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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 10 mos ago

War is a brutal affair. Death. So many other facets that inspire horror in man, but that alone is frequently enough. How many are the people and the things, the cultures, crushed beneath uncaring death in war? Yet War is also a romantic affair it seems, with glory and victory praised, tales of heroism told round every hearth.

What if the war didn't need Death? What if the warriors of this battle were so far beyond mortal ken, that death could not touch them. What if their skills surpassed the need for the numbers of armies, or the stone walls of cities, allowing the battles to happen far from the fragile things of mortals? Such are the skills of the Practitioners, wielders of Arete, Ki, and Mana. Their battles are wondrous and organized, honorable, and fair. The people may look on with wonder and amazement as dragons of water or one man made ten clash in the sky, without covering children's eyes or fleeing in terror.

Three houses fight with each other, not for dominance, but to prove their values are the truest road to enlightenment. The Thousandfold Golden Paths, masters of Arete, seek enlightenment through the pursuit of the most esoteric secrets of the universe that defy all logic. The Coiling Dragon Betwixt Heaven and Earth, masters of Ki, seek enlightenment through finding their place in the cycle of life to become one with all. The Omnimental Circle, masters of Mana, seek enlightenment through codifying complex laws of physics made simple and malleable. These three fight to prove the strength of their ideals. And in the ruins of the Precursors, they seek their destines. But all this without malice. Without death. Truly, it is an Enlightened War.

If one doesn't look very hard, that is.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Guidelines to the below information

I like my walls of text EXTRA THICC when it comes to setting info. It is totally understandable if that is not the case for you.

If you don't want to read the whole thing, I advise you to skim, read the summaries, and then only dig deeper into whatever subjects you feel interested in. Not every person knows everything about their whole world. I can be a member of the Coiling Dragon without having heard of the Crimson Veins, or knowing the exact ins and outs of how Mana users Flash Step. Read what you want to know, and you can learn more in game or as it strikes your interest. I don't expect everyone to be a master of the setting before you apply with a bio.


Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The Power System

Ki, inner power kung fu.
Arete, mystic movement wierd fu.
Mana, external power elemental magic.
Wushu, combined Ki-Arete.
Jutsu, combined Mana-Ki.
Bardic, combined Mana-Arete.
You can be a Arete-Mana user without being Bardic, or whatever, Wushu Jutsu and Bardic are just specific intentional combinations, but you can just cherry pick and learn seperate Arete and Mana techniques.
Flash Stepping, is not a get out of jail free card, but is still important.
Death Limit, last chance style, when hit with an attack, you drop to 1 HP regardless of the damage instead of dying.

Ki - Arete - Mana


Ki is the manipulation of internal energy and life force. It is known for straightforward and powerful techniques, and the only way to negate them is typically to meet power with power, until the Ki user runs out of Ki. Even then, Ki users are known for rapid recovery, quickly able to heal both physical and spiritual wounds in both themselves and other. Ki users often use this regeneration, as well as their mastery of the body, to train their physical aspects to extreme heights. Still, pure Ki users can frequently have difficulty with the scale of Mana abilities or the trickiness of Arete abilities.

Advantages: No common "anti-ki" abilities or situation in which Ki cannot be used other than lack of Ki. Recovery speed. Physical boosts. Straightforward powers.
Weaknesses: General lack of tricky abilities compared to the other styles if a pure Ki user. Ki is more limited in amount between itself and Mana.


Arete is the manipulation of the fundamental rules of reality through precise skill. The most esoteric of powers are Arete based, with the most complicated even their users not understanding how or why they work. But they simply perform with inexplicable skill, and the universe answers. Arete powers frequently have strange limitations and set ups that must be completed, but in return provide bizarre and inscrutable rewards. A key Arete limitation is that they have a foundation in precise motion. To walk the space between the real and unreal, ones steps must be immaculate. If one's feet are bound or injured, one could not, as a Ki user does, simply attempt to power through. An Arete user in such a situation would not even be able to attempt the technique. While Arete powers lack the reliability and straightforward power of Ki or the scale and versatility of Mana, Arete has no resource to draw on. As long as you can move, you can use Arete.

Advantages: No resource management. Meta-effect abilities. Option to gain power via balancing restriction with powers. Exceptionally tricky powers.
Weaknesses: Lack of pure straightforward power or elemental versatilty. Requires precise movement to use.


Mana is the manipulation of the external energies and elements of the world through practiced knowledge. The elements are diverse and have very different properties, some being as general as "Earth" and some being as specific as "Iron". While each different element may have weaknesses or areas it doesn't cover, most mana users can either focus so much on that element that they can overcome its limitations, or pick up another element to cover their bases. Mana uses up an external resource, so the wielder is not drained by drawing upon it, but as the environment's mana gets used up, the wielder has to draw it from further away, slowing their casting, or move to another environment. Mana users stockpile some mana inside their body, clothes, enchanted items, or a nimbus around themselves, to always have quick casting available, but need to refresh this mana by drawing it from the environment. One effect of this is that they may imbue their body with properties of the element they draw upon most heavily.

Advantages: Wide scale attacks, elemental diversity, elemental body, ability to pull energy from the environment to recover.
Weaknesses: Lots of Mages in the same area can weaken the local mana. Anti-magic is a thing.


Wushu is the most common combination of Ki and Arete, and it tends to result in a style that combines the strengths and weaknesses of the two styles, rather than attempting to cover the weaknesses with each others strengths. Wushu requires both incredibly precise motion as well as Ki, and frequently have strange limitations, and generally don’t have more impressive effects that overwhelming power. But in return, it provides power that is just stupidly strong. Many Ki users learn at least a few Wushu moves to gain “finishing moves”, as Wushu seems to be very easy for Ki users to learn. Some theorize this is because it leans a bit closer to the Ki side than the Arete side. Some use Wushu that are more esoteric though less powerful, and are theorized to lean more heavily on Arete principles, but it is still up for debate whether these will be called Wushu or deserve their own moniker.

Advantages: Easy for Ki users to learn, extremely powerful straightforward effects.
Disadvantages: See combined arete and ki disadvantages, other than “lack of pure straightforward power”.


Jutsu is the most common combination of Ki and Mana, combining their resource pools to create powerful and large scale effects. If you want to focus really hard, spend a bunch of energy, and cause a tsunami to rush forward with no other set up, Jutsu is your thing. Another noted strength of Jutsu is “summoning” type of moves, where you create an elemental body with mana, and then imbue it with temporary life via a circulation of ki.

Advantages: Combining the scale of Mana with the simplistic power of ki. Summoning techniques.
Weaknesses: Drawing from both pools of power can leave you exhausted and optionless very quickly after just a few big moves.


Bardic is the most common combination of Arete and Mana, which exchanges the personal motion of Arete, for sound that reaches out to environment. Rather than Mana users, which typically gather mana close to themselves to cast faster, Bardic users are fine with casting slower spells to have an incredible reach and efficient effect. Bardic spells most often have a little bit of Arete esotery in them, more often drawing on things correlated with an element rather than just throwing a bunch of rock at an enemy, but they can still do that too.

Advantages: Enormous scale, anywhere the user's voice can reach, low energy drain.
Weaknesses: Slow casting, being unable to talk

Common techniques

Flash Step

A very common technique due to its versatility. There is almost nothing in this world that can hurt you if you aren’t there when it tries to hit you. And simultaneously, it’s very hard to hurt opponents that you can’t reach. Also, going from one place to another is nice. It’s also incredibly useful for fighting multiple opponents, because by simply flash stepping away from a fight with multiple opponents, each individual opponent has to flash step to keep up the pressure, meaning you get to drain each individual enemy’s resources. A single master attacked by a hundred students, can simply flash step away until they are exhausted or have to give up the chase. This fact is a heavy reason why there is so much emphasis in the world on one on one, or at least, a few on a few fights. Because of its extreme utility, each style of progression has mastered a variety of flash stepping techniques. That said, it does have its limitations, and intricacies depending on what type of flash step.

General Limitations:
You have to designate a “landing point” before executing the flash step. Because flash stepping isn’t instant, if your enemy predicts it, they can gain the upper hand.
There is both a wind up and cool down to flash stepping. Attempting to flash step with a blade against your neck will generally not work.
It’s exhausting. Even the resourceless Arete users can’t use it too many times in a row for the strain it puts directly on the body.
Limited range.

Arete flash stepping frequently allows you to pass through things, making it incredible at dodging ranged attacks and escaping AoE attacks, but also doesn't actually make you that much faster, meaning if the enemy predicts your landing spot, they can set up for you. This can also occasionally be an advantage, as some advanced Arete users can use that time to prepare techniques while they are safely phasing through reality or something. Of course, with Arete, you can never be 100% sure how it’ll work, and some Arete techniques turn these rules entirely on their head, though, of course, with their own counterbalances. As usual, it requires very precise footing, meaning it might not be usable on unsteady ground or if your opponent was in melee pressuring you.

Mana flash stepping frequently allows you to bring along rider effects, that powerfully change the environment around you. A basic and common example would be leaving behind a trail of scorching flames. They’re also frequently quite fast, rivalling or sometimes even exceeding Ki users, if they travel along a path the mana user has already “prepared” in advance. Air and Earth type mana users are renowned for how very easy it is to “prepare”, as their elements are already pretty much everywhere. Mana flash stepping has the big disadvantage however of the greatest launch time of any flash stepping technique, making it harder to dodge attacks with a Mana flash step, as the timing might require you to predict the attack in advance to have enough time to cast.

Ki flash stepping frequently is the easiest to use, with no frills. You move quickly, and with relatively little charge up or down time. A “advanced” technique that is still painfully simple is to siphon some of the momentum of one’s flash step into a superpowerful strike at the end of the flash step. And as simple as that is, it’s still a very effective technique. Ki flash stepping is often thought of as the most potent, or at least, easy for beginners to master, as the idea of moving one's body quickly is pretty core to Ki’s things they’re good at, that of physical enhancement. Many otherwise pure Arete or Mana users dip into Ki just for a basic level of physical enhancement and the flash step, as it’s easy, and it works, and you often don’t want to have to do a bunch of tough thinking while you’re panicking because a meteor is being aimed at you. That said, such vigorous burst of power is very heavy on the ki consumption, which hurts when you’ve already got the smallest resource pool.

Death Limits

It is almost impossible to accidentally kill a mature style user. Each style has techniques, that upon the verge of death, halts the oncoming death, though, usually, at some great opportunity cost. Such techniques are generally called Death Limits. Or, OOC wise, unless someone defeats you, and then decides to finish you off, you do not die. However, murder between the factions is extremely frowned upon, so don't do that unless you wish to make an enemy of everyone. That said, the extreme power of some more advanced techniques in this area means those who are absolutely determined to achieve victory, will fight beyond the safety belt of their Death Limit, tapping into the power released on the verge of defeat. To kill someone using their Death Limit offensively is regrettable to extinguish such a vibrant soul, but understandable.

Ki- Soul Renewal: The most basic of Ki style recovery methods involves a complete cycling of the user's ki, which purges violently out of their bodies, creating a neutral zone around their bodies, before returning to the user, staunching all wounds, but embedding itself so deeply that the Ki user can no longer tap into their power. More advanced techniques often, while still usually barring the Ki user their projection type abilities, enhance the user's physical status even further than the extreme heights Ki style is already known for.

Mana- Elemental Union: The most basic of mana style recovery methods involves turning one’s body into the mana of the type one is most comfortable with, generally freezing into pose as a “statue” of the element. More advanced techniques allow the user to continue casting, with extreme speed due to their connection to the element, but they lose the ability to use other elements than their primary, and each spell cast weakens their body as they are unable to separate their body from the environmental mana they manipulate to cast with normally.

Arete- Rejection of Entropy: The most basic of arete style recovery methods involves starting the day with a specific ritual, that, if within the next 24 hours they would be critically, freezes the user into a specific pose until that 24 hours is up, but prevents them from being wounded at all. More advanced techniques allow the user to only freeze parts of their body, usually a single arm. One noted feature of how that works, is if the user times it appropriately, they might be able to negate a critical wound, and then continue fighting with absolutely no downside unlike the other death limits. But without their death limit prepared (as it takes an impractical amount of time to perform the Rejection of Entropy ritual), the next critical wound may kill them if they get overconfident.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The Houses

Coiling Dragon: Yoga Instructors
Golden Paths: Conspiracy Theorists
Omnimental Circle: Science Nerds

Coiling Dragon betwixt Heaven and Earth

The Primary House of the Ki style of progression holds that enlightenment is achievable by living life to its fullest, healing the world and the balance of life. They believe it is not some secret surpassing mundane knowledge, or subjugation of the laws of nature and magic that provides and proves true strength, but of allowing oneself to become part of the cycle of life, that state between Heaven and Earth. Though what exactly any of that MEANS is a hotly contested subject between Coiling Dragons.

Primary Unique Income: Healing and Ki flow. If you don’t have health, you don’t have anything, it is said by some. And humanoids are not the only things that have health. Beasts, homes, and the very land itself can all be improved, when a skilled user of Ki style manages and circulates their ki properly. However, many among the Coiling Dragon feel that many of those who need this most cannot afford to pay.

Thus there are those among the Ki style who pander to rich clients, those who can afford to pay caravans of gold for perfect health and extended life, or occasionally even strong heirs. While often an undesirable position (though there are notable exceptions to this belief in the Jade River subfaction), those who take up such a duty are thanked for how they allow other Coiling Dragon users to provide their services for free to the sick and hungry or refine their ki in solemn meditation without want for earthly needs.


Jade River believes that the cycle of life is not necessarily a kind and gentle thing full of peace and asceticism. They maintain that life is found in the hustle and bustle and the great struggle of every member of the throng to rise above it. Competition brings out the best in those who participate in it. For the plant eaten by the insect, eaten by the bird, eaten by the beast, who in turn feeds again the plant, brings forth the strongest in life of all of its participants. Detractors of the Jade River maintain that all that poetry about competition is an excuse to lord their strength over commons or overindulge in wealth and luxury. But the Jade River’s rebuttal is to be the most fiscally generous of the Coiling Dragon. If they were simply greedy, why would they share their wealth with the rest of the Coiling Dragon? Jade River is generally composed of a mix of Jutsu, Wushu, and pure Ki users.

Echoing Song believes that though the great cycle of life continues ever on with different faces, the stories of heroes and villains to inspire their spiritual progeny through their tale transcends Samsara. They maintain that the most important factor of joining the cycle of life and living it to its fullest is to pass a tale down through the future that affects the hearts and lives of those that hear it for the better. Detractors of the Echoing Song maintain that all the Echoing Song do is worry about what everyone thinks about them, and that it is thus more important to the Echoing Song that their tale be dramatic than true. But the Echoing Song’s rebuttal is that they frequently spend their time spreading the tales and legends of others, of their fellow Coiling Dragons, believing that the lives of such true heroes deserve to be lived more than just once. Echoing Song is, unsurprisingly, mostly Bardic users, though there are also a decent amount of pure Arete users.

Thousandfold Golden Paths

The Primary House of the Arete style of progression holds that enlightenment is achievable by sublime skill above all else, reaching for the transcendent secret rules of the universe. They believe that achieving enlightenment is a singular endeavor, not related to any understandable thing. The understanding of the universe unlocks greater and greater mysteries, and it is held by the Golden Paths that this is not a problem that can be solved to the level of the common man, but that the common man must elevate himself to understand. How this step be taken is where things get a bit tricky, and no-one yet knows.

Primary Income: Training. Perhaps it is is some celestial irony that those who most deeply espouse the value of secrecy, individual research, and transcendent genius, are those most skilled at teaching others. But the Arete style is the pursuit of mastery and skill above all else, and its wielders have access to a type of techniques called Methods, that allow the training of dozens to hundreds of pupils in a complex subject in a matter of weeks.

A militia can be turned into an elite force of commandos wielding the greatest skill accessible to non-practitioners. A desperate guild of weavers barely making enough to eat can be transformed into a national treasure. While each individual Arete user can generally only teach one or a handful of things, there’s almost always some Arete user somewhere that can teach you what you need. The only difficulty is finding them, and that’s where the Thousandfold Golden Paths takes its cut, a finders fee for connecting you with the right Arete user.


Thousandfold Ascendant Knot believes that all the other styles of progression are simply misunderstood and categorized Arete disciplines. They maintain that the mana and ki resources are simply the limitations for those branches of Arete techniques, and that to truly master Arete, one must master ALL off what the others consider styles. Detractors of the Ascendant Knot maintain that they’re fucking idiots for thinking that Mana and Ki are part of Arete. But the Ascendant Knot’s rebuttal is that nobody else has the balls to try to learn EVERYTHING. The Ascendant Knot naturally has a lot of people who are mastering all sorts of things and still call themselves Arete users. It also holds many who do not believe the key tenant that Ki and Mana are part of Arete, but that the sublime step of understanding needed to achieve enlightenment is to understand everything. If it turns out that the Ascendant Knot's key principle is right, there will be a LOT of stunned people.

Thousandfold Crimson Veins believes that the mind and body are inextricably linked on the path to enlightenment. They maintain that these two aspects of the individual must be in perfect harmony to achieve the true sublime skill that followers of the Thousandfold styles seek. They seek out combat not just to prove their progress towards enlightenment, but to achieve it. Detractors of the Crimson Veins maintain that they’re just obsessed with playing with their swords rather than actually seeking enlightenment. But the Crimson Vein’s rebuttal is that “Hey, aren’t all you guys fighting maniacs too? We’re just more honest about it.” The Crimson Veins has many Perfection Discipline Arete users, as well as Ki users, Wushu users, and many of those Ki or Wushu users who also use the Perfection Discipline. There’s also a decent number of Sacrifice Discipline users.

Omnimental Circle

The Primary House of the Mana style of progression holds that enlightenment is achievable by making the complex simple, bringing the secrets of the universe to plain sight for all to see. They believe that achieving enlightenment is not some personal pursuit, but the duty of all mankind to reach for as a whole. True comprehension is when you understand something enough to break it down into simple parts and explain it clearly. But what the simple parts are and how mankind should be made to see, is another matter entirely

Primary Income: Industry. While a Ki user can make a farm grow lushly, and an Arete user can train a perfect farmer, a Mana user can enchant a plow to till ten fields as easily as a normal plow would till one. Enchanted items are the purview of Mana. No mere item can perform Arete, or master its internal Ki, but it can be enchanted with how to draw upon mana to perform a simple task. While for something like the farming example above, the Ki user and the Arete user might be better or more efficient, if say, you want a pump that pumps itself, no amount of perfect skill or internal refinement can give that pump its own motive force.

That is to say nothing of the desire for enchanted weapons and armor, which is a whole another market entirely. While Arete and Ki both have their way of making supernal weapon and armor, neither one can make their weapon shoot lightning without the wielder performing some technique. While it might be thought of as a good idea to hoard enchanted weapons to themselves, it must still be noted that there are some Mana users with the Golden Paths and Coiling Dragons, and making oneself as the bad guy in a three way war is a decidedly bad idea. Thus, the Omnimental Circle sells weapons to even those they fight with.


Spiral Tower believes that the only way for the common people to see the power of Mana as ascendant and come to learn, is to literally make them able to see. They maintain that Omnimental Circle must build a massive tower that draws in Mana does something absolutely amazing with it. Detractors of the Spiral Tower maintain that that sort of concept goes against the key concepts of mana (environmental exhaustion) and that the Spiral Tower has no clue what they actually want the tower to do. But the Spiral Tower’s rebuttal is that that to overcome the limitations of their style would be in a way its own enlightenment. And they’ll figure out what they want to do with their unlimited power later. The Spiral Tower is mostly Mana or Jutsu users, though it has a fair portion of bardics too, who think maybe their songs can help alleviate the problem of environmental exhaustion.

Helix Foci believes that when mankind must be enlightened as a whole, mankind means those who are worthy. They maintain that those who do not learn and seek knowledge do not deserve to reap its rewards. While efforts must be made to make learning available, should the commons wish to better themselves, it need not be idly thrown at them like pearls before swine. Detractors of the Helix Foci consider them snobby elitists who just want to reside in a massive circle jerk. But the Helix Foci’s rebuttal is “Have you ever seen a large group of people? Collectively, mankind is DUMB.” Helix Foci is composed mostly of Arete and Mana dual style users, but there’s also a number of Wushu users.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Promise, Rule, and Guidelines

1. I can't agree I'll agree with you, but I'll talk.
2. If you can't settle a fight between yourselves, I'll roll a biased die.
3. Just because you post that something happened, doesn't mean someone couldn't interrupt before that happened.
4. We're going to start with a event battle, but after that, let me know when you want events.

1. If I accept you into the roleplay, I promise not to shut you down over a decision of “I don’t like X power” or “I think X is broken”, whether it’s my opinion or between players. HOWEVER, I do reserve the right to ask for a 24 hour recess in such things between posts if I don’t feel the issue is going anywhere or I need to cool down. Let’s do whatever we need to do to be civil about things. I can’t promise we will never get in an argument, but if we do, I’d like neither of us to walk away with hard feelings. If you’re not accepted, however, and you can’t convince me to accept your character, you get no such promise.
2. If the players cannot agree who wins between them, I will decide it via weighted probability. If I think X character has a decent upper hand, but not a sure deal, I may roll a d6 and give X character the victory on a 3 or higher. It is then the player’s responsibility to end the fight with that result. The participants in a fight may also agree on some other neutral party to decide things such for themselves if they both agree to it.
3. Timelapsing is a thing, except for timelapsing flourishes. What are timelapsing and flourishes? Timelapsing is when you respond to “Alright, I start casting my mega-death-laser, charging up to full power over fifteen seconds, and then unleashing it!” with “I throw a flurry of shurikens at you.” Throwing a few shurikens is a hell of a lot faster than fifteen seconds, so if you throw a shuriken at someone charging his death laser, he has to either choose between taking a whole bunch of shurikens to the face, or cancelling his death laser to do something else, like dodge or block. What are flourishes? Things that just add style to the fight. The most common example is talking. If someone posts “You will face my justice!” Before they launch a punch, you don’t get to say “Well, during the time you were saying that before punching, I walked away.” Talking is a free action, and if everyone is afraid to give badass taunts, the fighting will be less fun.
4. I intend to start off with an introductory "Precursor Ruin" battle, but if after that, people wander around the landscape having superpower kung fu battles with each other on their own time to prove the validity of their beliefs, no real reason for me to intervene until we need something to fight over again. Therefore, when people are getting bored, let me know, and I’ll put up the next battle. Once half the players or more have raised a “I want a group event”, I’ll start a couple of days countdown to the next one, depending on my preparations, and how strong the majority is.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Misc Setting Information will go here.

Dominated by Fantasy China, except instead of having Fantasy Europe be far away, it's slapped right up close next to the Turks and Mongols, yet somehow retained its own independent culture.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 10 mos ago

1. Are subfactions all of a faction? No, they're just examples of some subgroups that might arise. You can make your own. You can ask to lead a subfaction.
2. Can I lead a faction? If you can earn some support, you can challenge your faction leader to a duel for control of the faction. Whether that has to be NPC or PC support depends on how many players we get.
3. Do Arete techniques, specifically Meta Discipline, mean everyone knows they're characters in a roleplay. No. From an in character perspective, they do things they know get results without knowing the why or how most of the time.
4. Is that the big secret to enlightenment, figuring that out? No. If we ever get to the point where people are truly enlightened, fuck if I know what true enlightenment is. I'm going to say "precurser fluffery, you win!" and run away.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Eh, let's go for 10 for round numbers.
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 10 mos ago


And on the Seventh Day, I finished, apart from the Faction Leaders.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 3 days ago

You know my character concept already, Gecko, but I'll wait to write him up until you've finalised all the content for the game.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@BCTheEntity You're good to apply. Most everything set in absolute stone is posted (other than the remaining two faction leaders). Any other details will move around to suit the players, not the other way around.

I hope there's already enough for the players to latch onto with the power system and the Houses and their subfactions.

For example, if someone was like "I wanna be catperson!" I'd be like "Eh, does anyone mind? I suppose we could chalk it up to crazy Mana user who tried to use a 'cat' element."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 3 days ago

@The 42nd Gecko Cool. In that case, I'll just leave this here.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Color me interested, though I'm not sure if it's enough to join just yet.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Color me interested, though I'm not sure if it's enough to join just yet.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@Old Amsterdam Fair enough.
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@The 42nd Gecko
Perhaps after a few CSs I'll see how it's feeling?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 3 days ago

@The 42nd Gecko So, uh, would you say Kiyoshi's all good now?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Looks like it, but without anyone to compare or fight against, well, not all that much point.
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