Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago

Clan Metalbeard


  • C- Improve Infrastructure
  • G - Prospect the land

While Ava and others worked on their farming situation, others had a better idea of keeping their food stock consistent in a more dwarven manner. Blackhand and few other skilled miners planned a way to properly keep stock of their food, discussing amongst one another of how and where they should do this. Then the time came, time for the clan to raise their picks once more and delve into the deep, Yet they still did not know exactly where.

“We should do it below the living area! That ways we will definitely know where it is,” one stated in a booming voice.

“No, that would let our waste get to it and ruin it! I say we dig it out next to the farms!”

“Thieves and rats will get to it then!,” another rang.

It did not take long for them to descend into arguments once more, shouting and bellyaching about where to start. If it were to continue then they would eventually start fighting one another, and unfortunately, Blackhand had no true power to stop it for he was stuck by the council and he held the plans in his head. Fortunately a wizened voice was there to stop them.

“Brothers, sisters, if I may,” stayed the old voice of Marum, no one payed attention, their shouting was too much. Annoyance spurred in the old man, he sighed before he thrice slammed his metal staff into the ground and with a voice louder than that of even thunder, “Enough raging you petty dwarves!,” he began their arguments stopping and everyone looking upon the old man.

“It matters not where you do this! You all simply must come together! Feel what each other is feeling, allow your thoughts to combine rather than to conflict,” Marum went on, looking upon them all as they all looked towards one another. “Besides Blackhand wanted it above the common area, safe from waste and thieves there,” Marum chuckled before turning away from the group, “and if you find anything valuable, bring it to me. No doubt the spirits will tell me what it is.” With that, the old man was gone and the others looked at each other once more.

Was that really all he wanted to say?

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Grammatic
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Grammatic Knight of Nevermore

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Elven Enclave

Saleian took a step back when he saw the creature fully. The two warriors with them similarly stepped back in a mix of fear and awe. Dragons were no oddity to the Elves. The Elven Imperium had dealings with the creatures in the past, including several small skirmishes when Dragons felt their lands were being invaded. That was a long time ago, and the Wood Elves and Dragons had lived in semi-peace. However, a Wilder Dragon was a rarity beyond imagining. Saleian turned to the warriors with him, speaking to them quickly. They nodded and set off into the woods, while Saleian removed all his weapons, placing them on the ground.

He slowly approached the Wilder Dragon, his hands held far out to his side, and his head bowed and bent slightly to the side. This was a sign of submission to the prideful Dragons back in the Imperium, exposing his neck especially since if he was a Dragon, he would be at great risk. He came closer to the Wilder Dragon, hoping such a thing would work here as well. Slowly, Saleian extended his hand and placed it softly on the Wilder Dragon's side, gently rubbing the scales as he spoke soothing words to the Dragon.

The sound of approaching footsteps drew Saleian's eyes back to the forest, where the two warriors emerged from the bushes. Between them, they carried a large deer they had felled and brought, and they placed it within easy reach of the Wilder Dragon. They then tossed their weapons aside and moved to stand by Saleian. When the Dragon leaned down to begin eating the deer, the three Wood Elves quickly grabbed the spear from its side, and began pulling it out.


Back in New Haven, a circle of Earth Singers had formed around the central tree in the settlement, where they sat connected with each other as they listened to the forest around them. Saleian had ordered them to do their best to make sure they could use their magic, no matter what it took.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 30 min ago

The Orc-Grave Swamp Enclave

Like a proud parent holding a newborn, Gredy took a moment to admire the weapon in his hands with great care as he lifted it up in order to take aim at a random tree; Clearly the crossbow wasn't loaded, but he wanted to get a feel for the weight and to see how the sights lined up. A satisfied grin rose from the depths as he lowered the weapon down a little... before a wicked looking grin appeared on his face.

"Geist, I want you to get the word out. Once we've gotten enough of our people trained in how to use these things properly... we're going hunting. It's time we not only claimed more control of the swamp, but it'll help take care of our food issues as well!"


At the outpost, Mint sat alone on the roots of her family tree with her eyes closed, trying to clear her mind and meditate in order to listen to the world around her with great care. She had been tending to the tree yesterday, clearing away some of the weeds that had tried to spring up at the roots of the tree where her father was buried when she could have sworn she had heard a voice... that wasn't a voice. She hadn't heard what it said and what little she caught sounded... strange. Like something that wouldn't come out of the mouth of a living thing, but was filled with life none the less; More life then any mere creature would possess.

So she had returned, trying to see if she could hear it again.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 9 days ago

The Iceborn

B) Improve Military Technology

The Iceborn were many things: hardened sailors, master shipbuilders, and formidable warriors. They were not philosophers, and this sentiment was reflected in Sigdar who chose not to dwell too long on thinking about what to do with the flame. Father Frost was the more mysterious of the Iceborn's two patron deities; that god worked in strange and subtle ways, but in none of the tales was it Kjorn's way to care about such petty things as how a flame was transported from one place to another. Kjorn cared about the truth, the only truth that mattered--strength.

So without much thought, Sigdar used a knife to pierce the bark of a tree. Coating the end of a stick in the resinous sap that bled from the tree, he created what would serve well enough as a torch. Not knowing what to expect, Sigdar then attempted to light the torch with the strange flame that still burned within the runestone.

In Dagshall, the chieftain was left with the difficult decision of how to react in the face of the recent attack. He was keenly aware that cowering behind the walls of their settlement would leave those in the mining outpost and lumber camp relatively exposed. Since the tribe had enough iron and lumber in their stores for the foreseeable future, Dag ultimately decided to have the miners and lumberjacks all ordered to abandon their posts and return to Dagshall. The mineshafts and trees would still be there once the ocean was red with the blood of whatever enemy lurked out there.

With those orders sent out, the tribe was hunkered down and ready to wait for their enemy to make another appearance. The palisade and shipyard were defended day and night and the warriors kept ready, so there would be no surprises.

While they waited and watched, there was still time for work to be done. The Iceborn had plenty of swords, axes, spears, and even bows with which to wage war; however, in terms of defenses the tribe was lacking. There were a few odd pieces of armor that had been brought to this new land from their old continent, but even those were growing old and rusty. The tribe needed armor to equip the warriors, and they had plenty of materials to make it. Shields wouldn't hurt either. The pounding of red-hot iron echoed throughout the village as the smithy began forging armor, whilst inside the longhouses others fashioned shields out of wood and hide.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pyromaniacwolf
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Pyromaniacwolf Edgy Character Maker

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

The Lycan Covenant

The four tribe leaders stood in the dimly lit tent around a crude wooden table on the outskirts of the village, inconspicuous from the rest of the surrounding tents except for the small group of four lycans guarding the entrance under the appearance of idly talking (and complaining about the taste of deer). The tallest but leanest of the group stood at the head of table, the majority of his body concealed in tattered black robes but what little skin that was in sight was covered in pulsating purple 'tattoos' although they could just as easily be compared to scars. He looked to each of the other lycans, to his left was a smaller and feminine lycan in leather armour covering most of her body excluding her arms revealing light grey fur. To his right was a far bulkier and larger lycan, brown fur spilling from every part of his body not covered by the crude mix of leather straps and iron armour. Directly opposite him stood the smallest of the group, his body was fragile looking, his fur wispy and gold; his face was not that of a broken old creature though, it was hard with blue eyes locked onto the head of the table without a smile creeping onto his old lips, as were the eyes of the other tribe leaders.
Vlath finally spoke "We have sat idle for too long,the day I allowed our people to become subjugated by these infidels. No more, we have given the ogres time to grow complacent with us and think we have accepted our fate while I have meditated on what we are to do." he turned to the feminine lycan first "Mexi, I want your spies and scouts to shadow the ogres in our village. Learn their movements, where do they stay and sleep? How large is their garrison? Do they store any weapons in the village? Find out anything you can about their culture. Do not get caught. The Gods will grant your spies their cloak but they cannot save them from their own foolishness. Pick your best for this task, if you are caught our resistance will smothered in it's crib." Mexi simply nodded at Vlath before he turned to the bulkiest of the lycans "Grash, have your warriors preparing in secret in any way they can as long as they are confident they can avoid gaining any attention. Again, do not get caught. Any lycans caught will be at the mercy of the Ogres until we are ready." Grash again nodded "Finding those willing to prepare for the fight will be easy, few are found of our new overlords" he said before Vlath turned to the last of the group "Basir, do what you can to help the others, find out what you can about the metal these ogres use and how it is made. Perhaps we can begin to forge it ourselves in time." Basir nodded.

After the leaders finalized their roles they silently departed to their own tents, flanked by their guards. When Vlath returned to his own tent, he returned to his meditation in hopes to develop his own powers or some kind of divine kindnes.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 23 days ago

The Antari

X.-) Find Possible Animals for domestication

Only after some time had passed since the attack lizards, the Antari people could start to once again focus on improving their lands and livelihoods, and once again they turned to the improving their yields and have enough food for everyone. Amari Asto, took notice of this and decided to support their efforts, this time he decided to call once again of Manco, the man who knew many things that he did not and once again he used his knowledge for the good of the Antari. This time, he decided that getting some domesticated animals would be useful for their after all, meat was important if they wanted their sons to grow strong and their warriors to have enough strength to face off the possible Lizard attacks in the future.

Soon enough, he and a group of scouts went to take note of what animals they could try to domesticate in this island.

X.-) Explore

Amari Asto, knew that working with other nations would be the best possible course of action if they wanted to finish off the threat of the lizards when the time came, cooperation was something that had also been very important back in their homeland to avoid wars and to fight common enemies like pirates and the like, with that in mind, he decided to send an expeditionary group to where the other human settlement was supposed to be, as gifts, they prepared some food and ornaments. Hopefully, they would be able to convince them to help each other, if they even found them.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Clan Oreborn

X) Other (Focus Construction)

While it was clear that, even for brownbeards like themselves, it would take some time for the clan to have a city built, it was known that a more ready supply of tools would be needed to maintain a steady pace. It was with that thought in mind that Arngir approached the elders during a meeting, unaware of their prior discussion about him.

"Elders, the construction of the city is going well, if a bit slow. However, I would suggest that we hasten the building of the large forge and smithy for the city on the north side of the river. We need to continue maintaining and making the tools our people need." The suggestion was easily accepted, and a message passed to the dwarves currently assigned to the construction of the city.

X) Other (Searching for Animals)

A group of dwarves walked a now worn path, arriving at the temporary settlement with a few worn bags full of ores from the mine. They were to drop it off at the hastily built smithy. They were tired, they always were, after carrying such loads from the mine. One had even injured himself by stepping wrong and rolling their ankle once.

Once the delivery was made they sat to rest at the edge of the buildings. Any conversation was mostly complaints and grumbling. That is until one of them spoke aloud, "I kinda hate to say this, but I wish we had brought some of the wagons and work-horses.." Some of them grumbled in response, while the rest stayed quiet. Then one of the younger dwarves stood, "Well then, lets see if we can find any creature to take their place."

The others looked at him tiredly.

"After we get some rest."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Chenzor
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Turn 4

World event! All players are affected by the following paragraph:

At mid-day, when everyone was going about their business, a strange phenomenon was observed in the sky. A storm rolled in, seemingly forming dark clouds from nowhere despite the day being clear only moments ago. But while regular stormclouds were simply dark gray, these were red and purple. Lightning barreled across the sky from nowhere, and heavy winds began blowing in one, steadfast direction. Seemingly, it was gathering somewhere, for it did not follow the conventional wisdom of winds.

As the red and purple sky grew darker, the sun was nowhere to be found and turned bright day into dark night. The only light available was the flashes of thunder across the sky, but never did it strike the ground... Except for one place.
As men, elf, dwarf, goblin, lycan, orc, or whatever creature may dot the world looked up at the strange weather, they saw a single blue lightningbolt strike one area in the center of the continent. Everyone was left awestruck, and those closest to the blast was momentarily deafened by the boom. From further away, it was hard to make out where the giant lightningbolt struck or why, or what it even looked like. Only a few hours after the weather had begun, it disappeared just as fast as it had formed.
Closer to the blast however, rain continued for many hours. The skies seemingly didn't let up weeping until nightfall, and long after it. It flooded rivers, dotted the landscape with ponds and overflowed reservoirs, but after it passed it seemed no greater damage had been dealt. The mortal races of the world were left to contemplate what had just happened.

[All players see the great lightningbolt and experience the weather. The players outside the dark circle on the map below only experience the weather for about 2 hours, then everything goes back to normal. You are unaffected.]

[Players outside the white circle on the map below witness the blast and the weather. Your lands are flooded as the rain continues to pelter down for at least 5 hours, but afterwards you are relatively unaffected.]

[Players WITHIN the white circle are momentarily deafened by the lightningblast and feel the earth shake as it strikes the ground. Here, the rain does not let up for another 12 hours and continues well into the night.]

The Iceborn


The Antari


The Children of Artemon

@Pirate No post found. You know the drill.

Clan Oreborn


The Lycan Covenant


The Orc-Grave Swamp Enclave


Clan Metalbeard


The Trade Emporium

@Timemaster No post found. 1 turns until auto-dropout.

Servants of Amarak

@PringleDingle No post found. 1 turns until auto-dropout.

The Elven Enclave

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Pirate
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

The Children of Artemon

When Halwen spoke of the need to build walls to compensate for their numbers he had left one obvious truth unspoken. What kept their homeland safe was neither their skill at war, the quality of their arms nor the grandness of their fortifications, though they took pride in all these things. It was their mastery of magic, which reached beyond that of any other race, that was the foundation of their greatness. However among the ranks of the worshippers of Artemon such skills were sorely lacking. Magic had become almost exclusively the domain of mages, who worship the arcane goddess of mysteries Belia. Such was their mastery that other forms of magic had become obsolete and obscure.

This is where Craftspriest Aleon realised his destiny. Not only had he been lead here to guide the children spiritually, but to provide them with the tools for their survival. They lacked the vast libraries and decades of study that were required to unravel the mysteries of Belia and her arcane teachings. But Aleon prayed that they may be able to revive a more ancient form of magic, a more fundamental and natural magic in direct worship of the gods. To this end, he dedicated himself wholly to studying the religious texts he had brought with him and to pray at his altar in search of divination.

Among the teachings of Artemon he found the Ritual of the Flames. He could at once see a reason why it had fallen into disuse, for it required an elf to sacrifice their mortal body in order to become one with Artemon's fire and acquire mastery over its powers. Further still, it required a collection of different reagents, the most inaccessible being the specific need for volcanic ash. From wood, he carved an idol. Not to Artemon, but to Belia. It was a meagre offering, but he hoped that she would see that they had little else to offer. He prayed to the idol, seeking to gain Belia's blessing in order to unravel the continent's mysteries and divine the if and where of any volcanoes.

E) The red and purple skies and the darkness that descended were frankly terrifying to the elves. Their first thoughts were of divine punishment and evil magic. They sought the shelter of their homes, praying for it to pass, while the storm and rising river washed away whatever had been hurriedly left outside. The great roaring lightning bolt shook the whole village, but they were soon relieved to see that it had struck far away and no lasting damage had been done as the worst of the storm finally passed. The next day the storm had passed entirely and they could resume work on the wall under the sun's warm light.

A party of scouts were immediately assembled and sent east to investigate the point where it had struck.

E) They still awaited the return of the scouts and prospectors from the caves to the north east.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 30 min ago

The Orc-Grave Swamp Enclave

"Meeb!... Meeb!... Meeb!"

While it wasn't the most dignified of things to say, it was all Gredy could bring himself to say with his finger in his ear, turning it as he waited for wall of white noise that had consumed his hearing to fade away. His only solace was that those around him seemed to have been stuck doing similar things, so it wasn't like he was going to take a hit to his pride or anything.

However, this still brooded the question "What the absolute hell was that?!"

No answers were worth coming... even if the rain itself started to pour down. Those living in the mountain took to shoring up the entrances in order to ensure that none of the water poured down into the tunnels and risked flooding while those caught outside in the swamp sort shelter up high, favoring high ground if not actually climbing up into the trees.

The idea of making a connecting path was a good one; however, as the sudden storm quickly proved, flooding in swamps was just a way of life that needed to be planned around. There was also the question of housing in the swamp itself... which after some thought Gredy gave an idea to. The path itself could instead be a walkway of sorts, set up in the treeline and suspended from the branches so that it wasn't on the ground and would (hopefully) be safer to travel on then going by foot, since there was less risk of predators or bumping into the poisonous and dangerous plants.

As for housing... boats. House boats; Building a solid boat that was big and stable enough to support a hut or house like structure on it. Poles would have to be set up so that they could be tied to in order to keep them from floating away, but in the event of flooding they would just float. It also provided an alternative way of moving around the swamp; boats and rafts.


As Gredy looked at the various gifts that he had been offered, he couldn't help but frown a little to himself in thought. He... wasn't used to all the attention. Not that he didn't mind it; Far from it in fact, but a part of him felt... conflicted. Not for the moral implications of having multiple partners at once (Slavery didn't exactly encourage the idea of being committed to one person forever after all because things could change in a hurry), but the more practical side of things. Could he reasonably take several partners at once and not only provide them with the time and affection they each required, but also continue to run the Enclave effectively?

It was a tough question to be sure.

For now through, he accepted the gifts and compliments humbly while giving polite compliments back, but for the time being was keeping his options open.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 9 days ago

The Iceborn

There was no time to see the mystical flames race up the stick and consume his flesh, just as there was no time to see lightning before it struck. There was only agony.

Everything went dark and for a moment Sigdar was sure that he had died. He heard voices calling to him from beyond the physical world.

And then he was awake once more, and some sort of living lightning did strike him. Amidst the deluge he was beaten down onto the ground and hammered into something new, like a lump of molten iron as it was shaped into an axe. But when Sigdar rose back to his feet, he had been made into a weapon more deadly than any axe. He suddenly knew what to do.

With inhuman speed he raced through the forests, the wild storm proving to be not even the slightest hindrance. What trees he did not weave around were battered down as he charged back towards Dagshall, every leaping bound covering the distance of ten strides from a normal man.

When he arrived back at Dagshall, he wasn't even out of breath. This trial of his might had only just begun. He looked out across the muddied fields beyond the village's palisade and saw the monsters, just as he knew he would. He would not rest so long as a single one of the vile beasts drew breath, but how to kill them all?

He suddenly became cognizant of the great axe in his hand. He hadn't even realized that he had picked it up near the runestone, and in the time since then it had felt so natural in his grip that it may as well have been another arm. But now that he knew that he had the axe, the weapon would have its bloodlust sated.

With a roar the resonated like thunder, Sigdar First-Chosen leaped into battle. In a trance-like state, he fought with both a savage fury and an inhuman mastery of combat; combined with his gigantic stature, his foes were broken like earth beneath a till. He waded through their ranks and in his wake there was left nothing but gore and the shrieks of death.

As the tribe's defenders formed their shieldwalls at the palisade gates and were met with the Deep Ones' wild charge, all hell broke loose. So deafening was the thunder and so hard the rain that it was difficult to even see, much less coordinate. But they all stood their ground shield to shield, striking at the monsters as they threw themselves at the shieldwall with suicidal abandon. The corpses of the fish-men began to fall into the muddy ground and pile up, but even then the waves of them did not relent. Through gaps in the shieldwalls shot briny swords and spears, and while they paid a great price in their own blood for every Iceborn warrior that they slayed, they were steadily breaking their enemies' morale and weakening the defense. It looked like it was only going to be a matter of time before Dagshall fell, assuming the ceaseless deluge didn't wash away the entire town before that.

But then there was deliverance. From out of the storm leaped a gigantic champion; though Dag had managed to recognize his son, with such poor visibility in the rain most men saw only Sigdar's gigantic stature and glowing eyes, so recognized him not as the chieftain's son but as Kjorn himself, their god of war. Perhaps their assessment was more accurate than Dag's.

But it hardly mattered. A wild cheer erupted when Sigdar leaped over the ramparts, landed amidst the horde of fishmen whilst crushing two or three beneath his feet, and then cleaved his way through their ranks. Despite being engulfed in the horde of monsters and surrounded on all sides, his rampage was unstoppable. Even through the rain they saw the shine of his great axe as it severed too many limbs to count. Perhaps it was just the wind and rain washing the weapon clean, but there was no blood that they could see upon Sigdar's axe; it was as if the weapon itself thirsted for blood and drank it all.

Sigdar waded through the ranks of fishmen, slowly making his way back towards the palisade. Suddenly aware of the enemy behind them, those Deep Ones locked in close combat with the Iceborn shieldwall began to fight even more savagely if such a thing was possible, desperately trying to break through the defenses and make it into the village before they were trapped between the shieldwall and Sigdar. But the Iceborn remained steadfast, and within moments Sigdar was there. With one great horizontal swing of his axe, he bisected a half dozen of the fishmen at the waist. Blood spattered into the air and rained down upon the awed Iceborn. Then Sigdar turned back around, roared with deafening power, and charged back into the fishmen's ranks. The Iceborn followed at his heels, and just like that the tides of battle had changed.

Where before the Iceborn were in a defensive position and slowly crumbling as their enemy endlessly pressed forward, now it was the Iceborn who were on the offensive as they sallied out of Dagshall's pallisade. Chaos broke out in the fishmen's ranks as those closest to the village saw the tides change and tried to flee, whilst others in the back of the fishmen's army still pressed forward. It quickly turned into a massacre with the Deep Ones being forced back to the shores.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Grammatic
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Grammatic Knight of Nevermore

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Elven Enclave

Saleian did not like this very much. He had brought the spear back to New Haven, where the Earth Singers examined it thoroughly. The report they had given him was unsettling the say the least, and terrifying at the worst. Undead. The worst enemies of the Wood Elf people. Such abominations embodied the exact opposite of what the Imperium stood for. Before, Saleian had simply thought his people had been marooned on this island by chance. Now, he knew what the Pantheon had in mind for them.

In the clearing of New Haven, ten new Elven Warriors trained alongside the other five, all under the supervision of the Master-at-Arms. Saleian had ordered more training to be undertaken the moment he returned from his expedition. Along the borders of the settlement, everyone who wasn't training or farming were hard at work building a wooden palisade. Trees further in the forest had been delicately cut, and brought back to be formed into the walls that would defend the Wood Elves. Seeds had been left in their place, so that new trees would replace those that had to be used.

Food production had also been vastly expanded under his orders. Several villagers made regular trips into the woods, hunting game and going to nearby ponds to fish. Some animals had even been found that seemed docile, and had been brought back to New Haven to be domesticated. Every expedition was protected by three of the new Warriors, as Saleian had placed New Haven on combat footing. Pathfinders had also been sent out to attempt to find the source of the spear.

Saleian prayed he wouldn't have to lead his people to war.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago

Clan Metalbeard

D) Improve Culture

With heavy rains and cracking thunder outside their mountain hold, the dwarves of Clan Metalbeard was fit to stay indoors with the warmth of their hearths and better food finally coming in. Yet, it was boring to them all, they were not used to being forcibly trapped inside their hold by the elements despite not often leaving in the first place. It was a strange predicament, but they had to make do, especially with their farms now taking a good battering from the rain. However, some dwarves found other use of their times other than sleeping and having drinking contests.

“Ye crossed me fir the last time, Orebane! I challenge ye t’ a duel to first blood!” growled Bolmeck Orebasher o his cousin who had just drank the last pint of mead that Bolmeck had in storage. Such a grave offense could not go unpunished, but it seemed his cousin was all too eager to accept the challenge.

“Yeah! Ye think you can best me! Ye may be me cousin, but my family has the best fighters!”

“They call us the Orebashers for a reason, ya oaf!”

With insults flying the two finally took up arms and went outside of their little stead. Soon, the two began to clash, sword against sword, the occasional dirty punch to be thrown, and even more insults, drew the attention of a crowd who began to bet on who would drop first as well as cheer on the the two combatants.

Orebasher blocked a blow for the Orebane, seeing an opportunity to send a punch right into the nose of his adversary. The bunch disoriented the Orebane and Orebasher did not relent, allowing his shoulder to knock his cousin off balance and send Orebane crashing to the ground. Bolmeck held his sword over his cousin, for a few moments, allowing his to realize who the true winner was.

“Ye thought you could best an Orebasher! Hah! But you are me cousin, so you put up a good wallop, I’ll say!” Bolmeck laughed as the crowd began to cheer, they wanted to see more and the losers were passing their coin to the winners of the bet.

Bolmeck held a hand out to his cousin and eagerly smiled, “What about a round two, ya oaf.”

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Clan Oreborn

An omen...

Many of the elders were out, either at the city watching its construction or the settlement watching farmers work the fields. Arngir himself was helping to gather some of the food. Then out of nowhere, with no prior signs, a storm covered the continent as far as they could see and rain poured from the clouds. The suddenness of the storm and the ominous feeling in the air sent any dwarves that weren't indoors already running into the nearest shelter.

The rain and storm lasted for two hours, a deluge that threatened to flood but thankfully only caused the river to rise some and rush more. For those that had keen eyes, they could see the flashes of thunder in the clouds and notice as they all seemed to gather in a certain direction. Then, in the distance on the horizon, the bright flash of a great lightning bolt drove down upon the horizon. Then, just as quickly and suddenly the storm had come, it dispersed.

Preparing for Danger

There were many mutterings among the dwarves, and what few Ursar may have been visiting the settlement. And it did not take long at all for the elders to gather and discuss, much shorter time for them all to agree on such unnatural weather possibly being an omen of danger. Echadon, having been the best diplomat to send to the Ursar so far, and been a friend of them, would be sent to see the Ursar chief again to consult on the storm, if they knew anything about it, and what it could mean for their peoples.

In the meantime, the city's smithy would now be set to military work, and would be tasked with developing a weapon that had been used against them in the rebellion in the old world, the crossbow. All the Ironbeards of the clan, of which was only a handful, would be the ones whom were to be focused on the creation of it.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Chenzor
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Turn 5

The Iceborn


The Antari

@Murtox No post found. 1/3.

The Children of Artemon


Clan Oreborn


The Lycan Covenant

@Pyromaniacwolf No post found. 1/3.

The Orc-Grave Swamp Enclave


Clan Metalbeard


The Trade Emporium

@Timemaster Auto-dropped due to inactivity.

Servants of Amarak

@PringleDingle Auto-dropped due to inactivity.

The Elven Enclave

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 30 min ago

The Orc-Grave Swamp Enclave

As Gredy took a moment to himself to sit down and think, he couldn't help but frown a little at his thoughts. What had happened with Spunky was unfortunate, but there was little he could do about it personally other then to ask a couple of her friends to keep an eye on her and try to help her work through this.

Personal issues aside, he had greater concerns to worry about.

The troll camp had proved... somewhat quiet so far. He was perfectly happy with that state of affairs and thus he could turn his focus elsewhere; To their black skinned kin that were enslaved to the west. While he knew that their black skinned brethren seemed more then happy to dig out a new home for themselves inside of the mountain bordering the swamp and were content to serve as the artisans and miners of the Conclave by creating homes in the safety of the stone, he remembered the stories that they had told when they had first arrived... of the friends and family that had been killed or enslaved by the big ones that had seemed friendly at first. That injustice would not be allowed to stand! They would get their people back.

However... before such efforts were made, several other steps needed to be taken first.

Before any further plans could be made, he needed information about his enemy; Namely, where they were. He had talked to some of the black skinned goblins in order to try and piece together at least a general idea of where the betrayers had set up their settlements and any outlaying camps, but he needed more accurate and up to date information. The best scouts in the Enclave were called for and giving the Black Skinned information as a foundation in order to begin their mission to find out what they could about the enslaver's camps, positions and defenses with an order not to get caught or spotted. They needed the element of surprise on their side.

While 'training' with the wildlife had helped a lot to increase food supplies the possibility of additional, consistent food sources was ever on his mind. Not only would it help strengthen their position as a people, but in the event of freeing their black skinned kin they would need more food then they currently had in order to deal with the sudden influx of new mouths to feed. To that end, Gredy paid Trip a visit to ask him what his people had done for food when they had lived in their former mountain home and asked about the possibilities of recreating such a thing here.

Because Gredy couldn't be everywhere at once, he delegated an important mission to Buddy; If they were going to go to war, they would need every advantage that they could muster. While they had poor luck with using poison against the local wildlife in the past, that didn't make them any less dangerous to creatures from outside of the swamp's boarders. Buddy was to take those he deemed necessary in order to find a way for goblin kind to weaponize the various toxins, venom and poisons of the swamp to their advantage.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 9 days ago

The Iceborn

H) Expand Military

"Victory over the beasts!" Dag roared to the crowd gathered on the village's central hill.

They cheered back, and from the great hall were carried several barrels of mead to be passed around.

"Drink! To victory and Kjorn and Sigdar."

A celebration began, but it stopped again just a moment later when Sigdar emerged from the longhouse after having found new clothes. His old ones had been ruined by the sheer amount of mud and blood to soak them.

There was silence as they all regarded their champion with something between awe and fear. Most of them hadn't gotten the chance to have a good look at the runes upon Sigdar's body until that moment.

Sigdar sated their curiosity with an account of all that had happened since he had left the village days ago to gain Kjorn's favor, and at the end of his story there was another long silence.

And then the tribespeople roared, "Sigdar for High King! King Sigdar! King Sigdar! King Sigdar!"

Taken by surprise, Sigdar looked back at Dag and saw look of shocked disbelief on his father's face. But just as the king looked as if he were about to indulge their demands and surrender his rule, Sigdar's voice boomed like thunder and spoke over the entire crowd. He told them that his life was Kjorn's and that he would leave the crown to his able father, for it was Kjorn's will that he train more warriors.

Then Sigdar began walking away. "Were are you going? What will you do?" Dag yelled after him.

"Back to the forest, where Kjorn's runestone was. Those who want the war god's favor will follow me and begin their training."

The king nodded and watched his son leave with no less than twenty at his back. Dag sat and thought for a short time, but then he pushed all that out of his mind. There was much to be done.

He began to organize the villagers and their giblin thralls to repair what was ruined by the flooding and to build a nearby barrow to inter those that had died in the battle. As in for the Deep Ones, he had them piled up and burned before the shrines to Father Frost and Kjorn. It was less work than it would have been to bury the monsters or taking them far enough into the sea that they wouldn't just wash back up on the shores, and he didn't trust the look of their foul flesh. Perhaps the gods would see this as a fitting tribute, even.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago

Clan Metalbeard

H) Expand Military
E) Explore

With the rain gone, bellies being filled, and dwarves dueling each other over petty arguments, there was work to be done. Yes, plenty of work. The council had conversed among themselves, wanting nothing to simply await for the times to pass, yet they couldn't help but organize something. The old men needed to do something for the King was gaining too much popularity with the masses, especially with them being complacent with the situation. However, an agreement would come among them to organize a bit of a military, just in case the king tried to dispose of the council and gain control of the entire clan. They sent for dwarves who seemed to always win their duels, ten of them were gathered and judged before being accepted. There the ten stood in front of the Council, awaiting what they were to be told.

"The times have changed, the metal spirits side with Blackhand and as do you, the people. The metal priest, Marum, is providing little help to us, the council that he had been a part of for many years. With everyone out and about, we sought fit to organize a band to aid us in these times," spoke the head of the council, eyeing the duelists with a discerning eye. "However, as we may be able to equip you, we can not give you the experience you need. Your job will be to explore north of the mountain, your training will be to bring back a trophy, the heads of enemies or beasts who challenge you along the way, you will discuss who will head your group and you will equip yourselves at the entrance of the hold, dismissed."

The ten obeyed and began walking towards the entrance of the hold, through the halls of the old mountain keep. Among these ten was Ava Shieldbreaker, one of the best duelists around since she had to fend people off from claiming her family's plot of land. "I don't like this. It's feeling' wrong in me bones," she stated, looking at her companions.

"Aye, but who are we t' go against the council," Gorm Ragetoes agreed, before continuing on, "We need a leader. Ava, you have experience in leading, ya?"

"Aye, but that was farmin' not fightin' ya brutes," Ava laughed.

"I volunteer then!," a young voice spoke up, one of the new adults, Grogrim Blackhand spoke up, the eldest born of the king.

"I didn't even see ya lad!" one of the others laughed in surprise as he realized the prince of the clan was going with them.

"I suppose we can give the young lad, a shot. Maybe make his da proud!" Another stated, earning laughs and agreement from the others.

Soon they were at the entrance hold with some of the smithing dwarves there with some basic armor and weapons for the dwarves. Ava chose a Warhammer, all the better to break shields with. Gorm picked up a longsword, the bigger the sword the better the boast. Finally, Grogrim chose a simple sword and a shield. Now being equipped, the ten stood out of the hold and gazed into the untamed wilderness. It was time to strike into the heart of it and come back champions.

They would do the clan proud.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pirate
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

The Children of Artemon

F) Iron, silver, silversteel, it was everything they could have asked for and more. In sufficient quantities it could fulfill all their needs for tools as well as equipment for their warriors. Out of the silver they can create wondrous items of beauty, both for themselves and as trade goods or idols to the gods. It was a strategic resource beyond anything they had found so far and a group of elf-at-arms were quickly sent to garrison the mine. There can be there no doubt who the wealth of the caves belongs to. Besides, the safety of their miners had to be ensured and they still did not know what had happened to the previous denizens.

The question of sacrifice proved a conundrum for Aleon. The truth is that his knowledge of the implications of the ritual were limited. How long they would be in that form and how much of their former being would remain were questions for which he could find no answer. Even their souls could be at risk dabbling in this magic which they did not fully understand. How could he ask anyone to make such an uncertain sacrifice? To throw away their own being and walk into the unknown?

Furthermore their myths warned extensively about the destructive power of the flames. The legends contain stories of how Artemon had to guard the fires of his forge jealously against those who would use them for murder and mayhem. Among mortals, there was no doubt of the carnage it can bring. A single accident can burn entire cities to the ground and a dry season needs but a spark to devastate an entire countryside. Of course, they had found ways to alleviate these natural catastrophes, but there could be no doubt that power over fire was a terrible responsibility. He had to follow Artemon's example and make sure that it remained in the hands of the just.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Pyromaniacwolf
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Pyromaniacwolf Edgy Character Maker

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

The Lycan Covenant

The leaders of the Lycan tribes met,late at night in a different tent from the last so as not to arouse suspicion. Vlath nodded slowly as each of the leaders in the tent informed him of their progress, although he kept his own lack of progress silent as to not lower moral. "You have done well Mex, report any information to me and the others as you find it. We must remain alert to our enemies movements. Now go an continue your work." Next Vlath moved his gaze to Bloodfang who informed him that he would have his warriors united in a matter of days. This was good. Again he dismissed him from the tent. Next he turned to Basir. His news was less promising, albeit not unexpected. "This is disappointing however I gave you a difficult task. This does not matter, with your craftsman I want you to create what weapons you can. Work in the dark hours of the night, retire before the sun rises and hide your work wherever you can. Bury the weapons if you must but do not allow them to be found." as Vlath was about to dismiss Basir a thought appeared in his mind "Claws do little against the armour of the ogres, blunt force would be more effective. Take any resources you need from villagers and if they do not comply tell them
tha falamh ag ordachadh seo" with that and a quick "As you wish Voidcaller" Vlath dismissed Basir from the tent.

As Vlath returned to his tent he decided on a new course of action for himself. He would begin to re-ignite the flames of fury in his already disgruntled people. The next day, in between the guard patrols, he would find Shadowclaws willing to die for the cause. They would act as his mouth in a time when his hand's were tied. He would have them preach the greatness of the God's to all,remind them the Ogres are oppressors and if need be, attack the patrols in public if they attempt to subdue them. It would not be a difficult task, the Voidcaller thought as he settled down for his mediation. The lycans were angry and soon the Ogres would learn what it means to anger the God's chosen.

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