Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pirate
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A new continent awaits your people. Who are your people and where upon the new continent did your new lives begin?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Chenzor
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We are the Orcs of the Howling Blade Clan. We are mighty warriors, rallied together under a single Clan to flee our former homeland and make a new home for ourselves without the rivers of blood and genocide that haunts us. Hopefully here, our enemies will no longer find us.

Our blades are sharp and our determination overflowing. We will conquer this new land for ourselves, so that we may finally find our place in this world.

We are the Howlblade Orcs.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Pirate
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It would seem luck, the gods, spirits, or whomever you would credit was on your people's side. You landed unmolested on a land seemingly unexploited. Following a small river inland you soon found a good place to settle. The climate was warm but comfortable and the lake and rivers offered water and kept the earth from drying up. Around you there was ample forest, ready to provide you with ample lumber as well as familiar game to hunt. This land was yours to do with as you pleased.

A) Improve food
B) Improve military technology
C) Improve infrastructure
D) Improve culture
E) Explore
F) Improve resources/technology
G) Prospect the land
H) Expand military
I) Take diplomatic action
X) Other

Population: 110 men, 110 women, 30 children.
Military: No standing military. Militia able to be conscripted up to 60% of adult population. (Higher than most races due to being savage orcs).
Food level: Low
Resources: Requires prospection and industry.
Wealth: Nonexistant
Trade: Nonexistant
Growth: Average
Morale: Indifferent
Foreign relations: You do not know any other civilizations.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Chenzor
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The Spirits of our ancestors had led us here to start anew, no doubt. Goragh, the acting chieftain, is aging by the day but his wisdom seem infinite. He gathers his captains around him and delegates work to them. Zarya is to lead a band of hunters into the wilds to search for game to feed the tribe. Moragh, Goragh's own son, is tasked with travelling to the north side of the forest to harvest lumber with a band of men and women. Finally, he charges Tuskor with overseeing the scouts. He is to send out scouts into every corner of this new land, to see where it ends, continues, or where the orcs might find new resources. Also, are they alone here?

As the tasks are delegated, Goragh convenes with the shamans and elders to start debating what next to do with the Clan's future.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pirate
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The hunters went west, felling deer and even a bear, bringing back needed food for the clan and offering a welcome chance for the hunters to hone their skills in warfare. The orcs begin to cut down the woods without incident, the steady stream of lumber coming back is turned into shelter, though for now it amounts to little more than hovels. Tuskor organises 2 main parties of scouts, taking separate ways from the hunters and woodcutters one party follows the river south while the other goes east, back in the direction they came from to see what the plains have to offer.

[Scouting results in 1 turn]

A) Improve food
B) Improve military technology
C) Improve infrastructure
D) Improve culture
E) Explore
F) Improve resources/technology
G) Prospect the land
H) Expand military
I) Take diplomatic action
X) Other

Population: 112 men, 112 women, 34 children.
Military: No standing military. Militia able to be conscripted up to 60% of adult population. (Higher than most races due to being savage orcs).
Food level: Below average
Resources: Some lumber
Wealth: Non-existent
Trade: Non-existent
Growth: Average
Morale: Indifferent
Foreign relations: You do not know any other civilizations.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Chenzor
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While the hunters and scouts are gone, the rest of the orcs are no less busy. Goragh orders a storehouse to be built, where supplies can be stored in the future. With the workforce he has left, he gathers some of the former farmers and breeders and expresses his wishes for farmlands to be cultivated and swinefarms built.
For the good of the clan, everyone agrees that sustainable foodsources must be created, but some orcs are less happy about being farmers - something considered the lowest of tasks for a warrior-society such as themselves. Goragh hadn't united seven clans for nothing however, and he swiftly brushed these complaints aside, stating if they are to survive in this new land, they needed not just strong warriors but skilled farmfolk. He made it sound like a more honorable work than it actually was, but the younger clansmen were nonetheless convinced.

Now, they need only wait for results.
... And the scouting party.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Pirate
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The storehouse was duly constructed, though at the moment they really lacked a surplus to store, leaving it mostly empty. The land receptive to their work and soon much of their surrounding territory had been turned into farmland, though it would take a while before these efforts bore fruits. The swineherds got to work, they took the pigs grazing among the woodsmen where the pigs feasted in delight upon mushrooms and other low vegetation, growing plump and fat. The swinefarms were soon built and the swine prospered.

Tuskor returned to Goragh with important news. Following the river south they eventually came upon a hilly landscape. Upon one of the hills they spotted a watch tower and luckily it seemed they were not spotted in kind. Fortunately, the natural colors of the greenskins makes for natural camouflage and among the hills it was easy to hide. The party had continued forward, avoiding the tower to scout further ahead and perhaps learn who built it. When they reached beyond the hills and into the river valley they noticed a small village and spotted its inhabitants. They were dwarves, small and bearded creatures of the earth. Their village however was a sad sight and not what one would expect from one of the world's most famed races of craftsmen. The houses were ramshackle, built without much care or passion. They had also spotted pigs and it was the scouts' best guess that they slept together with the dwarves in their homes. The only notable building was the blacksmith in the centre of the main village. Tuskor made note that there were warriors among the dwarfs, who carried crossbows and wore what, at a distance, appeared to be mail armor. Their homes were spread among the valleys in the hills and Tuskor guessed that their total number was significantly lesser than the orcs' own.

The other party had yet to return from the east. Even waiting a couple of days they still did not arrive, which might concern Tuskor who had given them instructions that should have lead them to return home at about the same time.

Population: 114 men, 114 women, 37 children.
Military: No standing military. Militia able to be conscripted up to 60% of adult population. (Higher than most races due to being savage orcs).
Food level: Below average, growing rapidly
Resources: Some lumber
Wealth: Non-existent
Trade: Non-existent
Growth: Average
Morale: Optimistic
Foreign relations:
Dwarves - No contact
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Chenzor
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Only one of the two scouting parties have returned. While the elders deliberated on what to make of the dwarves to the south, Tuskor worried about his second party. He interrupted the debate.
- "Elders. I must speak."
At first, the small 'council' looked upon the rude younger orc that had interrupted them, but after seeing the dire look on his face, the allowed him to speak. Goragh waved him forth.
- "My second scouting party has yet to return. I want to go find them."
- "They are scouts, they will return shortly I am sure." said one elder.
- "No, my guts tell me they won't. I must go after them."
The elder grunted.
- "What a foolish venture. I will not send another scouting party only to find the first."
- "Then I will go alone."
The council was sent into deliberation for a short moment, mumbling to each other. Finally, Goragh raised his hand to signal silence.
- "You will go alone then. It is decided. You find them and you bring them home if they have completed their task, if not, you will return in shame. Wether or not you still want to do this is up to you."
Tuskor swallowed a lump in his throat, but he was determined to retain his honor and prove the elders right.
- "So be it." he said, and left.

While Tuskor was gone, the elders finally settled with an action. They were to keep an eye on the dwarves while looking to their own.

G) Look for resources nearby.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Pirate
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Searching around their territory, the orcs found little resources of immediate value, it seemed this area's greatest richest were in the natural - good earth, good hunting, good forest. Until one of them made a notable find. Following the river up north into the forest, the land turned wetter and in the swamps she found something great: iron. It was bog iron, low in quality and quantity, but iron all the same.

Tuskor crossed the river east and went out alone into the unknown. As before, there was nothing, no trace, for miles. Until suddenly he noticed trampled ground of volume that must have been produced by a large party carrying heavy loads. Before he could think any further, he was interrupted by a sudden pain as his head twisted to the side. A javelin had passed just by his head, ripping off half his ear and planting itself into the ground in front of him. Turning around and looking for the attacker, he saw a being with a body that resembled a human's, but it was taller and its skin was metallic copper, its face was utterly alien and from its head protruded two long horns. It stood with a long spear in one hand and with the other it produced another javelin from its belt. It shouted, but the words Tuskor could not understand..

Population: 118 men, 118 women, 40 children.
Military: No standing military. Militia able to be conscripted up to 60% of adult population. (Higher than most races due to being savage orcs).
Food level: Average, growing
Resources: Lumber, some bog iron
Wealth: Non-existent
Trade: Non-existent
Growth: Above Average
Morale: Optimistic
Foreign relations:
Dwarves - No contact
Horned Strangers - Hostile
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Chenzor
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Fight or flight! Tuskor roared his challange in return, knowing he may never return home but nevertheless wanting to release his rage at this sudden aggressor. He wouldn't take his life without paying dearly for it, he thought. With his own spear he charged, and wether or not he even made it there or was hit by a javelin would be revealed within the next dire few moments.

With the bog iron found, new weapons and tools had to be created back home. With it they could eventually empower their other productions that were yet to be created.

(What the hell to do?)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pirate
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Victory or death! The powerful orc charged across the field. The javelin flew and hit true, planting itself in the orc's chest. But Tuskor staggered for only a moment before the charge continued. Surprised by the speed and tenacity, the stranger fumbled and was unable to brace his spear properly as his opponent closed in. The spear merely grazed the orc's side as he smashed into the stranger, impaling him on his own spear. For all the shine of his skin, his flesh was as weak any other and with his heart pierced, he collapsed before the orc. Blood filled Tuskor's lungs and as his life quickly faded he saw other men approaching in the distance.


Two smiths, Darog and Raznok, came before the acting chieftain with an argument. They were united on one stance; their supply of iron was too limited to suit all the needs of the clan and something had to be prioritised. Raznok argued "We are born warriors and in this land there are already battles to be fought. To the south there are dwarves whose intentions we do not know, to the east our scouts have disappeared and what threats lie beyond the forest we do not yet know. We must forge weapons to defend ourselves and avenge our fallen brothers should we need to." Darog disagreed "It is hasty to devote ourselves to weaponsmithing when we do not yet know of any real threat. Trusting the words of the scouts, the dwarfs to our south are no great threat and for all we know the scouts to the east are on their way back as we speak. Our priority must be new tools, to hasten our felling of the forest and the building of our new home. Rather than insult our legacy by giving our warriors weapons made of cheap iron, we can build palisades to strengthen ourselves against all possible threats."

1) Devote the iron to new woodworking and cutting tools.
2) Devote the iron to the making of weapons
3) Acting Chieftain Garogh thinks of a better idea

While the smiths get to work, there is room for other activities.

A) Improve food
B) Improve military technology
C) Improve infrastructure
D) Improve culture
E) Explore
F) Improve resources/technology
G) Prospect the land
H) Expand military
I) Take diplomatic action
X) Other

Population: 120 men, 120 women, 40 children.
Military: No standing military. Militia able to be conscripted up to 60% of adult population. (Higher than most races due to being savage orcs).
Food level: Average, growing
Resources: Lumber, some bog iron
Wealth: Non-existent
Trade: Non-existent
Growth: Above Average
Morale: Optimistic
Foreign relations:
Dwarves - No contact
Horned Strangers - Hostile
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Chenzor
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The decision was clear. While the clan are proud warriors, it does not overgo their need to survive and adapt. With better tools would come better technology, more resources and a more secured future.

"We may be warriors, Raznok, but first we are Orcs. There will be time for battle later - and plenty of it - but first we must secure a future for ourselves. Darog, I grant you the resources you need to see the clan supplied with better tools."


While Orcs aren't best known for their farming capabilities, they are skilled herders and tamers of beasts. Some animalherders are sent out into the nearby lands to find a breed of animal or several to be bred as livestock.

(A - improve food)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pirate
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Among the mountains to the north, the orcs found wild goats who were soon wrestled into submission and brought back as new farm animals. Like the pigs they could be slaughtered for meat, but they are also good for fibers and milk. With new tools in their hands and plentiful access to lumber, the settlement was quickly starting to resemble a real orcish village and the great storehouse they had built began to fill with dried meats and other goods.

One of the woodcutters came hurriedly to the chieftain. He had walked along the river on his way north when he saw something strange on the other side. Five skulls had been impaled on sticks and placed surrounding a pelt. When he swam over, he was disturbed to discover that the skulls had all belonged to orcs and the pelt was actually the skin of an orc. He had seen nothing else out of the ordinary, no movement or anything, and come back immediately.

One who knew him intimately might recognise the skin to have been that of Tuskor.

A) Improve food
B) Improve military technology
C) Improve infrastructure
D) Improve culture
E) Explore
F) Improve resources/technology
G) Prospect the land
H) Expand military
I) Take diplomatic action
X) Other

Population: 125 men, 125 women, 45 children.
Military: No standing military. Militia able to be conscripted up to 60% of adult population. (Higher than most races due to being savage orcs).
Food level: Above Average
Resources: Lumber, some bog iron
Wealth: Non-existent
Trade: Non-existent
Growth: Good
Morale: Optimistic
Foreign relations:
Dwarves - No contact
Horned Strangers - Hostile
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Chenzor
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Barely had the new tools been put to use when the sign of enemies showed on the riverbank. Tuskor's family that was left behind swore a bloodoath of revenge, and tensions in the village escalated rapidly. Before long, Raznok came back to demand to see the cheiftain. He had a dozen other orcs with him, and they were all angry.
"I told you we should have made weapons, Garogh! Bloodthirsty savages lurk to the east, and we have no idea who they are! We must arm ourselves and exact out vengeance upon them!" he roared almost the instant her barged into the cheiftain's tent. Garogh was sitting down, surrounded by a war council. They all glared angrily at Raznok, and the moment he finished his last sentence he realized his shame.
"How dare you, whelp--" started one of the veteran warriors, but Garogh stopped him.
"Your passions are understandable, Raznok, and perhaps you were right. Or rather, perhaps you think you were right. Still, I disagree." said Garogh, and rose to his feet with the help of his walking stick. In his youth he had been a mighty and cunning warrior, but now age had taken its toll on him.
Raznok opened his mouth to speak, but the glares from the other present orcs seemed to silence him.
"You would have us march off into unknown lands and wage war, would you? You may be a competent smith, but you are indeed a fool."

Later, the cheiftain adressed the clan. With the new iron tools, lumber would be acquired at an increased rate. With this new quantity of the resource, the Orcs would construct a watch tower on their side of the river bank. That way if they were attacked, they would have ample warning of any encroaching enemies.
Garogh promised his people, this transgression would not go unpunished, but he would not send more Orcs to waste their lives in the east. When the resources became available to them, new weapons would be made. Perhaps then this new enemy could be fought.

C) Construct watch tower at our side of the river.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pirate
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The orcs grumbled, but they trusted the wisdom of their chieftain. The tower was soon erected and the river as well as the plains beyond were soon watched day and night. Over the flat landscape no one would be able to approach or repeat the earlier insult unnoticed, except in the darkest night or through the thick forests to the north.

A) Improve food
B) Improve military technology
C) Improve infrastructure
D) Improve culture
E) Explore
F) Improve resources/technology
G) Prospect the land
H) Expand military
I) Take diplomatic action
X) Other

Population: 130 men, 130 women, 50 children.
Military: No standing military. Militia able to be conscripted up to 60% of adult population. (Higher than most races due to being savage orcs).
Food level: Above Average
Resources: Lumber, some bog iron
Wealth: Non-existent
Trade: Non-existent
Growth: Good
Morale: Angry at foreigners
Infrastructure: Eastern watch tower, storehouse
Foreign relations:
Dwarves - No contact
Horned Strangers - Hostile
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