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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by ScoundrelQueen
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ScoundrelQueen The Bitchy

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I have no clue why this hider specifically is awful but hey.

Full Name: Doctor Mina Louise Aldridge

Nicknames/Aliases: Doc, The Good Doctor

Age: 31

Gender: Female

Gift: Fine bioelectrical manipulation/suspension (Control over the micro-level electrical impulses in living things, able to be used for slowing bodily function to a "suspended animation" state, and stopping and starting the heart and other organs)

Loyalty: Wanderer (formerly Erubescan)

Description: 6’0”, with a lean-muscled figure and tawny skin. She has toffee-brown eyes and gentle, graceful facial features, framed by extremely long and often untamed natural hair. Her hair is typically tied back at her neck, but still difficult to keep a handle on. 

She most often wears a T-shirt, running shoes, and Erubescan military-issued pants. Hailing from the territory formerly known as Georgia, Mina speaks with a thick Southern accent.

Personality: Calm and collected, with a natural desire to nurture and care for others. She has no tolerance for nonsense, however, and it would be amiss to take her kindness for weakness. Also may fight you over your (wrong) opinion on sweet tea.

Skills: Medical doctor specializing in trauma care and field surgery, Erubescan schooling, basic military training, skilled markswoman.
Weaknesses: Gift requiring physical contact, strong moral code, severe post-traumatic stress disorder, which makes her prone to flashbacks and impulsive behavior during stressful combat.

Brief History: Born in the Erubescan agricultural district formerly known as Georgia, Mina was raised by her father and grandparents while her mother served as a medical officer in the war. Her family owned a small aquaponics farm, breeding both food fish and a crop of greens, as well as sturgeon for caviar. At the age of twelve, she was selected for her aptitude in the sciences and brought to the Citadel on a scholarship for schooling. Mina moved into Citadel city and lived with a host family (the Sterlings) from then on, partaking in an accelerated medical schooling track. She graduated as an M.D. at 25 and was promptly assigned to a military regiment as a front line doctor. She quickly found the work to be less noble than she had hoped for, and defected mid-mission after serving over four years on the front lines. Her life in the aftermath consisted of wandering the Wasteland with her stolen medical kit, tending to refugees and the factionless, and raiding bunkers and abandoned settlements for further supplies.

She ran across the Wanderers several months ago, and was accepted into their group after her quick thinking and medical training saved Rei from life-threatening injuries that would not respond to gift-healing. While her positive demeanor won her favor among most of the group, her behavior during a recent attack left several wondering about the real nature of the good doctor’s past.

She is close to many members of the little "family," and has taken up a semi-romantic relationship with Dutch Dalton, though she'll deny it when asked. She vouched for Larke's medical training and argued in favor of his life when he was captured, but has avoided interaction with the prisoners, as well as the subject of interrogation.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hyro
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by A Lowly Wretch
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A Lowly Wretch The Listless Loiterer

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Arya10108909
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Arya10108909 The Fantasy Queen

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Wrong place. Sorry!
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BespeckledCeph
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BespeckledCeph Your Friendly Neighborhood Mr. Danklage Spanklage

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Ryik Wandering Phantasm

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Arya10108909 The Fantasy Queen

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hagroden Atomic Angel

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knifeman gender: cryptid

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LorelleQuips aka LadyCthulhu

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The Jest Professional Nice Guy

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