraen tradition to always help another Itheraen in need, and this was a way of the National Government to show their support for the Itheraens trapped within the borders of the tyrannical empire. The minority must be showed that the Wolframs could not shackle them.

Meanwhile, as Seronan refugees arrived, the government sent administrators to assign cards to the refugees and to read them their basic rights. While it was not the same as full rights an Itheraen, it gave them rights to be in a Seronan Refugee Living Center for free, the right to have two meals a day while in these shelters, and the rights to own property and uphold a job in the Itheraen Rephulic should they stay. Though it was unknown if any plans to improve rights to the Seronan refugees were underway at the time, it has been stated that the national government was welcoming to these people and would protect them while they remained.

Seronan children being tended to in a Seronan Refugee Living Center, circa 1900

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ascendant
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Ascendant No One In Particular

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

August 9th, 1900, Senryu, Hiron

The wind blew lightly on a sunlit day as a honeybee flew absentmindedly across the ground. Strangely, the ultraviolet light reaching its eyes showed not a single blade of grass beneath it, nor a single flower, a fact that didn't dissuade the incredibly simpleminded animal. What did surprise it, however, was the sudden gust of wind that knocked it hard to the ground, and the splinter of wood that pierced its thorax thereupon. Were it able to cry out in pain, it would've done so, but it was a mere honeybee, one that was killed instantly anyway.

Further down range, the soldier lying prone on the ground looked towards the spotter peering through a small telescope, who announced, "Center mass hit, probably would've been the heart on that one." Considering the distance of 550 meters, such a shot wasn't bad. Head shots were unnecessary most of the time anyway, and as far as the Kalpians talked, usually one bullet was all it took to knock a soldier out of the fight.

The Head of Design of Imperial Arms, Mazuki Sunichiro stood next to the Minister of the Army, Saito Yasujiro behind the soldier and his spotter. Saito clapped his hands together and motioned to have the rifle brought to him. Clasping it, he tossed it up and down a few times, "This is fantastic. Honestly, it might be even better than the Continentals which is a damn good surprise."

To that remark, Mazuki adjusted his glasses, sweating somewhat, "There is one minor problem I haven't worked out yet. The rifle has a tendency to start to jam after three to four hundred rounds. I think it's an issue related to the metal of the receiver in some way, that it's warping, but it would take me some time to resolve. Either that, or perhaps a maintenance issue. We can start production immediately of course, considering the recent issues with Violette, but the jamming issue is likely to persist."

Saito waved him off, handing the rifle back to the soldier, "Don't bother, take your time. Just ensure you fix the problem, alright? The Imperial soldiers don't need their rifles jamming at the worst possible moment. Everything else is fantastic. If it takes a little bit more weight or cost for better metal, or instructing our boys to clean the damn thing better, so be it. I want the Continentals to look at our rifle with envy and perhaps even order them at a premium, haha! I'll explain the delay to the Emperor, don't worry. The Radenans gave us plenty of rifles in the meantime."

Mazuki bowed deeply, gracious that the Minister was so understanding. Indeed, that was probably the best move since this rifle would likely serve the Imperium for a solid number of decades.

August 11th, 1900, Senryu, Hiron

Unceremonious changes to the budget were made, very quietly so considering the issue at hand, as the Dragon Emperor ordered that 23 million more dollars be put into investment in food production in order to resolve the, in his words, "Fucking absurdity that our nation cannot feed its own people on its own. What the fuck happened to our farmers and fishermen after the Radenan deal? Did they fucking stop working?! Why the hell did no one tell me about this earlier?!" The inability of a nation to feed its own people is a massive, glaring national security issue, one that the Imperium needed to address as soon as possible. The investment would be used to fund and spread advancements in farming, as well as techniques such as fishing, in order to maximize food production. Further land would be set aside for agriculture, primarily farming as opposed to animal raising due to inherent inefficiencies in raising animals, and plenty more fishing vessels would be constructed using modern techniques.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

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The Tyro-Redanian Empire

"Unbowed and Unbroken"

Ultimatum to Itherae

The Itheraen proclamation issued on the tenth of August inviting the native Itheraen population of the Tyro-Redanian Empire to seemingly abandon their current, satisfied lives within the Empire to join the neighboring Republic of Itherae was a cause for much debate within the Imperial Diet. At a local level, the response had been quick as constabulary and military garrisons moved swiftly to shut down gatherings and stalls responsible for handing out malicious, inciting fliers while it was announced that the railroads from Tannersburg and Markenburg heading into Itherae were to temporarily closed for routine maintenance and repairs.

At a national level border garrisons along the Tyro-Itheraen border were bolstered by the 1st Army Group from Aetoria under the command of Tyrian General Rolf Hanneman, and placed on high alert with orders to sever trade and prevent citizenry from crossing the international boundary-lines. A state of partial mobilization was declared as all professional soldiers of the nation were prepared and organized for active service, with a following proclamation issued calling all reservists to remain close or return to their assigned muster points throughout the nation in preparation for further war. It was to this backdrop of events that prominent ministers and Emperor Adalar Wolfram gathered to debate the appropriate response on the 11th of August.

During the long debate which followed, Imperial Minister of the Army Count Dominik von Kuhler advocated immediate mobilization against Itherae in a surprise attack, an idea which was opposed by Foreign Minister Kaleb Wöhler who stressed the need to first prepare public and international opinion. Citing the need that the Empire first send an ultimatum to the belligerent government to "provide a proper basis for a declaration of war". Throughout the proceedings Archduke Adam von Krauser, Prime Minister of Tyria supported the dispatch of an ultimatum while Antal Sándor, Prime Minister of Redania made known his opposition to the war citing the potential consequences of Itheraen unrest caused by war with the Republic. The Emperor-King showed to be receptive to a declaration of war though called the meeting to an end to proceed on the morrow after "some thought".

On the 12th of August the Emperor and ministers again gathered at the Emperor's own residence at the Imperial Palace to begin anew the debate. While all present were in support of the dispatch of an ultimatum, all but Count Antal also supported the idea of war including the Emperor-King himself. The Redanian Prime Minister again warned of Itheraen unrest but also of the potential for Veletian intervention citing "We must keep one eye to the mountains". Count Valentin opposed this point by warning the Redanian Count of the fact that if the Empire was not willing to go to war they would risk losing all international prestige and that such "a show of weakness" would risk the nation's prospective alliance with the Osladian Empire. After further debate all present except Count Antal finally accepted that should the ultimatum fail war would be declared.

After several days an official ultimatum was drawn up and formally handed to the Itheraen government by the diplomat Vincent Schuerer of the Imperial Diplomatic Corp in the capital of Itherae. The Ultimatum, laid out in a number of articles demanded that the Republic of Itherae should:

The Tyro-Redanian Ultimatum

ARTICLE 1: Formally and Publicly halt all transactions, actions and acts within or beyond the Tyro-Redanian Empire designed to damage the integrity, stability and peace of the Empire as well as encourage the unwarranted movement of her peoples from one state to another.

ARTICLE 2: Halt any public, formal and subversive involvement with the Itheraen populated regions of the Tyro-Redanian Empire and denounce any and all territorial claims to the Tyro-Redanian Empire.

ARTICLE 3: Suppress through all means of the Itheraen government's power sedition, propaganda and publications inciting dislike or hatred of the Tyro-Redanian Empire and the questioning of her territorial integrity.

ARTICLE 4: Dissolve the Itheraen nationalist movement Triple I and any other such subversive or otherwise movements involved in the spread of anti-Tyrian nationalist sentiment.

ARTICLE 5: Accept the involvement and movement of Tyro-Redanian representatives in Itherae to oversee the suppression of anti-Tyrian sentiment.

Upon concluding the ultimatum, Vincent Schuerer would inform the Itheraen government that a reply was expected no later then 48 hours after receival before a formal state of war would exist between the Tyro-Redanian Empire and the Republic of Itherae in the face of the latter's subversive actions against the former. Should the deadline be reached, Vincent Schuerer has received orders to leave the Tyro-Redanian embassy in Itherae with all staff and return to the Empire.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

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Empire of Violette

Foreign Office of the Empire of Violette

Her Majesty's Foreign Office for the Empire of Violette decries and deplores the act of aggression taken by the Tyro-Redanian Empire against the sovereign and peace-loving Republic of Itherae. Even in the immediate wake of the devastating Zello-Osladian War, King-Emperor Adalar von Wolfram has seen fit to issue an ultimatum to Itherae which openly disregards the sovereignty of an internationally recognized nation-state. This flouting of peace and diplomacy—a defiance to the righteous course of all civilized peoples—is unfortunately yet the latest in a pattern of transgressions made by the Tyro-Redanian Empire against its neighbors. Succinctly, this behavior can not and will not be allowed to stand. The Tyro-Redanian Empire, this continent's last feudal state and the prison of a half dozen nations, will not be allowed to trample on the administrative or territorial integrity of even one more of its neighboring states. Her Majesty Empress Tsirine of Violette wishes to make public to all states holding respect for the principle of national sovereignty her nation's response to this flagrant disregard for law and order. If the Tyro-Redanian Empire is to issue a declaration of war against Itherae on the basis of Itherae's declining the so-called 'Tyro-Redanian Ultimatum', the Empire of Violette shall behave as though this declaration by Tyro-Redania is also issued against the Empire of Violette, and shall take all appropriate action in self-defense.

The righteous must not sit meekly while those without virtue defile the world. War is a last resort, but it is the only resort taken by Tyro-Redania, and so it must be met forcefully. Violette's armies with smite the soldiers and her fleets drown the sailors of any state which behaves as the Tyro-Redanian Empire has behaved and refuses to concede to reason. The wisest course of action for King-Emperor Adalar von Wolfram and his government is to rescind the ultimatum issued by their diplomats against Itherae and thereby avoid the war they have nearly begun. If they choose to defy sage counsel and instead issue a formal declaration of war against the Republic of Itherae, they shall also find themselves in a state of war against the Empire of Violette.

- Minister Augustin Batteux, Foreign Minister of the Empire of Violette
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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While the Tyro-Redanian Empire gave them three days, the Itheraen Congressional Committee voted with President Alexei Georgas there to see what they were going to do in this situation, while originally support to go to war waned, the Empire of Violette had already sent a response warning the Tyrians. That was when support for the movement began to spark once more within the Committee. With that no response was formally sent to the tyrannical northerners, instead an order of full mobilization on the border was given, all military personnel was to move under the express command of Commander Krystupasr Theodoros.

The Itheraens were preparing for war, should the Tyrian’s want war then they can surely have it for no Itheraen would be left behind and subjugated by the evils of a man who falsely claimed he loved his people. They readied their guns, fixed their bayonets, and marched off to war, ready for the fight of their lives. No country would bully them, no one would oppress them, no one would dare to keep them away from one another. A rigorous propaganda campaign was active throughout the Republic, calling for the people’s support to reunify the land, to put a stop to Itheraen oppression.

Later that day, the president gave his address, praising the Empire of Violette for seeing the Itheraen’s actions as just. He stated “The Tyro-Redanian Empire may have machine guns, but they don't have spirit nor will, and should war come, they will feel full Itheraen wrath.”

Itheraen soldiers marching, 1900
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by silver or lead

silver or lead

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Dominion of Meung

The Meung Dominion had existed as a state for a thousand years. Grand Prince Yuzhen was the eighteenth member of the current Imperial Kian Dynasty, a Dynasty thad had seen the Meung state expand and collapse before expanding once more to reclaim its rightful glory. The Meung were the shore surrounded by a sea of barbarians. They were a crude peoples, unsophisticated, brutish, and quick to use force to achieve their aims. The shore was beginning to show signs of erosion...
In the past, Yuzhen's forefathers had relied upon thick stone walls and the men behind them to ensure that the Dynasty survived. The Grand Prince and his Ministers were being forced to play the same game that his ancestors had mastered. Chancellor Yue Fei was an old player at such games in the Imperial Court and he used the same tricks he had honed on the Hironese to delay their aggressive neighbor from taking per-emptive action.

The Hironese Delegation was welcomed by an honor guard at the Imperial Palace but there would be no formal audience with Prince Yuzhen, only a brief meeting with Deputy Foreign Minister Wei to explain that negotiations on a treaty could not begin until the House of Lords had returned from its summer recess. Fei was also quick to leak the arrival of the Hironese to western reporters based in Yujinn of Hironese aggressive demands that the Meung hand over Wenshou island or '' face war '' while Foreign Minister Wei had made visits to the Veletian and Tsardom of Radena's embassy in an attempt to drum up support for Meung resistance to Hironese claims. By contacting these foreign embassies, news of Hironese demands were sure to leak to the international stage, and the outrage would magnify if Hiron attacked.

Foreign Minister Xi was under no illusions to Hironese aggression or that of its neighbors but nor did he seek to give the Hironese more Meung territory in exchange for assurances that could easily be broken when the Hironese army was at full strength. The Meung needed something far more concrete, if they were to lose Wenshou to one hungry neighbor, then let it be for the highest price...and preferably to a nation that was in a major position to influence Hiron.
It was that in mind that Xi had requested mediation from the Dominon's other massive neighbor, the Tsardom of Radena. While the Diplomatic Corp stalled in the Imperial Capital for as long as possible, Xi was securing a Radenan embassy to mediate proposed talks as soon as possible.

**********************EYES ONLY: CLASSIFIED***********************

To: General Ziang Gao / Wenshou Island Garrison Commander
From: Minister of War Mai Fen
General, situation between Hiron and Meung growing increasingly tense. You are advised to place your forces on high alert in anticipation of Hironese landings. Additional supplies of food and ammunition have been sent. Preparations should be made to evacuate civilians from Cao and Mung to highlands in anticipation of Hironese bombardment. Ensure proper security protocols are put in place to burn all viable intelligence that could be captured by the enemy. All VIP's should be evacuated immediately.

(Military details will be PM'd later today)

The Eastern Star

'' The only Western newspaper to bring you the important news of the East! ''

House of Lords recalled from Summer Recess:
The House of Lords has been recalled from its summer recess for an emergency session. The House is expected to debate Hironese efforts to secure Wenshou Island. The Meung Dominion has officially disputed all Hironese claims to Wenshou Island and has stated when asked for comment that the ' legal standing of ownership is beyond question '. A meditation effort, led by a Radenan embassy is expected to take place soon. The House has already voted to authorize the Foreign Minister to open talks and lead the Meung delegation.

Meung Imperial Army Launches Punitive Expedition:
The Meung - Xiang border awoke to fierce artillery fire on August 12th at dawn as elements of the First Army, Third Corp, crossed the Xiang border in force. It was rumored that as many as 30,000 Imperial troops are taking part in the expedition to clear the border of what the army described as '' bandits and insurgents ''. Major General Lihuan, placed in command of the expedition, said in a statement that the Lihuan Expedition was expected to last several weeks as the Meung Army destroyed '' weapons caches and bases that Xiang insurgents have long used to conduct cross border into Meung territory. '' It is reported by confidential sources that the timing of the expedition was in response to a demand by Xiang for tribute to maintain peace on the border. The lawlessness of Xiang and lack of central government has meant that a Meung response has been 'long time in coming' according to Foreign Minister Xi.
(Military details will be PM'd later today)

Ministry of Interior Slashes Budget:
The Ministry of the Interior has slashed its projected budget for railway improvement by 8 million to make up for a projected deficit. Ministry of the Interior Tian Fen has stated that 'further cuts may be anticapated in the governments efforts to balance the upcoming budget'. The Woosung Railway hub is expected begin construction on a hub in the capital of Yiijun and eventually link to Zhong and expand further towards the coast.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

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The Empire of Zellonia

The Liubeth Peace Conference

While peace had finally been achieved it was a hardly felt like one. Nearly a quarter of the country had been occupied. Many innocents had died, while the diplomats were able to get off relatively easy from their own enemies. It seemed the ally of Violette has demanded compensation and took zellonia’s own prized pre-dreadnoughts for themselves. The king gave a heartfelt speech to his people saying while we must always morn the lost we must look to the future and rebuild and become stronger, yet never forget.. Even worse foreign reports specifically from oslad have said “Zellonia, is now as cripplied as their own king we have beaten them like the dogs they are and if they are smart they will stay down” these reports have only infuriated the zellonian people so much so the osladian ambassador was thrown out and the embassy closed. Further people amassed outside the Violette embassy and while they didn’t cause trouble they menaced upon their [i]friend[/]

The Phoenix Rises

As previously mentioned the Liubeth Conferenced had been a poor victory yet, the memoital seeing the world change around them knew they had to find friends and agreed to a peaceful integration into the zellonian empire. They were all welcomed with open arms as the memoitals and zellonians have always been a close breed. With the zellonian skills in their ships and the memoitals handling land warfare the country will be unstoppable atleast that is the common belief. As such the memoital military staff have begun to devise ways to improve the current training regime as well as look into combining zellonian technology with the kalpian rifle that they aquired from the war.

The Phoenix Spread its wings

As it’s close neighbors Oslad and Kalpia have become hated among the zellonian populace it was much agreed that zellonia would need to look further for trade and ways of goods. As such overatures were made to the Tyro-Redanian Empire, The Marnish Kingdom, The Itheraen Republic, The Tsardom of Radena and Thecia. The Foreign minister informed his ambassadors to draft proposals for trade deals specifically aiming to sell machine parts and to offer zellonian naval officers to teach the greater powers the ways of naval supremacy. To the Tsardom of Radena a specific proposal was drawn up to trade machine parts for rubber as well as to offer them some of the kalpian rifles. Along with the offer of a defensive pact.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 20 days ago

The Kalpian Republic-1900

The Fatherland's curriculum

The Kalpian Fatherland's party had shown great enthusiasm in promoting cultural festivities and the knowledge about the history of Kalpia to the masses not for thing the "The Kalpian Armed Forces Day" (celebrated the 23 of July every year especially in Arsech) is mostly organized by the party members in conjunction with the General Staff to create the most famous military parades of the whole continent, with great military music and events for the public to participate.

But they knew that these events were simply not enough, the people of Kalpia were still lacking in what the Fatherland's Party referred to patriotic knowledge and said knowledge must be taught in the schools, history of Kalpia, major literary figures of Kalpia, the military heroes of the Kalpian army, etc. Thus they proposed to the Congress to not only increase the budget for education but to also change the curriculum for both primary education and secondary education, and NGO's dedicated to promoting Kalpian nationalism in the younger generations.

This would, of course, be heavily debated by the Democratic Party, People's Party and Socialist Party. All of them with values that certainly opposed the nationalism that was seemingly proposed by the Fatherland's Party, however, the conservative coalition agreed to a compromise, as such, patriotism and civic duty were to be part of the curriculum. Because for the liberals, the people couldn't be forced upon one nationality or the other, rather they had a democratic society in which they could voluntary vote or not. Debate continued the following week and it was divided to promote liberal nationalistic values along with some affinity towards the appreciation of the military, as it was an aspect fundamental to the survival of Kalpia. Thus it was agreed that it wasn't the land nor the ethnicity that made the Kalpian nation but rather the society as a whole, the Parisians, Garmans, Virisians and Kalpians, all of them working together and making use of their rights to vote and to express were the Kalpian Nation. The approval of this legislature was so high, that it is expected a large raise in the budget for education.

Memorial of Kalpian-Zellonian Conflict

The war with Zellonia a conflict in which the navy of Kalpia saw itself stretched to the limit, the army isolated that had to fight in backwater nation of Zellonia, without a warm fire and food. It was indeed a war that it's better to see with sorrow than with pride and glory, for many mistakes were made. Yet, their sacrifice was not in vain, it was for the people of Kalpia that they fought and died, even with bad odds, they fought knowing that there was a clear reason to be fighting in Zellonian. Said reason was to ensure the free trade in the strait, a strait that helped the Kalpian economy and that otherwise would prove a huge strain in the economy and in turn the people.

The Fatherland's party was the first to propose a memorial for the fallen just after the end of the 2nd Liubeth Conference, it was to be built in Liubeth, where the many soldiers had sailed out to Zellonia, the 23rd Division was to be present the day of the inauguration with a special place for Gotthard the commander of the division. A budget was approved and the construction started.


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Tsardom of Radena


Tensions in the East

The Eastern edges of the Tsardom, home to the Meung and Hironese, are suddenly on the verge of conflict. Recent ambassadors and representatives from Meung have recently come to request the mediation of such potential conflict between the two potential allies, in hopes of reaching a deal that could be arguably far more fair for all parties involved. Abhorring the idea of another conflict breaking out so close to home and after much deliberation between the Tsar and the Imperial Ministry, a decisive conclusion was reached.

In order to avoid showing favoritism to either the Hironese of Meung, Ambassador Yeryomin Vladimirovich, a native Radenan, was sent to officially accept the offer. The Tsardom hoped that ultimately, whatever conclusion was reached, that it would cement the Tsardoms ever growing influence in the Settumese territories.

Trade with the Zellonians

A recent request from the Zellonian ambassador was received by the Economics Ministry, requesting the trade of rubber resources for machine parts. Though the need for machine parts was ever growing in the Tsardom itself, it was not so desperate to trade another limited resource such as rubber to the Zellonians. Head of the Ministry of Economics gave an official response to the Zellonian Ambassador rather quickly, mentioning “The sale of such resources as rubber at the moment is not something we can so readily give away for a resource we are not in desperate need for. If the Zellonians would like to renegotiate the deal and offer both a more worthwhile resource to trade and a precise amount of rubber they wish to receive in exchange for that resource, then the Tsardom will be open to such a deal.”

Armament of the military

The soldiers of Radena were not well armed, and with the recent purchase of weaponry by the Hironese military many troops would need to be rearmed in the face of any potential future threats. The Radenan military sent out a request to Radenan Arms manufacturers for the production of 200,000 Kirov.88 rifles by the end of next year. A request from the Ministry of Economics was also officially sent out that requested any and all willing countries and global manufacturers who wish to sell their weaponry for a reasonable price to make an offer to the Tsardom.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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The World as We Know It

Discord Chat: discord.gg/f6n4B8

August, 1900

The World, 1900

August 9th
In the Empire of Violette, a new drydock capable of producing a warship of up to 7,000 tons is finished.

August 10th
In the Itheraen Republic they issue the Return Proclamation, allowing any Tyro-Redanian to return to Itherae as a full fledged citizen. Additionally, Itherae has taken in over 300,000 Seronan refugees, causing an imminent food shortage that if not solved by 1901 could have serious economic repercussions.

August 11th
In the Imperium of Hiron, the Imperial Arms Model 1 rifle, while satisfactory, is delayed in hopes of finding a resolution to it's jamming problem.

August 12th
The Tyro-Redanian Empire issues it's Tyro-Redanian Ultimatum. They have given the Itheraen Republic three days to respond.

August 13th
  • The Foreign Office of the Empire of Violette responds to the Ultimatum in force, showing unwavering support for the Itheraens.
  • In the Empire of Oslad, a new drydock capable of producing a warship of up to 7,000 tons is finished.
  • The President of Itherae formally rejects the Tyro-Redanian Ultimatum. The deadline was listed as August 15th.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 30 days ago


In Itherae, food was in demand due to the influx of Seronan refugees and interests within trade were on the rise. While some neighboring kingdoms were considered, the eyes of the republic shifted to the Tsardom of Radena, with them, presumably, producing a large surplus of food. Food that could be put to good use on the home front. Thusly, an envoy, Pelus Viokyl, was sent to the large country with a simple and straight forwards offer. The Republic would propose to pay $10,000,000 for 3,500,000 tons of food supply to help counteract the small deficit that the republic was undergoing. It was what Itherae could offer at the time, and they were happy to begin establishing some form of relations with the much larger state.

Meanwhile a response was given to the Zellonians who offered to train the lackluster Itheraen navy, something they were able to accept. The Itheraen government was able to offer $1,000,000 to have the Zellonian officers come and train their own inexperienced captains on how to better use the ships and tactics of the sea.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ascendant
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Ascendant No One In Particular

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The Imperium of Hiron

Yujin, Grand Kingdom of Meung

The diplomatic contingent present in Yujin, slowed down by the rather annoying but predictable stalling of the Meung, decided to acquiesce to the mediation requests of the Meung to allow the Radenans to enter the fold. While it was not particularly well understood why Radena had been asked for specifically, considering the outcome of the Second Liubeth Conference, all those present as well as the foreign ministry back home were well aware of the unintentional results that could come out of this conference. Hiron prepared to send its best, brightest, and most cunning to the conference, cautious yet eager to see what would result. The Dragon Emperor himself remained surprisingly silent on the matter besides attending internal talks. Indeed, much of the Imperium's attention was drawn elsewhere, to news circulating in from the Continent about rising tensions between the Veletians, Tyrians, and Itheraeans...

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

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The Tyro-Redanian Empire

"Unbowed and Unbroken"

That Craven Chorus

"It is my unfortunate business to inform you, my people, that our proud nation once more stands upon the brink of war with a most malevolent foe. Though I have dedicated years of my life towards efforts of peace to protect my people from burden and sacrifice. I stand before you today, to ask that we as a nation after many, many years of peace once more bear the sword of war against a foe whose malicious intrigues and denial of peaceful overture, have compelled us to take up arms in the defense of this nation's honour, dignity and ideals of justice.

Long have a craven chorus of crows and vultures sought to undermine our great union of peoples and today that craven number have made themselves known. The Itheraen Republic, whom despite the desire for peace and diplomatic outreach of my government, have embarked upon an unalterable course exhibiting the desire for the complete destruction of this nation and a burning hatred for my own being and of House Wolfram. This belligerent government whom has through dark machinations sought to tear asunder my peoples for whom I care greatly, has embarked upon criminal actions and propaganda upon our sovereign grounds inciting mischief and treason within those of my affection.

Such a state of affairs are and remain intolerable, and my government in their wisdom oversaw a last attempt to maintain noble peace upon the continent with this belligerent government through the means of a forceful warning inducing them to desist in their subversive action. This noble and just demand was refused by Itherae and their cause, founded upon the destruction of this illustrious monarchy through subversive action, has been taken up by the Veletian Empire. A nation of whom in their desire to dominant much of the world, have grown hostile to this nation, her colonies and those of whom we call friends and allies.

It is upon this solemn hour that I, as must we all, recognize our duty to defend this illustrious union of peoples of which there is no other. Only through force of arms aimed to secure our rights might our nation find lasting peace and serenity. Though it is a great task before us, it is with a most steadfast conscience that I lead us down this path to war. Upon this day I would call all of those for whom I hold affection to rally to this throne and to this nation's defense in unity and loyalty against the malevolent threat.

It is with great trust within this nation's proud armed forces and the righteousness of our cause that I know victory, and through it lasting peace, will be achieved."

- Transcript of the Emperor-King's speech before an assembled crowd of international journalists, diplomats and the public, hours before the Tyro-Redanian declaration of war upon the Republic of Itherae.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ascendant
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The Imperium of Hiron

Senryu, Hiron, 1900

The outbreak of war on the Continent was something that had been entirely unpredicted by the high ranking staff of the Imperium, none of whom expected another one so shortly after the end of the Zellonian Conflict as it was called in Hiron. The war was particularly important in that it involved the Empire of Violette, a nation that had been crawling its way into Settumu for a significant amount of time now, and one that had been working to bolster the Grand Kingdom of Meung, arguably the Imperium's arch nemesis since the beginning of time. This conflict had the potential to seriously destabilize the Continent depending on who won and what the victors would take, and it was with this in mind that the Dragon Emperor once more came before his people,

"My brothers and sisters of the Imperium, I come before you today to speak once more of the lands on the other side of the world. Although many of you may believe that what happens there has no little to no effect on those of you here, and many of you may be more concerned with the ongoing negotiations with the Meung, I am forced to make this statement. The Imperium cannot condone the third party entrance of the Empire of Violette into a conflict that should have strictly been between Tyria-Redania and the Itheraeans.

"It is clear that they seek to empower themselves further, an action which is directly opposed to the well-being and future of the Imperium and its people. Any step forward the Veletians take is one more step towards a power struggle with ourselves, and this is a step they will take at the cost of the Tyrians, just as they practically stole the two prides and joys of Zellonia's navy out from beneath her despite having never been involved in that conflict. They are a greedy, power hungry people that threatens the very existence of the Imperium with their ever-expanding colonial tentacles.

"In recognition of this, the Imperium harshly denounces Violette's actions while saying nothing of the plight or lack thereof of Itheraeans in Tyria. The situation commands that the Imperium stand ready to negotiate an arms deal, including but not limited to the new Model 1 rifle once it is completed, with Tyria if they so wish and lend them our support however reasonable to ensure the maintenance of the Continental status quo. Thank you. To the Imperium and its people!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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Empire of Violette

Le Patriote

Empire of Violette to Liberate the 'Prison of Nations'

Tyro-Redania, the tyrannical state to the Empire of Violette's south, has issued a declaration of war against the Republic of Itherae for the Itheraeans refusal to surrender to an ultimatum defying Itherae's sovereignty. In accordance with the Foreign Office's warnings immediately following the issuing of the ultimatum, the Tyro-Redanian Empire now finds itself in the unenviable position of a state of war with the greatest army on the planet: the proud patriots of the Veletian Gendarmerie. A general mobilization has been issued to all active and reserve elements of both the Gendarmerie and the mighty Marine Nationale, and the full force of the entire military of the Continent's greatest power now prepares to descend upon the dying Tyria. All those nations imprisoned under the Wolfram yoke shall soon be free at last, and a victory as glorious as any in our proud nation's long history will be entered into the annals of history, for our sons and daughters to look upon with adoration.

All young men of sound mind and body reading Le Patriote are encouraged to refer to the recruitment banner so proudly displayed on the second page of this publication for the address of their nearest enrollment office. You too, and your friends and family, can be the ones to stomp the boot of Violette upon the neck of the last archaic feudal state of the Continent. Sign up today!

God save the Empress!

Salle du Assemblée Populaire, Confluence, Empire of Violette,

The seats of the People's Assembly sit bereft of Representatives after adjournment

The People's Assembly itself was not a new function of the Veletian state, but its expanded role in governance was relatively recent—and only very recently it flirted with total abolition. The original People's Assembly had been established even before the proclamation of the empire in Sandao, back when there was no Empire of Violette at all, but merely the Kingdom of Violette. Intended in those ancient days to serve as the voice of the newly entrenched bourgeoisie, advising the reigning King or Queen of that societal class' wishes, the People's Assembly would languish as a minor body with no true imperative function far into the future. It was only in the mid-1800's, in the early years of the reign of long-lived Emperor Frank XII, that the People's Assembly would be imbued with truer purpose.

Emperor Frank XII had been intent on bringing democracy to the Empire of Violette. A known reformer, his ascension had been somewhat controversial with hard-line conservatives, whom he had to combat stalwartly to expand the People's Assembly's role. Liberals and even republicans adored him, though, and his support among the rapidly expanded middle class centrists of Veletian society allowed him to maintain popularity and legislative inertia, even with the tepidness of the old and rich. With the gleeful assistance of those happy to change—rather than either replace or solidify—Violette's absolutist system, Frank XII issued dozens of gradual reforms over his years as head of state of the Empire, slowly expanding both the People's Assembly's electors and legislative function. By the end of his lengthy reign, all male citizens of Violette could vote for their district's representative in the Assembly, and many minor domestic issues were placed into the People's Assembly's jurisdiction. A stray dog that is fed will always want more the next day, however, and towards the latter part of his reign, Frank XII came under increasing pressure from republican elements to cede more and more authority to the Assembly. Refusing to concede exclusive authority over foreign affairs and military decisions, Frank's twilight years saw the Bloc Républicain become the People's Assembly's largest faction, their influence over the poor and middling of Veletian society growing stronger as Emperor Frank's beard grew grayer. When he passed, and the conservative Empress Victoria ascended the throne, the People's Assembly became a victim of the Victorian Mutiny.

After crushing the resistance to her domain and sending every known republican who lived to the guillotine, the Empress Victoria was eager to do away with the People's Assembly entirely. The abdications to it made by her predecessor, even limited as they were, had in Victoria's mind allowed republicanism to take root, and she had after all only just cut it out—at great cost in lives. Before the newly secured Empress could have the assembly hall torn down, however, the most staunchly monarchist of the People's Assembly's factions, the abstentionist Sujets, spoke up. The Sujets had opposed Frank's reforms empowering the Assembly in the first place, and chose not to take up the seats they won in elections in protest of the presence of republicans in the hall. Empress Victoria heard the plea of the Sujets, and rather than abolish the People's Assembly, made a series of so-called "patriotic reforms" to the body. Any who held republican views were barred from becoming representatives, and the ten oldest members of the Assembly (nine of whom were traditionalist conservatives after the purges) would become the Assembly's 'curators'. If any six of them so wished, they could have any member of the People's Assembly thrown out for lack of commitment to the nation. Many areas previously under the People's Assembly's jurisdiction were returned to the monarch, including matters of grave macroeconomic import. Crucially, a constitution was written, signed by Victoria and all serving members of the People's Assembly, solidifying the existing division of power under Victoria and the ban on republicans and presence of the curators. No more would unpatriotic elements dwell in the halls of the assembly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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The World as We Know It

Discord Chat: discord.gg/f6n4B8

The World, 1900
August, 1900

The world, still reeling from the nearly year long conflict in the North Sea, was quickly descending into war once again. The Itheraen Republic, hoping to pull Itheraens back home with it's Itheraen Proclamation, drew the ire of the Tyro-Redanian government. On August 14th, the Tyro-Redanian government submitted to the Itheraen Foreign Embassy in Aetoria that these two nations were now in a state of war. The Tyro-Redanian Army had ordered a partial mobilization on August 12th while on that same day the Itheraens ordered a full mobilization. The Tyro-Redanian Royal & Imperial Army would be able to mobilize over three quarters of a million men at full strength, a process that would take nearly the remainder of the month. The same army however was a radical fusion of different cultural and linguistic demographics, a fact not lost on Imperial Minister of the Army Count Dominik von Kuhler.

Imperial Minister of the Army Count Dominik von Kuhler inspects troops in Aetoria, 1900

Soldiers of the Tyro-Redanian Army were dispersed in varied and diverse units so as to promote "the national spirit." An entirety of 800,000+ soldiers were called up from their garrisons and began assembling in the necessary areas. Tyria-Redania avoided major wars in the era between 1867 and 1900 but engaged in a number of minor military actions. Nevertheless, the general staff maintained plans for major wars against neighboring powers, especially Itherae, Serona and Violette.

In the late 19th century the army was used to suppress unrest in urban areas of the empire: in 1871 and 1898 in Aetoria and notably against Karlevian nationalists at Markenburg and Voskiyan nationalists in Neumark in November 1891. Soldiers under the command of Ulrich Kunze Burmann were also used against Deltoran rioters in Eisenstadt in 1897.

In 1868, the number of active-duty troops in the army was 255,000, and the total could be expanded to 800,000 upon mobilization. However, this was significantly less than the Continental powers of Kalpia, the Empire of Oslad and Radena, each of which could field more than one million men. Though the population of the empire had risen to nearly 90 million by 1900, the size of the army was tied to ceilings established in 1889. Thus, at the start of the 20th century, Tyro-Redanian conscripted only 0.04% of its population, compared to 0.47% in Kalpia, 0.35% in Russia and 0.75% in Violette. The 1889 army law was not revised until 1899, which allowed for an increase in annual conscriptions.

The ethnic make-up of the enlisted ranks reflected the diversity of the empire the army served; in 1900, out of every 1000 enlisted men, there were 267 Tyrians, 223 Redanian, 135 Itheraen, 85 Voskiyan, 81 Karlevian, 67 Deltoran, 64 Seronan, 38 Osladians, and 14 Karumi.

Crest of the Tyro-Redanian Army, 1871-present

Following the 1867 constitutional arrangements, the Imperial & Royal Diet was dominated by Tyrian Liberals, who generally regarded the army as a relic of feudalism. In Tannersburg, legislators were reluctant to authorize funds for the joint army but were generous with the Redanian branch of the army, the Honvédség. In 1867 the military budget accounted for about 25% of all government spending, but the economic crash of 1873 hit Tyria-Redania hard and foreign observers questioned whether the Dual Monarchy could manage a major war without subsidies. Despite increases throughout the 1850s and 1860s, in the latter half of the century Tyria-Redania was still spending less on its army than were other major Continental powers. While the budget continued to rise—from 262 million crowns in 1895 to 306 million in 1900—this was still far less per capita than for other major Continental states, including Itherae, and about on par with Radena, which had a much larger population. Further contributing to the monarchy's military weakness was the low rate of conscription: Tyria-Redania conscripted only 0.05% of its population annually, compared to 0.47% in Kalpia and 0.75% in Violette. Attempts to increase the yearly intake of recruits were proposed but repeatedly blocked by officials in Tannersburg until an agreement was reached in 1900.

The Itheraen Republic Army on the other hand was a minutely more modernized force capable of mobilizing less than two hundred thousand men. The Itheraen 2nd Army under General Krystupasr Theodoros was its primary offensive army.

The Itheraen military command issued orders for the mobilization of its armed forces on 13 August and the mobilization began the following day, 14 August. By 30 August, the mobilization was completed and the troops began to be deployed according to the war plan. Deployments would be fully completed on September 9th, when all of the troops had arrived at their designated strategic positions. During mobilization, Itherae categorized approximately 602,000 men of three age-defined classes or bans called armon, which comprised all able-bodied men between 21 and 45 years of age.

The operational army consisted of 10 infantry and 3 reserve divisions. Aged men of the 3rd armon were organized in 15 infantry regiments with some 45-50,000 men designated for use in rear and line of communications duties, however some of them were by necessity used as part of operational army as well, bringing its strength up to around 170,000 men. Itherae was in a much more disadvantageous position when compared with Tyria-Redania with regard to human reserves and replacement troops, as its only source of replacements were new recruits reaching the age of military enlistment. Their maximum annual number was theoretically around 60,000.

Ammunition reserves were insufficient for sustained field operations as most of it had been used in the 1900 War Games. Rifle ammunition was sparse and only amounted to several hundred shells per unit. Because Itherae lacked a significant domestic military-industrial complex, its army would be completely dependent on imports of ammunition and arms from Violette and and the Continental powers, which themselves were chronically short of supplies. The shortages of ammunition, did not include a lack of artillery ammunition, which were in abundance.

General Krystupasr Theodoros, 1897

The Itheraen 2nd Army (125,000/125,000 Itheraen Model 99/60 1890 Field Guns) immediately moved to the Tyro-Itheraen border; a hugely mountainous area in the north where defensive operations would be easily maintained. The soldiers of the Itheraen 2nd Army marched in high spirits to the Tyro-Redanian border. The central stretch of area were mostly plains, with some forests. General Krystupasr Theodoros--trained at the Kalpian War Academy in 1887 and was a product of modern military innovation. He ordered an establishment of lines along the border, much to the chagrin of the Itheraen soldiers, who wanted a "fast, quick war" like the same one they had waged (and won) in military exercises only months earlier.

Itheraen 2nd Army on the march, August 1900

The Memoital Monarch Abdicates

Following the end of the Zello-Osladian War, the Memoital Prince and a far fledged cousin of the Veletian Empress Tsirine, agreed to the end of Memoital independence following the ruin of her economy during the war. Failure to win "an easy war," Prince Bernard faced immense pressure on bringing a solution to the question of "Memoital Economic Crises." On August 19th, Prince Bernard abdicated the throne and the nation was momentarily without it's leader. On August 21st, King James Conrad of the Kingdom of Zellonia was offered the throne. He took the throne on August 22nd and the "Dual Kingdom and Commonwealth of Zellonia" became that same day. The Memoital Commonwealth maiatained that the Parliament would be free to craft it's own legislation, enforce it's own laws and maintain the Memoital Commonwealth Army. Whether King James Conrad would allow these particular institutions to remain in place remained uncertain.

Prince Bernard, 1900
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

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The Kingdom of Zellonia

The Memoital Question

With the economic instability brought on by the war, Prince Bernard was forced to abdicate on August 19th. Nearly 3 days later King Conrad the Courageous The nickname people had begun calling him after having heard he survived an assassination attempt with the greatest military in the world. ascended to the throne of the memoital commonwealth. Though previously the memorial commonwealth was a constitutional monarchy compared to the Zellonian absolute monarchy many were unsure how things would operate. The king gave a speech on the 23th to alleviate any insecurities about the new government in the capital of Memoital in Memoial.

“People of the Memoital Commonwealth, let me be the first to officially welcome you to the Kingdom of Zellonia. While our two great countries have always bonded in the past with common goals we lead differently, it is time for that to change. As such with advice from my council. We will install a parliamentary system into the the new found Kingdom of Zellonia, it will propose and serve in an advisory capacity to the king, and together we shall run the country and manage accounts. The first of said actions will be reviewing the budget and working on fixing the economy to make Zellonia strong and stable for generations to come. Furthermore the military of memoital and zellonia will be reorganized into a singular fighting force that shall become as proud as our own navy. In conclusion I am proud to welcome you all to Zellonia and may we rule the ways.”

The speech was given thunderous applauds and would be printed in newspapers around the country.

The Phoenix Spreads its Wings

After the numerous advances made out to several countries only 2 had truly responded the great eastern neighbor the Tsardom of Radena had rejected the offer to trade rubber for Machine parts and with it the defensive pact. While sad and disheartening the economics minister Jerromy Miser understood given the circumstances.

In brighter news however, the Republic of Itherae known for their long held republican traditions had requested Naval officers to teach them for the price of a million, the Grand Admiral Jacob Tervington was thrilled and the council agreed and sent along 60 naval officers to Itherae to begin training them on combat capabilities on their very limited navy.

In addition an attempt is ordered by Ambassador Edward Revington to open up talks to kalpia about acquiring some of their rifle or specifically their rifle designs. As well as to see if kalpia would be open to any sorts of trade deals. Furthermore, with the recent aggressions on the continent overtures were made to the Empire of Violette and Tyro-Redanian Empire to see if the Kingdom of Zellonia maybe of service.

The Phoenix Parliament

On August 28th, a mere 5 days after King Conrad’s speech the Zellonian Parliament was formed. With 25 senior members from the former Memoital Commonwealth’s own parliament together with 25 members from the king’s former advisors and senior ministers. They would meet for 9 months out of every 12 to advise and discuss issues they would do it in intervals of 3 with the 4 month being a recess. However for their first meeting would last for however long it would take to fix the economy. Many believed a tax increase as well as a decrease in expenditure specifically in the naval budget. However until a full accounting of memoital was handed in nothing would be officialized.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


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The Tsardom of Radena


Memoital, oh Memoital

Recent news of the annexation of Memoital quickly reached Tsar Pyotr II, initially the Tsar and high members of the Imperial Ministry did not believe such reports. It was not until Lomovtsev Llyich sternly read out the official request of asylum from Prince Bernard. “It is clear to me,” Llyich addressed before the council, “that despite the faith in the Zellonians that we had so eagerly placed into them, they stand before us as aggressors. Whether it be desperation or madness by the king of Zellonia himself, these actions will not and should not be tolerated by the Tsar and the rest of the ministry.” He gave short pause before continuing. “This is not the first time the Zellonians have worryingly acted in bad faith. The invasion of the Marnish Kingdoms, to which we had hoped would never happen again, seems to have been a warning. A warning of the Kingdom of Zellonia’s desire of the entire northern peninsula. A threat to the entirety of our influence in the region.”

Approving nods were given by the entirety of the Imperial Ministry and few spoke out against such claims, except for General Fyodorovich. Though technically not an official member of the ministry, is given a special seat to represent the needs and wants of the Tsar’s Army. Having served as a general during the Sosodrov Crisis, he was considered a trusted member of the Old Guard. “It has come to my intention that the Tsar finds himself surrounded by conflict. The Hironese in the East, the Zellonians in the north, and the Tyrian-Redanians in the west. Two of these conflicts we are about to drag ourselves into. The Tsardom is in no position to keep this up, I believe that if we interlock ourselves in the lives of too many nations, we run the risk of becoming involved in a conflict on all sides. One that the state of the Tsar’s military is not capable of competing with. I recommend strongly, that if these situations come to conflict, that the Tsar be so ready to leave ourselves open to being taken advantage of.” Whispers could be heard among a few of the other twenty representatives within the Imperial Ministry. It had seemed that some agreed with the words of the esteemed general.

“Do not be so naive general, such actions will only lead to the loss of what little influence the Tsardom grasps onto.” Retorted Llyich. “The general made be so afraid of conflict after the war with Kalpia that does not have the stomach for it, but the reality of the situation is that the Tsardom can not simply hide away. I plead to the wisdom of the Tsar, that he denounce the actions of the Zellonians and accept the fleeing prince. We must ensure, no matter the cost, that the Zellonians aggressive annexation of Memoital does not go unpunished and that it soon be returned to their people. If we do not, then we risk the Zellonians becoming a quick threat the the Tsardoms northern territory.”

The Tsar cautiously considered both positions. He had been a young man, but he remember the Sosodrov Crisis with clarity. The stain upon the Tsardom a fresh wound to this day. However, a wound should not stop a man from acting in his own interests and so the damned war would not frighten the Tsardom from remaining steadfast in their foreign policy. They would not let a Zellonian no less, frighten them away. “I have decided. Mr. Llyich makes to strong of an argument for the issue to simply be ignored. Inform the Prince that we will accept his request of asylum within the Tsardom.”

General Fyodorovich, circa 1900

Denouncing the Zellonian Menace

Several days after news had reached the Tsar of the Zellonian annexation of Memoital, a once loyal ally of the Zellonians and of much discussion within the Imperial Ministry, the Tsar made an official statement on the issue. “The Kingdom of Zellonia has committed the ultimate betrayal, one to the people of Memoital. A strong and long independent country, that had placed their trust into Zellonia, much the way that the Tsardom did, if not more. The sons of Memoital fought, bled, and died in the name of the Zellonians during the Zello-Osladian War. How was this debt repaid when Memoital in its time of need only wished to keep some shred of sovereignty? With absolute contempt by King James. Shredded away without a second thought over the consideration of their people. This act towards one’s own former ally, one whom went into ruin due to a war they need not have helped with and yet did not shed a single bit of blame to the Zellonians for, was met with complete betrayal. Shredded of their dignity as a country without a second thought by the Zellonians. As such, the Tsardom officially denounces these actions taken by King James.”

Backroom dealings

When Prince Bernard arrived in the Tsardom of Radena and had been acquainted with his living quarters within the Tsar’s Palace, a private meeting between Prince Bernard and the Tsar Pyotr II had been arranged. The two sat in the extravagantly decorated parlour, the cloth on the tables was lined with fine silk straight from Meung, the table design and crafted in Violette, even such insignificant things as the glass of the windows was forged in Oslad with fine Taran sand. “It is a pleasure to meet with you personally Tsar Pyotr, the gratitude that both me and the people of Memoital have for you doing such a service for me can not be expressed with simple words.”

“The pleasure is mine, Prince Bernard. The betrayal of the Zellonians was an absolute tragedy for your people. To have the pride of your people shredded away without a second thought is unforgivable.” It was at this time a Radenan maid had approached the two, pouring freshly imported tea from Meung.

“Then I hope that it is not to much for me to make a request, of an esteemed and understanding Tsar such as yourself, that you are to support my people’s cause through monetary and military aid to the Sons of Bernard. They are like minded individuals who wish to see to it my return to Memoital and the removal of Zellonia from the Island. If their cause were to be funded by the Tsardom of Radena then the people of Memoital may be able to quickly retake the land that is rightfully ours and expel the Zellonian dogs from our country.”

The passion in Prince Bernards voice was clear and the Tsar new what supporting the Sons of Bernard could possibly mean. However, if they were to ever weaken the Zellonian grip on the northern peninsula, this would certainly be it. “I will support your people in whatever they need to be freed from the grasp of King James.” The Tsar and Prince Bernard began to discuss the deal further for what is believed to have been another hour. Terms of support for the rebel group had been reached by the Tsardom.

Tsar Pyotr II’s Palace in Glavnaya, Radena

Offer of trade with the Republic of Itherae

It was not long ago that the Tsardom had been sent an official request from the Republic of Itherae promising the exchange of 3,500,00 tons of food in exchange for $10,000,000. Having no issues with the small republic and considering them to be neither an enemy or friend, but a potential trading partner, the offer was quickly accepted by the Foreign Ministry aftering being approved by the Ministry of Economics.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

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Empire of Violette

Dordogne, South Serranthian State, Empire of Violette,

The Mayor of Dordogne (left) meets with Lieutenant General Isaac Droz (right) to discuss the Saad River Ambush

Violette's largest colony was experiencing an issue. North of Dordogne, a relatively small city in the east isolated from the better connected western cluster, a minor revolt seemed to be brewing. Some months past, a patrol of Veletian soldiers along the River Saad had been ambushed, their officers beheaded by rowdy colonials in the interior. The Mayor of Dordogne, Roméo Beaugendre, a wealthy elite from Confluence with business ties to South Serranthia, had been having difficultly convincing South Serranthia's colonial administration that the ambush and ensuing sporadic incidents of unrest along the Saad were worthy of attention. The interior of Serranthia had always been quite chaotic, the government in Namunir had argued, and sending security forces away from the crucial Sadir-Namunir rail-line would make South Serranthia's primary source of resources (and revenue) vulnerable. The mines in the deep interior, in Namunir's outskirts, were simply vastly more profitable than the meagre riches to be made in Dordogne, and from a fiscal standpoint—the only standpoint that South Serranthia's government cared about—Sadir-Namunir was omni-important.

As tribals along the northern Saad began encroaching further and further south and west, nearer to Dordogne itself, the Mayor determined that he would take matters into his own hands. Using a combination of city funds and some of the profits from his own enterprise, he established a militia in Dordogne, made up of colonials. Little more than farmers and fishermen with rifles, the presence of the Dordogne Militia nonetheless seemed to be enough to keep the rebellious tribes of the interior at bay. Whenever sighted, the tribesmen of the interior, a different ethnic group than Dordogne's own colonial citizens, would be shot at without warning or legal challenge. The dead rebels piled up nicely, and not a single Veletian life needed be lost. Yet, arming the locals would draw the ire of a higher power than the Mayor of Dordogne: Lieutenant General Isaac Droz.

Isaac Droz's unit was the 1st Garnison Nationale de South Serranthian State: one of Violette's "National Garrisons", the Veletian born and raised professional soldiers that kept the peace and maintained Violette's dominion in the colonies. Many of the National Garrisons were infamous, looking down on those they were theoretically meant to be defending and thinking little of executing any and all local troublemakers. Just as important as defending the colonies from rivals and rowdy tribesmen, though, was the Garnison Nationale's foremost imperative: keep the colonials down. Unless formally enlisted as a local reserve of the National Garrison (an unenviable job that paid little and made one unpopular), a citizen of any of Violette's colonies was forbidden from possessing a firearm of any kind. This was mostly fine for the denizens of the large cities of Violette's colonial possessions, but locals of the countryside were left having to make do with primitive weaponry for hunting and keeping livestock safe from local predators. Many of those same ranchers made up the National Garrison's 'local reserves', enrolling themselves just to be able to own a rifle. The Dordogne Militia was not enrolled, though, and so the city found itself visited in August, just a short while after the declaration of war against Tyria-Redania, by some ten thousand soldiers of the Garnison Nationale. The Mayor of Dordogne was thankfully able to defuse things before the Garrison had simply started firing on any armed black man they saw.

The Mayor explained the events to the Lieutenant General, how he had armed the citizens of Dordogne himself following the raids coming from the Saad. For his part, Droz was sympathetic to Mr. Beaugendre; the traitors of the interior would have to be dealt with harshly. Yet, he was insistent that the Dordogne Militia be disbanded, insisting that their existence defied the laws of the Empire. Instead, the Lieutenant General had Mr. Beaugendre hand-pick some 100 of his best shooting and most loyal seeming militiamen, and had each of them commissioned as formal local reserves. He then personally led his entire assembled division along the coast to the east fork of the River Saad. There they set up camp and awaited a supply chain to assemble from back in Sadir: they would need plenty of bullets for what could come next. Having already shot some dozen tribesmen on the journey, in a handful of failed attempts by the revolt to sabotage the Garrison's overland supply lines, the soldiers of the Garrison were pleased when the ships carrying extra ammunition and provisions arrived. Once they had, the punitive expedition begun.

Taking a third of his men on-board the supply ships and having the rest scour the wild countryside near the Saad, the contingent of the National Garrisone eventually found themselves at the spot where the River Saad divided. They had not be hassled along the way, apparently too numerous and well-provisioned for any attempts at sabotage to be made. There, at the fork, they again set up camp, and Isaac Droz sent cavalrymen of some local reserves to fan out and ask nearby villages if they had heard anything. Most of the scouts had little to say, but one reported that the village he had tried to approach had been hostile to him, and be had barely escaped with his life when he tried to approach the inhabitants. It was there that Droz chose to strike. Marching with a full half of his assembled force of five thousand to the remote village, leaving the rest of his men to defend the camp at the fork, Droz's caravan was attacked in the night. One of his men had died, stabbed from behind in the woods, and several others were wounded from primitive projectile fire, but the attackers suffered heavy and early casualties and quickly withdrew. The next morning, the caravan was attacked again, and this time Lieutenant General Droz was himself wounded: the rebels had acquired some number of rifles, and had now suddenly seen fit to expose this fact to the National Garrison. Droz knew he was close.

Once they reached the village, Droz's fears were realized. A defensive perimeter of stone and wood had been set up around the town, and rifles could be seen poking through holes in the walls. The defenders, though, were outnumbered and outgunned: on the transport ship, Droulez had brought a small number of artillery pieces, which he had kept obscured during the caravan to the town. Setting up a siege in the dense shrubbery surrounding the village, to obscure their positions, the riflemen of the National Garrison took a few shots, firing into the holes from which the defenders inside were waiting to rebuff a charge. Only half of his men actually engaged the village, as Droz had seen fit to have the other half prepare defensive positions behind his attackers, in case the Veletians own encirclement was itself encircled. Then, rather than order his men to storm the town, General Droz gave word to his five artillery squads to open fire. Instantly, five holes opened up in the barricade, and the riflemen of the Garrison followed up each strike from the field-guns with a massed rifle shot into the gaps in the barricades. Soon, bullets and shells were whizzing through the town, tearing apart the barricade, the defenders, and the buildings inside all alike. As Droz had predicted, the Garrison's position was then attacked from behind by rebel stragglers in the jungle, but the defensive perimeter fended them off with minimal casualties. A small few of these reinforcements had been armed with rifles, but seemingly had no ammunition, and simply utilized the bayonets.

Once the fighting in the village died down, and an elder from inside the town came out holding a white cloth above his head to signify the town's surrender, Lieutenant General Droz would know why. Several buildings inside the town, including one which had collapsed, were being used to store small stockpiles of stolen ammunition. Droz was harsh in victory: every man who had fought to defend the town was summarily executed, and the women, children and elderly were exiled, their homes ransacked for firearms and ammunition before being burnt or torn down. Most came back with the National Garrison, to be brought to Dordogne as refugees, but some simply went off into the countryside to settle in other nearby villages. As far as Isaac Droz was concerned, the revolt had been subdued, but he chose to keep one thousand of his riflemen in Droz as insurance against a retribution attack; they would serve alongside the now legal but largely diminished Dordogne Militia until time had guaranteed a peaceful countryside. Droz returned to Sadir with the rest of his forces, eager to retake his defensive positions in the crucial port-city, and happy to have another victory under his belt against the Serranthians.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 20 days ago

The Kalpian Republic-1900

Kalpian Austerity Measures

To the say the least is to say that the Kalpian economy is the worse in the entire continent, decades on the illusion of military supremacy and terrible management have left the Republic finances in a state of utter imminent collapse which if you showed to any sane and reasonable man on the Continent, they would say with the utmost certainty and clarity of mind that is unavoidable. And let's be frank, it is the truth, yet the People's party seems to put ever more intent in fixing the situation from the doom that is to come to the republic once when the year ends.

Of course, the rest of the parties in the Congress were blinded or to be clearer they were self-blinded to the notions of finance and management that the country was facing, they even wondered what had been the president doing over the last two years of his term over the country, but yet the answers were even clearer. Corruption from bottom to top had spread like a measle to all sectors of the administration, thus they refused to do anything about it even if the cost was the lives of millions, after all, they could always move to Tara or Oslad if the country collapsed, they had the money and there was no one who could stop them, besides the damn socialists. Which seemed to garner more support every day.

Even the People's party was blindfolded previous to the discoveries of a young man that got some information on the real finances of the country. The party could simply denounce of corruption every single other party, but that would not do, no they would just simply get away with it like many times before, thus they had to force the hand of the parties to change the economic situation for better.

At first, the People's party made an uneasy alliance with the Socialist party which was also aware of the economic dismay of the republic, but that like the People's party could do little if not less because of the repression they suffered at the hands of the most consolidated parties, with that done they could at least advance a little more in the path of solving one of the foremost economic problems of the republic.

Both parties also knew that the Fatherland's party was one of the reasons behind all the corruption and the destruction of Kalpian financial policy, after all, they were the one who benefited the most from it as hundreds of millions were spent in the military and of course not all of it went to the army, if not for leaked information they would have never found out that the Kalpian Army did not have enough to rifles, ammunition or artillery to supply all of the army.

The steps that followed were tedious and long, making sure to have the support of the few honest congressmen and avoiding the gaze and suspicion of those who were corrupt. The people were also a major factor and even more importantly the press, which leaked some information about the economic status of the republic, of course, not all of the information because that would cause the utter most havoc in the population and generate an anarchy that would see no end in years to come.

But at last, the notion to pass austerity measures passed even if costed lots of tensions, favors, and nerves from all involved in it. The austerity measures included things like reducing military spending by reducing the number of reservists and active soldiers to an amount that the budget could handle, the raise on taxes on the rich, the middle class and the poor, in order to cover the basic needs of the state such as administration and policing. And many other measures that with a miracle could save the republic before the next fiscal year.

But the People's party and the socialist party knew that the people would be angry, and not only the ragtag poor but also the rich and clerks. Because none likes taxes or becoming unemployed overnight.

Kalpian Act of Order

In order to handle the after effects of the Austerity measures, the People's party passed a new legislature with the objective of making sure that the republic did not collapse from riots and other social manifestations against the austerity measures and as such, it involved the use of the department of military police and the army proper to maintain the public order when the situation called for it and the paranoic attitude of the People's party and that of other parties, believed that it would be so. After all, what would be a little violation of political and civil rights, when the whole nation was at stake of collapse.

Thus the arms of the army were now to turn against the people that paid for them, a horrible situation only comparable to the fictional stories of mister Krapchenko a novelist that wrote many novels about alternate history, one of them about a Dictatorship in Kalpia which because of the military supremacy of Kalpia dominated the whole Continent through intimidation and military control.

Kalpian Inner Focus

After the Kalpian-Zellonian Conflict, the political parties of Kalpia preached an inner focus on the affairs of Kalpia, because they said that it was the foremost priority of Republic to improve itself and to provide a place where everyone had the same rights and worked together for a better society, better than those of absolutists countries.

Of course, for the most educated of the bunch, this was a bunch of bullshit meant to keep the masses in check and the people happy, because if there was anything that the elites of the country wished to never happen, was real equality , equality that was hammered down by an entrenched corruption in the republican system.

Policy 2: Austerity Measures.- the Kalpian Republic will seek to improve the financial condition of the republic by reducing military spending and raising taxes. People's Party passed this measures

Policy 3: Act of Order.- The Kalpian Republic will make use of the department of military police and the armed forces to maintain order in the republic following the enforcement of the Austerity Measures.

Great Power Privilige: Raise Stability by 1

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