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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Inner Demon
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Inner Demon Summoned King

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@floodtalonThat was implied XD. Sorry, I mean henry has the ability to smell the facility(via use of hounds) :P
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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@Inner Demon Still would've been nice to wait. Either way, there's the collaboration we'll be doing so I'll get it up once I get back from school in the afternoon.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

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@Spiffy It's one of those "can but shouldn't"'s that people don't understand at my workplace all the time.

Me: Alright, so, we're waiting on the new hard drive to arrive for your computer.
Customer: So I can take my computer home, right?
Me: Well, yes, you can, but you can't do anything with it, and you'll have to bring it back in when the hard drive comes in.
Customer: Great! *takes computer*
Me: *slams forehead against desk*
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LHudson
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Right, so leaving the Nexus is essentially ending your character?

It's what I am getting at here....still catching up on things :)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

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@LHudson It is unless enough people go. But how many people have to go before it becomes not ending your character is unknown. Which is why there are like five people who've said "I'd go if enough people went".

Currently we've got two definite takers and a whole bunch of maybes.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LHudson
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@The 42nd Gecko Welp, I'm still in the Nexus :)

Also, edited original post as requested.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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If at least 5 people leave the Nexus, the Happy Verse becomes reality.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

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And looking back at the records, it seems at one time we had enough people considering it, but they eventually decided on other things.

Miyu: Went
Lillian: Went

Ananta: Was considering it, but not enough people went.
Henry: Was considering it and then was told it was one way, and Bonesword recruited him.
Beast: Was considering it and then was told Fran'd be his new partner.
Gelgath: Was considering it if Rufus' love was unrequited (it was) but then eventaully decided to tough it out and hope for a hell civil war.

Welp, looks like that's the end of that. Endless war for all.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Inner Demon
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Inner Demon Summoned King

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What's the happy verse?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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@Inner Demon Basically a slice of life universe.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

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@Inner Demon It has cats. And basically it would be a break from the war, and a way to explore what the multiverse is outside of the Nexus.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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@TheWindel@KoL I have a few questions to ask about the game, partially its setting, and partially its metaphysics. They likely won't be relevant to my character (who's still in production, so you know), but I'm interested to ask about them nonetheless.

1. How does the Heaven > Machina > Hell > Heaven circle work? Is it only specifically each race's supernatural powers and gear that are affected, or would any sufficiently-aligned physical substance also be affected by that? Are there any other concepts that those conditions might apply to?

2. What distinguishes each faction's land holdings from the rest of the Nexus? Does each faction have their own pocket dimension containing their capital city/headquarters? I'd assume they aren't all in the same dimension, but is there some factor that determines how many jumps a given entity has to make to move from a particular faction's dimension to another, or could a being theoretically dimension-hop straight to Hell from Heaven, or perform other similar factional crossings?

3. What's the idea behind the Eyes? Do they denote some particular destiny - are their bearers likely to have some special role to play when the Great Danger finally rolls around, or do they just act as a generic high-tier powerup that improves their chances against the Great Danger and other foes? What routes can be taken for somebody to get them within the game, assuming they're in a special role and so able to acquire them? Is it just "unlocking your potential", or are there other means of getting them?

4. And what's up with the Great Danger, anyway? It seems like the scope of the game doesn't quite cover how that's going to work out at this stage, when it ultimately represents what I assume is the game's final boss. Will there be warning signs that it's beginning to come close to the Nexus? Will we receive preparation time to try and handle it? What sort of powers are we expected to wield in order to stand a chance against it?

Since it's quite late for me, I'll probably see any answers about this tomorrow and respond accordingly. Thank you in advance for helping me understand how things work in-setting.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

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Since KoL is busy with work today and Windel has spotty internet, I'll answer.

1. How does the Heaven > Machina > Hell > Heaven circle work? Is it only specifically each race's supernatural powers and gear that are affected, or would any sufficiently-aligned physical substance also be affected by that? Are there any other concepts that those conditions might apply to?

The Faction effectiveness dichotomy has never been something as severe as something as the type match ups of Pokemon or any other RPGs, but more of an edge to compile upon those you already posses. The Holy powers of most angels is effective against demons, obviously. Demons naturally warp the world around them with their corruptive influence, which is remarkably effective against the Machina if anyone can understand how catastrophic change a 1 to a 0 can be in even basic coding. Machina's advantage is in some regards the weakest, as it comes from resistance rather then increased lethality, against the angelic powers. An exorcism on an uppity coffee maker won't stop it from short changing you in the morning.

As for how this plays out in practice? That's a matter of how invested you are in utilizing tools attuned to the faction's specialty. A Machina picking up an advanced railgun is going to do well ignoring a barrier of magic, though if an Angel picks one up and shoots a demon it won't have the same value unless they go through some effort to consecrate the thing.

2. What distinguishes each faction's land holdings from the rest of the Nexus? Does each faction have their own pocket dimension containing their capital city/headquarters? I'd assume they aren't all in the same dimension, but is there some factor that determines how many jumps a given entity has to make to move from a particular faction's dimension to another, or could a being theoretically dimension-hop straight to Hell from Heaven, or perform other similar factional crossings?

If you ever heard of Planetside 2, then you can grasp the state of the Factions' capitals. They all exist in the same dimension and are in far off corners. They field vast armies battling along shifting borders, with the RP focusing on the more exceptional combatants in their own events. Now this means that they physically exist and can thus be entered, but what everyone seems to forget is that the capital of a militarized nation existing for the purpose of being militarized has fantastic security. Hell is self explanatory. The Machina are more obvious. And Heaven...well, you don't need to be a theoligist to understand how all the glitters are not gold.

And there are the clearly biased Vassals who don't want someone to launch a nuke from Hyperion to Celestia, or the Angels to summon an eldritch horror of the divine and smite the underworld. So causing a ruckus is bound to make Iona, Hoho, Juno, or the Eel come down upon them.

3. What's the idea behind the Eyes? Do they denote some particular destiny - are their bearers likely to have some special role to play when the Great Danger finally rolls around, or do they just act as a generic high-tier powerup that improves their chances against the Great Danger and other foes? What routes can be taken for somebody to get them within the game, assuming they're in a special role and so able to acquire them? Is it just "unlocking your potential", or are there other means of getting them?

The eyes are simple. Within the Nexus, they are a great power bestowed by the leaders or powers beyond them as a boon for exemplary service to their faction. They don't denote your destiny and they can be taken away, so it's just a high tier power up. Considering the Vassals are refraining from being active participants it would be hard to say where you could get them outside of the three leaders.

4. And what's up with the Great Danger, anyway? It seems like the scope of the game doesn't quite cover how that's going to work out at this stage, when it ultimately represents what I assume is the game's final boss. Will there be warning signs that it's beginning to come close to the Nexus? Will we receive preparation time to try and handle it? What sort of powers are we expected to wield in order to stand a chance against it?

That's hard to discuss, in no small part to plans getting FUBARed along the way. I can't say more beyond the fate of the Happy Verse and whether that happens or not is tied to it.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Inner Demon
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Inner Demon Summoned King

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@The 42nd GeckoHey I'm down for that. Sounds like a great place for Zak to unwind after his grocery shopping. As long as we're able to come back freely. :] Count me in.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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As long as we're able to come back freely.

You can't.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Inner Demon
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Inner Demon Summoned King

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@TheWindelAwe....well that's limiting....to say the least....
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Inner Demon
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Inner Demon Summoned King

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<Snipped quote by Inner Demon>

You can't.

@The 42nd GeckoSo then that's not really a break from the war so much as it's a total leave of absence.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

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<Snipped quote by TheWindel>

@The 42nd GeckoSo then that's not really a break from the war so much as it's a total leave of absence.

If you'd read you'd have seen that IC and OOC, yes.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I get the feeling that the Great Danger would a kind of terrible idea, given how, if it's threatening enough to challenge the Nexus' top tier fighters, like Juno, the majority of the player characters would go, "Alright, time to hide in the corner". Generally each time there's a boss fight only one or two character try and go for it, while everyone else cowers or runs away.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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@The 42nd Gecko

You're assuming Juno affiliates with the Nexus; which she doesn't. She's a Vassal.
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